Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Emmanuel Tourdot * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id$ */ package org.trancecode.xproc.binding; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import javax.mail.internet.ContentType; import net.iharder.Base64; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.QName; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.trancecode.api.Immutable; import org.trancecode.xml.saxon.SaxonBuilder; import org.trancecode.xml.saxon.SaxonLocation; import org.trancecode.xproc.Environment; import org.trancecode.xproc.XProcExceptions; import org.trancecode.xproc.XProcXmlModel; import org.trancecode.xproc.step.Steps; /** * @author Emmanuel Tourdot */ @Immutable public class DataPortBinding extends AbstractPortBinding { private final String href; private final QName wrapper; private final XdmNode node; private final ContentType contentType; public DataPortBinding(final String href, final String wrapperName, final String wrapperPrefix, final String wrapperNamespace, final String contentType, final XdmNode node, final Processor processor) { super(SaxonLocation.of(node)); this.href = Preconditions.checkNotNull(href); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(wrapperName)) { this.wrapper = null; } else { this.wrapper = Steps.getNewNamespace(wrapperPrefix, wrapperNamespace, wrapperName, this.getLocation(), node, processor); } this.node = node; if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(contentType)) { this.contentType = null; } else { this.contentType = Steps.getContentType(contentType, node); } } @Override public EnvironmentPortBinding newEnvironmentPortBinding(final Environment environment) { return new AbstractEnvironmentPortBinding(location) { public Iterable<XdmNode> readNodes() { final SaxonBuilder builder = new SaxonBuilder( environment.getPipelineContext().getProcessor().getUnderlyingConfiguration()); builder.startDocument(); if (wrapper != null) { builder.startElement(wrapper); } else { builder.startElement(XProcXmlModel.Elements.C_DATA); } writeContent(builder); builder.endElement(); builder.endDocument(); return ImmutableList.of(builder.getNode()); } }; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s[%s]", getClass().getSimpleName(), href); } private void writeContent(final SaxonBuilder builder) { final URI uri = URI.create(href); if (uri.getScheme() != null && !StringUtils.equals("file", uri.getScheme()) && !StringUtils.equals("http", uri.getScheme())) { throw XProcExceptions.xd0012(this.getLocation(), uri.toASCIIString()); } try { final URL url; if (uri.isAbsolute()) { url = uri.toURL(); } else { url = node.getBaseURI().resolve(uri).toURL(); } final QName contentTypeAtt = (wrapper == null) ? XProcXmlModel.Attributes.CONTENT_TYPE : XProcXmlModel.Attributes.C_CONTENT_TYPE; final QName encodingAtt = (wrapper == null) ? XProcXmlModel.Attributes.ENCODING : XProcXmlModel.Attributes.C_ENCODING; final URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); final ContentType guessContentType; if (StringUtils.equals("http", url.getProtocol())) { guessContentType = Steps.getContentType(urlConnection.getContentType(), node); } else { if (contentType != null) { guessContentType = contentType; } else { guessContentType = Steps .getContentType("application/octet-stream ; encoding=" + Steps.ENCODING_BASE64, node); } } final Charset charset; if (contentType != null && contentType.getParameter("charset") != null) { charset = Charset.forName(contentType.getParameter("charset")); } else { charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); } final InputStream stream = urlConnection.getInputStream(); builder.attribute(contentTypeAtt, Steps.contentTypeToString(guessContentType)); if (StringUtils.equals("text", guessContentType.getPrimaryType()) || StringUtils.contains(guessContentType.getSubType(), "xml")) { if (guessContentType.getParameter("encoding") != null) { builder.attribute(encodingAtt, guessContentType.getParameter("encoding")); } builder.startContent(); builder.text(IOUtils.toString(stream,; } else { builder.attribute(encodingAtt, Steps.ENCODING_BASE64); builder.startContent(); builder.text(Base64.encodeBytes(IOUtils.toByteArray(stream), Base64.DO_BREAK_LINES)); } } catch (final IOException ioe) { throw XProcExceptions.xd0029(this.getLocation()); } } }