Java tutorial
package org.tn5250jlpr; /** * Title: tn5250J * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: * @author Kenneth J. Pouncey * @version 0.4 * * Description: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ import*; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.*; import com.lowagie.text.*; public final class SCS2PDF implements LPRInterface { public int ascii[] = new int[256]; private int ebcdic[] = new int[256]; private boolean dumpBytes = true; private FileOutputStream fw; private BufferedOutputStream dw; private Stream bk; private int page = 1; private int line = 1; private int column = 1; private float pgWidth; private float pgHeight; private int lineSpacing = 2; // set the margins at a half inch - measurements of point is 72 points = 1 inch static final int point = 72; private float leftMargin = 0.5f; private float rightMargin = 0.5f; private float topMargin = 0.5f; private float bottomMargin = 0.5f; private int textOrientation; private Font font; private PdfWriter bos; private Document document; SCS2PDF() { setCodePage("280"); } public void openOutputFile(String path) { try { System.out.println("Opening file"); if (document == null) { document = new Document(); bos = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(path + ".pdf")); // document.setPageSize(new Rectangle(0.0f, // 0.0f, // getPointFromInches(13), // getPointFromInches(11))); BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont("Courier", "Cp1252", false); font = new Font(bf, 11, Font.NORMAL); } } catch (IOException _ex) { System.out.println("Cannot open"); } catch (Exception _ex) { System.out.println("Cannot open"); } } public void closeOutputFile() { document.close(); document = null; } public final void process_print_record(Stream s) throws Exception { bk = s; while (bk.hasNext()) { byte nb = bk.getNextByte(); switch (nb) { case 0x0: // 0x00 break; case SCS_PP: // 0x34 scs_pp(); break; case SCS_2B: // 0x2B scs_2B(); break; case SCS_CR: // 0x0D column = 1; // System.out.println("CR"); break; case SCS_NL: // 0x15 scs_NL(); // System.out.println(); break; default: String st = ""; st += getASCIIChar(nb); writeChar(st); // System.out.print(getASCIIChar(nb)); break; } } // System.out.println(); } private void scs_NL() { line += 1; column = 1; writeChar("\n"); // bos.println(); } private void scs_pp() throws Exception { int move = 0; switch (bk.getNextByte()) { case SCS_PP_ABS_HORZ_MOVE: // 0xC0 move = bk.getNextByte(); if (move != column) { if (move < column) { writeChar("\n"); } for (int x = 0; x < move; x++) writeChar(" "); column = move; } System.out.println(" Presentation Position ABS_HORZ_MOVE " + column); break; case SCS_PP_ABS_VERT_MOVE: // 0xC4 move = bk.getNextByte(); if (move <= line) { document.newPage(); System.out.println("new page at " + line); line = 1; } for (int x = 0; x < move; x++) writeChar("\n"); line = move; // // if (line > 66) { // document.newPage(); // line = 1; // System.out.println("new page"); // } System.out.println(" Presentation Position ABS_VERT_MOVE " + line); break; case SCS_PP_REL_MOVE_DOWN: //0x4C move = bk.getNextByte(); if (move != line) { // if (move < line) // writeChar("\n"); for (int x = 0; x < move; x++) writeChar("\n"); line += move; } if (line > 66) { document.newPage(); line = 1; System.out.println("new page"); } System.out.println(" Presentation Position REL_MOVE_DOWN " + line); break; case SCS_PP_REL_MOVE_RIGHT: // 0xC8 move = bk.getNextByte(); if (move != column) { if (move < column) { writeChar("\n"); } for (int x = 0; x < move; x++) writeChar(" "); column += move; } System.out.println(" Presentation Position REL_MOVE_RIGHT " + column); break; default: System.out.println(" Invalid Presentation Position "); return; } } private void moveCursor(int move) { } private void writeChar(String s) { if (!document.isOpen()); try { document.add(new Phrase(new Chunk(s, font))); } catch (com.lowagie.text.DocumentException de) { System.out.println(de); } } private void scs_2B() throws Exception { byte b2B = bk.getNextByte(); switch (b2B) { case SCS_D1: // 0xD1 scs_D1(); break; case SCS_D2: // 0xD2 scs_D2(); break; case SCS_D3: // 0xD3 scs_D3(); break; case SCS_C8: // 0xC8 Set graphical error action scs_C8(); break; default: System.out.println(" Invalid 2B control " + b2B); return; } // line = bk.getNextByte(); // System.out.println(line); } private void scs_D2() throws Exception { byte byte0 = bk.getNextByte(); byte function = bk.getNextByte(); switch (function) { case SCS_D2_SIC: int ic = bk.getNextByte(); System.out.println(" Set initial conditions " + ic); break; case SCS_D2_SPSU: int pf = 0; byte0 -= 2; // length include length + function + xxxxx so we offset // length by 2 to skip over them for (int spsulen = 0; spsulen < byte0; spsulen++) { if (spsulen == 1) pf = bk.getNextByte(); else bk.getNextByte(); } System.out.println(" Set print setup " + pf); break; case SCS_D2_SJM: int st = 0; int pr = 0; st = bk.getNextByte(); // State // 0 - state off // 1 - Activate. begin justification if (byte0 == 4) pr = bk.getNextByte(); // Percent Rule // 0,50 or 100 System.out.println(" Set justification mode state: " + st + " percent: " + pr); break; case SCS_D2_SEA: byte0 -= 2; // length include length + function + xxxxx so we offset // length by 2 to skip over them System.out.print(" Set exception actions - ignored for now - : "); for (int seaulen = 0; seaulen < byte0; seaulen++) { System.out.print(bk.getNextByte() + " "); } System.out.println(); break; case SCS_D2_SLS: lineSpacing = bk.getNextByte(); System.out.println(" Set line spacing: " + lineSpacing); break; case SCS_D2_SHM: int lm = (bk.getNextByte() & 0xff) << 8 | bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; int rm = 0; if (byte0 == 06) rm = (bk.getNextByte() & 0xff) << 8 | bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; leftMargin = (float) lm / 1440; if (rm != 0) rightMargin = (float) rm / 1440; // document.setMargins(getPointFromInches(leftMargin), // getPointFromInches(rightMargin), // document.topMargin(), // document.bottomMargin()); System.out.println(" Set horizontal margins: left " + leftMargin + " " + getPointFromInches(leftMargin) + " right: " + rightMargin); break; case SCS_D2_SVM: int topM = (bk.getNextByte() & 0xff) << 8 | bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; int botM = 0; if (byte0 == 06) botM = (bk.getNextByte() & 0xff) << 8 | bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; topMargin = (float) topM / 1440; if (botM != 0) bottomMargin = (float) botM / 1440; document.setMargins(document.leftMargin(), document.rightMargin(), getPointFromInches(topMargin), getPointFromInches(bottomMargin)); System.out.println(" Set vertical margins: top " + topMargin + " " + topM + " bottom: " + bottomMargin + " " + botM); break; case SCS_D2_SCG: int gcgid = (bk.getNextByte() & 0xff) << 8 | bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; int gcid = (bk.getNextByte() & 0xff) << 8 | bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; // note this may be the font controls that set the code page to // be used for translation of the text. for now we will ignore it // See SCGL - note for me.... System.out.println(" Set GCGID through GCID: GCGID ignored " + gcgid + " gcid: " + gcid); break; case SCS_D2_PPM: byte0 -= 2; // length include length + function + xxxxx so we offset // length by 2 to skip over them System.out.print(" Page presentation media -ignored for now- : "); for (int pplen = 0; pplen < byte0; pplen++) { System.out.print(bk.getNextByte() + " "); } System.out.println(); break; case SCS_D2_SPPS: int width = (bk.getNextByte() & 0xff) << 8 | bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; int height = (bk.getNextByte() & 0xff) << 8 | bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; pgWidth = (float) width / 1440; pgHeight = (float) height / 1440; // bos.pause(); document.setPageSize( new Rectangle(0.0f, 0.0f, getPointFromInches(pgWidth), getPointFromInches(pgHeight))); // document.newPage(); // document.setPageSize(new Rectangle(0.0f, // 0.0f, // getPointFromInches(pgHeight), // getPointFromInches(pgWidth))); // bos.resume(); System.out.println(" Set Presentation Page Size: Width " + pgWidth + " Height: " + pgHeight); break; case SCS_D2_SSLD: float distance = (bk.getNextByte() & 0xff) << 8 | bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; // distance divided by 1440ths of an inch System.out.println(" Set Single Line Distance: " + distance + "/1440 = " + (distance / 1440)); break; default: System.out.println(" Invalid D2 function " + function); byte0 -= 2; // length include length + function + xxxxx so we offset // length by 2 to skip over them for (int len = 0; len < byte0; len++) { bk.getNextByte(); } break; } } private void scs_D3() throws Exception { byte byte0 = bk.getNextByte(); byte function = bk.getNextByte(); switch (function) { case SCS_D3_STO: int gcgid = (bk.getNextByte() & 0xff) << 8 | bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; textOrientation = (bk.getNextByte() & 0xff) << 8 | bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; System.out.println(" Set text orientation:" + getTextOrientationText()); break; default: System.out.println(" Invalid D3 function " + function); byte0 -= 2; // length include length + function + xxxxx so we offset // length by 2 to skip over them for (int len = 0; len < byte0; len++) { bk.getNextByte(); } break; } } private void scs_D1() throws Exception { byte byte0 = bk.getNextByte(); byte function = bk.getNextByte(); switch (function) { case SCS_D1_SFG: // 0x05 int gfid = (bk.getNextByte() & 0xff) << 8 | bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; int fwd = (bk.getNextByte() & 0xff) << 8 | bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; int fa = bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; System.out.println(" Set FID through GFID: Global font id " + gfid + " Font width " + fwd + " Font attribute " + fa); break; case SCS_D1_SCGL: // 0x81 int lcid = bk.getNextByte() & 0xff; System.out.println(" Set CGCS through local id: " + lcid); break; default: System.out.println(" Invalid D1 function " + function); byte0 -= 2; // length include length + function + xxxxx so we offset // length by 2 to skip over them for (int len = 0; len < byte0; len++) { bk.getNextByte(); } break; } } // Set graphical Error Action private void scs_C8() throws Exception { byte byte0 = bk.getNextByte(); int dg = bk.getNextByte(); // default graphic int uco = bk.getNextByte(); // unpritable character System.out.println(" Set graphical error action - ignored for now - : " + " Default graphic character " + Integer.toHexString(dg) + " Unprintable character " + Integer.toHexString(dg)); } private String getTextOrientationText() { switch (textOrientation) { case 0x00: return " normal portrait (upright) orientation"; case 0x2D00: return " Landscape left (270 degrees clockwise rotation of text)"; case 0x5A00: return " Portrain upside down (180 degrees clockwise rotation of text)"; case 0x8700: return " Landscape right (90 degrees clockwise rotation of text)"; case 0xFFFE: return " Select CORR Mode"; case 0xFFFF: return " Default: taken from SPPS option"; default: return " invalid text orientation"; } } private final float getPointFromInches(float inch) { return inch * point; } public final void setCodePage(String codePage) { int i = 0; int[] cp = CharMappings.getCodePage(codePage); do { ebcdic[i] = cp[i]; ascii[cp[i]] = i; } while (++i < 256); } // public final Dimension getPreferredSize() { // return screen52.getPreferredSize(); // } public byte getEBCDIC(int index) { return (byte) ascii[index & 0xff]; } public char getEBCDICChar(int index) { return (char) ascii[index & 0xff]; } public byte getASCII(int index) { return (byte) ascii[index]; } public char getASCIIChar(int index) { return (char) ebcdic[index & 0xff]; } // public void dumpScreen () { // // for (int y = 0;y < screen52.getRows(); y++) { // System.out.print("row :" + (y + 1) + " "); // // for (int x = 0; x < screen52.getCols(); x++) { // System.out.println("row " + (y + 1) + " col " + (x + 1) + " " + screen52.screen[y * x].toString()); // // } // } // } public void dump(byte[] abyte0) { try { if (fw == null) { fw = new FileOutputStream("log.txt"); dw = new BufferedOutputStream(fw); } System.out.print("\n Buffer Dump of data from AS400: "); dw.write("\r\n Buffer Dump of data from AS400: ".getBytes()); StringBuffer h = new StringBuffer(); for (int x = 0; x < abyte0.length; x++) { if (x % 16 == 0) { System.out.println(" " + h.toString()); dw.write((" " + h.toString() + "\r\n").getBytes()); h.setLength(0); h.append("+0000"); h.setLength(5 - Integer.toHexString(x).length()); h.append(Integer.toHexString(x).toUpperCase()); System.out.print(h.toString()); dw.write(h.toString().getBytes()); h.setLength(0); } char ac = getASCIIChar(abyte0[x]); if (ac < ' ') h.append('.'); else h.append(ac); if (x % 4 == 0) { System.out.print(" "); dw.write((" ").getBytes()); } if (Integer.toHexString(abyte0[x] & 0xff).length() == 1) { System.out.print("0" + Integer.toHexString(abyte0[x] & 0xff).toUpperCase()); dw.write(("0" + Integer.toHexString(abyte0[x] & 0xff).toUpperCase()).getBytes()); } else { System.out.print(Integer.toHexString(abyte0[x] & 0xff).toUpperCase()); dw.write((Integer.toHexString(abyte0[x] & 0xff).toUpperCase()).getBytes()); } } System.out.println(); dw.write("\r\n".getBytes()); dw.flush(); // dw.close(); } catch (EOFException _ex) { } catch (Exception _ex) { System.out.println("Cannot dump from host\n\r"); } } // public void dumpBytes() { // byte shit[] = bk.buffer; // for (int i = 0;i < shit.length;i++) // System.out.println(i + ">" + shit[i] + "< - ascii - >" + getASCIIChar(shit[i]) + "<"); // } public void dumpHexBytes(byte[] abyte) { byte shit[] = abyte; for (int i = 0; i < shit.length; i++) System.out.println(i + ">" + shit[i] + "< hex >" + Integer.toHexString((shit[i] & 0xff))); } private static final byte SCS_CR = 0x0D; // Carrage Return private static final byte SCS_LF = 0x25; // Line Feed private static final byte SCS_NL = 0x15; // New line // Cursor Controls private static final byte SCS_PP = 0x34; // presentation position private static final byte SCS_PP_REL_MOVE_DOWN = 0x4C; private static final byte SCS_PP_ABS_HORZ_MOVE = -64; // 0xC0 private static final byte SCS_PP_ABS_VERT_MOVE = -60; // 0xC4 private static final byte SCS_PP_REL_MOVE_RIGHT = -56; // 0xC8 // Page Controls private static final byte SCS_2B = 0x2B; // Set page stuff private static final byte SCS_D1 = -47; // 0xD1 private static final byte SCS_D2 = -46; // 0xD2 private static final byte SCS_D3 = -45; // 0xD3 private static final byte SCS_C8 = -56; // 0xC8 // D1 functions private static final byte SCS_D1_SFG = 0x05; // Set FID through GFID private static final byte SCS_D1_SCGL = -127; // 0x81 Set CGCS through Local Id // D2 functions private static final byte SCS_D2_SIC = 0x45; // Set initial conditions private static final byte SCS_D2_SPSU = 0x4C; // Set Print Setup private static final byte SCS_D2_SJM = 0x0D; // Set Justify Mode private static final byte SCS_D2_SEA = -123; // 0x85 Set Exception Action private static final byte SCS_D2_SLS = 0x09; // Set Line Spacing private static final byte SCS_D2_SHM = 0x11; // Set Horizontal Margin private static final byte SCS_D2_SCG = 0x01; // Set GCGID through GCID private static final byte SCS_D2_PPM = 0x48; // Page presentation media private static final byte SCS_D2_SVM = 0x49; // Set Vertical Margin private static final byte SCS_D2_SPPS = 0x40; // Set Presentation Page Size private static final byte SCS_D2_SSLD = 0x15; // Set Signle Line Distance // D3 functions private static final byte SCS_D3_STO = -10; // 0xF6 Set text orientation }