Source code

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package org.talend.metadata.managment.hive;

import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.talend.core.GlobalServiceRegister;
import org.talend.core.ILibraryManagerService;
import org.talend.core.classloader.ClassLoaderFactory;
import org.talend.core.classloader.DynamicClassLoader;
import org.talend.core.database.conn.ConnParameterKeys;
import org.talend.core.hadoop.EHadoopConfigurationJars;
import org.talend.core.model.metadata.IMetadataConnection;
import org.talend.core.model.metadata.connection.hive.HiveConnUtils;
import org.talend.metadata.managment.connection.manager.DatabaseConnConstants;

 * <pre>
 * This factory is used to get the class loaders for hive by the different index.
 * </pre>
 * <pre>
 * <li>For hive server one, the index format should be like this: <B>HIVE:HORTONWORKS:HDP_1_0:EMBEDDED</B>. 
 * <li>For hive server two, the index format should be like this: <B>HIVE2:HORTONWORKS:HDP_1_0:EMBEDDED</B>.
 * </pre>
 * Created by Marvin Wang on Mar 12, 2013.
public class HiveClassLoaderFactory {

    private static HiveClassLoaderFactory instance = null;

    private final static String PATH_SEPARATOR = "/"; //$NON-NLS-1$

    private HiveClassLoaderFactory() {

     * Gets an instance of <code>HiveClassLoaderFactory</code>, which is synchronized. Added by Marvin Wang on Mar 12,
     * 2013.
     * @return
    public static synchronized HiveClassLoaderFactory getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new HiveClassLoaderFactory();
        return instance;

     * Gets an instance of <code>ClassLoader</code> by the given argument, it invokes {
     * {@link #getHive1ClassLoader(IMetadataConnection)} and {@link #getHive2ClassLoader(IMetadataConnection)}. Added by
     * Marvin Wang on Mar 13, 2013.
     * @param metadataConn
     * @return
    public ClassLoader getClassLoader(IMetadataConnection metadataConn) {
        if (!Platform.isRunning()) {
            return ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
        ClassLoader classloader = null;
        String url = metadataConn.getUrl();

        // url = "jdbc:hive2://";
        if (url != null) {
            if (url.startsWith(DatabaseConnConstants.HIVE_2_URL_FORMAT)) {
                classloader = getHive2ClassLoader(metadataConn);
            } else if (url.startsWith(DatabaseConnConstants.HIVE_1_URL_FORMAT)) {
                classloader = getHive1ClassLoader(metadataConn);
            } else {
                // do nothing

        appendExtraJars(metadataConn, classloader);

        return classloader;

     * DOC ycbai Comment method "appendExtraJars".
     * <p>
     * Add the extra jars which hive connection needed like when creating a hive embedded connection with kerberos.
     * </p>
     * @param metadataConn
     * @param classLoader
    private void appendExtraJars(IMetadataConnection metadataConn, ClassLoader classLoader) {
        if (classLoader instanceof DynamicClassLoader) {
            DynamicClassLoader loader = (DynamicClassLoader) classLoader;
            loadConfigurationJars(metadataConn, loader);
            loadAuthDriverJars(metadataConn, loader);

    private void loadConfigurationJars(IMetadataConnection metadataConn, DynamicClassLoader loader) {
        String distroKey = (String) metadataConn.getParameter(ConnParameterKeys.CONN_PARA_KEY_HIVE_DISTRIBUTION);
        if (HiveConnUtils.isCustomDistro(distroKey)) {

        Object[] configurationJars;
        String useKrb = (String) metadataConn.getParameter(ConnParameterKeys.CONN_PARA_KEY_USE_KRB);
        if (Boolean.valueOf(useKrb)) {
            configurationJars = EHadoopConfigurationJars.HIVE.getEnableSecurityJars();
        } else {
            configurationJars = EHadoopConfigurationJars.HIVE.getDisableSecurityJars();

        String executionEngine = (String) metadataConn.getParameter(ConnParameterKeys.HIVE_EXECUTION_ENGINE);
        EHiveExecutionTypes executionType = EHiveExecutionTypes.getTypeFromValue(executionEngine);
        if (Boolean.valueOf(EHiveExecutionTypes.TEZ.equals(executionType))) {
            String hiveVersion = (String) metadataConn.getParameter(ConnParameterKeys.CONN_PARA_KEY_HIVE_VERSION);
            String[] tezJars = EHiveWithTezJars.getJarsByVersion(hiveVersion);
            if (tezJars != null) {
                configurationJars = ArrayUtils.addAll(configurationJars, tezJars);

        ILibraryManagerService librairesManagerService = (ILibraryManagerService) GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault()
        String libStorePath = loader.getLibStorePath();
        for (Object dependentJar : configurationJars) {
            librairesManagerService.retrieve((String) dependentJar, libStorePath, true, new NullProgressMonitor());
            String jarPath = libStorePath + PATH_SEPARATOR + dependentJar;
            File jarFile = new File(jarPath);
            if (jarFile.exists()) {

    private void loadAuthDriverJars(IMetadataConnection metadataConn, DynamicClassLoader loader) {
        Set<String> libraries = loader.getLibraries();
        String driverJarPath = (String) metadataConn
        if (driverJarPath != null) {
            final File driverJar = new File(driverJarPath);
            if (driverJar.exists()) {
                if (!libraries.contains(driverJar)) {

     * Gets the class loader for different version by the given parameters for hive1 server. Added by Marvin Wang on Mar
     * 12, 2013.
     * @param metadataConn
     * @return
    protected ClassLoader getHive1ClassLoader(IMetadataConnection metadataConn) {
        ClassLoader loader = null;
        // For hive embedded model, all parameters below should not be null, if null, then need to check.
        String distroKey = (String) metadataConn.getParameter(ConnParameterKeys.CONN_PARA_KEY_HIVE_DISTRIBUTION);
        String distroVersion = (String) metadataConn.getParameter(ConnParameterKeys.CONN_PARA_KEY_HIVE_VERSION);
        String hiveModel = (String) metadataConn.getParameter(ConnParameterKeys.CONN_PARA_KEY_HIVE_MODE);
        if (HiveConnUtils.isCustomDistro(distroKey)) {
            String jarsStr = (String) metadataConn.getParameter(ConnParameterKeys.CONN_PARA_KEY_HADOOP_CUSTOM_JARS);
            String index = "HadoopCustomVersion:Hive:" + metadataConn.getId(); //$NON-NLS-1$
            loader = ClassLoaderFactory.getCustomClassLoader(index, jarsStr);
        } else {
            String index = "HIVE" + ":" + distroKey + ":" + distroVersion + ":" + hiveModel; //$NON-NLS-1$  //$NON-NLS-2$  //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ 
            loader = ClassLoaderFactory.getClassLoader(index);
            // If there is no class loader gotten by index, then use the current classloader.
            if (loader == null) {
                loader = HiveClassLoaderFactory.class.getClassLoader();

        return loader;

     * Added by Marvin Wang on Mar 27, 2013.
     * @param metadataConn
     * @return
    protected ClassLoader getHive2ClassLoader(IMetadataConnection metadataConn) {
        ClassLoader loader = null;
        // For hive embedded model, all parameters below should not be null, if null, then need to check.
        String distroKey = (String) metadataConn.getParameter(ConnParameterKeys.CONN_PARA_KEY_HIVE_DISTRIBUTION);
        String distroVersion = (String) metadataConn.getParameter(ConnParameterKeys.CONN_PARA_KEY_HIVE_VERSION);
        String hiveModel = (String) metadataConn.getParameter(ConnParameterKeys.CONN_PARA_KEY_HIVE_MODE);

        if (HiveConnUtils.isCustomDistro(distroKey)) {
            String jarsStr = (String) metadataConn.getParameter(ConnParameterKeys.CONN_PARA_KEY_HADOOP_CUSTOM_JARS);
            String index = "HadoopCustomVersion:Hive2:" + metadataConn.getId(); //$NON-NLS-1$
            loader = ClassLoaderFactory.getCustomClassLoader(index, jarsStr);
        } else {
            String index = "HIVE2" + ":" + distroKey + ":" + distroVersion + ":" + hiveModel; //$NON-NLS-1$  //$NON-NLS-2$  //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ 
            loader = ClassLoaderFactory.getClassLoader(index);
            // If there is no class loader gotten by index, then use the current classloader.
            if (loader == null) {
                loader = HiveClassLoaderFactory.class.getClassLoader();

        return loader;