Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007 Rafael Messias Martins * * This file is part of TesteOA. * * TesteOA is free software: you can redistribue it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * TesteOA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with TesteOA. If not, see <>. * */ package org.testeoa.estatica; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import org.objectweb.asm.Label; import org.objectweb.asm.MethodAdapter; import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.util.AbstractVisitor; import org.testeoa.grafo.Aresta; import org.testeoa.grafo.DUG; import org.testeoa.grafo.PosProcDUG; import org.testeoa.grafo.Vertice; /** * @author Rafael */ public class AdapterDUG extends MethodAdapter { private DUG grafo; PosProcDUG posProc; Vertice verticeAtual; private Vertice verticeAnterior; private boolean adjacente; private boolean entrada; private boolean saida; /** * name="alvos" * @uml.associationEnd qualifier="key:java.lang.Object java.util.Vector<Label>" */ private Map<Vertice, Vector<Label>> alvos; /** * name="defs" * @uml.associationEnd qualifier="key:java.lang.Object java.util.Set<Integer>" */ private Map<Vertice, Set<Integer>> defs = new HashMap<Vertice, Set<Integer>>(); /** * name="usos" * @uml.associationEnd qualifier="key:java.lang.Object java.util.Set<Integer>" */ private Map<Vertice, Set<Integer>> usos = new HashMap<Vertice, Set<Integer>>(); private List<String> vars = new ArrayList<String>(); public AdapterDUG(MethodVisitor mv, DUG g) { super(mv); grafo = g; posProc = new PosProcDUG(grafo); verticeAtual = null; verticeAnterior = null; entrada = true; alvos = new HashMap<Vertice, Vector<Label>>(); } void novoVerticeAtual(Label label) { verticeAtual = new Vertice(label); adjacente = true; } private void novoAlvo(Label label) { if (!alvos.containsKey(verticeAtual)) { alvos.put(verticeAtual, new Vector<Label>()); } alvos.get(verticeAtual).add(label); } void inserirVerticeAtual() { grafo.inserir(verticeAtual); if (entrada) { grafo.setEntrada(verticeAtual); } entrada = false; if (saida) { grafo.setSaida(verticeAtual); } saida = false; inserirArestas(); if (adjacente) { verticeAnterior = verticeAtual; } else { verticeAnterior = null; } verticeAtual = null; } void inserirArestas() { // se adjacente ao anterior... if (verticeAnterior != null) { grafo.inserir(new Aresta(verticeAnterior, verticeAtual)); } // se algum de seus alvos j foi inserido... if (alvos.containsKey(verticeAtual)) { for (Label label : alvos.get(verticeAtual)) { Vertice destino = grafo.getVertice(label); if (destino != null) { grafo.inserir(new Aresta(verticeAtual, destino)); } } } // se alvo de algum desvio... for (Vertice origem : alvos.keySet()) { if (alvos.get(origem).contains(verticeAtual.getLabel())) { grafo.inserir(new Aresta(origem, verticeAtual)); } } } private void addInstrucao(String instrucao) { if (verticeAtual == null) { Label l = new Label(); novoVerticeAtual(l); // gambiarra super.visitLabel(l); } verticeAtual.inserirInstrucao(instrucao); } @Override public void visitLabel(Label label) { if (verticeAtual != null) { inserirVerticeAtual(); } novoVerticeAtual(label); super.visitLabel(label); } @Override public void visitJumpInsn(int opcode, Label label) { addInstrucao(getInstrucao(opcode) + " " + label); novoAlvo(label); if (opcode == Opcodes.GOTO) { adjacente = false; } inserirVerticeAtual(); super.visitJumpInsn(opcode, label); } @Override public void visitLookupSwitchInsn(Label dflt, int[] keys, Label[] labels) { for (Label label : labels) { novoAlvo(label); } novoAlvo(dflt); String instrucao = "LOOKUPSWITCH"; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { instrucao += " " + keys[i] + ": " + labels[i] + ";"; } instrucao += " default: " + dflt; addInstrucao(instrucao); adjacente = false; inserirVerticeAtual(); super.visitLookupSwitchInsn(dflt, keys, labels); } @Override public void visitTableSwitchInsn(int min, int max, Label dflt, Label[] labels) { for (Label label : labels) { novoAlvo(label); } novoAlvo(dflt); String instrucao = "TABLESWITCH"; for (int i = 0; i <= (max - min); i++) { instrucao += " " + (min + i) + ": " + labels[i] + ";"; } instrucao += " default: " + dflt; addInstrucao(instrucao); adjacente = false; inserirVerticeAtual(); super.visitTableSwitchInsn(min, max, dflt, labels); } @Override public void visitInsn(int opcode) { addInstrucao(getInstrucao(opcode)); if (opcode >= Opcodes.IRETURN && opcode <= Opcodes.RETURN) { adjacente = false; saida = true; inserirVerticeAtual(); } else if (opcode == Opcodes.ATHROW) { adjacente = false; saida = true; inserirVerticeAtual(); } super.visitInsn(opcode); } @Override public void visitFieldInsn(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc) { // insere a descrio da instruo String instrucao = getInstrucao(opcode); instrucao += " " + owner + "." + name + " " + desc; addInstrucao(instrucao); // Anlise do Fluxo de Dados String[] s = owner.split("/"); String o = s[s.length - 1]; if (opcode == Opcodes.PUTFIELD || opcode == Opcodes.PUTSTATIC) { verticeAtual.inserirDefinicao(o + "." + name); } if (opcode == Opcodes.GETFIELD || opcode == Opcodes.GETSTATIC) { verticeAtual.inserirUso(o + "." + name); } super.visitFieldInsn(opcode, owner, name, desc); } @Override public void visitIincInsn(int var, int increment) { addInstrucao("IINC " + var + " " + increment); // Anlise do Fluxo de Dados addUso(var); addDef(var); super.visitIincInsn(var, increment); } @Override public void visitIntInsn(int opcode, int operand) { String instrucao = getInstrucao(opcode); if (opcode == Opcodes.NEWARRAY) { instrucao += " " + getTipo(operand); } else { instrucao += " " + operand; } addInstrucao(instrucao); super.visitIntInsn(opcode, operand); } @Override public void visitLdcInsn(Object cst) { String instrucao = "LDC"; if (cst instanceof String) { instrucao += " \"" + cst + "\""; } else { instrucao += " " + cst; } addInstrucao(instrucao); super.visitLdcInsn(cst); } @Override public void visitMethodInsn(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc) { String instrucao = getInstrucao(opcode); instrucao += " " + owner + "." + name + " " + desc; addInstrucao(instrucao); super.visitMethodInsn(opcode, owner, name, desc); } @Override public void visitMultiANewArrayInsn(String desc, int dims) { addInstrucao("MULTIANEWARRAY " + desc + " " + dims); super.visitMultiANewArrayInsn(desc, dims); } @Override public void visitTypeInsn(int opcode, String desc) { addInstrucao(getInstrucao(opcode) + " " + desc); super.visitTypeInsn(opcode, desc); } @Override public void visitVarInsn(int opcode, int var) { String ins = getInstrucao(opcode) + " " + var; addInstrucao(ins); // Anlise do Fluxo de Dados if (opcode >= Opcodes.ILOAD && opcode <= Opcodes.ALOAD) { addUso(var); } if (opcode >= Opcodes.ISTORE && opcode <= Opcodes.ASTORE) { addDef(var); } super.visitVarInsn(opcode, var); } @Override public void visitLineNumber(int line, Label start) { addInstrucao("LINENUMBER " + line); super.visitLineNumber(line, start); } @Override public void visitLocalVariable(String name, String desc, String signature, Label start, Label end, int index) { //vars.add(index, name); vars.add(name); super.visitLocalVariable(name, desc, signature, start, end, index); } private String getInstrucao(int opcode) { return AbstractVisitor.OPCODES[opcode]; } private String getTipo(int tipo) { return AbstractVisitor.TYPES[tipo]; } private void addDef(int var) { if (defs.get(verticeAtual) == null) { defs.put(verticeAtual, new HashSet<Integer>()); } defs.get(verticeAtual).add(var); } private void addUso(int var) { if (usos.get(verticeAtual) == null) { usos.put(verticeAtual, new HashSet<Integer>()); } usos.get(verticeAtual).add(var); } @Override public void visitEnd() { super.visitEnd(); for (Vertice v : defs.keySet()) { for (int i : defs.get(v)) { if (i < vars.size()) { v.inserirDefinicao(vars.get(i)); } } } for (Vertice v : usos.keySet()) { for (int i : usos.get(v)) { if (i < vars.size()) { v.inserirUso(vars.get(i)); } } } posProc.otimizar(); } }