Java tutorial
/**************************************************************************** * Ether Code base, version 1.0 * *==========================================================================* * Copyright (C) 2011 by Ron Kinney * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * * met: * * * * * Redistributions of source code must retain this copyright notice, * * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce this copyright notice * * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * *==========================================================================* * Ron Kinney ( * * Ether Homepage: * ****************************************************************************/ package org.tdod.ether.taimpl.player; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.tdod.ether.ta.Entity; import org.tdod.ether.ta.EntityMessageHandler; import org.tdod.ether.ta.EntityType; import org.tdod.ether.ta.cosmos.Exit; import org.tdod.ether.ta.cosmos.Room; import org.tdod.ether.ta.cosmos.enums.MoveFailCode; import org.tdod.ether.ta.items.Item; import org.tdod.ether.ta.items.ItemType; import org.tdod.ether.ta.items.RuneScroll; import org.tdod.ether.ta.items.armor.Armor; import; import org.tdod.ether.ta.items.weapons.Weapon; import org.tdod.ether.ta.manager.PlayerFacade; import org.tdod.ether.ta.manager.WorldManager; import org.tdod.ether.ta.mobs.Mob; import org.tdod.ether.ta.output.GameOutput; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.Attacks; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.BaseStats; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.Encumbrance; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.Mana; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.Player; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.PlayerClassData; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.RaceData; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.Spellbook; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.Stat; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.Vitality; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.enums.Complexion; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.enums.EyeColor; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.enums.HairColor; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.enums.HairLength; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.enums.HairStyle; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.enums.InventoryFailCode; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.enums.PlayerClass; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.enums.PlayerStateEnum; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.enums.RaceEnum; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.enums.Rune; import org.tdod.ether.ta.player.enums.Status; import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.commands.DoDefault; import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.commands.handler.HandlePromotion; import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.cosmos.ExitDirectionEnum; import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.cosmos.enums.TriggerResult; import; import org.tdod.ether.taimpl.mobs.enums.Gender; import org.tdod.ether.util.Dice; import org.tdod.ether.util.GameUtil; import org.tdod.ether.util.MessageManager; import org.tdod.ether.util.MyStringUtil; import org.tdod.ether.util.PropertiesManager; import org.tdod.ether.util.TaMessageManager; /** * This is the default implementation class of a player. * @author Ron Kinney */ public class DefaultPlayer implements Player, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5236115285008480704L; private static Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(DefaultPlayer.class); private static final int STARTING_ROOM = Integer .valueOf(PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty(PropertiesManager.STARTING_ROOM)); private static final int DEATH_ROOM_AWAKEN = Integer .valueOf(PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty(PropertiesManager.DEATH_ROOM_AWAKEN)); private static final int REROLL_REST_TIME = Integer .valueOf(PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty(PropertiesManager.REROLL_REST_TIME)); private static final int MAX_INVENTORY_GOLD = Integer .valueOf(PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty(PropertiesManager.MAX_INVENTORY_GOLD)); private static final int MAX_TRAILING_LEVEL = Integer .valueOf(PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty(PropertiesManager.MAX_TRAILING_LEVEL)); private static final int PLAYER_SPELL_HIT_DIFFICULTY = Integer .valueOf(PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty(PropertiesManager.PLAYER_SPELL_HIT_DIFFICULTY)) .intValue(); private static final int MAX_THIRST = new Integer( PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty(PropertiesManager.MAX_HUNGER)).intValue(); private static final int MAX_HUNGER = new Integer( PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty(PropertiesManager.MAX_HUNGER)).intValue(); private boolean _isSysop; private int _pnum; private String _name = null; private RaceEnum _race = null; private Complexion _complexion = null; private EyeColor _eyeColor = null; private HairColor _hairColor = null; private HairLength _hairLength = null; private HairStyle _hairStyle = null; private PlayerClass _playerClass = null; private int _level; private long _experience; private Rune _rune = Rune.NONE; private BaseStats _stats = new DefaultBaseStats(); private Mana _mana = new DefaultMana(); private Vitality _vitality = new DefaultVitality(); private Status _status = Status.HEALTHY; private int _poisonDamage = 0; private Encumbrance _encumbrance = new DefaultEncumbrance(this); private int _hungerTicker; private int _thirstTicker; private int _restTicker; private int _combatTicker; private int _mentalExhaustionTicker; private int _gold; private Gender _gender = Gender.MALE; private PlayerStateEnum _state = PlayerStateEnum.LOGIN; private Spellbook _spellbook = new DefaultSpellbook(); private int _gameOfChanceCount; private String _password; private Attacks _attacks = new DefaultAttacks(this); private int _vaultBalance; private ArrayList<Item> _inventory = new ArrayList<Item>(); private Weapon _weapon; private Armor _armor; private boolean _promoted; // Spell Buffs -- may want to move this into another object at a later time. private int _regenerationTicker = 0; private int _magicProtectionTimer = 0; private int _magicProtection = 0; private int _invisibilityTimer = 0; private int _paralysisTimer = 0; // Used for saving the player. Just need to save the number, not the entire object. private int _roomVnumSave; private transient long _lastMove = 0; private transient long _lastGlobalChat = 0; private transient int _globalChatCount = 0; private transient boolean _isTripping = false; private transient boolean _ignoreTrip = false; private transient boolean _ignoreSustenance = false; private transient Room _room; private transient Entity _groupLeader = this; private transient ArrayList<Entity> _groupList = new ArrayList<Entity>(); private transient boolean _isFollowingGroup; private transient Player _dragging; private transient Player _draggedBy; private transient HashMap<Room, ExitDirectionEnum> _trackingMap = new HashMap<Room, ExitDirectionEnum>(); private transient GameOutput _output; private transient boolean _disconnected; private transient EntityMessageHandler _messageHandler = new PlayerMessageHandler(this); /** * Creates a new DefaultPlayer. */ public DefaultPlayer() { } //********** // Methods inherited from Player. //********** /** * Sets the players password. * @param password the players password. */ public void setPassword(String password) { _password = GameUtil.byteArrayToHexString(GameUtil.computeHash(password)); } /** * Gets the players password. * @return the players password. */ public String getPassword() { return _password; } /** * Checks if this player is a sysop. * @return true if this player is a sysop. */ public boolean isSysop() { return _isSysop; } /** * Sets the sysop flag. * @param isAdmin the sysop flag. */ public void setIsSysop(boolean isAdmin) { _isSysop = isAdmin; } /** * Gets the players unique number. * @return the players unique number. */ public int getPnum() { return _pnum; } /** * Sets the players unique number. * @param pnum the players unique number. */ public void setPnum(int pnum) { _pnum = pnum; } /** * Gets the race. * @return the race. */ public RaceEnum getRace() { return _race; } /** * Sets the race. * @param race the race. */ public void setRace(RaceEnum race) { _race = race; } /** * Gets the complexion. * @return the complexion. */ public Complexion getComplexion() { return _complexion; } /** * Sets the complexion. * @param complexion the complexion. */ public void setComplexion(Complexion complexion) { _complexion = complexion; } /** * Gets the eye color. * @return the eye color. */ public EyeColor getEyeColor() { return _eyeColor; } /** * Sets the eye color. * @param eyeColor the eye color. */ public void setEyeColor(EyeColor eyeColor) { _eyeColor = eyeColor; } /** * Sets the hair color. * @return the hair color. */ public HairColor getHairColor() { return _hairColor; } /** * Sets the hair color. * @param hairColor the hair color. */ public void setHairColor(HairColor hairColor) { _hairColor = hairColor; } /** * Gets the hair color. * @return the hair color. */ public HairLength getHairLength() { return _hairLength; } /** * Sets the hair length. * @param hairLength the hair length. */ public void setHairLength(HairLength hairLength) { _hairLength = hairLength; } /** * Sets the hair style. * @return the hair style. */ public HairStyle getHairStyle() { return _hairStyle; } /** * Sets the hair style. * @param hairStyle the hair style. */ public void setHairStyle(HairStyle hairStyle) { _hairStyle = hairStyle; } /** * Sets the players class. * @param playerClass the players class. */ public void setPlayerClass(PlayerClass playerClass) { _playerClass = playerClass; } /** * Gets the experience. * @return the experience. */ public long getExperience() { return _experience; } /** * Sets the experience. * @param experience the experience. */ public void setExperience(long experience) { _experience = experience; } /** * Gets the rune. * @return the rune. */ public Rune getRune() { return _rune; } /** * Sets the rune. * @param rune the rune. */ public void setRune(Rune rune) { _rune = rune; } /** * Gets the encumbrance. * @return the encumbrance. */ public Encumbrance getEncumbrance() { return _encumbrance; } /** * Gets an item in the players inventory. Returns null if none was found. * @param str the partial or full item name. * @return an item in the players inventory. null if none was found. */ public Item getItem(String str) { for (Item item : _inventory) { if (MyStringUtil.contains(item.getName(), str)) { return item; } } return null; } /** * Sets every variable for the player back to level one. This should only be called when * the player has just been created. */ public void setDefaults() {"Generating character stats for " + getName()); rerollStats(); _room = WorldManager.getRoom(STARTING_ROOM); _restTicker = 0; } /** * Rerolls the players stats. */ public void rerollStats() { _level = 1; getStats().resetEnchants(); BaseStats minStats = PlayerFacade.getStartingStats().getMinStats(); BaseStats maxStats = PlayerFacade.getStartingStats().getMaxStats(); getStats().getIntellect() .setValue(Dice.roll(minStats.getIntellect().getValue(), maxStats.getIntellect().getValue())); getStats().getKnowledge() .setValue(Dice.roll(minStats.getKnowledge().getValue(), maxStats.getKnowledge().getValue())); getStats().getPhysique() .setValue(Dice.roll(minStats.getPhysique().getValue(), maxStats.getPhysique().getValue())); getStats().getStamina() .setValue(Dice.roll(minStats.getStamina().getValue(), maxStats.getStamina().getValue())); getStats().getAgility() .setValue(Dice.roll(minStats.getAgility().getValue(), maxStats.getAgility().getValue())); getStats().getCharisma() .setValue(Dice.roll(minStats.getCharisma().getValue(), maxStats.getCharisma().getValue())); RaceData raceMod = PlayerFacade.getStartingStats().getRaceDatabase().getRaceData(getRace()); PlayerClassData classMod = PlayerFacade.getStartingStats().getPlayerClassDatabase() .getPlayerClassData(getPlayerClass()); getStats().add(raceMod.getStatModifiers()); getStats().add(classMod.getStatModifiers()); int vitality = Dice.roll(PlayerFacade.getStartingStats().getMinVitality(), PlayerFacade.getStartingStats().getMaxVitality()); vitality += raceMod.getVitality(); vitality += classMod.getVitality(); vitality += getStats().getStamina().getHpBonus(); _vitality.setCurVitality(vitality); _vitality.setMaxVitality(vitality); int raceGold = Dice.roll(raceMod.getMinStartingGold(), raceMod.getMaxStartingGold()); int classGold = Dice.roll(classMod.getMinStartingGold(), classMod.getMaxStartingGold()); _gold = raceGold + classGold; clearInventory(); _hungerTicker = MAX_HUNGER; _thirstTicker = MAX_THIRST; _status = Status.HEALTHY; _restTicker = REROLL_REST_TIME; _combatTicker = 0; _experience = 0; _spellbook.getSpells().clear(); if (_playerClass.equals(PlayerClass.ACOLYTE) || _playerClass.equals(PlayerClass.DRUID) || _playerClass.equals(PlayerClass.NECROLYTE) || _playerClass.equals(PlayerClass.SORCEROR)) { _mana.setMaxMana(_level * getPlayerClass().getManaIncreasePerLevel()); _mana.setCurMana(_level * getPlayerClass().getManaIncreasePerLevel()); } } /** * Gets the current weapon being wielded. * @return the wielded weapon. */ public Weapon getWeapon() { return _weapon; } /** * Sets the wielded weapon. This method has no error checking and the previous weapon * will be wiped out. * @param weapon the weapon to wield. */ public void setWeapon(Weapon weapon) { _weapon = weapon; } /** * Gets the currently equipped armor. * @return the currently equipped armor. */ public Armor getArmor() { return _armor; } /** * Equips the armor. This method has no error checking and the previous armor * will be wiped out. * @param armor the armor to equip. */ public void setArmor(Armor armor) { _armor = armor; } /** * Returns a string in the format of : * * 'Name' is a 'Charisma' 'Physique' 'Knowledge'. * 'Gender' has a 'complexion', 'eyes', 'color hair', 'style hair', 'length hair'. * 'Agility' 'Intellect' * 'Gender' is wearing 'armor', is armed with 'weapon' 'health' * * @return a String in the above format. */ public String getDescription() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append(_name); buffer.append(" is a "); buffer.append(_stats.getCharisma().getDescription()); buffer.append(_stats.getPhysique().getDescription()); String knowledgeString = MessageFormat.format(_stats.getKnowledge().getDescription(), _gender.getObjective().toLowerCase()); buffer.append(knowledgeString); buffer.append("{3} has a "); buffer.append(_complexion.getDescription() + ", "); buffer.append(_eyeColor.getDescription() + ", and "); buffer.append(_hairColor.getDescription() + ", "); buffer.append(_hairStyle.getDescription() + ", "); buffer.append(_hairLength.getDescription() + ". "); String agilityString = MessageFormat.format(_stats.getAgility().getDescription(), _gender.getPronoun().toLowerCase()); buffer.append(agilityString); String intellectString = MessageFormat.format(_stats.getIntellect().getDescription(), _gender.getNoun(), _gender.getPronoun().toLowerCase()); buffer.append(intellectString); String wearingString = MessageFormat.format(TaMessageManager.INSP3.getMessage(), _gender.getNoun(), _armor.getLongDescription(), _weapon.getLongDescription()); buffer.append(wearingString); buffer.append(_vitality.getDescription(_gender)); if (!_rune.equals(Rune.NONE)) { String runeString = MessageFormat.format(TaMessageManager.BMSG1.getMessage(), _rune.toString().toLowerCase(), _gender.getPronoun().toLowerCase()); buffer.append(runeString); } String description = MessageFormat.format(buffer.toString(), _gender.getDescription().toLowerCase(), _race.getName().toLowerCase(), getPromotedClass().getName().toLowerCase(), _gender.getNoun()); return GameUtil.formatStringTo80Columns(description); } /** * Gets the current playing state. * @return the playing state. */ public PlayerStateEnum getState() { return _state; } /** * Sets the playing state. * @param state the playing state. */ public void setState(PlayerStateEnum state) { _state = state; } /** * Called when this player dies. * @param restTicker the amount of time the player must rest. */ public void handleDeath(int restTicker) { _hungerTicker = MAX_HUNGER; _thirstTicker = MAX_THIRST; _vitality.setCurVitality(_vitality.getMaxVitality()); _restTicker = restTicker; setStatus(Status.HEALTHY); teleportToRoom(DEATH_ROOM_AWAKEN); } /** * Sets the game output. * @param output the game output. */ public void setOutput(GameOutput output) { _output = output; } /** * Gets the disconnected flag of this player. Set this to true to disconnect the connection * the next time the engine recieves the disconnect event. * @return true if this player is disconnected. */ public boolean isDisconnected() { return _disconnected; } /** * Sets the disconnected flag of this player. Set this to true to disconnect the connection * the next time the engine recieves the disconnect event. * @param disconnected the disconnected flag. */ public void setDisconnected(boolean disconnected) { _disconnected = disconnected; } /** * Gets the total number of times the player has played a game of chance this level. * @return the total number of times the player has played a game of chance this level. */ public int getGameOfChanceCount() { return _gameOfChanceCount; } /** * Sets the total number of times the player has played a game of chance this level. * @param gameOfChanceCount the total number of times the player has played a game of chance this level. */ public void setGameOfChanceCount(int gameOfChanceCount) { _gameOfChanceCount = gameOfChanceCount; } /** * Saves the player. */ public void save() { try { if (_name == null) { return; } if (_room != null) { _roomVnumSave = _room.getRoomNumber(); } else { _roomVnumSave = 1; } String filename = PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty(PropertiesManager.PLAYER_DIR) + _name; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename); GZIPOutputStream gzos = new GZIPOutputStream(fos); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(gzos); out.writeObject(this); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { println("A problem occurred saving your character. Contact an admin."); _log.fatal(e); } } /** * Cleans up any resources taken by this object. This should be called when this player has logged. */ public void cleanup() { if (getWeapon() != null) { getWeapon().destroy(); } if (getArmor() != null) { getArmor().destroy(); } for (Item item : getInventory()) { item.destroy(); } for (Mob mob : WorldManager.getMobsInExistance()) { if (equals(mob.getChasing())) { mob.setChasing(null); } if (equals(mob.getTamedBy())) { mob.setTamedBy(null); } } } /** * Gets the vault balance. * @return the vault balance. */ public int getVaultBalance() { return _vaultBalance; } /** * Sets the vault balance. * @param vaultBalance the vault balance. */ public void setVaultBalance(int vaultBalance) { _vaultBalance = vaultBalance; } /** * Gets the promoted class of the player, if the player was promoted. Otherwise, * return the base class. * @return the promoted class of the player, if the player was promoted. Otherwise, * return the base class. */ public PlayerClass getPromotedClass() { if (isPromoted()) { return getPlayerClass().getPromotedClass(); } else { return getPlayerClass(); } } /** * Gets the promoted equivalent level. * @return the promoted equivalent level. */ public int getPromotedLevel() { if (isPromoted()) { return getLevel() - HandlePromotion.PROMOTION_LEVEL; } else { return getLevel(); } } /** * Sets the last global chat time. * @param lastGlobalChat the last global chat time. */ public void setLastGlobalChat(long lastGlobalChat) { _lastGlobalChat = lastGlobalChat; } /** * Gets the last global chat time. * @return the last global chat time. */ public long getLastGlobalChat() { return _lastGlobalChat; } /** * Sets the global chat count. * @param globalChatCount the global chat count. */ public void setGlobalChatCount(int globalChatCount) { _globalChatCount = globalChatCount; } /** * Gets the global chat count. * @return the global chat count. */ public int getGlobalChatCount() { return _globalChatCount; } /** * This is a debug command. This gets the sustenance ignore flag. * @return true if sustenance does not affect this player. */ public boolean getIgnoreSustenance() { return _ignoreSustenance; } /** * This is a debug command. This sets the player so that sustenance does not effect him. * @param ignoreSustenance The sustenance ignore flag. */ public void setIgnoreSustenance(boolean ignoreSustenance) { _ignoreSustenance = ignoreSustenance; } /** * This method clears the players inventory of all objects. All resources should * be cleaned up within this call. */ public void clearInventory() { List<Item> itemsToDestroy = new ArrayList<Item>(); for (Item item : _inventory) { itemsToDestroy.add(item); } for (Item item : itemsToDestroy) { _inventory.remove(item); item.destroy(); item = null; } if (_weapon != null) { _weapon.destroy(); } if (_armor != null) { _armor.destroy(); } PlayerClassData classMod = PlayerFacade.getStartingStats().getPlayerClassDatabase() .getPlayerClassData(getPlayerClass()); _weapon = WorldManager.getWeapon(classMod.getWeapon()); _armor = WorldManager.getArmor(classMod.getArmor()); _spellbook.clearSpells(); } //********** // Methods inherited from Entity. //********** /** * Gets the name of the entity. * @return the name of the entity. */ public String getName() { return _name; } /** * Sets the name of the entity. * @param name the name of the entity. */ public void setName(String name) { _name = name; } /** * Gets the vitality. * @return the vitality. */ public Vitality getVitality() { return _vitality; } /** * Gets the amount of experience given per point of damage. * @param playerLevel the attacking players level. * @return the amount of experience given per point of damage. */ public float getExpPerPointOfDamage(int playerLevel) { return 1f; } /** * Takes the given amount of damage. * @param amount the amount of damage taken. * @return true if the entity's health goes below 0. */ public boolean takeDamage(int amount) { _vitality.subtractCurVitality(amount); if (_vitality.getCurVitality() <= 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Sends a message to the entity followed by a carriage return. * @param str the message to send. */ public void println(String str) { _output.println(str); } /** * Sends a message to the entity without the carriage return. * @param str the message to send. */ public void print(String str) { _output.print(str); } /** * Gets the entity's level. * @return the entity's level. */ public int getLevel() { return _level; } /** * Sets the entity's level. * @param level the entity's level. */ public void setLevel(int level) { _level = level; } /** * Gets the entity's combat skill. * @return the entity's combat skill. */ public int getCombatSkill() { return 70; } /** * Gets the entity type. * @return the entity type. */ public EntityType getEntityType() { return EntityType.PLAYER; } /** * Gets the armor rating. * @return the armor rating. */ public int getArmorRating() { if (getMagicProtection() > 0) { return getMagicProtection(); } else { return _armor.getArmorRating() + _weapon.getArmorRating(); } } /** * Gets the room the entity currently resides in. * @return the room the entity currently resides in. */ public Room getRoom() { return _room; } /** * A convenience method that sets the room the entity will reside in. * @param room the room the entity will reside in. */ public void setRoom(Room room) { _room = room; } /** * Sets the room that the entity will reside in based on the room number. * @param roomNumber the room number. */ public void setRoom(int roomNumber) { _room = WorldManager.getRoom(roomNumber); } /** * Teleports this player to the specified room, ignoring all triggers. * @param toRoomNumber the room to teleport to. */ public synchronized void teleportToRoomIgnoreTriggers(int toRoomNumber) { Room fromRoom = WorldManager.getRoom(_room.getRoomNumber()); Room toRoom = WorldManager.getRoom(toRoomNumber); fromRoom.removePlayer(this); // Add to new room. _room = toRoom; toRoom.addPlayer(this); new DoDefault().execute(this, null); } /** * Moves the entity to this room. No messages are displayed. * @param toRoomNumber the room number to move the entity to. * @return a TriggerResult, since teleporting an entity can still trigger a trigger. */ public synchronized TriggerResult teleportToRoom(int toRoomNumber) { Room fromRoom = WorldManager.getRoom(_room.getRoomNumber()); Room toRoom = WorldManager.getRoom(toRoomNumber); fromRoom.removePlayer(this); // Add to new room. _room = toRoom; toRoom.addPlayer(this); new DoDefault().execute(this, null); return toRoom.handleTriggers(this); } /** * Move the entity to this room. * @param toRoomNumber the destination room number. * @param ignoreBarrier true if any barriers can be ignored. * @return a move fail code. */ public synchronized MoveFailCode moveToRoom(int toRoomNumber, boolean ignoreBarrier) { Room fromRoom = WorldManager.getRoom(_room.getRoomNumber()); Room toRoom = WorldManager.getRoom(toRoomNumber); if (toRoom == null) { _log.error( _name + " attempted to move into null room " + toRoomNumber + " from " + _room.getRoomNumber()); return MoveFailCode.NO_EXIT; } MoveFailCode code = MoveFailCode.NONE; Exit exit = fromRoom.getExit(toRoomNumber); if (exit == null) { _log.error(_name + " attempted to move through a null exit " + toRoomNumber + " from " + _room.getRoomNumber()); return MoveFailCode.NO_EXIT; } // Handle barriers. if (!ignoreBarrier) { code = handleBarrier(fromRoom, exit); } if (code != MoveFailCode.NONE && code != MoveFailCode.PICKED_BARRIER && code != MoveFailCode.UNLOCK_BARRIER) { return code; } // Update the tracking information of the room. getTrackingMap().put(fromRoom, exit.getExitDirection()); fromRoom.removePlayer(this); // Add to new room. _room = toRoom; toRoom.addPlayer(this); return code; } /** * Gets the status. * @return the status. */ public Status getStatus() { return _status; } /** * Sets the status. * @param status the status. */ public void setStatus(Status status) { _status = status; } /** * Gets the poison damage per tick. * @return the poison damage per tick. */ public int getPoisonDamage() { return _poisonDamage; } /** * Sets the poison damage per tick. * @param poisonDamage the poison damage per tick. */ public void setPoisonDamage(int poisonDamage) { _poisonDamage = poisonDamage; } /** * Gets the mana. * @return the mana. */ public Mana getMana() { return _mana; } /** * Gets the regeneration ticker. If this value is above 0, the entity has higher than * normal vitality regeneration. * @return the regeneration ticker. */ public int getRegenerationTicker() { return _regenerationTicker; } /** * Sets the regeneration ticker. If this value is above 0, the entity has higher than * normal vitality regeneration. * @param value the regeneration ticker. */ public void setRegenerationTicker(int value) { _regenerationTicker = value; } /** * Reduces the regeneration ticker. If the ticker is above 0, the entity has higher than * normal vitality regeneration. * @param value the amount to reduce the ticker. */ public void reduceRegenerationTicker(int value) { _regenerationTicker = _regenerationTicker - value; if (_regenerationTicker < 0) { _regenerationTicker = 0; } } /** * Gets the hunger ticker. If this value is below zero, the entity will starve. * @return the hunger ticker. */ public int getHungerTicker() { return _hungerTicker; } /** * Increases the hunger ticker by the specified amount. * @param value the amount to increase the hunger ticker. */ public void addHungerTicker(int value) { _hungerTicker += value; if (_hungerTicker > MAX_HUNGER) { _hungerTicker = MAX_HUNGER; } restoreHungerStatus(); } /** * Sets the hunger ticker by the specified amount. * @param value the amount to set the hunger ticker. */ public void setHungerTicker(int value) { _hungerTicker = value; if (_hungerTicker > MAX_HUNGER) { _hungerTicker = MAX_HUNGER; } restoreHungerStatus(); } /** * Gets the thirst ticker. If this value is below zero, the entity will be thirsty. * @return the thirst ticker. */ public int getThirstTicker() { return _thirstTicker; } /** * Increases the thirst ticker by the specified amount. * @param value the amount to increase the thirst ticker. */ public void addThirstTicker(int value) { _thirstTicker += value; if (_thirstTicker > MAX_THIRST) { _thirstTicker = MAX_THIRST; } restoreThirstStatus(); } /** * Sets the thirst ticker by the specified amount. * @param value the amount to set the thirst ticker. */ public void setThirstTicker(int value) { _thirstTicker = value; if (_thirstTicker > MAX_THIRST) { _thirstTicker = MAX_THIRST; } restoreThirstStatus(); } /** * Decreases both the hunger and thirst ticker and accordingly updates the entities status * if any of these tickers are reduced below 0. * @param value the amount to decrease the hunger and thirst ticker. */ public void subtractSustenance(int value) { if (_ignoreSustenance) { return; } _hungerTicker -= value; _thirstTicker -= value; if (_hungerTicker <= 0) { _hungerTicker = 0; _status = Status.HUNGRY; } if (_thirstTicker <= 0) { _thirstTicker = 0; _status = Status.THIRSTY; } restoreHungerStatus(); restoreThirstStatus(); } /** * Increase both the hunger and thirst ticker by the specified amount. * @param value the amount to increase both the thirst and hunger ticker. */ public void addSustenance(int value) { addThirstTicker(value); addHungerTicker(value); } /** * Gets the stats. * @return the stats. */ public BaseStats getStats() { return _stats; } /** * Decreases the effect timers. * @return true if the effect timer hits 0. */ public boolean decreaseEffectTimers() { boolean magicProtectionExpired = false; if (_magicProtectionTimer > 0) { _magicProtectionTimer--; if (_magicProtectionTimer <= 0) { _magicProtection = 0; magicProtectionExpired = true; } } boolean invisibilityExpired = false; if (_invisibilityTimer > 0) { _invisibilityTimer--; if (_invisibilityTimer <= 0) { invisibilityExpired = true; } } boolean statEffectsExpired = _stats.decreaseTimers(); if (magicProtectionExpired || statEffectsExpired || invisibilityExpired) { return true; } return false; } /** * Sets the magic protection. * @param magicProtection the magic protection. */ public void setMagicProtection(int magicProtection) { _magicProtection = magicProtection; } /** * Gets the magic protection. * @return the magic protection. */ public int getMagicProtection() { return _magicProtection; } /** * Sets the magic protection timer. * @param magicProtectionTimer the magic protection timer value. */ public void setMagicProtectionTimer(int magicProtectionTimer) { _magicProtectionTimer = magicProtectionTimer; } /** * Sets the invisibility timer. * @param invisibilityTimer the invisibility timer value. */ public void setInvisibiltyTimer(int invisibilityTimer) { _invisibilityTimer = invisibilityTimer; } /** * Checks if this entity is invisible. * @return true if this entity is invisible. */ public boolean isInvisible() { if (_invisibilityTimer > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Gets the resting string. This is currently used for the DoOrder command. * @return the resting string. */ public String getRestingString() { if (isMentallyExhausted() || isResting()) { return MessageManager.RESTING_STRING.getMessage(); } else { return MessageManager.READY_STRING.getMessage(); } } /** * Gets the group leader. If the entity is not in a group, this method returns * the entity itself. Hopefully, this method never returns null. * @return the group leader. */ public Entity getGroupLeader() { return _groupLeader; } /** * Sets the group leader. If the entity is not in a group, set this to the * entity itself. This value should not be null. * @param leader the group leader. */ public void setGroupLeader(Entity leader) { _groupLeader = leader; } /** * Gets the list of entities in the group if this entity is the leader of a group. * An empty list is returned otherwise. * @return the list of entities in the group if this entity is the leader of a group. */ public ArrayList<Entity> getGroupList() { return _groupList; } /** * Sets the group list. * @param groupList the group list. */ public void setGroupList(ArrayList<Entity> groupList) { _groupList = groupList; } /** * Checks if this entity is following a group. * @return true if this entity is following a group. */ public boolean isFollowingGroup() { return _isFollowingGroup; } /** * Sets the is following flag. * @param isFollowingGroup true if this entity is in a group. */ public void setFollowingGroup(boolean isFollowingGroup) { _isFollowingGroup = isFollowingGroup; } /** * Checks if this entity is in the middle of attacking. * @return true if this entity is in the middle of attacking. */ public boolean isAttacking() { if (_combatTicker > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if this entity is resting. * @return true if this entity is resting. */ public boolean isResting() { if (_restTicker > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if this entity is mentally exhausted. * @return true if this entity is mentally exhausted. */ public boolean isMentallyExhausted() { if (_mentalExhaustionTicker > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * The amount of gold being carried. * @return the amount of gold being carried. */ public int getGold() { return _gold; } /** * This method sets the amount of gold that the player has. Note that this * method is constrained by the MAX_INVENTORY_GOLD properties value. This * method returns the amount of over flow, or 0 if the set did not go over * the MAX_INVENTORY_GOLD value. * * @param gold The amount of gold the player will have. * @return the amount of over flow, or 0 if the set did not go over the * MAX_INVENTORY_GOLD value. */ public int setGold(int gold) { _gold = gold; return checkGoldOverflow(); } /** * This method adds to the amount of gold that the player has. Note that this * method is constrained by the MAX_INVENTORY_GOLD properties value. This * method returns the amount of over flow, or 0 if the set did not go over * the MAX_INVENTORY_GOLD value. * * @param amount The amount of gold to give the player. * @return the amount of over flow, or 0 if the set did not go over the * MAX_INVENTORY_GOLD value. */ public int addGold(int amount) { _gold += amount; return checkGoldOverflow(); } /** * Subtracts the amount of gold from the entity. If the entity's gold goes * below 0, the gold amount will be set to 0 and the overflow will be returned. * @param amount the amount of gold to subtract. * @return the overflow amount. */ public int subtractGold(int amount) { _gold -= amount; int overflow = 0; if (_gold < 0) { overflow = 0 - _gold; _gold = 0; } return overflow; } /** * Checks if this entity has a lit torch. * @return true if a lit torch is being carried. */ public boolean hasLitTorch() { for (Item item : _inventory) { if (item.getItemType().equals(ItemType.EQUIPMENT)) { Equipment eq = (Equipment) item; if (eq.getEquipmentSubType().equals(EquipmentSubType.LIGHT)) { if (eq.isActivated()) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Checks if this entity has light. * @return true if this entity has light. */ public boolean hasLight() { for (Item item : _inventory) { if (item.getItemType().equals(ItemType.EQUIPMENT)) { Equipment eq = (Equipment) item; if (eq.getEquipmentSubType().equals(EquipmentSubType.LIGHT)) { if (eq.isActivated()) { return true; } } else if (eq.getEquipmentSubType().equals(EquipmentSubType.ETERNAL_LIGHT)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * This removes an item of the same vnum from the inventory. * * @param vnum The vnum of the item to remove. * @return true if the item was removed, false otherwise. */ public synchronized boolean removeItemFromInventory(int vnum) { Item itemToRemove = null; for (Item item : _inventory) { if (item.getVnum() == vnum) { itemToRemove = item; break; } } return _inventory.remove(itemToRemove); } /** * This removes the exact item from the inventory. That is, the object has to * be of the same instance. * * @param item The item to remove. * @return true if the item was removed, false otherwise. */ public synchronized boolean removeItemFromInventory(Item item) { return _inventory.remove(item); } /** * Places an item into the entities inventory. * @param item the item to place. * @param ignoreWeight set to true if the item should ignore weight constraints. * @return an InventoryFailCode. */ public synchronized InventoryFailCode placeItemInInventory(Item item, boolean ignoreWeight) { if (item.getItemType().equals(ItemType.RUNE_SCROLL)) { return handleRunestaff((RuneScroll) item); } int maxInventorySize = new Integer( PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty(PropertiesManager.MAX_INVENTORY_SIZE)); if (_inventory.size() >= maxInventorySize) { return InventoryFailCode.SPACE; } if (!ignoreWeight) { int modifiedEncumbrance = _encumbrance.getCurEncumbrance() + item.getWeight(); if (modifiedEncumbrance > _encumbrance.getMaxEncumbrance()) { return InventoryFailCode.ENCUMBRANCE; } } _inventory.add(item); return InventoryFailCode.NONE; } /** * Gets the entire inventory list. * @return the inventory list. */ public ArrayList<Item> getInventory() { return _inventory; } /** * Gets the player class. * @return the player class. */ public PlayerClass getPlayerClass() { return _playerClass; } /** * Gets the gender. * @return the gender. */ public Gender getGender() { return _gender; } /** * Sets the gender. * @param gender the gender. */ public void setGender(Gender gender) { _gender = gender; } /** * Gets the tracking map. This is a map of rooms the entity went through along * with the direction. This is used for tracking. * @return the tracking map. */ public HashMap<Room, ExitDirectionEnum> getTrackingMap() { return _trackingMap; } /** * Checks if this entity is similar to the specified entity. * @param entity the entity to compare. * @return true if this entity is similar to the specified entity. */ public boolean isSimilar(Entity entity) { if (!entity.getEntityType().equals(EntityType.PLAYER)) { return false; } Player player = (Player) entity; if (player.equals(this)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Gets the spell book. * @return the spell book. */ public Spellbook getSpellbook() { return _spellbook; } /** * Sets the spell book. * @param spellbook the spell book. */ public void setSpellbook(Spellbook spellbook) { _spellbook = spellbook; } /** * Decreases the mental exhaustion ticker. */ public void decreaseMentalExhaustionTicker() { if (_mentalExhaustionTicker > 0) { _mentalExhaustionTicker -= 1; } } /** * Sets the mental exhaustion ticker. If this value is above 0, then the entity is * mentally exhausted. * @param value the mental exhaustion ticker. */ public void setMentalExhaustionTicker(int value) { _mentalExhaustionTicker = value; } /** * Adds the amount of experience. * @param experience the amount of experience to add. */ public void addExperience(long experience) { int maxExp = getPromotedClass().getExpRequirement(getPromotedLevel() + MAX_TRAILING_LEVEL, isPromoted()) - 1; _experience += experience; if (_experience > maxExp) { _experience = maxExp; } } /** * Gets the attacks. * @return the attacks. */ public Attacks getAttacks() { return _attacks; } /** * Decreases the rest ticker. */ public void decreaseRestTicker() { if (_restTicker > 0) { _restTicker -= 1; } } /** * Sets the rest ticker. If this number is greater than 0, then the * entity is resting. * @param value the rest ticker value. */ public void setRestTicker(int value) { _restTicker = value; } /** * Sets the combat ticker. If this number is greater than 0, then the entity * has attacked recently and is considered in combat. * @param value the combat ticker. */ public void setCombatTicker(int value) { _combatTicker = value; } /** * Gets the spell hit difficulty for this entity. * @return the spell hit difficulty for this entity. */ public int getSpellHitDifficulty() { return PLAYER_SPELL_HIT_DIFFICULTY; } /** * Gets the message handler. * @return the message handler. */ public EntityMessageHandler getMessageHandler() { return _messageHandler; } /** * Sets the message handler. * @param messageHandler the message handler. */ public void setMessageHandler(EntityMessageHandler messageHandler) { _messageHandler = messageHandler; } /** * Sets the paralysis ticker. If this value is greater than 0, than the entity * is considered to be paralyzed. * @param value the paralysis ticker value. */ public void setParalysisTicker(int value) { _paralysisTimer = value; } /** * Decreases the paralysis ticker. * @param amount the amount to decrease the ticker. * @return true if the entity is no longer paralyzed. */ public boolean decreaseParalysisTicker(int amount) { if (_paralysisTimer > 0) { _paralysisTimer -= amount; } if (_paralysisTimer <= 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Gets the player that this entity is dragging. Null if none. * @return the player that this entity is dragging. Null if none. */ public Player getDragging() { return _dragging; } /** * Sets the dragging player. * @param dragging the dragging player. */ public void setDragging(Player dragging) { _dragging = dragging; } /** * Gets the player that this entity is being dragged by. * @return the player that this entity is being dragged by. */ public Player getDraggedBy() { return _draggedBy; } /** * Sets the player that this entity is being dragged by. * @param draggedBy the player that this entity is being dragged by. */ public void setDraggedBy(Player draggedBy) { _draggedBy = draggedBy; } /** * Gets the last time this entity has moved. * @return the last time this entity has moved. */ public long getLastMove() { return _lastMove; } /** * Sets the last time this entity has moved. * @param lastMove the last time this entity has moved. */ public void setLastMove(long lastMove) { _lastMove = lastMove; } /** * This checks if the entity is currently tripping. * @return true if this entity is currently tripping. */ public boolean isTripping() { return _isTripping; } /** * This sets the entity into a tripping state. * @param isTripping the tripping flag. */ public void setIsTripping(boolean isTripping) { _isTripping = isTripping; } /** * This is a debug command. This checks if the entity can trip * by moving too fast. * @return true if this entity can ignore the tripping mechanism when moving too fast. */ public boolean getIgnoreTrip() { return _ignoreTrip; } /** * This is a debug command. This checks if the entity can trip * by moving too fast. * @param ignoreTrip the ignore trip flag. */ public void setIgnoreTrip(boolean ignoreTrip) { _ignoreTrip = ignoreTrip; } /** * Decrease the combat ticker. */ public void decreaseCombatTicker() { if (_combatTicker > 0) { _combatTicker -= 1; } } /** * Checks if this player is promoted. * @return true if this player is promoted. */ public boolean isPromoted() { return _promoted; } /** * Sets the promoted flag of this player. * @param promoted the promoted flag. */ public void setPromoted(boolean promoted) { _promoted = promoted; } /** * Gets the debug string for this entity. * @return the debug string for this entity. */ public String getDebugString() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); try { Formatter formatter = new Formatter(buffer, Locale.US); formatter.format("&CName:&W%s &CPNum:&W%d &CSysop:&W%s &CState:&W%s\n", _name, _pnum, _isSysop, _state); formatter.format("&CClass:&W%s &CRace:&W%s &CGender:&W%s &CPromoted:&W%s\n", _playerClass, _race, _gender, isPromoted()); formatter.format("&CLevel:&W%d &CExperience:&W%d &CRune:&W%s\n", _level, _experience, _rune); formatter.format("%s %s %s\n", getStatDebugString("Int", _stats.getIntellect()), getStatDebugString("Kno", _stats.getKnowledge()), getStatDebugString("Phy", _stats.getPhysique())); formatter.format("%s %s %s\n", getStatDebugString("Sta", _stats.getStamina()), getStatDebugString("Agi", _stats.getAgility()), getStatDebugString("Cha", _stats.getCharisma())); formatter.format( "&CVitality:&W%d&C/&W%d &CDrained:&W%d &CMana:&W%d&C/&W%d &CStatus:&W%s &CPoison:&W%d\n", _vitality.getCurVitality(), _vitality.getMaxVitality(), _vitality.getDrained(), _mana.getCurMana(), _mana.getMaxMana(), _status, _poisonDamage); formatter.format("&CComplexion:&W%s &CEye Color:&W%s\n", _complexion, _eyeColor); formatter.format("&CHair Color:&W%s &CHair Length:&W%s &CHair Style:&W%s\n", _hairColor, _hairLength, _hairStyle); formatter.format("&CWeapon:&W%s &CArmor:&W%s &CAttacks:&W%d&C/&W%d\n", _weapon.getName(), _armor.getName(), _attacks.getAttacksLeft(), _attacks.getMaxAttacks()); formatter.format("&CEncumbrance:&W%d&C/&W%d &CGold:&W%d &CVault:&W%d\n", _encumbrance.getCurEncumbrance(), _encumbrance.getMaxEncumbrance(), _gold, _vaultBalance); formatter.format("&CInventory:&W%s\n", _inventory); formatter.format("&CSpells:&W%s\n", _spellbook.getSpells()); formatter.format("&CGame of Chance Count:&W%s\n", _gameOfChanceCount); formatter.format("&CRest:&W%d &CCombat:&W%d &CMental:&W%d &CHunger:&W%d &CThirst:&W%d\n", _restTicker, _combatTicker, _mentalExhaustionTicker, _hungerTicker, _thirstTicker); formatter.format("&CRegeneration Ticker:&W%d &CMagic Protection Timer:&W%d &CMagic Protection:&W%d\n", _regenerationTicker, _magicProtectionTimer, _magicProtection); formatter.format("&CInvisibility Timer:&W%d &CParalysis Timer:&W%d\n", _invisibilityTimer, _paralysisTimer); formatter.format("&CLast Global Chat:&W%s &CGlobal Chat Count:&W%d\n", new Date(_lastGlobalChat), _globalChatCount); formatter.format("&CLast Move:&W%s &CIs Tripping:&W%s &CIgnore Trip:&W%s\n", new Date(_lastMove), _isTripping, _ignoreTrip); if (_room != null) { formatter.format("&CRoom:&W%d&C(&W%s&C)\n", _room.getRoomNumber(), _room.getShortDescription()); } formatter.format("&CGroup Leader:&W%s &CIs Following Group:&W%s\n", _groupLeader, _isFollowingGroup); formatter.format("&CGroup List:&W%s\n", _groupList); formatter.format("&CDragging:&W%s &CDragged By:&W%s\n", _dragging, _draggedBy); formatter.format("&CTracking Map Size:&W%d &CDisconnected:&W%s\n", _trackingMap.size(), _disconnected); formatter.format("&CGameOutput:&W%s\n", _output); formatter.format("&CMessage Handler:&W%s\n", _messageHandler); } catch (Exception e) { buffer.append("&RGot the following exception creating the DefaultPlayer debug string:\n"); buffer.append("&R" + e.getMessage()); _log.error(e); } return buffer.toString(); } //********** // Methods overridden from Object. //********** /** * Gets the String representation of this object. * @return the String representation of this object. */ public String toString() { return _name; } /** * This is the overridden readResolve method that initializes transient objects. * @return the instance of this class. * @throws ObjectStreamException if something goes wrong during the readResolve. */ private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { _room = WorldManager.getRoom(_roomVnumSave); _attacks = new DefaultAttacks(this); _groupLeader = this; _groupList = new ArrayList<Entity>(); _trackingMap = new HashMap<Room, ExitDirectionEnum>(); _messageHandler = new PlayerMessageHandler(this); // Hack to fix mana for players who are already playing. if (_playerClass.isSpellCaster()) { int maxMana = _level * getPlayerClass().getManaIncreasePerLevel(); if (_mana.getMaxMana() < maxMana) { _mana.setMaxMana(maxMana); } } return this; } //********** // Private methods. //********** /** * Adds a scroll to the runestaff. * @param runeScroll the RuneScroll. * @return an InventoryFailCode. */ private InventoryFailCode handleRunestaff(RuneScroll runeScroll) { Equipment runestaff = null; InventoryFailCode code = InventoryFailCode.RUNE_SCROLL_DUD; for (Item item : _inventory) { if (GameUtil.isRunestaff(item)) { runestaff = (Equipment) item; break; } } if (runestaff != null) { if (runeScroll.getRuneNumber() > runestaff.getCharges()) { runestaff.subractCharge(); code = InventoryFailCode.RUNE_SCROLL; } } runeScroll.destroy(); return code; } /** * Handles movement into a barrier. * @param fromRoom the source room. * @param exit the exit. * @return a MoveFailCode. */ private MoveFailCode handleBarrier(Room fromRoom, Exit exit) { if (exit.getDoor() != null && !exit.getDoor().isUnlocked()) { return exit.getDoor().getMoveFailCode(this); } else { return MoveFailCode.NONE; } } /** * Checks if the player has more gold than is allowed. * @return the amount of gold that went over the max. */ private int checkGoldOverflow() { int overflow = 0; if (_gold > MAX_INVENTORY_GOLD) { overflow = _gold - MAX_INVENTORY_GOLD; _gold = MAX_INVENTORY_GOLD; } return overflow; } /** * Gets the stat as a string used for debugging purposes. * @param str the string representation of the stat to display. * @param stat the stat. * @return the stat as a string used for debugging purposes. */ private String getStatDebugString(String str, Stat stat) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); Formatter formatter = new Formatter(buffer, Locale.US); formatter.format("&C%s:&W%d&C/&W%d&C(+&W%d&C:&W%d&C/-&W%d&C:&W%d&C)", str, stat.getValue(), stat.getModifiedStat(), stat.getBoost(), stat.getBoostTimer(), stat.getDrain(), stat.getDrainTimer()); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Resets the hunger status if the player is no longer hungry. */ private void restoreHungerStatus() { if (_hungerTicker > 0) { if (_status.equals(Status.HUNGRY)) { _status = Status.HEALTHY; } } } /** * Resets the thirst status if the player is no longer hungry. */ private void restoreThirstStatus() { if (_thirstTicker > 0) { if (_status.equals(Status.THIRSTY)) { _status = Status.HEALTHY; } } } }