Java tutorial
/* * Created on Aug 26, 2004 * * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ package org.tolweb.dao; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.ReplicationMode; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateCallback; import org.tolweb.hibernate.FeatureGroup; import org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedNode; import org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage; import org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedTextSection; import org.tolweb.hibernate.TitleIllustration; import org.tolweb.misc.ContributorLicenseInfo; import org.tolweb.misc.ReorderHelper; import org.tolweb.treegrow.main.Contributor; import org.tolweb.treegrow.main.ImageVersion; import org.tolweb.treegrow.main.NodeImage; import org.tolweb.treegrow.main.StringUtils; import; public class PageDAOImpl extends AbstractPageContributorDAO implements PageDAO { private ImageDAO imgDAO; private EditHistoryDAO editHistoryDAO; private NodeDAO miscNodeDAO; private NodeDAO workingNodeDAO; private ReorderHelper reorderHelper; private static final int A_REALLY_HIGH_NUMBER = 100000000; // the page-id for Life on Earth will be always be 1 private static final Long LIFE_ON_EARTH = Long.valueOf(1); private static Comparator<Object[]> imageIdComparator; public MappedPage getPageWithId(Long id) { try { MappedPage pg = (MappedPage) getHibernateTemplate().load(MappedPage.class, id); //MappedPage pg = (MappedPage) getHibernateTemplate().find("from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.pageId=" + id).get(0); fillOutInMemoryValues(pg); return pg; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public List getPageIdsForContributor(Long id) { String queryString = "select pc.page_id from pc where pc.contributor_id=" + id; return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString); } public void addPageWithId(Long id, Long nodeId) { Session session = getSession(); try { Statement insertStatement = session.connection().createStatement(); // Temporarily set the node to life -- just for the insert so Hibernate doesn't complain //String sqlString = "insert into PAGES (page_id,node_id) values (" + id + "," + nodeId + ")"; String sqlString = "insert into PAGES (page_id,node_id) values (" + id + ",1)"; int numInserted = insertStatement.executeUpdate(sqlString); System.out.println("just inserted page! : " + sqlString + " how many rows affected? " + numInserted); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void addTextSectionWithId(Long id) { Session session = getSession(); try { String insertSectionSql = "insert into SECTIONS (section_id) values(" + id + ")"; Statement insertStatement = session.connection().createStatement(); insertStatement.executeUpdate(insertSectionSql); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean getNodeHasPage(MappedNode nd) { return (nd != null) ? getNodeHasPage(nd.getNodeId()) : false; } public boolean getNodeHasPage(Long nodeId) { List list = getHibernateTemplate() .find("select count(*) from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.mappedNode.nodeId=" + nodeId); if (list == null || list.size() == 0) { return false; } else { Integer intgr = (Integer) list.get(0); if (intgr.intValue() > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } } public Collection getNodeIdsWithPages(Collection nodeIds) { Query query = getSession().createQuery( "select p.mappedNode.nodeId from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.mappedNode.nodeId " + StringUtils.returnSqlCollectionString(nodeIds)); query.setCacheable(true); List list = query.list(); return list; } public MappedPage getPageNodeIsOn(MappedNode nd) { MappedPage pg = (MappedPage) getPageNodeIsOn(nd, false); fillOutInMemoryValues(pg); return pg; } public Long getPageIdNodeIsOn(MappedNode nd) { return (Long) getPageNodeIsOn(nd, true); } public Long getPageIdNodeIdIsOn(Long nodeId) { return (Long) ((List) getHibernateTemplate() .find("select n.pageId from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedNode n where n.nodeId=" + nodeId)).get(0); } public String getGroupNameForPage(Long pgId) { List list = getHibernateTemplate() .find("select p.groupName from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.pageId=" + pgId); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { return (String) list.get(0); } else { return ""; } } public Object[] getGroupNameAndNodeIdForPage(Long pgId) { return (Object[]) getFirstObjectFromQuery( "select p.groupName, p.mappedNode.nodeId from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.pageId=" + pgId); } private Object getPageNodeIsOn(MappedNode nd, boolean onlyId) { String idString = onlyId ? "select p.pageId " : ""; List list = getHibernateTemplate() .find(idString + "from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.pageId=" + nd.getPageId()); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { return list.get(0); } else { return null; } } public MappedNode getNodeForPageNodeIsOn(MappedNode nd) { Long id = nd.getPageId(); List list; try { Session session = getSession(); Query pageQuery = session.createQuery( "select n from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedNode n, org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.pageId=" + id + " and n.nodeId=p.mappedNode.nodeId"); pageQuery.setCacheable(true); list = pageQuery.list(); } catch (Exception e) { list = new ArrayList(); e.printStackTrace(); } if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { return (MappedNode) list.get(0); } else { return null; } } public MappedPage getPageForNode(MappedNode nd) { MappedPage pg = (MappedPage) getPageForNode(nd, false); if (pg != null) { fillOutInMemoryValues(pg); } return pg; } public Long getPageIdForNode(MappedNode nd) { return (Long) getPageForNode(nd, true); } public Long getPageIdForNodeId(Long nodeId) { return (Long) getPageForNode(nodeId, true); } /** * Method that checks to see if this node has a page. If it does, * return that page, else return the page that this node sits on. * @param nd * @return */ public MappedPage getPage(MappedNode nd) { if (getNodeHasPage(nd)) { return getPageForNode(nd); } else { return getPageNodeIsOn(nd); } } public Long getPageId(Long nodeId) { if (getNodeHasPage(nodeId)) { return getPageIdForNodeId(nodeId); } else { return getPageIdNodeIdIsOn(nodeId); } } public Long getRootNodeIdOnPage(Long nodeId) { if (getNodeHasPage(nodeId)) { return nodeId; } else { Long pageId = getPageId(nodeId); return getNodeIdForPage(pageId); } } public Long getNodeIdForPage(Long pgId) { List results = getHibernateTemplate() .find("select p.mappedNode.nodeId from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.pageId=" + pgId); if (results != null && results.size() > 0) { return (Long) results.get(0); } else { return null; } } private Object getPageForNode(MappedNode nd, boolean onlyId) { return getPageForNode(nd.getNodeId(), onlyId); } protected Object getPageForNode(Long nodeId, boolean onlyId) { String idString = onlyId ? "select p.pageId " : ""; List list; try { Session session = getSession(); Query pageQuery = session.createQuery( idString + "from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.mappedNode.nodeId=" + nodeId); pageQuery.setCacheable(!getIsWorking()); list = pageQuery.list(); } catch (Exception e) { list = new ArrayList(); e.printStackTrace(); } if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { return list.get(0); } else { return null; } } public List getChildPageNamesAndIds(Long pgId) { return getChildPages(pgId, true); } public List getChildPages(MappedPage pg) { return getChildPages(pg.getPageId(), false); } protected List getChildPages(Long pgId, boolean onlyNamesIds) { String selectString = onlyNamesIds ? "select p.groupName, p.pageId, p.mappedNode.nodeId " : "select p "; List list = getHibernateTemplate().find(selectString + "from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.mappedNode as node where p.parentPageId=" + pgId + " order by node.orderOnPage"); if (!onlyNamesIds) { // If we are returning the actual page objects, fill out the contributor info fillOutInMemoryValuesForAll(list); } return list; } public List getAncestorPageNames(Long pgId) { // if we are not given a valid page-id to query with, then simply give them null if (pgId == null) { return null; // YES, LET THEM EAT NULL!!! } List ancestors = getHibernateTemplate() .find("select a.ancestorId from org.tolweb.hibernate.PageAncestor a where a.pageId=" + pgId + " and a.ancestorId !=" + pgId); ResultSet results; try { if (!ancestors.isEmpty()) { Session session = getSession(); Statement selectStatement = session.connection().createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); String sqlString = "select distinct mappedpage0_.cladename as x0_0_, mappedpage1_.cladename as x1_0_, mappedpage0_.node_id as x3_0_, " + "count(pageancest2_.page_id) as x2_0_ from PAGES mappedpage0_, PAGES mappedpage1_, PAGEANCESTORS pageancest2_ where " + "(pageancest2_.page_id in(" + StringUtils.returnCommaJoinedString(ancestors) + "))and" + "(mappedpage0_.page_id=pageancest2_.page_id )and(mappedpage0_.parent_page_id=mappedpage1_.page_id ) " + "group by mappedpage0_.cladename, mappedpage1_.cladename order by x2_0_ desc"; results = selectStatement.executeQuery(sqlString); ancestors = new ArrayList(); while ( { ancestors.add(new Object[] { results.getString(1), results.getString(2).replace(' ', '_'), Long.valueOf(results.getLong(3)) }); } } else { if (!LIFE_ON_EARTH.equals(pgId)) { System.out.println("INFO: [PageDAOImpl::getAncestorPageNames(Long)] >> page-id " + pgId + " does not have ancestors. The query for them returns empty list. "); } } // Special case of life since its parent is null ancestors.add(new Object[] { "Life on Earth", "", Long.valueOf(1L) }); return ancestors; } catch (Exception e) { try { throw new Exception("page id missing ancestors is: " + pgId, e); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } public List getNodeIdsOnPage(MappedPage page) { return getNodeIdsOnPage(page, false); } public List getNodeIdsOnPage(MappedPage page, boolean onlyWithoutPages) { if (onlyWithoutPages) { // need to actually fetch the nodes to figure out which ones List nodes = getNodesOnPage(page, false, false, false); ArrayList<MappedNode> iteratedNodes = new ArrayList<MappedNode>(nodes); List<Long> nodeIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (MappedNode node : iteratedNodes) { if (!getNodeHasPage(node.getNodeId())) { nodeIds.add(node.getNodeId()); } } return nodeIds; } else { return getNodesOnPage(page, false, true, false); } } public List getNodeIdsOnPage(Long pgId) { return getNodesOnPage(pgId, false, true, false, null); } public List getNodeIdsOnPageWithIncompleteSubgroups(Long pgId) { return getNodesOnPage(pgId, false, true, false, "node.hasIncompleteSubgroups=1"); } public List getNodesOnPage(MappedPage page) { return getNodesOnPage(page, false, false, false); } public List getNodesOnPage(MappedPage page, boolean onlyNamed) { return getNodesOnPage(page, onlyNamed, false, false); } public List getOrderedByParentNodesOnPage(MappedPage page, boolean fetchHasPage) { List nodes = getNodesOnPage(page, false, false, true); // if looking for tuning, make this a batch fetch query for (Iterator iter = nodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { MappedNode nextNode = (MappedNode); nextNode.setHasPage(getNodeHasPage(nextNode.getNodeId())); } return nodes; } public List getNodesOnPage(MappedPage page, boolean onlyNamed, boolean onlyIds, boolean orderByOrderOnParent) { return getNodesOnPage(page.getPageId(), onlyNamed, onlyIds, orderByOrderOnParent, null); } public List getNodesOnPage(Long pageId, boolean onlyNamed, boolean onlyIds, boolean orderByOrderOnParent, String additionalQuery) { String selectPrefix = ""; if (onlyIds) { selectPrefix = "select node.nodeId "; } String selectString = selectPrefix + "from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedNode node where node.pageId=" + pageId; if (onlyNamed) { // in this case the onlyNamed is because we are fetching for otherNames editing purposes // on working, so go ahead and order by their vertical order on the page selectString += " and != '' order by node.orderOnPage"; } else if (orderByOrderOnParent) { selectString += " order by node.orderOnParent"; } else if (StringUtils.notEmpty(additionalQuery)) { selectString += " and " + additionalQuery; } return getHibernateTemplate().find(selectString); } public int getNumPicsForImageGallery(MappedPage page) { List<Long> versionIds = getTillusVersionIds(); return getImageDAO().getNumGalleryTitleIllustrationsForNode(page.getMappedNode(), versionIds); } public List<Object[]> getPicsForImageGallery(MappedPage page, int numImages, int startIndex) { // this query returns the image and the version id. need to find // the page name and node id that this version is a title illustration on List<Object[]> results = getImageDAO().getGalleryTitleIllustrationsForNode(page.getMappedNode(), getTillusVersionIds(), startIndex); Hashtable<Long, NodeImage> versionIdToImage = new Hashtable<Long, NodeImage>(); List<Long> versionIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Object[] objects : results) { // associate the version id with the image so we can do a lookup later versionIdToImage.put((Long) objects[1], (NodeImage) objects[0]); versionIds.add((Long) objects[1]); } List<Object[]> pageInfoRows = getVersionIdsAndPageInfoFromVersionIds(versionIds); List<Object[]> returnList = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (Object[] objects : pageInfoRows) { // first object is the version id so use that to do a lookup NodeImage image = versionIdToImage.get(objects[0]); String groupName = (String) objects[1]; Long nodeId = (Long) objects[2]; returnList.add(new Object[] { image, groupName, nodeId }); } Collections.sort(returnList, getImageIdComparator()); return returnList; } private static Comparator<Object[]> getImageIdComparator() { if (imageIdComparator == null) { imageIdComparator = new Comparator<Object[]>() { public int compare(Object[] o1, Object[] o2) { NodeImage img1 = (NodeImage) o1[0]; NodeImage img2 = (NodeImage) o2[0]; return ((Integer) img1.getId()).compareTo(img2.getId()); } }; } return imageIdComparator; } private List<Object[]> getVersionIdsAndPageInfoFromVersionIds(List<Long> versionIds) { String queryString = getTillusPageInfoQueryStringPrefix(false); queryString += " t.versionId " + StringUtils.returnSqlCollectionString(versionIds); return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString); } public List<Long> getTillusVersionIds() { String queryString = "select t.versionId from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.titleIllustrations as t"; Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString); query.setCacheable(true); return query.list(); } public List<Object[]> getRandomPicsForImageGallery(MappedPage page, int numImages) { Hashtable<Number, Object[]> versionIdsToPageInfo = getVersionIdsAndPageInfo(page, true, numImages, true); Hashtable<Number, NodeImage> images = getImageDAO().getImagesFromVersionIds(versionIdsToPageInfo.keySet()); List<Object[]> returnList = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (Number versionId : versionIdsToPageInfo.keySet()) { Object[] pageInfo = versionIdsToPageInfo.get(versionId); returnList.add(new Object[] { images.get(versionId), pageInfo[0], pageInfo[1] }); } return returnList; } private String getTillusPageInfoQueryStringPrefix(boolean includeAncestor) { String queryString = "select t.versionId, p.groupName, p.mappedNode.nodeId from "; if (includeAncestor) { queryString += "org.tolweb.hibernate.PageAncestor a, "; } queryString += "org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.titleIllustrations as t where "; return queryString; } private Hashtable<Number, Object[]> getVersionIdsAndPageInfo(MappedPage page, boolean includeCurrentPage, int maxResults, boolean isRandom) { String selectString = getTillusPageInfoQueryStringPrefix(true); selectString += "a.ancestorId=" + page.getPageId() + " and p.pageId=a.pageId "; if (!includeCurrentPage) { selectString += " and p.pageId!=" + page.getPageId(); } if (isRandom) { selectString += "order by rand()"; } Query query = getSession().createQuery(selectString); query.setMaxResults(maxResults); List<Object[]> results = query.list(); Hashtable<Number, Object[]> versionIdsToPageInfo = new Hashtable<Number, Object[]>(); //System.out.println("results are: " + results); for (Object[] nextArr : results) { // Construct the hashtable that takes a version id and associates it with a page group name // so that when we fetch the img location we have the group name Object[] groupAndNodeId = new Object[2]; groupAndNodeId[0] = nextArr[1]; groupAndNodeId[1] = nextArr[2]; versionIdsToPageInfo.put((Long) nextArr[0], groupAndNodeId); } return versionIdsToPageInfo; } /** * Returns a list of object arrays with the first element being the img loc, the * 2nd element being the group name of the page to link to and the 3rd element * being the node id of the page to link to */ public List getRandomPicsForPage(MappedPage page, boolean includeCurrentPage) { Hashtable<Number, Object[]> versionIdsToGroupNames = getVersionIdsAndPageInfo(page, includeCurrentPage, 6, true); ArrayList<Object[]> returnList = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); if (versionIdsToGroupNames.size() > 0) { List imgLocs = getImageDAO() .getVersionLocationsAndIdsForVersionsWithIds(versionIdsToGroupNames.keySet()); Iterator it2 = imgLocs.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Object[] nextPair = (Object[]); Object[] toAdd = new Object[3]; // set the first object to be the image location toAdd[0] = nextPair[0]; Number nextPairOne = (Number) nextPair[1]; Object[] groupAndNodeId = (Object[]) versionIdsToGroupNames.get(nextPairOne); // set the second object to be the group name toAdd[1] = groupAndNodeId[0]; // and the third to be the node id toAdd[2] = groupAndNodeId[1]; returnList.add(toAdd); } } return returnList; } public List getRandomPicsForPage(MappedPage page) { return getRandomPicsForPage(page, true); } public void fillOutInMemoryValues(MappedPage page) { fillOutPageContributorsData(page.getContributors()); Iterator it = page.getTitleIllustrations().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { TitleIllustration nextIllustration = (TitleIllustration); ImageVersion version = getImageDAO().getImageVersionWithId(nextIllustration.getVersionId()); // if (version == null) { // System.out.println("DEBUG INFO : " + // (getIsWorking() ? "(Working DAO)" : "") + // "null image version is: !!!!!!!!!" + // nextIllustration.getVersionId().intValue()); // } nextIllustration.setVersion(version); } } public void fillOutInMemoryValuesForAll(Collection pgs) { Iterator it = pgs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { MappedPage page = (MappedPage); fillOutInMemoryValues(page); } } public void setImageDAO(ImageDAO value) { imgDAO = value; } public ImageDAO getImageDAO() { return imgDAO; } public void clearCacheForPage(MappedPage page) { try { SessionFactory factory = getSessionFactory(); Long id = page.getPageId(); System.out.println("\n\n\nevicting page with id: " + id + "\n\n\n"); factory.evict(MappedPage.class, id); factory.evictCollection("org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage.contributors", id); for (Iterator iter = page.getTitleIllustrations().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TitleIllustration illus = (TitleIllustration); factory.evict(TitleIllustration.class, illus.getId()); } factory.evictCollection("org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage.textSections", id); factory.evictCollection("org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage.titleIllustrations", id); factory.evictQueries(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.tolweb.dao.PageDAO#savePage(org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage) */ public void savePage(MappedPage pg) { getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(pg); } public void addPage(MappedPage pg, Contributor contr) { createInitialHistory(contr, pg); // make sure it has the initial text sections and a valid copyright date checkForNecessarySections(pg); // set the copyright year to this year pg.setCopyrightDate(new GregorianCalendar().get(Calendar.YEAR) + ""); // we've just added a page, so it's "authorless" and the license should // be set to the ToL default for pages (ContributorLicenseInfo.LICENSE_DEFAULT) pg.setUsePermission(ContributorLicenseInfo.LICENSE_DEFAULT); savePage(pg); } public MappedPage addPageForNode(MappedNode node, Contributor contributor, boolean writeAsList) { // check to make sure that a page doesn't already exist! Long pageId = getPageIdForNode(node); if (pageId != null) { return getPageForNode(node); } MappedPage newPage = new MappedPage(); newPage.setMappedNode(node); newPage.setWriteAsList(writeAsList); MappedPage parentPage = getPageNodeIsOn(node); newPage.setParentPageId(parentPage.getPageId()); addPage(newPage, contributor); // set the ancestors for this new page try { Set parentPageAncestors = getAncestorPageIds(parentPage.getPageId()); parentPageAncestors.add(newPage.getPageId()); resetAncestorsForPage(newPage.getPageId(), parentPageAncestors); // need to check anyone who had parent page as an ancestor // and insert the new page as an ancestor //insertNewAncestorForPages(parentPage, newPage); // get all of the nodes on the other page and check whether they are a // descendant of the new page node. if they are, set their pageId // to be the newly created page List nodes = getNodesOnPage(parentPage, false); Long newPageId = newPage.getPageId(); for (Iterator iter = nodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { MappedNode nextNode = (MappedNode); if (!nextNode.getNodeId().equals(node.getNodeId()) && getMiscNodeDAO().getNodeIsAncestor(nextNode.getNodeId(), node.getNodeId())) { nextNode.setPageId(newPageId); getWorkingNodeDAO().saveNode(nextNode); pageId = getPageIdForNode(nextNode); if (pageId != null) { updateParentPageIdForPage(pageId, newPageId); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return newPage; } public MappedPage addPageForNode(MappedNode node, Contributor contributor) { return addPageForNode(node, contributor, false); } /*private void checkIncompleteSubgroupsStatusForPage(MappedPage page) { boolean hasIncompleteSubgroups = page.getMappedNode().getHasIncompleteSubgroups(); if (!hasIncompleteSubgroups) { List incompleteSubgroupNodes = getIncompleteSubgroupsNodesOnPage(page); for (Iterator iter = incompleteSubgroupNodes.iterator(); iter .hasNext();) { MappedNode nextNode = (MappedNode); if (nextNode.getHasIncompleteSubgroups()) { // check to see if it has a page. if it does, ignore it // because it is the root of a page and the incomplete // subgroups flag affects that page not the one it's on if (!getNodeHasPage(nextNode)) { hasIncompleteSubgroups = true; break; } } } } updateHasIncompleteSubgroupsForPage(page.getPageId(), hasIncompleteSubgroups); }*/ public void addNewAncestorsForPages(List descendantPageIds, Set pageAncestorIds) { String baseInsertString = "insert into PAGEANCESTORS (page_id, ancestor_id) values "; String valuesString = StringUtils.buildAncestorSqlString(descendantPageIds, pageAncestorIds); executeRawSQLUpdate(baseInsertString + valuesString); } public List getDescendantPageIds(Collection pageIds) { return getHibernateTemplate() .find("select distinct pa.pageId from org.tolweb.hibernate.PageAncestor pa where pa.ancestorId " + StringUtils.returnSqlCollectionString(pageIds)); } public List getDescendantPageIds(Long pageId) { return getDescendantPageIds(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { pageId })); } /** * Returns a list of object arrays that contain: * (1) cladename * (2) page status * (3) author ids * (4) last revision date * (5) initial publication date * (6) num title illustrations * @param rootPageId * @return */ public List<Object[]> getDescendantPageInfo(Long rootPageId) { String queryString = "select p.groupName, p.status, elements(c), p.contentChangedDate, p.firstOnlineDate, elements(ti) from " + "org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.ancestors as an left join p.contributors as c join p.textSections as t " + "left join p.titleIllustrations as ti where an.pageId=" + rootPageId + " and t.text is not null and t.text!='' group by p.groupName"; return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString); } public List<MappedPage> getDescendantPagesWithInfo(Long rootPageId) { String queryString = "select distinct p from " + "org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.ancestors as an join p.textSections as t " + "where an.pageId=" + rootPageId + " and t.text is not null and t.text!='' and t.heading!='References'"; List pages = getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString); fillOutInMemoryValuesForAll(pages); return pages; } public void deleteAncestorPagesNotInBranch(Collection pageIds) { String sqlInString = StringUtils.returnSqlCollectionString(pageIds); executeUpdateQuery("delete from org.tolweb.hibernate.PageAncestor where pageId " + sqlInString + " and ancestorId not " + sqlInString); } public void insertNewAncestorForPages(MappedPage parentPage, MappedPage newPage) { insertNewAncestorForPages(parentPage.getPageId(), newPage.getPageId()); } public void insertNewAncestorForPages(Long parentPageId, Long pageId) { Set pagesToIgnore = new HashSet(); pagesToIgnore.add(parentPageId); pagesToIgnore.addAll(getChildrenPageIds(parentPageId)); String selectString = "select page_id from PAGEANCESTORS where ancestor_id=" + parentPageId + " and page_id not " + StringUtils.returnSqlCollectionString(pagesToIgnore); Set pageIdsWithOldPageAsAncestor = executeRawSQLSelectForLongs(selectString); if (pageIdsWithOldPageAsAncestor.size() > 0) { String insertString = "insert into PAGEANCESTORS (page_id, ancestor_id) values "; for (Iterator iter = pageIdsWithOldPageAsAncestor.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Long nextPageId = (Long); insertString += " (" + nextPageId + "," + pageId + ")"; if (iter.hasNext()) { insertString += ","; } } executeRawSQLUpdate(insertString); } else { try { throw new RuntimeException("page with no ancestors is: " + parentPageId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Returns a list of page ids that are the children of this page * @param pageId * @return */ private List getChildrenPageIds(Long pageId) { return getHibernateTemplate() .find("select p.pageId from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.parentPageId=" + pageId); } /** * Checks to make sure there is 1 section for each immutable text * section. If there isn't, then a text section is added with the * missing immutable section. */ private void checkForNecessarySections(MappedPage pg) { MappedTextSection discussion;//, references, information; createAndAddSectionIfAbsent(pg, TextSection.INTRODUCTION); createAndAddSectionIfAbsent(pg, TextSection.CHARACTERISTICS); if (!pg.getMappedNode().getIsLeaf()) { discussion = checkForSectionNamed(pg, TextSection.DISCUSSION); if (discussion == null) { createAndAddSectionIfAbsent(pg, TextSection.DISCUSSION); } } } private MappedTextSection createAndAddSectionIfAbsent(MappedPage page, String name) { MappedTextSection result = checkForSectionNamed(page, name); if (result == null) { result = new MappedTextSection(); result.setHeading(name); result.setText(""); getReorderHelper().addToSet(page.getTextSections(), result); } return result; } public MappedTextSection checkForSectionNamed(MappedPage page, String name) { Iterator it = page.getTextSections().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { MappedTextSection next = (MappedTextSection); if (next.getHeading().equals(name)) { return next; } } return null; } public void deletePage(MappedPage pg) { Long editHistoryId = pg.getEditHistoryId(); getEditHistoryDAO().deleteHistoryWithId(editHistoryId); // Also need to delete the page ancestors for the page and all ancestor references to it executeUpdateQuery("delete from org.tolweb.hibernate.PageAncestor where pageId=" + pg.getPageId() + " or ancestorId=" + pg.getPageId()); getHibernateTemplate().delete(pg); } public void deletePageAndReassignNodes(MappedPage pg) { Long parentPageId = pg.getParentPageId(); List nodesOnPage = getNodesOnPage(pg); for (Iterator iter = nodesOnPage.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { MappedNode nextNode = (MappedNode); nextNode.setPageId(parentPageId); getWorkingNodeDAO().saveNode(nextNode); } deletePage(pg); // update the incomplete subgroups status for the page as nodes likely changed // pages //checkIncompleteSubgroupsStatusForPage(getPageWithId(parentPageId)); } public Set getAncestorPageIds(Long pageId) { Set ancestors = executeRawSQLSelectForLongs( "select ancestor_id from PAGEANCESTORS where page_id=" + pageId); return ancestors; } public void resetAncestorsForPage(Long pageId, Collection ancestors) { Session session = null; try { session = getSession(); Statement deleteStatement = session.connection().createStatement(); String deleteString = "delete from PAGEANCESTORS where page_id=" + pageId; deleteStatement.executeUpdate(deleteString); String insertString = "insert into PAGEANCESTORS (page_id,ancestor_id) values "; Statement insertStatement = session.connection().createStatement(); String valuesList = ""; for (Iterator iter = ancestors.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Long nextAncestorId = (Long); if (getPageExistsWithId(nextAncestorId)) { valuesList += "(" + pageId + "," + nextAncestorId + ")"; if (iter.hasNext()) { valuesList += ","; } } } String sql = insertString + valuesList; insertStatement.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.tolweb.dao.PageDAO#getPageExistsWithId(java.lang.Long) */ public boolean getPageExistsWithId(Long id) { List results = getHibernateTemplate() .find("select count(*) from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.pageId=" + id); if (results != null) { Integer count = (Integer) results.get(0); return count.intValue() == 1; } else { return false; } } public boolean getTextSectionExistsWithId(Long id) { List results = getHibernateTemplate() .find("select count(*) from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedTextSection s where s.textSectionId=" + id); if (results != null) { Integer count = (Integer) results.get(0); return count.intValue() == 1; } else { return false; } } public int getTitleIllustrationBranchDefaultHeight(MappedPage page) { try { Set pageIds = getAncestorPageIds(page.getPageId()); String sqlString = "select P.page_id, P.tillus_branch_default from PAGES P where P.tillus_branch_default is not NULL and P.page_id in (" + StringUtils.returnCommaJoinedString(pageIds) + ")"; Session session = getSession(); Statement selectStatement = session.connection().createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); ResultSet results = selectStatement.executeQuery(sqlString); System.out.println("branch default query was: " + sqlString); Hashtable pageIdToBranchDefault = new Hashtable(); while ( { pageIdToBranchDefault.put(Integer.valueOf(results.getInt(1)), Integer.valueOf(results.getInt(2))); } if (pageIdToBranchDefault.size() > 0) { // Get them in descending order since the page id that has the most ancestors is the closest branch default sqlString = "SELECT page_id, count(ancestor_id) C FROM PAGEANCESTORS where page_id in (" + StringUtils.returnCommaJoinedString(pageIdToBranchDefault.keySet()) + ") group by page_id order by C desc"; results = selectStatement.executeQuery(sqlString); if ( { int pageId = results.getInt(1); return ((Integer) pageIdToBranchDefault.get(Integer.valueOf(pageId))).intValue(); } } return 0; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 0; } } public List getTitleIllustrationsPointingAtVersion(Long versionId) { ArrayList singleList = new ArrayList(); singleList.add(versionId); return getTitleIllustrationsPointingAtVersionIds(singleList); } public List getTitleIllustrationsPointingAtVersionIds(Collection versionIds) { return getHibernateTemplate().find("from org.tolweb.hibernate.TitleIllustration t where t.versionId in (" + StringUtils.returnCommaJoinedString(versionIds) + ")"); } public void deleteTitleIllustrationsPointingAtVersionIds(List versionIds) { List illsToDelete = getTitleIllustrationsPointingAtVersionIds(versionIds); getHibernateTemplate().deleteAll(illsToDelete); } public void saveTitleIllustration(TitleIllustration ill) { getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(ill); } public void setFirstOnlineDateForPageWithId(Long pageId, Date date) { try { Statement updateStatement = getSession().connection().createStatement(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat; dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String dateString = dateFormat.format(date); String sql = "update PAGES set page_firstonline='" + dateString + "' where page_id=" + pageId; System.out.println("sql string is: " + sql); updateStatement.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (DataAccessResourceFailureException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HibernateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public String getPageTypeForPageWithId(int id) { List results = getHibernateTemplate().find( "select n.isLeaf from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.mappedNode as n where" + id); if (results.size() > 0) { Boolean isLeaf = (Boolean) results.get(0); if (isLeaf.booleanValue()) { return "Leaf"; } else { return "Branch"; } } else { return ""; } } public int getNumAncestorsForPage(Long pgId) { List results = getHibernateTemplate() .find("select count(*) from org.tolweb.hibernate.PageAncestor a where a.pageId=" + pgId); if (results.size() > 0) { int returnValue = ((Number) results.get(0)).intValue(); if (returnValue == 0) { returnValue = A_REALLY_HIGH_NUMBER; } return returnValue; } else { // this is a really high number. if we can't find any ancestors it's // got to show up at the end of a list (since this method is currently only used for sorting) return A_REALLY_HIGH_NUMBER; } } public Long getParentPageIdForPage(Long pgId) { List results = getHibernateTemplate() .find("select p.parentPageId from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.pageId=" + pgId); if (results.size() > 0) { return (Long) results.get(0); } else { return Long.valueOf(0); } } public List<Object[]> getNodeIdsAndEditHistoryIds() { String queryString = "select n.nodeId, p.editHistoryId from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.mappedNode as n"; return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString); } public List getEditHistoryIdsForPageIds(Collection pageIds) { return getHibernateTemplate() .find("select p.editHistoryId from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.pageId " + StringUtils.returnSqlCollectionString(pageIds)); } public int getNumPagesWithIds(Collection ids) { String idsString = "(" + StringUtils.returnCommaJoinedString(ids) + ")"; List results = getHibernateTemplate() .find("select count(*) from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p where p.pageId in " + idsString); if (results != null && results.size() > 0) { return ((Number) results.get(0)).intValue(); } else { return -1; } } public void copyPageToDB(MappedPage page) { getSession().replicate(page, ReplicationMode.OVERWRITE); } public MappedTextSection getTextSectionWithId(Long id) { return (MappedTextSection) getHibernateTemplate().load(MappedTextSection.class, id); } public void saveTextSection(MappedTextSection value) { getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(value); } public void deleteTextSection(MappedTextSection value) { getHibernateTemplate().delete(value); } public void updateHasIncompleteSubgroupsForPage(Long pageId, boolean value) { executeUpdateQuery("update org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage set hasIncompleteSubgroups=" + value + " where pageId=" + pageId); } public boolean getPageLeadsToCompletePage(Long pageId) { String queryString = "select count(*) from PAGES p, PAGEANCESTORS pa where pa.ancestor_id=" + pageId + " and p.page_id=pa.page_id and " + "(p.status='Complete' or p.status='Peer Reviewed' or p.status='ToL Reviewed')"; Set results = executeRawSQLSelectForLongs(queryString); return results != null && results.size() > 0 && ((Number) results.iterator().next()).intValue() > 0; } public List getGroupNamesContributorOwns(Contributor contr) { String queryString = "select p.groupName from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.contributors as contributor where contributor.contributorId=" + contr.getId() + " and p.groupName is not null order by p.groupName"; return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString); } public List getPagesForContributor(Contributor contr) { return getPagesForContributor(contr.getId()); } public List getPagesForContributor(int contrId) { String queryString = "select p from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.contributors as contributor " + "where contributor.contributorId=" + contrId; return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString); } /** * Returns the max order on page of all the nodes that live on this page * @param pageId * @return */ public int getMaxOrderOnPage(Long pageId) { Number maxOrderOnPage = (Number) getFirstObjectFromQuery( "select max(n.orderOnPage) from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.mappedNode as n where" + pageId); return maxOrderOnPage.intValue(); } public void updateParentPageIdForPage(Long pageId, Long newParentPageId) { executeUpdateQuery("update org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage set parentPageId=" + newParentPageId + " where pageId=" + pageId); } public void updateContentChangedDateForPage(Long pageId, Date lastEditedDate) { Hashtable<String, Object> args = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); args.put("date", lastEditedDate); executeUpdateQuery( "update org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage set contentChangedDate=:date where pageId=" + pageId, args); } public Collection getPageContributorIds() { String queryString = "select distinct(contributor.contributorId) from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.contributors as contributor"; return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString); } public int getNumPagesForContributor(int contributorId) { String queryString = "select count(*) from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.contributors as contributor where contributor.contributorId=" + contributorId; return ((Integer) getFirstObjectFromQuery(queryString)).intValue(); } public List<Object[]> getPageIdsAndNodeIdsForPages(Collection ancestorIds) { return getHibernateTemplate().find( "select, n.nodeId from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.mappedNode as n where " + StringUtils.returnSqlCollectionString(ancestorIds)); } public List<Long> getPageIdsForNodeIds(Collection ancestorIds) { if (ancestorIds == null || ancestorIds.isEmpty()) { return new ArrayList<Long>(); } return getHibernateTemplate() .find("select from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage p join p.mappedNode as n where n.nodeId " + StringUtils.returnSqlCollectionString(ancestorIds)); } public List<Object[]> getContributorsDatesAndPagesRecentlyChanged(Long pageId, Date lastChangedDate) { String rawSql = "select h.lastEditedContributorId, h.lastEditedDate, p.cladename, p.page_id from PAGES p " + " join EditHistories h on join PAGEANCESTORS pa on pa.page_id=p.page_id " + "where pa.ancestor_id=" + pageId + " and h.lastEditedDate >='" + StringUtils.getMySqlDateString(lastChangedDate) + "' order by h.lastEditedDate desc"; ResultSet results; Session session = null; List<Object[]> returnList = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); try { session = getSession(); Statement selectStatement = session.connection().createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); results = selectStatement.executeQuery(rawSql); while ( { int contrId = results.getInt(1); Timestamp lastEditedDate = results.getTimestamp(2); String cladename = results.getString(3); pageId = results.getLong(4); String contrName = getContributorDAO().getNameForContributorWithId(contrId); returnList.add(new Object[] { contrName, lastEditedDate, cladename, pageId }); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new ArrayList(); } // TODO Auto-generated method stub return returnList; } /** * Returns the number of branch pages with a status of complete or better descendant from pageId. * @param pageId * @return a number representing the number of complete or better branch pages descendant from pageId */ public int getBranchPagesLeadToCompletePages(Long pageId) { String queryString = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PAGES p, PAGEANCESTORS pa, NODES n WHERE pa.ancestor_id = " + pageId + " AND p.page_id = pa.page_id AND p.node_id = n.node_id AND n.node_Leaf = 0 AND " + "(p.status='Complete' or p.status='Peer Reviewed' or p.status='ToL Reviewed')"; Set results = executeRawSQLSelectForIntegers(queryString); return (results != null && results.size() > 0) ? ((Number) results.iterator().next()).intValue() : 0; } /** * Returns the number of branch pages with a status of under-construction descendant from pageId. * @param pageId * @return a number representing the number of under-construction branch pages descendant from pageId. */ public int getBranchPagesLeadToUnderConstructionPages(Long pageId) { String queryString = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PAGES p, PAGEANCESTORS pa, NODES n WHERE pa.ancestor_id = " + pageId + " AND p.page_id = pa.page_id AND p.node_id = n.node_id AND n.node_Leaf = 0 AND " + "(p.status='Under Construction')"; Set results = executeRawSQLSelectForLongs(queryString); return (results != null && results.size() > 0) ? ((Number) results.iterator().next()).intValue() : 0; } /** * Returns the number of branch pages with a status of temporary descendant from pageId. * @param pageId * @return a number representing the number of temporary branch pages descendant from pageId. */ public int getBranchPagesLeadToTemporaryPages(Long pageId) { String queryString = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PAGES p, PAGEANCESTORS pa, NODES n WHERE pa.ancestor_id = " + pageId + " AND p.page_id = pa.page_id AND p.node_id = n.node_id AND n.node_Leaf = 0 AND " + "(p.status='Temporary' or p.status='Skeletal')"; Set results = executeRawSQLSelectForLongs(queryString); return (results != null && results.size() > 0) ? ((Number) results.iterator().next()).intValue() : 0; } /** * Returns the number of leaf pages with a status of complete or better descendant from pageId. * @param pageId * @return a number representing the number of complete or better leaf pages descendant from pageId */ public int getLeafPagesLeadToCompletePages(Long pageId) { String queryString = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PAGES p, PAGEANCESTORS pa, NODES n WHERE pa.ancestor_id = " + pageId + " AND p.page_id = pa.page_id AND p.node_id = n.node_id AND n.node_Leaf = 1 AND " + "(p.status='Complete' or p.status='Peer Reviewed' or p.status='ToL Reviewed')"; Set results = executeRawSQLSelectForLongs(queryString); return (results != null && results.size() > 0) ? ((Number) results.iterator().next()).intValue() : 0; } /** * Returns the number of leaf pages with a status of under-construction descendant from pageId. * @param pageId * @return a number representing the number of under-construction leaf pages descendant from pageId. */ public int getLeafPagesLeadToUnderConstructionPages(Long pageId) { String queryString = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PAGES p, PAGEANCESTORS pa, NODES n WHERE pa.ancestor_id = " + pageId + " AND p.page_id = pa.page_id AND p.node_id = n.node_id AND n.node_Leaf = 1 AND " + "(p.status='Under Construction')"; Set results = executeRawSQLSelectForLongs(queryString); return (results != null && results.size() > 0) ? ((Number) results.iterator().next()).intValue() : 0; } /** * Returns the number of leaf pages with a status of temporary descendant from pageId. * @param pageId * @return a number representing the number of temporary leaf pages descendant from pageId. */ public int getLeafPagesLeadToTemporaryPages(Long pageId) { String queryString = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PAGES p, PAGEANCESTORS pa, NODES n WHERE pa.ancestor_id = " + pageId + " AND p.page_id = pa.page_id AND p.node_id = n.node_id AND n.node_Leaf = 1 AND " + "(p.status='Temporary' or p.status=\'Skeletal\')"; Set results = executeRawSQLSelectForLongs(queryString); return (results != null && results.size() > 0) ? ((Number) results.iterator().next()).intValue() : 0; } public void reattachPage(Long pageId, Long oldNodeId, Long newNodeId) { Object[] args = new Object[] { newNodeId, pageId, oldNodeId }; String fmt = "UPDATE PAGES SET node_id = %1$d WHERE page_id = %2$d AND node_id = %3$d"; executeRawSQLUpdate(String.format(fmt, args)); } public MappedPage getRandomPage() { final String queryString = "select mpage.pageId from org.tolweb.hibernate.MappedPage as mpage " + "order by rand()"; Long pageId = (Long) getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) { Query query = session.createQuery(queryString); query.setMaxResults(1); return query.uniqueResult(); } }); return getPageWithId(pageId); } /** * @return Returns the editHistoryDAO. */ public EditHistoryDAO getEditHistoryDAO() { return editHistoryDAO; } /** * @param editHistoryDAO The editHistoryDAO to set. */ public void setEditHistoryDAO(EditHistoryDAO editHistoryDAO) { this.editHistoryDAO = editHistoryDAO; } /** * @return Returns the reorderHelper. */ public ReorderHelper getReorderHelper() { return reorderHelper; } /** * @param reorderHelper The reorderHelper to set. */ public void setReorderHelper(ReorderHelper reorderHelper) { this.reorderHelper = reorderHelper; } /** * @return Returns the nodeDAO. */ public NodeDAO getMiscNodeDAO() { return miscNodeDAO; } /** * @param nodeDAO The nodeDAO to set. */ public void setMiscNodeDAO(NodeDAO nodeDAO) { this.miscNodeDAO = nodeDAO; } /** * @return Returns the workingNodeDAO. */ public NodeDAO getWorkingNodeDAO() { return workingNodeDAO; } /** * @param workingNodeDAO The workingNodeDAO to set. */ public void setWorkingNodeDAO(NodeDAO workingNodeDAO) { this.workingNodeDAO = workingNodeDAO; } }