Java tutorial
/* * Terrier - Terabyte Retriever * Webpage: * Contact: terrier{a.} * University of Glasgow - School of Computing Science * * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * The Original Code is * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2004-2014 the University of Glasgow. * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Craig Macdonald <craigm{a.}> (original contributor) */ package org.terrier.structures.indexing; import gnu.trove.TObjectIntHashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Partitioner; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.NullOutputFormat; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.terrier.structures.Index; import org.terrier.structures.CompressingMetaIndex.CompressingMetaIndexInputFormat; import org.terrier.structures.IndexOnDisk; import org.terrier.structures.collections.FSOrderedMapFile; import org.terrier.structures.collections.FSOrderedMapFile.MapFileWriter; import org.terrier.structures.collections.FSOrderedMapFile.MultiFSOMapWriter; import org.terrier.structures.seralization.FixedSizeIntWritableFactory; import org.terrier.structures.seralization.FixedSizeTextFactory; import org.terrier.structures.seralization.FixedSizeWriteableFactory; import org.terrier.utility.ApplicationSetup; import org.terrier.utility.ArrayUtils; import org.terrier.utility.Files; import org.terrier.utility.MemoryChecker; import org.terrier.utility.RuntimeMemoryChecker; import org.terrier.utility.Wrapper; import; import; /** Creates a metaindex structure that compresses all values using Deflator. * <b>Properties:</b> * <ul> * <li><tt></tt> - maximum size that a meta index .zdata file will be kept in memory. Defaults to 400(mb). </li> * <li><tt></tt> - maximum size that a meta index .zdata file will be kept in memory. Defaults to 100(mb).</li> * <li><tt>metaindex.compressed.reverse.allow.duplicates</tt> - set this property to true to suppress errors when a reverse meta value is not unique. Default false.</li> * <li><tt>metaindex.compressed.crop.long</tt> - set this property to suppress errors with overlong Document metadata, while will instead be cropped.</li> * @since 3.0 * @author Craig Macdonald & Vassilis Plachouras */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class CompressingMetaIndexBuilder extends MetaIndexBuilder implements Flushable { protected static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.class); protected static final int MAX_MB_IN_MEM_RETRIEVAL = Integer .parseInt(ApplicationSetup.getProperty("", "400")); protected static final int MAX_INDEX_MB_IN_MEM_RETRIEVAL = Integer .parseInt(ApplicationSetup.getProperty("", "100")); protected static final boolean REVERSE_ALLOW_DUPS = Boolean .parseBoolean(ApplicationSetup.getProperty("metaindex.compressed.reverse.allow.duplicates", "false")); protected static final boolean CROP_LONG = Boolean .parseBoolean(ApplicationSetup.getProperty("metaindex.compressed.crop.long", "false")); protected static final int REVERSE_KEY_LOOKUP_WRITING_BUFFER_SIZE = 20000; protected static final int DOCS_PER_CHECK = ApplicationSetup.DOCS_CHECK_SINGLEPASS; protected static final int ZIP_COMPRESSION_LEVEL = 5;//TODO (auto)configure? protected final TObjectIntHashMap<String> key2Index; protected DataOutputStream dataOutput = null; protected final String[] keyNames; protected final int keyCount; protected Deflater zip = new Deflater(); protected ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); protected DataOutputStream indexOutput = null; protected byte[] compressedBuffer = new byte[1024]; protected IndexOnDisk index; protected int[] valueLensChars; protected int[] valueLensBytes; protected byte[] spaces; protected int entryLengthBytes = 0; protected long currentOffset = 0; protected long currentIndexOffset = 0; protected int entryCount = 0; protected int[] forwardKeys; protected String[] forwardKeyNames; protected MapFileWriter[] forwardWriters; protected boolean[] forwardKeyValuesSorted; protected String[] lastValues; protected MemoryChecker memCheck = new RuntimeMemoryChecker(); protected FixedSizeWriteableFactory<Text>[] keyFactories; protected String structureName; /** * constructor * @param _index * @param _keyNames * @param _valueLens * @param _forwardKeys */ public CompressingMetaIndexBuilder(IndexOnDisk _index, String[] _keyNames, int[] _valueLens, String[] _forwardKeys) { this(_index, "meta", _keyNames, _valueLens, _forwardKeys); } /** * constructor * @param _index * @param _structureName * @param _keyNames * @param _valueLens * @param _forwardKeys */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public CompressingMetaIndexBuilder(IndexOnDisk _index, String _structureName, String[] _keyNames, int[] _valueLens, String[] _forwardKeys) { this.index = _index; this.structureName = _structureName; this.keyNames = _keyNames; this.valueLensChars = _valueLens; if (this.keyNames.length != this.valueLensChars.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "CompressingMetaIndexBuilder configuration incorrect: number of keys and number of value lengths are unequal: " + Arrays.toString(keyNames) + " vs " + Arrays.toString(_valueLens)); this.key2Index = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(keyNames.length); this.keyCount = keyNames.length; for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) this.key2Index.put(keyNames[i], i); logger.debug("Initialising CompressingMetaIndexBuilder"); try { this.dataOutput = new DataOutputStream(Files .writeFileStream(_index.getPath() + "/" + _index.getPrefix() + "." + structureName + ".zdata")); this.indexOutput = new DataOutputStream(Files .writeFileStream(_index.getPath() + "/" + _index.getPrefix() + "." + structureName + ".idx")); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ioe); }; if (_forwardKeys.length == 1 && _forwardKeys[0].length() == 0) _forwardKeys = new String[0]; this.forwardKeyNames = _forwardKeys; this.forwardKeys = new int[_forwardKeys.length]; int i = 0; for (String fwdKey : _forwardKeys) { if (!key2Index.contains(fwdKey)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reverse key " + fwdKey + " must also be a forward meta index key. Add it to indexer.meta.forward.keys"); forwardKeys[i++] = key2Index.get(fwdKey); } this.forwardWriters = new MultiFSOMapWriter[forwardKeys.length]; this.keyFactories = new FixedSizeWriteableFactory[forwardKeys.length]; this.forwardKeyValuesSorted = new boolean[forwardKeys.length]; this.lastValues = new String[forwardKeys.length]; for (i = 0; i < forwardKeys.length; i++) { forwardWriters[i] = new MultiFSOMapWriter( _index.getPath() + "/" + _index.getPrefix() + "." + structureName + "-" + i + FSOrderedMapFile.USUAL_EXTENSION, REVERSE_KEY_LOOKUP_WRITING_BUFFER_SIZE, keyFactories[i] = new FixedSizeTextFactory(valueLensChars[forwardKeys[i]]), new FixedSizeIntWritableFactory(), REVERSE_ALLOW_DUPS); forwardKeyValuesSorted[i] = true; } this.valueLensBytes = new int[keyNames.length]; assert (this.valueLensBytes.length > 0); for (i = 0; i < keyNames.length; i++) { this.valueLensBytes[i] = FixedSizeTextFactory.getMaximumTextLength(this.valueLensChars[i]); this.entryLengthBytes += this.valueLensBytes[i]; } this.spaces = new byte[entryLengthBytes];//for padding } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void writeDocumentEntry(Map<String, String> data) throws IOException { String[] values = new String[keyCount]; int i = 0; for (String keyName : keyNames) { values[i++] = data.get(keyName); } writeDocumentEntry(values); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void writeDocumentEntry(String[] data) throws IOException { int i = 0; for (String value : data) { if (value == null) value = ""; else if (value.length() > valueLensChars[i]) if (CROP_LONG) value = value.substring(0, valueLensChars[i] - 1); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data (" + value + ") of string length " + value.length() + " for key " + keyNames[i] + " exceeds max string length of " + valueLensChars[i] + "(byte length of " + valueLensBytes[i] + "). Crop in the Document, increase indexer.meta.forward.keylens, or set metaindex.compressed.crop.long"); final byte[] b = Text.encode(value).array(); final int numberOfBytesToWrite = b.length; if (numberOfBytesToWrite > valueLensBytes[i]) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data (" + value + ") of byte length " + numberOfBytesToWrite + " for key " + keyNames[i] + " exceeds max byte length of " + valueLensBytes[i] + "(string length of " + valueLensChars[i] + "). Crop in the Document, or increase indexer.meta.forward.keylens"); baos.write(b); if (numberOfBytesToWrite < valueLensBytes[i]) baos.write(spaces, 0, valueLensBytes[i] - numberOfBytesToWrite); i++; } zip.reset(); zip.setInput(baos.toByteArray()); zip.finish(); baos.reset(); indexOutput.writeLong(currentOffset); currentIndexOffset += 8; int compressedEntrySize = 0; while (!zip.finished()) { final int numOfCompressedBytes = zip.deflate(compressedBuffer); dataOutput.write(compressedBuffer, 0, numOfCompressedBytes); compressedEntrySize += numOfCompressedBytes; } currentOffset += compressedEntrySize; for (i = 0; i < forwardKeys.length; i++) { Text key = keyFactories[i].newInstance(); key.set(data[forwardKeys[i]]); IntWritable value = new IntWritable(); value.set(entryCount); forwardWriters[i].write(key, value); if (lastValues[i] != null && data[forwardKeys[i]].compareTo(lastValues[i]) < 1) forwardKeyValuesSorted[i] = false; lastValues[i] = data[forwardKeys[i]]; } entryCount++; //check for low memory, and flush if necessary if (entryCount % DOCS_PER_CHECK == 0 && memCheck.checkMemory()) { flush(); memCheck.reset(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void flush() throws IOException { //"CompressingMetaIndexBuilder flush"); for (MapFileWriter w : forwardWriters) ((Flushable) w).flush(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void close() throws IOException { dataOutput.close(); indexOutput.close(); index.addIndexStructure(structureName, "org.terrier.structures.CompressingMetaIndex", "org.terrier.structures.IndexOnDisk,java.lang.String", "index,structureName"); index.addIndexStructureInputStream(structureName, "org.terrier.structures.CompressingMetaIndex$InputStream", "org.terrier.structures.IndexOnDisk,java.lang.String", "index,structureName"); index.setIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".entries", "" + entryCount); index.setIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".compression-level", "" + ZIP_COMPRESSION_LEVEL); index.setIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".key-names", ArrayUtils.join(keyNames, ",")); index.setIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".value-lengths", ArrayUtils.join(valueLensChars, ",")); index.setIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".entry-length", "" + entryLengthBytes); index.setIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".data-source", currentOffset > MAX_MB_IN_MEM_RETRIEVAL * (long) 1024 * (long) 1024 ? "file" : "fileinmem"); index.setIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".index-source", currentIndexOffset > MAX_INDEX_MB_IN_MEM_RETRIEVAL * (long) 1024 * (long) 1024 ? "file" : "fileinmem"); //TODO emit warnings index.flush(); for (int i = 0; i < forwardKeys.length; i++) { if (forwardKeyValuesSorted[i]) {"Key " + forwardKeyNames[i] + " values are sorted in meta index, consider binary searching zdata file"); forwardWriters[i].close(); } else { forwardWriters[i].close(); } } index.setIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".reverse-key-names", ArrayUtils.join(forwardKeyNames, ",")); index.flush(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length == 0) { System.err.println("Usage: -Dterrier.index.path=hdfs://path/to/index " + CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.class.getName() + " docno"); return; } Index.setIndexLoadingProfileAsRetrieval(false); IndexOnDisk index = Index.createIndex(); reverseAsMapReduceJob(index, "meta", args); } /** * reverseAsMapReduceJob * @param index * @param structureName * @param keys * @throws Exception */ public static void reverseAsMapReduceJob(IndexOnDisk index, String structureName, String[] keys) throws Exception { final HadoopPlugin.JobFactory jf = HadoopPlugin.getJobFactory("TerrierIndexingMeta"); if (jf == null) throw new Exception("Could not get JobFactory from HadoopPlugin"); reverseAsMapReduceJob(index, structureName, keys, jf); jf.close(); } /** * reverseAsMapReduceJob * @param index * @param structureName * @param keys * @param jf * @throws Exception */ //@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static void reverseAsMapReduceJob(IndexOnDisk index, String structureName, String[] keys, HadoopPlugin.JobFactory jf) throws Exception { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); final JobConf conf = jf.newJob(); conf.setJobName("Reverse MetaIndex"); conf.setMapOutputKeyClass(KeyValueTuple.class); conf.setMapOutputValueClass(IntWritable.class); conf.setMapperClass(MapperReducer.class); conf.setReducerClass(MapperReducer.class); conf.setNumReduceTasks(keys.length); conf.setPartitionerClass(KeyedPartitioner.class); conf.setInputFormat(CompressingMetaIndexInputFormat.class); conf.setReduceSpeculativeExecution(false); conf.set("MetaIndexInputStreamRecordReader.structureName", structureName); conf.setInt("CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.reverse.keyCount", keys.length); conf.set("CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.reverse.keys", ArrayUtils.join(keys, ",")); conf.set("CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.forward.valueLengths", index.getIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".value-lengths", "")); conf.set("CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.forward.keys", index.getIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".key-names", "")); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(index.getPath())); HadoopUtility.toHConfiguration(index, conf); conf.setOutputFormat(NullOutputFormat.class); try { RunningJob rj = JobClient.runJob(conf); rj.getID(); HadoopUtility.finishTerrierJob(conf); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Problem running job to reverse metadata", e); } //only update the index from the controlling process, so that we dont have locking/concurrency issues index.setIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".reverse-key-names", ArrayUtils.join(keys, ",")); index.flush();"Time Taken = " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000) + " seconds"); } /** * class KeyedPartitioner * */ //@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static class KeyedPartitioner implements Partitioner<KeyValueTuple, IntWritable> { protected int keyCount; protected TObjectIntHashMap<String> key2reverseOffset = null; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getPartition(KeyValueTuple kv, IntWritable docid, int numReducers) { if (numReducers == 1) return 0; final String key = kv.getKeyName(); final int keyIndex = key2reverseOffset.get(key); return keyIndex % numReducers; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void configure(JobConf jc) { keyCount = jc.getInt("CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.reverse.keyCount", 0); key2reverseOffset = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(); String[] keys = jc.get("CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.reverse.keys", "").split("\\s*,\\s*"); int i = 0; for (String k : keys) { key2reverseOffset.put(k, i++); } } } static class KeyValueTuple implements WritableComparable<KeyValueTuple> { String k; String v; public KeyValueTuple(String key, String value) { k = key; v = value; } public KeyValueTuple() { } public String getKeyName() { return k; } public String getValue() { return v; } public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { k = in.readUTF(); v = in.readUTF(); } public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeUTF(k); out.writeUTF(v); } public int compareTo(KeyValueTuple o) { final int rtr = k.compareTo(o.getKeyName()); if (rtr != 0) return rtr; return v.compareTo(o.getValue()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof KeyValueTuple)) return false; return this.compareTo((KeyValueTuple) other) == 0; } @Override public int hashCode() { return k.hashCode() + v.hashCode(); } } static class MapperReducer extends HadoopUtility.MapReduceBase<IntWritable, Wrapper<String[]>, KeyValueTuple, IntWritable, Object, Object> { String[] reverseKeyNames; int[] reverseKeyIndices; int reverseKeyCount; @Override protected void configureMap() throws IOException { reverseKeyCount = jc.getInt("CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.reverse.keyCount", 0); reverseKeyNames = jc.get("CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.reverse.keys", "").split("\\s*,\\s*"); final TObjectIntHashMap<String> key2forwardOffset = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(reverseKeyCount); final String[] forwardKeyNames = jc.get("CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.forward.keys", "") .split("\\s*,\\s*"); int i = 0; for (String k : forwardKeyNames) { key2forwardOffset.put(k, i++); } reverseKeyIndices = new int[reverseKeyNames.length]; i = 0; for (String k : reverseKeyNames) { reverseKeyIndices[i] = key2forwardOffset.get(k); } } public void map(IntWritable docid, Wrapper<String[]> _metadata, OutputCollector<KeyValueTuple, IntWritable> collector, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { String[] metadata = _metadata.getObject(); reporter.setStatus("Processing metadata for document " + docid.get()); for (int i = 0; i < reverseKeyCount; i++) { collector.collect(new KeyValueTuple(reverseKeyNames[i], metadata[i]), docid); } reporter.progress(); } @Override protected void closeMap() throws IOException { } String currentReducingKey = null; MapFileWriter currentReducingOutput; IndexOnDisk index; Path reduceTaskFileDestinations; TObjectIntHashMap<String> key2reverseOffset = null; TObjectIntHashMap<String> key2valuelength = null; FixedSizeWriteableFactory<Text> keyFactory; int duplicateKeyCount = 0; int currentKeyTupleCount = 0; @Override protected void configureReduce() throws IOException { Index.setIndexLoadingProfileAsRetrieval(false); index = HadoopUtility.fromHConfiguration(jc); reduceTaskFileDestinations = FileOutputFormat.getWorkOutputPath(jc); Files.mkdir(reduceTaskFileDestinations.toString()); String structureName = jc.get("MetaIndexInputStreamRecordReader.structureName", ""); reverseKeyCount = jc.getInt("CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.reverse.keyCount", 0); reverseKeyNames = jc.get("CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.reverse.keys", "").split("\\s*,\\s*"); key2reverseOffset = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(reverseKeyCount); int i = 0; for (String k : reverseKeyNames) { key2reverseOffset.put(k, i++); } key2valuelength = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(reverseKeyCount); final String[] allKeys = index.getIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".key-names", "") .split("\\s*,\\s*"); final String[] allValueLens = index.getIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".value-lengths", "") .split("\\s*,\\s*"); i = 0; for (String k : allKeys) { logger.debug("Key " + k + " value length=" + allValueLens[i]); key2valuelength.put(k, Integer.parseInt(allValueLens[i++])); } } /** Reduce function. Input Key: (meta Key name, meta Key value) Value: list of matching docids. */ public void reduce(KeyValueTuple metaTuple, Iterator<IntWritable> docids, OutputCollector<Object, Object> arg2, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { if (currentReducingKey == null || !metaTuple.getKeyName().equals(currentReducingKey)) { if (currentReducingKey != null) {"currentKey was " + currentReducingKey + " (" + currentKeyTupleCount + " entries) new Key is " + metaTuple.getKeyName() + " : force closed"); currentReducingOutput.close(); if (duplicateKeyCount > 0) { logger.warn("MetaIndex key " + currentReducingKey + " had " + duplicateKeyCount + " distinct values with duplicated associated document ids"); } currentReducingOutput = null; } currentKeyTupleCount = 0; duplicateKeyCount = 0; currentReducingKey = metaTuple.getKeyName(); currentReducingOutput = openMapFileWriter(currentReducingKey);"Opening new MapFileWriter for key " + currentReducingKey); } final IntWritable docid =; final Text key = keyFactory.newInstance(); key.set(metaTuple.getValue()); currentReducingOutput.write(key, docid); currentKeyTupleCount++; int extraCount = 0; while (docids.hasNext()) {; extraCount++; } reporter.progress(); if (extraCount > 0) { //logger.warn("Key "+currentReducingKey + " value "+ metaTuple.getValue() + " had "+ extraCount +" extra documents. First document selected."); duplicateKeyCount++; } reporter.setStatus("Reducing metadata value " + metaTuple.getValue()); } @Override protected void closeReduce() throws IOException { if (currentKeyTupleCount > 0) {"Finished reducing for " + currentReducingKey + ", with " + currentKeyTupleCount + " entries"); } if (duplicateKeyCount > 0) { logger.warn("MetaIndex key " + currentReducingKey + " had " + duplicateKeyCount + " distinct values with duplicated associated document ids"); } if (currentReducingOutput != null) currentReducingOutput.close(); } /* open a MapFileWriter for the specified key. This will automatically promoted to the index folder when the job is finished */ protected MapFileWriter openMapFileWriter(String keyName) throws IOException { final int metaKeyIndex = key2reverseOffset.get(keyName); final int valueLength = key2valuelength.get(keyName); keyFactory = new FixedSizeTextFactory(valueLength);"Opening MapFileWriter for key " + keyName + " - index " + metaKeyIndex); return FSOrderedMapFile.mapFileWrite(reduceTaskFileDestinations.toString() /*index.getPath()*/ + "/" + ((IndexOnDisk) index).getPrefix() + "." + jc.get("MetaIndexInputStreamRecordReader.structureName") + "-" + metaKeyIndex + FSOrderedMapFile.USUAL_EXTENSION); // /*return new MultiFSOMapWriter( reduceTaskFileDestinations.toString() + "/" + index.getPrefix() + "." + jc.get("MetaIndexInputStreamRecordReader.structureName") + "-"+metaKeyIndex+FSOrderedMapFile.USUAL_EXTENSION, REVERSE_KEY_LOOKUP_WRITING_BUFFER_SIZE, keyFactory = new FixedSizeTextFactory(valueLength), new FixedSizeIntWritableFactory() );*/ } } }