Java tutorial
/* * Tomdroid * Tomboy on Android * * * Copyright 2009, Benoit Garret <> * * This file is part of Tomdroid. * * Tomdroid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Tomdroid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Tomdroid. If not, see <>. */ package org.tomdroid.sync.web; import; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.text.format.Time; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.tomdroid.Note; import org.tomdroid.NoteManager; import org.tomdroid.R; import org.tomdroid.sync.ServiceAuth; import org.tomdroid.sync.SyncService; import org.tomdroid.util.ErrorList; import org.tomdroid.util.Preferences; import org.tomdroid.util.TLog; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class SnowySyncService extends SyncService implements ServiceAuth { private static final String TAG = "SnowySyncService"; private String lastGUID; private long latestRemoteRevision = -1; private long latestLocalRevision = -1; public SnowySyncService(Activity activity, Handler handler) { super(activity, handler); } @Override public int getDescriptionAsId() { return R.string.prefTomboyWeb; } @Override public String getName() { return "tomboy-web"; } public boolean isConfigured() { OAuthConnection auth = getAuthConnection(); return auth.isAuthenticated(); } @Override public boolean needsServer() { return true; } @Override public boolean needsLocation() { return false; } @Override public boolean needsAuth() { OAuthConnection auth = getAuthConnection(); return !auth.isAuthenticated(); } public void getAuthUri(final String server, final Handler handler) { execInThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // Reset the authentication credentials OAuthConnection auth = new OAuthConnection(); Uri authUri = null; try { authUri = auth.getAuthorizationUrl(server); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { TLog.e(TAG, "Internet connection not available"); sendMessage(NO_INTERNET); } Message message = new Message(); message.obj = authUri; handler.sendMessage(message); } }); } public void remoteAuthComplete(final Uri uri, final Handler handler) { execInThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { // TODO: might be intelligent to show something like a // progress dialog // else the user might try to sync before the authorization // process // is complete OAuthConnection auth = getAuthConnection(); boolean result = auth.getAccess(uri.getQueryParameter("oauth_verifier")); if (result) { TLog.i(TAG, "The authorization process is complete."); handler.sendEmptyMessage(AUTH_COMPLETE); return; //sync(true); } else { TLog.e(TAG, "Something went wrong during the authorization process."); sendMessage(AUTH_FAILED); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { TLog.e(TAG, "Internet connection not available"); sendMessage(NO_INTERNET); } // We don't care what we send, just remove the dialog handler.sendEmptyMessage(0); } }); } @Override public boolean isSyncable() { return super.isSyncable() && isConfigured(); } @Override protected void getNotesForSync(final boolean push) { this.push = push; // start loading snowy notes setSyncProgress(0); this.lastGUID = null; TLog.v(TAG, "Loading Snowy notes"); final String userRef = Preferences.getString(Preferences.Key.SYNC_SERVER_USER_API); syncInThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { OAuthConnection auth = getAuthConnection(); latestRemoteRevision = (int) Preferences.getLong(Preferences.Key.LATEST_SYNC_REVISION); try { TLog.v(TAG, "contacting " + userRef); String rawResponse = auth.get(userRef); if (cancelled) { doCancel(); return; } if (rawResponse == null) { sendMessage(CONNECTING_FAILED); setSyncProgress(100); return; } setSyncProgress(30); try { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(rawResponse); // get notes list without content, to check for revision String notesUrl = response.getJSONObject("notes-ref").getString("api-ref"); rawResponse = auth.get(notesUrl); response = new JSONObject(rawResponse); latestLocalRevision = (Long) Preferences.getLong(Preferences.Key.LATEST_SYNC_REVISION); setSyncProgress(35); latestRemoteRevision = response.getLong("latest-sync-revision"); sendMessage(LATEST_REVISION, (int) latestRemoteRevision, 0); TLog.d(TAG, "old latest sync revision: {0}, remote latest sync revision: {1}", latestLocalRevision, latestRemoteRevision); Cursor newLocalNotes = NoteManager.getNewNotes(activity); if (latestRemoteRevision <= latestLocalRevision && newLocalNotes.getCount() == 0) { // same sync revision + no new local notes = no need to sync TLog.v(TAG, "old sync revision on server, cancelling"); finishSync(true); return; } // don't get notes if older revision - only pushing notes if (push && latestRemoteRevision <= latestLocalRevision) { TLog.v(TAG, "old sync revision on server, pushing new notes"); JSONArray notes = response.getJSONArray("notes"); List<String> notesList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < notes.length(); i++) notesList.add(notes.getJSONObject(i).optString("guid")); prepareSyncableNotes(newLocalNotes); setSyncProgress(50); return; } // get notes list with content to find changes TLog.v(TAG, "contacting " + notesUrl); sendMessage(SYNC_CONNECTED); rawResponse = auth.get(notesUrl + "?include_notes=true"); if (cancelled) { doCancel(); return; } response = new JSONObject(rawResponse); latestRemoteRevision = response.getLong("latest-sync-revision"); sendMessage(LATEST_REVISION, (int) latestRemoteRevision, 0); JSONArray notes = response.getJSONArray("notes"); setSyncProgress(50); TLog.v(TAG, "number of notes: {0}", notes.length()); ArrayList<Note> notesList = new ArrayList<Note>(); for (int i = 0; i < notes.length(); i++) notesList.add(new Note(notes.getJSONObject(i))); if (cancelled) { doCancel(); return; } // close cursor newLocalNotes.close(); prepareSyncableNotes(notesList); } catch (JSONException e) { TLog.e(TAG, e, "Problem parsing the server response"); sendMessage(PARSING_FAILED, ErrorList.createErrorWithContents("JSON parsing", "json", e, rawResponse)); setSyncProgress(100); return; } } catch ( e) { TLog.e(TAG, "Internet connection not available"); sendMessage(NO_INTERNET); setSyncProgress(100); return; } if (cancelled) { doCancel(); return; } if (isSyncable()) finishSync(true); } }); } public void finishSync(boolean refresh) { // delete leftover local notes NoteManager.purgeDeletedNotes(activity); Time now = new Time(); now.setToNow(); String nowString = now.format3339(false); Preferences.putString(Preferences.Key.LATEST_SYNC_DATE, nowString); Preferences.putLong(Preferences.Key.LATEST_SYNC_REVISION, latestRemoteRevision); setSyncProgress(100); if (refresh) sendMessage(PARSING_COMPLETE); } private OAuthConnection getAuthConnection() { // TODO: there needs to be a way to reset these values, otherwise cannot // change server! OAuthConnection auth = new OAuthConnection(); auth.accessToken = Preferences.getString(Preferences.Key.ACCESS_TOKEN); auth.accessTokenSecret = Preferences.getString(Preferences.Key.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET); auth.requestToken = Preferences.getString(Preferences.Key.REQUEST_TOKEN); auth.requestTokenSecret = Preferences.getString(Preferences.Key.REQUEST_TOKEN_SECRET); auth.oauth10a = Preferences.getBoolean(Preferences.Key.OAUTH_10A); auth.authorizeUrl = Preferences.getString(Preferences.Key.AUTHORIZE_URL); auth.accessTokenUrl = Preferences.getString(Preferences.Key.ACCESS_TOKEN_URL); auth.requestTokenUrl = Preferences.getString(Preferences.Key.REQUEST_TOKEN_URL); auth.rootApi = Preferences.getString(Preferences.Key.SYNC_SERVER_ROOT_API); auth.userApi = Preferences.getString(Preferences.Key.SYNC_SERVER_USER_API); return auth; } // push syncable notes @Override public void pushNotes(final ArrayList<Note> notes) { if (notes.size() == 0) return; if (cancelled) { doCancel(); return; } final String userRef = Preferences.getString(Preferences.Key.SYNC_SERVER_USER_API); final long newRevision = Preferences.getLong(Preferences.Key.LATEST_SYNC_REVISION) + 1; syncInThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { OAuthConnection auth = getAuthConnection(); try { TLog.v(TAG, "pushing {0} notes to remote service, sending rev #{1}", notes.size(), newRevision); String rawResponse = auth.get(userRef); if (cancelled) { doCancel(); return; } try { TLog.v(TAG, "creating JSON"); JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); data.put("latest-sync-revision", newRevision); JSONArray Jnotes = new JSONArray(); for (Note note : notes) { JSONObject Jnote = new JSONObject(); Jnote.put("guid", note.getGuid()); if (note.getTags().contains("system:deleted")) // deleted note Jnote.put("command", "delete"); else { // changed note Jnote.put("title", note.getTitle()); Jnote.put("note-content", note.getXmlContent()); Jnote.put("note-content-version", "0.1"); Jnote.put("last-change-date", note.toTomboyFormat(note.getLastChangeDate())); Jnote.put("create-date", note.toTomboyFormat(note.getCreateDate())); Jnote.put("last-metadata-change-date", note.toTomboyFormat(note.getLastChangeDate())); // TODO: is this different? } Jnotes.put(Jnote); } data.put("note-changes", Jnotes); JSONObject response = new JSONObject(rawResponse); if (cancelled) { doCancel(); return; } String notesUrl = response.getJSONObject("notes-ref").getString("api-ref"); TLog.v(TAG, "put url: {0}", notesUrl); if (cancelled) { doCancel(); return; } TLog.v(TAG, "pushing data to remote service: {0}", data.toString()); response = new JSONObject(auth.put(notesUrl, data.toString())); TLog.v(TAG, "put response: {0}", response.toString()); latestRemoteRevision = response.getLong("latest-sync-revision"); sendMessage(LATEST_REVISION, (int) latestRemoteRevision, 0); } catch (JSONException e) { TLog.e(TAG, e, "Problem parsing the server response"); sendMessage(NOTE_PUSH_ERROR, ErrorList.createErrorWithContents("JSON parsing", "json", e, rawResponse)); return; } } catch ( e) { TLog.e(TAG, "Internet connection not available"); sendMessage(NO_INTERNET); return; } // success, finish sync finishSync(true); } }); } @Override protected void pullNote(final String guid) { // start loading snowy notes TLog.v(TAG, "pulling remote note"); final String userRef = Preferences.getString(Preferences.Key.SYNC_SERVER_USER_API); syncInThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { OAuthConnection auth = getAuthConnection(); try { TLog.v(TAG, "contacting " + userRef); String rawResponse = auth.get(userRef); try { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(rawResponse); String notesUrl = response.getJSONObject("notes-ref").getString("api-ref"); TLog.v(TAG, "contacting " + notesUrl + guid); rawResponse = auth.get(notesUrl + guid + "?include_notes=true"); response = new JSONObject(rawResponse); JSONArray notes = response.getJSONArray("notes"); JSONObject jsonNote = notes.getJSONObject(0); TLog.v(TAG, "parsing remote note"); insertNote(new Note(jsonNote)); } catch (JSONException e) { TLog.e(TAG, e, "Problem parsing the server response"); sendMessage(NOTE_PULL_ERROR, ErrorList.createErrorWithContents("JSON parsing", "json", e, rawResponse)); return; } } catch ( e) { TLog.e(TAG, "Internet connection not available"); sendMessage(NO_INTERNET); return; } sendMessage(NOTE_PULLED); } }); } public void deleteAllNotes() { TLog.v(TAG, "Deleting Snowy notes"); final String userRef = Preferences.getString(Preferences.Key.SYNC_SERVER_USER_API); final long newRevision; if (latestLocalRevision > latestRemoteRevision) newRevision = latestLocalRevision + 1; else newRevision = latestRemoteRevision + 1; syncInThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { OAuthConnection auth = getAuthConnection(); try { TLog.v(TAG, "contacting " + userRef); String rawResponse = auth.get(userRef); if (rawResponse == null) { return; } try { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(rawResponse); String notesUrl = response.getJSONObject("notes-ref").getString("api-ref"); TLog.v(TAG, "contacting " + notesUrl); response = new JSONObject(auth.get(notesUrl)); JSONArray notes = response.getJSONArray("notes"); setSyncProgress(50); TLog.v(TAG, "number of notes: {0}", notes.length()); ArrayList<String> guidList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < notes.length(); i++) { JSONObject ajnote = notes.getJSONObject(i); guidList.add(ajnote.getString("guid")); } TLog.v(TAG, "creating JSON"); JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); data.put("latest-sync-revision", newRevision); JSONArray Jnotes = new JSONArray(); for (String guid : guidList) { JSONObject Jnote = new JSONObject(); Jnote.put("guid", guid); Jnote.put("command", "delete"); Jnotes.put(Jnote); } data.put("note-changes", Jnotes); response = new JSONObject(auth.put(notesUrl, data.toString())); TLog.v(TAG, "delete response: {0}", response.toString()); // reset latest sync date so we can push our notes again latestRemoteRevision = (int) response.getLong("latest-sync-revision"); Preferences.putLong(Preferences.Key.LATEST_SYNC_REVISION, latestRemoteRevision); Preferences.putString(Preferences.Key.LATEST_SYNC_DATE, new Time().format3339(false)); } catch (JSONException e) { TLog.e(TAG, e, "Problem parsing the server response"); sendMessage(PARSING_FAILED, ErrorList.createErrorWithContents("JSON parsing", "json", e, rawResponse)); setSyncProgress(100); return; } } catch ( e) { TLog.e(TAG, "Internet connection not available"); sendMessage(NO_INTERNET); setSyncProgress(100); return; } sendMessage(REMOTE_NOTES_DELETED); } }); } @Override public void backupNotes() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override protected void localSyncComplete() { Preferences.putLong(Preferences.Key.LATEST_SYNC_REVISION, latestRemoteRevision); } }