Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************** * $URL: $ * $ 9134 2006-05-08 20:28:42Z $ *********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 The Sakai Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ package org.theospi.portfolio.presentation.export; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import websphinx.Access; import websphinx.Crawler; import websphinx.DownloadParameters; import websphinx.Link; import websphinx.LinkEvent; import websphinx.LinkListener; import websphinx.Page; public class PresentationExport extends Crawler implements LinkListener { protected final transient Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private PortfolioMirror mirror = null; private String hostName = null; private String webappName = null; private String tempDirectory = null; public static final int BUFFER = 1024 * 10; private ArrayList errorLinks = new ArrayList(); private static SessionAccess access = new SessionAccess(); public PresentationExport(String url, String tempDirectory) throws IOException { this.tempDirectory = tempDirectory; Access.setAccess(access); URL urlObj = new URL(url); this.hostName = urlObj.getHost(); String path = urlObj.getPath(); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(path, "/", false); webappName = tok.nextToken(); if (!tok.hasMoreTokens()) { webappName = ""; } else { webappName = "/" + webappName; } mirror = new PortfolioMirror(tempDirectory, webappName); this.setRootHrefs(url); this.setLinkType(Crawler.ALL_LINKS); this.setSynchronous(true); this.setDomain(Crawler.WEB); this.addLinkListener(this); DownloadParameters dp = getDownloadParameters(); dp = dp.changeMaxThreads(1); setDownloadParameters(dp.changeMaxPageSize(2000)); } public void createZip(OutputStream out) throws IOException { File directory = new File(tempDirectory + webappName); CheckedOutputStream checksum = null; ZipOutputStream zos = null; try { checksum = new CheckedOutputStream(out, new Adler32()); zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(checksum)); recurseDirectory("", directory, zos); zos.finish(); zos.flush(); } finally { if (zos != null) { try { zos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } if (checksum != null) { try { checksum.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } } /** * places a directory into the zip stream * @param parentPath * @param directory * @param zos * @throws IOException */ protected void recurseDirectory(String parentPath, File directory, ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException { // get all files... go through those File[] files = directory.listFiles(new DirectoryFileFilter(false)); if (files == null) throw new NullPointerException( "recursing through a directory which is not a directory: " + parentPath + " ---- " + directory); addFiles(zos, parentPath, files); // get all directories... go through those... File[] directories = directory.listFiles(new DirectoryFileFilter(true)); for (int i = 0; i < directories.length; i++) { recurseDirectory(parentPath + directories[i].getName() + "/", directories[i], zos); } } protected void addFiles(ZipOutputStream out, String parentPrefix, File[] files) throws IOException { BufferedInputStream origin = null; byte data[] = new byte[BUFFER]; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { String fileName = URLDecoder.decode(parentPrefix + files[i].getName()); logger.debug("Adding " + fileName); InputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(files[i]); if (in == null) throw new NullPointerException(); origin = new BufferedInputStream(in, BUFFER); if (fileName == null) throw new NullPointerException(); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(fileName); out.putNextEntry(entry); int count; while ((count =, 0, BUFFER)) != -1) { out.write(data, 0, count); } out.closeEntry(); } finally { try { if (origin != null) { origin.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Error cleaning up resource: ", e); } try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Error cleaning up resource: ", e); } } } } /** * Start crawling. Returns either when the crawl is done, or * when pause() or stop() is called. Because this method implements the * java.lang.Runnable interface, a crawler can be run in the * background thread. */ public void run() {; // process error links for (Iterator i = errorLinks.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Link link = (Link); visit(link.getPage()); } } public synchronized void visit(Page page) { try { mirror.writePage(page); mirror.rewrite(); } catch (IOException e) {"Error visiting link. Most likely broken link.", e); } logger.debug("visiting page"); super.visit(page); } public synchronized boolean shouldVisit(Link link) { if (link.getMethod() == Link.POST) { return false; } if (!link.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(hostName)) { return false; } // TODO maybe if (link.getURL().getFile().startsWith(webappName + "/")) { // return false; //} return true; } public void deleteTemp() { File temp = new File(tempDirectory); deleteContent(temp); temp.delete(); } protected void deleteContent(File directory) { File[] files = directory.listFiles(new DirectoryFileFilter(false)); if (files != null) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { files[i].delete(); } } // get all directories... go through those... File[] directories = directory.listFiles(new DirectoryFileFilter(true)); if (directories != null) { for (int i = 0; i < directories.length; i++) { deleteContent(directories[i]); directories[i].delete(); } } } /** * Notify that an event occured on a link. */ public void crawled(LinkEvent event) { if (event.getID() == LinkEvent.ERROR) { // switch to stream page link if (!(event.getLink().getPage() instanceof StreamedPage)) { logger.debug("loading file through streamed page."); Link newLink = new Link(event.getLink().getURL()); newLink.setPage(new StreamedPage(event.getLink())); addErrorLink(newLink); } else { logger.error("Link error " + event.getLink().getURL().toExternalForm(), event.getException()); } } else if (event.getID() == LinkEvent.QUEUED) { if (event.getLink().getPage() instanceof StreamedPage) { event.getLink().setStatus(LinkEvent.DOWNLOADED); } } } protected synchronized void addErrorLink(Link newLink) { errorLinks.add(newLink); } /** * Implements the FileFilter. it accepts the switch of whether to accept files or directories * */ private static class DirectoryFileFilter implements FileFilter { private boolean directories = false; public DirectoryFileFilter(boolean directories) { this.directories = directories; } /** * Tests whether or not the specified abstract pathname should be * included in a pathname list. * * @param pathname The abstract pathname to be tested * @return <code>true</code> if and only if <code>pathname</code> * should be included */ public boolean accept(File pathname) { if (directories) { return pathname.isDirectory(); } else { return pathname.isFile(); } } } }