Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2017 TieFaces.
 * Licensed under MIT

package org.tiefaces.components.websheet.service;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.primefaces.context.RequestContext;
import org.tiefaces.common.TieConstants;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.TieWebSheetBean;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.dataobjects.CollectionObject;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.dataobjects.FacesCell;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.utility.CellUtility;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.utility.CommandUtility;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.utility.ConfigurationUtility;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.utility.SaveAttrsUtility;

 * Helper class for web sheet cells.
 * @author Jason Jiang
public class CellHelper {

    /** instance to parent websheet bean. */
    private TieWebSheetBean parent = null;

    /** logger. */
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CellHelper.class.getName());

     * Instantiates a new cell helper.
    public CellHelper() {

     * Instantiates a new cell helper.
     * @param pparent
     *            parent bean.
    public CellHelper(final TieWebSheetBean pparent) {
        this.parent = pparent;

     * Save data in context.
     * @param poiCell
     *            the poi cell
     * @param strValue
     *            the str value
    public final void saveDataInContext(final Cell poiCell, final String strValue) {

        String saveAttr = SaveAttrsUtility.prepareContextAndAttrsForCell(poiCell,
                ConfigurationUtility.getFullNameFromRow(poiCell.getRow()), this);
        if (saveAttr != null) {
            SaveAttrsUtility.saveDataToObjectInContext(parent.getSerialDataContext().getDataContext(), saveAttr,
                    strValue, parent.getExpEngine());
            parent.getHelper().getWebSheetLoader().setUnsavedStatus(RequestContext.getCurrentInstance(), true);

     * recalc whole workbook.
    public final void reCalc() {

        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // skip the formula exception when recalc but log it
            LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, " recalc formula error : " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);


     * evaluate boolean express.
     * @param pscript
     *            express.
     * @return true (express is true) false ( express is false or invalid).
    public final boolean evalBoolExpression(final String pscript) {
        return CommandUtility.evalBoolExpression(parent.getExpEngine(), pscript);

     * Gets the poi cell with row col from current page.
     * @param rowIndex
     *            the row index
     * @param colIndex
     *            the col index
     * @return the poi cell with row col from current page
    public final Cell getPoiCellWithRowColFromCurrentPage(final int rowIndex, final int colIndex) {
        return CellUtility.getPoiCellWithRowColFromCurrentPage(rowIndex, colIndex, parent.getWb());

     * Gets the poi cell with row col from tab.
     * @param rowIndex
     *            the row index
     * @param colIndex
     *            the col index
     * @param tabName
     *            the tab name
     * @return the poi cell with row col from tab
    public final Cell getPoiCellWithRowColFromTab(final int rowIndex, final int colIndex, final String tabName) {
        if (parent.getWb() != null) {

            return CellUtility.getPoiCellFromSheet(rowIndex, colIndex,
        return null;

     * Gets the faces cell with row col from current page.
     * @param rowIndex
     *            the row index
     * @param colIndex
     *            the col index
     * @return the faces cell with row col from current page
    public final FacesCell getFacesCellWithRowColFromCurrentPage(final int rowIndex, final int colIndex) {
        if (parent.getBodyRows() != null) {
            int top = parent.getCurrent().getCurrentTopRow();
            int left = parent.getCurrent().getCurrentLeftColumn();
            return parent.getBodyRows().get(rowIndex - top).getCells().get(colIndex - left);
        return null;

     * Restore data context.
     * @param fullName
     *            the full name
    public final void restoreDataContext(final String fullName) {

        String[] parts = fullName.split(":");

        if (!isNeedRestore(fullName, parts)) {

        boolean stopSkip = false;
        List<String> list = parent.getCurrent().getCurrentDataContextNameList();
        int listSize = list.size();

        // prepare collection data in context.
        // must loop through the full name which may have multiple
        // layer.
        // i.e. E.department.1:E.employee.0
        // need prepare department.1 and employee.0

        for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
            String part = parts[i];
            boolean skip = false;
            if ((!stopSkip) && (i < listSize)) {
                String listPart = list.get(i);
                if (part.equalsIgnoreCase(listPart)) {
                    skip = true;
            if (!skip) {
                stopSkip = true;
        if (stopSkip) {


     * Get last collect object from full name.
     * Last collect contain each command, collection and index.
     * @param fullName
     *            the full name
     * @return the collection object
    public final CollectionObject getLastCollect(final String fullName) {
        String[] parts = fullName.split(":");
        String part = parts[parts.length - 1];
        return startRestoreDataContext(part);

     * Checks if is need restore.
     * @param fullName
     *            the full name
     * @param parts
     *            the parts
     * @return true, if is need restore
    private boolean isNeedRestore(final String fullName, final String[] parts) {
        if (fullName == null) {
            return false;
        if ((parent.getCurrent().getCurrentDataContextName() != null) && (parent.getCurrent()
                .getCurrentDataContextName().toLowerCase().startsWith(fullName.toLowerCase()))) {
            return false;

        return ((parts != null) && (parts.length > 1));

     * Start restore data context.
     * @param part
     *            the part
     * @return the collection object
    private CollectionObject startRestoreDataContext(final String part) {
        if (part.startsWith(TieConstants.EACH_COMMAND_FULL_NAME_PREFIX)) {
            String[] varparts = part.split("\\.");
            CollectionObject collect = new CollectionObject();

                    .getEachCommandFromPartsName(parent.getCurrentSheetConfig().getCommandIndexMap(), varparts));
                    collect.getEachCommand().getItems(), parent.getSerialDataContext().getDataContext()));
                    collect.getLastCollection(), parent.getSerialDataContext().getDataContext()));
            return collect;
        return null;
