Java tutorial
/* * Terrier - Terabyte Retriever * Webpage: * Contact: terrier{a.} * University of Glasgow - School of Computing Science * * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * The Original Code is * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2004-2014 the University of Glasgow. * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Craig Macdonald <craigm{a.}> (original contributor) */ package org.terrier.structures; import gnu.trove.TObjectIntHashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.terrier.sorting.HeapSortInt; import org.terrier.structures.collections.FSOrderedMapFile; import org.terrier.structures.collections.OrderedMap; import org.terrier.structures.seralization.FixedSizeIntWritableFactory; import org.terrier.structures.seralization.FixedSizeTextFactory; import org.terrier.structures.seralization.FixedSizeWriteableFactory; import org.terrier.utility.ApplicationSetup; import org.terrier.utility.ArrayUtils; import org.terrier.utility.Files; import org.terrier.utility.TerrierTimer; import org.terrier.utility.Wrapper; import; import; import; import; /** A {@link MetaIndex} implementation that compresses contents. * Values have maximum lengths, but overall value blobs are * compressed using * @author Craig Macdonald & Vassilis Plachouras * @since 3.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class CompressingMetaIndex implements MetaIndex { private final static Pattern SPLIT_SPACE = Pattern.compile("\\s+"); /** logger to be used in this class */ private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CompressingMetaIndex.class); /** * A Hadoop input format for a compressing meta index (allows the reading of a meta index * as input to a MapReduce job. */ public static class CompressingMetaIndexInputFormat implements InputFormat<IntWritable, Wrapper<String[]>> { static String STRUCTURE_NAME_JC_KEY = "MetaIndexInputStreamRecordReader.structureName"; /** * Set structure * @param jc * @param metaStructureName */ public static void setStructure(JobConf jc, String metaStructureName) { jc.set(STRUCTURE_NAME_JC_KEY, metaStructureName); } static class MetaIndexSplit extends FileSplit { int startId; int endId; public MetaIndexSplit() { super(null, (long) 0, (long) 0, new String[0]); } public MetaIndexSplit(Path file, long start, long length, String[] hosts, int _startId, int _endId) { super(file, start, length, hosts); startId = _startId; endId = _endId; } public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { super.readFields(in); startId = in.readInt(); endId = in.readInt(); } public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { super.write(out); out.writeInt(startId); out.writeInt(endId); } public String toString() { StringBuilder rtr = new StringBuilder(); rtr.append("MetaIndexSplit: BlockSize=").append(this.getLength()); rtr.append(" startAt=").append(+this.getStart()); try { rtr.append(" hosts="); rtr.append(ArrayUtils.join(this.getLocations(), ",")); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.warn("Problem getting locations", ioe); } rtr.append(" ids=[" + startId + "," + endId + "]"); return rtr.toString(); } } static class MetaIndexInputStreamRecordReader implements RecordReader<IntWritable, Wrapper<String[]>> { final InputStream in; final int startID; final int endID; public MetaIndexInputStreamRecordReader(IndexOnDisk index, String structureName, int startingDocID, int endingID) throws IOException { in = new InputStream(index, structureName, startingDocID, endingID); startID = startingDocID; endID = endingID; } public void close() throws IOException { in.close(); } public IntWritable createKey() { return new IntWritable(); } public Wrapper<String[]> createValue() { return new Wrapper<String[]>(); } public long getPos() throws IOException { return 0; } public float getProgress() throws IOException { return (float) (in.getIndex() - startID) / (float) (endID - startID); } public boolean next(IntWritable docid, Wrapper<String[]> values) throws IOException { if (!in.hasNext()) return false; //these methods MUST have this order values.setObject(; docid.set(in.getIndex()); return true; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public RecordReader<IntWritable, Wrapper<String[]>> getRecordReader(InputSplit _split, JobConf jc, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { HadoopUtility.loadTerrierJob(jc); //load the index Index.setIndexLoadingProfileAsRetrieval(false); IndexOnDisk index = HadoopUtility.fromHConfiguration(jc); if (index == null) throw new IOException("Index could not be loaded from JobConf: " + Index.getLastIndexLoadError()); //determine the structure to work on String structureName = jc.get(STRUCTURE_NAME_JC_KEY); if (structureName == null) throw new IOException("JobConf property " + STRUCTURE_NAME_JC_KEY + " not specified"); //get the split MetaIndexSplit s = (MetaIndexSplit) _split; return new MetaIndexInputStreamRecordReader(index, structureName, s.startId, s.endId); } private static String[] getHosts(FileStatus fs, FileSystem f, long start, long len) throws IOException { BlockLocation[] bs = f.getFileBlockLocations(fs, start, len); Set<String> hosts = new HashSet<String>(); for (BlockLocation b : bs) { for (String host : b.getHosts()) { hosts.add(host); } } return hosts.toArray(new String[0]); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public InputSplit[] getSplits(JobConf jc, int advisedNumberOfSplits) throws IOException { logger.setLevel(Level.DEBUG); HadoopUtility.loadTerrierJob(jc); List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(advisedNumberOfSplits); IndexOnDisk index = HadoopUtility.fromHConfiguration(jc); String structureName = jc.get(STRUCTURE_NAME_JC_KEY); final String dataFilename = index.getPath() + ApplicationSetup.FILE_SEPARATOR + index.getPrefix() + "." + structureName + ".zdata"; final String indxFilename = index.getPath() + ApplicationSetup.FILE_SEPARATOR + index.getPrefix() + "." + structureName + ".idx"; final DataInputStream idx = new DataInputStream(Files.openFileStream(indxFilename)); FileSystem fSys = FileSystem.get(jc); FileStatus fs = fSys.getFileStatus(new Path(dataFilename)); final int entryCount = index.getIntIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".entries", 0); long dataFileBlockSize = fs.getBlockSize(); if (forcedDataFileBlockSize != -1) dataFileBlockSize = forcedDataFileBlockSize; logger.debug("Block size for " + dataFilename + " is " + dataFileBlockSize); //logger.debug("FSStatus("+dataFilename+")="+ fs.toString()); int startingId = 0; int currentId = 0; long startingBlockLocation = 0; long blockSizeSoFar = 0; long lastRead = idx.readLong(); while (++currentId < entryCount) { lastRead = idx.readLong(); blockSizeSoFar = lastRead - startingBlockLocation; //logger.debug("Offset for docid "+ currentId + " is " + lastRead + " blockSizeSoFar="+blockSizeSoFar + " blockStartsAt="+startingBlockLocation); if (blockSizeSoFar > dataFileBlockSize) { final String[] hosts = getHosts(fs, fSys, startingBlockLocation, blockSizeSoFar); MetaIndexSplit s = new MetaIndexSplit(new Path(dataFilename), startingBlockLocation, blockSizeSoFar, hosts, startingId, currentId); splits.add(s); logger.debug("Got split: " + s.toString()); blockSizeSoFar = 0; startingBlockLocation = lastRead + 1; startingId = currentId + 1; } } if (startingId < currentId) { blockSizeSoFar = lastRead - startingBlockLocation; final String[] hosts = getHosts(fs, fSys, startingBlockLocation, blockSizeSoFar); MetaIndexSplit s = new MetaIndexSplit(new Path(dataFilename), startingBlockLocation, blockSizeSoFar, hosts, startingId, currentId - 1); logger.debug("Got last split: " + s); splits.add(s); } idx.close(); logger.debug("Got " + splits.size() + " splits when splitting meta index"); return splits.toArray(new InputSplit[0]); } long forcedDataFileBlockSize = -1; /** Permit the blocksize to be overridden, useful for testing different code paths */ public void overrideDataFileBlockSize(long blocksize) { forcedDataFileBlockSize = blocksize; } /** * Validates the structure based on the job configuration */ public void validateInput(JobConf jc) throws IOException { if (jc.get(STRUCTURE_NAME_JC_KEY, null) == null) throw new WrappedIOException( new IllegalArgumentException("Key " + STRUCTURE_NAME_JC_KEY + " not specified")); } } /** thread-local cache of Inflaters to be re-used for decompression */ protected static final ThreadLocal<Inflater> inflaterCache = new ThreadLocal<Inflater>() { protected final synchronized Inflater initialValue() { return new Inflater(); } }; static interface ByteAccessor extends { byte[] read(long offset, int bytes) throws IOException; } static class RandomDataInputAccessor implements ByteAccessor { final RandomDataInput dataSource; public RandomDataInputAccessor(RandomDataInput rdi) { this.dataSource = rdi; } public final byte[] read(long offset, int bytes) throws IOException { byte[] out = new byte[bytes];; dataSource.readFully(out); return out; } public final void close() throws IOException { dataSource.close(); } } static class ChannelByteAccessor implements ByteAccessor { final RandomAccessFile dataSource; final FileChannel dataSourceChannel; public ChannelByteAccessor(RandomAccessFile ds) { dataSource = ds; dataSourceChannel = dataSource.getChannel(); } public final byte[] read(long offset, int bytes) throws IOException { byte[] out = new byte[bytes];, offset); return out; } public final void close() throws IOException { dataSourceChannel.close(); dataSource.close(); } } static final class LoggingDocid2OffsetLookup implements Docid2OffsetLookup { final Docid2OffsetLookup parent; public LoggingDocid2OffsetLookup(Docid2OffsetLookup _parent) { this.parent = _parent; } public int getLength(int docid) throws IOException { final int length = this.parent.getLength(docid); //logger.debug("Lookup of length of meta record for doc "+ docid + " gave length "+ length); return length; } public long getOffset(int docid) throws IOException { final long offset = this.parent.getOffset(docid); //logger.debug("Lookup of offset of meta record for doc "+ docid + " gave offset "+ offset); return offset; } public void close() throws IOException { parent.close(); } } static interface Docid2OffsetLookup extends { long getOffset(int docid) throws IOException; int getLength(int docid) throws IOException; } static class ArrayDocid2OffsetLookup implements Docid2OffsetLookup { protected final long[] docid2offsets; protected final long fileLength; protected final int docidCount; public ArrayDocid2OffsetLookup(long[] _docid2offsets, long _fileLength) { docid2offsets = _docid2offsets; fileLength = _fileLength; docidCount = docid2offsets.length; } public final long getOffset(final int docid) { return docid2offsets[docid]; } public final int getLength(final int docid) { return (docid + 1) == docidCount ? (int) (fileLength - docid2offsets[docid]) : (int) (docid2offsets[docid + 1] - docid2offsets[docid]); } public void close() { } } static class OnDiskDocid2OffsetLookup implements Docid2OffsetLookup { private static final int SIZE_OF_LONG = Long.SIZE / 8; final ByteAccessor b; int lastDocid = -1; long lastOffset = -1; int lastLength = -1; protected final long fileLength; protected final int docidCount; public OnDiskDocid2OffsetLookup(ByteAccessor _b, int _docCount, long _fileLength) { b = _b; docidCount = _docCount; fileLength = _fileLength; } public final long getOffset(final int docid) throws IOException { readOffset(docid); //"Offset for docid "+ docid + " is " + lastOffset); return lastOffset; } public final int getLength(final int docid) throws IOException { readOffset(docid); //"length for docid "+ docid + " is " + lastLength); return lastLength; } protected final void readOffset(int docid) throws IOException { if (docid == lastDocid) return; if (docid + 1 == docidCount) { final byte[] readBuffer = docid * SIZE_OF_LONG, SIZE_OF_LONG); lastOffset = (((long) readBuffer[0] << 56) + ((long) (readBuffer[1] & 255) << 48) + ((long) (readBuffer[2] & 255) << 40) + ((long) (readBuffer[3] & 255) << 32) + ((long) (readBuffer[4] & 255) << 24) + ((readBuffer[5] & 255) << 16) + ((readBuffer[6] & 255) << 8) + ((readBuffer[7] & 255) << 0)); lastLength = (int) (fileLength - lastOffset); } else { final byte[] readBuffer = docid * SIZE_OF_LONG, SIZE_OF_LONG * 2); lastOffset = (((long) readBuffer[0] << 56) + ((long) (readBuffer[1] & 255) << 48) + ((long) (readBuffer[2] & 255) << 40) + ((long) (readBuffer[3] & 255) << 32) + ((long) (readBuffer[4] & 255) << 24) + ((readBuffer[5] & 255) << 16) + ((readBuffer[6] & 255) << 8) + ((readBuffer[7] & 255) << 0)); final long tmpLong = (((long) readBuffer[8 + 0] << 56) + ((long) (readBuffer[8 + 1] & 255) << 48) + ((long) (readBuffer[8 + 2] & 255) << 40) + ((long) (readBuffer[8 + 3] & 255) << 32) + ((long) (readBuffer[8 + 4] & 255) << 24) + ((readBuffer[8 + 5] & 255) << 16) + ((readBuffer[8 + 6] & 255) << 8) + ((readBuffer[8 + 7] & 255) << 0)); lastLength = (int) (tmpLong - lastOffset); } lastDocid = docid; } public void close() throws IOException { b.close(); } } static class BinarySearchForwardIndex implements OrderedMap<Text, IntWritable> { int numberOfEntries = 0; MetaIndex meta; int itemIndex = 0; public BinarySearchForwardIndex(MetaIndex _meta, int _numberOfEntries, int _itemIndex) { meta = _meta; numberOfEntries = _numberOfEntries; itemIndex = _itemIndex; } public IntWritable get(Object _key) { int[] bounds = new int[] { 0, numberOfEntries }; int low = bounds[0]; int high = bounds[1]; int i; int compareEntry; String key = ((Text) _key).toString(); //Text testKey = new Text(); IntWritable value = new IntWritable(); try { while (low <= high) { i = (low + high) >>> 1; String[] parts = meta.getAllItems(i); if ((compareEntry = parts[itemIndex].compareTo(key)) < 0) low = i + 1; else if (compareEntry > 0) high = i - 1; else { //return the data value.set(i); return value; } } if (high == numberOfEntries) return null; if (high == 0) { i = 0; } else { i = high; } String[] parts = meta.getAllItems(i); if (key.compareTo(parts[itemIndex]) == 0) { value.set(i); return value; } } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.error("IOException reading FSOrderedMapFile", ioe); } return null; } public java.util.Map.Entry<Text, IntWritable> get(int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); } public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return get(key) != null; } public int size() { return numberOfEntries; } public void clear() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); } public boolean containsValue(Object value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); } public Set<java.util.Map.Entry<Text, IntWritable>> entrySet() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); } public boolean isEmpty() { return false; } public Set<Text> keySet() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); } public Integer put(String key, IntWritable value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); } public void putAll(Map<? extends Text, ? extends IntWritable> t) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); } public IntWritable remove(Object key) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); } public Collection<IntWritable> values() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); } public IntWritable put(Text key, IntWritable value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); } } /** An iterator for reading a MetaIndex as a stream */ public static class InputStream implements Iterator<String[]>, { final DataInputStream zdata; final DataInputStream idx; final protected int compressionLevel; final protected int recordLength; protected Inflater inflater; protected int keyCount; protected int[] keyByteOffset; protected int[] valueByteLengths; //private int[] valueCharLengths; final int numberOfRecords; final int lastId; int index = 0; //String[] metaValues; protected long lastOffset; protected long fileLength; /** * Constructs an instance of the class with * @param _index * @param _structureName * @param _startingId * @param _endId * @throws IOException */ public InputStream(IndexOnDisk _index, String _structureName, int _startingId, int _endId) throws IOException { final String dataFilename = _index.getPath() + ApplicationSetup.FILE_SEPARATOR + _index.getPrefix() + "." + _structureName + ".zdata"; final String indxFilename = _index.getPath() + ApplicationSetup.FILE_SEPARATOR + _index.getPrefix() + "." + _structureName + ".idx"; zdata = new DataInputStream(Files.openFileStream(dataFilename)); idx = new DataInputStream(Files.openFileStream(indxFilename)); fileLength = Files.length(dataFilename); //1. int - how much zlib was used compressionLevel = _index.getIntIndexProperty("index." + _structureName + ".compression-level", 5); //2. int - how big each record was before compression //recordLength = _index.getIntIndexProperty("index."+_structureName+".entry-length", 0); //TR-167: recordLength is counted as characters instead of bytes in Terrier 3.0, and hence is inaccurate. //obtain from value character lengths instead //3. key names //keyNames = index.getIndexProperty("index."+_structureName+".key-names", "").split("\\s*,\\s*"); //4. lengths of each key String[] _tmpValueLengths = _index.getIndexProperty("index." + _structureName + ".value-lengths", "") .split("\\s*,\\s*"); int i = 0; valueByteLengths = new int[_tmpValueLengths.length]; int _recordLength = 0; for (String lens : _tmpValueLengths) { valueByteLengths[i] = FixedSizeTextFactory.getMaximumTextLength(Integer.parseInt(lens)); _recordLength += valueByteLengths[i]; i++; } recordLength = _recordLength; keyCount = valueByteLengths.length; //5. offsets in file lastId = _endId; numberOfRecords = _index.getIntIndexProperty("index." + _structureName + ".entries", 0); inflater = inflaterCache.get(); index = _startingId - 1; long targetSkipped = (long) _startingId * (long) 8; long actualSkipped = 0; //skip to appropriate place in index file while (actualSkipped < targetSkipped) { actualSkipped += idx.skip(targetSkipped - actualSkipped); } lastOffset = idx.readLong(); //now skip forward in data file also if (lastOffset > 0) { long actualSkippedData = 0; while (actualSkippedData < lastOffset) { actualSkippedData += zdata.skip(lastOffset - actualSkippedData); } } keyByteOffset = new int[keyCount]; int cumulativeOffset = 0; for (i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) { //key2length.put(keyNames[i], keyLengths[i]); //key2offset.put(keyNames[i], cumulativeOffset); keyByteOffset[i] = cumulativeOffset; cumulativeOffset += valueByteLengths[i]; } } /** * Constructs an instance of the class with * @param _index * @param structureName * @throws IOException */ public InputStream(IndexOnDisk _index, String structureName) throws IOException { this(_index, structureName, 0, -1 + _index.getIntIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".entries", 0)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean hasNext() { //"Checking that docid "+ index + " not greater than "+ lastId); return index < lastId; } /** Return the position that we are at (entry number) */ public int getIndex() { return index; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String[] next() { index++; long endOffset = -1; long startOffset = -1; try { //"Checking for index "+ (index+1) + " < last possible id " + numberOfRecords); endOffset = index < (numberOfRecords - 1) ? idx.readLong() - 1 : fileLength - 1; startOffset = lastOffset; final int dataLength = (int) (endOffset - lastOffset + 1); //"Reading zdata file docid="+index+" start=" + lastOffset + " end="+endOffset + " length="+dataLength); byte[] b = new byte[dataLength]; zdata.readFully(b); lastOffset = endOffset + 1; inflater.reset(); inflater.setInput(b); byte[] bOut = new byte[recordLength]; inflater.inflate(bOut); String[] sOut = new String[keyCount]; for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) { sOut[i] = Text.decode(bOut, keyByteOffset[i], valueByteLengths[i]).trim(); } //"Got entry " + Arrays.deepToString(sOut)); return sOut; } catch (Exception ioe) { logger.error("Problem reading MetaIndex as a stream. index=" + index + " start=" + startOffset + " endOffset=" + endOffset, ioe); return null; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void close() throws IOException { zdata.close(); idx.close(); } } protected Docid2OffsetLookup offsetLookup; //protected long[] docid2offsets; protected int compressionLevel; protected int recordLength; //protected long fileLength; //protected int EntryLength; protected String[] keyNames; protected TObjectIntHashMap<String> key2byteoffset; protected TObjectIntHashMap<String> key2bytelength; protected TObjectIntHashMap<String> key2forwardOffset; protected int keyCount; protected int[] valueByteOffsets; protected int[] valueByteLengths; protected final String path; protected final String prefix; protected final ByteAccessor dataSource; protected Map<Text, IntWritable>[] forwardMetaMaps; protected FixedSizeWriteableFactory<Text>[] keyFactories; /** * Construct an instance of the class with * @param index * @param structureName * @throws IOException */ public CompressingMetaIndex(IndexOnDisk index, String structureName) throws IOException { this.path = index.getPath(); this.prefix = index.getPrefix(); loadIndex(index, structureName); final String dataFilename = path + ApplicationSetup.FILE_SEPARATOR + prefix + "." + structureName + ".zdata"; long dataFileLength = Files.length(dataFilename); String fileSource = index.getIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".data-source", "fileinmem"); ByteAccessor _dataSource = null; if (fileSource.equals("fileinmem")) {"Structure " + structureName + " loading data file into memory"); try { logger.debug("Caching metadata file " + dataFilename + " to memory"); final DataInputStream di = new DataInputStream(Files.openFileStream(dataFilename)); _dataSource = new RandomDataInputAccessor(new RandomDataInputMemory(di, dataFileLength)); di.close(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) { logger.warn( "OutOfMemoryError: Structure " + structureName + " reading data file directly from disk"); //logger.debug("Metadata will be read directly from disk"); RandomDataInput rfi = Files.openFileRandom(dataFilename); _dataSource = (rfi instanceof RandomAccessFile) ? new ChannelByteAccessor((RandomAccessFile) rfi) : new RandomDataInputAccessor(rfi); } dataSource = _dataSource; } else if (fileSource.equals("file")) { logger.warn("Structure " + structureName + " reading data file directly from disk (SLOW) - try index." + structureName + ".data-source=fileinmem in the index properties file"); //logger.debug("Metadata will be read directly from disk"); RandomDataInput rfi = Files.openFileRandom(dataFilename); dataSource = (rfi instanceof RandomAccessFile) ? new ChannelByteAccessor((RandomAccessFile) rfi) : new RandomDataInputAccessor(rfi); } else { throw new IOException("Bad property value for index." + structureName + ".source=" + fileSource); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String[] getKeys() { return this.keyNames; } /** Closes the underlying structures.*/ public void close() throws IOException { dataSource.close(); offsetLookup.close(); for (Map<Text, IntWritable> m : forwardMetaMaps) { IndexUtil.close(m); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public int getDocument(String key, String value) throws IOException { final int forwardId = key2forwardOffset.get(key) - 1; if (forwardId == -1) throw new NoSuchElementException("No reverse lookup for key " + key + " is supported"); final Text wKey = keyFactories[forwardId].newInstance(); wKey.set(value); assert forwardMetaMaps[forwardId].size() > 0; final IntWritable rtr = forwardMetaMaps[forwardId].get(wKey); if (rtr == null) return -1; return rtr.get(); } /** {@inheritDoc}. * In this implementation, _docids are sorted to improve disk cache hits. * _docids is however unchanged. */ public String[] getItems(String Key, int[] _docids) throws IOException { final int numDocs = _docids.length; final int[] docids = new int[numDocs]; System.arraycopy(_docids, 0, docids, 0, numDocs); final String values[] = new String[numDocs]; //optimisation: order by docid, to improve disk cache hit rate final int[] order = new int[numDocs]; for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) order[i] = i; HeapSortInt.ascendingHeapSort(docids, order); for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) { values[order[i]] = getItem(Key, docids[i]); } return values; } /** {@inheritDoc} * In this implementation, _docids are sorted to improve disk cache hits. * _docids is however unchanged. */ public String[][] getItems(String Keys[], final int[] _docids) throws IOException { final int numDocs = _docids.length; final int[] docids = new int[numDocs]; System.arraycopy(_docids, 0, docids, 0, numDocs); final String[][] saOut = new String[numDocs][]; //optimisation: order by docid, to improve disk cache hit rate final int[] order = new int[numDocs]; for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) order[i] = i; HeapSortInt.ascendingHeapSort(docids, order); for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) { saOut[order[i]] = getItems(Keys, docids[i]); } return saOut; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String getItem(String Key, int docid) throws IOException { Inflater unzip = inflaterCache.get(); unzip.reset(); unzip.setInput(, offsetLookup.getLength(docid))); byte[] bOut = new byte[recordLength]; try { unzip.inflate(bOut); } catch (DataFormatException dfe) { logger.error(dfe); } return Text.decode(bOut, key2byteoffset.get(Key), key2bytelength.get(Key)).trim(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String[] getItems(String[] Keys, int docid) throws IOException { Inflater unzip = inflaterCache.get(); unzip.reset(); unzip.setInput(, offsetLookup.getLength(docid))); byte[] bOut = new byte[recordLength]; try { unzip.inflate(bOut); } catch (DataFormatException dfe) { logger.error(dfe); } final int kCount = Keys.length; String[] sOut = new String[kCount]; for (int i = 0; i < kCount; i++) { sOut[i] = Text.decode(bOut, key2byteoffset.get(Keys[i]), key2bytelength.get(Keys[i])).trim(); } return sOut; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String[] getAllItems(int docid) throws IOException { Inflater unzip = inflaterCache.get(); unzip.reset(); unzip.setInput(, offsetLookup.getLength(docid))); //unzip.setInput( //[docid], // (docid+1)==docid2offsets.length ? (int)(fileLength-docid2offsets[docid]) // : (int)(docid2offsets[docid+1] - docid2offsets[docid]))); byte[] bOut = new byte[recordLength]; try { unzip.inflate(bOut); } catch (DataFormatException dfe) { logger.error(dfe); } final int kCount = this.keyCount; String[] sOut = new String[kCount]; for (int i = 0; i < kCount; i++) { sOut[i] = Text.decode(bOut, valueByteOffsets[i], valueByteLengths[i]).trim(); } return sOut; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void loadIndex(IndexOnDisk index, String structureName) throws IOException { //1. int - how much zlib was used compressionLevel = index.getIntIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".compression-level", 5); //2. int - how big each record was before compression //recordLength = index.getIntIndexProperty("index."+structureName+".entry-length", 0); //TR-167: recordLength is counted as characters instead of bytes in Terrier 3.0, and hence is inaccurate. //obtain from value character lengths instead //3. key names keyNames = index.getIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".key-names", "").split("\\s*,\\s*"); //4. lengths of each key String[] _tmpValueLengths = index.getIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".value-lengths", "") .split("\\s*,\\s*"); int i = 0; valueByteLengths = new int[_tmpValueLengths.length]; int[] valueCharLengths = new int[_tmpValueLengths.length]; recordLength = 0; for (String lens : _tmpValueLengths) { valueCharLengths[i] = Integer.parseInt(lens); valueByteLengths[i] = FixedSizeTextFactory.getMaximumTextLength(valueCharLengths[i]); recordLength += valueByteLengths[i]; i++; } //5. (long[]) length (numDocs+1) - offsets in file final int length = index.getIntIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".entries", 0); String indexFilename = path + ApplicationSetup.FILE_SEPARATOR + prefix + "." + structureName + ".idx"; String dataFilename = path + ApplicationSetup.FILE_SEPARATOR + prefix + "." + structureName + ".zdata"; String indexSource = index.getIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".index-source", "fileinmem"); long indexFileLength = Files.length(indexFilename); long dataFileLength = Files.length(dataFilename); if (indexSource.equals("fileinmem")) {"Structure " + structureName + " reading lookup file into memory"); if (indexFileLength < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { try { DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(Files.openFileStream(indexFilename)); final long[] docid2offsets = new long[length]; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) docid2offsets[i] = dis.readLong(); logger.debug("docid2offsets.length: " + docid2offsets.length + " ZIP_COMPRESSION_LEVEL: " + compressionLevel + " recordLength: " + recordLength); offsetLookup = new ArrayDocid2OffsetLookup(docid2offsets, dataFileLength); //finished with index file dis.close(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) { logger.warn("OutOfMemoryError: Structure " + structureName + " reading lookup file directly from disk"); //logger.debug("Metadata lookup will be read directly from disk: "+ length +" entries, size "+ dataFileLength + " bytes"); RandomDataInput rfi = Files.openFileRandom(indexFilename); offsetLookup = new OnDiskDocid2OffsetLookup( rfi instanceof RandomAccessFile ? new ChannelByteAccessor((RandomAccessFile) rfi) : new RandomDataInputAccessor(rfi), length, dataFileLength); } } else { try { DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(Files.openFileStream(indexFilename)); offsetLookup = new OnDiskDocid2OffsetLookup( new RandomDataInputAccessor(new RandomDataInputMemory(dis, indexFileLength)), length, dataFileLength); dis.close(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) { logger.warn("OutOfMemoryError: Structure " + structureName + " reading lookup file directly from disk"); //logger.debug("Metadata lookup will be read directly from disk: "+ length +" entries, size "+ dataFileLength + " bytes"); RandomDataInput rfi = Files.openFileRandom(indexFilename); offsetLookup = new OnDiskDocid2OffsetLookup( rfi instanceof RandomAccessFile ? new ChannelByteAccessor((RandomAccessFile) rfi) : new RandomDataInputAccessor(rfi), length, dataFileLength); } } } else { logger.warn("Structure " + structureName + " reading lookup file directly from disk (SLOW) - try index." + structureName + ".index-source=fileinmem in the index properties file"); //logger.debug("Metadata lookup will be read directly from disk: "+ length +" entries, size "+ dataFileLength + " bytes"); RandomDataInput rfi = Files.openFileRandom(indexFilename); offsetLookup = new OnDiskDocid2OffsetLookup( rfi instanceof RandomAccessFile ? new ChannelByteAccessor((RandomAccessFile) rfi) : new RandomDataInputAccessor(rfi), length, dataFileLength); } //debug log lookups using a wrapper class if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) offsetLookup = new LoggingDocid2OffsetLookup(offsetLookup); //now build the keyname and lengths into 2 maps: // keyname -> length & keyname -> offsets keyCount = keyNames.length; key2bytelength = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(keyCount); TObjectIntHashMap<String> key2stringlength = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(keyCount); key2byteoffset = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(keyCount); valueByteOffsets = new int[keyCount]; int cumulativeOffset = 0; for (i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) { key2stringlength.put(keyNames[i], valueCharLengths[i]); key2bytelength.put(keyNames[i], valueByteLengths[i]); key2byteoffset.put(keyNames[i], cumulativeOffset); valueByteOffsets[i] = cumulativeOffset; cumulativeOffset += valueByteLengths[i]; } key2forwardOffset = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(2); final String[] forwardKeys = index.getIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".reverse-key-names", "") .split("\\s*,\\s*"); forwardMetaMaps = (Map<Text, IntWritable>[]) new Map[forwardKeys.length]; keyFactories = (FixedSizeWriteableFactory<Text>[]) new FixedSizeWriteableFactory[forwardKeys.length]; i = 0; final FixedSizeIntWritableFactory valueFactory = new FixedSizeIntWritableFactory(); for (String keyName : forwardKeys) { if (keyName.trim().equals("")) continue; key2forwardOffset.put(keyName, 1 + i); logger.debug("Forward key " + keyName + ", length=" + key2bytelength.get(keyName)); keyFactories[i] = new FixedSizeTextFactory(key2stringlength.get(keyName)); String filename = path + ApplicationSetup.FILE_SEPARATOR + prefix + "." + structureName + "-" + i + FSOrderedMapFile.USUAL_EXTENSION; String loadFormat = index.getIndexProperty("index." + structureName + ".reverse." + keyName + ".in-mem", "false"); if (loadFormat.equals("hashmap")) {"Structure " + structureName + " reading reverse map for key " + keyName + " into memory as hashmap"); forwardMetaMaps[i] = new FSOrderedMapFile.MapFileInMemory<Text, IntWritable>(filename, keyFactories[i], valueFactory); } else if (loadFormat.equals("mapfileinmem")) { final long revDataFileLength = Files.length(filename); //if (revDataFileLength > Integer.MAX_VALUE) //{ // loadFormat = "false"; //"Structure "+ structureName + " reading reverse map for key "+ keyName + " - too big for memory as bytearray"); //} //else //{"Structure " + structureName + " reading reverse map for key " + keyName + " into memory as bytearray"); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(Files.openFileStream(filename)); //final byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)revDataFileLength]; //dis.readFully(bytes); //dis.close(); forwardMetaMaps[i] = new FSOrderedMapFile<Text, IntWritable>( new RandomDataInputMemory(dis, revDataFileLength), filename, keyFactories[i], valueFactory); //} } if (loadFormat.equals("false")) {"Structure " + structureName + " reading reverse map for key " + keyName + " directly from disk"); forwardMetaMaps[i] = new FSOrderedMapFile<Text, IntWritable>(filename, false, keyFactories[i], valueFactory); } i++; } } /** * main * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { if (args.length == 0) { System.err.println("Usage: " + CompressingMetaIndex.class.getName() + " {print|printrange min max|get docid|docno} "); return; } //load structures that we actually need Index.setIndexLoadingProfileAsRetrieval(false); IndexOnDisk index = Index.createIndex(); if (args[0].equals("print")) { IndexUtil.printMetaIndex(index, "meta"); } else if (args[0].equals("printrange")) { Iterator<String[]> inputStream = new InputStream(index, "meta", Integer.parseInt(args[1]), Integer.parseInt(args[2])); while (inputStream.hasNext()) { System.out.println(Arrays.toString(; } IndexUtil.close(inputStream); } else if (args[0].equals("get")) { MetaIndex m = index.getMetaIndex(); int docid = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); String[] values = m.getAllItems(docid); String[] keys = m.getKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { System.out.println(keys[i] + "=" + values[i]); } } else if (args[0].equals("lookup")) { MetaIndex m = index.getMetaIndex(); int docid = m.getDocument(args[1], args[2]); System.out.println(args[1] + " " + args[2] + " -> " + docid); } else if (args[0].equals("rundocid2docno")) { final BufferedReader br = args.length > 1 ? Files.openFileReader(args[1]) : new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; final PrintWriter out = args.length > 2 ? new PrintWriter(Files.writeFileWriter(args[2])) : new PrintWriter(System.out); MetaIndex m = index.getMetaIndex(); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { final String[] parts = SPLIT_SPACE.split(line); parts[2] = m.getItem("docno", Integer.parseInt(parts[2])); out.println(ArrayUtils.join(parts, ' ')); } br.close(); out.close(); } else if (args[0].equals("rundocno2docid")) { final BufferedReader br = args.length > 1 ? Files.openFileReader(args[1]) : new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; final PrintWriter out = args.length > 2 ? new PrintWriter(Files.writeFileWriter(args[2])) : new PrintWriter(System.out); MetaIndex m = index.getMetaIndex(); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { final String[] parts = SPLIT_SPACE.split(line); parts[2] = String.valueOf(m.getDocument("docno", parts[2])); out.println(ArrayUtils.join(parts, ' ')); } br.close(); out.close(); } else if (args[0].equals("rundocno2docid_seq")) { final BufferedReader br = args.length > 1 ? Files.openFileReader(args[1]) : new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; final PrintWriter out = args.length > 2 ? new PrintWriter(Files.writeFileWriter(args[2])) : new PrintWriter(System.out); List<String[]> lines = new ArrayList<String[]>(); TObjectIntHashMap<String> docnos = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { final String[] parts = SPLIT_SPACE.split(line); lines.add(parts); docnos.put(parts[2], -1); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<String[]> metaIn = (Iterator<String[]>) index.getIndexStructureInputStream("meta"); int docid = 0; TerrierTimer tt = new TerrierTimer("Reading metaindex", index.getCollectionStatistics().getNumberOfDocuments()); tt.start(); try { while (metaIn.hasNext()) { String docno =[0]; if (docnos.containsKey(docno)) { docnos.put(docno, docid); } docid++; tt.increment(); } } finally { IndexUtil.close(metaIn); tt.finished(); } for (String[] parts : lines) { parts[2] = String.valueOf(docnos.get(parts[2])); out.println(ArrayUtils.join(parts, ' ')); } br.close(); out.close(); } else { MetaIndex m = index.getMetaIndex(); int docid = m.getDocument("docno", args[0]); System.out.println(args[0] + " -> " + docid); String value = m.getItem("docno", docid); System.out.println(docid + " -> " + value); System.out.println("Equals check: " + value.equals(args[0])); } } }