Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2010 Daniel Murphy and Peter Brewer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contributors: * Daniel Murphy * Peter Brewer ******************************************************************************/ package org.tellervo.desktop.bulkdataentry.command; import java.awt.Window; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.tellervo.desktop.bulkdataentry.model.BulkImportModel; import org.tellervo.desktop.bulkdataentry.model.ElementModel; import org.tellervo.desktop.bulkdataentry.model.ElementTableModel; import org.tellervo.desktop.bulkdataentry.model.IBulkImportSingleRowModel; import org.tellervo.desktop.bulkdataentry.model.SingleElementModel; import org.tellervo.desktop.bulkdataentry.model.TridasObjectOrPlaceholder; import org.tellervo.desktop.core.App; import org.tellervo.desktop.ui.Alert; import org.tellervo.desktop.ui.I18n; import org.tellervo.desktop.wsi.tellervo.TellervoResourceAccessDialog; import org.tellervo.desktop.wsi.tellervo.resources.EntityResource; import org.tellervo.schema.TellervoRequestType; import org.tridas.schema.TridasElement; import org.tridas.schema.TridasObject; import org.tridas.util.TridasObjectEx; import com.dmurph.mvc.MVCEvent; import com.dmurph.mvc.control.ICommand; import com.dmurph.mvc.model.MVCArrayList; /** * @author Daniel * */ public class ImportSelectedElementsCommand implements ICommand { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ImportSelectedElementsCommand.class); /** * @see com.dmurph.mvc.control.ICommand#execute(com.dmurph.mvc.MVCEvent) */ @Override public void execute(MVCEvent argEvent) { BulkImportModel model = BulkImportModel.getInstance(); ElementModel emodel = model.getElementModel(); ElementTableModel tmodel = emodel.getTableModel(); ArrayList<IBulkImportSingleRowModel> selected = new ArrayList<IBulkImportSingleRowModel>(); tmodel.getSelected(selected); // here is where we verify they contain required info HashSet<String> requiredMessages = new HashSet<String>(); ArrayList<IBulkImportSingleRowModel> incompleteModels = new ArrayList<IBulkImportSingleRowModel>(); HashSet<String> definedProps = new HashSet<String>(); for (IBulkImportSingleRowModel som : selected) { definedProps.clear(); for (String s : SingleElementModel.TABLE_PROPERTIES) { if (som.getProperty(s) != null) { definedProps.add(s); } } boolean incomplete = false; // object if (!definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.OBJECT)) { requiredMessages.add("Cannot import without a parent object."); incomplete = true; } else if (fixTempObjectCode(som)) { // There was a temp code but it is fixed now } else { requiredMessages.add("Cannot import as parent object has not been created yet"); incomplete = true; } // type if (!definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.TYPE)) { requiredMessages.add("Element must contain a type."); incomplete = true; } // taxon if (!definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.TAXON)) { requiredMessages.add("Element must contain a taxon."); incomplete = true; } // title if (!definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.TITLE)) { requiredMessages.add("Element must have a title"); incomplete = true; } // lat/long if (definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.LATITUDE) || definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.LONGITUDE)) { if (!definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.LATITUDE) || !definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.LONGITUDE)) { requiredMessages .add("If coordinates are specified then both latitude and longitude are required"); incomplete = true; } else { String attempt = som.getProperty(SingleElementModel.LATITUDE).toString().trim(); try { Double lat = Double.parseDouble(attempt); if (lat > -90 || lat < 90) { requiredMessages.add("Latitude must be between -90 and 90"); incomplete = true; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { requiredMessages.add("Cannot parse '" + attempt + "' into a number."); incomplete = true; } attempt = som.getProperty(SingleElementModel.LONGITUDE).toString().trim(); try { Double lng = Double.parseDouble(attempt); if (lng > -180 || lng < 180) { requiredMessages.add("Longitude must be between -180 and 180"); incomplete = true; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { requiredMessages.add("Cannot parse '" + attempt + "' into a number."); incomplete = true; } } } if (definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.HEIGHT) || definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.WIDTH) || definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.DEPTH) || definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.DIAMETER)) { if (!definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.UNIT)) { requiredMessages.add("Units must be specified when dimensions are included"); incomplete = true; } if ((definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.HEIGHT) && definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.DIAMETER) && !definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.WIDTH) && !definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.DEPTH))) { // h+diam but not width or depth } else if ((definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.HEIGHT) && definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.WIDTH) && definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.DEPTH) && !definedProps.contains(SingleElementModel.DIAMETER))) { // h+w+d but not diam } else { requiredMessages.add( "When dimensions are included they must be: height/width/depth or height/diameter."); incomplete = true; } } if (incomplete) { incompleteModels.add(som); } } if (!incompleteModels.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.append("Please correct the following errors:\n"); message.append(StringUtils.join(requiredMessages.toArray(), "\n")); Alert.message(model.getMainView(), "Importing Errors", message.toString()); return; } // now we actually create the models int i = -1; boolean hideErrorMessage = false; for (IBulkImportSingleRowModel srm : selected) { i++; SingleElementModel som = (SingleElementModel) srm; TridasElement origElement = new TridasElement(); if (!som.isDirty()) { System.out.println("Element isn't dirty, not saving/updating: " + som.getProperty(SingleElementModel.TITLE).toString()); } som.populateToTridasElement(origElement); Object o = som.getProperty(SingleElementModel.OBJECT); TridasObject parentObject = null; if (o instanceof TridasObjectOrPlaceholder) { parentObject = ((TridasObjectOrPlaceholder) o).getTridasObject(); } else if (o instanceof TridasObject) { parentObject = (TridasObject) o; } EntityResource<TridasElement> resource; if (origElement.getIdentifier() != null) { resource = new EntityResource<TridasElement>(origElement, TellervoRequestType.UPDATE, TridasElement.class); } else { resource = new EntityResource<TridasElement>(origElement, parentObject, TridasElement.class); } // set up a dialog... Window parentWindow = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(model.getMainView()); TellervoResourceAccessDialog dialog = new TellervoResourceAccessDialog(parentWindow, resource, i, selected.size()); resource.query(); dialog.setVisible(true); if (!dialog.isSuccessful()) { if (hideErrorMessage) { continue; } else if (i < selected.size() - 1) { // More records remain Object[] options = { "Yes", "Yes, but hide further messages", "No" }; int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(BulkImportModel.getInstance().getMainView(), //parent I18n.getText("error.savingChanges") + ":" + System.lineSeparator() + // message dialog.getFailException().getLocalizedMessage() + System.lineSeparator() + System.lineSeparator() + "Would you like to continue importing the remaining records?", I18n.getText("error"), // title JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (result == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { hideErrorMessage = true; continue; } else if (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { continue; } else { break; } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(BulkImportModel.getInstance().getMainView(), //parent I18n.getText("error.savingChanges") + ":" + System.lineSeparator() + // message dialog.getFailException().getLocalizedMessage(), I18n.getText("error"), // title JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); //option break; } } som.populateFromTridasElement(resource.getAssociatedResult()); som.setDirty(false); tmodel.setSelected(som, false); // add to imported list or update existing if (origElement.getIdentifier() != null) { TridasElement found = null; for (TridasElement tox : model.getElementModel().getImportedList()) { if (tox.getIdentifier().getValue().equals(origElement.getIdentifier().getValue())) { found = tox; break; } } if (found == null) { log.warn( "Error updating model. Couldn't find the object in the model to update so adding to imported list."); model.getElementModel().getImportedList().add(resource.getAssociatedResult()); } else { resource.getAssociatedResult().copyTo(found); } } else { model.getElementModel().getImportedList().add(resource.getAssociatedResult()); } } // // // finally, update the combo boxes in the table to the new options // DynamicJComboBoxEvent event = new DynamicJComboBoxEvent(emodel.getImportedDynamicComboBoxKey(), emodel.getImportedListStrings()); // event.dispatch(); tmodel.fireTableDataChanged(); } /** * Check for temporary object code and convert to proper object. If object has not been created yet, return false. * * @param som * @return */ private boolean fixTempObjectCode(IBulkImportSingleRowModel som) { Object rowitem = (Object) som.getProperty(SingleElementModel.OBJECT); if (rowitem instanceof TridasObjectOrPlaceholder) { if (((TridasObjectOrPlaceholder) rowitem).getTridasObject() != null) return true; String code = ((TridasObjectOrPlaceholder) rowitem).getCode(); TridasObjectEx o = App.tridasObjects.findObjectBySiteCode(code); if (o != null) { som.setProperty(SingleElementModel.OBJECT, new TridasObjectOrPlaceholder(o)); return true; } log.error("Couldn't find object with code '" + code + "' in dictionary"); } else if (rowitem instanceof String) { MVCArrayList<TridasObjectEx> objlist = App.tridasObjects.getMutableObjectList(); for (TridasObjectEx o : objlist) { if (o.getLabCode().equals(rowitem)) { som.setProperty(SingleElementModel.OBJECT, new TridasObjectOrPlaceholder(o)); return true; } } } else if (rowitem instanceof TridasObjectEx) { return true; } return false; } }