Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2001-2012. Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University. All Rights Reserved. * This software is published under the GPL GNU General Public License. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * This software was written for the * Department of Family Medicine * McMaster University * Hamilton * Ontario, Canada */ /* * * * Created on May 9, 2007, 4:08 PM * * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.tapestry.surveys; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.survey_component.actions.SurveyAction; import; import; import; import; import; import org.survey_component.source.SurveyParseException; import org.tapestry.utils.Utils; import org.tapestry.objects.SurveyResult; import org.tapestry.objects.SurveyTemplate; /** * Created on December 21, 2006, 10:47 AM * @author apavel (Paul) */ public class DoSurveyAction { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DoSurveyAction.class); public static final int SAVE_INTERVAL = 4; //number of questions /** * @return the next url to go to, excluding contextPath */ public static ModelAndView execute(HttpServletRequest request, String documentId, TapestryPHRSurvey currentSurvey, PHRSurvey templateSurvey) throws Exception { ModelAndView m = new ModelAndView(); final String questionId = request.getParameter("questionid"); String direction = request.getParameter("direction"); String observerNotes = request.getParameter("observernote"); if (direction == null) direction = "forward"; if (documentId == null) { logger.error("no selected survey? documentId=" + documentId); m.setViewName("failed"); return m; } String[] answerStrs = request.getParameterValues("answer"); String nextQuestionId = questionId; //if requested survey does not exist if (currentSurvey == null) { logger.error("Cannot find requested survey. documentId=" + documentId); m.setViewName("failed"); return m; } //if requested survey is completed if (currentSurvey.isComplete()) logger.error("trying to complete already completed survey?"); boolean saved = false; //if starting/continuing survey, clear session if (questionId == null) { //if just starting/continuing(from before) the survey, direct to last question String lastQuestionId; if (currentSurvey.getQuestions().size() == 0) { boolean moreQuestions = addNextQuestion(null, currentSurvey, templateSurvey); if (!moreQuestions) { logger.error("Survey has no questions?"); m.setViewName("failed"); return m; } } if (currentSurvey.isComplete()) { //if complete show first question lastQuestionId = currentSurvey.getQuestions().get(0).getId(); m.addObject("hideObservernote", true); } else { //if not complete show next question lastQuestionId = currentSurvey.getQuestions().get(currentSurvey.getQuestions().size() - 1).getId(); //logic for displaying Observer Notes button if (isFirstQuestionId(lastQuestionId, '0')) m.addObject("hideObservernote", true); else m.addObject("hideObservernote", false); } m.addObject("survey", currentSurvey); m.addObject("templateSurvey", templateSurvey); m.addObject("questionid", lastQuestionId); m.addObject("resultid", documentId); m.setViewName("/surveys/show_survey"); return m; } //end of questionId == null; String errMsg = null; //if continuing survey (just submitted an answer) if (questionId != null && direction.equalsIgnoreCase("forward")) { if (currentSurvey.getQuestionById(questionId).getQuestionType().equals(SurveyQuestion.ANSWER_CHECK) && answerStrs == null) answerStrs = new String[0]; if (answerStrs != null && (currentSurvey.getQuestionById(questionId).getQuestionType() .equals(SurveyQuestion.ANSWER_CHECK) || !answerStrs[0].equals(""))) { SurveyQuestion question = currentSurvey.getQuestionById(questionId); String questionText = question.getQuestionText(); //append observernote to question text if (!Utils.isNullOrEmpty(questionText)) { String separator = "/observernote/ "; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(questionText); sb.append(separator); sb.append(observerNotes); questionText = sb.toString(); question.setQuestionText(questionText); } ArrayList<SurveyAnswer> answers = convertToSurveyAnswers(answerStrs, question); boolean goodAnswerFormat = true; if (answers == null) goodAnswerFormat = false; //check each answer for validation if (goodAnswerFormat && question.validateAnswers(answers)) { boolean moreQuestions; //see if the user went back (if current question the last question in user's question profile) if (!currentSurvey.getQuestions().get(currentSurvey.getQuestions().size() - 1) .equals(question)) { ArrayList<SurveyAnswer> existingAnswers = currentSurvey.getQuestionById(questionId) .getAnswers(); //if user hit back, and then forward, and answer wasn't changed if (StringUtils.join(answerStrs, ", ").equals(StringUtils.join(existingAnswers, ", ")) || currentSurvey.isComplete()) { logger.debug("user hit back and went forward, no answer was changed"); moreQuestions = true; //if the user hit "back" and changed the answer - remove all questions after it } else { ArrayList<SurveyQuestion> tempquestions = new ArrayList<SurveyQuestion>(); //Create a temp array list to transfer answered questions //remove all future answers logger.debug("user hit back and changed an answer"); //clear all questions following it int currentSurveySize = currentSurvey.getQuestions().size(); //stores number of questions int currentQuestionIndex = currentSurvey.getQuestions().indexOf(question); //gets the current question index for (int i = currentQuestionIndex + 1; i < currentSurveySize; i++) { tempquestions.add(currentSurvey.getQuestions().get(currentQuestionIndex + 1)); currentSurvey.getQuestions().remove(currentQuestionIndex + 1); //goes through quesitons list and removes each question after it } //save answers modified/input by user into question question.setAnswers(answers); saved = true; //add new question moreQuestions = addNextQuestion(questionId, currentSurvey, templateSurvey); //check if old index and new index contain same questions in the same list int sizeofcurrentquestionslist = currentSurvey.getQuestions().size(); //Size of new getQuestions aftre removing future questions if (currentSurvey.getQuestions().get(sizeofcurrentquestionslist - 1).getId() .equals(tempquestions.get(0).getId())) { currentSurvey.getQuestions().remove(sizeofcurrentquestionslist - 1); for (int y = 0; y < tempquestions.size(); y++) currentSurvey.getQuestions().add(tempquestions.get(y)); moreQuestions = addNextQuestion(questionId, currentSurvey, templateSurvey); } //if same then replace temp list with new list //if not then add the one new item. } //if user didn't go back, and requesting the next question } else { logger.debug("user hit forward, and requested the next question"); question.setAnswers(answers); saved = true; moreQuestions = addNextQuestion(questionId, currentSurvey, templateSurvey); } //finished survey if (!moreQuestions) { if (!currentSurvey.isComplete()) { SurveyAction.updateSurveyResult(currentSurvey); m.addObject("survey_completed", true); m.addObject("survey", currentSurvey); m.addObject("templateSurvey", templateSurvey); m.addObject("questionid", questionId); m.addObject("resultid", documentId); m.addObject("message", "SURVEY FINISHED - Please click SUBMIT"); m.addObject("hideObservernote", false); m.setViewName("/surveys/show_survey"); return m; } else { m.addObject("survey", currentSurvey); m.addObject("templateSurvey", templateSurvey); m.addObject("questionid", questionId); m.addObject("resultid", documentId); m.addObject("message", "End of Survey"); m.addObject("hideObservernote", false); m.setViewName("/surveys/show_survey"); return m; } } int questionIndex = currentSurvey.getQuestionIndexbyId(questionId); nextQuestionId = currentSurvey.getQuestions().get(questionIndex + 1).getId(); logger.debug("Next question id: " + nextQuestionId); //save to indivo if (saved && questionIndex % SAVE_INTERVAL == 0 && !currentSurvey.isComplete()) SurveyAction.updateSurveyResult(currentSurvey); //if answer fails validation } // end of validation answers else { m.addObject("survey", currentSurvey); m.addObject("templateSurvey", templateSurvey); m.addObject("questionid", questionId); m.addObject("resultid", documentId); if (question.getRestriction() != null && question.getRestriction().getInstruction() != null) m.addObject("message", question.getRestriction().getInstruction()); m.addObject("hideObservernote", false); m.setViewName("/surveys/show_survey"); return m; } //if answer not specified, and hit forward } else errMsg = "You must supply an answer"; } //end of forward action else if (direction.equalsIgnoreCase("backward")) { int questionIndex = currentSurvey.getQuestionIndexbyId(questionId); if (questionIndex > 0) nextQuestionId = currentSurvey.getQuestions().get(questionIndex - 1).getId(); } //backward to the description page(before the first qustion) if ((questionId != null) && ("backward".equals(direction)) && (isFirstQuestionId(questionId, '0'))) m.addObject("hideObservernote", true); else m.addObject("hideObservernote", false); m.addObject("survey", currentSurvey); m.addObject("templateSurvey", templateSurvey); m.addObject("questionid", nextQuestionId); m.addObject("resultid", documentId); if (errMsg != null) m.addObject("message", errMsg); m.setViewName("/surveys/show_survey"); return m; } private static boolean isFirstQuestionId(String str, char c) { boolean isFirst = false; int length = str.length(); //'1' is only digital in string for backward direction, and '0' for forward direction if ((str.charAt(length - 1) == c) && Character.isLetter(str.charAt(length - 2))) isFirst = true; return isFirst; } private static boolean addNextQuestion(String currentQuestionId, TapestryPHRSurvey currentSurvey, PHRSurvey templateSurvey) throws SurveyException { SurveyQuestion nextQuestion; if (currentQuestionId == null) { if (templateSurvey.getQuestions().size() == 0) return false; nextQuestion = templateSurvey.getQuestions().get(0); } else { String nextQuestionId = currentSurvey.getNextQuestionId(currentQuestionId); if (nextQuestionId == null) return false; logger.debug("going to question id: " + nextQuestionId); nextQuestion = templateSurvey.getQuestionById(nextQuestionId); } currentSurvey.getQuestions().add(nextQuestion); return true; } private static ArrayList<SurveyAnswer> convertToSurveyAnswers(String[] answers, SurveyQuestion question) throws SurveyParseException { ArrayList<SurveyAnswer> surveyAnswers = new ArrayList<SurveyAnswer>(); SurveyAnswerFactory answerFactory = new SurveyAnswerFactory(); SurveyAnswer answerObj; for (String answer : answers) { answerObj = answerFactory.getSurveyAnswer(question.getQuestionType(), answer); if (answerObj == null) return null; else surveyAnswers.add(answerObj); } return surveyAnswers; } public static TapestrySurveyMap getSurveyMapAndStoreInSession(HttpServletRequest request, List<SurveyResult> surveyResults, List<SurveyTemplate> surveyTemplates) { TapestrySurveyMap userSurveys = (TapestrySurveyMap) request.getSession() .getAttribute("session_survey_list"); //if survey list not in the session, retrieve from server if (userSurveys == null) { userSurveys = new TapestrySurveyMap(getSurveyResultsList(surveyResults, surveyTemplates)); request.getSession().setAttribute("session_survey_list", userSurveys); } return (userSurveys); } public static TapestrySurveyMap getSurveyMap(HttpServletRequest request) { TapestrySurveyMap userSurveys = (TapestrySurveyMap) request.getSession() .getAttribute("session_survey_list"); return userSurveys; } public static List<TapestryPHRSurvey> getSurveyResultsList(List<SurveyResult> surveyResults, List<SurveyTemplate> surveyTemplates) { List<TapestryPHRSurvey> results = new ArrayList<TapestryPHRSurvey>(); for (SurveyResult tempResult : surveyResults) { try { tempResult.processMumpsResults(tempResult); TapestryPHRSurvey temp = SurveyActionMumps.toPhrSurvey(surveyTemplates, tempResult); results.add(temp); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error", e); } } return (results); } }