Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2017 TieFaces.
 * Licensed under MIT
package org.tiefaces.components.websheet.utility;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

import org.tiefaces.common.TieConstants;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.configuration.Command;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.configuration.ConfigBuildRef;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.configuration.ConfigRange;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.configuration.ConfigRangeAttrs;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.configuration.EachCommand;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.configuration.ExpressionEngine;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.configuration.RowsMapping;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.configuration.SheetConfiguration;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.dataobjects.CollectionObject;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.dataobjects.FacesRow;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.dataobjects.TieCell;
import org.tiefaces.exception.AddRowException;
import org.tiefaces.exception.DeleteRowException;
import org.tiefaces.exception.EvaluationException;

 * Helper class for command.
public final class CommandUtility {

    /** logger. */
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CommandUtility.class.getName());

     * hide constructor.
    private CommandUtility() {
        // not called

     * Adds the row.
     * @param configBuildRef
     *            the config build ref
     * @param rowIndex
     *            the row index
     * @param dataContext
     *            the data context
     * @return the int
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
    public static int addRow(final ConfigBuildRef configBuildRef, final int rowIndex,
            final Map<String, Object> dataContext) {

        // replace the lastCollection.
        // since here's add one row.
        // Then we should insert one empty object in the list.
        // The collection must be a list to support add/delete function.
        // and the object must support empty constructor.

        String fullName = ConfigurationUtility.getFullNameFromRow(configBuildRef.getSheet().getRow(rowIndex));
        String[] parts = fullName.split(":");
        CollectionObject collect = configBuildRef.getCellHelper().getLastCollect(fullName);

        Collection lastCollection = collect.getLastCollection();
        int lastCollectionIndex = collect.getLastCollectionIndex();
        EachCommand eachCommand = collect.getEachCommand();
        if (lastCollectionIndex < 0) {
            // no each command in the loop.
            throw new AddRowException("No each command found.");
        String unitFullName = CommandUtility.insertEmptyObjectInContext(fullName, lastCollection, eachCommand,
                lastCollectionIndex, dataContext);
        RowsMapping unitRowsMapping = new RowsMapping();
        ConfigRangeAttrs savedRangeAttrs = configBuildRef.getShiftMap().get(fullName);
        int insertPosition = savedRangeAttrs.getFirstRowRef().getRowIndex() + savedRangeAttrs.getFinalLength();
        CommandUtility.insertEachTemplate(eachCommand.getConfigRange(), configBuildRef, lastCollectionIndex + 1,
                insertPosition, unitRowsMapping);
        ConfigRange currentRange = ConfigurationUtility.buildCurrentRange(eachCommand.getConfigRange(),
                configBuildRef.getSheet(), insertPosition);
        List<RowsMapping> currentRowsMappingList = ConfigurationUtility.findParentRowsMappingFromShiftMap(parts,
        // reverse order of changeMap.
        Map<String, String> changeMap = new TreeMap<>(Collections.reverseOrder());
                currentRange.getAttrs().getLastRowPlusRef().getRowIndex(), fullName, changeMap, 1);
        ConfigurationUtility.changeIndexNumberInShiftMap(configBuildRef.getShiftMap(), changeMap);
        configBuildRef.putShiftAttrs(unitFullName, currentRange.getAttrs(), unitRowsMapping);
        int length = currentRange.buildAt(unitFullName, configBuildRef, insertPosition, dataContext,

        ConfigurationUtility.reBuildUpperLevelFormula(configBuildRef, fullName);
        ConfigurationUtility.changeUpperLevelFinalLength(configBuildRef.getShiftMap(), fullName, length);

        return length;


     * Delete row.
     * @param configBuildRef
     *            the config build ref
     * @param rowIndex
     *            the row index
     * @param dataContext
     *            the data context
     * @param sheetConfig
     *            the sheet config
     * @param bodyRows
     *            the body rows
     * @return the int
     * @throws DeleteRowException
     *             the delete row exception
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
    public static int deleteRow(final ConfigBuildRef configBuildRef, final int rowIndex,
            final Map<String, Object> dataContext, final SheetConfiguration sheetConfig,
            final List<FacesRow> bodyRows) {

        String fullName = ConfigurationUtility.getFullNameFromRow(configBuildRef.getSheet().getRow(rowIndex));

        CollectionObject collect = configBuildRef.getCellHelper().getLastCollect(fullName);

        Collection lastCollection = collect.getLastCollection();
        int lastCollectionIndex = collect.getLastCollectionIndex();
        EachCommand eachCommand = collect.getEachCommand();
        if (lastCollectionIndex < 0) {
            // no each command in the loop.
            throw new DeleteRowException("No each command found.");
        if (lastCollection.size() <= 1) {
            // this is the last record and no parent left.
            throw new DeleteRowException("Cannot delete the last record in the group.");

        CommandUtility.deleteObjectInContext(lastCollection, eachCommand, lastCollectionIndex, dataContext);

        // find range from shiftmap.
        ConfigRangeAttrs currentRangeAttrs = configBuildRef.getShiftMap().get(fullName);
        if (currentRangeAttrs == null) {
            throw new DeleteRowException("Cannot find delete range.");


        // The lastRowRef is wrong in rangeAttrs. So use length to recalc it.
        int startRow = currentRangeAttrs.getFirstRowIndex();
        int length = currentRangeAttrs.getFinalLength();
        int endRow = startRow + length - 1;

        List<String> removeFullNameList = findRemoveFullNameList(configBuildRef.getSheet(), startRow, endRow);
        // remove range from shiftmap.
        removeRangesFromShiftMap(configBuildRef.getShiftMap(), removeFullNameList);
        // 1. remove ranged rows from sheet
        String var = eachCommand.getVar();
        CommandUtility.removeRowsInSheet(configBuildRef.getSheet(), startRow, endRow,
        // 2. reset FacesRow row index.
        CommandUtility.removeRowsInBody(sheetConfig, bodyRows, startRow, endRow);
        // 3. decrease index number in hidden column
        Map<String, String> changeMap = new TreeMap<>();
        ConfigurationUtility.changeIndexNumberInHiddenColumn(configBuildRef, startRow, fullName, changeMap, -1);
        // 4. decrease index number in shift map
        ConfigurationUtility.changeIndexNumberInShiftMap(configBuildRef.getShiftMap(), changeMap);
        // 5. rebuild upper level formula
        ConfigurationUtility.reBuildUpperLevelFormula(configBuildRef, fullName);
        // 6. decrease upper level final length
        ConfigurationUtility.changeUpperLevelFinalLength(configBuildRef.getShiftMap(), fullName, -length);


        return length;


     * Removes the ranges from shift map.
     * @param shiftMap
     *            the shift map
     * @param removeFullNameList
     *            the remove full name list
    private static void removeRangesFromShiftMap(final NavigableMap<String, ConfigRangeAttrs> shiftMap,
            final List<String> removeFullNameList) {
        for (String fname : removeFullNameList) {


     * Find remove full name list.
     * @param sheet
     *            the sheet
     * @param startRow
     *            the start row
     * @param endRow
     *            the end row
     * @return the list
    private static List<String> findRemoveFullNameList(final Sheet sheet, final int startRow, final int endRow) {

        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int rowIndex = startRow; rowIndex <= endRow; rowIndex++) {
            String fullName = ConfigurationUtility.getFullNameFromRow(sheet.getRow(rowIndex));
            if (!list.contains(fullName)) {

        return list;

     * Gets the each command from parts name.
     * @param commandIndexMap
     *            the command index map
     * @param varparts
     *            the varparts
     * @return the each command from parts name
    public static EachCommand getEachCommandFromPartsName(final Map<String, Command> commandIndexMap,
            final String[] varparts) {
        if (varparts.length == TieConstants.DEFAULT_COMMAND_PART_LENGTH) {
            return (EachCommand) commandIndexMap.get(TieConstants.EACH_COMMAND_FULL_NAME_PREFIX + varparts[1]);
        return null;


     * Insert empty object in context.
     * @param fullName
     *            the full name
     * @param lastCollection
     *            the last collection
     * @param eachCommand
     *            the each command
     * @param lastCollectionIndex
     *            the last collection index
     * @param dataContext
     *            the data context
     * @return the string
     * @throws EvaluationException
     *             the evaluation exception
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    private static String insertEmptyObjectInContext(final String fullName, final Collection lastCollection,
            final EachCommand eachCommand, final int lastCollectionIndex, final Map<String, Object> dataContext) {
        if (!(lastCollection instanceof List)) {
            throw new EvaluationException("Collection must be list in order to insert/delete.");
        List collectionList = (List) lastCollection;
        // the object must support empty constructor.
        Object currentObj = collectionList.get(lastCollectionIndex);
        Object insertObj;
        try {
            insertObj = currentObj.getClass().newInstance();
            collectionList.add(lastCollectionIndex + 1, insertObj);
            dataContext.put(eachCommand.getVar(), insertObj);
            return fullName.substring(0, fullName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) + (lastCollectionIndex + 1);
        } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new EvaluationException(e);



     * Delete object in context.
     * @param lastCollection
     *            the last collection
     * @param eachCommand
     *            the each command
     * @param lastCollectionIndex
     *            the last collection index
     * @param dataContext
     *            the data context
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
    private static void deleteObjectInContext(final Collection lastCollection, final EachCommand eachCommand,
            final int lastCollectionIndex, final Map<String, Object> dataContext) {
        if (!(lastCollection instanceof List)) {
            throw new EvaluationException(eachCommand.getVar() + TieConstants.EACH_COMMAND_INVALID_MSG);
        List collectionList = (List) lastCollection;
        // the object must support empty constructor.



     * Prepare collection data in context.
     * @param varparts
     *            the varparts
     * @param collection
     *            the collection
     * @param dataContext
     *            the data context
     * @return the int
    public static int prepareCollectionDataInContext(final String[] varparts, final Collection collection,
            final Map<String, Object> dataContext) {
        if (varparts.length == TieConstants.DEFAULT_COMMAND_PART_LENGTH) {
            int collectionIndex = Integer.parseInt(varparts[2]);
            Object obj = ConfigurationUtility.findItemInCollection(collection, collectionIndex);
            if (obj != null) {
                dataContext.put(varparts[1], obj);
                return collectionIndex;
        return -1;

     * Index command range.
     * @param sourceConfigRange
     *            the source config range
     * @param indexMap
     *            the index map
    public static void indexCommandRange(final ConfigRange sourceConfigRange, final Map<String, Command> indexMap) {
        if (sourceConfigRange.getCommandList() != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < sourceConfigRange.getCommandList().size(); i++) {
                Command command = sourceConfigRange.getCommandList().get(i);
                indexMap.put(command.getCommandName(), command);


     * Checks if is row allow add.
     * @param row
     *            the row
     * @param sheetConfig
     *            the sheet config
     * @return true, if is row allow add
    public static boolean isRowAllowAdd(final Row row, final SheetConfiguration sheetConfig) {
        String fullName = ConfigurationUtility.getFullNameFromRow(row);
        if (fullName != null) {
            ConfigRangeAttrs attrs = sheetConfig.getShiftMap().get(fullName);
            if ((attrs != null) && (attrs.isAllowAdd())
                    && (row.getRowNum() == attrs.getFirstRowRef().getRowIndex())) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Insert each template.
     * @param sourceConfigRange
     *            the source config range
     * @param configBuildRef
     *            the config build ref
     * @param index
     *            the index
     * @param insertPosition
     *            the insert position
     * @param unitRowsMapping
     *            the unit rows mapping
    public static void insertEachTemplate(final ConfigRange sourceConfigRange, final ConfigBuildRef configBuildRef,
            final int index, final int insertPosition, final RowsMapping unitRowsMapping) {
        int srcStartRow = sourceConfigRange.getFirstRowAddr().getRow();
        int srcEndRow = sourceConfigRange.getLastRowPlusAddr().getRow() - 1;

        Sheet sheet = configBuildRef.getSheet();
        Workbook wb = sheet.getWorkbook();
        // excel sheet name has limit 31 chars
        String copyName = TieConstants.COPY_SHEET_PREFIX + sheet.getSheetName();
        if (copyName.length() > TieConstants.EXCEL_SHEET_NAME_LIMIT) {
            copyName = copyName.substring(0, TieConstants.EXCEL_SHEET_NAME_LIMIT);
        Sheet srcSheet = wb.getSheet(copyName);
        if (index > 0) {
            CellUtility.copyRows(srcSheet, sheet, srcStartRow, srcEndRow, insertPosition, false, true);

        for (int rowIndex = srcStartRow; rowIndex <= srcEndRow; rowIndex++) {
            if (configBuildRef.getWatchList().contains(rowIndex)
                    && (ConfigurationUtility.isStaticRow(sourceConfigRange, rowIndex))) {
                unitRowsMapping.addRow(rowIndex, sheet.getRow(insertPosition + rowIndex - srcStartRow));

     * Evaluate.
     * @param context
     *            the context
     * @param cell
     *            the cell
     * @param engine
     *            the engine
    public static void evaluate(final Map<String, Object> context, final Cell cell, final ExpressionEngine engine) {
        if ((cell != null) && (cell.getCellTypeEnum() == CellType.STRING)) {
            String strValue = cell.getStringCellValue();
            if (isUserFormula(strValue)) {
                evaluateUserFormula(cell, strValue);
            } else {
                evaluateNormalCells(cell, strValue, context, engine);

     * Evaluate normal cells.
     * @param cell
     *            cell.
     * @param strValue
     *            string value.
     * @param context
     *            context.
     * @param engine
     *            engine.
    public static void evaluateNormalCells(final Cell cell, final String strValue,
            final Map<String, Object> context, final ExpressionEngine engine) {
        if (strValue.contains(TieConstants.METHOD_PREFIX)) {

            Object evaluationResult = evaluate(strValue, context, engine);
            if (evaluationResult == null) {
                evaluationResult = "";
            CellUtility.setCellValue(cell, evaluationResult.toString());

            createTieCell(cell, context, engine);


    private static void createTieCell(final Cell cell, final Map<String, Object> context,
            final ExpressionEngine engine) {

        HashMap<String, TieCell> tieCells = (HashMap<String, TieCell>) context.get("tiecells");

        // if tiecells exists is because tieWebSheetBean.isAdvancedContext() is
        // true
        if (tieCells != null) {

            if (SaveAttrsUtility.isHasSaveAttr(cell)) {

                String saveAttrList = SaveAttrsUtility.getSaveAttrListFromRow(cell.getRow());

                if (saveAttrList != null) {
                    String saveAttr = SaveAttrsUtility.getSaveAttrFromList(cell.getColumnIndex(), saveAttrList);
                    if (saveAttr != null) {

                        int index = saveAttr.lastIndexOf('.');
                        if (index > 0) {
                            String strObject = saveAttr.substring(0, index);
                            String strMethod = saveAttr.substring(index + 1);
                            strObject = "${" + strObject + "}";

                            Object object = CommandUtility.evaluate(strObject, context, engine);

                            if (object != null) {
                                TieCell tieCell = CellUtility.getOrAddTieCellInMap(cell, tieCells);





     * Evaluate user formula.
     * @param cell
     *            the cell
     * @param strValue
     *            the str value
    private static void evaluateUserFormula(final Cell cell, final String strValue) {
        String formulaStr = strValue.substring(2, strValue.length() - 1);
        if ((formulaStr != null) && (!formulaStr.isEmpty())) {

     * Checks if is user formula.
     * @param str
     *            the str
     * @return true, if is user formula
    private static boolean isUserFormula(final String str) {
        return str.startsWith(TieConstants.USER_FORMULA_PREFIX) && str.endsWith(TieConstants.USER_FORMULA_SUFFIX);

     * Evaluate.
     * @param strValue
     *            the str value
     * @param context
     *            the context
     * @param engine
     *            the engine
     * @return the object
    public static Object evaluate(final String strValue, final Map<String, Object> context,
            final ExpressionEngine engine) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        int beginExpressionLength = TieConstants.METHOD_PREFIX.length();
        int endExpressionLength = TieConstants.METHOD_END.length();
        Matcher exprMatcher = TieConstants.EXPRESSION_NOTATION_PATTERN.matcher(strValue);
        String matchedString;
        String expression;
        Object lastMatchEvalResult = null;
        int matchCount = 0;
        int endOffset = 0;
        while (exprMatcher.find()) {
            endOffset = exprMatcher.end();
            matchedString =;
            expression = matchedString.substring(beginExpressionLength,
                    matchedString.length() - endExpressionLength);
            lastMatchEvalResult = engine.evaluate(expression, context);
                    Matcher.quoteReplacement(lastMatchEvalResult != null ? lastMatchEvalResult.toString() : ""));
        String lastStringResult = lastMatchEvalResult != null ? lastMatchEvalResult.toString() : "";
        boolean isAppendTail = matchCount == 1 && endOffset < strValue.length();
        Object evaluationResult = null;
        if (matchCount > 1 || isAppendTail) {
            evaluationResult = sb.toString();
        } else if (matchCount == 1) {
            if (sb.length() > lastStringResult.length()) {
                evaluationResult = sb.toString();
            } else {
                evaluationResult = lastMatchEvalResult;
        } else if (matchCount == 0) {
            evaluationResult = strValue;
        return evaluationResult;

     * Creates the cell comment.
     * @param cell
     *            the cell
     * @param newComment
     *            the new comment
     * @param finalCommentMap
     *            the final comment map
    public static void createCellComment(final Cell cell, final String newComment,
            final Map<Cell, String> finalCommentMap) {
        // due to poi's bug. the comment must be set in sorted order ( row first
        // then column),
        // otherwise poi will mess up.
        // workaround solution is to save all comments into a map,
        // and output them together when download workbook.

        if (newComment != null) {
            finalCommentMap.put(cell, newComment);


     * evaluate boolean express.
     * @param expEngine
     *            expression engine.
     * @param pscript
     *            script.
     * @return true (express is true) false ( express is false or invalid).
    public static boolean evalBoolExpression(final ExpressionEngine expEngine, final String pscript) {
        Object result = null;
        String script = "( " + pscript + " )";
        script = script.toUpperCase().replace("AND", "&&");
        script = script.toUpperCase().replace("OR", "||");
        try {
            result = expEngine.evaluate(script);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "WebForm WebFormHelper evalBoolExpression script = " + script + "; error = "
                    + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
        if (result != null) {
            return ((Boolean) result).booleanValue();
        } else {
            return false;

     * Remove the rows.
     * @param sheet
     *            the sheet
     * @param rowIndexStart
     *            start row index.
     * @param rowIndexEnd
     *            end row index.
     * @param cachedMap
     *            the cached map
    public static void removeRowsInSheet(final Sheet sheet, final int rowIndexStart, final int rowIndexEnd,
            final Map<Cell, String> cachedMap) {

        for (int irow = rowIndexStart; irow <= rowIndexEnd; irow++) {
            removeCachedCellForRow(sheet, irow, cachedMap);
        int irows = rowIndexEnd - rowIndexStart + 1;
        if ((irows < 1) || (rowIndexStart < 0)) {
        int lastRowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum();
        if (rowIndexEnd < lastRowNum) {
            sheet.shiftRows(rowIndexEnd + 1, lastRowNum, -irows);
        if (rowIndexEnd == lastRowNum) {
            // reverse order to delete rows.
            for (int i = rowIndexEnd; i >= rowIndexStart; i--) {
                removeSingleRowInSheet(sheet, rowIndexStart);

     * Removes the single row in sheet.
     * @param sheet
     *            the sheet
     * @param rowIndexStart
     *            the row index start
    private static void removeSingleRowInSheet(final Sheet sheet, final int rowIndexStart) {
        Row removingRow = sheet.getRow(rowIndexStart);
        if (removingRow != null) {

     * Removes the cached cell for row.
     * @param sheet
     *            the sheet
     * @param rowIndexStart
     *            the row index start
     * @param cachedMap
     *            the cached map
    private static void removeCachedCellForRow(final Sheet sheet, final int rowIndexStart,
            final Map<Cell, String> cachedMap) {
        Row removingRow = sheet.getRow(rowIndexStart);
        if (removingRow != null) {
            // remove cached cell.
            for (Cell cell : removingRow) {

     * Removes the rows in body.
     * @param sheetConfig
     *            the sheet config
     * @param bodyRows
     *            the body rows
     * @param rowIndexStart
     *            the row index start
     * @param rowIndexEnd
     *            the row index end
    public static void removeRowsInBody(final SheetConfiguration sheetConfig, final List<FacesRow> bodyRows,
            final int rowIndexStart, final int rowIndexEnd) {
        int top = sheetConfig.getBodyCellRange().getTopRow();
        if ((rowIndexEnd < rowIndexStart) || (rowIndexStart < top)) {

        int irows = rowIndexEnd - rowIndexStart + 1;
        for (int rowIndex = rowIndexEnd; rowIndex >= rowIndexStart; rowIndex--) {
            bodyRows.remove(rowIndex - top);
        for (int irow = rowIndexStart - top; irow < bodyRows.size(); irow++) {
            FacesRow facesrow = bodyRows.get(irow);
            facesrow.setRowIndex(facesrow.getRowIndex() - irows);