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 * Copyright 2013 MovingBlocks
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.terasology.rendering.opengl;

import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.terasology.config.Config;
import org.terasology.config.RenderingConfig;
import org.terasology.registry.CoreRegistry;
import org.terasology.rendering.oculusVr.OculusVrHelper;
import org.terasology.rendering.opengl.FBO.Dimensions;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Map;

 * The FrameBuffersManager generates and maintains a number of Frame Buffer Objects (FBOs) used throughout the
 * rendering engine.
 * In most instances Frame Buffers can be thought of as 2D arrays of pixels in GPU memory: shaders write to them or
 * read from them. Some buffers are static and never change for the lifetime of the manager. Some buffers are dynamic:
 * they get disposed and regenerated, i.e. in case the display resolution changes. Some buffers hold intermediate
 * steps of the rendering process and the content of one buffer, "sceneFinal", is eventually sent to the display.
 * <br/>
 * At this stage no buffer can be added or deleted: the list of buffers and their characteristics is hardcoded.
 * <br/>
 * The existing set of public methods is primarily intended to allow communication between this manager and other parts
 * of the rendering engine, most notably the PostProcessor and the GraphicState instances and the shaders system.
 * <br/>
 * An important exception is the takeScreenshot() method which prompts the renderer to eventually (not immediately)
 * redirect its output to a file. This is the only public method that is intended to be used from outside the
 * rendering engine.
public class FrameBuffersManager {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FrameBuffersManager.class);

    private PBO frontReadbackPBO; // PBOs are 1x1 pixels buffers used to read GPU data back
    private PBO backReadbackPBO; // into the CPU. This data is then used in the context of
    private PBO currentReadbackPBO; // eye adaptation.

    private FBO sceneOpaque;
    private FBO sceneShadowMap;

    // I could have named them fullResolution, halfResolution and so on. But halfScale is actually
    // -both- fullScale's dimensions halved, leading to -a quarter- of its resolution. Following
    // this logic one32thScale would have to be named one1024thResolution and the otherwise
    // straightforward connection between variable names and dimensions would have been lost. -- manu3d
    private Dimensions fullScale;
    private Dimensions halfScale;
    private Dimensions quarterScale;
    private Dimensions one8thScale;
    private Dimensions one16thScale;
    private Dimensions one32thScale;

    // Note: this assumes that the settings in the configs might change at runtime,
    // but the config objects will not. At some point this might change, i.e. implementing presets.
    private Config config = CoreRegistry.get(Config.class);
    private RenderingConfig renderingConfig = config.getRendering();

    private Map<String, FBO> fboLookup = Maps.newHashMap();

    private GraphicState graphicState;
    private PostProcessor postProcessor;

    public FrameBuffersManager() {
        // nothing to do here, everything happens at initialization time,
        // after GraphicState and PostProcessors have been set.

    Initializes the FrameBuffersManager instance by creating static FBOs, dynamic FBOs and shadowMap FBO.
    Also instructs the PostProcessor and the GraphicState instances to fetch the FBOs they require.
    public void initialize() {



    // Static FBOs do not change during the lifetime of a FrameBuffersManager instance.
    // They are used to progressively downsample the image all the way into a 1x1 buffer
    // holding average image brightness data. This is then used in the context of eye adaptation.
    private void createStaticFBOs() {
        // The FBObuilder takes care of registering the new FBOs on the fboLookup map.
        new FBObuilder("scene16", 16, 16, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("scene8", 8, 8, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("scene4", 4, 4, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("scene2", 2, 2, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("scene1", 1, 1, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();

        // Technically these are not Frame Buffer Objects but Pixel Buffer Objects.
        // Their instantiation and assignments are done here because they are static buffers.
        frontReadbackPBO = new PBO(1, 1);
        backReadbackPBO = new PBO(1, 1);
        currentReadbackPBO = frontReadbackPBO;

    private void setDynamicFBOsDimensions() {

    private void createDynamicFBOs() {

    private void createShadowMapFBO() {

     * Executed before any rendering begins, this method disposes and regenerates a number of FBOs if size changes
     * have been triggered. Also prompts the GraphicState and PostProcessor instances to refresh their internal
     * references to use the new FBOs.
    public void preRenderUpdate() {
        if (sceneOpaque.dimensions().areDifferentFrom(fullScale)) {

        if (sceneShadowMap != null && sceneShadowMap.width() != renderingConfig.getShadowMapResolution()) {

    private boolean refreshDynamicFBOsDimensions() {
        boolean refreshed = false;
        Dimensions oldFullScale = fullScale;

        if (postProcessor.isNotTakingScreenshot()) {
            fullScale = new Dimensions(Display.getWidth(), Display.getHeight());
            if (renderingConfig.isOculusVrSupport()) {
        } else {
            fullScale = new Dimensions(renderingConfig.getScreenshotSize().getWidth(Display.getWidth()),

        fullScale.multiplySelfBy(renderingConfig.getFboScale() / 100f);

        if (fullScale.isDifferentFrom(oldFullScale)) {
            halfScale = fullScale.dividedBy(2);
            quarterScale = fullScale.dividedBy(4);
            one8thScale = fullScale.dividedBy(8);
            one16thScale = fullScale.dividedBy(16);
            one32thScale = fullScale.dividedBy(32);
            refreshed = true;

        return refreshed;

    // providing a rough guide of each FBO here, as the method that creates them (recreateDynamicFBOs) is quite dense already
    private void disposeOfAllDynamicFBOs() {

        deleteFBO("sceneOpaque"); // Primary FBO: most visual information eventually ends up here
        deleteFBO("sceneOpaquePingPong"); // The sceneOpaque FBOs are swapped every frame, to use one for reading and the other for writing
                                          // Notice that these two FBOs hold a number of buffers, for color, depth, normals, etc.

        deleteFBO("sceneSkyBand0"); // two buffers used to generate a depth cue: things in the distance fades into the atmosphere's color.

        deleteFBO("sceneReflectiveRefractive"); // used to render reflective and refractive surfaces, most obvious case being the water surface

        deleteFBO("sceneReflected"); // the water surface displays a reflected version of the scene. This version is stored here.

        deleteFBO("outline"); // greyscale depth-based rendering of object outlines
        deleteFBO("ssao"); // greyscale screen-space ambient occlusion rendering
        deleteFBO("ssaoBlurred"); // greyscale screen-space ambient occlusion rendering - blurred version
        deleteFBO("scenePrePost"); // intermediate step, combining a number of renderings made available so far
                                   // into one buffer to be post-processed.

        deleteFBO("lightShafts"); // light shafts rendering
        deleteFBO("sceneToneMapped"); // HDR tone mapping

        deleteFBO("sceneHighPass"); // a number of buffers to create the bloom effect

        deleteFBO("sceneBlur0"); // a pair of buffers holding blurred versions of the rendered scene,
        deleteFBO("sceneBlur1"); // also used for the bloom effect, but not only.

        deleteFBO("ocUndistorted"); // if OculusRift support is enabled this buffer holds the side-by-side views
                                    // for each eye, with no lens distortion applied.

        deleteFBO("sceneFinal"); // the content of this buffer is eventually shown on the display or sent to a file if taking a screenshot

    private void recreateDynamicFBOs() {
        // The FBObuilder takes care of registering thew new FBOs on the fboLookup hashmap.
        sceneOpaque = new FBObuilder("sceneOpaque", fullScale, FBO.Type.HDR).useDepthBuffer().useNormalBuffer()
        new FBObuilder("sceneOpaquePingPong", fullScale, FBO.Type.HDR).useDepthBuffer().useNormalBuffer()

        new FBObuilder("sceneSkyBand0", one16thScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("sceneSkyBand1", one32thScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();

        FBO sceneReflectiveRefractive = new FBObuilder("sceneReflectiveRefractive", fullScale, FBO.Type.HDR)

        new FBObuilder("sceneReflected", halfScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).useDepthBuffer().build();

        new FBObuilder("outline", fullScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("ssao", fullScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("ssaoBlurred", fullScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("scenePrePost", fullScale, FBO.Type.HDR).build();

        new FBObuilder("lightShafts", halfScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("sceneToneMapped", fullScale, FBO.Type.HDR).build();

        new FBObuilder("sceneHighPass", fullScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("sceneBloom0", halfScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("sceneBloom1", quarterScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("sceneBloom2", one8thScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();

        new FBObuilder("sceneBlur0", halfScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("sceneBlur1", halfScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();

        new FBObuilder("ocUndistorted", fullScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();
        new FBObuilder("sceneFinal", fullScale, FBO.Type.DEFAULT).build();

    private void recreateShadowMapFBO() {
        int shadowMapResFromSettings = renderingConfig.getShadowMapResolution();
        Dimensions shadowMapResolution = new Dimensions(shadowMapResFromSettings, shadowMapResFromSettings);
        sceneShadowMap = new FBObuilder("sceneShadowMap", shadowMapResolution, FBO.Type.NO_COLOR).useDepthBuffer()

    private void handleDisposedShadowMap(FBO fbo) {
        if (fbo.getStatus() == FBO.Status.DISPOSED) {
            logger.warn("Failed to generate ShadowMap FBO. Turning off shadows.");

     * Returns the content of the color buffer of the FBO "sceneFinal", from GPU memory as a ByteBuffer.
     * If the FBO "sceneFinal" is unavailable, returns null.
     * @return a ByteBuffer or null
    public ByteBuffer getSceneFinalRawData() {
        FBO fboSceneFinal = getFBO("sceneFinal");
        if (fboSceneFinal == null) {
            logger.error("FBO sceneFinal is unavailable: cannot return data from it.");
            return null;

        ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(fboSceneFinal.width() * fboSceneFinal.height() * 4);

        GL11.glGetTexImage(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL11.GL_RGBA, GL11.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer);

        return buffer;

     * Returns an FBO given its name.
     * If no FBO maps to the given name, null is returned and an error is logged.
     * @param fboName The name of the FBO
     * @return an FBO or null
    public FBO getFBO(String fboName) {
        FBO fbo = fboLookup.get(fboName);

        if (fbo == null) {
            logger.error("Failed to retrieve FBO '" + fboName + "'!");

        return fbo;

    private void deleteFBO(String fboName) {
        FBO fbo = fboLookup.get(fboName);

        if (fbo != null) {

        } else {
            logger.error("Failed to delete FBO '" + fboName + "': it doesn't exist!");

     * Binds the color texture of the FBO with the given name and returns true.
     * If no FBO is associated with the given name, false is returned and an error is logged.
     * @param fboName the name of an FBO
     * @return True if an FBO associated with the given name exists. False otherwise.
    public boolean bindFboColorTexture(String fboName) {
        FBO fbo = fboLookup.get(fboName);

        if (fbo != null) {
            return true;

                "Failed to bind FBO color texture since the requested " + fboName + " FBO could not be found!");
        return false;

     * Binds the depth texture of the FBO with the given name and returns true.
     * If no FBO is associated with the given name, false is returned and an error is logged.
     * @param fboName the name of an FBO
     * @return True if an FBO associated with the given name exists. False otherwise.
    public boolean bindFboDepthTexture(String fboName) {
        FBO fbo = fboLookup.get(fboName);

        if (fbo != null) {
            return true;

                "Failed to bind FBO depth texture since the requested " + fboName + " FBO could not be found!");
        return false;

     * Binds the normals texture of the FBO with the given name and returns true.
     * If no FBO is associated with the given name, false is returned and an error is logged.
     * @param fboName the name of an FBO
     * @return True if an FBO associated with the given name exists. False otherwise.
    public boolean bindFboNormalsTexture(String fboName) {
        FBO fbo = fboLookup.get(fboName);

        if (fbo != null) {
            return true;

                "Failed to bind FBO normals texture since the requested " + fboName + " FBO could not be found!");
        return false;

     * Binds the light buffer texture of the FBO with the given name and returns true.
     * If no FBO is associated with the given name, false is returned and an error is logged.
     * @param fboName the name of an FBO
     * @return True if an FBO associated with the given name exists. False otherwise.
    public boolean bindFboLightBufferTexture(String fboName) {
        FBO fbo = fboLookup.get(fboName);

        if (fbo != null) {
            return true;

        logger.error("Failed to bind FBO light buffer texture since the requested " + fboName
                + " FBO could not be found!");
        return false;

     * Swaps the sceneOpaque FBOs, so that the one previously used for writing is now used for reading and viceversa.
    public void swapSceneOpaqueFBOs() {
        FBO currentSceneOpaquePingPong = fboLookup.get("sceneOpaquePingPong");
        fboLookup.put("sceneOpaquePingPong", fboLookup.get("sceneOpaque"));
        fboLookup.put("sceneOpaque", currentSceneOpaquePingPong);


     * Swaps the readback PBOs, so that the one previously used for writing is now used for reading and viceversa.
    public void swapReadbackPBOs() {
        if (currentReadbackPBO == frontReadbackPBO) {
            currentReadbackPBO = backReadbackPBO;
        } else {
            currentReadbackPBO = frontReadbackPBO;

     * Returns the current readback PBO, the one that will be used for reading from.
     * @return the current readback PBO
    public PBO getCurrentReadbackPBO() {
        return currentReadbackPBO;

     * Sets an internal reference to the GraphicState instance. This reference is used to inform the GraphicState
     * instance that changes have occurred and that it should refresh its references to the FBOs it uses.
     * @param graphicState a GraphicState instance
    public void setGraphicState(GraphicState graphicState) {
        this.graphicState = graphicState;

     * Sets an internal reference to the PostProcessor instance. This reference is used to inform the PostProcessor
     * instance that changes have occurred and that it should refresh its references to the FBOs it uses.
     * @param postProcessor a PostProcessor instance
    public void setPostProcessor(PostProcessor postProcessor) {
        this.postProcessor = postProcessor;

     * Builder class to simplify the syntax creating an FBO.
     * <p>
     * Once the desired characteristics of the FBO are set via the Builder's constructor and its
     * use*Buffer() methods, the build() method can be called for the actual FBO to be generated,
     * alongside the underlying FrameBuffer and its attachments on the GPU.
     * <p>
     * The new FBO is automatically registered with the LwjglRenderingProcess, overwriting any
     * existing FBO with the same title.
    public class FBObuilder {

        private FBO generatedFBO;

        private String title;
        private FBO.Dimensions dimensions;
        private FBO.Type type;

        private boolean useDepthBuffer;
        private boolean useNormalBuffer;
        private boolean useLightBuffer;
        private boolean useStencilBuffer;

         * Constructs an FBO builder capable of building the two most basic FBOs:
         * an FBO with no attachments or one with a single color buffer attached to it.
         * <p>
         * To attach additional buffers, see the use*Buffer() methods.
         * <p>
         * Example: FBO basicFBO = new FBObuilder("basic", new Dimensions(1920, 1080), Type.DEFAULT).build();
         * @param title A string identifier, the title is used to later manipulate the FBO through
         *              methods such as LwjglRenderingProcess.getFBO(title) and LwjglRenderingProcess.bindFBO(title).
         * @param dimensions A Dimensions object providing width and height information.
         * @param type Type.DEFAULT will result in a 32 bit color buffer attached to the FBO. (GL_RGBA, GL11.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_LINEAR)
         *             Type.HDR will result in a 64 bit color buffer attached to the FBO. (GL_RGBA, GL_HALF_FLOAT_ARB, GL_LINEAR)
         *             Type.NO_COLOR will result in -no- color buffer attached to the FBO
         *             (WARNING: this could result in an FBO with Status.DISPOSED - see FBO.getStatus()).
        public FBObuilder(String title, FBO.Dimensions dimensions, FBO.Type type) {
            this.title = title;
            this.dimensions = dimensions;
            this.type = type;

         * Same as the previous FBObuilder constructor, but taking in input
         * explicit, integer width and height instead of a Dimensions object.
        public FBObuilder(String title, int width, int height, FBO.Type type) {
            this(title, new FBO.Dimensions(width, height), type);

         *  * @param useDepthBuffer If true the FBO will have a 24 bit depth buffer attached to it. (GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, GL_NEAREST)
            * @param useNormalBuffer If true the FBO will have a 32 bit normals buffer attached to it. (GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_LINEAR)
            * @param useLightBuffer If true the FBO will have 32/64 bit light buffer attached to it, depending if Type is DEFAULT/HDR.
            * @param useStencilBuffer If true the depth buffer will also have an 8 bit Stencil buffer associated with it.
            *                         (GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_EXT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_EXT, GL_NEAREST)
            *                         */

         * Sets the builder to generate, allocate and attach a 24 bit depth buffer to the FrameBuffer to be built.
         * If useStencilBuffer() is also used, an 8 bit stencil buffer will also be associated with the depth buffer.
         * For details on the specific characteristics of the buffers, see the FBO.create() method.
         * @return The calling instance, to chain calls, i.e.: new FBObuilder(...).useDepthBuffer().build();
        public FBObuilder useDepthBuffer() {
            useDepthBuffer = true;
            return this;

         * Sets the builder to generate, allocate and attach a normals buffer to the FrameBuffer to be built.
         * For details on the specific characteristics of the buffer, see the FBO.create() method.
         * @return The calling instance, to chain calls, i.e.: new FBObuilder(...).useNormalsBuffer().build();
        public FBObuilder useNormalBuffer() {
            useNormalBuffer = true;
            return this;

         * Sets the builder to generate, allocate and attach a light buffer to the FrameBuffer to be built.
         * Be aware that the number of bits per channel for this buffer changes with the set FBO.Type.
         * For details see the FBO.create() method.
         * @return The calling instance, to chain calls, i.e.: new FBObuilder(...).useLightBuffer().build();
        public FBObuilder useLightBuffer() {
            useLightBuffer = true;
            return this;

         * -IF- the builder has been set to generate a depth buffer, using this method sets the builder to
         * generate a depth buffer inclusive of stencil buffer, with the following characteristics:
         * internal format GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_EXT, data type GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_EXT and filtering GL_NEAREST.
         * @return The calling instance of FBObuilder, to chain calls,
         *         i.e.: new FBObuilder(...).useDepthBuffer().useStencilBuffer().build();
        public FBObuilder useStencilBuffer() {
            useStencilBuffer = true;
            return this;

         * Given information set through the constructor and the use*Buffer() methods, builds and returns
         * an FBO instance, inclusive the underlying OpenGL FrameBuffer and any requested attachments.
         * <p>
         * The FBO is also automatically registered with the LwjglRenderingProcess through its title string.
         * This allows its retrieval and binding through methods such as getFBO(String title) and
         * bindFBO(String title). If another FBO is registered with the same title, it is disposed and
         * the new FBO registered in its place.
         * <p>
         * This method is effectively mono-use: calling it more than once will return the exact same FBO
         * returned the first time. To build a new FBO with identical or different characteristics it's
         * necessary to instantiate a new builder.
         * @return An FBO. Make sure to check it with FBO.getStatus() before using it.
        public FBO build() {
            if (generatedFBO != null) {
                return generatedFBO;

            FBO oldFBO = fboLookup.get(title);
            if (oldFBO != null) {
                logger.warn("FBO " + title + " has been overwritten. Ideally it would have been deleted first.");

            generatedFBO = FBO.create(title, dimensions, type, useDepthBuffer, useNormalBuffer, useLightBuffer,
            fboLookup.put(title, generatedFBO);
            return generatedFBO;

        private void handleIncompleteAndUnexpectedStatus(FBO fbo) {
            // At this stage it's unclear what should be done in this circumstances as I (manu3d) do not know what
            // the effects of using an incomplete FrameBuffer are. Throw an exception? Live with visual artifacts?
            if (fbo.getStatus() == FBO.Status.INCOMPLETE) {
                logger.error("FBO " + title + " is incomplete. Look earlier in the log for details.");
            } else if (fbo.getStatus() == FBO.Status.UNEXPECTED) {
                logger.error("FBO " + title
                        + " has generated an unexpected status code. Look earlier in the log for details.");