Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2010--2017 The Tor Project * See LICENSE for licensing information */ package org.torproject.collector.bridgedescs; import org.torproject.collector.conf.Annotation; import org.torproject.collector.conf.Configuration; import org.torproject.collector.conf.ConfigurationException; import org.torproject.collector.conf.Key; import org.torproject.collector.cron.CollecTorMain; import org.torproject.descriptor.BridgeExtraInfoDescriptor; import org.torproject.descriptor.BridgeNetworkStatus; import org.torproject.descriptor.BridgeServerDescriptor; import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Paths; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * <p>Sanitizes bridge descriptors, i.e., removes all possibly sensitive * information from them, and writes them to a local directory structure. * During the sanitizing process, all information about the bridge * identity or IP address are removed or replaced. The goal is to keep the * sanitized bridge descriptors useful for statistical analysis while not * making it easier for an adversary to enumerate bridges.</p> * * <p>There are three types of bridge descriptors: bridge network statuses * (lists of all bridges at a given time), server descriptors (published * by the bridge to advertise their capabilities), and extra-info * descriptors (published by the bridge, mainly for statistical analysis).</p> */ public class SanitizedBridgesWriter extends CollecTorMain { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SanitizedBridgesWriter.class); private static final String BRIDGE_DESCRIPTORS = "bridge-descriptors"; /** Initialize configuration. */ public SanitizedBridgesWriter(Configuration config) { super(config); this.mapPathDescriptors.put("recent/bridge-descriptors/statuses", BridgeNetworkStatus.class); this.mapPathDescriptors.put("recent/bridge-descriptors/server-descriptors", BridgeServerDescriptor.class); this.mapPathDescriptors.put("recent/bridge-descriptors/extra-infos", BridgeExtraInfoDescriptor.class); } private String rsyncCatString; private File bridgeDirectoriesDirectory; /** * Output directory for writing sanitized bridge descriptors. */ private File sanitizedBridgesDirectory; private boolean replaceIpAddressesWithHashes; private boolean persistenceProblemWithSecrets; private SortedMap<String, byte[]> secretsForHashingIpAddresses; private String bridgeSanitizingCutOffTimestamp; private boolean haveWarnedAboutInterval; private File bridgeIpSecretsFile; private SecureRandom secureRandom; private String outputPathName; private String recentPathName; @Override public String module() { return "bridgedescs"; } @Override protected String syncMarker() { return "Bridge"; } @Override protected void startProcessing() throws ConfigurationException { outputPathName = Paths.get(config.getPath(Key.OutputPath).toString(), BRIDGE_DESCRIPTORS).toString(); recentPathName = Paths.get(config.getPath(Key.RecentPath).toString(), BRIDGE_DESCRIPTORS).toString(); File bridgeDirectoriesDirectory = config.getPath(Key.BridgeLocalOrigins).toFile(); File sanitizedBridgesDirectory = new File(outputPathName); File statsDirectory = config.getPath(Key.StatsPath).toFile(); if (bridgeDirectoriesDirectory == null || sanitizedBridgesDirectory == null || statsDirectory == null) { throw new ConfigurationException( "BridgeSnapshotsDirectory, " + "SanitizedBridgesWriteDirectory, StatsPath should be set. " + "Please, edit the '' file."); } /* Memorize argument values. */ this.bridgeDirectoriesDirectory = bridgeDirectoriesDirectory; this.sanitizedBridgesDirectory = sanitizedBridgesDirectory; this.replaceIpAddressesWithHashes = config.getBool(Key.ReplaceIpAddressesWithHashes); SimpleDateFormat rsyncCatFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"); rsyncCatFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); this.rsyncCatString = rsyncCatFormat.format(System.currentTimeMillis()); /* Initialize secure random number generator if we need it. */ if (this.replaceIpAddressesWithHashes) { try { this.secureRandom = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG", "SUN"); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { logger.warn("Could not initialize secure " + "random number generator! Not calculating any IP address " + "hashes in this execution!", e); this.persistenceProblemWithSecrets = true; } } /* Read hex-encoded secrets for replacing IP addresses with hashes * from disk. */ this.secretsForHashingIpAddresses = new TreeMap<String, byte[]>(); this.bridgeIpSecretsFile = new File(statsDirectory, "bridge-ip-secrets"); if (this.bridgeIpSecretsFile.exists()) { try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.bridgeIpSecretsFile)); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] parts = line.split(","); if ((line.length() != ("yyyy-MM,".length() + 31 * 2) && line.length() != ("yyyy-MM,".length() + 50 * 2) && line.length() != ("yyyy-MM,".length() + 83 * 2)) || parts.length != 2) { logger.warn( "Invalid line in bridge-ip-secrets file " + "starting with '" + line.substring(0, 7) + "'! " + "Not calculating any IP address hashes in this " + "execution!"); this.persistenceProblemWithSecrets = true; break; } String month = parts[0]; byte[] secret = Hex.decodeHex(parts[1].toCharArray()); this.secretsForHashingIpAddresses.put(month, secret); } br.close(); if (!this.persistenceProblemWithSecrets) { logger.debug("Read " + this.secretsForHashingIpAddresses.size() + " secrets for " + "hashing bridge IP addresses."); } } catch (DecoderException e) { logger.warn("Failed to decode hex string in " + this.bridgeIpSecretsFile + "! Not calculating any IP " + "address hashes in this execution!", e); this.persistenceProblemWithSecrets = true; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Failed to read " + this.bridgeIpSecretsFile + "! Not calculating any IP " + "address hashes in this execution!", e); this.persistenceProblemWithSecrets = true; } } long limitBridgeSanitizingInterval = config.getInt(Key.BridgeDescriptorMappingsLimit); /* If we're configured to keep secrets only for a limited time, define * the cut-off day and time. */ if (limitBridgeSanitizingInterval >= 0L) { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); this.bridgeSanitizingCutOffTimestamp = formatter .format(System.currentTimeMillis() - 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L * limitBridgeSanitizingInterval); } else { this.bridgeSanitizingCutOffTimestamp = "1999-12-31 23:59:59"; } // Prepare bridge descriptor parser BridgeDescriptorParser bdp = new BridgeDescriptorParser(this); // Import bridge descriptors new BridgeSnapshotReader(bdp, this.bridgeDirectoriesDirectory, statsDirectory); // Finish writing sanitized bridge descriptors to disk this.finishWriting(); this.checkStaleDescriptors(); this.cleanUpRsyncDirectory(); } private String scrubOrAddress(String orAddress, byte[] fingerprintBytes, String published) throws IOException { if (!orAddress.contains(":")) { /* Malformed or-address or a line. */ return null; } String addressPart = orAddress.substring(0, orAddress.lastIndexOf(":")); String portPart = orAddress.substring(orAddress.lastIndexOf(":") + 1); String scrubbedAddressPart = null; if (addressPart.startsWith("[")) { scrubbedAddressPart = this.scrubIpv6Address(addressPart, fingerprintBytes, published); } else { scrubbedAddressPart = this.scrubIpv4Address(addressPart, fingerprintBytes, published); } String scrubbedPort = this.scrubTcpPort(portPart, fingerprintBytes, published); return (scrubbedAddressPart == null ? null : scrubbedAddressPart + ":" + scrubbedPort); } private String scrubIpv4Address(String address, byte[] fingerprintBytes, String published) throws IOException { if (this.replaceIpAddressesWithHashes) { if (this.persistenceProblemWithSecrets) { /* There's a persistence problem, so we shouldn't scrub more IP * addresses in this execution. */ return null; } byte[] hashInput = new byte[4 + 20 + 31]; String[] ipParts = address.split("\\."); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { hashInput[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(ipParts[i]); } System.arraycopy(fingerprintBytes, 0, hashInput, 4, 20); String month = published.substring(0, "yyyy-MM".length()); byte[] secret = this.getSecretForMonth(month); System.arraycopy(secret, 0, hashInput, 24, 31); byte[] hashOutput = DigestUtils.sha256(hashInput); String hashedAddress = "10." + (((int) hashOutput[0] + 256) % 256) + "." + (((int) hashOutput[1] + 256) % 256) + "." + (((int) hashOutput[2] + 256) % 256); return hashedAddress; } else { return ""; } } private String scrubIpv6Address(String address, byte[] fingerprintBytes, String published) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[fd9f:2e19:3bcf::"); if (this.replaceIpAddressesWithHashes) { if (this.persistenceProblemWithSecrets) { /* There's a persistence problem, so we shouldn't scrub more IP * addresses in this execution. */ return null; } String[] doubleColonSeparatedParts = address.substring(1, address.length() - 1).split("::", -1); if (doubleColonSeparatedParts.length > 2) { /* Invalid IPv6 address. */ return null; } List<String> hexParts = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String doubleColonSeparatedPart : doubleColonSeparatedParts) { StringBuilder hexPart = new StringBuilder(); String[] parts = doubleColonSeparatedPart.split(":", -1); if (parts.length < 1 || parts.length > 8) { /* Invalid IPv6 address. */ return null; } for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { String part = parts[i]; if (part.contains(".")) { String[] ipParts = part.split("\\."); byte[] ipv4Bytes = new byte[4]; if (ipParts.length != 4) { /* Invalid IPv4 part in IPv6 address. */ return null; } for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++) { ipv4Bytes[m] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(ipParts[m]); } hexPart.append(Hex.encodeHexString(ipv4Bytes)); } else if (part.length() > 4) { /* Invalid IPv6 address. */ return null; } else { for (int k = part.length(); k < 4; k++) { hexPart.append("0"); } hexPart.append(part); } } hexParts.add(hexPart.toString()); } StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(); hex.append(hexParts.get(0)); if (hexParts.size() == 2) { for (int i = 32 - hexParts.get(0).length() - hexParts.get(1).length(); i > 0; i--) { hex.append("0"); } hex.append(hexParts.get(1)); } byte[] ipBytes = null; try { ipBytes = Hex.decodeHex(hex.toString().toCharArray()); } catch (DecoderException e) { /* TODO Invalid IPv6 address. */ return null; } if (ipBytes.length != 16) { /* TODO Invalid IPv6 address. */ return null; } byte[] hashInput = new byte[16 + 20 + 19]; System.arraycopy(ipBytes, 0, hashInput, 0, 16); System.arraycopy(fingerprintBytes, 0, hashInput, 16, 20); String month = published.substring(0, "yyyy-MM".length()); byte[] secret = this.getSecretForMonth(month); System.arraycopy(secret, 31, hashInput, 36, 19); String hashOutput = DigestUtils.sha256Hex(hashInput); sb.append(hashOutput.substring(hashOutput.length() - 6, hashOutput.length() - 4)); sb.append(":"); sb.append(hashOutput.substring(hashOutput.length() - 4)); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } private String scrubTcpPort(String portString, byte[] fingerprintBytes, String published) throws IOException { if (portString.equals("0")) { return "0"; } else if (this.replaceIpAddressesWithHashes) { if (this.persistenceProblemWithSecrets) { /* There's a persistence problem, so we shouldn't scrub more TCP * ports in this execution. */ return null; } byte[] hashInput = new byte[2 + 20 + 33]; int portNumber = Integer.parseInt(portString); hashInput[0] = (byte) (portNumber >> 8); hashInput[1] = (byte) portNumber; System.arraycopy(fingerprintBytes, 0, hashInput, 2, 20); String month = published.substring(0, "yyyy-MM".length()); byte[] secret = this.getSecretForMonth(month); System.arraycopy(secret, 50, hashInput, 22, 33); byte[] hashOutput = DigestUtils.sha256(hashInput); int hashedPort = ((((hashOutput[0] & 0b1111_1111) << 8) | (hashOutput[1] & 0b1111_1111)) >> 2) | 0b1100_0000_0000_0000; return String.valueOf(hashedPort); } else { return "1"; } } private byte[] getSecretForMonth(String month) throws IOException { if (!this.secretsForHashingIpAddresses.containsKey(month) || this.secretsForHashingIpAddresses.get(month).length < 83) { byte[] secret = new byte[83]; this.secureRandom.nextBytes(secret); if (this.secretsForHashingIpAddresses.containsKey(month)) { System.arraycopy(this.secretsForHashingIpAddresses.get(month), 0, secret, 0, this.secretsForHashingIpAddresses.get(month).length); } if (month.compareTo(this.bridgeSanitizingCutOffTimestamp) < 0) { logger.warn("Generated a secret that we won't make " + "persistent, because it's outside our bridge descriptor " + "sanitizing interval."); } else { /* Append secret to file on disk immediately before using it, or * we might end with inconsistently sanitized bridges. */ try { if (!this.bridgeIpSecretsFile.exists()) { this.bridgeIpSecretsFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(this.bridgeIpSecretsFile, this.bridgeIpSecretsFile.exists())); bw.write(month + "," + Hex.encodeHexString(secret) + "\n"); bw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Could not store new secret " + "to disk! Not calculating any IP address or TCP port " + "hashes in this execution!", e); this.persistenceProblemWithSecrets = true; throw new IOException(e); } } this.secretsForHashingIpAddresses.put(month, secret); } return this.secretsForHashingIpAddresses.get(month); } private String maxNetworkStatusPublishedTime = "1970-01-01 00:00:00"; /** * Sanitizes a network status and writes it to disk. */ public void sanitizeAndStoreNetworkStatus(byte[] data, String publicationTime, String authorityFingerprint) throws ConfigurationException { if (this.persistenceProblemWithSecrets) { /* There's a persistence problem, so we shouldn't scrub more IP * addresses in this execution. */ return; } if (publicationTime.compareTo(maxNetworkStatusPublishedTime) > 0) { maxNetworkStatusPublishedTime = publicationTime; } if (this.bridgeSanitizingCutOffTimestamp.compareTo(publicationTime) > 0) { String text = "Sanitizing and storing network status with " + "publication time outside our descriptor sanitizing " + "interval."; if (this.haveWarnedAboutInterval) { logger.debug(text); } else { logger.warn(text); this.haveWarnedAboutInterval = true; } } /* Parse the given network status line by line. */ StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder(); SortedMap<String, String> scrubbedLines = new TreeMap<String, String>(); try { StringBuilder scrubbed = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(new String(data, "US-ASCII"))); String line = null; String mostRecentDescPublished = null; byte[] fingerprintBytes = null; String descPublicationTime = null; String hashedBridgeIdentityHex = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { /* Use publication time from "published" line instead of the * file's last-modified time. Don't copy over the line, because * we're going to write a "published" line below. */ if (line.startsWith("published ")) { publicationTime = line.substring("published ".length()); /* Additional header lines don't have to be cleaned up. */ } else if (line.startsWith("flag-thresholds ")) { header.append(line + "\n"); /* r lines contain sensitive information that needs to be removed * or replaced. */ } else if (line.startsWith("r ")) { /* Clear buffer from previously scrubbed lines. */ if (scrubbed.length() > 0) { String scrubbedLine = scrubbed.toString(); scrubbedLines.put(hashedBridgeIdentityHex, scrubbedLine); scrubbed = new StringBuilder(); } /* Parse the relevant parts of this r line. */ String[] parts = line.split(" "); if (parts.length < 9) { logger.warn( "Illegal line '" + line + "' in bridge network " + "status. Skipping descriptor."); return; } if (!Base64.isBase64(parts[2])) { logger.warn("Illegal base64 character in r line '" + parts[2] + "'. Skipping descriptor."); return; } fingerprintBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(parts[2] + "=="); descPublicationTime = parts[4] + " " + parts[5]; String address = parts[6]; String orPort = parts[7]; String dirPort = parts[8]; /* Determine most recent descriptor publication time. */ if (descPublicationTime.compareTo(publicationTime) <= 0 && (mostRecentDescPublished == null || descPublicationTime.compareTo(mostRecentDescPublished) > 0)) { mostRecentDescPublished = descPublicationTime; } /* Write scrubbed r line to buffer. */ byte[] hashedBridgeIdentity = DigestUtils.sha(fingerprintBytes); String hashedBridgeIdentityBase64 = Base64.encodeBase64String(hashedBridgeIdentity).substring(0, 27); hashedBridgeIdentityHex = Hex.encodeHexString(hashedBridgeIdentity); String descriptorIdentifier = parts[3]; String hashedDescriptorIdentifier = Base64 .encodeBase64String(DigestUtils.sha(Base64.decodeBase64(descriptorIdentifier + "=="))) .substring(0, 27); String scrubbedAddress = scrubIpv4Address(address, fingerprintBytes, descPublicationTime); String nickname = parts[1]; String scrubbedOrPort = this.scrubTcpPort(orPort, fingerprintBytes, descPublicationTime); String scrubbedDirPort = this.scrubTcpPort(dirPort, fingerprintBytes, descPublicationTime); scrubbed.append("r " + nickname + " " + hashedBridgeIdentityBase64 + " " + hashedDescriptorIdentifier + " " + descPublicationTime + " " + scrubbedAddress + " " + scrubbedOrPort + " " + scrubbedDirPort + "\n"); /* Sanitize any addresses in a lines using the fingerprint and * descriptor publication time from the previous r line. */ } else if (line.startsWith("a ")) { String scrubbedOrAddress = scrubOrAddress(line.substring("a ".length()), fingerprintBytes, descPublicationTime); if (scrubbedOrAddress != null) { scrubbed.append("a " + scrubbedOrAddress + "\n"); } else { logger.warn( "Invalid address in line '" + line + "' in bridge network status. Skipping line!"); } /* Nothing special about s, w, and p lines; just copy them. */ } else if (line.startsWith("s ") || line.equals("s") || line.startsWith("w ") || line.equals("w") || line.startsWith("p ") || line.equals("p")) { scrubbed.append(line + "\n"); /* There should be nothing else but r, a, w, p, and s lines in the * network status. If there is, we should probably learn before * writing anything to the sanitized descriptors. */ } else { logger.debug("Unknown line '" + line + "' in bridge " + "network status. Not writing to disk!"); return; } } br.close(); if (scrubbed.length() > 0) { String scrubbedLine = scrubbed.toString(); scrubbedLines.put(hashedBridgeIdentityHex, scrubbedLine); scrubbed = new StringBuilder(); } /* Check if we can tell from the descriptor publication times * whether this status is possibly stale. */ SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); if (formatter.parse(publicationTime).getTime() - formatter.parse(mostRecentDescPublished).getTime() > 60L * 60L * 1000L) { logger.warn("The most recent descriptor in the bridge " + "network status published at " + publicationTime + " was " + "published at " + mostRecentDescPublished + " which is " + "more than 1 hour before the status. This is a sign for " + "the status being stale. Please check!"); } } catch (ParseException e) { logger.warn("Could not parse timestamp in " + "bridge network status.", e); return; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Could not parse bridge network " + "status.", e); return; } /* Write the sanitized network status to disk. */ try { String syear = publicationTime.substring(0, 4); String smonth = publicationTime.substring(5, 7); String sday = publicationTime.substring(8, 10); String stime = publicationTime.substring(11, 13) + publicationTime.substring(14, 16) + publicationTime.substring(17, 19); File tarballFile = new File( this.sanitizedBridgesDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + syear + "/" + smonth + "/statuses/" + sday + "/" + syear + smonth + sday + "-" + stime + "-" + authorityFingerprint); File rsyncFile = new File(recentPathName, "statuses/" + tarballFile.getName()); File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncFile }; for (File outputFile : outputFiles) { outputFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile)); bw.write(Annotation.Status.toString()); bw.write("published " + publicationTime + "\n"); bw.write(header.toString()); for (String scrubbed : scrubbedLines.values()) { bw.write(scrubbed); } bw.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Could not write sanitized bridge " + "network status to disk.", e); return; } } private String maxServerDescriptorPublishedTime = "1970-01-01 00:00:00"; /** * Sanitizes a bridge server descriptor and writes it to disk. */ public void sanitizeAndStoreServerDescriptor(byte[] data) { if (this.persistenceProblemWithSecrets) { /* There's a persistence problem, so we shouldn't scrub more IP * addresses in this execution. */ return; } /* Parse descriptor to generate a sanitized version. */ String scrubbedDesc = null; String published = null; String masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519 = null; try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(new String(data, "US-ASCII"))); StringBuilder scrubbed = new StringBuilder(); String line = null; String hashedBridgeIdentity = null; String address = null; String routerLine = null; String scrubbedRouterLine = null; String scrubbedAddress = null; String masterKeyEd25519 = null; List<String> orAddresses = null; List<String> scrubbedOrAddresses = null; boolean skipCrypto = false; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { /* Skip all crypto parts that might be used to derive the bridge's * identity fingerprint. */ if (skipCrypto && !line.startsWith("-----END ")) { continue; /* Store the router line for later processing, because we may need * the bridge identity fingerprint for replacing the IP address in * the scrubbed version. */ } else if (line.startsWith("router ")) { String[] parts = line.split(" "); if (parts.length != 6) { logger.warn("Invalid router line: '" + line + "'. Skipping."); return; } address = parts[2]; routerLine = line; /* Store or-address parts in a list and sanitize them when we have * read the fingerprint. */ } else if (line.startsWith("or-address ")) { if (orAddresses == null) { orAddresses = new ArrayList<String>(); } orAddresses.add(line.substring("or-address ".length())); /* Parse the publication time to see if we're still inside the * sanitizing interval. */ } else if (line.startsWith("published ")) { published = line.substring("published ".length()); if (published.compareTo(maxServerDescriptorPublishedTime) > 0) { maxServerDescriptorPublishedTime = published; } if (this.bridgeSanitizingCutOffTimestamp.compareTo(published) > 0) { String text = "Sanitizing and storing " + "server descriptor with publication time outside our " + "descriptor sanitizing interval."; if (this.haveWarnedAboutInterval) { logger.debug(text); } else { logger.warn(text); this.haveWarnedAboutInterval = true; } } scrubbed.append(line + "\n"); /* Parse the fingerprint to determine the hashed bridge * identity. */ } else if (line.startsWith("opt fingerprint ") || line.startsWith("fingerprint ")) { String fingerprint = line .substring( line.startsWith("opt ") ? "opt fingerprint".length() : "fingerprint".length()) .replaceAll(" ", "").toLowerCase(); byte[] fingerprintBytes = Hex.decodeHex(fingerprint.toCharArray()); hashedBridgeIdentity = DigestUtils.shaHex(fingerprintBytes).toLowerCase(); try { scrubbedAddress = scrubIpv4Address(address, fingerprintBytes, published); if (orAddresses != null) { scrubbedOrAddresses = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String orAddress : orAddresses) { String scrubbedOrAddress = scrubOrAddress(orAddress, fingerprintBytes, published); if (scrubbedOrAddress != null) { scrubbedOrAddresses.add(scrubbedOrAddress); } else { logger.warn("Invalid address in line " + "'or-address " + orAddress + "' in bridge server " + "descriptor. Skipping line!"); } } } String[] routerLineParts = routerLine.split(" "); String nickname = routerLineParts[1]; String scrubbedOrPort = this.scrubTcpPort(routerLineParts[3], fingerprintBytes, published); String scrubbedDirPort = this.scrubTcpPort(routerLineParts[4], fingerprintBytes, published); String scrubbedSocksPort = this.scrubTcpPort(routerLineParts[5], fingerprintBytes, published); scrubbedRouterLine = String.format("router %s %s %s %s %s%n", nickname, scrubbedAddress, scrubbedOrPort, scrubbedDirPort, scrubbedSocksPort); } catch (IOException e) { /* There's a persistence problem, so we shouldn't scrub more * IP addresses in this execution. */ this.persistenceProblemWithSecrets = true; return; } scrubbed.append((line.startsWith("opt ") ? "opt " : "") + "fingerprint"); for (int i = 0; i < hashedBridgeIdentity.length() / 4; i++) { scrubbed.append(" " + hashedBridgeIdentity.substring(4 * i, 4 * (i + 1)).toUpperCase()); } scrubbed.append("\n"); /* Replace the contact line (if present) with a generic one. */ } else if (line.startsWith("contact ")) { scrubbed.append("contact somebody\n"); /* When we reach the signature, we're done. Write the sanitized * descriptor to disk below. */ } else if (line.startsWith("router-signature")) { scrubbedDesc = scrubbedRouterLine; if (scrubbedOrAddresses != null) { for (String scrubbedOrAddress : scrubbedOrAddresses) { scrubbedDesc += "or-address " + scrubbedOrAddress + "\n"; } } scrubbedDesc += scrubbed.toString(); break; /* Replace extra-info digest with the hashed digest of the * non-scrubbed descriptor. */ } else if (line.startsWith("opt extra-info-digest ") || line.startsWith("extra-info-digest ")) { String[] parts = line.split(" "); if (line.startsWith("opt ")) { scrubbed.append("opt "); parts = line.substring(4).split(" "); } if (parts.length > 3) { logger.warn("extra-info-digest line contains more arguments than" + "expected: '" + line + "'. Skipping descriptor."); return; } scrubbed.append("extra-info-digest " + DigestUtils.shaHex(Hex.decodeHex(parts[1].toCharArray())).toUpperCase()); if (parts.length > 2) { if (!Base64.isBase64(parts[2])) { logger.warn("Illegal base64 character in extra-info-digest line '" + line + "'. Skipping descriptor."); return; } scrubbed.append( " " + Base64.encodeBase64String(DigestUtils.sha256(Base64.decodeBase64(parts[2]))) .replaceAll("=", "")); } scrubbed.append("\n"); /* Possibly sanitize reject lines if they contain the bridge's own * IP address. */ } else if (line.startsWith("reject ")) { if (address != null && line.startsWith("reject " + address)) { scrubbed.append("reject " + scrubbedAddress + line.substring("reject ".length() + address.length()) + "\n"); } else { scrubbed.append(line + "\n"); } /* Extract master-key-ed25519 from identity-ed25519. */ } else if (line.equals("identity-ed25519")) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null && !line.equals("-----END ED25519 CERT-----")) { if (line.equals("-----BEGIN ED25519 CERT-----")) { continue; } sb.append(line); } masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519 = this .parseMasterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519(sb.toString()); if (masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519 == null) { logger.warn("Could not parse master-key-ed25519 from " + "identity-ed25519. Skipping descriptor."); return; } String sha256MasterKeyEd25519 = Base64 .encodeBase64String(DigestUtils .sha256(Base64.decodeBase64(masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519 + "="))) .replaceAll("=", ""); scrubbed.append("master-key-ed25519 " + sha256MasterKeyEd25519 + "\n"); if (masterKeyEd25519 != null && !masterKeyEd25519.equals(masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519)) { logger.warn("Mismatch between identity-ed25519 and " + "master-key-ed25519. Skipping."); return; } /* Verify that identity-ed25519 and master-key-ed25519 match. */ } else if (line.startsWith("master-key-ed25519 ")) { masterKeyEd25519 = line.substring(line.indexOf(" ") + 1); if (masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519 != null && !masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519.equals(masterKeyEd25519)) { logger.warn("Mismatch between identity-ed25519 and " + "master-key-ed25519. Skipping."); return; } /* Write the following lines unmodified to the sanitized * descriptor. */ } else if (line.startsWith("accept ") || line.startsWith("platform ") || line.startsWith("opt protocols ") || line.startsWith("protocols ") || line.startsWith("proto ") || line.startsWith("uptime ") || line.startsWith("bandwidth ") || line.startsWith("opt hibernating ") || line.startsWith("hibernating ") || line.startsWith("ntor-onion-key ") || line.equals("opt hidden-service-dir") || line.equals("hidden-service-dir") || line.equals("opt caches-extra-info") || line.equals("caches-extra-info") || line.equals("opt allow-single-hop-exits") || line.equals("allow-single-hop-exits") || line.startsWith("ipv6-policy ") || line.equals("tunnelled-dir-server")) { scrubbed.append(line + "\n"); /* Replace node fingerprints in the family line with their hashes * and leave nicknames unchanged. */ } else if (line.startsWith("family ")) { StringBuilder familyLine = new StringBuilder("family"); for (String s : line.substring(7).split(" ")) { if (s.startsWith("$")) { familyLine.append(" $" + DigestUtils.shaHex(Hex.decodeHex(s.substring(1).toCharArray())) .toUpperCase()); } else { familyLine.append(" " + s); } } scrubbed.append(familyLine.toString() + "\n"); /* Skip the purpose line that the bridge authority adds to its * cached-descriptors file. */ } else if (line.startsWith("@purpose ")) { continue; /* Skip all crypto parts that might leak the bridge's identity * fingerprint. */ } else if (line.startsWith("-----BEGIN ") || line.equals("onion-key") || line.equals("signing-key") || line.equals("onion-key-crosscert") || line.startsWith("ntor-onion-key-crosscert ")) { skipCrypto = true; /* Stop skipping lines when the crypto parts are over. */ } else if (line.startsWith("-----END ")) { skipCrypto = false; /* Skip the ed25519 signature; we'll include a SHA256 digest of * the SHA256 descriptor digest in router-digest-sha256. */ } else if (line.startsWith("router-sig-ed25519 ")) { continue; /* If we encounter an unrecognized line, stop parsing and print * out a warning. We might have overlooked sensitive information * that we need to remove or replace for the sanitized descriptor * version. */ } else { logger.warn("Unrecognized line '" + line + "'. Skipping."); return; } } br.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Could not parse server " + "descriptor.", e); return; } /* Determine filename of sanitized server descriptor. */ String descriptorDigest = null; try { String ascii = new String(data, "US-ASCII"); String startToken = "router "; String sigToken = "\nrouter-signature\n"; int start = ascii.indexOf(startToken); int sig = ascii.indexOf(sigToken) + sigToken.length(); if (start >= 0 && sig >= 0 && sig > start) { byte[] forDigest = new byte[sig - start]; System.arraycopy(data, start, forDigest, 0, sig - start); descriptorDigest = DigestUtils.shaHex(DigestUtils.sha(forDigest)); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { /* Handle below. */ } if (descriptorDigest == null) { logger.warn("Could not calculate server " + "descriptor digest."); return; } String descriptorDigestSha256Base64 = null; if (masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519 != null) { try { String ascii = new String(data, "US-ASCII"); String startToken = "router "; String sigToken = "\n-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"; int start = ascii.indexOf(startToken); int sig = ascii.indexOf(sigToken) + sigToken.length(); if (start >= 0 && sig >= 0 && sig > start) { byte[] forDigest = new byte[sig - start]; System.arraycopy(data, start, forDigest, 0, sig - start); descriptorDigestSha256Base64 = Base64 .encodeBase64String(DigestUtils.sha256(DigestUtils.sha256(forDigest))) .replaceAll("=", ""); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { /* Handle below. */ } if (descriptorDigestSha256Base64 == null) { logger.warn("Could not calculate server " + "descriptor SHA256 digest."); return; } } String dyear = published.substring(0, 4); String dmonth = published.substring(5, 7); File tarballFile = new File(this.sanitizedBridgesDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + dyear + "/" + dmonth + "/server-descriptors/" + "/" + descriptorDigest.charAt(0) + "/" + descriptorDigest.charAt(1) + "/" + descriptorDigest); try { File rsyncCatFile = new File(config.getPath(Key.RecentPath).toFile(), "bridge-descriptors/server-descriptors/" + this.rsyncCatString + "-server-descriptors.tmp"); File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncCatFile }; boolean[] append = new boolean[] { false, true }; for (int i = 0; i < outputFiles.length; i++) { File outputFile = outputFiles[i]; boolean appendToFile = append[i]; if (outputFile.exists() && !appendToFile) { /* We already stored this descriptor to disk before, so let's * not store it yet another time. */ break; } outputFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile, appendToFile)); bw.write(Annotation.BridgeServer.toString()); bw.write(scrubbedDesc); if (descriptorDigestSha256Base64 != null) { bw.write("router-digest-sha256 " + descriptorDigestSha256Base64 + "\n"); } bw.write("router-digest " + descriptorDigest.toUpperCase() + "\n"); bw.close(); } } catch (ConfigurationException | IOException e) { logger.warn("Could not write sanitized server " + "descriptor to disk.", e); return; } } private String parseMasterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519(String identityEd25519Base64) { byte[] identityEd25519 = Base64.decodeBase64(identityEd25519Base64); if (identityEd25519.length < 40) { logger.warn("Invalid length of identity-ed25519 (in " + "bytes): " + identityEd25519.length); } else if (identityEd25519[0] != 0x01) { logger.warn("Unknown version in identity-ed25519: " + identityEd25519[0]); } else if (identityEd25519[1] != 0x04) { logger.warn("Unknown cert type in identity-ed25519: " + identityEd25519[1]); } else if (identityEd25519[6] != 0x01) { logger.warn("Unknown certified key type in " + "identity-ed25519: " + identityEd25519[1]); } else if (identityEd25519[39] == 0x00) { logger.warn("No extensions in identity-ed25519 (which " + "would contain the encoded master-key-ed25519): " + identityEd25519[39]); } else { int extensionStart = 40; for (int i = 0; i < (int) identityEd25519[39]; i++) { if (identityEd25519.length < extensionStart + 4) { logger.warn("Invalid extension with id " + i + " in identity-ed25519."); break; } int extensionLength = identityEd25519[extensionStart]; extensionLength <<= 8; extensionLength += identityEd25519[extensionStart + 1]; int extensionType = identityEd25519[extensionStart + 2]; if (extensionLength == 32 && extensionType == 4) { if (identityEd25519.length < extensionStart + 4 + 32) { logger.warn("Invalid extension with id " + i + " in identity-ed25519."); break; } byte[] masterKeyEd25519 = new byte[32]; System.arraycopy(identityEd25519, extensionStart + 4, masterKeyEd25519, 0, masterKeyEd25519.length); String masterKeyEd25519Base64 = Base64.encodeBase64String(masterKeyEd25519); String masterKeyEd25519Base64NoTrailingEqualSigns = masterKeyEd25519Base64.replaceAll("=", ""); return masterKeyEd25519Base64NoTrailingEqualSigns; } extensionStart += 4 + extensionLength; } } logger.warn("Unable to locate master-key-ed25519 in " + "identity-ed25519."); return null; } private String maxExtraInfoDescriptorPublishedTime = "1970-01-01 00:00:00"; /** * Sanitizes an extra-info descriptor and writes it to disk. */ public void sanitizeAndStoreExtraInfoDescriptor(byte[] data) { /* Parse descriptor to generate a sanitized version. */ String scrubbedDesc = null; String published = null; String masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519 = null; try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(new String(data, "US-ASCII"))); String line = null; StringBuilder scrubbed = null; String hashedBridgeIdentity = null; String masterKeyEd25519 = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { /* Parse bridge identity from extra-info line and replace it with * its hash in the sanitized descriptor. */ String[] parts = line.split(" "); if (line.startsWith("extra-info ")) { if (parts.length < 3) { logger.debug( "Illegal line in extra-info descriptor: '" + line + "'. Skipping descriptor."); return; } hashedBridgeIdentity = DigestUtils.shaHex(Hex.decodeHex(parts[2].toCharArray())).toLowerCase(); scrubbed = new StringBuilder( "extra-info " + parts[1] + " " + hashedBridgeIdentity.toUpperCase() + "\n"); /* Parse the publication time to determine the file name. */ } else if (line.startsWith("published ")) { scrubbed.append(line + "\n"); published = line.substring("published ".length()); if (published.compareTo(maxExtraInfoDescriptorPublishedTime) > 0) { maxExtraInfoDescriptorPublishedTime = published; } /* Remove everything from transport lines except the transport * name. */ } else if (line.startsWith("transport ")) { if (parts.length < 3) { logger.debug( "Illegal line in extra-info descriptor: '" + line + "'. Skipping descriptor."); return; } scrubbed.append("transport " + parts[1] + "\n"); /* Skip transport-info lines entirely. */ } else if (line.startsWith("transport-info ")) { /* Extract master-key-ed25519 from identity-ed25519. */ } else if (line.equals("identity-ed25519")) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null && !line.equals("-----END ED25519 CERT-----")) { if (line.equals("-----BEGIN ED25519 CERT-----")) { continue; } sb.append(line); } masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519 = this .parseMasterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519(sb.toString()); String sha256MasterKeyEd25519 = Base64 .encodeBase64String(DigestUtils .sha256(Base64.decodeBase64(masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519 + "="))) .replaceAll("=", ""); scrubbed.append("master-key-ed25519 " + sha256MasterKeyEd25519 + "\n"); if (masterKeyEd25519 != null && !masterKeyEd25519.equals(masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519)) { logger.warn("Mismatch between identity-ed25519 and " + "master-key-ed25519. Skipping."); return; } /* Verify that identity-ed25519 and master-key-ed25519 match. */ } else if (line.startsWith("master-key-ed25519 ")) { masterKeyEd25519 = line.substring(line.indexOf(" ") + 1); if (masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519 != null && !masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519.equals(masterKeyEd25519)) { logger.warn("Mismatch between identity-ed25519 and " + "master-key-ed25519. Skipping."); return; } /* Write the following lines unmodified to the sanitized * descriptor. */ } else if (line.startsWith("write-history ") || line.startsWith("read-history ") || line.startsWith("geoip-start-time ") || line.startsWith("geoip-client-origins ") || line.startsWith("geoip-db-digest ") || line.startsWith("geoip6-db-digest ") || line.startsWith("conn-bi-direct ") || line.startsWith("bridge-") || line.startsWith("dirreq-") || line.startsWith("cell-") || line.startsWith("entry-") || line.startsWith("exit-") || line.startsWith("hidserv-")) { scrubbed.append(line + "\n"); /* When we reach the signature, we're done. Write the sanitized * descriptor to disk below. */ } else if (line.startsWith("router-signature")) { scrubbedDesc = scrubbed.toString(); break; /* Skip the ed25519 signature; we'll include a SHA256 digest of * the SHA256 descriptor digest in router-digest-sha256. */ } else if (line.startsWith("router-sig-ed25519 ")) { continue; /* If we encounter an unrecognized line, stop parsing and print * out a warning. We might have overlooked sensitive information * that we need to remove or replace for the sanitized descriptor * version. */ } else { logger.warn("Unrecognized line '" + line + "'. Skipping."); return; } } br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Could not parse extra-info " + "descriptor.", e); return; } catch (DecoderException e) { logger.warn("Could not parse extra-info " + "descriptor.", e); return; } /* Determine filename of sanitized extra-info descriptor. */ String descriptorDigest = null; try { String ascii = new String(data, "US-ASCII"); String startToken = "extra-info "; String sigToken = "\nrouter-signature\n"; int start = ascii.indexOf(startToken); int sig = ascii.indexOf(sigToken) + sigToken.length(); if (start >= 0 && sig >= 0 && sig > start) { byte[] forDigest = new byte[sig - start]; System.arraycopy(data, start, forDigest, 0, sig - start); descriptorDigest = DigestUtils.shaHex(DigestUtils.sha(forDigest)); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { /* Handle below. */ } if (descriptorDigest == null) { logger.warn("Could not calculate extra-info " + "descriptor digest."); return; } String descriptorDigestSha256Base64 = null; if (masterKeyEd25519FromIdentityEd25519 != null) { try { String ascii = new String(data, "US-ASCII"); String startToken = "extra-info "; String sigToken = "\n-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"; int start = ascii.indexOf(startToken); int sig = ascii.indexOf(sigToken) + sigToken.length(); if (start >= 0 && sig >= 0 && sig > start) { byte[] forDigest = new byte[sig - start]; System.arraycopy(data, start, forDigest, 0, sig - start); descriptorDigestSha256Base64 = Base64 .encodeBase64String(DigestUtils.sha256(DigestUtils.sha256(forDigest))) .replaceAll("=", ""); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { /* Handle below. */ } if (descriptorDigestSha256Base64 == null) { logger.warn("Could not calculate extra-info " + "descriptor SHA256 digest."); return; } } String dyear = published.substring(0, 4); String dmonth = published.substring(5, 7); File tarballFile = new File( this.sanitizedBridgesDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + dyear + "/" + dmonth + "/extra-infos/" + descriptorDigest.charAt(0) + "/" + descriptorDigest.charAt(1) + "/" + descriptorDigest); try { File rsyncCatFile = new File(config.getPath(Key.RecentPath).toFile(), "bridge-descriptors/extra-infos/" + this.rsyncCatString + "-extra-infos.tmp"); File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncCatFile }; boolean[] append = new boolean[] { false, true }; for (int i = 0; i < outputFiles.length; i++) { File outputFile = outputFiles[i]; boolean appendToFile = append[i]; if (outputFile.exists() && !appendToFile) { /* We already stored this descriptor to disk before, so let's * not store it yet another time. */ break; } outputFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile, appendToFile)); bw.write(Annotation.BridgeExtraInfo.toString()); bw.write(scrubbedDesc); if (descriptorDigestSha256Base64 != null) { bw.write("router-digest-sha256 " + descriptorDigestSha256Base64 + "\n"); } bw.write("router-digest " + descriptorDigest.toUpperCase() + "\n"); bw.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Could not write sanitized " + "extra-info descriptor to disk.", e); } } /** * Rewrite all network statuses that might contain references to server * descriptors we added or updated in this execution. This applies to * all statuses that have been published up to 24 hours after any added * or updated server descriptor. */ public void finishWriting() { /* Delete secrets that we don't need anymore. */ if (!this.secretsForHashingIpAddresses.isEmpty() && this.secretsForHashingIpAddresses.firstKey() .compareTo(this.bridgeSanitizingCutOffTimestamp) < 0) { try { int kept = 0; int deleted = 0; BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(this.bridgeIpSecretsFile)); for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> e : this.secretsForHashingIpAddresses.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey().compareTo(this.bridgeSanitizingCutOffTimestamp) < 0) { deleted++; } else { bw.write(e.getKey() + "," + Hex.encodeHexString(e.getValue()) + "\n"); kept++; } } bw.close(); "Deleted " + deleted + " secrets that we don't " + "need anymore and kept " + kept + "."); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Could not store reduced set of " + "secrets to disk! This is a bad sign, better check what's " + "going on!", e); } } } private void checkStaleDescriptors() { SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); long tooOldMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - 330L * 60L * 1000L; try { long maxNetworkStatusPublishedMillis = dateTimeFormat.parse(maxNetworkStatusPublishedTime).getTime(); if (maxNetworkStatusPublishedMillis > 0L && maxNetworkStatusPublishedMillis < tooOldMillis) { logger.warn("The last known bridge network status was " + "published " + maxNetworkStatusPublishedTime + ", which is " + "more than 5:30 hours in the past."); } long maxServerDescriptorPublishedMillis = dateTimeFormat.parse(maxServerDescriptorPublishedTime) .getTime(); if (maxServerDescriptorPublishedMillis > 0L && maxServerDescriptorPublishedMillis < tooOldMillis) { logger.warn("The last known bridge server descriptor was " + "published " + maxServerDescriptorPublishedTime + ", which " + "is more than 5:30 hours in the past."); } long maxExtraInfoDescriptorPublishedMillis = dateTimeFormat.parse(maxExtraInfoDescriptorPublishedTime) .getTime(); if (maxExtraInfoDescriptorPublishedMillis > 0L && maxExtraInfoDescriptorPublishedMillis < tooOldMillis) { logger.warn("The last known bridge extra-info descriptor " + "was published " + maxExtraInfoDescriptorPublishedTime + ", which is more than 5:30 hours in the past."); } } catch (ParseException e) { logger.warn("Unable to parse timestamp for " + "stale check.", e); } } /** Delete all files from the rsync directory that have not been modified * in the last three days, and remove the .tmp extension from newly * written files. */ public void cleanUpRsyncDirectory() throws ConfigurationException { long cutOffMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - 3L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L; Stack<File> allFiles = new Stack<File>(); allFiles.add(new File(config.getPath(Key.RecentPath).toFile(), BRIDGE_DESCRIPTORS)); while (!allFiles.isEmpty()) { File file = allFiles.pop(); if (file.isDirectory()) { allFiles.addAll(Arrays.asList(file.listFiles())); } else if (file.lastModified() < cutOffMillis) { file.delete(); } else if (file.getName().endsWith(".tmp")) { file.renameTo(new File(file.getParentFile(), file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().lastIndexOf(".tmp")))); } } } }