Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2017 TieFaces.
 * Licensed under MIT
package org.tiefaces.components.websheet.configuration;

import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.serializable.SerialCell;
import org.tiefaces.components.websheet.serializable.SerialCellAddress;

 * The Class ConfigRangeAttrs.
public class ConfigRangeAttrs implements Serializable {
     * serialVersionUID.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    /** first cell. */
    private SerialCell serialFirstRowRef;
    /** last cell. */
    private SerialCell serialLastRowPlusRef;
    /** first cell address. This used to calculate relative address. */
    private SerialCellAddress firstRowAddr;
    /** last cell address. This used to calculate relative address. */
    private SerialCellAddress lastRowPlusAddr;
    /** if true then the lastCell is created instead of exist cell. */
    private boolean lastCellCreated;

    /** The final length. */
    private int finalLength = 0;

    /** The allow add. */
    private boolean allowAdd = false;

    /** The unit rows mapping. */
    private RowsMapping unitRowsMapping = null;

     * Instantiates a new config range attrs.
     * @param plastCellCreated
     *            the last cell created
    public ConfigRangeAttrs(final boolean plastCellCreated) {
        this.lastCellCreated = plastCellCreated;

     * Gets the first row ref.
     * @return the first row ref
    public final Cell getFirstRowRef() {
        return serialFirstRowRef.getCell();

     * Gets the serial first row ref.
     * @return the serialFirstRowRef
    public final SerialCell getSerialFirstRowRef() {
        if (this.serialFirstRowRef == null) {
            this.serialFirstRowRef = new SerialCell();
        return serialFirstRowRef;

     * Sets the first row ref.
     * @param pfirstRowRef
     *            the new first row ref
    public final void setFirstRowRef(final Cell pfirstRowRef) {

     * Gets the last row plus ref.
     * @return the last row plus ref
    public final Cell getLastRowPlusRef() {
        return serialLastRowPlusRef.getCell();

     * Gets the serial last row plus ref.
     * @return the serialLastRowPlusRef
    public final SerialCell getSerialLastRowPlusRef() {
        if (this.serialLastRowPlusRef == null) {
            this.serialLastRowPlusRef = new SerialCell();
        return serialLastRowPlusRef;

     * Sets the last row plus ref.
     * @param plastRowPlusRef
     *            the new last row plus ref
    public final void setLastRowPlusRef(final Cell plastRowPlusRef) {

     * Gets the first row addr.
     * @return the first row addr
    public final SerialCellAddress getFirstRowAddr() {
        return firstRowAddr;

     * Sets the first row addr.
     * @param pfirstRowAddr
     *            the new first row addr
    public final void setFirstRowAddr(final SerialCellAddress pfirstRowAddr) {
        this.firstRowAddr = pfirstRowAddr;

     * Gets the last row plus addr.
     * @return the last row plus addr
    public final SerialCellAddress getLastRowPlusAddr() {
        return lastRowPlusAddr;

     * Sets the last row plus addr.
     * @param plastRowPlusAddr
     *            the new last row plus addr
    public final void setLastRowPlusAddr(final SerialCellAddress plastRowPlusAddr) {
        this.lastRowPlusAddr = plastRowPlusAddr;

     * Checks if is last cell created.
     * @return true, if is last cell created
    public final boolean isLastCellCreated() {
        return lastCellCreated;

     * Sets the last cell created.
     * @param plastCellCreated
     *            the new last cell created
    public final void setLastCellCreated(final boolean plastCellCreated) {
        this.lastCellCreated = plastCellCreated;

     * Gets the final length.
     * @return the final length
    public final int getFinalLength() {
        return finalLength;

     * Sets the final length.
     * @param pfinalLength
     *            the new final length
    public final void setFinalLength(final int pfinalLength) {
        this.finalLength = pfinalLength;

     * Checks if is allow add.
     * @return true, if is allow add
    public final boolean isAllowAdd() {
        return allowAdd;

     * Sets the allow add.
     * @param pallowAdd
     *            the new allow add
    public final void setAllowAdd(final boolean pallowAdd) {
        this.allowAdd = pallowAdd;

     * Gets the unit rows mapping.
     * @return the unit rows mapping
    public final RowsMapping getUnitRowsMapping() {
        return unitRowsMapping;

     * Sets the unit rows mapping.
     * @param punitRowsMapping
     *            the new unit rows mapping
    public final void setUnitRowsMapping(final RowsMapping punitRowsMapping) {
        this.unitRowsMapping = punitRowsMapping;

     * recover by using it's address.
     * @param sheet
     *            sheet.
    public final void recover(final Sheet sheet) {

        if (this.getUnitRowsMapping() != null) {

     * Gets the first row index.
     * @return the first row index
    public final int getFirstRowIndex() {

        Cell cell = this.getFirstRowRef();
        if (cell != null) {
            return cell.getRowIndex();
        return -1;

     * Gets the last row index.
     * @return the last row index
    public final int getLastRowIndex() {

        Cell cell = this.getLastRowPlusRef();
        if (cell != null) {
            return cell.getRowIndex() - 1;
        return -1;
