Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Alexey Andreev. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.teavm.parsing; import java.util.*; import org.objectweb.asm.*; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.*; import org.teavm.model.*; import org.teavm.model.instructions.*; import org.teavm.model.util.InstructionTransitionExtractor; import org.teavm.model.util.ProgramUtils; /** * * @author Alexey Andreev */ public class ProgramParser { private static final byte ROOT = 0; private static final byte SINGLE = 1; private static final byte DOUBLE_FIRST_HALF = 2; private static final byte DOUBLE_SECOND_HALF = 3; private String fileName; private StackFrame[] stackBefore; private StackFrame[] stackAfter; private StackFrame stack; private int index; private int[] nextIndexes; private Map<Label, Integer> labelIndexes; private Map<Label, Integer> lineNumbers; private List<List<Instruction>> targetInstructions; private List<Instruction> builder = new ArrayList<>(); private List<BasicBlock> basicBlocks = new ArrayList<>(); private int minLocal; private Program program; private String currentClassName; private Map<Integer, List<LocalVariableNode>> localVariableMap = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Instruction, Map<Integer, String>> variableDebugNames = new HashMap<>(); private static class Step { public final int source; public final int target; public Step(int source, int target) { this.source = source; = target; } } private static class StackFrame { final StackFrame next; final byte type; final int depth; StackFrame(int depth) { = null; this.type = ROOT; this.depth = depth; } StackFrame(StackFrame next, byte type) { = next; this.type = type; this.depth = next != null ? next.depth + 1 : 0; } } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } public void setFileName(String fileName) { this.fileName = fileName; } public Program parse(MethodNode method, String className) { program = new Program(); this.currentClassName = className; InsnList instructions = method.instructions; if (instructions.size() == 0) { return program; } prepare(method); program.createBasicBlock(); getBasicBlock(0); JumpInstruction insn = new JumpInstruction(); insn.setTarget(program.basicBlockAt(1)); program.basicBlockAt(0).getInstructions().add(insn); doAnalyze(method); assemble(method); for (int i = 0; i < program.basicBlockCount(); ++i) { BasicBlock block = program.basicBlockAt(i); for (int j = 0; j < block.getTryCatchBlocks().size(); ++j) { TryCatchBlock tryCatch = block.getTryCatchBlocks().get(j); if (tryCatch.getHandler() == block) { block.getTryCatchBlocks().remove(j--); } } } int signatureVars = countSignatureVariables(method.desc); while (program.variableCount() <= signatureVars) { program.createVariable(); } program.basicBlockAt(0).getTryCatchBlocks() .addAll(ProgramUtils.copyTryCatches(program.basicBlockAt(1), program)); return program; } private int countSignatureVariables(String desc) { int count = 1; for (Type paramType : Type.getArgumentTypes(desc)) { count += paramType.getSize(); } return count; } private int pushSingle() { stack = new StackFrame(stack, SINGLE); return stack.depth; } private int pushDouble() { stack = new StackFrame(stack, DOUBLE_FIRST_HALF); stack = new StackFrame(stack, DOUBLE_SECOND_HALF); return; } private int popSingle() { if (stack == null || stack.type != SINGLE) { throw new AssertionError("Illegal stack state at " + index); } int depth = stack.depth; stack =; return depth; } private int popDouble() { if (stack == null || stack.type != DOUBLE_SECOND_HALF) { throw new AssertionError("***Illegal stack state at " + index); } stack =; if (stack == null || stack.type != DOUBLE_FIRST_HALF) { throw new AssertionError("***Illegal stack state at " + index); } int depth = stack.depth; stack =; return depth; } public Map<Integer, String> getDebugNames(Instruction insn) { Map<Integer, String> map = variableDebugNames.get(insn); return map != null ? Collections.unmodifiableMap(map) : Collections.emptyMap(); } private void prepare(MethodNode method) { InsnList instructions = method.instructions; minLocal = 0; if ((method.access & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0) { minLocal = 1; } labelIndexes = new HashMap<>(); lineNumbers = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < instructions.size(); ++i) { AbstractInsnNode node = instructions.get(i); if (node instanceof LabelNode) { labelIndexes.put(((LabelNode) node).getLabel(), i); } if (node instanceof LineNumberNode) { LineNumberNode lineNumberNode = (LineNumberNode) node; lineNumbers.put(lineNumberNode.start.getLabel(), lineNumberNode.line); } } for (LocalVariableNode localVar : method.localVariables) { int location = labelIndexes.get(localVar.start.getLabel()); List<LocalVariableNode> vars = localVariableMap.get(location); if (vars == null) { vars = new ArrayList<>(); localVariableMap.put(location, vars); } vars.add(localVar); } targetInstructions = new ArrayList<>(instructions.size()); targetInstructions.addAll(Collections.nCopies(instructions.size(), null)); basicBlocks.addAll(Collections.nCopies(instructions.size(), null)); stackBefore = new StackFrame[instructions.size()]; stackAfter = new StackFrame[instructions.size()]; } private void doAnalyze(MethodNode method) { InsnList instructions = method.instructions; Deque<Step> workStack = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (Object obj : method.tryCatchBlocks) { TryCatchBlockNode tryCatchNode = (TryCatchBlockNode) obj; if (tryCatchNode.start == tryCatchNode.handler) { continue; } workStack.push(new Step(-2, labelIndexes.get(tryCatchNode.handler.getLabel()))); } workStack.push(new Step(-1, 0)); while (!workStack.isEmpty()) { Step step = workStack.pop(); index =; if (stackBefore[index] != null) { continue; } switch (step.source) { case -1: stack = new StackFrame(minLocal + method.maxLocals - 1); break; case -2: stack = new StackFrame(minLocal + method.maxLocals - 1); pushSingle(); break; default: stack = stackAfter[step.source]; break; } stackBefore[index] = stack; nextIndexes = new int[] { index + 1 }; instructions.get(index).accept(methodVisitor); stackAfter[index] = stack; flushInstructions(); if (nextIndexes.length != 1) { emitNextBasicBlock(); } for (int next : nextIndexes) { workStack.push(new Step(index, next)); } } for (Object obj : method.tryCatchBlocks) { TryCatchBlockNode tryCatchNode = (TryCatchBlockNode) obj; if (tryCatchNode.start == tryCatchNode.handler) { continue; } int start = labelIndexes.get(tryCatchNode.start.getLabel()); int end = labelIndexes.get(tryCatchNode.end.getLabel()); getBasicBlock(start); getBasicBlock(end); for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { BasicBlock block = basicBlocks.get(i); if (block != null) { TryCatchBlock tryCatch = new TryCatchBlock(); if (tryCatchNode.type != null) { tryCatch.setExceptionType(tryCatchNode.type.replace('/', '.')); } tryCatch.setHandler(getBasicBlock(labelIndexes.get(tryCatchNode.handler.getLabel()))); tryCatch.setExceptionVariable(getVariable(minLocal + method.maxLocals)); block.getTryCatchBlocks().add(tryCatch); } } } } private void assemble(MethodNode methodNode) { BasicBlock basicBlock = null; Map<Integer, String> accumulatedDebugNames = new HashMap<>(); Integer lastLineNumber = null; InstructionLocation lastLocation = null; for (int i = 0; i < basicBlocks.size(); ++i) { BasicBlock newBasicBlock = basicBlocks.get(i); if (newBasicBlock != null) { if (basicBlock != null && !hasProperLastInstruction(basicBlock)) { JumpInstruction insn = new JumpInstruction(); insn.setTarget(newBasicBlock); basicBlock.getInstructions().add(insn); } basicBlock = newBasicBlock; if (!basicBlock.getInstructions().isEmpty()) { Map<Integer, String> debugNames = new HashMap<>(accumulatedDebugNames); variableDebugNames.put(basicBlock.getInstructions().get(0), debugNames); } } List<Instruction> builtInstructions = targetInstructions.get(i); List<LocalVariableNode> localVarNodes = localVariableMap.get(i); if (localVarNodes != null) { if (builtInstructions == null || builtInstructions.isEmpty()) { builtInstructions = Arrays.asList(new EmptyInstruction()); } Map<Integer, String> debugNames = new HashMap<>(); variableDebugNames.put(builtInstructions.get(0), debugNames); for (LocalVariableNode localVar : localVarNodes) { debugNames.put(localVar.index + minLocal,; } accumulatedDebugNames.putAll(debugNames); } AbstractInsnNode insnNode = methodNode.instructions.get(i); if (insnNode instanceof LabelNode) { Label label = ((LabelNode) insnNode).getLabel(); Integer lineNumber = lineNumbers.get(label); if (lineNumber != null && !lineNumber.equals(lastLineNumber)) { lastLineNumber = lineNumber; lastLocation = new InstructionLocation(fileName, lastLineNumber); } } if (builtInstructions != null) { for (Instruction insn : builtInstructions) { insn.setLocation(lastLocation); } basicBlock.getInstructions().addAll(builtInstructions); } } } private boolean hasProperLastInstruction(BasicBlock basicBlock) { Instruction lastInsn = basicBlock.getLastInstruction(); if (lastInsn == null) { return false; } InstructionTransitionExtractor extractor = new InstructionTransitionExtractor(); lastInsn.acceptVisitor(extractor); return extractor.getTargets() != null; } private void flushInstructions() { targetInstructions.set(index, builder); builder = new ArrayList<>(); } private BasicBlock getBasicBlock(int index) { BasicBlock block = basicBlocks.get(index); if (block == null) { block = program.createBasicBlock(); basicBlocks.set(index, block); } return block; } private void emitNextBasicBlock() { if (index + 1 < basicBlocks.size()) { getBasicBlock(index + 1); } } private Variable getVariable(int index) { while (index >= program.variableCount()) { program.createVariable(); } return program.variableAt(index); } private void emitAssignInsn(int source, int target) { AssignInstruction insn = new AssignInstruction(); insn.setAssignee(getVariable(source)); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(target)); addInstruction(insn); } private void addInstruction(Instruction insn) { builder.add(insn); } private int mapLocal(int local) { return local; } // TODO: invokedynamic support (a great task, involving not only parser, but every layer of TeaVM) private MethodVisitor methodVisitor = new MethodVisitor(Opcodes.ASM5) { @Override public void visitVarInsn(int opcode, int local) { switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.ILOAD: case Opcodes.FLOAD: case Opcodes.ALOAD: emitAssignInsn(minLocal + mapLocal(local), pushSingle()); break; case Opcodes.LLOAD: case Opcodes.DLOAD: emitAssignInsn(minLocal + mapLocal(local), pushDouble()); break; case Opcodes.ISTORE: case Opcodes.FSTORE: case Opcodes.ASTORE: emitAssignInsn(popSingle(), minLocal + mapLocal(local)); break; case Opcodes.LSTORE: case Opcodes.DSTORE: emitAssignInsn(popDouble(), minLocal + mapLocal(local)); break; } } private ValueType parseType(String type) { if (type.startsWith("[")) { return ValueType.parse(type); } else { return ValueType.object(type.replace('/', '.')); } } @Override public void visitTypeInsn(int opcode, String type) { switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.NEW: { String cls = type.replace('/', '.'); ConstructInstruction insn = new ConstructInstruction(); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); insn.setType(cls); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.ANEWARRAY: { ValueType valueType = parseType(type); ConstructArrayInstruction insn = new ConstructArrayInstruction(); insn.setSize(getVariable(popSingle())); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); insn.setItemType(valueType); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.INSTANCEOF: { IsInstanceInstruction insn = new IsInstanceInstruction(); insn.setValue(getVariable(popSingle())); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); insn.setType(parseType(type)); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.CHECKCAST: { CastInstruction insn = new CastInstruction(); insn.setValue(getVariable(popSingle())); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); insn.setTargetType(parseType(type)); addInstruction(insn); break; } } } @Override public void visitTryCatchBlock(Label start, Label end, Label handler, String type) { } @Override public void visitTableSwitchInsn(int min, int max, Label dflt, Label... labels) { SwitchTableEntry[] table = new SwitchTableEntry[labels.length]; nextIndexes = new int[labels.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; ++i) { Label label = labels[i]; int target = labelIndexes.get(label); SwitchTableEntry entry = new SwitchTableEntry(); entry.setCondition(i + min); entry.setTarget(getBasicBlock(target)); table[i] = entry; nextIndexes[i] = target; } SwitchInstruction insn = new SwitchInstruction(); insn.setCondition(getVariable(popSingle())); insn.getEntries().addAll(Arrays.asList(table)); addInstruction(insn); int defaultIndex = labelIndexes.get(dflt); insn.setDefaultTarget(getBasicBlock(defaultIndex)); nextIndexes[labels.length] = defaultIndex; } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitParameterAnnotation(int parameter, String desc, boolean visible) { return null; } @Override public void visitMultiANewArrayInsn(String desc, int dims) { ValueType arrayType = parseType(desc); Variable[] dimensions = new Variable[dims]; for (int i = dims - 1; i >= 0; --i) { dimensions[i] = getVariable(popSingle()); } ConstructMultiArrayInstruction insn = new ConstructMultiArrayInstruction(); insn.setItemType(arrayType); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); insn.getDimensions().addAll(Arrays.asList(dimensions)); addInstruction(insn); } @Override public void visitInvokeDynamicInsn(String name, String desc, Handle bsm, Object... bsmArgs) { InvokeDynamicInstruction insn = new InvokeDynamicInstruction(); insn.setBootstrapMethod(parseHandle(bsm)); switch (insn.getBootstrapMethod().getKind()) { case GET_STATIC_FIELD: case PUT_STATIC_FIELD: case INVOKE_STATIC: case INVOKE_CONSTRUCTOR: break; default: insn.setInstance(getVariable(popSingle())); break; } Type[] types = Type.getArgumentTypes(desc); Variable[] args = new Variable[types.length]; int j = args.length; for (int i = types.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { args[--j] = types[i].getSize() == 2 ? getVariable(popDouble()) : getVariable(popSingle()); } insn.getArguments().addAll(Arrays.asList(args)); Type returnType = Type.getReturnType(desc); if (returnType.getSize() > 0) { insn.setReceiver(getVariable(returnType.getSize() == 2 ? pushDouble() : pushSingle())); } insn.setMethod(new MethodDescriptor(name, MethodDescriptor.parseSignature(desc))); for (Object bsmArg : bsmArgs) { insn.getBootstrapArguments().add(convertConstant(bsmArg)); } addInstruction(insn); } private RuntimeConstant convertConstant(Object value) { if (value instanceof Integer) { return new RuntimeConstant((Integer) value); } else if (value instanceof Long) { return new RuntimeConstant((Long) value); } else if (value instanceof Float) { return new RuntimeConstant((Float) value); } else if (value instanceof Double) { return new RuntimeConstant((Double) value); } else if (value instanceof String) { return new RuntimeConstant((String) value); } else if (value instanceof Type) { Type type = (Type) value; if (type.getSort() == Type.METHOD) { return new RuntimeConstant(MethodDescriptor.parseSignature(type.getDescriptor())); } else { return new RuntimeConstant(ValueType.parse(type.getDescriptor())); } } else if (value instanceof Handle) { return new RuntimeConstant(parseHandle((Handle) value)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown runtime constant: " + value); } } @Override public void visitMethodInsn(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc, boolean itf) { switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE: case Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL: case Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL: case Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC: { String ownerCls; if (owner.startsWith("[")) { if (name.equals("clone") && desc.startsWith("()")) { CloneArrayInstruction insn = new CloneArrayInstruction(); insn.setArray(getVariable(popSingle())); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); break; } ownerCls = "java.lang.Object"; } else { ownerCls = owner.replace('/', '.'); } Type[] types = Type.getArgumentTypes(desc); Variable[] args = new Variable[types.length]; int j = args.length; for (int i = types.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { args[--j] = types[i].getSize() == 2 ? getVariable(popDouble()) : getVariable(popSingle()); } MethodDescriptor method = new MethodDescriptor(name, MethodDescriptor.parseSignature(desc)); int instance = -1; if (opcode != Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC) { instance = popSingle(); } Type returnType = Type.getReturnType(desc); int result = -1; if (returnType.getSize() > 0) { result = returnType.getSize() == 2 ? pushDouble() : pushSingle(); } if (instance == -1) { InvokeInstruction insn = new InvokeInstruction(); insn.setType(InvocationType.SPECIAL); insn.setMethod(new MethodReference(ownerCls, method)); if (result >= 0) { insn.setReceiver(getVariable(result)); } insn.getArguments().addAll(Arrays.asList(args)); addInstruction(insn); } else { InvokeInstruction insn = new InvokeInstruction(); if (opcode == Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL) { insn.setType(InvocationType.SPECIAL); } else { insn.setType(InvocationType.VIRTUAL); } insn.setMethod(new MethodReference(ownerCls, method)); if (result >= 0) { insn.setReceiver(getVariable(result)); } insn.setInstance(getVariable(instance)); insn.getArguments().addAll(Arrays.asList(args)); addInstruction(insn); } break; } } } @Override public void visitMaxs(int maxStack, int maxLocals) { } @Override public void visitLookupSwitchInsn(Label dflt, int[] keys, Label[] labels) { SwitchTableEntry[] table = new SwitchTableEntry[labels.length]; nextIndexes = new int[labels.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; ++i) { Label label = labels[i]; int target = labelIndexes.get(label); SwitchTableEntry entry = new SwitchTableEntry(); entry.setCondition(keys[i]); entry.setTarget(getBasicBlock(target)); table[i] = entry; nextIndexes[i] = target; } SwitchInstruction insn = new SwitchInstruction(); insn.setCondition(getVariable(popSingle())); insn.getEntries().addAll(Arrays.asList(table)); addInstruction(insn); int defaultTarget = labelIndexes.get(dflt); insn.setDefaultTarget(getBasicBlock(defaultTarget)); nextIndexes[labels.length] = labelIndexes.get(dflt); } @Override public void visitLocalVariable(String name, String desc, String signature, Label start, Label end, int index) { } @Override public void visitLineNumber(int line, Label start) { } @Override public void visitLdcInsn(Object cst) { if (cst instanceof Integer) { pushConstant((Integer) cst); } else if (cst instanceof Float) { pushConstant((Float) cst); } else if (cst instanceof Long) { pushConstant((Long) cst); } else if (cst instanceof Double) { pushConstant((Double) cst); } else if (cst instanceof String) { StringConstantInstruction insn = new StringConstantInstruction(); insn.setConstant((String) cst); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); } else if (cst instanceof Type) { ClassConstantInstruction insn = new ClassConstantInstruction(); insn.setConstant(ValueType.parse(((Type) cst).getDescriptor())); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } @Override public void visitLabel(Label label) { } private void emitBranching(BranchingCondition condition, int value, int target) { BranchingInstruction insn = new BranchingInstruction(condition); insn.setOperand(getVariable(value)); insn.setConsequent(getBasicBlock(target)); insn.setAlternative(getBasicBlock(index + 1)); addInstruction(insn); } private void emitBranching(BinaryBranchingCondition condition, int first, int second, int target) { BinaryBranchingInstruction insn = new BinaryBranchingInstruction(condition); insn.setFirstOperand(getVariable(first)); insn.setSecondOperand(getVariable(second)); insn.setConsequent(getBasicBlock(target)); insn.setAlternative(getBasicBlock(index + 1)); addInstruction(insn); } private void emitBinary(BinaryOperation operation, NumericOperandType operandType, int first, int second, int receiver) { BinaryInstruction insn = new BinaryInstruction(operation, operandType); insn.setFirstOperand(getVariable(first)); insn.setSecondOperand(getVariable(second)); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(receiver)); addInstruction(insn); } private void emitNeg(NumericOperandType operandType, int operand, int receiver) { NegateInstruction insn = new NegateInstruction(operandType); insn.setOperand(getVariable(operand)); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(receiver)); addInstruction(insn); } private void emitNumberCast(NumericOperandType source, NumericOperandType target, int value, int result) { CastNumberInstruction insn = new CastNumberInstruction(source, target); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(result)); insn.setValue(getVariable(value)); addInstruction(insn); } @Override public void visitJumpInsn(int opcode, Label label) { int target = labelIndexes.get(label); switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.IFEQ: emitBranching(BranchingCondition.EQUAL, popSingle(), target); break; case Opcodes.IFNE: emitBranching(BranchingCondition.NOT_EQUAL, popSingle(), target); break; case Opcodes.IFNULL: emitBranching(BranchingCondition.NULL, popSingle(), target); break; case Opcodes.IFNONNULL: emitBranching(BranchingCondition.NOT_NULL, popSingle(), target); break; case Opcodes.IFGT: emitBranching(BranchingCondition.GREATER, popSingle(), target); break; case Opcodes.IFGE: emitBranching(BranchingCondition.GREATER_OR_EQUAL, popSingle(), target); break; case Opcodes.IFLT: emitBranching(BranchingCondition.LESS, popSingle(), target); break; case Opcodes.IFLE: emitBranching(BranchingCondition.LESS_OR_EQUAL, popSingle(), target); break; case Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); emitBranching(BinaryBranchingCondition.REFERENCE_EQUAL, a, b, target); break; } case Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); emitBranching(BinaryBranchingCondition.REFERENCE_NOT_EQUAL, a, b, target); break; } case Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.COMPARE, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, a); emitBranching(BranchingCondition.EQUAL, a, target); break; } case Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.COMPARE, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, a); emitBranching(BranchingCondition.NOT_EQUAL, a, target); break; } case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.COMPARE, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, a); emitBranching(BranchingCondition.GREATER_OR_EQUAL, a, target); break; } case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.COMPARE, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, a); emitBranching(BranchingCondition.GREATER, a, target); break; } case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.COMPARE, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, a); emitBranching(BranchingCondition.LESS_OR_EQUAL, a, target); break; } case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.COMPARE, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, a); emitBranching(BranchingCondition.LESS, a, target); break; } case Opcodes.GOTO: { JumpInstruction insn = new JumpInstruction(); insn.setTarget(getBasicBlock(target)); addInstruction(insn); nextIndexes = new int[] { labelIndexes.get(label) }; return; } default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown opcode"); } nextIndexes = new int[] { labelIndexes.get(label), index + 1 }; } @Override public void visitIntInsn(int opcode, int operand) { switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.BIPUSH: { IntegerConstantInstruction insn = new IntegerConstantInstruction(); insn.setConstant(operand); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.SIPUSH: { IntegerConstantInstruction insn = new IntegerConstantInstruction(); insn.setConstant(operand); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.NEWARRAY: { ValueType itemType; switch (operand) { case Opcodes.T_BOOLEAN: itemType = ValueType.BOOLEAN; break; case Opcodes.T_BYTE: itemType = ValueType.BYTE; break; case Opcodes.T_SHORT: itemType = ValueType.SHORT; break; case Opcodes.T_LONG: itemType = ValueType.LONG; break; case Opcodes.T_INT: itemType = ValueType.INTEGER; break; case Opcodes.T_CHAR: itemType = ValueType.CHARACTER; break; case Opcodes.T_DOUBLE: itemType = ValueType.DOUBLE; break; case Opcodes.T_FLOAT: itemType = ValueType.FLOAT; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Illegal opcode"); } ConstructArrayInstruction insn = new ConstructArrayInstruction(); insn.setSize(getVariable(popSingle())); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); insn.setItemType(itemType); addInstruction(insn); break; } } } private void pushConstant(int value) { IntegerConstantInstruction insn = new IntegerConstantInstruction(); insn.setConstant(value); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); } private void pushConstant(long value) { LongConstantInstruction insn = new LongConstantInstruction(); insn.setConstant(value); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushDouble())); addInstruction(insn); } private void pushConstant(double value) { DoubleConstantInstruction insn = new DoubleConstantInstruction(); insn.setConstant(value); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushDouble())); addInstruction(insn); } private void pushConstant(float value) { FloatConstantInstruction insn = new FloatConstantInstruction(); insn.setConstant(value); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); } private void loadArrayElement(int sz, ArrayElementType type) { int arrIndex = popSingle(); int array = popSingle(); int var = sz == 1 ? pushSingle() : pushDouble(); UnwrapArrayInstruction unwrapInsn = new UnwrapArrayInstruction(type); unwrapInsn.setArray(getVariable(array)); unwrapInsn.setReceiver(unwrapInsn.getArray()); addInstruction(unwrapInsn); GetElementInstruction insn = new GetElementInstruction(); insn.setArray(getVariable(array)); insn.setIndex(getVariable(arrIndex)); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(var)); addInstruction(insn); } private void storeArrayElement(int sz, ArrayElementType type) { int value = sz == 1 ? popSingle() : popDouble(); int arrIndex = popSingle(); int array = popSingle(); UnwrapArrayInstruction unwrapInsn = new UnwrapArrayInstruction(type); unwrapInsn.setArray(getVariable(array)); unwrapInsn.setReceiver(unwrapInsn.getArray()); addInstruction(unwrapInsn); PutElementInstruction insn = new PutElementInstruction(); insn.setArray(getVariable(array)); insn.setIndex(getVariable(arrIndex)); insn.setValue(getVariable(value)); addInstruction(insn); } @Override public void visitInsn(int opcode) { switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.ACONST_NULL: { NullConstantInstruction insn = new NullConstantInstruction(); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.ICONST_M1: pushConstant(-1); break; case Opcodes.ICONST_0: pushConstant(0); break; case Opcodes.ICONST_1: pushConstant(1); break; case Opcodes.ICONST_2: pushConstant(2); break; case Opcodes.ICONST_3: pushConstant(3); break; case Opcodes.ICONST_4: pushConstant(4); break; case Opcodes.ICONST_5: pushConstant(5); break; case Opcodes.LCONST_0: pushConstant(0L); break; case Opcodes.LCONST_1: pushConstant(1L); break; case Opcodes.DCONST_0: pushConstant(0.0); break; case Opcodes.DCONST_1: pushConstant(1.0); break; case Opcodes.FCONST_0: pushConstant(0F); break; case Opcodes.FCONST_1: pushConstant(1F); break; case Opcodes.FCONST_2: pushConstant(2F); break; case Opcodes.BALOAD: { loadArrayElement(1, ArrayElementType.BYTE); CastIntegerInstruction insn = new CastIntegerInstruction(IntegerSubtype.BYTE, CastIntegerDirection.TO_INTEGER); insn.setValue(getVariable(popSingle())); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.IALOAD: loadArrayElement(1, ArrayElementType.INT); break; case Opcodes.FALOAD: loadArrayElement(1, ArrayElementType.FLOAT); break; case Opcodes.SALOAD: { loadArrayElement(1, ArrayElementType.SHORT); CastIntegerInstruction insn = new CastIntegerInstruction(IntegerSubtype.SHORT, CastIntegerDirection.TO_INTEGER); insn.setValue(getVariable(popSingle())); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.CALOAD: { loadArrayElement(1, ArrayElementType.CHAR); CastIntegerInstruction insn = new CastIntegerInstruction(IntegerSubtype.CHARACTER, CastIntegerDirection.TO_INTEGER); insn.setValue(getVariable(popSingle())); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.AALOAD: loadArrayElement(1, ArrayElementType.OBJECT); break; case Opcodes.DALOAD: loadArrayElement(2, ArrayElementType.DOUBLE); break; case Opcodes.LALOAD: loadArrayElement(2, ArrayElementType.LONG); break; case Opcodes.BASTORE: storeArrayElement(1, ArrayElementType.BYTE); break; case Opcodes.IASTORE: storeArrayElement(1, ArrayElementType.INT); break; case Opcodes.FASTORE: storeArrayElement(1, ArrayElementType.FLOAT); break; case Opcodes.SASTORE: storeArrayElement(1, ArrayElementType.SHORT); break; case Opcodes.CASTORE: storeArrayElement(1, ArrayElementType.CHAR); break; case Opcodes.AASTORE: storeArrayElement(1, ArrayElementType.OBJECT); break; case Opcodes.DASTORE: storeArrayElement(2, ArrayElementType.DOUBLE); break; case Opcodes.LASTORE: storeArrayElement(2, ArrayElementType.LONG); break; case Opcodes.POP: popSingle(); break; case Opcodes.POP2: if (stack.type == SINGLE) { popSingle(); popSingle(); } else { popDouble(); } break; case Opcodes.DUP: { popSingle(); int orig = pushSingle(); int copy = pushSingle(); emitAssignInsn(orig, copy); break; } case Opcodes.DUP_X1: { popSingle(); popSingle(); int ins = pushSingle(); int b = pushSingle(); int a = pushSingle(); emitAssignInsn(a - 1, a); emitAssignInsn(b - 1, b); emitAssignInsn(a, ins); break; } case Opcodes.DUP_X2: { popSingle(); if (stack.type == SINGLE) { popSingle(); popSingle(); int ins = pushSingle(); int c = pushSingle(); int b = pushSingle(); int a = pushSingle(); emitAssignInsn(a - 1, a); emitAssignInsn(b - 1, b); emitAssignInsn(c - 1, c); emitAssignInsn(a, ins); } else { popDouble(); int ins = pushSingle(); int b = pushDouble(); int a = pushSingle(); emitAssignInsn(a - 1, a); emitAssignInsn(b - 1, b); emitAssignInsn(a, ins); } break; } case Opcodes.DUP2: { if (stack.type == SINGLE) { popSingle(); popSingle(); int origA = pushSingle(); int origB = pushSingle(); int copyA = pushSingle(); int copyB = pushSingle(); emitAssignInsn(origA, copyA); emitAssignInsn(origB, copyB); } else { popDouble(); int orig = pushDouble(); int copy = pushDouble(); emitAssignInsn(orig, copy); } break; } case Opcodes.DUP2_X1: { if (stack.type == SINGLE) { popSingle(); popSingle(); popSingle(); int ins1 = pushSingle(); int ins2 = pushSingle(); int b = pushSingle(); int a1 = pushSingle(); int a2 = pushSingle(); emitAssignInsn(a2 - 2, a2); emitAssignInsn(a1 - 2, a1); emitAssignInsn(b - 2, b); emitAssignInsn(a1, ins1); emitAssignInsn(a2, ins2); break; } else { popDouble(); popSingle(); int ins = pushDouble(); int b = pushSingle(); int a = pushDouble(); emitAssignInsn(a - 2, a); emitAssignInsn(b - 2, b); emitAssignInsn(a, ins); break; } } case Opcodes.DUP2_X2: { if (stack.type == SINGLE) { popSingle(); popSingle(); if (stack.type == SINGLE) { popSingle(); popSingle(); int ins1 = pushSingle(); int ins2 = pushSingle(); int c = pushSingle(); int b = pushSingle(); int a1 = pushSingle(); int a2 = pushSingle(); emitAssignInsn(a2 - 2, a2); emitAssignInsn(a1 - 2, a1); emitAssignInsn(b - 2, b); emitAssignInsn(c - 2, c); emitAssignInsn(a1, ins1); emitAssignInsn(a2, ins2); } else { popDouble(); int ins1 = pushSingle(); int ins2 = pushSingle(); int b = pushDouble(); int a1 = pushSingle(); int a2 = pushSingle(); emitAssignInsn(a2 - 2, a2); emitAssignInsn(a1 - 2, a1); emitAssignInsn(b - 2, b); emitAssignInsn(a1, ins1); emitAssignInsn(a2, ins2); } } else { popDouble(); if (stack.type == SINGLE) { popSingle(); popSingle(); int ins = pushDouble(); int c = pushSingle(); int b = pushSingle(); int a = pushDouble(); emitAssignInsn(a - 2, a); emitAssignInsn(b - 2, b); emitAssignInsn(c - 2, c); emitAssignInsn(a, ins); } else { popDouble(); int ins = pushDouble(); int b = pushDouble(); int a = pushDouble(); emitAssignInsn(a - 2, a); emitAssignInsn(b - 2, b); emitAssignInsn(a, ins); } } break; } case Opcodes.SWAP: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); pushSingle(); pushSingle(); int tmp = b + 1; emitAssignInsn(a, tmp); emitAssignInsn(b, a); emitAssignInsn(tmp, b); break; } case Opcodes.ISUB: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.SUBTRACT, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.FSUB: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.SUBTRACT, NumericOperandType.FLOAT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.IADD: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.ADD, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.FADD: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.ADD, NumericOperandType.FLOAT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.IMUL: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.MULTIPLY, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.FMUL: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.MULTIPLY, NumericOperandType.FLOAT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.IDIV: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.DIVIDE, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.FDIV: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.DIVIDE, NumericOperandType.FLOAT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.IREM: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.MODULO, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.FREM: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.MODULO, NumericOperandType.FLOAT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.LADD: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.ADD, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.DADD: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.ADD, NumericOperandType.DOUBLE, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.LSUB: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.SUBTRACT, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.DSUB: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.SUBTRACT, NumericOperandType.DOUBLE, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.LMUL: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.MULTIPLY, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.DMUL: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.MULTIPLY, NumericOperandType.DOUBLE, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.DDIV: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.DIVIDE, NumericOperandType.DOUBLE, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.LDIV: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.DIVIDE, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.LREM: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.MODULO, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.DREM: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.MODULO, NumericOperandType.DOUBLE, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.INEG: { int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitNeg(NumericOperandType.INT, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.FNEG: { int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitNeg(NumericOperandType.FLOAT, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.LNEG: { int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitNeg(NumericOperandType.LONG, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.DNEG: { int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitNeg(NumericOperandType.DOUBLE, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.FCMPG: case Opcodes.FCMPL: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.COMPARE, NumericOperandType.FLOAT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.LCMP: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.COMPARE, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.DCMPG: case Opcodes.DCMPL: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.COMPARE, NumericOperandType.DOUBLE, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.ISHL: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.SHIFT_LEFT, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.ISHR: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.SHIFT_RIGHT, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.IUSHR: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.SHIFT_RIGHT_UNSIGNED, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.LSHL: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.SHIFT_LEFT, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.LSHR: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.SHIFT_RIGHT, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.LUSHR: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.SHIFT_RIGHT_UNSIGNED, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.IAND: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.AND, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.IOR: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.OR, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.IXOR: { int b = popSingle(); int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.XOR, NumericOperandType.INT, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.LAND: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.AND, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.LOR: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.OR, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.LXOR: { int b = popDouble(); int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.XOR, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, b, r); break; } case Opcodes.I2B: { CastIntegerInstruction insn = new CastIntegerInstruction(IntegerSubtype.BYTE, CastIntegerDirection.FROM_INTEGER); insn.setValue(getVariable(popSingle())); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.I2C: { CastIntegerInstruction insn = new CastIntegerInstruction(IntegerSubtype.CHARACTER, CastIntegerDirection.FROM_INTEGER); insn.setValue(getVariable(popSingle())); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.I2S: { CastIntegerInstruction insn = new CastIntegerInstruction(IntegerSubtype.SHORT, CastIntegerDirection.FROM_INTEGER); insn.setValue(getVariable(popSingle())); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(pushSingle())); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.I2F: { int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitNumberCast(NumericOperandType.INT, NumericOperandType.FLOAT, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.I2L: { int a = popSingle(); int r = pushDouble(); emitNumberCast(NumericOperandType.INT, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.I2D: { int a = popSingle(); int r = pushDouble(); emitNumberCast(NumericOperandType.INT, NumericOperandType.DOUBLE, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.F2I: { int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); emitNumberCast(NumericOperandType.FLOAT, NumericOperandType.INT, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.F2L: { int a = popSingle(); int r = pushDouble(); emitNumberCast(NumericOperandType.FLOAT, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.F2D: { int a = popSingle(); int r = pushDouble(); emitNumberCast(NumericOperandType.FLOAT, NumericOperandType.DOUBLE, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.D2L: { int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitNumberCast(NumericOperandType.DOUBLE, NumericOperandType.LONG, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.D2I: { int a = popDouble(); int r = pushSingle(); emitNumberCast(NumericOperandType.DOUBLE, NumericOperandType.INT, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.D2F: { int a = popDouble(); int r = pushSingle(); emitNumberCast(NumericOperandType.DOUBLE, NumericOperandType.FLOAT, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.L2I: { int a = popDouble(); int r = pushSingle(); emitNumberCast(NumericOperandType.LONG, NumericOperandType.INT, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.L2F: { int a = popDouble(); int r = pushSingle(); emitNumberCast(NumericOperandType.LONG, NumericOperandType.FLOAT, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.L2D: { int a = popDouble(); int r = pushDouble(); emitNumberCast(NumericOperandType.LONG, NumericOperandType.DOUBLE, a, r); break; } case Opcodes.IRETURN: case Opcodes.FRETURN: case Opcodes.ARETURN: { ExitInstruction insn = new ExitInstruction(); insn.setValueToReturn(getVariable(popSingle())); addInstruction(insn); nextIndexes = new int[0]; return; } case Opcodes.LRETURN: case Opcodes.DRETURN: { ExitInstruction insn = new ExitInstruction(); insn.setValueToReturn(getVariable(popDouble())); addInstruction(insn); nextIndexes = new int[0]; return; } case Opcodes.RETURN: { ExitInstruction insn = new ExitInstruction(); addInstruction(insn); nextIndexes = new int[0]; return; } case Opcodes.ARRAYLENGTH: { int a = popSingle(); int r = pushSingle(); UnwrapArrayInstruction unwrapInsn = new UnwrapArrayInstruction(ArrayElementType.OBJECT); unwrapInsn.setArray(getVariable(a)); unwrapInsn.setReceiver(getVariable(r)); addInstruction(unwrapInsn); ArrayLengthInstruction insn = new ArrayLengthInstruction(); insn.setArray(getVariable(a)); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(r)); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.ATHROW: { RaiseInstruction insn = new RaiseInstruction(); insn.setException(getVariable(popSingle())); addInstruction(insn); nextIndexes = new int[0]; return; } case Opcodes.MONITORENTER: { MonitorEnterInstruction insn = new MonitorEnterInstruction(); insn.setObjectRef(getVariable(popSingle())); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.MONITOREXIT: { MonitorExitInstruction insn = new MonitorExitInstruction(); insn.setObjectRef(getVariable(popSingle())); addInstruction(insn); break; } } } @Override public void visitIincInsn(int var, int increment) { var = minLocal + mapLocal(var); int tmp = pushSingle(); popSingle(); IntegerConstantInstruction intInsn = new IntegerConstantInstruction(); intInsn.setConstant(increment); intInsn.setReceiver(getVariable(tmp)); addInstruction(intInsn); emitBinary(BinaryOperation.ADD, NumericOperandType.INT, var, tmp, var); } @Override public void visitFrame(int type, int nLocal, Object[] local, int nStack, Object[] stack) { } @Override public void visitFieldInsn(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc) { String ownerCls = owner.replace('/', '.'); switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.GETFIELD: { int instance = popSingle(); ValueType type = ValueType.parse(desc); int value = desc.equals("D") || desc.equals("J") ? pushDouble() : pushSingle(); GetFieldInstruction insn = new GetFieldInstruction(); insn.setInstance(getVariable(instance)); insn.setField(new FieldReference(ownerCls, name)); insn.setFieldType(type); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(value)); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.PUTFIELD: { int value = desc.equals("D") || desc.equals("J") ? popDouble() : popSingle(); int instance = popSingle(); PutFieldInstruction insn = new PutFieldInstruction(); insn.setInstance(getVariable(instance)); insn.setField(new FieldReference(ownerCls, name)); insn.setValue(getVariable(value)); insn.setFieldType(ValueType.parse(desc)); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.GETSTATIC: { ValueType type = ValueType.parse(desc); int value = desc.equals("D") || desc.equals("J") ? pushDouble() : pushSingle(); GetFieldInstruction insn = new GetFieldInstruction(); insn.setField(new FieldReference(ownerCls, name)); insn.setFieldType(type); insn.setReceiver(getVariable(value)); addInstruction(insn); break; } case Opcodes.PUTSTATIC: { if (!owner.equals(currentClassName)) { InitClassInstruction initInsn = new InitClassInstruction(); initInsn.setClassName(ownerCls); addInstruction(initInsn); } int value = desc.equals("D") || desc.equals("J") ? popDouble() : popSingle(); PutFieldInstruction insn = new PutFieldInstruction(); insn.setField(new FieldReference(ownerCls, name)); insn.setValue(getVariable(value)); addInstruction(insn); break; } } } @Override public void visitEnd() { } @Override public void visitCode() { } @Override public void visitAttribute(Attribute attr) { } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotationDefault() { return null; } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible) { return null; } }; private static MethodHandle parseHandle(Handle handle) { switch (handle.getTag()) { case Opcodes.H_GETFIELD: return MethodHandle.fieldGetter(handle.getOwner().replace('/', '.'), handle.getName(), ValueType.parse(handle.getDesc())); case Opcodes.H_GETSTATIC: return MethodHandle.staticFieldGetter(handle.getOwner().replace('/', '.'), handle.getName(), ValueType.parse(handle.getDesc())); case Opcodes.H_PUTFIELD: return MethodHandle.fieldSetter(handle.getOwner().replace('/', '.'), handle.getName(), ValueType.parse(handle.getDesc())); case Opcodes.H_PUTSTATIC: return MethodHandle.staticFieldSetter(handle.getOwner().replace('/', '.'), handle.getName(), ValueType.parse(handle.getDesc())); case Opcodes.H_INVOKEVIRTUAL: return MethodHandle.virtualCaller(handle.getOwner().replace('/', '.'), handle.getName(), MethodDescriptor.parseSignature(handle.getDesc())); case Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC: return MethodHandle.staticCaller(handle.getOwner().replace('/', '.'), handle.getName(), MethodDescriptor.parseSignature(handle.getDesc())); case Opcodes.H_INVOKESPECIAL: return MethodHandle.specialCaller(handle.getOwner().replace('/', '.'), handle.getName(), MethodDescriptor.parseSignature(handle.getDesc())); case Opcodes.H_NEWINVOKESPECIAL: return MethodHandle.constructorCaller(handle.getOwner().replace('/', '.'), handle.getName(), MethodDescriptor.parseSignature(handle.getDesc())); case Opcodes.H_INVOKEINTERFACE: return MethodHandle.interfaceCaller(handle.getOwner().replace('/', '.'), handle.getName(), MethodDescriptor.parseSignature(handle.getDesc())); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown handle tag: " + handle.getTag()); } } }