Java tutorial
package org.tdar.core.service.resource; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.tdar.core.bean.HasResource; import org.tdar.core.bean.cache.HomepageGeographicKeywordCache; import org.tdar.core.bean.cache.HomepageResourceCountCache; import org.tdar.core.bean.cache.WeeklyPopularResourceCache; import org.tdar.core.bean.collection.ResourceCollection; import org.tdar.core.bean.collection.ResourceCollection.CollectionType; import org.tdar.core.bean.coverage.LatitudeLongitudeBox; import org.tdar.core.bean.entity.AuthorizedUser; import org.tdar.core.bean.entity.Person; import org.tdar.core.bean.entity.ResourceCreator; import org.tdar.core.bean.entity.TdarUser; import org.tdar.core.bean.keyword.GeographicKeyword; import org.tdar.core.bean.keyword.Keyword; import org.tdar.core.bean.resource.InformationResource; import org.tdar.core.bean.resource.Project; import org.tdar.core.bean.resource.Resource; import org.tdar.core.bean.resource.ResourceNote; import org.tdar.core.bean.resource.ResourceNoteType; import org.tdar.core.bean.resource.ResourceRevisionLog; import org.tdar.core.bean.resource.ResourceType; import org.tdar.core.bean.resource.Status; import org.tdar.core.bean.resource.datatable.DataTable; import org.tdar.core.bean.statistics.AggregateDownloadStatistic; import org.tdar.core.bean.statistics.AggregateViewStatistic; import org.tdar.core.bean.statistics.ResourceAccessStatistic; import org.tdar.core.configuration.TdarConfiguration; import org.tdar.core.dao.GenericDao.FindOptions; import org.tdar.core.dao.resource.DataTableDao; import org.tdar.core.dao.resource.DatasetDao; import org.tdar.core.dao.resource.ProjectDao; import org.tdar.core.dao.resource.stats.DateGranularity; import org.tdar.core.dao.resource.stats.ResourceSpaceUsageStatistic; import org.tdar.core.exception.TdarRecoverableRuntimeException; import org.tdar.core.exception.TdarRuntimeException; import org.tdar.core.service.DeleteIssue; import org.tdar.core.service.EntityService; import org.tdar.core.service.GenericService; import org.tdar.core.service.ResourceCreatorProxy; import org.tdar.core.service.SerializationService; import org.tdar.core.service.external.AuthorizationService; import; import; import org.tdar.utils.PersistableUtils; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProvider; import com.redfin.sitemapgenerator.GoogleImageSitemapGenerator; @Service public class ResourceService extends GenericService { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); public enum ErrorHandling { NO_VALIDATION, VALIDATE_SKIP_ERRORS, VALIDATE_WITH_EXCEPTION } @Autowired private transient SerializationService serializationService; @Autowired private transient EntityService entityService; @Autowired private DatasetDao datasetDao; @Autowired private ProjectDao projectDao; @Autowired private DataTableDao dataTableDao; @Autowired private AuthorizationService authenticationAndAuthorizationService; @Autowired private GeoSearchService geoSearchService; @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<Resource> findSkeletonsForSearch(boolean trustCache, Long... ids) { return datasetDao.findSkeletonsForSearch(trustCache, ids); } @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<Resource> findOld(Long... ids) { return datasetDao.findOld(ids); } /** * Find all @Link Resource Ids submitted by @link Person * * @param person * @return */ @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Set<Long> findResourcesSubmittedByUser(Person person) { return datasetDao.findResourcesSubmittedByUser(person); } /** * Find @link Resource by Id only. * * @param id * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional(readOnly = true) public <R extends Resource> R find(Long id) { if (id == null) { return null; } ResourceType rt = datasetDao.findResourceType(id); logger.trace("finding resource " + id + " type:" + rt); if (rt == null) { return null; } return (R) datasetDao.find(rt.getResourceClass(), id); } /** * Finds all Resources within tDAR and populates them with sparse data -- Title, Description, Date. * * @return */ @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<Resource> findAllSparseActiveResources() { return datasetDao.findAllSparseActiveResources(); } /** * Finds @link Resource entries that have been modified recently. */ public List<Resource> findRecentlyUpdatedItemsInLastXDays(int days) { return datasetDao.findRecentlyUpdatedItemsInLastXDays(days); } /** * Adds a @link ResourceRevisionLog entry for the resource based on the message. * * @param <T> * @param modifiedResource * @param message * @param payload */ @Transactional public <T extends Resource> void logResourceModification(T modifiedResource, TdarUser person, String message) { logResourceModification(modifiedResource, person, message, null); } /** * Adds a @link ResourceRevisionLog entry for the resource based on the message. * * @param <T> * @param modifiedResource * @param message * @param payload */ @Transactional public <T extends Resource> void logResourceModification(T modifiedResource, TdarUser person, String message, String payload) { ResourceRevisionLog log = new ResourceRevisionLog(); log.setLogMessage(message); log.setResource(modifiedResource); log.setPerson(person); log.setTimestamp(new Date()); log.setPayload(payload); save(log); } /** * Lists all tDAR @link Status entries. * * @return */ public List<Status> findAllStatuses() { return Arrays.asList(Status.values()); } /** * For a given @link Resource, increment the Access Count by creating a @link ResourceAccessStatistic Entry. This is a service-layer function because (a) * this may happen when the session is not writable, and we're going to make the explicit bean writable, and (b) because it's a transient (separate) value. * * @param r */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void incrementAccessCounter(Resource r) { ResourceAccessStatistic rac = new ResourceAccessStatistic(new Date(), r); datasetDao.markWritable(rac); save(rac); } /** * Updates the transient access count entry on @link Resource * * @param resource */ @Transactional(readOnly = true) public void updateTransientAccessCount(Resource resource) { resource.setTransientAccessCount(datasetDao.getAccessCount(resource).longValue()); } /** * Provides a count of the total number of active resources. * * @param type * @return */ @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Number countActiveResources(ResourceType type) { return datasetDao.countActiveResources(type); } /** * Provides a count of the total number of active resources with files. * * @param type * @return */ @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Number countActiveResourcesWithFiles(ResourceType type) { return datasetDao.countActiveResourcesWithFiles(type); } /** * Provides counts of Country Codes in tDAR based on the Managed Geographic Keywords which are generated by the tDAR GIS Database and lookups comparing a * LatLong to a shapefile. These are used on the homepage map. * * @return */ @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<HomepageGeographicKeywordCache> getISOGeographicCounts() { return datasetDao.getISOGeographicCounts(); } /** * For a given @link Resource and set of @link LatitudeLogitudeBox entries, pass the LatitudeLogitudeBoxes to the @link GeographicSearchService to generate * GeographicKeyword entries from the LatitudeLogitudeBox. The implementation will clear the old keywords when creating the new ones. It will use Shapefiles * and the tdar_gis database ( repo) to look up where the LatitudeLogitudeBox is. * * @param resource * @param allLatLongBoxes */ @Transactional public void processManagedKeywords(Resource resource, Collection<LatitudeLongitudeBox> allLatLongBoxes) { // needed in cases like the APIController where the collection is not properly initialized if (resource.getManagedGeographicKeywords() == null) { resource.setManagedGeographicKeywords(new LinkedHashSet<GeographicKeyword>()); } Set<GeographicKeyword> kwds = new HashSet<GeographicKeyword>(); for (LatitudeLongitudeBox latLong : allLatLongBoxes) { Set<GeographicKeyword> managedKeywords = geoSearchService.extractAllGeographicInfo(latLong); logger.debug(resource.getId() + " : " + managedKeywords + " " + managedKeywords.size()); kwds.addAll(datasetDao.findByExamples(GeographicKeyword.class, managedKeywords, Arrays.asList(Keyword.IGNORE_PROPERTIES_FOR_UNIQUENESS), FindOptions.FIND_FIRST_OR_CREATE)); } PersistableUtils.reconcileSet(resource.getManagedGeographicKeywords(), kwds); } @Transactional /** * Given a collection of hibernate-managed beans (the 'current' collection) and another collection of transient beans (the 'incoming' collection), * update the current collection to match the contents of the incoming collection. This method will associate all elements in the incoming collection * with the specified resource. Contents of both collections should satisfy the HasResource interface. * * @param resource the 'owner' of the elements in the incoming collection. This method will associate all elements of the incoming collection with this resource. * @param shouldSave if true, this method will persist elements of the incoming collection. * @param validateMethod determines what validation steps (if any) to perform on each element of the incoming collection * @param incoming_ the incoming collection of HasResource elements. * @param current the current collection of HasResource elements. This method will modify collection to contain the same elements as the incoming collection. * @param cls type of the collection elements. */ public <H extends HasResource<R>, R extends Resource> void saveHasResources(R resource, boolean shouldSave, ErrorHandling validateMethod, Collection<H> incoming_, Set<H> current, Class<H> cls) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(incoming_) && CollectionUtils.isEmpty(current)) { // skip a complete no-op return; } if (incoming_ == null) { incoming_ = new ArrayList<H>(); } Collection<H> incoming = incoming_; // there are cases where current and incoming_ are the same object, if that's the case // then we need to copy incoming_ before if ((incoming_ == current) && !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(incoming_)) { incoming = new ArrayList<H>(); incoming.addAll(incoming_); current.clear(); } // assume everything that's incoming is valid or deduped and tied back into tDAR entities/beans logger.debug("Current Collection of {}s ({}) : {} ", new Object[] { cls.getSimpleName(), current.size(), current }); /* * Because we're using ID for the equality and hashCode, we have no way to avoid deleting everything and re-adding it. * This is an issue as what'll end up happening otherwise is something like editing a Date results in no persisted change because the * "retainAll" below keeps the older version */ current.retainAll(incoming); Map<Long, H> idMap = PersistableUtils.createIdMap(current); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(incoming)) { logger.debug("Incoming Collection of {}s ({}) : {} ", new Object[] { cls.getSimpleName(), incoming.size(), incoming }); Iterator<H> incomingIterator = incoming.iterator(); while (incomingIterator.hasNext()) { H hasResource_ =; if (hasResource_ != null) { // attach the incoming notes to a hibernate session logger.trace("adding {} to {} ", hasResource_, current); H existing = idMap.get(hasResource_.getId()); /* * If we're not transient, compare the two beans on all of their local properties (non-recursive) -- if there are differences * copy. otherwise, move on. Question -- it may be more work to compare than to just "copy"... is it worth it? */ if (PersistableUtils.isNotNullOrTransient(existing) && !EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(existing, hasResource_)) { try { logger.trace("copying bean properties for entry in existing set"); BeanUtils.copyProperties(existing, hasResource_); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception setting bean property", e); } } if (validateMethod != ErrorHandling.NO_VALIDATION) { boolean isValid = false; if (hasResource_ instanceof ResourceCreator) { isValid = ((ResourceCreator) hasResource_).isValidForResource(resource); } else { isValid = hasResource_.isValid(); } if (!isValid) { logger.debug("skipping: {} - INVALID", hasResource_); if (validateMethod == ErrorHandling.VALIDATE_WITH_EXCEPTION) { throw new TdarRecoverableRuntimeException(hasResource_ + " is not valid"); } continue; } } current.add(hasResource_); // if (shouldSave) { // getGenericDao().saveOrUpdate(hasResource_); // } } } } logger.debug("Resulting Collection of {}s ({}) : {} ", new Object[] { cls.getSimpleName(), current.size(), current }); } /** * Find all of the Resource Counts for the homepage which are cached in @link HomepageResourceCountCache entries because the counts take too long to load * dynamically. * * @return */ public List<HomepageResourceCountCache> getResourceCounts() { return datasetDao.getResourceCounts(); } /** * For the Dashboard, create a Map<> of ResourceType to Status & Count for a given @link Person User. This map can be used to generate the two graphs on the * dashboard. * * @param p * @param resourceTypes * @return */ public Map<ResourceType, Map<Status, Long>> getResourceCountAndStatusForUser(Person p, List<ResourceType> resourceTypes) { return datasetDao.getResourceCountAndStatusForUser(p, resourceTypes); } /** * For a given @link ResourceType and @link Status provide a count of @link Resource entries. * * @param resourceType * @param status * @return */ public Long getResourceCount(ResourceType resourceType, Status status) { return datasetDao.getResourceCount(resourceType, status); } /** * Use by the @link BulkUploadService, we use a proxy @link Resource (image) to create a new @link Resource of the specified type. * * @param proxy * @param resourceClass * @return */ @Transactional public <T extends Resource> T createResourceFrom(Resource proxy, Class<T> resourceClass) { return createResourceFrom(proxy, resourceClass, true); } /** * Use by the @link BulkUploadService, we use a proxy @link Resource (image) to create a new @link Resource of the specified type. * * @param proxy * @param resourceClass * @return */ @Transactional public <T extends Resource> T createResourceFrom(Resource proxy, Class<T> resourceClass, boolean save) { try { T resource = resourceClass.newInstance(); resource.setTitle(proxy.getTitle()); resource.setDescription(proxy.getDescription()); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resource.getDescription())) { resource.setDescription(" "); } resource.setDateCreated(proxy.getDateCreated()); resource.markUpdated(proxy.getSubmitter()); resource.setStatus(proxy.getStatus()); if (save) {; } resource.getMaterialKeywords().addAll(proxy.getMaterialKeywords()); resource.getTemporalKeywords().addAll(proxy.getTemporalKeywords()); resource.getInvestigationTypes().addAll(proxy.getInvestigationTypes()); resource.getCultureKeywords().addAll(proxy.getCultureKeywords()); resource.getOtherKeywords().addAll(proxy.getOtherKeywords()); resource.getSiteNameKeywords().addAll(proxy.getSiteNameKeywords()); resource.getSiteTypeKeywords().addAll(proxy.getSiteTypeKeywords()); resource.getGeographicKeywords().addAll(proxy.getGeographicKeywords()); resource.getManagedGeographicKeywords().addAll(proxy.getManagedGeographicKeywords()); // CLONE if internal, otherwise just add for (ResourceCollection collection : proxy.getResourceCollections()) { if (collection.isInternal()) {"cloning collection: {}", collection); ResourceCollection newInternal = new ResourceCollection(CollectionType.INTERNAL); newInternal.setName(collection.getName()); TdarUser owner = collection.getOwner(); refresh(owner); newInternal.markUpdated(owner); if (save) {; } for (AuthorizedUser proxyAuthorizedUser : collection.getAuthorizedUsers()) { AuthorizedUser newAuthorizedUser = new AuthorizedUser(proxyAuthorizedUser.getUser(), proxyAuthorizedUser.getGeneralPermission()); newInternal.getAuthorizedUsers().add(newAuthorizedUser); } resource.getResourceCollections().add(newInternal); newInternal.getResources().add(resource); } else {"adding to shared collection : {} ", collection); if (collection.isTransient() && save) { save(collection); } collection.getResources().add(resource); resource.getResourceCollections().add(collection); } } cloneSet(resource, resource.getCoverageDates(), proxy.getCoverageDates()); cloneSet(resource, resource.getLatitudeLongitudeBoxes(), proxy.getLatitudeLongitudeBoxes()); cloneSet(resource, resource.getResourceCreators(), proxy.getResourceCreators()); cloneSet(resource, resource.getResourceAnnotations(), proxy.getResourceAnnotations()); cloneSet(resource, resource.getResourceNotes(), proxy.getResourceNotes()); cloneSet(resource, resource.getRelatedComparativeCollections(), proxy.getRelatedComparativeCollections()); cloneSet(resource, resource.getSourceCollections(), proxy.getSourceCollections()); if ((resource instanceof InformationResource) && (proxy instanceof InformationResource)) { InformationResource proxyInformationResource = (InformationResource) proxy; InformationResource informationResource = (InformationResource) resource; informationResource.setDate(proxyInformationResource.getDate()); // force project into the session if (PersistableUtils.isNotNullOrTransient(proxyInformationResource.getProject())) { Project project = proxyInformationResource.getProject(); // refresh(project); informationResource.setProject(project); } informationResource.setPublisher(proxyInformationResource.getPublisher()); informationResource.setCopyrightHolder(proxyInformationResource.getCopyrightHolder()); informationResource.setLicenseText(proxyInformationResource.getLicenseText()); informationResource.setLicenseType(proxyInformationResource.getLicenseType()); informationResource.setPublisherLocation(proxyInformationResource.getPublisherLocation()); informationResource .setResourceProviderInstitution(proxyInformationResource.getResourceProviderInstitution()); informationResource.setResourceLanguage(proxyInformationResource.getResourceLanguage()); informationResource.setMetadataLanguage(proxyInformationResource.getMetadataLanguage()); informationResource.setInheritingCulturalInformation( proxyInformationResource.isInheritingCulturalInformation()); informationResource.setInheritingInvestigationInformation( proxyInformationResource.isInheritingInvestigationInformation()); informationResource.setInheritingMaterialInformation( proxyInformationResource.isInheritingMaterialInformation()); informationResource .setInheritingOtherInformation(proxyInformationResource.isInheritingOtherInformation()); informationResource .setInheritingSiteInformation(proxyInformationResource.isInheritingSiteInformation()); informationResource .setInheritingSpatialInformation(proxyInformationResource.isInheritingSpatialInformation()); informationResource.setInheritingTemporalInformation( proxyInformationResource.isInheritingTemporalInformation()); informationResource.setInheritingIdentifierInformation( proxyInformationResource.isInheritingIdentifierInformation()); informationResource .setInheritingNoteInformation(proxyInformationResource.isInheritingNoteInformation()); informationResource.setInheritingCollectionInformation( proxyInformationResource.isInheritingCollectionInformation()); informationResource.setInheritingIndividualAndInstitutionalCredit( proxyInformationResource.isInheritingIndividualAndInstitutionalCredit()); } if (save) { datasetDao.saveOrUpdate(resource); return datasetDao.merge(resource); } return resource; // NOTE: THIS SHOULD BE THE LAST THING DONE AS IT BRINGS EVERYTHING BACK ONTO THE SESSION PROPERLY } catch (Exception exception) { throw new TdarRuntimeException(exception); } } /** * Given a Set of objects that support @link HasResource, clone the bean and attach it to the new Set * * @param resource * @param targetCollection * @param sourceCollection * @return */ @Transactional public <T extends HasResource<Resource>> Set<T> cloneSet(Resource resource, Set<T> targetCollection, Set<T> sourceCollection) { logger.trace("cloning: " + sourceCollection); for (T t : sourceCollection) { datasetDao.detachFromSessionAndWarn(t); try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T clone = (T) BeanUtils.cloneBean(t); targetCollection.add(clone); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Exception in clone set: {} ", e); } } // getDao().save(targetCollection); return targetCollection; } /** * For a given list of People, Resources, Collections, Projects, and Statuses, return a @link ResourceSpaceUsageStatistic object for how much space, * resources, and files are used. * * @param personId * @param resourceId * @param collectionId * @param projectId * @param statuses * @return */ @Transactional public ResourceSpaceUsageStatistic getResourceSpaceUsageStatistics(List<Long> personId, List<Long> resourceId, List<Long> collectionId, List<Long> projectId, List<Status> statuses) { return datasetDao.getResourceSpaceUsageStatistics(personId, resourceId, collectionId, projectId, statuses); } /** * Find the count of views for all resources for a given date range, limited by the minimum occurrence count. * * @param granularity * @param start * @param end * @param minCount * @return */ @Transactional public List<AggregateViewStatistic> getAggregateUsageStats(DateGranularity granularity, Date start, Date end, Long minCount) { return datasetDao.getAggregateUsageStats(granularity, start, end, minCount); } /** * Find the count of downloads for all InformationResourceFiles for a given date range, limited by the minimum occurrence count. * * @param granularity * @param start * @param end * @param minCount * @return */ @Transactional public List<AggregateViewStatistic> getOverallUsageStats(Date start, Date end, Long max) { return datasetDao.getOverallUsageStats(start, end, max); } @Transactional public List<AggregateDownloadStatistic> getAggregateDownloadStats(DateGranularity granularity, Date start, Date end, Long minCount) { return datasetDao.getAggregateDownloadStats(granularity, start, end, minCount); } /** * Find the count of downloads for a specified @link InformationResourceFile for a given date range, limited by the minimum occurrence count. * * @param granularity * @param start * @param end * @param minCount * @param iRFileId * @return */ @Transactional public List<AggregateDownloadStatistic> getAggregateDownloadStatsForFile(DateGranularity granularity, Date start, Date end, Long minCount, Long iRFileId) { return datasetDao.getDownloadStatsForFile(granularity, start, end, minCount, iRFileId); } /** * Find the count of views for the specified resources for a given date range, limited by the minimum occurrence count. * * @param granularity * @param start * @param end * @param minCount * @param resourceIds * @return */ @Transactional public List<AggregateViewStatistic> getUsageStatsForResources(DateGranularity granularity, Date start, Date end, Long minCount, List<Long> resourceIds) { return datasetDao.getUsageStatsForResource(granularity, start, end, minCount, resourceIds); } /** * Return all resource revision log entries for a specified @link Resource. * * @param resource * @return */ @Transactional public List<ResourceRevisionLog> getLogsForResource(Resource resource) { if (PersistableUtils.isNullOrTransient(resource)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return datasetDao.getLogEntriesForResource(resource); } /** * Find all ids of @link InformationResource entries that actually have files. * * @return */ @Transactional public List<Long> findAllResourceIdsWithFiles() { return datasetDao.findAllResourceIdsWithFiles(); } /** * Find all @link ResourceType entries that are active within the system (as opposed to exist). * * @return */ public List<ResourceType> getAllResourceTypes() { ArrayList<ResourceType> arrayList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(ResourceType.values())); if (!TdarConfiguration.getInstance().isVideoEnabled()) { arrayList.remove(ResourceType.VIDEO); arrayList.remove(ResourceType.AUDIO); } if (!TdarConfiguration.getInstance().isArchiveFileEnabled()) { arrayList.remove(ResourceType.ARCHIVE); } return arrayList; } @Transactional public int findAllResourcesWithPublicImagesForSitemap(GoogleImageSitemapGenerator gisg) { return datasetDao.findAllResourcesWithPublicImagesForSitemap(gisg); } @Transactional public void setupWorldMap(HashMap<String, HomepageGeographicKeywordCache> worldMapData) { Long countryTotal = 0l; Double countryLogTotal = 0d; for (HomepageGeographicKeywordCache item : findAllWithL2Cache(HomepageGeographicKeywordCache.class)) { Long count = item.getCount(); Double logCount = item.getLogCount(); if (logCount > countryLogTotal) { countryLogTotal = logCount; } if (count > countryTotal) { countryTotal = count; } worldMapData.put(item.getKey(), item); } for (Entry<String, HomepageGeographicKeywordCache> entrySet : worldMapData.entrySet()) { entrySet.getValue().setTotalCount(countryTotal); entrySet.getValue().setTotalLogCount(countryLogTotal); } } @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<Resource> findByTdarYear(SearchResultHandler<Resource> resultHandler, int year) { return datasetDao.findByTdarYear(resultHandler, year); } @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<Resource> getWeeklyPopularResources(int count) { List<Resource> featured = new ArrayList<>(); try { int cacheCount = 0; for (WeeklyPopularResourceCache cache : datasetDao.findAll(WeeklyPopularResourceCache.class)) { Resource key = cache.getKey(); if (key instanceof Resource) { authenticationAndAuthorizationService.applyTransientViewableFlag(key, null); } if (key.isActive()) { if (cacheCount == count) { break; } cacheCount++; featured.add(key); } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioe) { logger.debug("no featured resources found"); } return featured; } @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void saveResourceCreatorsFromProxies(Collection<ResourceCreatorProxy> allProxies, Resource resource, boolean shouldSaveResource) {"ResourceCreators before DB lookup: {} ", allProxies); int sequence = 0; List<ResourceCreator> incomingResourceCreators = new ArrayList<>(); // convert the list of proxies to a list of resource creators for (ResourceCreatorProxy proxy : allProxies) { if ((proxy != null) && proxy.isValid()) { ResourceCreator resourceCreator = proxy.getResourceCreator(); resourceCreator.setSequenceNumber(sequence++); logger.trace("{} - {}", resourceCreator, resourceCreator.getCreatorType()); entityService.findOrSaveResourceCreator(resourceCreator); incomingResourceCreators.add(resourceCreator); logger.trace("{} - {}", resourceCreator, resourceCreator.getCreatorType()); } else { logger.trace("can't create creator from proxy {} {}", proxy); } } // FIXME: Should this throw errors? saveHasResources(resource, shouldSaveResource, ErrorHandling.VALIDATE_SKIP_ERRORS, incomingResourceCreators, resource.getResourceCreators(), ResourceCreator.class); } @Transactional(readOnly = true) public DeleteIssue getDeletionIssues(TextProvider provider, Resource persistable) { DeleteIssue issue = new DeleteIssue(); switch (persistable.getResourceType()) { case PROJECT: Set<InformationResource> inProject = projectDao.findAllResourcesInProject((Project) persistable, Status.ACTIVE, Status.DRAFT); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(inProject)) { issue.getRelatedItems().addAll(inProject); issue.setIssue(provider.getText("resourceDeleteController.delete_project")); return issue; } return null; case CODING_SHEET: case ONTOLOGY: List<DataTable> related = dataTableDao.findDataTablesUsingResource(persistable); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(related)) { for (DataTable table : related) { if (!table.getDataset().isDeleted()) { issue.getRelatedItems().add(table.getDataset()); } } issue.setIssue(provider.getText("abstractSupportingInformationResourceController.remove_mappings")); return issue; } return null; default: return null; } } @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void deleteForController(Resource resource, String reason, TdarUser authUser) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(reason)) { ResourceNote note = new ResourceNote(ResourceNoteType.ADMIN, reason); resource.getResourceNotes().add(note); save(note); } else { reason = "reason not specified"; } String logMessage = String.format("%s id:%s deleted by:%s reason: %s", resource.getResourceType().name(), resource.getId(), authUser, reason); logResourceModification(resource, authUser, logMessage); delete(resource); } }