Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2010 Lucas Madar and Peter Brewer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contributors: * Lucas Madar * Peter Brewer ******************************************************************************/ package org.tellervo.desktop.wsi; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody; import org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.ContentEncodingHttpClient; import org.apache.http.util.VersionInfo; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.transform.JDOMResult; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.tellervo.desktop.core.App; import org.tellervo.desktop.gui.BugDialog; import org.tellervo.desktop.gui.XMLDebugView; import org.tellervo.desktop.prefs.Prefs.PrefKey; import org.tellervo.desktop.util.BugReport; import org.tellervo.desktop.util.PureStringWriter; import org.tellervo.desktop.util.XMLBody; import org.tellervo.desktop.util.XMLParsingException; import org.tellervo.desktop.versioning.Build; import org.tellervo.desktop.wsi.util.WSCookieStoreHandler; import com.sun.xml.bind.marshaller.NamespacePrefixMapper; /** * This class is for accessing XML documents from the web service. * * INTYPE: The type we are expecting to receive * OUTTYPE: The type we are sending */ public class WebJaxbAccessor<INTYPE, OUTTYPE> implements DataAccessor<INTYPE, OUTTYPE> { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebJaxbAccessor.class); /** The URL we plan to access */ private URI url; /** The type of request we plan to use (POST or GET) */ private RequestMethod requestMethod; /** The base type we plan to marshall and send to the server */ private OUTTYPE sendingObject; /** The class of the sendingObject (OUTTYPE.class) */ // not necessary! //private Class<OUTTYPE> sendingObjectClass; /** The class of the requestObject (INTYPE.class) */ private Class<INTYPE> receivingObjectClass; /** The noun that we're accessing (measurements, radius, etc). * Mostly used for debugging at this point. */ private String noun; /** * Makes a class capable of performing operations on a webservice "noun" * * Note that this constructor will be useless for queries that do not contain * a POST request. * * @param noun What we are affecting here. For example, dictionary, sample, etc. * @param receivingObjectClass the class of the object I am hoping to receive */ public WebJaxbAccessor(String noun, Class<INTYPE> receivingObjectClass) { requestMethod = RequestMethod.POST; this.noun = noun; this.receivingObjectClass = receivingObjectClass; try { String path = App.prefs.getPref(PrefKey.WEBSERVICE_URL, "invalid-url!"); url = new URI(path.trim()); // If no protocol is provided assume http if (url.getScheme() == null) { url = new URI("http://" + path.trim()); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { new BugDialog(e); } } /** * The important part of this: query the server. This is a blocking call. * * @return A DOM document * @throws IOException */ public INTYPE query() throws IOException { return doRequest(); } public void execute() throws IOException { doRequest(); } /** * Quick and dirty debug: gets a stack trace * @return */ private String getStackTrace() { PureStringWriter sw = new PureStringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); new Throwable().printStackTrace(pw); return sw.toString(); } /** * Gets the schema object that we use for validation * * @return the schema object, or null for no validation */ protected Schema getValidationSchema() { return null; } /** * Get the JAXB context for this accessor * * @return the jaxb context * @throws JAXBException */ protected JAXBContext getJAXBContext() throws JAXBException { return JAXBContext.newInstance(); } /** * Get a namespace prefix mapper for this instance * @return */ protected NamespacePrefixMapper getNamespacePrefixMapper() { return null; } /** * Marshall this object to a JDOM Document * * @param context * @param object * @param prefixMapper an implementation of namespacePrefixMapper * @return * @throws JAXBException */ protected static Document marshallToDocument(JAXBContext context, Object object, NamespacePrefixMapper prefixMapper) throws JAXBException { JDOMResult result = new JDOMResult(); Marshaller m = context.createMarshaller(); // set a namespace prefix mapper if (prefixMapper != null) m.setProperty("com.sun.xml.bind.namespacePrefixMapper", prefixMapper); m.marshal(object, result); return result.getDocument(); } /** * Set the object to use as an output request * * @param reqObj */ public void setRequestObject(OUTTYPE reqObj) { this.sendingObject = reqObj; } private INTYPE doRequest() throws IOException { HttpClient client = new ContentEncodingHttpClient(); HttpUriRequest req; JAXBContext context; Document outDocument = null; try { context = getJAXBContext(); } catch (JAXBException jaxb) { throw new IOException("Unable to acquire JAXB context: " + jaxb.getMessage()); } try { if (requestMethod == RequestMethod.POST) { if (this.sendingObject == null) throw new NullPointerException("requestDocument is null yet required for this type of query"); // Create a new POST request HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url); // Make it a multipart post MultipartEntity postEntity = new MultipartEntity(); req = post; // create an XML document from the given objects outDocument = marshallToDocument(context, sendingObject, getNamespacePrefixMapper()); // add it to the http post request XMLBody xmlb = new XMLBody(outDocument, "application/tellervo+xml", null); postEntity.addPart("xmlrequest", xmlb); postEntity.addPart("traceback", new StringBody(getStackTrace())); post.setEntity(postEntity); } else { // well, that's nice and easy req = new HttpGet(url); } // debug this transaction... TransactionDebug.sent(outDocument, noun); // load cookies ((AbstractHttpClient) client).setCookieStore(WSCookieStoreHandler.getCookieStore().toCookieStore()); req.setHeader("User-Agent", "Tellervo WSI " + Build.getUTF8Version() + " (" + clientModuleVersion + "; ts " + Build.getCompleteVersionNumber() + ")"); if (App.prefs.getBooleanPref(PrefKey.WEBSERVICE_USE_STRICT_SECURITY, false)) { // Using strict security so don't allow self signed certificates for SSL } else { // Not using strict security so allow self signed certificates for SSL if (url.getScheme().equals("https")) WebJaxbAccessor.setSelfSignableHTTPSScheme(client); } // create a responsehandler JaxbResponseHandler<INTYPE> responseHandler = new JaxbResponseHandler<INTYPE>(context, receivingObjectClass); // set the schema we validate against responseHandler.setValidateSchema(getValidationSchema()); // execute the actual http query INTYPE inObject = null; try { inObject = client.execute(req, responseHandler); } catch (EOFException e4) { log.debug("Caught EOFException"); } TransactionDebug.received(inObject, noun, context); // save our cookies? WSCookieStoreHandler.getCookieStore().fromCookieStore(((AbstractHttpClient) client).getCookieStore()); // ok, now inspect the document we got back //TellervoDocumentInspector inspector = new TellervoDocumentInspector(inDocument); // Verify our document based on schema validity //inspector.validate(); // Verify our document structure, throw any exceptions! //inspector.verifyDocument(); return inObject; } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new IOException("The URL of the server you have specified is unknown"); } catch (HttpResponseException hre) { if (hre.getStatusCode() == 404) { throw new IOException("The URL of the server you have specified is unknown"); } BugReport bugs = new BugReport(hre); bugs.addDocument("sent.xml", outDocument); new BugDialog(bugs); throw new IOException("The server returned a protocol error " + hre.getStatusCode() + ": " + hre.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { throw new IOException("Webservice URL must be a full URL qualified with a communications protocol.\n" + "Tellervo currently supports http:// and https://."); } catch (ResponseProcessingException rspe) { Throwable cause = rspe.getCause(); BugReport bugs = new BugReport(cause); Document invalidDoc = rspe.getNonvalidatingDocument(); File invalidFile = rspe.getInvalidFile(); if (outDocument != null) bugs.addDocument("sent.xml", outDocument); if (invalidDoc != null) bugs.addDocument("recv-nonvalid.xml", invalidDoc); if (invalidFile != null) bugs.addDocument("recv-malformed.xml", invalidFile); new BugDialog(bugs); XMLDebugView.addDocument(BugReport.getStackTrace(cause), "Parsing Exception", true); // it's probably an ioexception... if (cause instanceof IOException) throw (IOException) cause; throw rspe; } catch (XMLParsingException xmlpe) { Throwable cause = xmlpe.getCause(); BugReport bugs = new BugReport(cause); Document invalidDoc = xmlpe.getNonvalidatingDocument(); File invalidFile = xmlpe.getInvalidFile(); bugs.addDocument("sent.xml", outDocument); if (invalidDoc != null) bugs.addDocument("recv-nonvalid.xml", invalidDoc); if (invalidFile != null) bugs.addDocument("recv-malformed.xml", invalidFile); new BugDialog(bugs); XMLDebugView.addDocument(BugReport.getStackTrace(cause), "Parsing Exception", true); // it's probably an ioexception... if (cause instanceof IOException) throw (IOException) cause; throw xmlpe; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (Exception uhe) { BugReport bugs = new BugReport(uhe); bugs.addDocument("sent.xml", outDocument); /* // MalformedDocs are handled automatically by BugReport class if(!(uhe instanceof MalformedDocumentException) && inDocument != null) bugs.addDocument("received.xml", inDocument); */ new BugDialog(bugs); throw new IOException("Exception " + uhe.getClass().getName() + ": " + uhe.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally { //? } } /** A https scheme that allows for self-signed https certs */ private static Scheme selfSignableHTTPSScheme = null; public static void setSelfSignableHTTPSScheme(HttpClient client) { if (selfSignableHTTPSScheme == null) { try { // make a new SSL context SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new; // make a new socket factory SSLSocketFactory socketFactory = new SSLSocketFactory(sc); // register the scheme with the connection selfSignableHTTPSScheme = new Scheme("https", socketFactory, 443); } catch (Exception e) { // don't do anything; we'll just get errors later. return; } } client.getConnectionManager().getSchemeRegistry().register(selfSignableHTTPSScheme); } // This allows us to ignore the server certificate chain private static TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() { public[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return null; } public void checkClientTrusted([] certs, String authType) { } public void checkServerTrusted([] certs, String authType) { } } }; // for defining our request type... private static enum RequestMethod { GET, POST }; static private final String clientModuleVersion; static { final String[] modules = { "org.apache.http", // HttpCore (main) "org.apache.http.cookie", // HttpCookie "org.apache.http.client", // HttpClient }; final VersionInfo[] via = VersionInfo.loadVersionInfo(modules, null); final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < via.length; i++) { if (buf.length() != 0) buf.append("; "); buf.append(via[i].getModule() + " " + via[i].getRelease()); } clientModuleVersion = buf.toString(); } }