Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2017 TieFaces.
 * Licensed under MIT

package org.tiefaces.components.websheet.configuration;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.dataobjects.CellFormAttributes;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.dataobjects.CellRange;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.serializable.SerialCellMap;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.serializable.SerialWorkbook;

 * Configuration object hold all the attributes defined in Configuration tab
 * Also some attributes hold runtime value for each web sheet.
 * @author Jason Jiang
public class SheetConfiguration implements Serializable {

     * serialVersionUID.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -108522960628560962L;

    /** The form name. */
    private String formName; // corresponds to tab name of configuration tab

    /** The sheet name. */
    private String sheetName; // corresponds to sheet name of configuration tab

    /** The form header range. */
    private String formHeaderRange; // corresponds to formHeaderRange of

    /** The form body range. */
    // configuration tab
    private String formBodyRange; // corresponds to formBodyRange of

    /** The form footer range. */
    // configuration tab
    private String formFooterRange; // corresponds to formFooterRange of

    /** The header cell range. */
    private CellRange headerCellRange; // transfer formHeaderRange to CellRange

    /** The body cell range. */
    // object
    private CellRange bodyCellRange; // transfer formBodyRange to CellRange

    /** The footer cell range. */
    // object
    private CellRange footerCellRange; // transfer formFooterRange to CellRange

    /** The form body type. */
    // object
    private String formBodyType; // formBodyType: Repeat or Free

    /** The body allow add rows. */
    private boolean bodyAllowAddRows; // whether allow dynamic insert row in

    /** The body initial rows. */
    // form body
    private int bodyInitialRows; // initial rows number for form body. support

    /** The body populated. */
    // EL.
    private boolean bodyPopulated; // runtime holder

    /** The max row per page. */
    private int maxRowPerPage; // max rows per page

    /** The cell form attributes. */
    private Map<String, List<CellFormAttributes>> cellFormAttributes;
     * The form command.
    private FormCommand formCommand;

    /** The shift map. */
    private NavigableMap<String, ConfigRangeAttrs> shiftMap;

    /** The command index map. */
    private HashMap<String, Command> commandIndexMap;

    /** The collection obj name map. */
    private Map<String, String> collectionObjNameMap;

    /** The watch list. */
    private List<Integer> watchList;

    /** The hidden. */
    private boolean hidden = false; // in some case e.g. prepop, we choose to
    // hide the sheet.
    /** fixedWidthStyle. */
    private boolean fixedWidthStyle = false;

    /** The cached origin formulas. */
    private SerialCellMap serialCachedCells = new SerialCellMap();

     * due to poi bug. cannot set comment during evaluate cell time. have to
     * output comments following sequence. i.e. row by row. hold comments for
     * the final sheet config form.
     * key is cell. value is the comments.
    private SerialCellMap serialFinalCommentMap = new SerialCellMap();

    /** logger. */
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SerialWorkbook.class.getName());

     * Instantiates a new sheet configuration.
    public SheetConfiguration() {
        LOG.fine("Sheet Configuration constructor");

     * Gets the sheet name.
     * @return the sheet name
    public final String getSheetName() {
        return sheetName;

     * Sets the sheet name.
     * @param psheetName
     *            the new sheet name
    public final void setSheetName(final String psheetName) {
        this.sheetName = psheetName;

     * Gets the form name.
     * @return the form name
    public final String getFormName() {
        return formName;

     * Sets the form name.
     * @param pformName
     *            the new form name
    public final void setFormName(final String pformName) {
        this.formName = pformName;

     * Gets the form header range.
     * @return the form header range
    public final String getFormHeaderRange() {
        return formHeaderRange;

     * Sets the form header range.
     * @param pformHeaderRange
     *            the new form header range
    public final void setFormHeaderRange(final String pformHeaderRange) {
        this.formHeaderRange = pformHeaderRange;

     * Gets the form body range.
     * @return the form body range
    public final String getFormBodyRange() {
        return formBodyRange;

     * Sets the form body range.
     * @param pformBodyRange
     *            the new form body range
    public final void setFormBodyRange(final String pformBodyRange) {
        this.formBodyRange = pformBodyRange;

     * Gets the form footer range.
     * @return the form footer range
    public final String getFormFooterRange() {
        return formFooterRange;

     * Sets the form footer range.
     * @param pformFooterRange
     *            the new form footer range
    public final void setFormFooterRange(final String pformFooterRange) {
        this.formFooterRange = pformFooterRange;

     * Gets the cell form attributes.
     * @return the cell form attributes
    public final Map<String, List<CellFormAttributes>> getCellFormAttributes() {
        return cellFormAttributes;

     * Sets the cell form attributes.
     * @param pcellFormAttributes
     *            the cell form attributes
    public final void setCellFormAttributes(final Map<String, List<CellFormAttributes>> pcellFormAttributes) {
        this.cellFormAttributes = pcellFormAttributes;

     * Gets the header cell range.
     * @return the header cell range
    public final CellRange getHeaderCellRange() {
        return headerCellRange;

     * Sets the header cell range.
     * @param pheaderCellRange
     *            the new header cell range
    public final void setHeaderCellRange(final CellRange pheaderCellRange) {
        this.headerCellRange = pheaderCellRange;

     * Gets the body cell range.
     * @return the body cell range
    public final CellRange getBodyCellRange() {
        return bodyCellRange;

     * Sets the body cell range.
     * @param pbodyCellRange
     *            the new body cell range
    public final void setBodyCellRange(final CellRange pbodyCellRange) {
        this.bodyCellRange = pbodyCellRange;

     * Gets the footer cell range.
     * @return the footer cell range
    public final CellRange getFooterCellRange() {
        return footerCellRange;

     * Sets the footer cell range.
     * @param pfooterCellRange
     *            the new footer cell range
    public final void setFooterCellRange(final CellRange pfooterCellRange) {
        this.footerCellRange = pfooterCellRange;

     * Gets the form body type.
     * @return the form body type
    public final String getFormBodyType() {
        return formBodyType;

     * Sets the form body type.
     * @param pformBodyType
     *            the new form body type
    public final void setFormBodyType(final String pformBodyType) {
        this.formBodyType = pformBodyType;

     * Checks if is body allow add rows.
     * @return true, if is body allow add rows
    public final boolean isBodyAllowAddRows() {
        return bodyAllowAddRows;

     * Sets the body allow add rows.
     * @param pbodyAllowAddRows
     *            the new body allow add rows
    public final void setBodyAllowAddRows(final boolean pbodyAllowAddRows) {
        this.bodyAllowAddRows = pbodyAllowAddRows;

     * Gets the body initial rows.
     * @return the body initial rows
    public final int getBodyInitialRows() {
        return bodyInitialRows;

     * Sets the body initial rows.
     * @param pbodyInitialRows
     *            the new body initial rows
    public final void setBodyInitialRows(final int pbodyInitialRows) {
        this.bodyInitialRows = pbodyInitialRows;

     * Checks if is body populated.
     * @return true, if is body populated
    public final boolean isBodyPopulated() {
        return bodyPopulated;

     * Sets the body populated.
     * @param pbodyPopulated
     *            the new body populated
    public final void setBodyPopulated(final boolean pbodyPopulated) {
        this.bodyPopulated = pbodyPopulated;

     * Gets the max row per page.
     * @return the max row per page
    public final int getMaxRowPerPage() {
        return maxRowPerPage;

     * Sets the max row per page.
     * @param pmaxRowPerPage
     *            the new max row per page
    public final void setMaxRowPerPage(final int pmaxRowPerPage) {
        this.maxRowPerPage = pmaxRowPerPage;

     * Gets the watch list.
     * @return the watch list
    public final List<Integer> getWatchList() {
        return watchList;

     * Sets the watch list.
     * @param pwatchList
     *            the new watch list
    public final void setWatchList(final List<Integer> pwatchList) {
        this.watchList = pwatchList;

     * Gets the shift map.
     * @return the shift map
    public final NavigableMap<String, ConfigRangeAttrs> getShiftMap() {
        return shiftMap;

     * Sets the shift map.
     * @param pshiftMap
     *            the shift map
    public final void setShiftMap(final NavigableMap<String, ConfigRangeAttrs> pshiftMap) {
        this.shiftMap = pshiftMap;

     * Gets the command index map.
     * @return the command index map
    public final Map<String, Command> getCommandIndexMap() {
        return commandIndexMap;

     * Sets the command index map.
     * @param pcommandIndexMap
     *            the command index map
    public final void setCommandIndexMap(final Map<String, Command> pcommandIndexMap) {
        if (pcommandIndexMap instanceof HashMap) {
            this.commandIndexMap = (HashMap<String, Command>) pcommandIndexMap;
        } else {
            this.commandIndexMap = new HashMap<>();

     * Gets the collection obj name map.
     * @return the collection obj name map
    public final Map<String, String> getCollectionObjNameMap() {
        return collectionObjNameMap;

     * Sets the collection obj name map.
     * @param pcollectionObjNameMap
     *            the collection obj name map
    public final void setCollectionObjNameMap(final Map<String, String> pcollectionObjNameMap) {
        this.collectionObjNameMap = pcollectionObjNameMap;

     * Gets the form command.
     * @return the form command
    public final FormCommand getFormCommand() {
        if (this.formCommand == null) {
            this.formCommand = new FormCommand();
        return formCommand;

     * Sets the form command.
     * @param pformCommand
     *            the new form command
    public final void setFormCommand(final FormCommand pformCommand) {
        this.formCommand = pformCommand;

     * Checks if is hidden.
     * @return true, if is hidden
    public final boolean isHidden() {
        return hidden;

     * Sets the hidden.
     * @param phidden
     *            the new hidden
    public final void setHidden(final boolean phidden) {
        this.hidden = phidden;

     * Gets the cached origin formulas.
     * @return the cached origin formulas
    public final Map<Cell, String> getCachedCells() {
        return serialCachedCells.getMap();

     * Gets the serial cached cells.
     * @return the serialCachedCells
    public final SerialCellMap getSerialCachedCells() {
        return serialCachedCells;

     * Gets the final comment map.
     * @return the final comment map
    public final Map<Cell, String> getFinalCommentMap() {
        return serialFinalCommentMap.getMap();

     * Gets the serial final comment map.
     * @return the serialFinalCommentMap
    public final SerialCellMap getSerialFinalCommentMap() {
        return serialFinalCommentMap;

     * recover the cell reference to the sheet.
     * @param wb
     *            workbook.
    public void recover(final Workbook wb) {
        Sheet sheet = wb.getSheet(this.sheetName);
        if (this.getShiftMap() != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, ConfigRangeAttrs> entry : this.getShiftMap().entrySet()) {
        if (this.getCommandIndexMap() != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, Command> entry : this.getCommandIndexMap().entrySet()) {


      * @return the fixedWidthStyle
    public final boolean isFixedWidthStyle() {
        return fixedWidthStyle;

     * @param pfixedWidthStyle the fixedWidthStyle to set
    public final void setFixedWidthStyle(final boolean pfixedWidthStyle) {
        this.fixedWidthStyle = pfixedWidthStyle;

    * Obtain a human readable representation.
    * @return String Human readable label
    public final String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("formName = " + formName);
        sb.append("sheetName = " + sheetName);
        sb.append("formHeaderRange = " + formHeaderRange);
        sb.append("formBodyRange = " + formBodyRange);
        sb.append("formFooterRange = " + formFooterRange);
        sb.append("formBodyType = " + formBodyType);
        sb.append("bodyAllowAddRows = " + bodyAllowAddRows);
        sb.append("bodyInitialRows = " + bodyInitialRows);
        sb.append("HeaderCellRange = " + headerCellRange);
        sb.append("BodyCellRange = " + bodyCellRange);
        sb.append("BodyPopulated = " + bodyPopulated);
        sb.append("FooterCellRange = " + footerCellRange);
        sb.append("cellFormAttributes = " + cellFormAttributes);
        sb.append("cachedOriginFormulas = " + serialCachedCells);
        sb.append("finalCommentMap = " + serialFinalCommentMap);
        sb.append("formCommand = " + formCommand);
        sb.append("shiftMap = " + shiftMap);
        sb.append("commandIndexMap = " + commandIndexMap);
        sb.append("collectionObjNameMap = " + collectionObjNameMap);
        sb.append("watchList = " + watchList);
        return sb.toString();
