Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2011 Peter Brewer. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contributors: * Peter Brewer ******************************************************************************/ package org.tellervo.desktop.print; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import org.tellervo.desktop.core.App; import org.tellervo.desktop.editor.DecadalModel; import org.tellervo.desktop.editor.UnitAwareDecadalModel; import org.tellervo.desktop.editor.WJTableModel; import; import org.tellervo.desktop.prefs.Prefs.PrefKey; import org.tellervo.desktop.remarks.Remarks; import org.tellervo.desktop.sample.Sample; import org.tellervo.desktop.ui.Alert; import org.tellervo.desktop.ui.Builder; import org.tellervo.desktop.util.labels.LabBarcode; import org.tellervo.desktop.util.pdf.PrintablePDF; import org.tridas.interfaces.ITridasSeries; import org.tridas.schema.ComplexPresenceAbsence; import org.tridas.schema.NormalTridasRemark; import org.tridas.schema.NormalTridasUnit; import org.tridas.schema.PresenceAbsence; import org.tridas.schema.TridasDerivedSeries; import org.tridas.schema.TridasElement; import org.tridas.schema.TridasLastRingUnderBark; import org.tridas.schema.TridasMeasurementSeries; import org.tridas.schema.TridasObject; import org.tridas.schema.TridasRadius; import org.tridas.schema.TridasRemark; import org.tridas.schema.TridasSample; import org.tridas.schema.TridasWoodCompleteness; import org.tridas.schema.Year; import com.lowagie.text.Chunk; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.Element; import com.lowagie.text.Font; import com.lowagie.text.Image; import com.lowagie.text.PageSize; import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph; import com.lowagie.text.Phrase; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.ColumnText; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; public class SeriesReport extends ReportBase { /** A map for the lazy-loading of icons */ private HashMap<String, Image> lazyIconMap; NormalTridasUnit displayUnits; private Sample s = new Sample(); public SeriesReport(Sample s) { this.s = s; // lazily load icons lazyIconMap = new HashMap<String, Image>(); } private void generateSeriesReport(OutputStream output) { displayUnits = NormalTridasUnit .valueOf(App.prefs.getPref(PrefKey.DISPLAY_UNITS,; try { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, output); document.setPageSize(PageSize.LETTER);; cb = writer.getDirectContent(); // Set basic metadata document.addAuthor("Peter Brewer"); document.addSubject("Tellervo Series Report for " + s.getDisplayTitle()); // Title Left ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(cb); ct.setSimpleColumn(document.left(), - 163, 283,, 20, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); ct.addText(getTitlePDF()); ct.go(); // Barcode ColumnText ct2 = new ColumnText(cb); ct2.setSimpleColumn(370, - 100, document.right(0),, 20, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); ct2.addElement(getBarCode()); ct2.go(); // Timestamp ColumnText ct3 = new ColumnText(cb); ct3.setSimpleColumn(document.left(), - 223, 283, - 60, 20, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); ct3.setLeading(0, 1.2f); ct3.addText(getTimestampPDF()); ct3.go(); // Authorship ColumnText ct4 = new ColumnText(cb); ct4.setSimpleColumn(284, - 223, document.right(10), - 60, 20, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); ct4.setLeading(0, 1.2f); ct4.addText(getAuthorshipPDF()); ct4.go(); // Pad text document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph(); p2.setSpacingBefore(50); p2.setSpacingAfter(10); p2.add(new Chunk(" ", bodyFont)); document.add(new Paragraph(p2)); // Ring width table getRingWidthTable(); document.add(getParagraphSpace()); if (s.getSeries() instanceof TridasMeasurementSeries) { // MEASUREMENT SERIES //document.add(getRingRemarks()); document.add(getWoodCompletenessPDF()); document.add(getParagraphSpace()); document.add(getSeriesComments()); document.add(getParagraphSpace()); document.add(getInterpretationPDF()); document.add(getParagraphSpace()); document.add(getElementAndSampleInfo()); } else { // DERIVED SERIES getWJTable(); document.add(getParagraphSpace()); document.add(getSeriesComments()); document.add(getParagraphSpace()); //document.add(getRingRemarks()); } } catch (DocumentException de) { System.err.println(de.getMessage()); } // Close the document document.close(); } /** * Get an iText Paragraph for the Title * * @return Paragraph */ private Paragraph getTitlePDF() { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(new Chunk(s.getDisplayTitle() + "\n", titleFont)); // Add object name if this is a mSeries if (s.getSeries() instanceof TridasMeasurementSeries) { TridasObject tobj = s.getMeta(Metadata.OBJECT, TridasObject.class); p.add(new Chunk(tobj.getTitle(), subTitleFont)); } return p; } /** * Create a series bar code for this series * * @return Image */ private Image getBarCode() { UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(s.getSeries().getIdentifier().getValue()); LabBarcode barcode = new LabBarcode(LabBarcode.Type.SERIES, uuid); //barcode.setX(0.4f); //barcode.setSize(1f); //barcode.setBarHeight(10f); barcode.setBaseline(-1f); //barcode.setFont(null); Image image = barcode.createImageWithBarcode(cb, null, null); image.setWidthPercentage(95); return image; } /** * Get PdfPTable containing the ring width data for this series * * @return PdfPTable * @throws DocumentException */ private void getRingWidthTable() throws DocumentException { try { getDataTable(false); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Get PdfPTable containing weiserjahre data for this series * * @return * @throws DocumentException */ private void getWJTable() throws DocumentException { try { getDataTable(true); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private void getTableKey() throws DocumentException, IOException, IOException { PdfPTable mainTable = new PdfPTable(12); float[] widths = { 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.8f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.8f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.8f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.8f }; mainTable.setWidths(widths); mainTable.setWidthPercentage(100); PdfPTable userRemarksTable = new PdfPTable(2); float[] widths2 = { 0.083f, 0.92f }; userRemarksTable.setWidths(widths2); userRemarksTable.setWidthPercentage(100); Boolean userRemarkUsed = false; DecadalModel model; model = new UnitAwareDecadalModel(s); int rows = model.getRowCount(); List<TridasRemark> masterList = null; // Loop through rows for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { // Loop through columns for (int col = 0; col < 11; col++) { org.tellervo.desktop.Year year = model.getYear(row, col); List<TridasRemark> remarksList = null; remarksList = s.getRemarksForYear(year); // If masterlist is still null initialize it with this remarks list if (remarksList.size() > 0 && masterList == null) masterList = remarksList; for (TridasRemark remark : remarksList) { if (!masterList.contains(remark)) masterList.add(remark); } } } for (TridasRemark remark : masterList) { PdfPCell iconCell = new PdfPCell(); PdfPCell equalsCell = new PdfPCell(); PdfPCell descriptionCell = new PdfPCell(); iconCell.setBorder(0); equalsCell.setBorder(0); descriptionCell.setBorder(0); iconCell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); equalsCell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); descriptionCell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); Image icon = null; String remarkStr = null; // Get actual icon (either tridas or tellervo) if (remark.isSetNormalTridas()) { remarkStr = remark.getNormalTridas().toString().toLowerCase(); remarkStr = remarkStr.replace("_", " "); icon = getTridasIcon(remark.getNormalTridas()); if (icon == null) icon = Builder.getITextImageMissingIcon(); } else if (TELLERVO.equals(remark.getNormalStd())) { remarkStr = remark.getNormal(); icon = getCorinaIcon(remark.getNormal()); if (icon == null) icon = Builder.getITextImageMissingIcon(); } else { if (!userRemarkUsed) { remarkStr = "User Remark (See Below)"; icon = Builder.getITextImageIcon("user.png"); userRemarkUsed = true; } else { // User remark and we already have a key for this so continue continue; } } iconCell.addElement(icon); equalsCell.addElement(new Phrase("=", tableBodyFont)); descriptionCell.addElement(new Phrase(WordUtils.capitalize(remarkStr), tableBodyFont)); mainTable.addCell(iconCell); mainTable.addCell(equalsCell); mainTable.addCell(descriptionCell); } // Pad out empty cells PdfPCell blankCell = new PdfPCell(); blankCell.addElement(new Phrase("")); blankCell.setBorder(0); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { mainTable.addCell(blankCell); } document.add(mainTable); if (userRemarkUsed) { PdfPCell yearCell = new PdfPCell(); yearCell.setBorder(0); yearCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); yearCell.addElement(new Phrase("Year", tableHeaderFont)); userRemarksTable.addCell(yearCell); PdfPCell remarkCell = new PdfPCell(); remarkCell.setBorder(0); remarkCell.addElement(new Phrase("User ring remarks", tableHeaderFont)); userRemarksTable.addCell(remarkCell); for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { // Loop through columns for (int col = 0; col < 11; col++) { org.tellervo.desktop.Year year = model.getYear(row, col); List<TridasRemark> remarksList = null; remarksList = s.getRemarksForYear(year); for (TridasRemark remark : remarksList) { if (remark.isSetNormalTridas() || remark.isSetNormalStd()) continue; yearCell = new PdfPCell(); yearCell.setBorder(0); yearCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); yearCell.addElement(new Phrase(year.toString(), tableHeaderFont)); userRemarksTable.addCell(yearCell); remarkCell = new PdfPCell(); remarkCell.setBorder(0); remarkCell.addElement(new Phrase(remark.getValue(), tableBodyFont)); userRemarksTable.addCell(remarkCell); } } } document.add(userRemarksTable); } } /** * Get PdfPTable containing the ring width data for this series * * @return PdfPTable * @throws DocumentException * @throws IOException * @throws MalformedURLException */ private void getDataTable(Boolean wj) throws DocumentException, MalformedURLException, IOException { // THE actual table PdfPTable mainTable = new PdfPTable(11); // Cell for column headers PdfPCell colHeadCell = new PdfPCell(); // Model for data DecadalModel model; // Flag to show if there are *any* ring remarks Boolean hasRemarks = false; float[] columnWidths = new float[] { 20f, 8f, 8f, 8f, 8f, 8f, 8f, 8f, 8f, 8f, 8f }; mainTable.setWidths(columnWidths); mainTable.setWidthPercentage(100f); if (wj == true) { if (s.hasWeiserjahre() == true) { model = new WJTableModel(s); document.add(new Chunk("Weiserjahre:", subSubSectionFont)); } else { return; } } else { model = new UnitAwareDecadalModel(s); document.add(new Chunk("Ring widths:", subSubSectionFont)); } int rows = model.getRowCount(); // Do column headers if (wj == true) { colHeadCell.setPhrase(new Phrase("inc/dec", tableHeaderFont)); } else if (this.s.getTridasUnits() == null) { // Unitless colHeadCell.setPhrase(new Phrase(" ", tableHeaderFont)); } else { // Normal tridas units try { /*if(this.s.getTridasUnits().getNormalTridas().equals(NormalTridasUnit.MICROMETRES)) { colHeadCell.setPhrase(new Phrase("microns", tableHeaderFont)); }*/ // Use the current default display units colHeadCell.setPhrase(new Phrase(displayUnits.value(), tableHeaderFont)); /*if(displayUnits.equals(NormalTridasUnit.MICROMETRES)) { colHeadCell.setPhrase(new Phrase("microns", tableHeaderFont)); } else if(displayUnits.equals(NormalTridasUnit.HUNDREDTH_MM)) { colHeadCell.setPhrase(new Phrase("1/100th mm", tableHeaderFont)); } */ } catch (Exception e) { colHeadCell.setPhrase(new Phrase(" ", tableHeaderFont)); } } colHeadCell.setBorderWidthBottom(headerLineWidth); colHeadCell.setBorderWidthTop(headerLineWidth); colHeadCell.setBorderWidthLeft(headerLineWidth); colHeadCell.setBorderWidthRight(headerLineWidth); mainTable.addCell(colHeadCell); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { colHeadCell.setPhrase(new Phrase(Integer.toString(i), tableHeaderFont)); colHeadCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); colHeadCell.setBorderWidthBottom(headerLineWidth); colHeadCell.setBorderWidthTop(headerLineWidth); colHeadCell.setBorderWidthLeft(lineWidth); colHeadCell.setBorderWidthRight(lineWidth); if (i == 0) colHeadCell.setBorderWidthLeft(headerLineWidth); if (i == 9) colHeadCell.setBorderWidthRight(headerLineWidth); mainTable.addCell(colHeadCell); } // Loop through rows for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { // Loop through columns for (int col = 0; col < 11; col++) { // Mini table to hold remark icons PdfPTable remarksMiniTable = new PdfPTable(3); float[] widths = { 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.6f }; remarksMiniTable.setWidths(widths); remarksMiniTable.setWidthPercentage(100); // Get ring value or year number for first column Phrase cellValuePhrase = null; Object value = model.getValueAt(row, col); if (value == null) { cellValuePhrase = new Phrase(""); } else { /*if(displayUnits.equals(NormalTridasUnit.HUNDREDTH_MM)) { try{ Integer val = (Integer) value; val =val/10; cellValuePhrase = new Phrase(String.valueOf(val), getTableFont(col)); } catch (Exception e){ cellValuePhrase = new Phrase(value.toString(), getTableFont(col)); } } else if(displayUnits.equals(NormalTridasUnit.FIFTIETH_MM)) { try{ Integer val = (Integer) value; val =val/20; cellValuePhrase = new Phrase(String.valueOf(val), getTableFont(col)); } catch (Exception e){ cellValuePhrase = new Phrase(value.toString(), getTableFont(col)); } } else if(displayUnits.equals(NormalTridasUnit.TWENTIETH_MM)) { try{ Integer val = (Integer) value; val =val/50; cellValuePhrase = new Phrase(String.valueOf(val), getTableFont(col)); } catch (Exception e){ cellValuePhrase = new Phrase(value.toString(), getTableFont(col)); } } else if(displayUnits.equals(NormalTridasUnit.TENTH_MM)) { try{ Integer val = (Integer) value; val =val/100; cellValuePhrase = new Phrase(String.valueOf(val), getTableFont(col)); } catch (Exception e){ cellValuePhrase = new Phrase(value.toString(), getTableFont(col)); } } else if(displayUnits.equals(NormalTridasUnit.MICROMETRES)) {*/ cellValuePhrase = new Phrase(value.toString(), getTableFont(col)); //} } // Get any remarks and compile them into a mini table org.tellervo.desktop.Year year = model.getYear(row, col); List<TridasRemark> remarksList = null; remarksList = s.getRemarksForYear(year); // If there are remarks, cycle through them adding cells to the mini table if (col != 0 && remarksList.size() > 0) { hasRemarks = true; // Get icons for remarks int cellnum = 1; int remarknum = 0; for (TridasRemark remark : remarksList) { // Keep track of which remark we are on. remarknum++; // String for holding remark name for debugging String remstr = "?"; // The actual remark icon Image icon = null; // A table cell for the remark PdfPCell remarkCell = new PdfPCell(); // Set default attributes for remark and value cells remarkCell.setBorderWidthBottom(0); remarkCell.setBorderWidthTop(0); remarkCell.setBorderWidthLeft(0); remarkCell.setBorderWidthRight(0); remarkCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); remarkCell.setPadding(0); remarkCell.setUseBorderPadding(true); // A table cell for the ring width value PdfPCell valueCell = new PdfPCell(); valueCell = remarkCell; // Get actual icon (either tridas or tellervo) if (remark.isSetNormalTridas()) { remstr = remark.getNormalTridas().toString(); icon = getTridasIcon(remark.getNormalTridas()); if (icon == null) icon = Builder.getITextImageMissingIcon(); } else if (TELLERVO.equals(remark.getNormalStd())) { remstr = remark.getNormal(); icon = getCorinaIcon(remark.getNormal()); if (icon == null) icon = Builder.getITextImageMissingIcon(); } else { if (remark.isSetValue()) { remstr = remark.getValue(); } else if (remark.isSetNormal()) { remstr = remark.getNormal(); } else { remstr = "Unknown"; } icon = Builder.getITextImageIcon("user.png"); } // Print debug info for this remark String errStr = "Getting icon for " + remstr + " for year " + year.toString() + "(cell value = " + cellnum + ")"; System.out.print(errStr); // Shrink the icon a bit icon.scalePercent(20); // Add icon to minitable remarkCell.addElement(icon); remarksMiniTable.addCell(remarkCell); cellnum++; if (cellnum == 1 && remarksList.size() < cellnum) { // First cell and no remark so print blank valueCell.setPhrase(new Phrase("")); remarksMiniTable.addCell(valueCell); cellnum++; } if (cellnum == 2 && remarksList.size() < cellnum) { // Second cell and no remark so print blank valueCell.setPhrase(new Phrase("")); remarksMiniTable.addCell(valueCell); cellnum++; } if (cellnum == 3) { // In third cell so print value valueCell.setPhrase(cellValuePhrase); remarksMiniTable.addCell(valueCell); cellnum++; } else if (cellnum % 3 == 0) { // In third column so print blank valueCell.setPhrase(new Phrase("")); remarksMiniTable.addCell(valueCell); cellnum++; } if (remarknum == remarksList.size()) { valueCell.setPhrase(new Phrase("")); remarksMiniTable.addCell(valueCell); remarksMiniTable.addCell(valueCell); } remarkCell = null; valueCell = null; } } else { // No remarks so make mini table have blank, blank, value // Create blank and value cells PdfPCell blankCell = new PdfPCell(); PdfPCell valueCell = new PdfPCell(); // Set up style blankCell.setBorderWidthBottom(0); blankCell.setBorderWidthTop(0); blankCell.setBorderWidthLeft(0); blankCell.setBorderWidthRight(0); blankCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); blankCell.setPadding(0); blankCell.setUseBorderPadding(true); valueCell = blankCell; // Add cells to mini table remarksMiniTable.addCell(blankCell); remarksMiniTable.addCell(blankCell); valueCell.setPhrase(cellValuePhrase); remarksMiniTable.addCell(valueCell); } // Set border styles depending on where we are in the table // Defaults PdfPCell mainTableCell = new PdfPCell(); mainTableCell.setBorderWidthBottom(lineWidth); mainTableCell.setBorderWidthTop(lineWidth); mainTableCell.setBorderWidthLeft(lineWidth); mainTableCell.setBorderWidthRight(lineWidth); mainTableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); // Row headers if (col == 0) { mainTableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); mainTableCell.setBorderWidthLeft(headerLineWidth); mainTableCell.setBorderWidthRight(headerLineWidth); } // First data column if (col == 1) { mainTableCell.setBorderWidthLeft(headerLineWidth); } // Last data column if (col == 10) { mainTableCell.setBorderWidthRight(headerLineWidth); } // Last row if (row == model.getRowCount() - 1) { mainTableCell.setBorderWidthBottom(headerLineWidth); } // Write mini table to cell mainTableCell.addElement(remarksMiniTable); //mainTableCell.addElement(userRemarksMiniTable); // Write cell to main table mainTable.addCell(mainTableCell); } } // Add table to document document.add(mainTable); if (!wj && hasRemarks) getTableKey(); } /** * iText paragraph containing created and lastmodified timestamps * * @return Paragraph */ private Paragraph getTimestampPDF() { // Set up calendar Date createdTimestamp = s.getSeries().getCreatedTimestamp().getValue().toGregorianCalendar().getTime(); Date lastModifiedTimestamp = s.getSeries().getLastModifiedTimestamp().getValue().toGregorianCalendar() .getTime(); DateFormat df1 = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.SHORT); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(new Chunk("Created: ", subSubSectionFont)); p.add(new Chunk(df1.format(createdTimestamp), bodyFont)); p.add(new Chunk("\nLast Modified: ", subSubSectionFont)); p.add(new Chunk(df1.format(lastModifiedTimestamp), bodyFont)); return p; } /** * iText Paragraph containing the various authorship fields * @return Paragraph */ private Paragraph getAuthorshipPDF() { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); ITridasSeries sss = s.getSeries(); TridasMeasurementSeries mseries = null; TridasDerivedSeries dseries = null; if (sss instanceof TridasMeasurementSeries) { mseries = (TridasMeasurementSeries) sss; if (mseries.getAnalyst() != null) { p.add(new Chunk("Measured by: ", subSubSectionFont)); p.add(new Chunk(mseries.getAnalyst(), bodyFont)); } if (mseries.getDendrochronologist() != null) { p.add(new Chunk("\nSupervised by: ", subSubSectionFont)); p.add(new Chunk(mseries.getDendrochronologist(), bodyFont)); } } else { dseries = (TridasDerivedSeries) sss; p.add(new Chunk("Created by: ", subSubSectionFont)); p.add(new Chunk(dseries.getAuthor(), bodyFont)); } return p; } /** * Get the font style to use in the table based on column number * @param col column number * @return Font */ private Font getTableFont(int col) { if (col == 0) { return tableHeaderFont; } else { return tableBodyFont; } } private Paragraph getSeriesComments() { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); if (s.getSeries().getComments() != null) { p.setLeading(0, 1.2f); p.add(new Chunk("Comments: \n", subSubSectionFont)); p.add(new Chunk(s.getSeries().getComments(), bodyFont)); return p; } else { return p; } } private Paragraph getInterpretationPDF() { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.setLeading(0, 1.2f); Year firstyear = s.getSeries().getInterpretation().getFirstYear(); Year pithYear = s.getSeries().getInterpretation().getPithYear(); Year deathyear = s.getSeries().getInterpretation().getDeathYear(); Boolean isRelativelyDated = false; p.add(new Chunk("Interpretation:", subSubSectionFont)); String datingType = s.getSeries().getInterpretation().getDating().getType().toString(); if (datingType == "RELATIVE") isRelativelyDated = true; if (firstyear != null) { p.add(new Chunk("\n- The first ring of this series begins in ", bodyFont)); if (isRelativelyDated) p.add(new Chunk("relative year ", bodyFont)); if (firstyear.getCertainty() != null) { p.add(new Chunk(firstyear.getCertainty().toString().toLowerCase() + " ", bodyFont)); } p.add(new Chunk(firstyear.getValue().toString(), bodyFont)); if (isRelativelyDated == false) p.add(new Chunk(firstyear.getSuffix().toString(), bodyFont)); p.add(new Chunk(".\n", bodyFont)); } if (pithYear != null && deathyear != null) { p.add(new Chunk("- The pith of this radius was laid down ", bodyFont)); if (pithYear.getCertainty() != null) { p.add(certaintyToNaturalString(pithYear.getCertainty().toString())); } if (isRelativelyDated) p.add(new Chunk("relative year ", bodyFont)); p.add(new Chunk(pithYear.getValue().toString(), bodyFont)); if (isRelativelyDated == false) p.add(new Chunk(pithYear.getSuffix().toString(), bodyFont)); p.add(new Chunk(" and died ", bodyFont)); if (deathyear.getCertainty() != null) { p.add(certaintyToNaturalString(deathyear.getCertainty().toString())); } if (isRelativelyDated) p.add(new Chunk("relative year ", bodyFont)); p.add(new Chunk(deathyear.getValue().toString(), bodyFont)); if (isRelativelyDated == false) p.add(new Chunk(deathyear.getSuffix().toString(), bodyFont)); p.add(new Chunk(".\n", bodyFont)); } // Dated with... if (s.getSeries().getInterpretation().getDatingReference() != null) { p.add(new Chunk("\n- This series was dated using series: " + s.getSeries().getInterpretation() .getDatingReference().getLinkSeries().getIdentifier().getValue().toString(), bodyFont)); } // Provence... if (s.getSeries().getInterpretation().getProvenance() != null) { p.add(new Chunk("\n- Provenance: " + s.getSeries().getInterpretation().getProvenance().toString(), bodyFont)); } return p; } private Chunk certaintyToNaturalString(String certainty) { Chunk c = new Chunk(); if (certainty.equalsIgnoreCase("exact")) { c.append("in exactly "); } else if (certainty.equalsIgnoreCase("after")) { c.append("after "); } else if (certainty.equalsIgnoreCase("before")) { c.append("before "); } else { c.append("in " + certainty.toLowerCase() + " "); } c.setFont(bodyFont); return c; } /** * iText paragraph for the TRiDaS wood completeness fields * * @return Paragraph */ private Paragraph getWoodCompletenessPDF() { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.setLeading(0, 1.2f); TridasRadius trad = s.getMeta(Metadata.RADIUS, TridasRadius.class); TridasWoodCompleteness woodCompleteness = trad.getWoodCompleteness(); String pithPresence = null; String barkPresence = null; p.add(new Chunk("Wood Completeness:\n", subSubSectionFont)); // Extract pith info if (woodCompleteness.getPith() != null) { if (woodCompleteness.getPith().getPresence() != null) { pithPresence = woodCompleteness.getPith().getPresence().value(); } else { pithPresence = "not specified"; } p.add(new Chunk("- Pith is " + pithPresence + ".\n", bodyFont)); } else { p.add(new Chunk("- No pith details were recorded.\n", bodyFont)); } // Ring count p.add(new Chunk("- A total of " + String.valueOf(s.countRings()) + " rings were measured.", bodyFont)); // Unmeasured rings if (woodCompleteness.isSetNrOfUnmeasuredInnerRings() || woodCompleteness.isSetNrOfUnmeasuredOuterRings()) { String txt = " Additional rings were observed but not measured ("; if (woodCompleteness.isSetNrOfUnmeasuredInnerRings()) { txt += String.valueOf(woodCompleteness.getNrOfUnmeasuredInnerRings()) + " towards the pith"; if (woodCompleteness.isSetNrOfUnmeasuredOuterRings()) { txt += " and "; } } if (woodCompleteness.isSetNrOfUnmeasuredOuterRings()) { txt += String.valueOf(woodCompleteness.getNrOfUnmeasuredOuterRings()) + " towards the bark"; } txt += ")."; p.add(new Chunk(txt, bodyFont)); p.add(new Chunk("\n")); } else { p.add(new Chunk("\n")); } // Extract Heartwood and sapwood info p.add(getHeartSapwoodDetails(woodCompleteness, WoodType.HEARTWOOD)); p.add(getHeartSapwoodDetails(woodCompleteness, WoodType.SAPWOOD)); // Extract last ring under bark info if (woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getLastRingUnderBark() != null) { TridasLastRingUnderBark lastRing = woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getLastRingUnderBark(); if (lastRing.getPresence() != null) { if (lastRing.getPresence().equals(PresenceAbsence.PRESENT)) { p.add(new Chunk("- Last ring under bark is present", bodyFont)); if (lastRing.getContent() != null) { p.add(new Chunk( " and the user has noted that it is: " + lastRing.getContent().toString() + ".\n", bodyFont)); } else { p.add(new Chunk(".\n", bodyFont)); } } else if (lastRing.getPresence().equals(PresenceAbsence.ABSENT)) { p.add(new Chunk("- Last ring under bark is absent.\n", bodyFont)); } } } // Extract bark info if (woodCompleteness.getBark() != null) { if (woodCompleteness.getBark().getPresence().toString().toLowerCase() != null) { if (woodCompleteness.getBark().getPresence().value() == "present") { p.add(new Chunk("- Bark is present ", bodyFont)); // Last ring info if (woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getLastRingUnderBark() != null) { p.add(new Chunk("and the last ring before the bark is noted as: \"" + woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getLastRingUnderBark().getContent().toString() + "\"", bodyFont)); } else { p.add(new Chunk("but no details about the last ring under the bark were recorded.\n", bodyFont)); } } else if (woodCompleteness.getBark().getPresence().value() == "absent") { // Calculate if we have waney edge if (woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getPresence().equals(ComplexPresenceAbsence.COMPLETE)) { p.add(new Chunk("- Waney edge present\n", bodyFont)); } else { p.add(new Chunk("- Bark is absent.\n", bodyFont)); } } else { barkPresence = woodCompleteness.getBark().getPresence().value(); p.add(new Chunk("- Bark is " + barkPresence + "\n", bodyFont)); } } else { p.add(new Chunk("- Bark information was not recorded.\n", bodyFont)); } } return p; } private Paragraph getHeartSapwoodDetails(TridasWoodCompleteness woodCompleteness, WoodType type) { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); String presence = null; String presenceStr = null; String missingRings = null; String missingRingsStr = null; String foundationStr = null; String woodTypeStr = null; Integer nrSapwoodRings = null; // Extract data from woodcompleteness based on type if (type == WoodType.HEARTWOOD) { // Extract Heartwood details woodTypeStr = "heartwood"; if (woodCompleteness.getHeartwood() != null) { // Presence / Absence if (woodCompleteness.getHeartwood().getPresence() != null) { if (woodCompleteness.getHeartwood().getPresence().equals(ComplexPresenceAbsence.UNKNOWN)) { // if heartwood presence is unknown all other details are irrelevant p.add(new Chunk("- No " + woodTypeStr + " details recorded.", bodyFont)); return p; } else { presence = woodCompleteness.getHeartwood().getPresence().value(); } } // Missing rings if (woodCompleteness.getHeartwood().getMissingHeartwoodRingsToPith() != null) { missingRingsStr = woodCompleteness.getHeartwood().getMissingHeartwoodRingsToPith().toString(); missingRings = missingRingsStr; } else { missingRingsStr = "an unknown number of"; } // Missing rings foundation if (woodCompleteness.getHeartwood().getMissingHeartwoodRingsToPithFoundation() != null) { foundationStr = woodCompleteness.getHeartwood().getMissingHeartwoodRingsToPithFoundation() .toString().toLowerCase(); } else { foundationStr = "unspecified reasons"; } } else { p.add(new Chunk("- No " + woodTypeStr + " details recorded.", bodyFont)); return p; } } else if (type == WoodType.SAPWOOD) { // Extract Sapwood details woodTypeStr = "sapwood"; if (woodCompleteness.getSapwood() != null) { // Presence / Absence if (woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getPresence() != null) { if (woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getPresence().equals(ComplexPresenceAbsence.UNKNOWN)) { // if sapwood presence is unknown all other details are irrelevant p.add(new Chunk("- No " + woodTypeStr + " details recorded.", bodyFont)); return p; } else { presence = woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getPresence().value(); } } // Missing rings if (woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getMissingSapwoodRingsToBark() != null) { missingRingsStr = woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getMissingSapwoodRingsToBark().toString(); missingRings = missingRingsStr; } else { missingRingsStr = "an unknown number of"; } // No. of rings present if (woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getNrOfSapwoodRings() != null) { nrSapwoodRings = woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getNrOfSapwoodRings(); } // Missing rings foundation if (woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getMissingSapwoodRingsToBarkFoundation() != null) { foundationStr = woodCompleteness.getSapwood().getMissingSapwoodRingsToBarkFoundation() .toString().toLowerCase(); } else { foundationStr = "unspecified reasons"; } } else { p.add(new Chunk("- No " + woodTypeStr + " details recorded.", bodyFont)); return p; } } else { return null; } // Set output strings for presence/absence if (presence == "unknown") { //presenceStr = "- Whether " + woodTypeStr + " is present or not is unknown"; presenceStr = ""; } else if (presence == null) { //presenceStr = "- Presence of " + woodTypeStr + " has not been specified"; presenceStr = ""; } else { presenceStr = "- " + woodTypeStr.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + woodTypeStr.substring(1) + " is " + presence; if (woodTypeStr == "sapwood" && nrSapwoodRings != null) { presenceStr += ". A total of " + nrSapwoodRings + " sapwood rings were identified"; } } // Compile paragraph p.add(new Chunk(presenceStr, bodyFont)); if (missingRings != null) { p.add(new Chunk(". The analyst records that " + missingRingsStr, bodyFont)); if (missingRingsStr.equals("1")) { p.add(new Chunk(" ring is ", bodyFont)); } else { p.add(new Chunk(" rings are ", bodyFont)); } p.add(new Chunk("missing, the justification of which is noted as: \"" + foundationStr + "\".", bodyFont)); } else if (presence == "complete") { // Wood is complete so no mention required about missing rings p.add(new Chunk(". ", bodyFont)); } else { //p.add(new Chunk(". Details about missing " + woodTypeStr + " rings was not recorded.", bodyFont)); p.add(new Chunk("", bodyFont)); } return p; } private enum WoodType { HEARTWOOD, SAPWOOD } /** * iText paragraph of element and sample info * @return Paragraph */ private Paragraph getElementAndSampleInfo() { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); TridasElement telem = s.getMeta(Metadata.ELEMENT, TridasElement.class); TridasSample tsamp = s.getMeta(Metadata.SAMPLE, TridasSample.class); p.add(new Chunk("Element and sample details:\n", subSubSectionFont)); p.add(new Chunk("- Taxon: ", bodyFont)); p.add(new Chunk(telem.getTaxon().getNormal() + "\n", bodyFontItalic)); p.add(new Chunk("- Element type: " + telem.getType().getNormal() + "\n", bodyFont)); p.add(new Chunk("- Sample type: " + tsamp.getType().getNormal() + "\n", bodyFont)); return p; } /** * Lazily-load this icon * * @param iconName * @return the icon, or null if iconName was null */ private Image lazyLoadIcon(String iconName) { if (iconName == null) return null; Image icon = lazyIconMap.get(iconName); if (icon == null) { // lazy-load the icon icon = Builder.getITextImageIcon(iconName); lazyIconMap.put(iconName, icon); } return icon; } /** * Get an icon for this tridas remark * @param remark * @return the icon, lazily loaded, or null */ private Image getTridasIcon(NormalTridasRemark remark) { return lazyLoadIcon(Remarks.getTridasRemarkIcons().get(remark)); } /** * Get an icon for this Corina remark (text) * @param remark * @return the icon, lazily loaded, or null */ private Image getCorinaIcon(String remark) { String iconName = Remarks.getTellervoRemarkIcons().get(remark); return lazyLoadIcon(iconName); } private final static String TELLERVO = "Tellervo"; /** * Function for printing or viewing series report * @param printReport Boolean * @param vmid String */ private static void getReport(Boolean printReport, final Sample samp) { // create the series report SeriesReport report = new SeriesReport(samp); if (printReport) { ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); report.generateSeriesReport(output); try { PrintablePDF pdf = PrintablePDF.fromByteArray(output.toByteArray()); // true means show printer dialog, false means just print using the default printer pdf.print(true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Alert.error("Printing error", "An error occured during printing.\n See error log for further details."); } } else { // probably better to use a chooser dialog here... try { File outputFile = File.createTempFile("seriesreport", ".pdf"); FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); report.generateSeriesReport(output); App.platform.openFile(outputFile); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); Alert.error("Error", "An error occurred while generating the series report.\n See error log for further details."); return; } } } /** * Wrapper function to print report * * @param vmid */ public static void printReport(Sample s) { getReport(true, s); } /** * Wrapper function to view report * @param vmid */ public static void viewReport(Sample s) { getReport(false, s); } }