Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 MovingBlocks * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import org.terasology.math.Side; import org.terasology.math.TeraMath; import org.terasology.math.Vector3i; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Set; /** * Batch propagator that works on a set of changed blocks * * @author Immortius */ public class SunlightRegenBatchPropagator implements BatchPropagator { private PropagationRules regenRules; private PropagatorWorldView regenWorld; private PropagatorWorldView sunlightWorld; private BatchPropagator sunlightPropagator; private Set<Vector3i>[] reduceQueues; private Set<Vector3i>[] increaseQueues; public SunlightRegenBatchPropagator(PropagationRules regenRules, PropagatorWorldView regenWorld, BatchPropagator sunlightPropagator, PropagatorWorldView sunlightWorld) { this.regenRules = regenRules; this.regenWorld = regenWorld; this.sunlightPropagator = sunlightPropagator; this.sunlightWorld = sunlightWorld; increaseQueues = new Set[regenRules.getMaxValue() + 1]; reduceQueues = new Set[regenRules.getMaxValue() + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < regenRules.getMaxValue() + 1; ++i) { increaseQueues[i] = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); reduceQueues[i] = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); } } @Override public void process(BlockChange... changes) { process(Arrays.asList(changes)); } @Override public void process(Iterable<BlockChange> blockChanges) { for (BlockChange blockChange : blockChanges) { reviewChange(blockChange); } processRegenReduction(); processRegenIncrease(); cleanUp(); } private void reviewChange(BlockChange blockChange) { reviewChangeToTop(blockChange); reviewChangeToBottom(blockChange); } private void reviewChangeToBottom(BlockChange blockChange) { PropagationComparison comparison = regenRules.comparePropagation(blockChange.getTo(), blockChange.getFrom(), Side.BOTTOM); if (comparison.isPermitting()) { byte existingValue = regenWorld.getValueAt(blockChange.getPosition()); queueSpreadRegen(blockChange.getPosition(), existingValue); } else if (comparison.isRestricting()) { Vector3i adjPos = Side.BOTTOM.getAdjacentPos(blockChange.getPosition()); byte existingValue = regenWorld.getValueAt(adjPos); reduce(adjPos, existingValue); } } private void reviewChangeToTop(BlockChange blockChange) { PropagationComparison comparison = regenRules.comparePropagation(blockChange.getTo(), blockChange.getFrom(), Side.TOP); if (comparison.isPermitting()) { Vector3i adjPos = Side.TOP.getAdjacentPos(blockChange.getPosition()); byte adjValue = regenWorld.getValueAt(adjPos); if (adjValue != PropagatorWorldView.UNAVAILABLE) { queueSpreadRegen(adjPos, adjValue); } } else if (comparison.isRestricting()) { byte existingValue = regenWorld.getValueAt(blockChange.getPosition()); reduce(blockChange.getPosition(), existingValue); } } private void queueSpreadRegen(Vector3i position, byte value) { increaseQueues[value].add(position); } private void processRegenReduction() { for (byte depth = 0; depth <= regenRules.getMaxValue(); depth++) { Set<Vector3i> toProcess = reduceQueues[depth]; for (Vector3i pos : toProcess) { purge(pos); } toProcess.clear(); } } private void purge(Vector3i pos) { int expectedValue = regenWorld.getValueAt(pos); if (expectedValue != 0) { Vector3i position = new Vector3i(pos); for (byte i = 0; i <= ChunkConstants.MAX_SUNLIGHT_REGEN; ++i) { if (regenWorld.getValueAt(position) == expectedValue) { regenWorld.setValueAt(position, i); if (expectedValue - ChunkConstants.SUNLIGHT_REGEN_THRESHOLD > 0) { sunlightPropagator.regenerate(new Vector3i(position), (byte) (expectedValue - ChunkConstants.SUNLIGHT_REGEN_THRESHOLD)); } } else { break; } position.y--; if (expectedValue < ChunkConstants.MAX_SUNLIGHT_REGEN) { expectedValue++; } } } } private void processRegenIncrease() { for (byte depth = regenRules.getMaxValue(); depth >= 0; depth--) { Set<Vector3i> toProcess = increaseQueues[depth]; for (Vector3i pos : toProcess) { push(pos, depth); } toProcess.clear(); } } private void push(Vector3i pos, byte value) { byte regenValue = value; Block block = regenWorld.getBlockAt(pos); Vector3i position = new Vector3i(pos); while (regenRules.canSpreadOutOf(block, Side.BOTTOM)) { regenValue = regenRules.propagateValue(regenValue, Side.BOTTOM, block); position.y -= 1; byte adjValue = regenWorld.getValueAt(position); if (adjValue < regenValue && adjValue != PropagatorWorldView.UNAVAILABLE) { block = regenWorld.getBlockAt(position); if (regenRules.canSpreadInto(block, Side.TOP)) { regenWorld.setValueAt(position, regenValue); reduceQueues[adjValue].remove(position); byte sunlightValue = (byte) (regenValue - ChunkConstants.SUNLIGHT_REGEN_THRESHOLD); if (sunlightValue > 0) { byte prevValue = sunlightWorld.getValueAt(position); if (prevValue < sunlightValue) { sunlightWorld.setValueAt(position, sunlightValue); sunlightPropagator.propagateFrom(new Vector3i(position), sunlightValue); } } } else { break; } } else { break; } } } private void cleanUp() { } private void reduce(Vector3i position, byte oldValue) { if (oldValue > 0) { reduceQueues[oldValue].add(position); } } @Override public void propagateBetween(LitChunk chunk, LitChunk adjChunk, Side side, boolean propagateExternal) { if (side == Side.BOTTOM) { int[] depth = new int[ChunkConstants.SIZE_X * ChunkConstants.SIZE_Z]; int[] startingRegen = new int[depth.length]; propagateSweep(chunk, adjChunk, depth, startingRegen); int[] adjDepths = new int[depth.length]; TeraMath.populateMinAdjacent2D(depth, adjDepths, ChunkConstants.SIZE_X, ChunkConstants.SIZE_Z, !propagateExternal); if (propagateExternal) { for (int z = 0; z < ChunkConstants.SIZE_Z; ++z) { adjDepths[z * ChunkConstants.SIZE_X] = 0; adjDepths[ChunkConstants.SIZE_X - 1 + z * ChunkConstants.SIZE_X] = 0; } for (int x = 0; x < ChunkConstants.SIZE_X; ++x) { adjDepths[x] = 0; adjDepths[x + ChunkConstants.SIZE_X * (ChunkConstants.SIZE_Z - 1)] = 0; } } int[] adjStartingRegen = new int[depth.length]; TeraMath.populateMinAdjacent2D(startingRegen, adjStartingRegen, ChunkConstants.SIZE_X, ChunkConstants.SIZE_Z, true); markForPropagation(adjChunk, depth, startingRegen, adjDepths, adjStartingRegen); } } private void markForPropagation(LitChunk toChunk, int[] depth, int[] startingRegen, int[] adjDepths, int[] adjStartingRegen) { Vector3i pos = new Vector3i(); for (int z = 0; z < ChunkConstants.SIZE_Z; ++z) { for (int x = 0; x < ChunkConstants.SIZE_X; ++x) { int depthIndex = x + ChunkConstants.SIZE_X * z; int start = startingRegen[depthIndex]; int adjStart = adjStartingRegen[depthIndex]; if (start - adjStart > 1) { int initialDepth = Math.max(ChunkConstants.SUNLIGHT_REGEN_THRESHOLD - start, 0); int finalDepth = depth[depthIndex]; int strength = Math.min(start + initialDepth - ChunkConstants.SUNLIGHT_REGEN_THRESHOLD + 1, ChunkConstants.MAX_SUNLIGHT); for (int i = initialDepth; i <= finalDepth; ++i) { sunlightPropagator.propagateFrom( toChunk.chunkToWorldPosition(x, ChunkConstants.SIZE_Y - i - 1, z), (byte) (strength)); if (strength < ChunkConstants.MAX_SUNLIGHT) { strength++; } } } else { int initialDepth = Math.max(adjDepths[depthIndex], ChunkConstants.SUNLIGHT_REGEN_THRESHOLD - start); byte strength = (byte) Math.min(ChunkConstants.MAX_SUNLIGHT, start + initialDepth - ChunkConstants.SUNLIGHT_REGEN_THRESHOLD + 1); for (int i = initialDepth; i <= depth[depthIndex]; ++i) { sunlightPropagator.propagateFrom( toChunk.chunkToWorldPosition(x, ChunkConstants.SIZE_Y - i - 1, z), strength); if (strength < ChunkConstants.MAX_SUNLIGHT) { strength++; } pos.y--; } } } } } private void propagateSweep(LitChunk fromChunk, LitChunk toChunk, int[] depth, int[] startingRegen) { Vector3i pos = new Vector3i(); for (int z = 0; z < ChunkConstants.SIZE_Z; ++z) { for (int x = 0; x < ChunkConstants.SIZE_X; ++x) { int depthIndex = x + ChunkConstants.SIZE_X * z; startingRegen[depthIndex] = regenRules.getValue(fromChunk, new Vector3i(x, 0, z)); byte expectedValue = (byte) Math.min(startingRegen[depthIndex] + 1, ChunkConstants.MAX_SUNLIGHT_REGEN); Block fromBlock = fromChunk.getBlock(x, 0, z); Block toBlock = toChunk.getBlock(x, ChunkConstants.SIZE_Y - 1, z); if (!(regenRules.canSpreadOutOf(fromBlock, Side.BOTTOM) && regenRules.canSpreadInto(toBlock, Side.TOP))) { continue; } byte predictedValue = 0; pos.set(x, ChunkConstants.SIZE_Y - 1, z); int currentValue = regenRules.getValue(toChunk, pos); while (currentValue == predictedValue && expectedValue > currentValue) { regenRules.setValue(toChunk, pos, expectedValue); depth[depthIndex]++; byte sunlight = (byte) (expectedValue - ChunkConstants.SUNLIGHT_REGEN_THRESHOLD); if (sunlight > 0 && sunlight > toChunk.getSunlight(pos)) { toChunk.setSunlight(pos, sunlight); } if (expectedValue < ChunkConstants.MAX_SUNLIGHT_REGEN) { expectedValue++; } predictedValue++; pos.y--; currentValue = regenRules.getValue(toChunk, pos); } } } } @Override public void propagateFrom(Vector3i pos, Block block) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void propagateFrom(Vector3i pos, byte value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void regenerate(Vector3i pos, byte value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }