Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2017 TieFaces.
 * Licensed under MIT

package org.tiefaces.components.websheet.service;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.event.AjaxBehaviorEvent;

import org.primefaces.component.datatable.DataTable;
import org.primefaces.context.RequestContext;
import org.tiefaces.common.FacesUtility;
import org.tiefaces.common.TieConstants;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.TieWebSheetBean;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.configuration.SheetConfiguration;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.dataobjects.CellFormAttributes;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.dataobjects.FacesCell;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.dataobjects.FacesRow;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.dataobjects.TieCell;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.utility.CellControlsUtility;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.utility.CellUtility;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.utility.ConfigurationUtility;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.utility.SaveAttrsUtility;

 * The Class ValidationHandler.
public class ValidationHandler {

    /** The parent. */
    private TieWebSheetBean parent = null;

    /** logger. */
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ValidationHandler.class.getName());

     * Instantiates a new validation handler.
     * @param pparent
     *            the parent
    public ValidationHandler(final TieWebSheetBean pparent) {
        this.parent = pparent;


     * Refresh after status changed.
     * @param oldStatus
     *            the old status
     * @param newStatus
     *            the new status
     * @param formRow
     *            the form row
     * @param formCol
     *            the form col
     * @param cell
     *            the cell
     * @param updateGui
     *            update gui flag.
     *            if true then update gui.
    private void refreshAfterStatusChanged(final boolean oldStatus, final boolean newStatus, final int formRow,
            final int formCol, final FacesCell cell, final boolean updateGui) {

        if (!newStatus) {
        if (updateGui && (oldStatus != newStatus) && (parent.getWebFormClientId() != null)) {
                    .update(parent.getWebFormClientId() + ":" + (formRow) + ":group" + (formCol));


     * Validate with row col in current page.
     * @param row
     *            the row
     * @param col
     *            the col
     * @param updateGui
     *            if true then update gui. 
     * @return true, if successful
    public boolean validateWithRowColInCurrentPage(final int row, final int col, boolean updateGui) {

        //until now passEmptyCheck has one to one relation to submitMode
        //e.g. when passEmptyCheck = false, then submitMode = true.

        boolean submitMode = parent.getSubmitMode();
        boolean passEmptyCheck = !submitMode;

        int topRow = parent.getCurrent().getCurrentTopRow();
        int leftCol = parent.getCurrent().getCurrentLeftColumn();
        boolean pass = true;

        FacesRow fRow = CellUtility.getFacesRowFromBodyRow(row, parent.getBodyRows(), topRow);
        if (fRow == null) {
            return pass;

        FacesCell cell = CellUtility.getFacesCellFromBodyRow(row, col, parent.getBodyRows(), topRow, leftCol);
        if (cell == null) {
            return pass;

        Cell poiCell = parent.getCellHelper().getPoiCellWithRowColFromCurrentPage(row, col);
        boolean oldStatus = cell.isInvalid();

        String value = CellUtility.getCellValueWithoutFormat(poiCell);
        if (value == null) {
            value = "";
        } else {
            value = value.trim();

        if (passEmptyCheck && value.isEmpty()) {
            refreshAfterStatusChanged(oldStatus, false, row - topRow, col - leftCol, cell, updateGui);
            return pass;

        if (((parent.isOnlyValidateInSubmitMode() && submitMode) || !parent.isOnlyValidateInSubmitMode())
                && !validateByTieWebSheetValidationBean(poiCell, topRow, leftCol, cell, value, updateGui)) {
            return false;

        SheetConfiguration sheetConfig = parent.getSheetConfigMap().get(parent.getCurrent().getCurrentTabName());
        List<CellFormAttributes> cellAttributes = CellControlsUtility.findCellValidateAttributes(
                parent.getCellAttributesMap().getCellValidateAttributes(), fRow.getOriginRowIndex(), poiCell);

        if (parent.isAdvancedContext() && parent.getConfigAdvancedContext().getErrorSuffix() != null
                && !checkErrorMessageFromObjectInContext(row - topRow, col - leftCol, cell, poiCell, value,
                        sheetConfig, updateGui)) {
            return false;

        if (cellAttributes != null) {
            pass = validateAllRulesForSingleCell(row - topRow, col - leftCol, cell, poiCell, value, sheetConfig,
                    cellAttributes, updateGui);

        if (pass) {
            refreshAfterStatusChanged(oldStatus, false, row - topRow, col - leftCol, cell, updateGui);
        return pass;


     * Validate by tie web sheet validation bean.
     * @param poiCell the poi cell
     * @param topRow the top row
     * @param leftCol the left col
     * @param cell the cell
     * @param value the value
     * @param updateGui the update gui
     * @return true, if successful
    private boolean validateByTieWebSheetValidationBean(final Cell poiCell, final int topRow, final int leftCol,
            final FacesCell cell, final String value, boolean updateGui) {
        if (parent.getTieWebSheetValidationBean() != null) {
            String errormsg = null;
            String fullName = ConfigurationUtility.getFullNameFromRow(poiCell.getRow());
            String saveAttr = SaveAttrsUtility.prepareContextAndAttrsForCell(poiCell, fullName,
            if (saveAttr != null) {
                int row = poiCell.getRowIndex();
                int col = poiCell.getColumnIndex();
                errormsg = parent.getTieWebSheetValidationBean().validate(
                        parent.getSerialDataContext().getDataContext(), saveAttr,
                        poiCell.getSheet().getSheetName(), row, col, value);
                if ((errormsg != null) && (!errormsg.isEmpty())) {
                    refreshAfterStatusChanged(false, true, row - topRow, col - leftCol, cell, updateGui);
                    return false;
        return true;

     * Check error message from object in context.
     * @param formRow the form row
     * @param formCol the form col
     * @param cell the cell
     * @param poiCell the poi cell
     * @param value the value
     * @param sheetConfig the sheet config
     * @param updateGui the update gui
     * @return true, if successful
    private boolean checkErrorMessageFromObjectInContext(final int formRow, final int formCol, final FacesCell cell,
            final Cell poiCell, final String value, final SheetConfiguration sheetConfig, boolean updateGui) {

        HashMap<String, TieCell> tieCells = (HashMap<String, TieCell>) parent.getSerialDataContext()

        if (tieCells != null) {

            TieCell tieCell = tieCells.get(CellUtility.getSkeyFromPoiCell(poiCell));

            if (tieCell != null && tieCell.getContextObject() != null) {

                String errorMethod = tieCell.getMethodStr() + parent.getConfigAdvancedContext().getErrorSuffix();

                String errorMessage = CellControlsUtility.getObjectPropertyValue(tieCell.getContextObject(),
                        errorMethod, true);

                if (errorMessage != null && !errorMessage.isEmpty()) {
                    LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Validation failed for sheet {0} row {1} column {2} : {3}",
                            new Object[] { poiCell.getSheet().getSheetName(), poiCell.getRowIndex(),
                                    poiCell.getColumnIndex(), errorMessage });
                    refreshAfterStatusChanged(false, true, formRow, formCol, cell, updateGui);
                    return false;


        return true;


     * Validate all rules for single cell.
     * @param formRow            the form row
     * @param formCol            the form col
     * @param cell            the cell
     * @param poiCell            the poi cell
     * @param value            the value
     * @param sheetConfig            the sheet config
     * @param cellAttributes            the cell attributes
     * @param updateGui the update gui
     * @return true, if successful
    private boolean validateAllRulesForSingleCell(final int formRow, final int formCol, final FacesCell cell,
            final Cell poiCell, final String value, final SheetConfiguration sheetConfig,
            final List<CellFormAttributes> cellAttributes, boolean updateGui) {
        Sheet sheet1 = parent.getWb().getSheet(sheetConfig.getSheetName());
        for (CellFormAttributes attr : cellAttributes) {
            boolean pass = doValidation(value, attr, poiCell.getRowIndex(), poiCell.getColumnIndex(), sheet1);
            if (!pass) {
                String errmsg = attr.getMessage();
                if (errmsg == null) {
                    errmsg = TieConstants.DEFALT_MSG_INVALID_INPUT;
                LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Validation failed for sheet {0} row {1} column {2} : {3}",
                        new Object[] { poiCell.getSheet().getSheetName(), poiCell.getRowIndex(),
                                poiCell.getColumnIndex(), errmsg });
                refreshAfterStatusChanged(false, true, formRow, formCol, cell, updateGui);
                return false;

        return true;

     * Do validation.
     * @param value            the value
     * @param attr            the attr
     * @param rowIndex            the row index
     * @param colIndex the col index
     * @param sheet            the sheet
     * @return true, if successful
    private boolean doValidation(final Object value, final CellFormAttributes attr, final int rowIndex,
            final int colIndex, final Sheet sheet) {
        boolean pass;

        String attrValue = attr.getValue();
        attrValue = attrValue.replace("$value", value.toString() + "").replace("$rowIndex", rowIndex + "")
                .replace("$colIndex", colIndex + "").replace("$sheetName", sheet.getSheetName());
        attrValue = ConfigurationUtility.replaceExpressionWithCellValue(attrValue, rowIndex, sheet);
        if (attrValue.contains(TieConstants.EL_START)) {
            Object returnObj = FacesUtility.evaluateExpression(attrValue, Object.class);
            attrValue = returnObj.toString();
            pass = Boolean.parseBoolean(attrValue);
        } else {
            pass = parent.getCellHelper().evalBoolExpression(attrValue);
        return pass;


     * Validate cell.
     * @param target
     *            the target
     * @return true, if successful
    public final boolean validateCell(final UIComponent target) {

        int[] rowcol = CellUtility.getRowColFromComponentAttributes(target);
        int row = rowcol[0];
        int col = rowcol[1];
        return validateWithRowColInCurrentPage(row, col, true);

     * Validate current page.
     * @return true, if successful
    public final boolean validateCurrentPage() {
        boolean allpass = true;

        int top = parent.getCurrent().getCurrentTopRow();
        for (int irow = 0; irow < parent.getBodyRows().size(); irow++) {
            if (!validateRowInCurrentPage(irow + top, false)) {
                allpass = false;
        return allpass;

     * Validate row in current page.
     * @param irow the irow
     * @param updateGui the update gui
     * @return true, if successful
    public final boolean validateRowInCurrentPage(final int irow, final boolean updateGui) {
        SheetConfiguration sheetConfig = parent.getSheetConfigMap().get(parent.getCurrent().getCurrentTabName());
        return this.validateRow(irow, sheetConfig, updateGui);

     * Validate row.
     * @param irow the irow
     * @param sheetConfig the sheet config
     * @param updateGui the update gui
     * @return true, if successful
    private boolean validateRow(final int irow, final SheetConfiguration sheetConfig, boolean updateGui) {
        boolean pass = true;
        if (sheetConfig == null) {
            return pass;
        int top = sheetConfig.getBodyCellRange().getTopRow();
        List<FacesCell> cellRow = parent.getBodyRows().get(irow - top).getCells();
        for (int index = 0; index < cellRow.size(); index++) {
            FacesCell fcell = cellRow.get(index);
            if ((fcell != null) && (!validateWithRowColInCurrentPage(irow, fcell.getColumnIndex(), updateGui))) {
                pass = false;
        return pass;

     * Triggered when value in cells changed. e.g. user edit cell.
     * @param event
     *            ajax event.
    public void valueChangeEvent(final AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {

        try {
            FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            String tblName = parent.getWebFormClientId();
            UIComponent target = event.getComponent();
            boolean pass = validateCell(target);
            if (pass) {
                // to improve performance, re-validate current row only
                // page validation take times. will happen when change tab(page)
                // or
                // reload page.
                int[] rowcol = CellUtility.getRowColFromComponentAttributes(target);
                validateRowInCurrentPage(rowcol[0], true);
                refreshCachedCellsInCurrentPage(facesContext, tblName);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Validation error:" + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);

     * Refresh cached cells in current page.
     * @param facesContext
     *            the faces context
     * @param tblName
     *            the tbl name
    private void refreshCachedCellsInCurrentPage(final FacesContext facesContext, final String tblName) {
        // refresh current page calculation fields
        UIComponent s = facesContext.getViewRoot().findComponent(tblName);
        if (s == null) {
        DataTable webDataTable = (DataTable) s;
        int first = webDataTable.getFirst();
        int rowsToRender = webDataTable.getRowsToRender();
        int rowCounts = webDataTable.getRowCount();
        int top = parent.getCurrent().getCurrentTopRow();
        int left = parent.getCurrent().getCurrentLeftColumn();

        for (int i = first; i <= (first + rowsToRender); i++) {
            if (i < rowCounts) {
                refreshCachedCellsInRow(tblName, top, left, i);


     * Refresh cached cells in row.
     * @param tblName
     *            the tbl name
     * @param top
     *            the top
     * @param left
     *            the left
     * @param i
     *            the i
    private void refreshCachedCellsInRow(final String tblName, final int top, final int left, final int i) {
        FacesRow dataRow = parent.getBodyRows().get(i);
        int isize = dataRow.getCells().size();
        for (int index = 0; index < isize; index++) {
            FacesCell fcell = dataRow.getCells().get(index);
            Cell poiCell = parent.getCellHelper().getPoiCellWithRowColFromCurrentPage(i + top, index + left);
            if (poiCell != null) {
                parent.getHelper().getWebSheetLoader().refreshCachedCell(tblName, i, index, poiCell, fcell);

     * set submit mode flag with javascript for holding in client side.
     * @param fullflag
     *            true or false
    public void setSubmitModeInView(final Boolean fullflag) {

        if (FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() != null) {
            Map<String, Object> viewMap = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().getViewMap();
            if (viewMap != null) {
                Boolean flag = (Boolean) viewMap.get(TieConstants.SUBMITMODE);
                if ((flag == null) || (!flag.equals(fullflag))) {
                    viewMap.put(TieConstants.SUBMITMODE, fullflag);

     * triggered validation process before actions like save or submit.
     * @return true (pass) false (failed)
    public boolean preValidation() {

        String currentTabName = parent.getCurrent().getCurrentTabName();
        String tabName = null;
        String firstInvalidTabName = null;
        boolean reload = false;
        for (Map.Entry<String, SheetConfiguration> entry : parent.getSheetConfigMap().entrySet()) {
            tabName = entry.getKey();
            // if not reload and tabname==current then skip reloading.
            if (reload || (!tabName.equals(currentTabName))) {
                reload = true;
            if (!parent.getValidationHandler().validateCurrentPage() && (firstInvalidTabName == null)) {
                firstInvalidTabName = tabName;
        if (firstInvalidTabName != null) {
            if (!tabName.equals(firstInvalidTabName)) {
            return false;
        return true;
