Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Alexey Andreev. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.teavm.tooling; import*; import java.util.*; import; import org.teavm.common.FiniteExecutor; import org.teavm.common.SimpleFiniteExecutor; import org.teavm.common.ThreadPoolFiniteExecutor; import org.teavm.debugging.information.DebugInformation; import org.teavm.debugging.information.DebugInformationBuilder; import org.teavm.javascript.EmptyRegularMethodNodeCache; import org.teavm.javascript.InMemoryRegularMethodNodeCache; import org.teavm.javascript.MethodNodeCache; import org.teavm.model.*; import org.teavm.parsing.ClasspathClassHolderSource; import org.teavm.testing.JUnitTestAdapter; import org.teavm.testing.TestAdapter; import org.teavm.vm.DirectoryBuildTarget; import org.teavm.vm.TeaVM; import org.teavm.vm.TeaVMBuilder; /** * * @author Alexey Andreev */ public class TeaVMTestTool { private Map<String, List<MethodReference>> groupedMethods = new HashMap<>(); private Map<MethodReference, String> fileNames = new HashMap<>(); private List<MethodReference> testMethods = new ArrayList<>(); private File outputDir = new File("."); private boolean minifying = true; private int numThreads = 1; private TestAdapter adapter = new JUnitTestAdapter(); private List<ClassHolderTransformer> transformers = new ArrayList<>(); private List<String> additionalScripts = new ArrayList<>(); private List<String> additionalScriptLocalPaths = new ArrayList<>(); private Properties properties = new Properties(); private List<String> testClasses = new ArrayList<>(); private ClassLoader classLoader = TeaVMTestTool.class.getClassLoader(); private TeaVMToolLog log = new EmptyTeaVMToolLog(); private boolean debugInformationGenerated; private boolean sourceMapsGenerated; private boolean sourceFilesCopied; private boolean incremental; private List<SourceFileProvider> sourceFileProviders = new ArrayList<>(); private MethodNodeCache astCache; private ProgramCache programCache; private SourceFilesCopier sourceFilesCopier; public File getOutputDir() { return outputDir; } public void setOutputDir(File outputDir) { this.outputDir = outputDir; } public boolean isMinifying() { return minifying; } public void setMinifying(boolean minifying) { this.minifying = minifying; } public int getNumThreads() { return numThreads; } public void setNumThreads(int numThreads) { this.numThreads = numThreads; } public TestAdapter getAdapter() { return adapter; } public void setAdapter(TestAdapter adapter) { this.adapter = adapter; } public List<ClassHolderTransformer> getTransformers() { return transformers; } public List<String> getAdditionalScripts() { return additionalScripts; } public Properties getProperties() { return properties; } public List<String> getTestClasses() { return testClasses; } public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return classLoader; } public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { this.classLoader = classLoader; } public TeaVMToolLog getLog() { return log; } public void setLog(TeaVMToolLog log) { this.log = log; } public boolean isIncremental() { return incremental; } public void setIncremental(boolean incremental) { this.incremental = incremental; } public boolean isDebugInformationGenerated() { return debugInformationGenerated; } public void setDebugInformationGenerated(boolean debugInformationGenerated) { this.debugInformationGenerated = debugInformationGenerated; } public boolean isSourceMapsGenerated() { return sourceMapsGenerated; } public void setSourceMapsGenerated(boolean sourceMapsGenerated) { this.sourceMapsGenerated = sourceMapsGenerated; } public boolean isSourceFilesCopied() { return sourceFilesCopied; } public void setSourceFilesCopied(boolean sourceFilesCopied) { this.sourceFilesCopied = sourceFilesCopied; } public void addSourceFileProvider(SourceFileProvider sourceFileProvider) { sourceFileProviders.add(sourceFileProvider); } public void generate() throws TeaVMToolException { Runnable finalizer = null; try { new File(outputDir, "tests").mkdirs(); new File(outputDir, "res").mkdirs(); resourceToFile("org/teavm/javascript/runtime.js", "res/runtime.js"); String prefix = "org/teavm/tooling/test"; resourceToFile(prefix + "/res/junit-support.js", "res/junit-support.js"); resourceToFile(prefix + "/res/junit.css", "res/junit.css"); resourceToFile(prefix + "/res/class_obj.png", "res/class_obj.png"); resourceToFile(prefix + "/res/control-000-small.png", "res/control-000-small.png"); resourceToFile(prefix + "/res/methpub_obj.png", "res/methpub_obj.png"); resourceToFile(prefix + "/res/package_obj.png", "res/package_obj.png"); resourceToFile(prefix + "/res/tick-small-red.png", "res/tick-small-red.png"); resourceToFile(prefix + "/res/tick-small.png", "res/tick-small.png"); resourceToFile(prefix + "/res/toggle-small-expand.png", "res/toggle-small-expand.png"); resourceToFile(prefix + "/res/toggle-small.png", "res/toggle-small.png"); resourceToFile(prefix + "/junit.html", "junit.html"); ClassHolderSource classSource = new ClasspathClassHolderSource(classLoader); if (incremental) { classSource = new PreOptimizingClassHolderSource(classSource); } for (String testClass : testClasses) { ClassHolder classHolder = classSource.get(testClass); if (classHolder == null) { throw new TeaVMToolException("Could not find class " + testClass); } findTests(classHolder); } includeAdditionalScripts(classLoader); astCache = new EmptyRegularMethodNodeCache(); if (incremental) { astCache = new InMemoryRegularMethodNodeCache(); programCache = new InMemoryProgramCache(); } File allTestsFile = new File(outputDir, "tests/all.js"); try (Writer allTestsWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(allTestsFile), "UTF-8")) { allTestsWriter.write("prepare = function() {\n"); allTestsWriter.write(" return new JUnitServer(document.body).readTests(["); boolean first = true; for (String testClass : testClasses) { Collection<MethodReference> methods = groupedMethods.get(testClass); if (methods == null) { continue; } if (!first) { allTestsWriter.append(","); } first = false; allTestsWriter.append("\n { name : \"").append(testClass).append("\", methods : ["); boolean firstMethod = true; for (MethodReference methodRef : methods) { String scriptName = "tests/" + fileNames.size() + ".js"; fileNames.put(methodRef, scriptName); if (!firstMethod) { allTestsWriter.append(","); } firstMethod = false; allTestsWriter.append("\n { name : \"" + methodRef.getName() + "\", script : \"" + scriptName + "\", expected : ["); MethodHolder methodHolder = classSource.get(testClass).getMethod(methodRef.getDescriptor()); boolean firstException = true; for (String exception : adapter.getExpectedExceptions(methodHolder)) { if (!firstException) { allTestsWriter.append(", "); } firstException = false; allTestsWriter.append("\"" + exception + "\""); } allTestsWriter.append("], additionalScripts : ["); for (int i = 0; i < additionalScriptLocalPaths.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { allTestsWriter.append(", "); } escapeString(additionalScriptLocalPaths.get(i), allTestsWriter); } allTestsWriter.append("] }"); } allTestsWriter.append("] }"); } allTestsWriter.write("], function() {}); }"); } int methodsGenerated = 0;"Generating test files"); sourceFilesCopier = new SourceFilesCopier(sourceFileProviders); sourceFilesCopier.setLog(log); FiniteExecutor executor = new SimpleFiniteExecutor(); if (numThreads != 1) { int threads = numThreads != 0 ? numThreads : Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); final ThreadPoolFiniteExecutor threadedExecutor = new ThreadPoolFiniteExecutor(threads); finalizer = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { threadedExecutor.stop(); } }; executor = threadedExecutor; } for (final MethodReference method : testMethods) { final ClassHolderSource builderClassSource = classSource; executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { log.debug("Building test for " + method); try { decompileClassesForTest(classLoader, new CopyClassHolderSource(builderClassSource), method, fileNames.get(method)); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error generating JavaScript", e); } } }); ++methodsGenerated; } executor.complete(); if (sourceFilesCopied) { sourceFilesCopier.copy(new File(new File(outputDir, "tests"), "src")); }"Test files successfully generated for " + methodsGenerated + " method(s)."); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TeaVMToolException("IO error occured generating JavaScript files", e); } finally { if (finalizer != null) {; } } } private void resourceToFile(String resource, String fileName) throws IOException { try (InputStream input = TeaVMTestTool.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resource)) { try (OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(new File(outputDir, fileName))) { IOUtils.copy(input, output); } } } private void findTests(ClassHolder cls) { for (MethodHolder method : cls.getMethods()) { if (adapter.acceptMethod(method)) { MethodReference ref = new MethodReference(cls.getName(), method.getDescriptor()); testMethods.add(ref); List<MethodReference> group = groupedMethods.get(cls.getName()); if (group == null) { group = new ArrayList<>(); groupedMethods.put(cls.getName(), group); } group.add(ref); } } } private void includeAdditionalScripts(ClassLoader classLoader) throws TeaVMToolException { if (additionalScripts == null) { return; } for (String script : additionalScripts) { String simpleName = script.substring(script.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); additionalScriptLocalPaths.add("tests/" + simpleName); if (classLoader.getResource(script) == null) { throw new TeaVMToolException("Additional script " + script + " was not found"); } File file = new File(outputDir, "tests/" + simpleName); try (InputStream in = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(script)) { if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file)) { IOUtils.copy(in, out); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new TeaVMToolException("Error copying additional script " + script, e); } } } private void decompileClassesForTest(ClassLoader classLoader, ClassHolderSource classSource, MethodReference methodRef, String targetName) throws IOException { TeaVM vm = new TeaVMBuilder().setClassLoader(classLoader).setClassSource(classSource).build(); vm.setIncremental(incremental); vm.setAstCache(astCache); vm.setProgramCache(programCache); vm.setProperties(properties); vm.setMinifying(minifying); vm.installPlugins(); new TestExceptionPlugin().install(vm); for (ClassHolderTransformer transformer : transformers) { vm.add(transformer); } File file = new File(outputDir, targetName); DebugInformationBuilder debugInfoBuilder = sourceMapsGenerated || debugInformationGenerated ? new DebugInformationBuilder() : null; try (Writer innerWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), "UTF-8")) { MethodReference cons = new MethodReference(methodRef.getClassName(), "<init>", ValueType.VOID); MethodReference exceptionMsg = new MethodReference(ExceptionHelper.class, "showException", Throwable.class, String.class); vm.entryPoint("initInstance", cons); vm.entryPoint("runTest", methodRef).withValue(0, cons.getClassName()).async(); vm.entryPoint("extractException", exceptionMsg); vm.exportType("TestClass", cons.getClassName()); vm.setDebugEmitter(debugInfoBuilder);, new DirectoryBuildTarget(outputDir)); innerWriter.append("\n"); innerWriter.append("\;"); if (sourceMapsGenerated) { String sourceMapsFileName = targetName.substring(targetName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + ".map"; innerWriter.append("\n//# sourceMappingURL=").append(sourceMapsFileName); } if (!vm.getProblemProvider().getProblems().isEmpty()) { if (vm.getProblemProvider().getSevereProblems().isEmpty()) { log.warning("Test built with warnings: " + methodRef); TeaVMProblemRenderer.describeProblems(vm, log); } else { log.warning("Test built with errors: " + methodRef); TeaVMProblemRenderer.describeProblems(vm, log); } } } if (sourceMapsGenerated) { DebugInformation debugInfo = debugInfoBuilder.getDebugInformation(); try (OutputStream debugInfoOut = new FileOutputStream(new File(outputDir, targetName + ".teavmdbg"))) { debugInfo.write(debugInfoOut); } } if (sourceMapsGenerated) { DebugInformation debugInfo = debugInfoBuilder.getDebugInformation(); String sourceMapsFileName = targetName + ".map"; try (Writer sourceMapsOut = new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(new File(outputDir, sourceMapsFileName)), "UTF-8")) { debugInfo.writeAsSourceMaps(sourceMapsOut, "src", targetName); } } if (sourceFilesCopied && vm.getWrittenClasses() != null) { sourceFilesCopier.addClasses(vm.getWrittenClasses()); } } private void escapeString(String string, Writer writer) throws IOException { writer.append('\"'); for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); ++i) { char c = string.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '"': writer.append("\\\""); break; case '\\': writer.append("\\\\"); break; case '\n': writer.append("\\n"); break; case '\r': writer.append("\\r"); break; case '\t': writer.append("\\t"); break; default: writer.append(c); break; } } writer.append('\"'); } }