Java tutorial
// ============================================================================ // // Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Talend Inc. - // // This source code is available under agreement available at // %InstallDIR%\features\org.talend.rcp.branding.%PRODUCTNAME%\%PRODUCTNAME%license.txt // // You should have received a copy of the agreement // along with this program; if not, write to Talend SA // 9 rue Pages 92150 Suresnes, France // // ============================================================================ package org.talend.designer.maven.utils; import; import; import; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarInputStream; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.talend.core.GlobalServiceRegister; import; import org.talend.core.runtime.process.ITalendProcessJavaProject; import org.talend.designer.runprocess.IRunProcessService; /** * DOC zwxue class global comment. Detailled comment */ public class ClasspathsJarGenerator { private static final String CLASSPATHS_JAR_NAME = "classpath.jar"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String SLASH = "/"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Manifest classpath separator */ private static final String BLANK = " "; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static IRunProcessService service; public static String createJar(Property property, String classpath) throws Exception { return createJar(property, classpath, BLANK); } public static String createJar(Property property, String classpath, String separator) throws Exception { String newClasspath = generateClasspathForManifest(classpath, separator); Manifest manifest = new Manifest(); Attributes a = manifest.getMainAttributes(); a.put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0"); //$NON-NLS-1$ a.put(Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR, "Talend Open Studio"); //$NON-NLS-1$ a.put(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH, newClasspath); String jarLocation = getJarLocation(property); File jarFile = new File(jarLocation); if (!jarFile.exists()) { jarFile.createNewFile(); } JarOutputStream stream = null; try { stream = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jarLocation), manifest); stream.flush(); } finally { stream.close(); } return getFinalClasspath(classpath, separator, jarLocation); } private static String generateClasspathForManifest(String classpath, String separator) throws Exception { if (BLANK.equals(separator)) { return classpath; } String[] classpathArray = classpath.split(separator); StringBuilder newClasspath = new StringBuilder(); for (String cp : classpathArray) { if (cp.endsWith(".jar") || cp.endsWith(".exe")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // files should be start with / cp = prepend(cp); } else if (!cp.endsWith(".")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ // directory need to wrap with / cp = wrapWithSlash(cp); } // cp = StringUtils.replace(cp, " ", "%20"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ newClasspath.append(cp + BLANK); } return newClasspath.toString().trim(); } private static String getFinalClasspath(String classpath, String separator, String jarLocation) throws Exception { if (BLANK.equals(separator)) { return jarLocation; } String[] classpathArray = classpath.split(separator); StringBuilder finalClasspath = new StringBuilder(); finalClasspath.append(jarLocation + separator); for (String cp : classpathArray) { Path path = new Path(cp); if ((path.lastSegment().startsWith("hadoop-common") //$NON-NLS-1$ || path.lastSegment().startsWith("hadoop-mapreduce-client-core") //$NON-NLS-1$ || path.lastSegment().startsWith("hadoop-core")) //$NON-NLS-1$ && path.lastSegment().endsWith(".jar")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ // files should be start with / cp = prepend(cp); finalClasspath.append(cp + separator); } } return finalClasspath.toString().trim(); } public static String getClasspathFromManifest(Property property) throws Exception { String jarLocation = getJarLocation(property); JarInputStream stream = null; try { stream = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(jarLocation)); Manifest manifest = stream.getManifest(); String classpath = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH); return classpath; } finally { if (stream != null) { stream.close(); } } } private static String wrapWithSlash(String str) { str = StringUtils.strip(str, SLASH); str = StringUtils.wrap(str, SLASH); return str; } private static String prepend(String str) { str = StringUtils.prependIfMissing(str, SLASH); return str; } private static String getJarLocation(Property property) { ITalendProcessJavaProject jobProject = getRunProcessService().getTalendJobJavaProject(property); String jarLocation = jobProject.getTargetFolder().getFile(CLASSPATHS_JAR_NAME).getLocation() .toPortableString(); return jarLocation; } private static IRunProcessService getRunProcessService() { if (service == null) { if (GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().isServiceRegistered(IRunProcessService.class)) { service = (IRunProcessService) GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault() .getService(IRunProcessService.class); } } return service; } }