Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Ether Code base, version 1.0                                             *
 * Copyright (C) 2011 by Ron Kinney                                         *
 * All rights reserved.                                                     *
 *                                                                          *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify     *
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published        *
 * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 * (at your option) any later version.                                      *
 *                                                                          *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          *
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           *
 * GNU General Public License for more details.                             *
 *                                                                          *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without       *
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are   *
 * met:                                                                     *
 *                                                                          *
 * * Redistributions of source code must retain this copyright notice,      *
 *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.                  *
 * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce this copyright notice    *
 *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the            *
 *   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.   *
 *                                                                          *
 * Ron Kinney (                                         *
 * Ether Homepage:                                  *

package org.tdod.ether.util;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.Entity;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.EntityType;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.cosmos.CommandTrigger;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.cosmos.Exit;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.cosmos.Room;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.cosmos.Trigger;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.items.Item;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.items.ItemType;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.manager.WorldManager;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.mobs.Mob;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.Player;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.PlayerConnectedEventId;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.PlayerConnection;
import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.enums.PlayerStateEnum;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.commands.AbstractMovementCommand;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.commands.DoDown;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.commands.DoEast;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.commands.DoNorth;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.commands.DoNorthEast;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.commands.DoNorthWest;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.commands.DoSouth;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.commands.DoSouthEast;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.commands.DoSouthWest;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.commands.DoUp;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.commands.DoWest;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.cosmos.ExitDirectionEnum;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.cosmos.RoomFlags;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.cosmos.enums.TriggerResult;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.mobs.enums.Terrain;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.player.state.PlayerStateContext;
import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.player.state.PlayingState;

 * Reusable game utilities go here.
 * @author rkinney
public final class GameUtil {

     * The dividend used when converting milliseconds to seconds.
    public static final int TIME_DIVISION = 1000;

    private static Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(GameUtil.class);

    private static GameUtil _instance;
    private static final Date _serverUptime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());

    private static final int ATTACK_REST_WAIT_TIME = new Integer(

    public static final String ENTER_HELP_KEYWORD = "ENTRTA";
    public static final String EXIT_HELP_KEYWORD = "EXITTA";

     * This is the list of supported directions that the player can throw or look.
    private static final ArrayList<ExitDirectionEnum> EXIT_DIRECTIONS = new ArrayList<ExitDirectionEnum>();

     * A private constructor to enforce the singleton pattern.
    private GameUtil() {

     * Initializes this class.
    private void initialize() {

    public static ArrayList<ExitDirectionEnum> getValidExitDirectionsForLook() {
        synchronized (EXIT_DIRECTIONS) {
            if (EXIT_DIRECTIONS.isEmpty()) {

        return EXIT_DIRECTIONS;

     * Gets the single instance of this class.
     * @return the single instance of this class.
    public static GameUtil getInstance() {
        synchronized (GameUtil.class) {
            if (_instance == null) {
                _instance = new GameUtil();
        return _instance;

     * Gets the opposite direction of the specified exit.
     * @param exitDirection the exit in question.
     * @return the opposite direction of the specified exit.
    public static ExitDirectionEnum getOppositeExit(ExitDirectionEnum exitDirection) {
        switch (exitDirection) {
        case NORTH:
            return ExitDirectionEnum.SOUTH;
        case EAST:
            return ExitDirectionEnum.WEST;
        case SOUTH:
            return ExitDirectionEnum.NORTH;
        case WEST:
            return ExitDirectionEnum.EAST;
        case NORTHEAST:
            return ExitDirectionEnum.SOUTHWEST;
        case NORTHWEST:
            return ExitDirectionEnum.SOUTHEAST;
        case SOUTHEAST:
            return ExitDirectionEnum.NORTHWEST;
        case SOUTHWEST:
            return ExitDirectionEnum.NORTHEAST;
        case UP:
            return ExitDirectionEnum.DOWN;
        case DOWN:
            return ExitDirectionEnum.UP;
            return ExitDirectionEnum.UNKNOWN;

     * Gets the appropriate movement command based on the exit direction.
     * @param direction the direction in question.
     * @return the related movement command.
    public static AbstractMovementCommand getDirectionCommand(ExitDirectionEnum direction) {
        if (direction == null) {
            return null;
        AbstractMovementCommand command = null;
        switch (direction) {
        case NORTH:
            command = new DoNorth();
        case SOUTH:
            command = new DoSouth();
        case EAST:
            command = new DoEast();
        case WEST:
            command = new DoWest();
        case NORTHEAST:
            command = new DoNorthEast();
        case NORTHWEST:
            command = new DoNorthWest();
        case SOUTHEAST:
            command = new DoSouthEast();
        case SOUTHWEST:
            command = new DoSouthWest();
        case UP:
            command = new DoUp();
        case DOWN:
            command = new DoDown();
        return command;

     * Determines if the leader is in a group.
     * @param leader the leader.
     * @return true of the leader is in a group.
    public static boolean isLeaderInGroup(Entity leader) {
        for (Entity follower : leader.getGroupList()) {
            if (follower.getEntityType().equals(EntityType.PLAYER)) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Gets all players in the group.  Every other entity will be filtered out.
     * @param player the player.
     * @return a list of players in the group.
    public static ArrayList<Player> getPlayersInGroup(Player player) {
        ArrayList<Player> list = new ArrayList<Player>();
        for (Entity entity : player.getGroupLeader().getGroupList()) {
            if (entity.getEntityType().equals(EntityType.PLAYER) && entity.getRoom().equals(player.getRoom())) {
                list.add((Player) entity);
        return list;

     * Takes a string and formats it so that words are not cut off at the 80 column mark.
     * If a word cuts into the 80th column, then it is wrapped to the next line instead.
     * @param str The string to format.
     * @return A formatted string.
    public static String formatStringTo80Columns(String str) {
        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        String[] split = str.split(" ");
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        for (int count = 0; count < split.length; count++) {
            String word = split[count];
            if ((buffer.length() + word.length() + 1) > 80) {
                buffer = new StringBuffer(word);
            } else {
                if (buffer.length() == 0) {
                } else {
                    buffer.append(" " + word);

        StringBuffer finalBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        for (String str1 : list) {
            finalBuffer.append(str1 + "\n");

        return finalBuffer.toString();

     * The player enters the world for the first time.
     * @param stateContext the PlayerStateContext.
    public static void enterWorld(PlayerStateContext stateContext) {

        Player player = stateContext.getPlayerConnection().getPlayer();
        player.print("\n" + WorldManager.getHelp(ENTER_HELP_KEYWORD));


        String message = MessageFormat.format(TaMessageManager.XARENT.getMessage(), player.getName());
        player.getRoom().print(player, message, false);

        PlayingState state = new PlayingState();

        TriggerResult triggerResult = player.teleportToRoom(player.getRoom().getRoomNumber());

        if (triggerResult.equals(TriggerResult.DEATH)) {
            WorldManager.getGameMechanics().handlePlayerDeath(player, TaMessageManager.YOUDED1.getMessage());

     * Determines if the room is a town.
     * @param room the room in question.
     * @return true if the room is a town.
    public static boolean isTown(Room room) {
        if (room.getTerrain().equals(Terrain.TOWN)) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Checks if the room is an arena.
     * @param room the room in quesiton.
     * @return true if the room is an arena.
    public static boolean isArena(Room room) {
        if (RoomFlags.ARENA.isSet(room.getRoomFlags())) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Determines the target, whether its a player, mob, or npc, based on parameters passed in by the player.
     * @param player the player who issued the command.
     * @param room the room the player is in.
     * @param param the parameter the player type.
     * @return the target, or null if one was not found.
    public static Entity getTarget(Player player, Room room, String param) {
        // The joys of TA... attack any players first.
        Player targetPlayer = getPlayer(room, param);
        if (targetPlayer != null) {
            return targetPlayer;

        // No player found... try searching for a mob.
        Mob targetMob = getMob(room, param);
        if (targetMob != null) {
            return targetMob;

        // NPC's
        if (room.getNpcs() != null) {
            for (Mob mob : room.getNpcs()) {
                if (MyStringUtil.contains(mob.getName(), param)) {
                    return mob;

        return null;

     * Gets a mob within the room based on the parameter the player typed.
     * @param room the room the player typed the command in.
     * @param param the parameter the player typed.
     * @return the mob associated with the parameter, or null if one was not found.
    public static Mob getMob(Room room, String param) {
        for (Mob mob : room.getMobs()) {
            if (MyStringUtil.contains(mob.getName(), param)) {
                return mob;

        return null;

     * Gets a mob within the room based on the parameter the player typed.
     * @param room the room the player type the command in.
     * @param param the parameter the player typed.
     * @return the player associated with the parameter, or null if one was not found.
    public static Player getPlayer(Room room, String param) {
        for (Player tmpPlayer : room.getPlayers()) {
            if (MyStringUtil.contains(tmpPlayer.getName(), param)) {
                return tmpPlayer;

        return null;

     * Gets a player within the entire world based on the parameter the player typed.
     * @param param the parameter the player typed.
     * @return the player associated with the parameter, or null if one was not found.
    public static Player getPlayer(String param) {
        for (PlayerConnection targetConnection : WorldManager.getPlayers()) {
            if (MyStringUtil.contains(targetConnection.getPlayer().getName(), param)) {
                return targetConnection.getPlayer();

        return null;

     * Used to encrypt a String.
     * @param x The String to compute the hash with.
     * @return a hash stored as an array of bytes.
    public static byte[] computeHash(String x) {
        if (x == null) {
            return null;
        try {
   d = null;
            d ="SHA-1");
            return d.digest();
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return null;

     * Converts a hash to a String.
     * @param b the hash.
     * @return a String.
    public static String byteArrayToHexString(byte[] b) {
        if (b == null) {
            return null;
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(b.length * 2);
        for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
            int v = b[i] & 0xff;
            if (v < 16) {
        return sb.toString().toUpperCase();

     * Awards the player experience based on the entity's vitality.
     * @param player the player gaining the experience.
     * @param target the target entity.
     * @param vitalityBefore the vitality of the entity before the attack.
    public static void giveExperience(Player player, Entity target, int vitalityBefore) {
        // Only award experience on damage caused while the mob was alive.
        int totalDamage = vitalityBefore - target.getVitality().getCurVitality();
        if (totalDamage < 0) {
            totalDamage = 0;
        int expGain = (int) (totalDamage * target.getExpPerPointOfDamage(player.getLevel()));
        if (expGain <= 0) {
            expGain = 1;


     * Randomizes the wait time when the player uses all of his/her attacks.
     * @return a random wait time.
    public static int randomizeRestWaitTime() {
        return ATTACK_REST_WAIT_TIME - (Dice.roll(0, 2) - 1); // 11, 12, 13

     * Checks the targets vitality and handles its death.
     * @param attacker the attacker.
     * @param target the target.
    public static synchronized void checkAndHandleKill(Entity attacker, Entity target) {
        if (target.getVitality().getCurVitality() <= 0) {
            if (target.getEntityType().equals(EntityType.PLAYER)) {
                Player targetPlayer = (Player) target;
            } else {
                WorldManager.getGameMechanics().handleMobDeath(attacker, (Mob) target);

     * Checks if the entity has been drained in any way.
     * @param entity the entity in question.
     * @return true if the entity is drained.
    public static boolean isEntityDrained(Entity entity) {
        if (entity.getStats().isDrained() || entity.getVitality().getDrained() > 0) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Checks if the entity is resting.
     * @param entity the entity in question.
     * @return true if the entity is resting.
    public static boolean isResting(Entity entity) {
        if (entity.getEntityType().equals(EntityType.PLAYER)) {
            if (entity.isResting() || entity.isMentallyExhausted()) {
                return true;

            return false;

        return false;

     * Determines if an item is the runestaff.
     * @param item the item in question.
     * @return true if the item is the runestaff.
    public static boolean isRunestaff(Item item) {
        if (!item.getItemType().equals(ItemType.EQUIPMENT)) {
            return false;
        Equipment eq = (Equipment) item;
        if (eq.getEquipmentType().equals(EquipmentType.MAJOR_MAGIC_ITEM) && eq.getV12() == 3) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Determines if an item is the rod of power.
     * @param item the item in question.
     * @return true if the item is the rod of power.
    public static boolean isRodOfPower(Item item) {
        if (!item.getItemType().equals(ItemType.EQUIPMENT)) {
            return false;
        Equipment eq = (Equipment) item;
        if (eq.getEquipmentSubType().equals(EquipmentSubType.ROD_OF_POWER)) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Checks if the item is a manastone.
     * @param item the item in question.
     * @return true if the item is a manastone.
    public static boolean isManastone(Item item) {
        if (!item.getItemType().equals(ItemType.EQUIPMENT)) {
            return false;
        Equipment eq = (Equipment) item;
        if (eq.getEquipmentSubType().equals(EquipmentSubType.MAJOR_MANA_BOOST)) {
            return true;

        return false;

    public static boolean isHeartstone(Item item) {
        if (!item.getItemType().equals(ItemType.EQUIPMENT)) {
            return false;
        Equipment eq = (Equipment) item;
        if (eq.getEquipmentSubType().equals(EquipmentSubType.RECALL)) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Saves all players in the game.
    public static void savePlayers() {
        for (PlayerConnection playerConn : WorldManager.getPlayers()) {


     * Resets the world.
    public static void resetWorld() {
        WorldManager.initializeLairs();"Reseting barriers and triggers.");
        Collection<Room> rooms = WorldManager.getArea().getRoomMap().values();
        Iterator<Room> itr = rooms.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Room room =;


            for (Exit exit : room.getExits()) {
                if (exit.getDoor() != null) {

            for (Trigger trigger : room.getTriggers()) {

            if (room.getActionPlayerList() != null) {


     * Gets the complete list of items that are sold in a specific shop.
     * @param room the room that the shop belongs to.
     * @return the complete list of items that are sold in a specific shop.
    public static ArrayList<Item> getItemsForShop(Room room, ArrayList<Item> resultList,
            ArrayList<Item> masterList) {
        for (Item item : masterList) {
            if (item.getTown().getIndex() != 0
                    && item.getTown().getIndex() <= (room.getTerrain().getIndex() - 10)) {
        return resultList;


     * Gets the command trigger for the room based on input.
     * @param player the player
     * @param input the input
     * @return a CommandTrigger, or null if one is not found.
    public static CommandTrigger getCommandTrigger(Player player, String input) {
        CommandTrigger commandTrigger = null;

        ArrayList<Trigger> triggers = player.getRoom().getTriggers();
        if (player.getRoom().getTriggers() == null) {
            return commandTrigger;

        for (Trigger t : triggers) {
            CommandTrigger ct = WorldManager.getCommandTrigger(t.getV2());
            if (ct != null && ct.getCommand().toLowerCase().equals(input)) {
                commandTrigger = ct;

        return commandTrigger;

    public static void disconnectPlayer(Player player) {;

        int roomNumber = player.getRoom().getRoomNumber();
        Room room = WorldManager.getRoom(roomNumber);
        // room.removePlayer(stateContext.getPlayerConnection()) ;

        String message = MessageFormat.format(TaMessageManager.LEVGAM.getMessage(), player.getName());
        room.print(player, message, false);

        PlayerConnectedManager.postPlayerConnectedEvent(PlayerConnectedEventId.Disconnecting, null);

    public static Date getServerUptime() {
        return _serverUptime;