Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013, TopicQuests * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ package org.topicquests.tcp; import*; import; import; import java.util.*; //import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.topicquests.agent.solr.AgentEnvironment; import org.topicquests.common.ResultPojo; import org.topicquests.common.api.IResult; import org.topicquests.tuplespace.api.ITupleSpaceConnectorListener; import org.semispace.api.IConstants; import org.semispace.api.ITupleFields; /** * @author park * <p>A system to communicate with SolrAgentCoordinator</p> * <p>We communicate using JSON strings which include a command, and * some cargo</p> */ public class TupleSpaceConnector { private AgentEnvironment environment; private String server = ""; private int port = 0; private ServerSocket srvr; private Worker worker; private Object synchObject = new Object(); private JSONParser parser; /** * */ public TupleSpaceConnector(AgentEnvironment env, String server, int port) throws Exception { environment = env; this.server = server; this.port = port; parser = new JSONParser(); System.out.println("TupleSpaceConnector starting " + port); srvr = new ServerSocket(port); worker = new Worker(); } class Worker extends Thread { private List<String> messages; private List<ITupleSpaceConnectorListener> listeners; private boolean isRunning = true; public Worker() { messages = new ArrayList<String>(); listeners = new ArrayList<ITupleSpaceConnectorListener>(); isRunning = true; this.start(); } public void addTask(String json, ITupleSpaceConnectorListener listener) { synchronized (messages) { messages.add(json); listeners.add(listener); messages.notifyAll(); // System.out.println("TASKS "+messages+" "+listeners); } } public void shutDown() { synchronized (messages) { isRunning = false; messages.notifyAll(); } } public void run() { String theMsg = null; ITupleSpaceConnectorListener theListener = null; while (isRunning) { synchronized (messages) { if (messages.isEmpty()) { theMsg = null; theListener = null; try { messages.wait(); } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (isRunning && !messages.isEmpty()) { theMsg = messages.remove(0); theListener = listeners.remove(0); // System.out.println("XXX "+theMsg+" "+theListener); } } if (isRunning && theMsg != null) { sendMessage(theMsg, theListener); theMsg = null; theListener = null; } } } } /** * <p>This version of <em>read</em> does not wait for available objects; * it can return <code>null</code>, meaning it must be run inside a * threaded loop</p> * @param tag * @param agentName * @param listener */ public void readTuple(String tag, String agentName, ITupleSpaceConnectorListener listener) { String json = getJSONString(IConstants.READ, tag, "", agentName); // System.out.println("TupleSpaceConnector.readTuple "+tag+" "+agentName); worker.addTask(json, listener); } public void takeTuple(String tag, String cargo, ITupleSpaceConnectorListener listener) { String json = getJSONString(IConstants.TAKE, tag, cargo, null); worker.addTask(json, listener); } public void insertTuple(String tag, String cargo, ITupleSpaceConnectorListener listener) { String json = getJSONString(IConstants.PUT, tag, cargo, null); worker.addTask(json, listener); } String getJSONString(String command, String tag, String cargo, String agentName) { Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); m.put(ITupleFields.COMMAND, command); m.put(ITupleFields.TAG, tag); m.put(ITupleFields.CARGO, cargo); if (agentName != null) m.put(ITupleFields.AGENT_NAME, agentName); JSONObject j = new JSONObject(m); return j.toString(); } /** * Returns field "cargo" * @param json * @param listener */ void sendMessage(String json, ITupleSpaceConnectorListener listener) { IResult result = new ResultPojo(); try { // System.out.println("Server "+port); Socket skt = srvr.accept(); // System.out.println("Server has connected! "); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(skt.getOutputStream(), true); // System.out.println("Sending string: " + json); out.print(json); out.flush(); // System.out.println("SS-1"); // InputStream is = skt.getInputStream(); // System.out.println("SS-2"); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); String line; InputStream is = skt.getInputStream(); // System.out.println("SS-2a "+skt.isInputShutdown()); //false BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); // System.out.println("SS-3 "+in.ready()); //false while (!in.ready()) { // stuck here // System.out.print("."); synchronized (synchObject) { try { synchObject.wait(50); } catch (Exception e) { } } } int x; while ((x = > -1) buf.append((char) x); in.close(); out.close(); // System.out.println("SS-4 "+buf); // skt.close(); line = buf.toString(); environment.logDebug("TupleSpaceConnector got back " + line); JSONObject jobj = (JSONObject) parser.parse(line); //what we get back IS the cargo from the original tuple result.setResultObject(jobj.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { environment.logError(e.getMessage(), e); result.addErrorString(e.getMessage()); } listener.acceptResult(result); } public void shutDown() { if (worker != null) worker.shutDown(); worker = null; try { srvr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { environment.logError(e.getMessage(), e); } srvr = null; } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { shutDown(); } }