Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 - 2016 Manuel Laggner * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.tinymediamanager.core.entities; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.tinymediamanager.Globals; import org.tinymediamanager.core.AbstractModelObject; import org.tinymediamanager.core.MediaFileType; import org.tinymediamanager.core.Utils; import org.tinymediamanager.scraper.util.LanguageUtils; import org.tinymediamanager.scraper.util.StrgUtils; import org.tinymediamanager.thirdparty.MediaInfo; import org.tinymediamanager.thirdparty.MediaInfo.StreamKind; import org.tinymediamanager.thirdparty.MediaInfoXMLParser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.github.stephenc.javaisotools.loopfs.iso9660.Iso9660FileEntry; import com.github.stephenc.javaisotools.loopfs.iso9660.Iso9660FileSystem; /** * The Class MediaFile. * * @author Manuel Laggner */ public class MediaFile extends AbstractModelObject implements Comparable<MediaFile> { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MediaFile.class); private static final String PATH = "path"; private static final String FILENAME = "filename"; private static final String FILESIZE = "filesize"; private static final String FILESIZE_IN_MB = "filesizeInMegabytes"; private static final List<String> PLEX_EXTRA_FOLDERS = Arrays.asList("behind the scenes", "behindthescenes", "deleted scenes", "deletedscenes", "featurettes", "interviews", "scenes", "shorts", "trailers"); private static Pattern moviesetPattern = Pattern.compile("(?i)(movieset-poster|movieset-fanart)\\..{2,4}"); private static Pattern posterPattern = Pattern .compile("(?i)(.*-poster|poster|folder|movie|.*-cover|cover)\\..{2,4}"); private static Pattern fanartPattern = Pattern.compile("(?i)(.*-fanart|.*\\.fanart|fanart)[0-9]{0,2}\\..{2,4}"); private static Pattern bannerPattern = Pattern.compile("(?i)(.*-banner|banner)\\..{2,4}"); private static Pattern thumbPattern = Pattern.compile("(?i)(.*-thumb|thumb)[0-9]{0,2}\\..{2,4}"); private static Pattern seasonPattern = Pattern.compile("(?i)season([0-9]{0,2}|-specials)-poster\\..{2,4}"); private static Pattern logoPattern = Pattern.compile("(?i)(.*-logo|logo)\\..{2,4}"); private static Pattern clearlogoPattern = Pattern.compile("(?i)(.*-clearlogo|clearlogo)\\..{2,4}"); // be careful: disc.avi would be valid! private static Pattern discartPattern = Pattern .compile("(?i)(.*-discart|discart|.*-disc|disc)\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|tbn)"); private static Pattern clearartPattern = Pattern.compile("(?i)(.*-clearart|clearart)\\..{2,4}"); public static final String VIDEO_FORMAT_480P = "480p"; public static final String VIDEO_FORMAT_576P = "576p"; public static final String VIDEO_FORMAT_540P = "540p"; public static final String VIDEO_FORMAT_720P = "720p"; public static final String VIDEO_FORMAT_1080P = "1080p"; public static final String VIDEO_FORMAT_4K = "4k"; public static final String VIDEO_FORMAT_8K = "8k"; // meta formats public static final String VIDEO_FORMAT_SD = "SD"; public static final String VIDEO_FORMAT_HD = "HD"; // 3D / side-by-side / top-and-bottom / H=half - public static final String VIDEO_3D = "3D"; public static final String VIDEO_3D_SBS = "3D SBS"; public static final String VIDEO_3D_TAB = "3D TAB"; public static final String VIDEO_3D_HSBS = "3D HSBS"; public static final String VIDEO_3D_HTAB = "3D HTAB"; @JsonProperty private MediaFileType type = MediaFileType.UNKNOWN; @JsonProperty private String path = ""; @JsonProperty private String filename = ""; @JsonProperty private long filesize = 0; @JsonProperty private long filedate = 0; @JsonProperty private String videoCodec = ""; @JsonProperty private String containerFormat = ""; @JsonProperty private String exactVideoFormat = ""; @JsonProperty private String video3DFormat = ""; @JsonProperty private int videoWidth = 0; @JsonProperty private int videoHeight = 0; @JsonProperty private int overallBitRate = 0; @JsonProperty private int durationInSecs = 0; @JsonProperty private int stacking = 0; @JsonProperty private String stackingMarker = ""; @JsonProperty private List<MediaFileAudioStream> audioStreams = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); @JsonProperty private List<MediaFileSubtitle> subtitles = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); private MediaInfo mediaInfo; private Map<StreamKind, List<Map<String, String>>> miSnapshot = null; private Path file = null; private boolean isISO = false; /** * "clones" a new media file. */ public MediaFile(MediaFile clone) { this.path = new String(clone.path); this.filename = new String(clone.filename); this.filesize = clone.filesize; this.filedate = clone.filedate; this.videoCodec = new String(clone.videoCodec); this.containerFormat = new String(clone.containerFormat); this.exactVideoFormat = new String(clone.exactVideoFormat); this.video3DFormat = new String(clone.video3DFormat); this.videoHeight = clone.videoHeight; this.videoWidth = clone.videoWidth; this.overallBitRate = clone.overallBitRate; this.durationInSecs = clone.durationInSecs; this.stacking = clone.stacking; this.stackingMarker = clone.stackingMarker; this.type = clone.type; this.audioStreams.addAll(clone.audioStreams); this.subtitles.addAll(clone.subtitles); } /** * Instantiates a new media file. */ public MediaFile() { this.path = ""; this.filename = ""; } /** * Instantiates a new media file. * * @deprecated use Java 7 Path() instead of File() * @param f * the file */ @Deprecated public MediaFile(File f) { this(f.toPath(), null); } /** * Instantiates a new media file. * * @param f * the file */ public MediaFile(Path f) { this(f, null); } /** * Instantiates a new media file. * * @deprecated use Java 7 Path() instead of File() * @param f * the file * @param type * the MediaFileType */ @Deprecated public MediaFile(File f, MediaFileType type) { this(f.toPath(), type); } /** * Instantiates a new media file. * * @param f * the file * @param type * the MediaFileType */ public MediaFile(Path f, MediaFileType type) { this.path = f.getParent().toString(); // just path w/o filename this.filename = f.getFileName().toString(); this.file = f.toAbsolutePath(); if (type == null) { this.type = parseType(); } else { this.type = type; } // set containerformat for non MI files if (!isValidMediainfoFormat() && StringUtils.isBlank(getContainerFormat())) { setContainerFormat(getExtension()); } } private void gatherSubtitleInformation() { MediaFileSubtitle sub = new MediaFileSubtitle(); String shortname = getBasename().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); if (shortname.contains("forced")) { sub.setForced(true); shortname = shortname.replaceAll("\\p{Punct}*forced", ""); } sub.setLanguage(parseLanguageFromString(shortname)); if (sub.getLanguage().isEmpty() && this.filename.endsWith(".sub")) { // not found in name, try to parse from idx BufferedReader br; try { File idx = new File(this.path, this.filename.replaceFirst("sub$", "idx")); br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(idx)); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String lang = ""; // System.out.println("line: " + line); if (line.startsWith("id:")) { lang = StrgUtils.substr(line, "id: (.*?),"); } if (line.startsWith("# alt:")) { lang = StrgUtils.substr(line, "^# alt: (.*?)$"); } if (!lang.isEmpty()) { sub.setLanguage(LanguageUtils.getIso3LanguageFromLocalizedString(lang)); break; } } br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } sub.setCodec(getExtension()); subtitles.clear(); subtitles.add(sub); } /** * tries to get the MediaFileType out of filename. * * @return the MediaFileType */ public MediaFileType parseType() { String ext = getExtension().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); String basename = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(getFilename()); String foldername = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(getPath()).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); if (ext.equals("nfo")) { return MediaFileType.NFO; } if (ext.equals("jpg") || ext.equals("jpeg") || ext.equals("png") || ext.equals("tbn")) { return parseImageType(); } if (Globals.settings.getAudioFileType().contains("." + ext)) { return MediaFileType.AUDIO; } if (Globals.settings.getSubtitleFileType().contains("." + ext)) { return MediaFileType.SUBTITLE; } if (Globals.settings.getVideoFileType().contains("." + ext)) { // has to fit TV & Movie naming... // String cleanName = ParserUtils.detectCleanMoviename(name); // tbc if useful... // old impl: // Official: if (getFilename().contains(".EXTRAS.") // scene file naming (need to check first! upper case!) || basename.matches("(?i).*[_.-]+extra[s]?$") // end with "-extra[s]" || basename.matches("(?i).*[-]+extra[s]?[-].*") // extra[s] just with surrounding dash (other delims problem) || foldername.equalsIgnoreCase("extras") // preferred folder name || foldername.equalsIgnoreCase("extra") // preferred folder name || basename.matches("(?i).*[-](behindthescenes|deleted|featurette|interview|scene|short)$") // Plex (w/o trailer) || PLEX_EXTRA_FOLDERS.contains(foldername)) // Plex Extra folders { return MediaFileType.VIDEO_EXTRA; } if (basename.matches("(?i).*[_.-]*trailer?$") || foldername.equalsIgnoreCase("trailer")) { return MediaFileType.TRAILER; } // we have some false positives too - make a more precise check if (basename.matches("(?i).*[_.-]*sample$") // end with sample || foldername.equalsIgnoreCase("sample")) { // sample folder name return MediaFileType.SAMPLE; } return MediaFileType.VIDEO; } if (ext.equals("txt")) { return MediaFileType.TEXT; } return MediaFileType.UNKNOWN; } /** * Parses the image type. * * @return the media file type */ private MediaFileType parseImageType() { String name = getFilename(); // movieset artwork Matcher matcher = moviesetPattern.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { return MediaFileType.GRAPHIC; } // *season(XX|-specials)-poster.* matcher = seasonPattern.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { return MediaFileType.SEASON_POSTER; } // *-poster.* or poster.* or folder.* or movie.* matcher = posterPattern.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { return MediaFileType.POSTER; } // *-fanart.* or fanart.* or *-fanartXX.* or fanartXX.* matcher = fanartPattern.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { // decide between fanart and extrafanart if (getPath().endsWith("extrafanart")) { return MediaFileType.EXTRAFANART; } return MediaFileType.FANART; } // *-banner.* or banner.* matcher = bannerPattern.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { return MediaFileType.BANNER; } // *-thumb.* or thumb.* or *-thumbXX.* or thumbXX.* matcher = thumbPattern.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { // decide between thumb and extrathumb if (getPath().endsWith("extrathumbs")) { return MediaFileType.EXTRATHUMB; } return MediaFileType.THUMB; } // clearart.* matcher = clearartPattern.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { return MediaFileType.CLEARART; } // logo.* matcher = logoPattern.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { return MediaFileType.LOGO; } // clearlogo.* matcher = clearlogoPattern.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { return MediaFileType.CLEARLOGO; } // discart.* matcher = discartPattern.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { return MediaFileType.DISCART; } return MediaFileType.GRAPHIC; } /** * is this a "packed" file? (zip, rar, whatsoever). * * @return true/false */ public boolean isPacked() { String ext = getExtension().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); return (ext.equals("zip") || ext.equals("rar") || ext.equals("7z") || ext.matches("r\\d+")); } /** * Is this a graphic file?. * * @return true/false */ public boolean isGraphic() { switch (type) { case GRAPHIC: case BANNER: case FANART: case POSTER: case THUMB: case LOGO: case CLEARLOGO: case CLEARART: case SEASON_POSTER: case EXTRAFANART: case EXTRATHUMB: case DISCART: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Is this a playable video file?. * * @return true/false */ public boolean isVideo() { return (type.equals(MediaFileType.VIDEO) || type.equals(MediaFileType.VIDEO_EXTRA) || type.equals(MediaFileType.TRAILER) || type.equals(MediaFileType.SAMPLE)); } /** * is this a "disc file"? (video_ts, vts, bdmv, ...) for movierenamer * * @return true/false */ public boolean isDiscFile() { String name = getFilename().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); return (name.matches("(video_ts|vts_\\d\\d_\\d)\\.(vob|bup|ifo)") || // dvd name.matches("(index\\.bdmv|movieobject\\.bdmv|\\d{5}\\.m2ts)")); // bluray } @Deprecated public File getFile() { if (file == null) { file = getFileAsPath(); } return file.toFile(); } public Path getFileAsPath() { if (file == null) { Path f = Paths.get(this.path, this.filename); file = f.toAbsolutePath(); } return file; } public void setFile(Path file) { setFilename(file.getFileName().toString()); setPath(file.toAbsolutePath().getParent().toString()); this.file = file.toAbsolutePath(); } /** * if name/path changes, invalidate the file handle (if not null). */ private void invalidateFileHandle() { if (file != null) { file = null; } } /** * Gets the path. * * @return the path */ public String getPath() { return path; } /** * Sets the path. * * @param newValue * the new path */ public void setPath(String newValue) { String oldValue = this.path; this.path = newValue; invalidateFileHandle(); firePropertyChange(PATH, oldValue, newValue); } /** * (re)sets the path (when renaming MediaEntity folder).<br> * Exchanges the beginning MF path from oldPath with newPath<br> * <br> * eg: <br> * Params: /movie/alien1/ & /movie/Alien 1/<br> * File: /movie/alien1/asdf/jklo/file.avi -> /movie/Alien 1/asdf/jklo/file.avi<br> * <br> * this id done by a simple string.replace() * * @param oldPath * the old path * @param newPath * the new path */ public void replacePathForRenamedFolder(Path oldPath, Path newPath) { String p = getPath(); p = p.replace(oldPath.toAbsolutePath().toString(), newPath.toAbsolutePath().toString()); setPath(p); } public String getFilename() { return filename; } /** * it might be, that there "seems" to be a stacking marker in filename,<br> * but the file is not stacked itself. Just return correct string. * * @return the file name without the stacking info */ public String getFilenameWithoutStacking() { if (stackingMarker.isEmpty()) { // no stacking, remove all occurrences // fname = Utils.cleanStackingMarkers(filename); // NOO, keep em!!! "mockingjay part1" might be unstacked, so keep the part1 !!! return filename; } else { // stacking, so just remove known marker return filename.replaceAll("[ _.-]*" + stackingMarker, ""); // optional delimiter } } public void setFilename(String newValue) { String oldValue = this.filename; this.filename = newValue; invalidateFileHandle(); firePropertyChange(FILENAME, oldValue, newValue); } public String getExtension() { return FilenameUtils.getExtension(filename); } /** * Gets the "basename" (filename without extension). * * @return the basename */ public String getBasename() { return FilenameUtils.getBaseName(filename); } public long getFiledate() { return filedate; } public long getFilesize() { return filesize; } public void setFilesize(long newValue) { long oldValue = this.filesize; this.filesize = newValue; firePropertyChange(FILESIZE, oldValue, newValue); firePropertyChange(FILESIZE_IN_MB, oldValue, newValue); } public String getFilesizeInMegabytes() { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#0.00"); return df.format(filesize / (1024.0 * 1024.0)) + " M"; } public MediaFileType getType() { return type; } public void setType(MediaFileType type) { this.type = type; } public int getStacking() { return stacking; } public void setStacking(int stacking) { this.stacking = stacking; } public String getStackingMarker() { return stackingMarker; } public void setStackingMarker(String stackingMarker) { this.stackingMarker = stackingMarker; } /** * this might be needed in case of "Harry Potter 7 - Part 1" - this is no stacking! */ public void removeStackingInformation() { setStacking(0); setStackingMarker(""); } /** * detect stacking information for this media file */ public void detectStackingInformation() { this.stacking = Utils.getStackingNumber(this.filename); if (this.stacking == 0) { // try to parse from parent directory this.stacking = Utils.getStackingNumber(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(getPath())); } this.stackingMarker = Utils.getStackingMarker(this.filename); if (this.stackingMarker.isEmpty()) { // try to parse from parent directory this.stackingMarker = Utils.getFolderStackingMarker(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(getPath())); } } public List<MediaFileSubtitle> getSubtitles() { return subtitles; } public String getSubtitlesAsString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Set<MediaFileSubtitle> cleansub = new LinkedHashSet<>(subtitles); for (MediaFileSubtitle sub : cleansub) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(sub.getLanguage()); } return sb.toString(); } public void setSubtitles(List<MediaFileSubtitle> subtitles) { this.subtitles = subtitles; } public void addSubtitle(MediaFileSubtitle subtitle) { if (!this.subtitles.contains(subtitle)) { this.subtitles.add(subtitle); } } /** * clears all subtitles */ public void clearAllSubtitles() { this.subtitles.clear(); } public boolean hasSubtitles() { return (subtitles != null && subtitles.size() > 0); } /** * <p> * Uses <code>ReflectionToStringBuilder</code> to generate a <code>toString</code> for the specified object. * </p> * * @return the String result * @see ReflectionToStringBuilder#toString(Object) */ @Override public String toString() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE); } /** * instantiates and gets new mediainfo object. */ private void getMediaInfoSnapshot() { if (mediaInfo == null) { mediaInfo = new MediaInfo(); } if (miSnapshot == null) { try { if (! { LOGGER.error("Mediainfo could not open file: " + getFileAsPath()); // clear references closeMediaInfo(); } else { miSnapshot = mediaInfo.snapshot(); } } // sometimes also an error is thrown catch (Exception | Error e) { LOGGER.error("Mediainfo could not open file: " + getFileAsPath() + "; " + e.getMessage()); // clear references closeMediaInfo(); } } } /** * Closes the connection to the mediainfo lib. */ private void closeMediaInfo() { if (mediaInfo != null) { mediaInfo.close(); mediaInfo = null; } miSnapshot = null; } /** * Gets the real mediainfo values. * * @param streamKind * MediaInfo.StreamKind.(General|Video|Audio|Text|Chapters|Image|Menu ) * @param streamNumber * the stream number (0 for first) * @param keys * the information you want to fetch * @return the media information you asked<br> * <b>OR AN EMPTY STRING IF MEDIAINFO COULD NOT BE LOADED</b> (never NULL) */ private String getMediaInfo(StreamKind streamKind, int streamNumber, String... keys) { if (miSnapshot == null) { getMediaInfoSnapshot(); // load snapshot } if (miSnapshot != null) { for (String key : keys) { List<Map<String, String>> stream = miSnapshot.get(streamKind); if (stream != null) { LinkedHashMap<String, String> info = (LinkedHashMap<String, String>) stream.get(streamNumber); if (info != null) { String value = info.get(key); // System.out.println(" " + streamKind + " " + key + " = " + value); if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { return value; } } } } } return ""; } /** * Checks if is empty value. * * @param object * the object * @return true, if is empty value */ public static boolean isEmptyValue(Object object) { return object == null || object.toString().length() == 0; } /** * gets the first token of video codec<br> * (e.g. DivX 5 => DivX) * * @return the video codec */ public String getVideoCodec() { return videoCodec; } /** * Sets the video codec. * * @param newValue * the new video codec */ public void setVideoCodec(String newValue) { // AVC = h264 = x264; display as h264 if ("avc".equalsIgnoreCase(newValue) || "x264".equalsIgnoreCase(newValue)) { newValue = "h264"; } String oldValue = this.videoCodec; this.videoCodec = newValue; firePropertyChange("videoCodec", oldValue, newValue); } /** * gets the audio codec<br> * (w/o punctuation; eg AC-3 => AC3). * * @return the audio codec */ public String getAudioCodec() { String codec = ""; // get audio stream with highest channel count MediaFileAudioStream highestStream = getBestAudioStream(); if (highestStream != null) { codec = highestStream.getCodec(); } return codec; } private MediaFileAudioStream getBestAudioStream() { MediaFileAudioStream highestStream = null; for (MediaFileAudioStream stream : audioStreams) { if (highestStream == null) { highestStream = stream; } else if (highestStream.getChannelsAsInt() < stream.getChannelsAsInt()) { highestStream = stream; } } return highestStream; } public String getAudioLanguage() { String language = ""; // get audio stream with highest channel count MediaFileAudioStream highestStream = getBestAudioStream(); if (highestStream != null) { language = highestStream.getLanguage(); } return language; } /** * returns the container format extensions (e.g. avi, mkv mka mks, OGG, etc.) * * @return the container format */ public String getContainerFormat() { return this.containerFormat; } /** * sets the container format (e.g. avi, mkv mka mks, OGG, etc.)<br> * <b>DOES A DIRECT CALL TO MEDIAINFO</b> */ public void setContainerFormatDirect() { String extensions = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.General, 0, "Codec/Extensions", "Format"); setContainerFormat( StringUtils.isEmpty(extensions) ? "" : new Scanner(extensions).next().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)); } /** * Sets the container format. * * @param newValue * the new container format */ public void setContainerFormat(String newValue) { String oldValue = this.containerFormat; this.containerFormat = newValue; firePropertyChange("containerFormat", oldValue, newValue); } /** * gets the "common" video format. * * @return 1080p 720p 480p... or SD if too small */ public String getVideoFormat() { int w = getVideoWidth(); int h = getVideoHeight(); // use XBMC implementation if (w == 0 || h == 0) { return ""; } else if (w <= 720 && h <= 480) { return VIDEO_FORMAT_480P; } // else if (w <= 768 && h <= 576) { else if (w <= 776 && h <= 592) { // 720x576 (PAL) (handbrake sometimes encode it to a max of 776 x 592) return VIDEO_FORMAT_576P; } else if (w <= 960 && h <= 544) { // 960x540 (sometimes 544 which is multiple of 16) return VIDEO_FORMAT_540P; } else if (w <= 1280 && h <= 720) { return VIDEO_FORMAT_720P; } else if (w <= 1920 && h <= 1080) { return VIDEO_FORMAT_1080P; } else if (w <= 3840 && h <= 2160) { return VIDEO_FORMAT_4K; } return VIDEO_FORMAT_8K; } /** * gets the exact video format (height + scantype p/i). * * @return the exact video format */ public String getExactVideoFormat() { return this.exactVideoFormat; } /** * Sets the exact video format (height + scantype p/i). * * @param newValue * the new exact video format */ public void setExactVideoFormat(String newValue) { String oldValue = this.exactVideoFormat; this.exactVideoFormat = newValue; firePropertyChange("exactVideoFormat", oldValue, newValue); } public String getAudioChannels() { String channels = ""; // get audio stream with highest channel count MediaFileAudioStream highestStream = getBestAudioStream(); if (highestStream != null) { channels = highestStream.getChannels(); } return channels; } /** * returns the exact video resolution. * * @return eg 1280x720 */ public String getVideoResolution() { if (this.videoWidth == 0 || this.videoHeight == 0) { return ""; } return this.videoWidth + "x" + this.videoHeight; } public int getVideoWidth() { return videoWidth; } public int getVideoHeight() { return videoHeight; } public void setVideoWidth(int newValue) { int oldValue = this.videoWidth; this.videoWidth = newValue; firePropertyChange("videoWidth", oldValue, newValue); firePropertyChange("videoFormat", oldValue, newValue); } public void setVideoHeight(int newValue) { int oldValue = this.videoHeight; this.videoHeight = newValue; firePropertyChange("videoHeight", oldValue, newValue); firePropertyChange("videoFormat", oldValue, newValue); } /** * if width-to-height aspect ratio greater than 1.37:1 * * @return true/false if widescreen */ public Boolean isWidescreen() { if (this.videoWidth == 0 || this.videoHeight == 0) { return false; } return ((float) this.videoWidth) / ((float) this.videoHeight) > 1.37f ? true : false; } public Float getAspectRatio() { Float ret = 0F; if (this.videoWidth == 0 || this.videoHeight == 0) { return ret; } Float ar = (float) this.videoWidth / (float) this.videoHeight; // // Given that we're never going to be able to handle every single possibility in // aspect ratios, particularly when cropping prior to video encoding is taken into account // the best we can do is take the "common" aspect ratios, and return the closest one available. // The cutoffs are the geometric mean of the two aspect ratios either side. if (ar < 1.3499f) { // sqrt(1.33*1.37) ret = 1.33F; } else if (ar < 1.5080f) { // sqrt(1.37*1.66) ret = 1.37F; } else if (ar < 1.7190f) { // sqrt(1.66*1.78) ret = 1.66F; } else if (ar < 1.8147f) { // sqrt(1.78*1.85) ret = 1.78F; } else if (ar < 2.0174f) { // sqrt(1.85*2.20) ret = 1.85F; } else if (ar < 2.2738f) { // sqrt(2.20*2.35) ret = 2.20F; } else if (ar < 2.3749f) { // sqrt(2.35*2.40) ret = 2.35F; } else if (ar < 2.4739f) { // sqrt(2.40*2.55) ret = 2.40F; } else if (ar < 2.6529f) { // sqrt(2.55*2.76) ret = 2.55F; } else { ret = 2.76F; } return ret; } /** * SD (less than 720 lines) or HD (more than 720 lines). * * @return SD or HD */ public String getVideoDefinitionCategory() { if (this.videoWidth == 0 || this.videoHeight == 0) { return ""; } return this.videoWidth >= 1280 || this.videoHeight >= 720 ? "HD" : "SD"; } /** * returns the overall bit rate for this file. * * @return bitrate in kbps */ public int getOverallBitRate() { return overallBitRate; } /** * sets the overall bit rate for this file (in kbps). * * @param newValue * the new overall bit rate */ public void setOverallBitRate(int newValue) { int oldValue = this.overallBitRate; this.overallBitRate = newValue; firePropertyChange("overallBitRate", oldValue, newValue); firePropertyChange("bitRateInKbps", oldValue, newValue); } /** * Gets the bite rate in kbps. * * @return the bite rate in kbps */ public String getBiteRateInKbps() { return this.overallBitRate + " kbps"; } /** * returns the duration / runtime in seconds. * * @return the duration */ public int getDuration() { return durationInSecs; } public int getDurationInMinutes() { return durationInSecs / 60; } /** * returns the duration / runtime formatted<br> * eg 1h 35m. * * @return the duration */ public String getDurationHM() { if (this.durationInSecs == 0) { return ""; } long h = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toHours(this.durationInSecs); long m = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMinutes(this.durationInSecs - TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(h)); long s = TimeUnit.SECONDS .toSeconds(this.durationInSecs - TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(h) - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(m)); if (s > 30) { m += 1; // round seconds } return h + "h " + String.format("%02d", m) + "m"; } /** * returns the duration / runtime formatted<br> * eg 01:35:00. * * @return the duration */ public String getDurationHHMMSS() { if (this.durationInSecs == 0) { return ""; } long h = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toHours(this.durationInSecs); long m = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMinutes(this.durationInSecs - TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(h)); long s = TimeUnit.SECONDS .toSeconds(this.durationInSecs - TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(h) - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(m)); return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s); } /** * sets the duration / runtime in seconds. * * @param newValue * the new duration */ public void setDuration(int newValue) { int oldValue = this.durationInSecs; this.durationInSecs = newValue; firePropertyChange("duration", oldValue, newValue); firePropertyChange("durationHM", oldValue, newValue); firePropertyChange("durationHHMMSS", oldValue, newValue); } public List<MediaFileAudioStream> getAudioStreams() { return audioStreams; } public void setAudioStreams(List<MediaFileAudioStream> audioStreams) { this.audioStreams = audioStreams; } public String getCombinedCodecs() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(videoCodec); for (MediaFileAudioStream audioStream : audioStreams) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(" / "); } sb.append(audioStream.getCodec()); } return sb.toString(); } /** * gets the 3D string from former mediainfo<br> * can be 3D / 3D SBS / 3D TAB * */ public String getVideo3DFormat() { return this.video3DFormat; } /** * explicit set the 3D format * * @param video3DFormat * the 3D format */ public void setVideo3DFormat(String video3DFormat) { this.video3DFormat = video3DFormat; } private long getMediaInfoSnapshotFromISO() { // check if we have a snapshot xml Path xmlFile = Paths.get(this.path, this.filename.replaceFirst("\\.iso$", "-mediainfo.xml")); if (Files.exists(xmlFile)) { try {"ISO: try to parse " + xmlFile); JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(MediaInfoXMLParser.class); Unmarshaller um = context.createUnmarshaller(); MediaInfoXMLParser xml = new MediaInfoXMLParser(); Reader in = Files.newBufferedReader(xmlFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); xml = (MediaInfoXMLParser) um.unmarshal(in); in.close(); xml.snapshot(); // get snapshot from biggest file setMiSnapshot(xml.getBiggestFile().snapshot); setDuration(xml.getDuration()); // accumulated duration return xml.getFilesize(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("ISO: Unable to parse " + xmlFile, e); } } if (miSnapshot == null) { int BUFFER_SIZE = 64 * 1024; Iso9660FileSystem image = null; try { LOGGER.trace("ISO: Open"); image = new Iso9660FileSystem(getFileAsPath().toFile(), true); int dur = 0; long siz = 0L; // accumulated filesize long biggest = 0L; for (Iso9660FileEntry entry : image) { LOGGER.trace("ISO: got entry " + entry.getName() + " size:" + entry.getSize()); siz += entry.getSize(); if (entry.getSize() <= 5000) { // small files and "." entries continue; } MediaFile mf = new MediaFile(Paths.get(getFileAsPath().toString(), entry.getPath())); // set ISO as MF path // mf.setMediaInfo(fileMI); // we need set the inner MI if (mf.getType() == MediaFileType.VIDEO && mf.isDiscFile()) { // would not count video_ts.bup for ex (and not .dat files or other types) mf.setFilesize(entry.getSize()); MediaInfo fileMI = new MediaInfo(); try { // mediaInfo.option("File_IsSeekable", "0"); byte[] From_Buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; int From_Buffer_Size; // The size of the read file buffer // Preparing to fill MediaInfo with a buffer fileMI.openBufferInit(entry.getSize(), 0); long pos = 0L; // The parsing loop do { // Reading data somewhere, do what you want for this. From_Buffer_Size = image.readBytes(entry, pos, From_Buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); pos += From_Buffer_Size; // add bytes read to file position // Sending the buffer to MediaInfo int Result = fileMI.openBufferContinue(From_Buffer, From_Buffer_Size); if ((Result & 8) == 8) { // Status.Finalized break; } // Testing if MediaInfo request to go elsewhere if (fileMI.openBufferContinueGoToGet() != -1) { pos = fileMI.openBufferContinueGoToGet(); LOGGER.trace("ISO: Seek to " + pos); // From_Buffer_Size = image.readBytes(entry, newPos, From_Buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); // pos = newPos + From_Buffer_Size; // add bytes read to file position fileMI.openBufferInit(entry.getSize(), pos); // Informing MediaInfo we have seek } } while (From_Buffer_Size > 0); LOGGER.trace("ISO: finalize"); // Finalizing fileMI.openBufferFinalize(); // This is the end of the stream, MediaInfo must finish some work Map<StreamKind, List<Map<String, String>>> tempSnapshot = fileMI.snapshot(); fileMI.close(); mf.setMiSnapshot(tempSnapshot); // set ours to MI for standard gathering mf.gatherMediaInformation(); // normal gather from snapshots // set ISO snapshot ONCE from biggest video file, so we copy all the resolutions & co if (entry.getSize() > biggest) { biggest = entry.getSize(); miSnapshot = tempSnapshot; } // accumulate durations from every MF dur += mf.getDuration(); LOGGER.trace("ISO: file duration:" + mf.getDurationHHMMSS() + " accumulated min:" + dur / 60); } // sometimes also an error is thrown catch (Exception | Error e) { LOGGER.error("Mediainfo could not open file STREAM", e); fileMI.close(); } } // end VIDEO } // end entry setDuration(dur); // set it here, and ignore duration parsing for ISO in gatherMI method... LOGGER.trace("ISO: final duration:" + getDurationHHMMSS()); image.close(); return siz; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Mediainfo could not open STREAM - trying fallback", e); try { if (image != null) { image.close(); image = null; } } catch (IOException e1) { LOGGER.warn("Uh-oh. Cannot close disc image :(", e); } closeMediaInfo(); getMediaInfoSnapshot(); } } return 0; } /** * DO NOT USE - only for ISO!!! */ @Deprecated public void setMediaInfo(MediaInfo mediaInfo) { this.mediaInfo = mediaInfo; } /** * DO NOT USE - only for ISO!!! */ @Deprecated public void setMiSnapshot(Map<StreamKind, List<Map<String, String>>> miSnapshot) { this.miSnapshot = miSnapshot; } /** * Gathers the media information via the native mediainfo lib.<br> * If mediafile has already be scanned, it will be skipped.<br> * Use gatherMediaInformation(boolean force) to force the execution. */ public void gatherMediaInformation() { gatherMediaInformation(false); } /** * Gathers the media information via the native mediainfo lib. * * @param force * forces the execution, will not stop on already imported files */ public void gatherMediaInformation(boolean force) { // check for supported filetype if (!isValidMediainfoFormat()) { // okay, we have no valid MI file, be sure it will not be triggered any more if (StringUtils.isBlank(getContainerFormat())) { setContainerFormat(getExtension()); } return; } // mediainfo already gathered if (!force && !getContainerFormat().isEmpty()) { return; } // gather subtitle infos independent of MI if (getType() == MediaFileType.SUBTITLE) { gatherSubtitleInformation(); } // file size and last modified try { BasicFileAttributes attrs = Files.readAttributes(getFileAsPath(), BasicFileAttributes.class); filedate = attrs.lastModifiedTime().toMillis(); setFilesize(attrs.size()); } catch (IOException e) { if (miSnapshot == null) { // maybe we set it already (from ISO) so only display message when empty LOGGER.warn("could not get file information (size/date): " + e.getMessage()); } // do not set/return here - we might have set it already... and the next check does check for a 0-byte file // setContainerFormat(getExtension()); // return; } // do not work further on 0 byte files if (getFilesize() == 0) { LOGGER.warn("0 Byte file detected: " + this.filename); // set container format to do not trigger it again setContainerFormat(getExtension()); return; } // do not work further on subtitles/NFO files if (type == MediaFileType.SUBTITLE || type == MediaFileType.NFO) { // set container format to do not trigger it again setContainerFormat(getExtension()); return; } // get media info LOGGER.debug("start MediaInfo for " + this.getFileAsPath()); long discFilesSizes = 0L; if (isISO) { discFilesSizes = getMediaInfoSnapshotFromISO(); } else { getMediaInfoSnapshot(); } if (miSnapshot == null) { // MI could not be opened LOGGER.error("error getting MediaInfo for " + this.filename); // set container format to do not trigger it again setContainerFormat(getExtension()); closeMediaInfo(); return; } LOGGER.trace("got MI"); String height = ""; String scanType = ""; String width = ""; String videoCodec = ""; switch (type) { case VIDEO: case VIDEO_EXTRA: case SAMPLE: case TRAILER: height = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height"); scanType = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ScanType"); width = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width"); videoCodec = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Video, 0, "CodecID/Hint", "Format"); // fix for Microsoft VC-1 if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(videoCodec, "Microsoft")) { videoCodec = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Format"); } // ***************** // get audio streams // ***************** // int streams = getMediaInfo().streamCount(StreamKind.Audio); int streams = 0; if (streams == 0) { // fallback 1 String cnt = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.General, 0, "AudioCount"); try { streams = Integer.parseInt(cnt); } catch (Exception e) { streams = 0; } } if (streams == 0) { // fallback 2 String cnt = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "StreamCount"); try { streams = Integer.parseInt(cnt); } catch (Exception e) { streams = 0; } } audioStreams.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < streams; i++) { MediaFileAudioStream stream = new MediaFileAudioStream(); String audioCodec = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Audio, i, "CodecID/Hint", "Format"); audioCodec = audioCodec.replaceAll("\\p{Punct}", ""); String audioAddition = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Audio, i, "Format_Profile"); if ("dts".equalsIgnoreCase(audioCodec) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(audioAddition)) { if (audioAddition.contains("ES")) { audioCodec = "DTSHD-ES"; } if (audioAddition.contains("HRA")) { audioCodec = "DTSHD-HRA"; } if (audioAddition.contains("MA")) { audioCodec = "DTSHD-MA"; } } stream.setCodec(audioCodec); // AAC sometimes codes channels into Channel(s)_Original String channels = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Audio, i, "Channel(s)_Original", "Channel(s)"); stream.setChannels(StringUtils.isEmpty(channels) ? "" : channels + "ch"); try { String br = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Audio, i, "BitRate"); stream.setBitrate(Integer.parseInt(br) / 1024); } catch (Exception ignored) { } String language = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Audio, i, "Language/String", "Language"); if (language.isEmpty()) { if (!isDiscFile()) { // video_ts parsed 'ts' as Tsonga // try to parse from filename String shortname = getBasename().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); stream.setLanguage(parseLanguageFromString(shortname)); } } else { stream.setLanguage(parseLanguageFromString(language)); } audioStreams.add(stream); } // ******************** // get subtitle streams // ******************** // streams = getMediaInfo().streamCount(StreamKind.Text); streams = 0; if (streams == 0) { // fallback 1 String cnt = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.General, 0, "TextCount"); try { streams = Integer.parseInt(cnt); } catch (Exception e) { streams = 0; } } if (streams == 0) { // fallback 2 String cnt = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Text, 0, "StreamCount"); try { streams = Integer.parseInt(cnt); } catch (Exception e) { streams = 0; } } subtitles.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < streams; i++) { MediaFileSubtitle stream = new MediaFileSubtitle(); String codec = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Text, i, "CodecID/Hint", "Format"); stream.setCodec(codec.replaceAll("\\p{Punct}", "")); String lang = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Text, i, "Language/String", "Language"); stream.setLanguage(parseLanguageFromString(lang)); String forced = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Text, i, "Forced"); boolean b = forced.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || forced.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"); stream.setForced(b); subtitles.add(stream); } // detect 3D video (mainly from MKV files) // sample Mediainfo output: // MultiView_Count : 2 // MultiView_Layout : Top-Bottom (left eye first) // MultiView_Layout : Side by Side (left eye first) String mvc = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Video, 0, "MultiView_Count"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(mvc) && mvc.equals("2")) { video3DFormat = VIDEO_3D; String mvl = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Video, 0, "MultiView_Layout").toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); LOGGER.debug("3D detected :) " + mvl); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(mvl) && mvl.contains("top") && mvl.contains("bottom")) { video3DFormat = VIDEO_3D_TAB; } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(mvl) && mvl.contains("side")) { video3DFormat = VIDEO_3D_SBS; } } break; case AUDIO: MediaFileAudioStream stream = new MediaFileAudioStream(); String audioCodec = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "CodecID/Hint", "Format"); stream.setCodec(audioCodec.replaceAll("\\p{Punct}", "")); String channels = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Channel(s)"); stream.setChannels(StringUtils.isEmpty(channels) ? "" : channels + "ch"); try { String br = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate"); stream.setBitrate(Integer.parseInt(br) / 1024); } catch (Exception e) { } String language = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Language/String", "Language"); if (language.isEmpty()) { // try to parse from filename String shortname = getBasename().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); stream.setLanguage(parseLanguageFromString(shortname)); } else { stream.setLanguage(parseLanguageFromString(language)); } audioStreams.clear(); audioStreams.add(stream); break; case POSTER: case BANNER: case FANART: case THUMB: case EXTRAFANART: case GRAPHIC: case SEASON_POSTER: case LOGO: case CLEARLOGO: case CLEARART: case DISCART: case EXTRATHUMB: height = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Image, 0, "Height"); // scanType = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Image, 0, "ScanType"); // no scantype on graphics width = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Image, 0, "Width"); videoCodec = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.Image, 0, "CodecID/Hint", "Format"); // System.out.println(height + "-" + width + "-" + videoCodec); break; case NFO: // do nothing here, but do not display default warning (since we got the filedate) break; default: LOGGER.warn("no mediainformation handling for MediaFile type " + getType() + " yet."); break; } // video codec // e.g. XviD, x264, DivX 5, MPEG-4 Visual, AVC, etc. // get first token (e.g. DivX 5 => DivX) setVideoCodec(StringUtils.isEmpty(videoCodec) ? "" : new Scanner(videoCodec).next()); // container format for all except subtitles (subtitle container format is handled another way) if (type == MediaFileType.SUBTITLE) { setContainerFormat(getExtension()); } else { String extensions = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.General, 0, "Codec/Extensions", "Format"); // get first extension setContainerFormat( StringUtils.isBlank(extensions) ? "" : new Scanner(extensions).next().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)); // if container format is still empty -> insert the extension if (StringUtils.isBlank(containerFormat)) { setContainerFormat(getExtension()); } } if (height.isEmpty() || scanType.isEmpty()) { setExactVideoFormat(""); } else { setExactVideoFormat(height + Character.toLowerCase(scanType.charAt(0))); } // video dimension if (!width.isEmpty()) { try { setVideoWidth(Integer.parseInt(width)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { setVideoWidth(0); } } if (!height.isEmpty()) { try { setVideoHeight(Integer.parseInt(height)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { setVideoHeight(0); } } switch (type) { case VIDEO: case VIDEO_EXTRA: case SAMPLE: case TRAILER: case AUDIO: // overall bitrate (OverallBitRate/String) String br = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.General, 0, "OverallBitRate"); if (!br.isEmpty()) { try { setOverallBitRate(Integer.parseInt(br) / 1024); // in kbps } catch (NumberFormatException e) { setOverallBitRate(0); } } // Duration;Play time of the stream in ms // Duration/String;Play time in format : XXx YYy only, YYy omited if zero // Duration/String1;Play time in format : HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, XX om.if.z. // Duration/String2;Play time in format : XXx YYy only, YYy omited if zero // Duration/String3;Play time in format : HH:MM:SS.MMM if (!isISO) { // ISO files get duration accumulated with snapshot String dur = getMediaInfo(StreamKind.General, 0, "Duration"); if (!dur.isEmpty()) { try { Double d = Double.parseDouble(dur); setDuration(d.intValue() / 1000); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { setDuration(0); } } } else { // do some sanity check, to see, if we have an invalid DVD structure // eg when the sum(filesize) way higher than ISO size LOGGER.trace("ISO size:" + filesize + " dataSize:" + discFilesSizes + " = diff:" + Math.abs(discFilesSizes - filesize)); if (discFilesSizes > 0 && filesize > 0) { long gig = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; if (Math.abs(discFilesSizes - filesize) > gig) { LOGGER.error("ISO file seems to have an invalid structure - ignore duration"); // we set the ISO duration to zero, // so the standard getDuration() will always get the scraped duration setDuration(0); } } } default: break; } LOGGER.trace("extracted MI"); // close mediainfo lib closeMediaInfo(); LOGGER.trace("closed MI"); } private String parseLanguageFromString(String shortname) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(shortname)) { return ""; } Set<String> langArray = LanguageUtils.KEY_TO_LOCALE_MAP.keySet(); shortname = shortname.replaceAll("(?i)Part [Ii]+", ""); // hardcoded; remove Part II which is no stacking marker; b/c II is a valid iso code :p shortname = StringUtils.split(shortname, '/')[0].trim(); // possibly "de / de" - just take first for (String s : langArray) { try { if (shortname.equalsIgnoreCase(s) || shortname.matches("(?i).*[ _.-]+" + s + "$")) {// ends with lang + delimiter prefix LOGGER.debug("found language '" + s + "' in '" + this.getFilename()); return LanguageUtils.getIso3LanguageFromLocalizedString(s); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Error parsing subtitle language from locale keyset: " + s, e); } } return ""; } /** * Checks if is valid mediainfo format. * * @return true, if is valid mediainfo format */ private boolean isValidMediainfoFormat() { String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(filename).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); // check unsupported extensions if ("bin".equals(extension) || "dat".equals(extension) || "img".equals(extension) || "nrg".equals(extension) || "disc".equals(extension)) { return false; } else if ("iso".equals(extension)) { isISO = true; return true; } // parse audio, video and graphic files (NFO only for getting the filedate) if (type.equals(MediaFileType.VIDEO) || type.equals(MediaFileType.VIDEO_EXTRA) || type.equals(MediaFileType.TRAILER) || type.equals(MediaFileType.SAMPLE) || type.equals(MediaFileType.SUBTITLE) || type.equals(MediaFileType.AUDIO) || type.equals(MediaFileType.NFO) || isGraphic()) { return true; } return false; } /** * does MediaFile exists? * * @return true/false */ public boolean exists() { return Files.exists(getFileAsPath()); } /** * <b>PHYSICALLY</b> deletes a MF by moving it to datasource backup folder<br> * DS\.backup\<filename><br> * maintaining its orginating directory * * @param datasource * the data source (for the location of the backup folder) * @return true/false if successful */ public boolean deleteSafely(String datasource) { return Utils.deleteFileWithBackup(getFileAsPath(), datasource); } @Override public boolean equals(Object mf2) { if ((mf2 != null) && (mf2 instanceof MediaFile)) { return compareTo((MediaFile) mf2) == 0; } return false; } @Override public int compareTo(MediaFile mf2) { return this.getFileAsPath().compareTo(mf2.getFileAsPath()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.getFileAsPath().hashCode(); } }