Java tutorial
// ============================================================================ // // Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Talend Inc. - // // This source code is available under agreement available at // %InstallDIR%\features\org.talend.rcp.branding.%PRODUCTNAME%\%PRODUCTNAME%license.txt // // You should have received a copy of the agreement // along with this program; if not, write to Talend SA // 9 rue Pages 92150 Suresnes, France // // ============================================================================ package org.talend.designer.core.model.components; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.talend.commons.ui.runtime.exception.ExceptionHandler; import org.talend.commons.utils.StringUtils; import org.talend.commons.utils.system.EnvironmentUtils; import org.talend.core.PluginChecker; import org.talend.core.language.LanguageManager; import org.talend.core.model.metadata.IMetadataColumn; import org.talend.core.model.metadata.IMetadataTable; import org.talend.core.model.metadata.types.JavaTypesManager; import org.talend.core.model.process.EConnectionType; import org.talend.core.model.process.EParameterFieldType; import org.talend.core.model.process.ElementParameterParser; import org.talend.core.model.process.IConnection; import org.talend.core.model.process.IConnectionCategory; import org.talend.core.model.process.IElement; import org.talend.core.model.process.IElementParameter; import org.talend.core.model.process.INode; import org.talend.hadoop.distribution.DistributionFactory; /** * This class will test an expression in the element parameters. <br> * The expression can be for example: <br> * ((VAR1 == 'value1' and VAR2 == 'value2') or (VAR3 != 'value3')) or (VAR4 == 'value4') <br> * With VAR1, VAR2, VAR3 & VAR4 as the name of differents parameters and 'value1'.. the values to test. (values must be * between quotes)<br> * * $Id$ * */ public final class Expression { private Expression leftExpression; private Expression rightExpression; private String condition; // and / or private String expressionString; private boolean valid; private static final String AND = "and"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String OR = "or"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String EQUALS = "=="; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String NOT_EQUALS = "!="; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String GREAT_THAN = ">"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String LESS_THAN = "<"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final Pattern isShowFuncPattern = Pattern.compile("isShow\\[(\\w+)(\\.\\w+)*\\]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ private Expression(String expressionString) { this.expressionString = expressionString; } private String getExpressionString() { return this.expressionString; } private void setExpressionString(String value) { this.expressionString = value; } private String getCondition() { return this.condition; } private void setCondition(String condition) { this.condition = condition; } private Expression getLeftExpression() { return this.leftExpression; } private void setLeftExpression(Expression leftExpression) { this.leftExpression = leftExpression; } private Expression getRightExpression() { return this.rightExpression; } private void setRightExpression(Expression rightExpression) { this.rightExpression = rightExpression; } private boolean isValid() { return this.valid; } private void setValid(boolean value) { this.valid = value; } public static boolean evaluate(final String string, List<? extends IElementParameter> listParam) { return evaluate(string, listParam, null); } public static boolean evaluate(final String string, List<? extends IElementParameter> listParam, ElementParameter curParam) { if (Boolean.FALSE.toString().equals(string)) { return false; } if (Boolean.TRUE.toString().equals(string)) { return true; } if (string.contains("(") //$NON-NLS-1$ && (isThereCondition(string, AND) || isThereCondition(string, OR))) { return evaluateExpression(new Expression(string), listParam, curParam).isValid(); } else { String newValue; // remove brackets newValue = string.replace("(", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ newValue = newValue.replace(")", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return evaluateSimpleExpression(newValue, listParam, curParam); } } public static boolean isThereCondition(String expression, String condition) { // example for the reg exp: (.*)[')][ ]*or[ ]*[\w(](.*) String refixReg = "(.*)[') ][ ]*"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String suffixReg = "[ ]*[ (](.*)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (expression.matches(refixReg + condition + suffixReg)) { return true; } if (expression.matches(refixReg + condition.toUpperCase() + suffixReg)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Only works for any check in the schema actually, and only for DB_TYPE. Syntax should be like: * * SCHEMA.DB_TYPE IN ['BLOB','CLOB'] * * * @param simpleExpression * @return */ private static boolean evaluateInExpression(String simpleExpression, List<? extends IElementParameter> listParam) { String[] strings = null; if (simpleExpression.contains(" IN [")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ strings = simpleExpression.split(" IN \\["); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { strings = simpleExpression.split(" IN\\["); //$NON-NLS-1$ } String[] splittedString = strings[0].split("\\."); //$NON-NLS-1$ String parameterName = splittedString[0]; // take parameter name (SCHEMA in example here) String variableToTest = splittedString[1]; // we take only the value DB_TYPE IElementParameter currentParam = null; for (IElementParameter param : listParam) { if (param.getName().equals(parameterName)) { currentParam = param; break; } } if (currentParam == null) { currentParam = listParam.get(0); // take the first one, in all case we only } // want to get the element linked String valuesToTest = strings[1].substring(0, strings[1].length() - 1); // string must be like: // 'BLOB','CLOB'] // so remove the last ] String[] values = valuesToTest.split("'"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (values.length > 1) { // in this case we have something like: 'A','B','C' first, then values will be // like: <empty> / A / , / B / , / C / <empty> if ("SCHEMA".equals(parameterName) && variableToTest.contains("DB_TYPE")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ IElement element = currentParam.getElement(); if (element == null || (!(element instanceof INode))) { throwUnsupportedExpression(simpleExpression, currentParam); return false; } INode node = (INode) element; for (String value : values) { if (value.isEmpty() || value.trim().equals(",")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ continue; } for (IMetadataTable table : node.getMetadataList()) { for (IMetadataColumn column : table.getListColumns()) { if (column.getType() != null && column.getType().equals(value)) { return true; } } } } } else if (currentParam.getFieldType() == EParameterFieldType.TABLE) { if (ArrayUtils.contains(currentParam.getListItemsDisplayCodeName(), variableToTest)) { List<Map<String, Object>> allLines = (List<Map<String, Object>>) currentParam.getValue(); for (Map<String, Object> line : allLines) { // for each line, check if the column we want have one of the value defined in the "IN". Object o = line.get(variableToTest); if (o != null && (o instanceof String)) { String currentValue = (String) o; for (String value : values) { if (value.isEmpty() || value.trim().equals(",")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ continue; } if (currentValue.equals(value)) { return true; } } } } } } else { throwUnsupportedExpression(simpleExpression, currentParam); } } return false; } private static void throwUnsupportedExpression(String simpleExpression, IElementParameter currentParam) { if (currentParam != null && currentParam.getElement() != null) { ExceptionHandler.process(new Exception("Element: '" + currentParam.getElement().getElementName() //$NON-NLS-1$ + "' does not support expression '" + simpleExpression + "'")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } else { ExceptionHandler.process(new Exception("Expression '" + simpleExpression + "' not supported")); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ } } private static boolean evaluateSimpleExpression(String simpleExpression, List<? extends IElementParameter> listParam, ElementParameter currentParam) { boolean showParameter = false; String test = null; if (simpleExpression.contains(EQUALS)) { test = EQUALS; } else if (simpleExpression.contains(NOT_EQUALS)) { test = NOT_EQUALS; } else if (simpleExpression.contains(GREAT_THAN)) { test = GREAT_THAN; } else if (simpleExpression.contains(LESS_THAN)) { test = LESS_THAN; } if ((simpleExpression.contains(" IN [") || //$NON-NLS-1$ simpleExpression.contains(" IN[")) && simpleExpression.endsWith("]")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return evaluateInExpression(simpleExpression, listParam); } if ((simpleExpression.contains("DISTRIB["))) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return evaluateDistrib(simpleExpression, listParam, currentParam); } List<String> paraNames = getParaNamesFromIsShowFunc(simpleExpression); if (paraNames.size() > 0) { // Here only be one isShow() function since it has been already split. String paraName = paraNames.get(0); try { checkIsShowLoop(paraName, simpleExpression, listParam, currentParam, null); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.process(e); return false; } for (IElementParameter param : listParam) { if (paraName != null && paraName.equals(param.getName())) { return param.isShow(param.getShowIf(), param.getNotShowIf(), listParam); } } } if (test == null) { throwUnsupportedExpression(simpleExpression, currentParam); return false; } String[] strings = simpleExpression.split(test); String variableName = null, variableValue = null; for (String string2 : strings) { String string = string2.trim(); if (string.contains("'")) { // value //$NON-NLS-1$ variableValue = string; variableValue = variableValue.substring(1, string.lastIndexOf("'")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { variableName = string; } } /* * this is only for Current OS condition. */ if (variableName != null && EParameterName.CURRENT_OS.getName().equals(variableName)) { if (variableValue != null) { if (EQUALS.endsWith(test)) { return checkCurrentOS(variableValue); } else if (NOT_EQUALS.equals(test)) { return !checkCurrentOS(variableValue); } } } if (listParam == null) { return false; } /* * this only used to check is EE version or not */ if ("IS_STUDIO_EE_VERSION".equals(variableName)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ boolean isTIS = PluginChecker.isTIS(); if ("true".equals(variableValue)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return isTIS; } else { return !isTIS; } } /* * this only used to check is IPAAS Components are Loaded or not */ if ("IS_STUDIO_IPAAS_VERSION".equals(variableName)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ boolean isIPaas = PluginChecker.isIPaasPluginLoaded(); if ("true".equals(variableValue)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return isIPaas; } else { return !isIPaas; } } // 3 levels of variable name accepted maximum (ex: MY_VAR.TABLE.FIELD == 'test') String[] varNames; varNames = StringUtils.split(variableName, '.'); // wyang: only for bug:9055, to search the related Node, for example tFTPGet wants to check tFTPConnection info // variableName like: #LINK@NODE.CONNECTION.SFTP ----->it is a checkbox in tFTPConnection // #LINK@NODE, #PREVIOUS@NODE, #NEXT@NODE ----->implement them later if ((variableName != null) && (variableValue != null)) { if (varNames[0].equals("#LINK@NODE")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ INode node = null; if (currentParam != null && currentParam.getElement() instanceof INode) { node = (INode) currentParam.getElement(); } else if (currentParam == null) { if (listParam != null && listParam.size() > 0) { IElement element = listParam.get(0).getElement(); if (element instanceof INode) { node = (INode) element; } } } if (node != null) { String relatedNodeName = ElementParameterParser.getValue(node, "__" + varNames[1] + "__"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // if relatedNodeName is empty, maybe means this property have not been setted if (relatedNodeName != null && !relatedNodeName.trim().isEmpty()) { List<? extends INode> generatingNodes = node.getProcess().getGeneratingNodes(); for (INode aNode : generatingNodes) { if (aNode.getUniqueName().equals(relatedNodeName)) { simpleExpression = simpleExpression.replace(varNames[0] + "." + varNames[1] + ".", //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ List<? extends IElementParameter> elementParameters = aNode.getElementParameters(); // let's supose the currentParam = null, there won't want deal with the TABLE field, // only deal with LIST/CHECKBOX return evaluate(simpleExpression, elementParameters); } } } } } /* * TESB-6240 GangLiu Test the connection configuration. */ else if ("#LINK@CONNECTOR".equals(varNames[0])) { //$NON-NLS-1$ if (listParam != null && listParam.size() > 0) { IElement element = listParam.get(0).getElement(); if (element != null && element instanceof INode) { INode node = (INode) element; if (varNames.length > 2 && varNames[1] != null && varNames[2] != null) { // read in/out connection type accounts List<? extends IConnection> connections = new ArrayList<IConnection>(); if ("IN".equals(varNames[1]) || "OUT".equals(varNames[1])) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ if ("IN".equals(varNames[1])) { //$NON-NLS-1$ if ("ANY".equals(varNames[2])) { //$NON-NLS-1$ connections = node.getIncomingConnections(); } else { connections = node .getIncomingConnections(EConnectionType.valueOf(varNames[2])); } } else { if ("ANY".equals(varNames[2])) { //$NON-NLS-1$ connections = node.getOutgoingConnections(); } else { connections = node .getOutgoingConnections(EConnectionType.valueOf(varNames[2])); } } try { int connSize = connections.size(); int targetNumber = Integer.parseInt(variableValue); if (GREAT_THAN.equals(test)) { return connSize > targetNumber; } else if (LESS_THAN.equals(test)) { return connSize < targetNumber; } else if (EQUALS.equals(test)) { return connSize == targetNumber; } else if (NOT_EQUALS.equals(test)) { return connSize != targetNumber; } } catch (Exception e) { } } else { // read specific connection parameter connections = node.getOutgoingConnections(EConnectionType.valueOf(varNames[1])); for (IConnection c : connections) { IElementParameter elementParameter = c.getElementParameter(varNames[2]); if (variableValue.equals(elementParameter.getValue())) { return true; } } } } } } return false; } // End of TESB-6240 else if ("#NODE@IN".equals(varNames[0])) { //$NON-NLS-1$ if (listParam != null && listParam.size() > 0) { IElement element = listParam.get(0).getElement(); if (element != null && element instanceof IConnection) { INode sourceNode = ((IConnection) element).getSource(); // change from: #NODE@IN.SUBTREE_START == 'false' // to: SUBTREE_START == 'false' simpleExpression = simpleExpression.replace(varNames[0] + ".", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return evaluate(simpleExpression, sourceNode.getElementParameters()); } } } else if ("#NODE@OUT".equals(varNames[0])) { //$NON-NLS-1$ if (listParam != null && listParam.size() > 0) { IElement element = listParam.get(0).getElement(); if (element != null && element instanceof IConnection) { INode sourceNode = ((IConnection) element).getTarget(); // change from: #NODE@OUT.END_OF_FLOW == 'false' // to: END_OF_FLOW == 'false' simpleExpression = simpleExpression.replace(varNames[0] + ".", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return evaluate(simpleExpression, sourceNode.getElementParameters()); } } } } if ((variableName != null) && (variableValue != null)) { for (IElementParameter param : listParam) { if (param.getName().equals(varNames[0])) { IElementParameter testedParameter = param; Object value = null; boolean found = false; if (param.getFieldType().equals(EParameterFieldType.TABLE)) { List<Map<String, Object>> tableValues = (List<Map<String, Object>>) param.getValue(); if (currentParam == null) { continue; } if (tableValues.size() <= currentParam.getCurrentRow()) { break; } Map<String, Object> currentRow = tableValues.get(currentParam.getCurrentRow()); if (currentRow.containsKey(varNames[1])) { for (Object curObj : param.getListItemsValue()) { if (curObj instanceof IElementParameter) { IElementParameter testParam = (IElementParameter) curObj; if (testParam.getName().equals(varNames[1])) { testedParameter = testParam; break; } } } if (varNames.length == 2) { // simple value value = currentRow.get(varNames[1]); } else { if ("TYPE".equals(varNames[2])) { //$NON-NLS-1$ IMetadataTable baseTable = null; IMetadataColumn baseColumn = null; INode node; Object obj = currentRow.get(testedParameter.getName()); String columnName = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (obj instanceof String) { columnName = (String) obj; } else if (obj instanceof Integer) { int index = (Integer) obj; if (index < testedParameter.getListItemsDisplayName().length && index >= 0) { columnName = testedParameter.getListItemsDisplayName()[(Integer) obj]; } } if (currentParam.getElement() instanceof INode) { node = (INode) currentParam.getElement(); switch (testedParameter.getFieldType()) { case COLUMN_LIST: baseTable = node.getMetadataList().get(0); break; case PREV_COLUMN_LIST: IConnection connection = null; for (int i = 0; i < node.getIncomingConnections().size(); i++) { IConnection curConnec = node.getIncomingConnections().get(i); if (curConnec.getLineStyle() == EConnectionType.FLOW_MAIN) { connection = curConnec; break; } } if (connection != null) { baseTable = connection.getMetadataTable(); } break; case LOOKUP_COLUMN_LIST: List<IConnection> refConnections = new ArrayList<IConnection>(); for (int i = 0; i < node.getIncomingConnections().size(); i++) { IConnection curConnec = node.getIncomingConnections().get(i); if (curConnec.getLineStyle() == EConnectionType.FLOW_REF) { refConnections.add(curConnec); } } for (IConnection curConnec : refConnections) { IMetadataTable table = curConnec.getMetadataTable(); for (IMetadataColumn column : table.getListColumns()) { String name = curConnec.getName() + "." + column.getLabel(); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (name.equals(columnName)) { baseColumn = column; } } } break; default: } if (baseTable != null) { for (IMetadataColumn column : baseTable.getListColumns()) { if (column.getLabel().equals(columnName)) { baseColumn = column; break; } } } if (baseColumn != null) { switch (LanguageManager.getCurrentLanguage()) { case JAVA: value = JavaTypesManager.getTypeToGenerate( baseColumn.getTalendType(), baseColumn.isNullable()); break; default: value = baseColumn.getTalendType(); } if (value.equals(variableValue)) { found = true; } } } } } } } else if (param.getFieldType().equals(EParameterFieldType.PROPERTY_TYPE) || param.getFieldType().equals(EParameterFieldType.SCHEMA_TYPE) || param.getFieldType().equals(EParameterFieldType.QUERYSTORE_TYPE) || param.getFieldType().equals(EParameterFieldType.ENCODING_TYPE)) { boolean child = false; Map<String, IElementParameter> childParameters = param.getChildParameters(); if ("PROPERTY".equals(param.getName()) //$NON-NLS-1$ || EParameterFieldType.PROPERTY_TYPE == param.getFieldType()) { if (childParameters != null) { IElementParameter iElementParameter = childParameters.get("PROPERTY_TYPE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (iElementParameter != null) { Object value2 = iElementParameter.getValue(); if (variableValue.equals(value2.toString())) { child = true; found = true; value = value2.toString(); } } } } if (varNames.length > 1 && varNames[1] != null) { IElementParameter tempParam = childParameters.get(varNames[1]); if (tempParam != null) { value = tempParam.getValue(); if (value.equals(variableValue)) { found = true; } child = true; } } if (!child) { value = testedParameter.getValue(); } } else { value = testedParameter.getValue(); } if (value instanceof Integer) { if (((Integer) value) < testedParameter.getListItemsValue().length) { value = testedParameter.getListItemsValue()[(Integer) value]; } } if (value instanceof String) { if (variableValue.equals(value)) { found = true; } else if (testedParameter.getListItemsValue() instanceof Object[]) { Object[] values = testedParameter.getListItemsValue(); for (int i = 0; i < values.length && !found; i++) { if (values[i].equals(value)) { String variableCode = testedParameter.getListItemsDisplayCodeName()[i]; if (variableCode.equals(variableValue)) { found = true; } } } } } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { Boolean tmpValue = new Boolean(variableValue); if (tmpValue.equals(value)) { found = true; } } if (found) { if (test.equals(EQUALS)) { showParameter = true; } } else { if (test.equals(NOT_EQUALS)) { showParameter = true; } } break; } } if (currentParam != null && "INCOMING_LINK_TYPE".equals(variableName)) {//$NON-NLS-1$ IElement element = currentParam.getElement(); if (element != null && element instanceof INode) { INode node = (INode) element; if (node.getComponent() != null && "tPigLoad".equals(node.getComponent().getName())) { //$NON-NLS-1$ List<IConnection> connectionsInputs = (List<IConnection>) node.getIncomingConnections(); for (IConnection connection : connectionsInputs) { if (connection.isActivate() && connection.getLineStyle().hasConnectionCategory(IConnectionCategory.MAIN) && variableValue.toUpperCase().equals(connection.getConnectorName())) { showParameter = true; } } } } } } return showParameter; } private static INode retrieveNodeElementFromParameter(ElementParameter currentParam, List<? extends IElementParameter> listParam) { if (currentParam != null && currentParam.getElement() instanceof INode) { return (INode) currentParam.getElement(); } else if (currentParam == null) { if (listParam != null && listParam.size() > 0) { IElement element = listParam.get(0).getElement(); if (element instanceof INode) { return (INode) element; } } } return null; } private static String retrieveLinkedParamName(String parameter) { return parameter.replace(parameter.split("\\.")[0] + "." + parameter.split("\\.")[1] + ".", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ //$NON-NLS-5$ } private static List<? extends IElementParameter> retrieveLinkedParameters(ElementParameter currentParam, List<? extends IElementParameter> listParam, String distributionParam) { INode node = retrieveNodeElementFromParameter(currentParam, listParam); if (node != null) { String relatedNodeName = ElementParameterParser.getValue(node, "__" + distributionParam.split("\\.")[1] + "__"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ // if relatedNodeName is empty, maybe means this property have not been setted if (relatedNodeName != null && !relatedNodeName.trim().isEmpty()) { for (INode aNode : node.getProcess().getGeneratingNodes()) { if (aNode.getUniqueName().equals(relatedNodeName)) { return aNode.getElementParameters(); } } } } return listParam; } // should be private, but need to unitary tested public static boolean evaluateDistrib(String simpleExpression, List<? extends IElementParameter> listParam, ElementParameter currentParam) { boolean positiveAssertion = !simpleExpression.trim().startsWith("!"); //$NON-NLS-1$ String args = (simpleExpression.split("\\[")[1]).split("\\]")[0]; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ String distributionParam = args.split(",")[0].trim(); //$NON-NLS-1$ String versionParam = args.split(",")[1].trim(); //$NON-NLS-1$ // both distributionParam and versionParam are simple or both are link. Everything else is an error. if (distributionParam.startsWith("#LINK@NODE") != versionParam.startsWith("#LINK@NODE")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return false; } List<? extends IElementParameter> effectiveListParam = listParam; if (distributionParam.startsWith("#LINK@NODE") && versionParam.startsWith("#LINK@NODE")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // Handle the #LINK@NODE effectiveListParam = retrieveLinkedParameters(currentParam, listParam, distributionParam); distributionParam = retrieveLinkedParamName(distributionParam); versionParam = retrieveLinkedParamName(versionParam); } // distributionParam and versionParam should not be null, but I prefer to be sure String distribution = null; String version = null; if ((distributionParam != null) && (versionParam != null)) { // Handle the normal case for (IElementParameter param : effectiveListParam) { if (distributionParam.equals(param.getName())) { distribution = (String) param.getValue(); } if (versionParam.equals(param.getName())) { version = (String) param.getValue(); } } } // No distribution found => error case if (distribution == null) { return false; } String methodName = simpleExpression.split("\\].")[1].split("\\[")[0]; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return executeBooleanMethod(methodName, distribution, version, positiveAssertion); } /** * Execute a methode for a given distribution and version. This function must return a booelan * * @param methodName the name of the method * @param distribution the name of the distribution * @param version the name of the version * @positiveAssertion if we are on a positive assertion. A negative one will inverse the return of the method, * except on an error case. * @return */ private static boolean executeBooleanMethod(String methodName, String distribution, String version, boolean positiveAssertion) { try { boolean ret = DistributionFactory.executeBooleanMethod(methodName, distribution, version); return positiveAssertion ? ret : !ret; } catch (Exception e) { org.talend.commons.exception.ExceptionHandler.process(e); } // return false on error case, even when we are and a negative assertion return false; } private static List<String> getParaNamesFromIsShowFunc(String expr) { List<String> paraNames = new ArrayList<String>(); if (expr == null) { return paraNames; } Matcher matcher = isShowFuncPattern.matcher(expr); while (matcher.find()) { String paraName = + ( == null ? "" :; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (!paraNames.contains(paraName)) { paraNames.add(paraName); } } return paraNames; } private static void checkIsShowLoop(String testParamName, String expression, List<? extends IElementParameter> listParam, IElementParameter currentParam, List<String> testedParaNames) throws Exception { List<String> paraNames = testedParaNames; if (paraNames == null) { paraNames = new ArrayList<String>(); } String currentParaName = null; if (currentParam != null) { currentParaName = currentParam.getName(); if (!paraNames.contains(currentParaName)) { paraNames.add(currentParaName); } } if (paraNames.contains(testParamName)) { if (currentParam != null) { throw new Exception("Expression \"" + expression + "\" of parameter \"" + currentParam.getName() //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + "\" bring an endless loop by parameter \"" + testParamName + "\" in the element \"" //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + currentParam.getElement().getElementName() + "\". Please check and amend it!"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { throw new Exception( "Expression \"" + expression + "\" bring an endless loop by parameter \"" + testParamName //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + "\". Please check and amend it!"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { paraNames.add(testParamName); for (IElementParameter param : listParam) { if (testParamName != null && testParamName.equals(param.getName())) { List<String> paramNames = getParaNamesFromIsShowFunc(param.getShowIf()); for (String paramName : paramNames) { checkIsShowLoop(paramName, expression, listParam, currentParam, paraNames); } } } } } private static Expression evaluateExpression(Expression expression, List<? extends IElementParameter> listParam, ElementParameter currentParam) { int indexBegining = 0, indexEnd; int expressionLevel = 0; String string = expression.getExpressionString(); boolean conditionFound = false; // if there's no braket then there should be only simple expression // or only one expression. for (int i = 0; i < string.length() && !conditionFound; i++) { if (string.charAt(i) == '(') { if (expressionLevel == 0) { indexBegining = i + 1; } expressionLevel++; } else if (string.charAt(i) == ')') { expressionLevel--; indexEnd = i; if (expressionLevel == 0) { if (isThereCondition(string, AND) || isThereCondition(string, OR)) { String leftString = string.substring(indexBegining, indexEnd).trim(); if (isThereCondition(leftString, AND) || isThereCondition(leftString, OR)) { Expression leftExpression = new Expression(leftString); expression.setLeftExpression(leftExpression); evaluateExpression(leftExpression, listParam, currentParam); } else { Expression leftExpression = new Expression(leftString); expression.setLeftExpression(leftExpression); leftExpression.setValid(evaluateSimpleExpression(leftString, listParam, currentParam)); // debug: System.out.println(leftString + " => " + // leftExpression.isValid()); } } else { String newValue; // remove brackets newValue = string.replace("(", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ newValue = newValue.replace(")", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ expression.setExpressionString(newValue); expression.setValid(evaluateSimpleExpression(newValue, listParam, currentParam)); } } } else if (expressionLevel == 0) { if ((string.indexOf(AND, i) == i) || (string.indexOf(AND.toUpperCase(), i) == i)) { String subStr = string.substring(i - 3, i + 5); if (isThereCondition(subStr, AND)) { expression.setCondition(AND); conditionFound = true; } } else if ((string.indexOf(OR, i) == i) || (string.indexOf(OR.toUpperCase(), i) == i)) { String subStr = string.substring(i - 3, i + 5); if (isThereCondition(subStr, OR)) { expression.setCondition(OR); conditionFound = true; } } } if (conditionFound) { if (expression.getLeftExpression() == null) { // no bracket == // evaluate // expression String leftString = string.substring(0, i - 1).trim(); Expression leftExpression = new Expression(leftString); expression.setLeftExpression(leftExpression); leftExpression.setValid(evaluateSimpleExpression(leftString, listParam, currentParam)); // debug: System.out.println(leftString + " => " + // leftExpression.isValid()); } boolean needValidRightExpression = true; if (expression.getCondition().equals(AND) && !expression.getLeftExpression().isValid()) { // if left expression is already false, then needn't continue to validate right expression expression.setValid(false); needValidRightExpression = false; } else if (expression.getCondition().equals(OR) && expression.getLeftExpression().isValid()) { // if left expression is already true, then need't continue to validate right expression expression.setValid(true); needValidRightExpression = false; } if (needValidRightExpression) { String rightString = string.substring(i + 3, string.length()).trim(); Expression rightExpression = new Expression(rightString); expression.setRightExpression(rightExpression); if (rightString.contains("(") //$NON-NLS-1$ || isThereCondition(rightString, AND) || isThereCondition(rightString, OR)) { evaluateExpression(rightExpression, listParam, currentParam); } else { // no bracket == evaluate expression rightExpression.setValid(evaluateSimpleExpression(rightString, listParam, currentParam)); // debug: System.out.println(rightString + " => " + // rightExpression.isValid()); } if (expression.getCondition().equals(AND)) { if (expression.getLeftExpression().isValid() && expression.getRightExpression().isValid()) { expression.setValid(true); } else { expression.setValid(false); } } else if (expression.getCondition().equals(OR)) { if (expression.getLeftExpression().isValid() || expression.getRightExpression().isValid()) { expression.setValid(true); } else { expression.setValid(false); } } } } } // if after an expression between bracket there's no other expression, // then the validation of the expression // will depends on the "left" expression. if ((expression.getRightExpression() == null) && (expression.getLeftExpression() != null)) { expression.setValid(expression.getLeftExpression().isValid()); } // debug: System.out.println(expression.getExpressionString() + " => " + // expression.isValid()); return expression; } /* * check this OS */ private static boolean checkCurrentOS(final String osName) { if (osName == null) { return false; } final String tmpOSName = osName.toLowerCase(); // check windows if (EnvironmentUtils.isWindowsSystem() && tmpOSName.startsWith("windows")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } // check MacOS if (EnvironmentUtils.isMacOsSytem() && tmpOSName.startsWith("mac")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } // check linux and unix if (EnvironmentUtils.isLinuxUnixSystem()) { if (tmpOSName.startsWith("unix") || tmpOSName.startsWith("linux")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return true; } } return false; } }