Java tutorial
/* $HeadURL:: $ * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 by Topaz, Inc. * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javassist.util.proxy.MethodFilter; import javassist.util.proxy.MethodHandler; import javassist.util.proxy.ProxyFactory; import javassist.util.proxy.ProxyObject; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.topazproject.otm.ClassMetadata; import org.topazproject.otm.CollectionType; import org.topazproject.otm.Connection; import org.topazproject.otm.EntityMode; import org.topazproject.otm.FetchType; import org.topazproject.otm.GraphConfig; import org.topazproject.otm.OtmException; import org.topazproject.otm.Session; import org.topazproject.otm.SessionFactory; import org.topazproject.otm.TripleStore; import org.topazproject.otm.mapping.PropertyBinder; import org.topazproject.otm.mapping.EmbeddedMapper; import org.topazproject.otm.mapping.EntityBinder; import org.topazproject.otm.mapping.Mapper; import org.topazproject.otm.mapping.RdfMapper; import org.topazproject.otm.mapping.VarMapper; import org.topazproject.otm.query.Results; /** * Binds an entity to an {@link org.topazproject.otm.EntityMode#POJO} specific implementation. * * @author Pradeep Krishnan * * @param <T> The object type instantiated by this class */ public class ClassBinder<T> implements EntityBinder { private final Class<T> clazz; private final boolean instantiable; private final boolean suppressAlias; private ClassMetadata cm; private Map<Method, FieldBinder> llInterceptors = new HashMap<Method, FieldBinder>(); private Class<? extends T> proxy; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ClassBinder.class); /** * Creates a new ClassBinder object. * * @param clazz the java class to bind this entity to */ public ClassBinder(Class<T> clazz) { this(clazz, false); } /** * Creates a new ClassBinder object. * * @param clazz the java class to bind this entity to * @param suppressAlias to dis-allow registration of the class name as an alias. * This allows binding the same class to multiple entities. */ public ClassBinder(Class<T> clazz, boolean suppressAlias) { this.clazz = clazz; this.suppressAlias = suppressAlias; int mod = clazz.getModifiers(); instantiable = !Modifier.isAbstract(mod) && !Modifier.isInterface(mod) && Modifier.isPublic(mod); } /* * inherited javadoc */ public void bindComplete(ClassMetadata cm) throws OtmException { if ( != null) throw new OtmException(clazz + " already bound to " + + ". Cannot bind to " + cm); = cm; if (!instantiable) proxy = null; else { Method idGetter = getIdGetter(); proxy = createProxy(clazz, (idGetter != null) ? new Method[] { idGetter } : new Method[] {}); } if (cm.getRdfMappers() != null) { for (RdfMapper m : cm.getRdfMappers()) { if (m.isAssociation() || (m.getColType() != CollectionType.PREDICATE)) { FieldBinder fb = (FieldBinder) m.getBinder(EntityMode.POJO); addInterceptor(fb.getGetter(), fb); addInterceptor(fb.getSetter(), fb); } } } } private void addInterceptor(Method m, FieldBinder fb) { if ((m != null) && m.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(clazz)) llInterceptors.put(m, fb); } private Method getIdGetter() { Mapper idField = cm.getIdField(); if (idField == null) return null; Method getter = ((FieldBinder) idField.getBinders().get(EntityMode.POJO)).getGetter(); return (getter != null) && getter.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(clazz) ? getter : null; } /* * inherited javadoc */ public T newInstance() throws OtmException { try { return clazz.newInstance(); } catch (Exception t) { throw new OtmException("Failed to create a new instance of " + clazz, t); } } /* * inherited javadoc */ public LazyLoaded newLazyLoadedInstance(LazyLoader ll) throws OtmException { try { Object o = proxy.newInstance(); if (cm.getEmbeddedMappers() != null) { for (EmbeddedMapper em : cm.getEmbeddedMappers()) { em.getBinder(EntityMode.POJO).setRawValue(o, em.getEmbeddedClass().getEntityBinder(EntityMode.POJO).newLazyLoadedInstance(ll)); } } if (cm.getIdField() != null) cm.getIdField().getBinder(EntityMode.POJO).set(o, Collections.singletonList(ll.getId())); ((ProxyObject) o).setHandler(new Handler(ll)); return (LazyLoaded) o; } catch (Exception t) { throw new OtmException("Failed to create a new lazy-loaded instance of " + clazz, t); } } private Object newLazyLoadedInstance(Session session, String id) throws OtmException { LazyLoader ll = createLazyLoader(session, id); return newLazyLoadedInstance(ll); } private LazyLoader createLazyLoader(final Session session, final String id) { return new LazyLoader() { private Map<PropertyBinder, PropertyBinder.RawFieldData> rawData = new HashMap<PropertyBinder, PropertyBinder.RawFieldData>(); public void ensureDataLoad(LazyLoaded self, String operation) throws OtmException { // nothing to do } public boolean isLoaded() { return true; } public boolean isLoaded(PropertyBinder b) { return !rawData.containsKey(b); } public void setRawFieldData(PropertyBinder b, PropertyBinder.RawFieldData d) { if (d == null) rawData.remove(b); else rawData.put(b, d); } public PropertyBinder.RawFieldData getRawFieldData(PropertyBinder b) { return rawData.get(b); } public Session getSession() { return session; } public String getId() { return id; } public ClassMetadata getClassMetadata() { return cm; } }; } /* * inherited javadoc */ public Object loadInstance(Object instance, String id, TripleStore.Result result, Session session) throws OtmException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Instantiating object with '" + id + "' for " + cm + ", fwd-triples = " + result.getFValues() + ", rev-triples = " + result.getRValues()); if (instance == null) instance = newLazyLoadedInstance(session, id); if (cm.getIdField() != null) cm.getIdField().getBinder(EntityMode.POJO).set(instance, Collections.singletonList(id)); final Map<String, List<String>> fvalues = result.getFValues(); final Map<String, List<String>> rvalues = result.getRValues(); final SessionFactory sf = session.getSessionFactory(); LazyLoader lh = null; Map<String, List<String>> pmap = null; if (instance instanceof LazyLoaded) { LazyLoaded ll = (LazyLoaded) instance; lh = ll.getLazyLoader(ll); } // look for predicate-maps if (cm.getMapperByUri(sf, null, false, null) != null) pmap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(fvalues); for (RdfMapper m : cm.getRdfMappers()) { List<String> v = m.hasInverseUri() ? rvalues.get(m.getUri()) : fvalues.get(m.getUri()); if (v == null) v = Collections.emptyList(); if (!v.isEmpty()) { if ((pmap != null) && !m.hasInverseUri()) pmap.remove(m.getUri()); if (!m.hasInverseUri() && (m.getColType() != CollectionType.PREDICATE)) v = loadCollection(id, m, session); } PropertyBinder b = m.getBinder(EntityMode.POJO); if ((lh == null) || !m.isAssociation() || v.isEmpty()) b.load(instance, v, m, session); else { lh.setRawFieldData(b = getLocal(b), newRawFieldData((LazyLoaded) instance, v)); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Stashed away raw-data for " + b + " on '" + id); } } if (pmap != null) { for (RdfMapper m : cm.getRdfMappers()) { if (m.isPredicateMap()) m.getBinder(EntityMode.POJO).setRawValue(instance, pmap); } } return instance; } private PropertyBinder getLocal(PropertyBinder b) { if (b instanceof EmbeddedClassMemberFieldBinder) return getLocal(((EmbeddedClassMemberFieldBinder) b).getFieldBinder()); return b; } private RdfMapper getRootMapper(ClassMetadata cm, PropertyBinder b) throws OtmException { // quick check for the most common case Mapper m = cm.getMapperByName(b.getName()); if (m instanceof RdfMapper) return (RdfMapper) m; // now scan for match with localized in embedded for (RdfMapper rm : cm.getRdfMappers()) if (b.equals(getLocal(rm.getBinder(EntityMode.POJO)))) return rm; throw new OtmException("Cannot find binder " + b + " in " + cm); } private PropertyBinder.RawFieldData newRawFieldData(final LazyLoaded instance, final List<String> values) throws OtmException { return new PropertyBinder.RawFieldData() { public List<String> getValues() { return values; } public LazyLoaded getRootInstance() { return instance; } }; } private List<String> loadCollection(String id, RdfMapper m, Session session) throws OtmException { SessionFactory sf = session.getSessionFactory(); String p = m.getUri(); String graph = m.getGraph(); if (graph == null) graph = cm.getGraph(); String mUri = getGraphUri(graph, sf); List<String> vals; TripleStore store = sf.getTripleStore(); Connection con = session.getTripleStoreCon(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Loading rdf:list/bag for " + m + " on '" + id); // load from the triple-store if (m.getColType() == CollectionType.RDFLIST) vals = store.getRdfList(id, p, mUri, con); else vals = store.getRdfBag(id, p, mUri, con); return vals; } private String getGraphUri(String graphId, SessionFactory sf) throws OtmException { GraphConfig mc = sf.getGraph(graphId); if (mc == null) // Happens if using a Class but the graph was not added throw new OtmException("Unable to find graph '" + graphId + "'"); return mc.getUri().toString(); } /* * inherited javadoc */ public Object loadInstance(Object obj, String id, Results r, Session sess) throws OtmException { if (obj == null) obj = newInstance(); if ((id != null) && (cm.getIdField() != null)) cm.getIdField().getBinder(EntityMode.POJO).set(obj, Collections.singletonList(id)); // a proj-var may appear multiple times, so have to delay closing of subquery results Set<Results> sqr = new HashSet<Results>(); for (VarMapper m : cm.getVarMappers()) { int idx = r.findVariable(m.getProjectionVar()); Object val = getValue(r, idx, ((FieldBinder) m.getBinder(EntityMode.POJO)).getComponentType(), m.getFetchType() == FetchType.eager, sqr, sess); PropertyBinder b = m.getBinder(EntityMode.POJO); if (val instanceof List) b.set(obj, (List) val); else b.setRawValue(obj, val); } for (Results sr : sqr) sr.close(); return obj; } private Object getValue(Results r, int idx, Class<?> type, boolean eager, Set<Results> sqr, Session sess) throws OtmException { switch (r.getType(idx)) { case CLASS: return (type == String.class) ? r.getString(idx) : r.get(idx, eager); case LITERAL: return (type == String.class) ? r.getString(idx) : r.getLiteralAs(idx, type); case URI: return (type == String.class) ? r.getString(idx) : r.getURIAs(idx, type); case SUBQ_RESULTS: ClassMetadata scm = sess.getSessionFactory().getClassMetadata(type); boolean isSubView = (scm != null) && !scm.isView() && !scm.isPersistable(); List<Object> vals = new ArrayList<Object>(); Results sr = r.getSubQueryResults(idx); sr.setAutoClose(false); sr.beforeFirst(); while ( vals.add(isSubView ? scm.getEntityBinder(EntityMode.POJO).loadInstance(null, null, sr, sess) : getValue(sr, 0, type, eager, null, sess)); if (sqr != null) sqr.add(sr); else sr.close(); return vals; default: throw new Error("unknown type " + r.getType(idx) + " encountered"); } } /* * inherited javadoc */ public boolean isInstantiable() { return instantiable; } /* * inherited javadoc */ public boolean isInstance(Object o) { return clazz.isInstance(o); } /* * inherited javadoc */ public boolean isAssignableFrom(EntityBinder other) { return (other instanceof ClassBinder) && clazz.isAssignableFrom(((ClassBinder) other).clazz); } /** * Gets the java class that this binder binds to. * * @return the java class bound by this */ public Class<T> getSourceClass() { return clazz; } private static <T> Class<? extends T> createProxy(Class<T> clazz, final Method[] ignoreList) { MethodFilter mf = new MethodFilter() { public boolean isHandled(Method m) { if (m.getName().equals("finalize")) return false; for (Method ignore : ignoreList) if (m.equals(ignore)) return false; return true; } }; ProxyFactory f = new ProxyFactory(); f.setSuperclass(clazz); if (Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) f.setInterfaces(new Class[] { WriteReplace.class, LazyLoaded.class }); else f.setInterfaces(new Class[] { LazyLoaded.class }); f.setFilter(mf); Class<? extends T> c = f.createClass(); return c; } /* * inherited javadoc */ public String[] getNames() { return suppressAlias ? new String[] {} : new String[] { clazz.getName() }; } public static interface WriteReplace { public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException; } private class Handler implements MethodHandler { private final LazyLoader ll; public Handler(LazyLoader ll) { this.ll = ll; } public Object invoke(Object self, Method thisMethod, Method proceed, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if ("getLazyLoader".equals(thisMethod.getName()) && (args.length == 1) && (args[0] == self)) return ll; ll.ensureDataLoad((LazyLoaded) self, thisMethod.getName()); if ("writeReplace".equals(thisMethod.getName()) && (args.length == 0) && (self instanceof Serializable)) return getReplacement(self); PropertyBinder b = llInterceptors.get(thisMethod); if (b != null) { PropertyBinder.RawFieldData d = ll.getRawFieldData(b); if (d != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Retrieved stashed raw-data for " + b + " on '" + ll.getId()); ll.setRawFieldData(b, null); RdfMapper m = getRootMapper(ll.getClassMetadata(), b); b = m.getBinder(EntityMode.POJO); List<String> v = d.getValues(); b.load(d.getRootInstance(), v, m, ll.getSession()); ll.getSession().delayedLoadComplete(d.getRootInstance(), m); } } try { return proceed.invoke(self, args); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { log.warn("Caught ite while invoking '" + proceed + "' on '" + self + "'", ite); throw ite.getCause(); } } private Object getReplacement(Object o) throws Throwable { EntityMode em = ll.getSession().getEntityMode(); Object rep = cm.getEntityBinder(em).newInstance(); for (Mapper m : new Mapper[] { cm.getIdField(), cm.getBlobField() }) if (m != null) { PropertyBinder b = m.getBinder(em); b.setRawValue(rep, b.getRawValue(o, false)); } for (Mapper m : cm.getRdfMappers()) { PropertyBinder b = m.getBinder(em); b.setRawValue(rep, b.getRawValue(o, false)); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Serializable replacement created for " + o); return rep; } } }