Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2015 Signal Iduna Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 * Signal Iduna Corporation - initial API and implementation
 * akquinet AG

package org.testeditor.fixture.web;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
import org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.testeditor.fixture.core.exceptions.StopTestException;
import org.testeditor.fixture.core.utils.ExceptionUtils;

 * Provides methods to test Eclipse RAP (Remote Application Platform) web
 * applications. This class overrides some of the basic behavior of WebFixture
 * to improve handling of RAP components, like auto complete text boxes.
// "Use RapWebFixture instead"
public class EclipseRapFixture extends WebFixture {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(EclipseRapFixture.class);

    private static final String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = "dd.MM.yyyy";

     * Refines the behavior of the super class, such that the target element is
     * clicked once more, after the given <code>value</code> has been inserted
     * into the target element.
     * @param elementListKey
     *            key to find the technical locator
     * @param value
     *            value for the input
     * @param replaceArgs
     *            values to replace the place holders in the element list entry
     *            with
     * @return true if input was successful, otherwise false
    public void insertIntoField(String value, String elementListKey, String... replaceArgs) {

        WebElement element = findWebelement(elementListKey, replaceArgs);

        if (element != null && element.isDisplayed()) {
            // for a non-wrapping textarea this click caused an exception
            if (!element.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("textarea")) {

            String expectedValue;

            if (element.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("input")) {
                expectedValue = readAttributeFromField("value", elementListKey, replaceArgs);
            } else {
                // resolve to cheating (i.e. no plausibility checks) for
                // problematic cases e.g. for div elements in date selection
                // widgets
                expectedValue = value;

            if (assertIsEqualTo(value, expectedValue)) {
                throw new StopTestException("Value wasn't inserted correctly");


     * Inserts the given date value into a date field. The technical locator of
     * the field gets identified by the element list matching the given key.
     * <br />
     * @param value
     *            value for the input
     * @param dateFormat
     *            the used format of the date value
     * @param elementListKey
     *            key to find the technical locator (older IE-Browser needs an
     *            extra /div[2] to locate the outer date div)
     * @param replaceArgs
     *            values to replace the place holders in the element list entry
     *            with
     * @return true if date was insert successful, otherwise false
    public void insertIntoDateField(String value, String dateFormat, String elementListKey, String... replaceArgs) {

        final DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);
        final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        try {
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new StopTestException("Date format don't match with date value");

        // get outer calendar element
        WebElement element = findWebelement(elementListKey, replaceArgs);

        if (element != null && element.isDisplayed()) {
            // Find div element that contains day/month/year divs. This is
            // necessary, because RAP renders different HTML for chrome, firefox
            // and ie.
            WebElement parent = element.findElement(By.xpath(".//div[5]/.."));

            // YEAR
            WebElement year = parent.findElement(By.xpath("./div[5]"));
            if (year != null && year.isDisplayed()) {
                year.sendKeys(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "");

            // MONTH
            WebElement month = parent.findElement(By.xpath("./div[1]"));
            if (month != null && month.isDisplayed()) {
                // add +1 because month field is 0-based
                month.sendKeys(calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1 + "");

            // DAY
            WebElement day = parent.findElement(By.xpath("./div[3]"));
            if (day != null && day.isDisplayed()) {
                day.sendKeys(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "");


     * Works just like
     * <code>insertIntoDateField(value, dateFormat, elementListKey, replaceArgs)</code>
     * except the argument <code>replaceArgs</code> is always an empty array.
     * @param value
     *            value for the input
     * @param dateFormat
     *            the used format of the date value
     * @param elementListKey
     *            key to find the technical locator (the IE needs an extra
     *            /div[2] to locate the outer date div)
     * @return true if date was insert successful, otherwise false
    public void insertIntoDateField(String value, String dateFormat, String elementListKey) {
        insertIntoDateField(value, dateFormat, elementListKey, new String[] {});

     * Works just like
     * <code>insertIntoDateField(value, elementListKey, replaceArgs)</code>
     * except the argument <code>replaceArgs</code> is always an empty array and
     * the used date format is "dd.MM.yyyy".
     * @param value
     *            value for the input
     * @param elementListKey
     *            key to find the technical locator (the IE needs an extra
     *            /div[2] to locate the outer date div)
     * @return true if date was insert successful, otherwise false
    public void insertIntoDateField(String value, String elementListKey) {
        insertIntoDateField(value, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, elementListKey, new String[] {});

     * Return the date of the date field.
     * @param elementListKey
     *            key to find the technical locator (the IE needs an extra
     *            /div[2] to locate the outer date div)
     * @param replaceArgs
     *            values to replace the place holders in the element list entry
     *            with
     * @return the date in the application format
    public String readDateField(String elementListKey, String... replaceArgs) {
        WebElement element = findWebelement(elementListKey, replaceArgs);
        if (element != null && element.isDisplayed() && element.getText() != null) {
            return element.getText().replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").trim();
        } else {
            throw new StopTestException("Value wasn't read correctly");

     * Works just like <code>readDateField(elementListKey, replaceArgs)</code>
     * except the argument <code>replaceArgs</code> is always an empty array.
     * @param elementListKey
     *            key to find the technical locator (the IE needs an extra
     *            /div[2] to locate the outer date div)
     * @return the date in the application format
    public String readDateField(String elementListKey) {
        return readDateField(elementListKey, new String[] {});

     * (Horrible) Workaround to read RAP a checkbox. This method gets the
     * element (possibly by its id) and then reads its inner HTML text. In RAP
     * applications at least two <code>div</code> elements are nested within the
     * target <code>div</code> (possibly a third, when the checkbox is focused).
     * One of them sets the background image to display the current state of the
     * checkbox. The current state of the checkbox is identified by looking up
     * the image names from the element list.
     * @param elementListKey
     *            key to find the technical locator
     * @param replaceArgs
     *            values to replace the place holders in the element list entry
     *            with
     * @return the value of the target element; A StopTestException is thrown,
     *         if the element could not be found or is not visible (i.e. hidden
     *         using CSS, etc.).
    public boolean readCheckbox(String elementListKey, String... replaceArgs) {
        String innerHTML = readAttributeFromField("innerHTML", elementListKey, replaceArgs);

        boolean result = false;
        boolean error = false;

        String uncheckedImg = getLocatorFromElementList("RAP_CHECK_UNCHECKED");
        String uncheckedHoverImg = getLocatorFromElementList("RAP_CHECK_UNCHECKED_HOVER");
        String checkedImg = getLocatorFromElementList("RAP_CHECK_CHECKED");
        String checkedHoverImg = getLocatorFromElementList("RAP_CHECK_CHECKED_HOVER");

        if (innerHTML.contains(uncheckedImg) || innerHTML.contains(uncheckedHoverImg)) {
            result = false;
        } else if (innerHTML.contains(checkedImg) || innerHTML.contains(checkedHoverImg)) {
            result = true;
        } else {
            error = true;

        if (error) {
            String logMessage = "Checkbox '" + elementListKey + " not found, not visible or in an unknown state.";
            throw new StopTestException(logMessage);

        return result;

     * Works just like <code>readCheckbox(elementListKey, replaceArgs)</code>
     * except the argument <code>replaceArgs</code> is always an empty array.
     * @param elementListKey
     *            key to find the technical locator
     * @return the value of the target element; A StopTestException is thrown,
     *         if the element could not be found or is not visible (i.e. hidden
     *         using CSS, etc.).
    public boolean readCheckbox(String elementListKey) {
        return readCheckbox(elementListKey, new String[] {});

     * Finds a tab by its element list locator and returns its title. If the tab
     * represents a new or changed document/object, then the title will have an
     * asterisk (*) appended, which will be removed by this function.
     * FitNesse usage..: |read name of tab;|arg1|[arg2, arg3, ...]| <br />
     * FitNesse example: |read name of tab;|XPathToFindNewTabInRow{0}Col{1}|[5,
     * 3]| <br />
     * <br />
     * @param elementListKey
     *            key to find the technical locator
     * @param replaceArgs
     *            values to replace the place holders in the element list entry
     *            with
     * @return the title or name of the target tab
    public String readNameOfTab(String elementListKey, String... replaceArgs) {
        String result = "";

        WebElement element = findWebelement(elementListKey, replaceArgs);

        if (element != null && element.isDisplayed()) {
            String tabTitle = element.getText();
            if (tabTitle.endsWith("*")) {
                tabTitle = tabTitle.substring(0, tabTitle.length() - 1);
            result = tabTitle;

        return result;

     * Finds a validator icon by its element list locator and returns if it's
     * present.
     * FitNesse usage..: |check for validation image;|arg1|arg2|arg3| <br />
     * FitNesse example: |check for validation image;|input_digits|9f835836|[]|
     * <br />
     * <br />
     * @param elementListKey
     *            key to find the technical locator
     * @param imageName
     *            name of the icon image without extension (e.g. 9f835836)
     * @param replaceArgs
     *            values to replace the place holders in the element list entry
     *            with
     * @return true, if the validator icon is present for the element (technical
     *         locator)
    public boolean checkForValidationImage(String elementListKey, String imageName, String... replaceArgs) {
        boolean result = false;

        WebElement element = findWebelement(elementListKey, replaceArgs);

        if (element != null && element.isDisplayed()) {
            try {
                element = element.findElement(By.xpath("./following::img[1]"));
            } catch (TimeoutException e) {
                ExceptionUtils.handleNoSuchElementException(elementListKey, e);

        if (element != null && element.isDisplayed()) {
            String outerHTML = element.getAttribute("outerHTML").toLowerCase();

            if (outerHTML.contains(imageName.toLowerCase())) {
                result = true;
            } else {
                String logMessage = "Validator icon with image name='" + imageName + "' not found or not visible.";
                throw new StopTestException(logMessage);
        return result;

     * Selects the given value from drop down.
     * @param value
     *            the value to select
     * @param elementListKey
     *            the input field of the combo box
     * @param replaceArgs
     *            values to replace the place holders in the element list entry
     * @return true if value was selectable
    public boolean selectInDropDown(String value, String elementListKey, String... replaceArgs) {
        boolean result = false;

         * Because RAP doesn't render drop downs as select-tags with options, we
         * can't use the standard web driver Select-class. RAP creates combo
         * boxes as input field with attached divs. Input field and divs don't
         * share a common XPATH.

        WebElement element = findWebelement(elementListKey, replaceArgs);;

        String currentValue = element.getAttribute("value");
        String before = null;

        do {
            if (value.equals(currentValue)) {
                result = true;
            } else {
                before = currentValue;
                currentValue = element.getAttribute("value");
        } while (!currentValue.equals(before) && !result);

        return result;