Source code

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// ============================================================================
// Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Talend Inc. -
// This source code is available under agreement available at
// You should have received a copy of the agreement
// along with this program; if not, write to Talend SA
// 9 rue Pages 92150 Suresnes, France
// ============================================================================

package org.talend.dataprep.preparation.service;

import static java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static java.util.Comparator.comparing;
import static java.util.Comparator.reverseOrder;
import static;
import static org.apache.http.HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE;
import static org.springframework.http.MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE;
import static;
import static org.talend.dataprep.api.folder.FolderContentType.PREPARATION;
import static org.talend.dataprep.exception.error.CommonErrorCodes.CONFLICT_TO_LOCK_RESOURCE;
import static org.talend.dataprep.exception.error.PreparationErrorCodes.*;
import static;
import static org.talend.dataprep.util.SortAndOrderHelper.getPreparationComparator;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.talend.daikon.exception.ExceptionContext;
import org.talend.dataprep.api.action.ActionDefinition;
import org.talend.dataprep.api.dataset.DataSetMetadata;
import org.talend.dataprep.api.folder.Folder;
import org.talend.dataprep.api.folder.FolderEntry;
import org.talend.dataprep.api.preparation.*;
import org.talend.dataprep.command.dataset.DataSetGetMetadata;
import org.talend.dataprep.conversions.BeanConversionService;
import org.talend.dataprep.exception.TDPException;
import org.talend.dataprep.exception.error.CommonErrorCodes;
import org.talend.dataprep.exception.error.PreparationErrorCodes;
import org.talend.dataprep.exception.json.JsonErrorCodeDescription;
import org.talend.dataprep.http.HttpResponseContext;
import org.talend.dataprep.preparation.task.PreparationCleaner;
import org.talend.dataprep.transformation.actions.common.ActionFactory;
import org.talend.dataprep.transformation.actions.common.ImplicitParameters;
import org.talend.dataprep.transformation.actions.common.RunnableAction;
import org.talend.dataprep.transformation.actions.datablending.Lookup;
import org.talend.dataprep.transformation.api.action.ActionParser;
import org.talend.dataprep.transformation.api.action.validation.ActionMetadataValidation;
import org.talend.dataprep.transformation.pipeline.ActionRegistry;
import org.talend.dataprep.util.SortAndOrderHelper.Order;
import org.talend.dataprep.util.SortAndOrderHelper.Sort;

public class PreparationService {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PreparationService.class);

    private final ActionFactory factory = new ActionFactory();

    private org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext springContext;

     * Where preparation are stored.
    private PreparationRepository preparationRepository;

     * Where the folders are stored.
    private FolderRepository folderRepository;

     * Action validator.
    private ActionMetadataValidation validator;

     * The root step.
    @Resource(name = "rootStep")
    private Step rootStep;

     * DataPrep abstraction to the underlying security (whether it's enabled or not).
    private Security security;

     * Version service.
    private VersionService versionService;

     * Where all the actions are registered.
    private ActionRegistry actionRegistry;

    private LockedResourceRepository lockedResourceRepository;

    private PreparationCleaner preparationCleaner;

    private MetadataChangesOnActionsGenerator stepDiffDelegate;

    private ReorderStepsUtils reorderStepsUtils;

    private ActionParser actionParser;

    private BeanConversionService beanConversionService;

    private PreparationUtils preparationUtils;

     * Create a preparation from the http request body.
     * @param preparation the preparation to create.
     * @param folderId where to store the preparation.
     * @return the created preparation id.
    public String create(final Preparation preparation, String folderId) {

        LOGGER.debug("Create new preparation for data set {} in {}", preparation.getDataSetId(), folderId);

        Preparation toCreate = new Preparation(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),


        final String id =;

        // create associated folderEntry
        FolderEntry folderEntry = new FolderEntry(PREPARATION, id);
        folderRepository.addFolderEntry(folderEntry, folderId);"New preparation {} created and stored in {} ", preparation, folderId);
        // Lock the freshly created preparation
        return id;

     * List all the preparations id.
     * @param sort  how the preparation should be sorted (default is 'last modification date').
     * @param order how to apply the sort.
     * @return the preparations id list.
    public Stream<String> list(Sort sort, Order order) {
        LOGGER.debug("Get list of preparations (summary).");
        return preparationRepository.list(Preparation.class) //
                .map(p -> beanConversionService.convert(p, UserPreparation.class)) // Needed to order on preparation size
                .sorted(getPreparationComparator(sort, order, p -> getDatasetMetadata(p.getDataSetId()))) //

     * List all preparation details.
     * @param sort  how to sort the preparations.
     * @param order how to order the sort.
     * @return the preparation details.
    public Stream<UserPreparation> listAll(Sort sort, Order order) {
        LOGGER.debug("Get list of preparations (with details).");
        return preparationRepository.list(Preparation.class) //
                .map(p -> beanConversionService.convert(p, UserPreparation.class)) //
                .sorted(getPreparationComparator(sort, order, p -> getDatasetMetadata(p.getDataSetId())));

     * List all preparation summaries.
     * @return the preparation summaries, sorted by descending last modification date.
    public Stream<PreparationSummary> listSummary() {
        LOGGER.debug("Get list of preparations (summary).");
        return preparationRepository.list(Preparation.class) //
                .map(p -> beanConversionService.convert(p, PreparationSummary.class)) //
                .sorted(comparing(PreparationSummary::getLastModificationDate, reverseOrder()));

     * <p>
     * Search preparation entry point.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <p>
     * So far at least one search criteria can be processed at a time among the following ones :
     * <ul>
     * <li>dataset id</li>
     * <li>preparation name & exact match</li>
     * <li>folderId path</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @param dataSetId to search all preparations based on this dataset id.
     * @param folderId to search all preparations located in this folderId.
     * @param name to search all preparations that match this name.
     * @param exactMatch if true, the name matching must be exact.
     * @param sort Sort key (by name, creation date or modification date).
     * @param order Order for sort key (desc or asc).
    public Stream<UserPreparation> searchPreparations(String dataSetId, String folderId, String name,
            boolean exactMatch, Sort sort, Order order) {
        final Stream<Preparation> result;

        if (dataSetId != null) {
            result = searchByDataSet(dataSetId);
        } else if (folderId != null) {
            result = searchByFolder(folderId);
        } else {
            result = searchByName(name, exactMatch);

        // convert & sort the result
        return -> beanConversionService.convert(p, UserPreparation.class)) //
                .sorted(getPreparationComparator(sort, order, p -> getDatasetMetadata(p.getDataSetId())));

     * Return the preparations that are based on the given dataset.
     * @param dataSetId the dataset id.
     * @return the preparations that are based on the given dataset.
    private Stream<Preparation> searchByDataSet(String dataSetId) {
        LOGGER.debug("looking for preparations based on dataset #{}", dataSetId);
        return preparationRepository.list(Preparation.class, "dataSetId = '" + dataSetId + "'");

     * List all preparations details in the given folder.
     * @param folderId the folder where to look for preparations.
     * @return the list of preparations details for the given folder path.
    private Stream<Preparation> searchByFolder(String folderId) {
        LOGGER.debug("looking for preparations in {}", folderId);
        final Iterable<FolderEntry> entries = folderRepository.entries(folderId, PREPARATION);
        return, false) //
                .map(e -> preparationRepository.get(e.getContentId(), Preparation.class));

     * List all the preparations that matches the given name.
     * @param name       the wanted preparation name.
     * @param exactMatch true if the name must match exactly.
     * @return all the preparations that matches the given name.
    private Stream<Preparation> searchByName(String name, boolean exactMatch) {
        LOGGER.debug("looking for preparations with the name '{}' exact match is {}.", name, exactMatch);
        final String filter;
        if (exactMatch) {
            filter = "name = '" + name + "'";
        } else {
            filter = "name contains '" + name + "'";
        return preparationRepository.list(Preparation.class, filter);

     * Copy the given preparation to the given name / folder ans returns the new if in the response.
     * @param name        the name of the copied preparation, if empty, the name is "orginal-preparation-name Copy"
     * @param destination the folder path where to copy the preparation, if empty, the copy is in the same folder.
     * @return The new preparation id.
    public String copy(String preparationId, String name, String destination) throws IOException {

        LOGGER.debug("copy {} to folder {} with {} as new name");

        HttpResponseContext.header(CONTENT_TYPE, TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE);

        Preparation original = preparationRepository.get(preparationId, Preparation.class);

        // if no preparation, there's nothing to copy
        if (original == null) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", preparationId));

        // use a default name if empty (original name + " Copy" )
        final String newName;
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) {
            newName = original.getName() + " Copy";
        } else {
            newName = name;
        checkIfPreparationNameIsAvailable(destination, newName);

        // copy the Preparation
        Preparation copy = new Preparation(original);
        final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String newId = copy.getId();

        // add the preparation into the folder
        FolderEntry folderEntry = new FolderEntry(PREPARATION, newId);
        folderRepository.addFolderEntry(folderEntry, destination);

        LOGGER.debug("copy {} to folder {} with {} as new name", preparationId, destination, name);
        return newId;

     * Check if the name is available in the given folderId.
     * @param folderId where to look for the name.
     * @param name the wanted preparation name.
     * @throws TDPException Preparation name already used (409) if there's already a preparation with this name in the
     * folderId.
    private void checkIfPreparationNameIsAvailable(String folderId, String name) {

        // make sure the preparation does not already exist in the target folderId
        final Iterable<FolderEntry> entries = folderRepository.entries(folderId, PREPARATION);
        entries.forEach(folderEntry -> {
            Preparation preparation = preparationRepository.get(folderEntry.getContentId(), Preparation.class);
            if (preparation != null && StringUtils.equals(name, preparation.getName())) {
                final ExceptionContext context = build() //
                        .put("id", folderEntry.getContentId()) //
                        .put("folderId", folderId) //
                        .put("name", name);
                throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_NAME_ALREADY_USED, context, true);

     * Move a preparation to an other folder.
     * @param folder      The original folder of the preparation.
     * @param destination The new folder of the preparation.
     * @param newName     The new preparation name.
    public void move(String preparationId, String folder, String destination, String newName) throws IOException {

        LOGGER.debug("moving {} from {} to {} with the new name '{}'", preparationId, folder, destination, newName);

        HttpResponseContext.header(CONTENT_TYPE, TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE);

        // get the preparation to move
        Preparation original = preparationRepository.get(preparationId, Preparation.class);

        // no preparation found
        if (original == null) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", preparationId));

        // Ensure that the preparation is not locked elsewhere

        try {
            // set the target name
            final String targetName = StringUtils.isEmpty(newName) ? original.getName() : newName;

            // first check if the name is already used in the target folder
            checkIfPreparationNameIsAvailable(destination, targetName);

            // rename the dataset only if we received a new name
            if (!targetName.equals(original.getName())) {

            // move the preparation
            FolderEntry folderEntry = new FolderEntry(PREPARATION, preparationId);
            folderRepository.moveFolderEntry(folderEntry, folder, destination);

  "preparation {} moved from {} to {} with the new name {}", preparationId, folder,
                    destination, targetName);
        } finally {

     * Delete the preparation that match the given id.
     * @param id the preparation id to delete.
    public void delete(String id) {

        LOGGER.debug("Deletion of preparation #{} requested.", id);

        Preparation preparationToDelete = preparationRepository.get(id, Preparation.class);

        // no preparation found
        if (preparationToDelete == null) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", id));
        // Ensure that the preparation is not locked elsewhere

        // delete the associated folder entries
        // TODO make this async?
        folderRepository.findFolderEntries(id, PREPARATION)
                .forEach(e -> folderRepository.removeFolderEntry(e.getFolderId(), id, PREPARATION));"Deletion of preparation #{} done.", id);

     * Update a preparation.
     * @param id          the preparation id to update.
     * @param preparation the updated preparation.
     * @return the updated preparation id.
    public String update(String id, final Preparation preparation) {

        Preparation previousPreparation = preparationRepository.get(id, Preparation.class);

        // no preparation found
        if (previousPreparation == null) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", id));
        // Ensure that the preparation is not locked elsewhere
        LOGGER.debug("Updating preparation with id {}: {}", preparation.getId(), previousPreparation);

        Preparation updated = previousPreparation.merge(preparation);
        if (! {
        preparationRepository.add(updated);"Preparation {} updated -> {}", id, updated);


     * Update a preparation steps.
     * @param preparationId the preparation id.
     * @param steps the steps to update.
    public void updatePreparationSteps(final String preparationId, final List<Step> steps) {

        LOGGER.debug("update preparation #{}'s steps", preparationId);

        int updatedSteps = 0;
        for (Step toUpdate : steps) {
            if (!preparationRepository.exist(Step.class, "id='" + toUpdate.getId() + "'")) {

            LOGGER.debug("{} updated", toUpdate);

        }"{} steps for preparation #{} were updated", updatedSteps, preparationId);

     * Copy the steps from the another preparation to this one.
     * <p>
     * This is only allowed if this preparation has no steps.
     * @param id   the preparation id to update.
     * @param from the preparation id to copy the steps from.
    public void copyStepsFrom(String id, String from) {

        LOGGER.debug("copy steps from {} to {}", from, id);

        final Preparation preparation = preparationRepository.get(id, Preparation.class);
        if (preparation == null) {
            LOGGER.error("cannot update {} steps --> preparation not found in repository", id);
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", id));

        // if the preparation is not empty (head != root step) --> 409
        if (!StringUtils.equals(preparation.getHeadId(), {
            LOGGER.error("cannot update {} steps --> preparation has already steps.");
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_NOT_EMPTY, build().put("id", id));

        final Preparation reference = preparationRepository.get(from, Preparation.class);
        if (reference == null) {
            LOGGER.warn("cannot copy steps from {} to {} because the original preparation is not found", from, id);

        preparation.setLastModificationDate(new Date().getTime());
        preparationRepository.add(preparation);"copy steps from {} to {} done --> {}", from, id, preparation);

     * Return a preparation details.
     * @param id the wanted preparation id.
     * @return the preparation details.
    public PreparationMessage getPreparationDetails(String id) {
        LOGGER.debug("Get content of preparation details for #{}.", id);
        final Preparation preparation = preparationRepository.get(id, Preparation.class);

        final PreparationMessage details = beanConversionService.convert(preparation, PreparationMessage.class);"returning details for {} -> {}", id, details);
        return details;

     * Return the folder that holds this preparation.
     * @param id the wanted preparation id.
     * @return the folder that holds this preparation.
    public Folder searchLocation(String id) {

        LOGGER.debug("looking the folder for {}", id);

        final Folder folder = folderRepository.locateEntry(id, PREPARATION);
        if (folder == null) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", id));
        }"found where {} is stored : {}", id, folder);

        return folder;

    public List<String> getSteps(String id) {
        LOGGER.debug("Get steps of preparation for #{}.", id);
        final Step step = getStep(id);
        return preparationUtils.listStepsIds(, preparationRepository);

    public void addPreparationAction(final String preparationId, final AppendStep step) {
        LOGGER.debug("Adding action to preparation...");
        Preparation preparation = getPreparation(preparationId);
        List<Action> actions = getVersionedAction(preparationId, "head");
        StepDiff actionCreatedColumns = stepDiffDelegate.computeCreatedColumns(preparation.getRowMetadata(),
                buildActions(actions), buildActions(step.getActions()));
        appendSteps(preparationId, Collections.singletonList(step));
        LOGGER.debug("Added action to preparation.");

     * Given a list of actions recreate but with the Spring Context {@link ActionDefinition}. It is mandatory to use any
     * action parsed from JSON.
    private List<RunnableAction> buildActions(List<Action> allActions) {
        final List<RunnableAction> builtActions = new ArrayList<>(allActions.size() + 1);
        for (Action parsedAction : allActions) {
            if (parsedAction != null && parsedAction.getName() != null) {
                String actionNameLowerCase = parsedAction.getName().toLowerCase();
                final ActionDefinition metadata = actionRegistry.get(actionNameLowerCase);
                builtActions.add(factory.create(metadata, parsedAction.getParameters()));
        return builtActions;

     * Append step(s) in a preparation.
    public void appendSteps(String id, final List<AppendStep> stepsToAppend) {

        LOGGER.debug("Adding actions to preparation #{}", id);

        final Preparation preparation = getPreparation(id);
        // no preparation found
        if (preparation == null) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", id));
        // Ensure that the preparation is not locked elsewhere

        LOGGER.debug("Current head for preparation #{}: {}", id, preparation.getHeadId());

        // rebuild history from head
        replaceHistory(preparation, preparation.getHeadId(), stepsToAppend);
        LOGGER.debug("Added head to preparation #{}: head is now {}", id, preparation.getHeadId());

     * Update a step in a preparation <b>Strategy</b><br/>
     * The goal here is to rewrite the preparation history from 'the step to modify' (STM) to the head, with STM
     * containing the new action.<br/>
     * <ul>
     * <li>1. Extract the actions from STM (excluded) to the head</li>
     * <li>2. Insert the new actions before the other extracted actions. The actions list contains all the actions from
     * the <b>NEW</b> STM to the head</li>
     * <li>3. Set preparation head to STM's parent, so STM will be excluded</li>
     * <li>4. Append each action (one step is created by action) after the new preparation head</li>
     * </ul>
    public void updateAction(final String preparationId, final String stepToModifyId, final AppendStep newStep) {

        LOGGER.debug("Modifying actions in preparation #{}", preparationId);
        final Preparation preparation = getPreparation(preparationId);

        // no preparation found
        if (preparation == null) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", preparationId));
        // Ensure that the preparation is not locked elsewhere
        LOGGER.debug("Current head for preparation #{}: {}", preparationId, preparation.getHeadId());

        // Get steps from "step to modify" to the head
        final List<String> steps = extractSteps(preparation, stepToModifyId); // throws an exception if stepId is not in
        // the preparation
        LOGGER.debug("Rewriting history for {} steps.", steps.size());

        // Extract created columns ids diff info
        final Step stm = getStep(stepToModifyId);
        final List<String> originalCreatedColumns = stm.getDiff().getCreatedColumns();
        final List<String> updatedCreatedColumns = newStep.getDiff().getCreatedColumns();
        final List<String> deletedColumns = // columns that the step was creating but
                // not anymore
                .filter(id -> !updatedCreatedColumns.contains(id)).collect(toList());
        final int columnsDiffNumber = updatedCreatedColumns.size() - originalCreatedColumns.size();
        final int maxCreatedColumnIdBeforeUpdate = !originalCreatedColumns.isEmpty()
                : MAX_VALUE;

        // Build list of actions from modified one to the head
        final List<AppendStep> actionsSteps = getStepsWithShiftedColumnIds(steps, stepToModifyId, deletedColumns,
                maxCreatedColumnIdBeforeUpdate, columnsDiffNumber);
        actionsSteps.add(0, newStep);

        // Rebuild history from modified step
        final Step stepToModify = getStep(stepToModifyId);
        replaceHistory(preparation, stepToModify.getParent().getId(), actionsSteps);
        LOGGER.debug("Modified head of preparation #{}: head is now {}", preparation.getHeadId());

     * Delete a step in a preparation.<br/>
     * STD : Step To Delete <br/>
     * <br/>
     * <ul>
     * <li>1. Extract the actions from STD (excluded) to the head. The actions list contains all the actions from the
     * STD's child to the head.</li>
     * <li>2. Filter the preparations that apply on a column created by the step to delete. Those steps will be removed
     * too.</li>
     * <li>2bis. Change the actions that apply on columns > STD last created column id. The created columns ids after
     * the STD are shifted.</li>
     * <li>3. Set preparation head to STD's parent, so STD will be excluded</li>
     * <li>4. Append each action after the new preparation head</li>
     * </ul>
    public void deleteAction(final String id, final String stepToDeleteId) {
        if (rootStep.getId().equals(stepToDeleteId)) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_ROOT_STEP_CANNOT_BE_DELETED);

        // get steps from 'step to delete' to head
        final Preparation preparation = getPreparation(id);
        // no preparation found
        if (preparation == null) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", id));
        // Ensure that the preparation is not locked elsewhere
        deleteAction(preparation, stepToDeleteId);


    public void setPreparationHead(final String preparationId, final String headId) {

        final Step head = getStep(headId);
        if (head == null) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_STEP_DOES_NOT_EXIST,
                    build().put("id", preparationId).put("stepId", headId));

        final Preparation preparation = getPreparation(preparationId);
        // no preparation found
        if (preparation == null) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", preparationId));
        // Ensure that the preparation is not locked elsewhere
        setPreparationHead(preparation, head);

     * Get all the actions of a preparation at given version.
     * @param id      the wanted preparation id.
     * @param version the wanted preparation version.
     * @return the list of actions.
    public List<Action> getVersionedAction(final String id, final String version) {
        LOGGER.debug("Get list of actions of preparations #{} at version {}.", id, version);

        final Preparation preparation = preparationRepository.get(id, Preparation.class);
        if (preparation != null) {
            final String stepId = getStepId(version, preparation);
            final Step step = getStep(stepId);
            return getActions(step);
        } else {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", id));

     * List all preparation related error codes.
    public Iterable<JsonErrorCodeDescription> listErrors() {
        // need to cast the typed dataset errors into mock ones to use json parsing
        List<JsonErrorCodeDescription> errors = new ArrayList<>(PreparationErrorCodes.values().length);
        for (PreparationErrorCodes code : PreparationErrorCodes.values()) {
            errors.add(new JsonErrorCodeDescription(code));
        return errors;

    public void lockPreparation(final String preparationId) {

    public void unlockPreparation(final String preparationId) {

    public ResponseEntity<Void> preparationsThatUseDataset(final String datasetId) {
        final boolean preparationUseDataSet = preparationRepository.exist(Preparation.class,
                "dataSetId = '" + datasetId + "'");
        final boolean dataSetUsedInLookup = isDatasetUsedToLookupInPreparationHead(datasetId);
        if (!preparationUseDataSet && !dataSetUsedInLookup) {
            return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
        return ResponseEntity.noContent().build();

    /** Check if the preparation uses this dataset in its head version. */
    private boolean isDatasetUsedToLookupInPreparationHead(String datasetId) {
        final String datasetParamName = Lookup.Parameters.LOOKUP_DS_ID.getKey();
        return preparationRepository.list(Preparation.class)
                .flatMap(p -> getVersionedAction(p.getId(), "head").stream()).filter(Objects::nonNull)
                .filter(a -> Objects.equals(a.getName(), Lookup.LOOKUP_ACTION_NAME))
                .anyMatch(a -> Objects.equals(datasetId, a.getParameters().get(datasetParamName)));

     * Moves the step with specified <i>stepId</i> just after the step with <i>parentStepId</i> as identifier within the specified
     * preparation.
     * @param preparationId the id of the preparation containing the step to move
     * @param stepId        the id of the step to move
     * @param parentStepId  the id of the step which wanted as the parent of the step to move
    public void moveStep(final String preparationId, String stepId, String parentStepId) {

        LOGGER.debug("Moving step {} after step {}, within preparation {}", stepId, parentStepId, preparationId);

        final Preparation preparation = getPreparation(preparationId);

        // Ensure that the preparation is not locked elsewhere

        reorderSteps(preparation, stepId, parentStepId);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------GETTERS/EXTRACTORS------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Get the actual step id by converting "head" and "origin" to the hash
     * @param version     The version to convert to step id
     * @param preparation The preparation
     * @return The converted step Id
    private String getStepId(final String version, final Preparation preparation) {
        if ("head".equalsIgnoreCase(version)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            return preparation.getHeadId();
        } else if ("origin".equalsIgnoreCase(version)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
        return version;

     * Get actions list from root to the provided step
     * @param step The step
     * @return The list of actions
    private List<Action> getActions(final Step step) {
        return new ArrayList<>(
                preparationRepository.get(step.getContent().id(), PreparationActions.class).getActions());

     * Get the step from id
     * @param stepId The step id
     * @return Le step with the provided id
    public Step getStep(final String stepId) {
        return preparationRepository.get(stepId, Step.class);

     * Get preparation from id
     * @param id The preparation id.
     * @return The preparation with the provided id
     * @throws TDPException when no preparation has the provided id
    public Preparation getPreparation(final String id) {
        final Preparation preparation = preparationRepository.get(id, Preparation.class);
        if (preparation == null) {
            LOGGER.error("Preparation #{} does not exist", id);
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", id));
        return preparation;

     * Extract all actions after a provided step
     * @param stepsIds  The steps list
     * @param afterStep The (excluded) step id where to start the extraction
     * @return The actions after 'afterStep' to the end of the list
    private List<AppendStep> extractActionsAfterStep(final List<String> stepsIds, final String afterStep) {
        final int stepIndex = stepsIds.indexOf(afterStep);
        if (stepIndex == -1) {
            return emptyList();

        final List<Step> steps;
        try (IntStream range = IntStream.range(stepIndex, stepsIds.size())) {
            steps = range.mapToObj(index -> getStep(stepsIds.get(index))).collect(toList());

        final List<List<Action>> stepActions =;

        try (IntStream filteredActions = IntStream.range(1, steps.size())) {
            return filteredActions.mapToObj(index -> {
                final List<Action> previous = stepActions.get(index - 1);
                final List<Action> current = stepActions.get(index);
                final Step step = steps.get(index);

                final AppendStep appendStep = new AppendStep();
                appendStep.setActions(current.subList(previous.size(), current.size()));
                return appendStep;

     * Get the steps ids from a specific step to the head. The specific step MUST be defined as an existing step of the
     * preparation
     * @param preparation The preparation
     * @param fromStepId  The starting step id
     * @return The steps ids from 'fromStepId' to the head
     * @throws TDPException If 'fromStepId' is not a step of the provided preparation
    private List<String> extractSteps(final Preparation preparation, final String fromStepId) {
        final List<String> steps = preparationUtils.listStepsIds(preparation.getHeadId(), fromStepId,
        if (!fromStepId.equals(steps.get(0))) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_STEP_DOES_NOT_EXIST,
                    build().put("id", preparation.getId()).put("stepId", fromStepId));
        return steps;

     * Marks the specified preparation (identified by <i>preparationId</i>) as locked by the user identified by the
     * specified user (identified by <i>userId</i>).
     * @param preparationId the specified preparation identifier
     * @throws TDPException if the lock is hold by another user
    private void lock(String preparationId) {

        final String userId = security.getUserId();

        Preparation preparation = preparationRepository.get(preparationId, Preparation.class);
        if (preparation == null) {
            LOGGER.warn("Preparation #{} does not exist.", preparationId);

        LockUserInfo userInfo = new LockUserInfo(userId, security.getUserDisplayName());
        LockedResource lockedResource = lockedResourceRepository.tryLock(preparation, userInfo);
        if (lockedResourceRepository.lockOwned(lockedResource, userId)) {
            LOGGER.debug("Preparation {} locked for user {}.", preparationId, userId);
        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("Unable to lock Preparation {} for user {}. Already locked by user {}", preparationId,
                    userId, lockedResource.getUserId());
            throw new TDPException(CONFLICT_TO_LOCK_RESOURCE,
                    build().put("id", lockedResource.getUserDisplayName()), false);

     * Marks the specified preparation (identified by <i>preparationId</i>) as unlocked by the user identified by the
     * specified user (identified by <i>userId</i>).
     * @param preparationId the specified preparation identifier
     * @throws TDPException if the lock is hold by another user
    private void unlock(String preparationId) {
        final String userId = security.getUserId();
        Preparation preparation = preparationRepository.get(preparationId, Preparation.class);
        // TODO: A hack to avoid sending error until TDP-2124 is fixed
        if (preparation == null) {
            LOGGER.debug("Preparation {} you are trying to lock does not exist.", preparationId);
        LockUserInfo userInfo = new LockUserInfo(userId, security.getUserDisplayName());
        LockedResource lockedResource = lockedResourceRepository.tryUnlock(preparation, userInfo);
        if (lockedResourceRepository.lockReleased(lockedResource)) {
            LOGGER.debug("Preparation {} unlocked by user {}.", preparationId, userId);
        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("Unable to unlock Preparation {} for user {}. Already locked by {}", preparationId, userId,
            // TODO: We must find a way to avoid printing stack trace when such a kind of non critical exceptions occurs
            throw new TDPException(CommonErrorCodes.CONFLICT_TO_UNLOCK_RESOURCE,
                    build().put("id", lockedResource.getUserDisplayName()));

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // -----------------------------------------------------CHECKERS-----------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Test if the stepId is the preparation head. Null, "head", "origin" and the actual step id are considered to be
     * the head
     * @param preparation The preparation to test
     * @param stepId      The step id to test
     * @return True if 'stepId' is considered as the preparation head
    private boolean isPreparationHead(final Preparation preparation, final String stepId) {
        return stepId == null || "head".equals(stepId) || "origin".equals(stepId)
                || preparation.getHeadId().equals(stepId);

     * Check the action parameters consistency
     * @param step the step to check
    private void checkActionStepConsistency(final AppendStep step) {
        for (final Action stepAction : step.getActions()) {
            validator.checkScopeConsistency(actionRegistry.get(stepAction.getName()), stepAction.getParameters());

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // -----------------------------------------------------HISTORY------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Currently, the columns ids are generated sequentially. There are 2 cases where those ids change in a step :
     * <ul>
     * <li>1. when a step that creates columns is deleted (ex1 : columns '0009' and '0010').</li>
     * <li>2. when a step that creates columns is updated : it can create more (add) or less (remove) columns. (ex2 :
     * add column '0009', '0010' + '0011' --> add 1 column)</li>
     * </ul>
     * In those cases, we have to
     * <ul>
     * <li>remove all steps that has action on a deleted column</li>
     * <li>shift all columns created after this step (ex1: columns > '0010', ex2: columns > '0011') by the number of
     * columns diff (ex1: remove 2 columns --> shift -2, ex2: add 1 column --> shift +1)</li>
     * <li>shift all actions that has one of the deleted columns as parameter (ex1: columns > '0010', ex2: columns >
     * '0011') by the number of columns diff (ex1: remove 2 columns --> shift -2, ex2: add 1 column --> shift +1)</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * 1. Get the steps with ids after 'afterStepId' 2. Rule 1 : Remove (filter) the steps which action is on one of the
     * 'deletedColumns' 3. Rule 2 : For all actions on columns ids > 'shiftColumnAfterId', we shift the column_id
     * parameter with a 'columnShiftNumber' value. (New_column_id = column_id + columnShiftNumber, only if column_id >
     * 'shiftColumnAfterId') 4. Rule 3 : The columns created AFTER 'shiftColumnAfterId' are shifted with the same rules
     * as rule 2. (New_created_column_id = created_column_id + columnShiftNumber, only if created_column_id >
     * 'shiftColumnAfterId')
     * @param stepsIds           The steps ids
     * @param afterStepId        The (EXCLUDED) step where the extraction starts
     * @param deletedColumns     The column ids that will be removed
     * @param shiftColumnAfterId The (EXCLUDED) column id where we start the shift
     * @param shiftNumber        The shift number. new_column_id = old_columns_id + columnShiftNumber
     * @return The adapted steps
    private List<AppendStep> getStepsWithShiftedColumnIds(final List<String> stepsIds, final String afterStepId,
            final List<String> deletedColumns, final int shiftColumnAfterId, final int shiftNumber) {
        Stream<AppendStep> stream = extractActionsAfterStep(stepsIds, afterStepId).stream();

        // rule 1 : remove all steps that modify one of the created columns
        if (!deletedColumns.isEmpty()) {
            stream = stream.filter(stepColumnIsNotIn(deletedColumns));

        // when there is nothing to shift, we just return the filtered steps to avoid extra code
        if (shiftNumber == 0) {
            return stream.collect(toList());

        // rule 2 : we have to shift all columns ids created after the step to delete/modify, in the column_id
        // parameters
        // For example, if the step to delete/modify creates columns 0010 and 0011, all steps that apply to column 0012
        // should now apply to 0012 - (2 created columns) = 0010
        stream =, shiftNumber));

        // rule 3 : we have to shift all columns ids created after the step to delete, in the steps diff
        stream =, shiftNumber));

        return stream.collect(toList());

     * When the step diff created column ids > 'shiftColumnAfterId', we shift it by +columnShiftNumber (that wan be
     * negative)
     * @param shiftColumnAfterId The shift is performed if created column id > shiftColumnAfterId
     * @param shiftNumber        The number to shift (can be negative)
     * @return The same step but modified
    private Function<AppendStep, AppendStep> shiftCreatedColumns(final int shiftColumnAfterId,
            final int shiftNumber) {

        final DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0000"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return step -> {
            final List<String> stepCreatedCols = step.getDiff().getCreatedColumns();
            final List<String> shiftedStepCreatedCols = -> {
                final int columnId = Integer.parseInt(colIdStr);
                if (columnId > shiftColumnAfterId) {
                    return format.format(columnId + (long) shiftNumber);
                return colIdStr;
            return step;

     * When the step column_id parameter > 'shiftColumnAfterId', we shift it by +columnShiftNumber (that wan be
     * negative)
     * @param shiftColumnAfterId The shift is performed if column id > shiftColumnAfterId
     * @param shiftNumber        The number to shift (can be negative)
     * @return The same step but modified
    private Function<AppendStep, AppendStep> shiftStepParameter(final int shiftColumnAfterId,
            final int shiftNumber) {
        final DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0000"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return step -> {
            final Action firstAction = step.getActions().get(0);
            final Map<String, String> parameters = firstAction.getParameters();
            final int columnId = Integer.parseInt(parameters.get(ImplicitParameters.COLUMN_ID.getKey()));
            if (columnId > shiftColumnAfterId) {
                parameters.put("column_id", format.format(columnId + (long) shiftNumber)); //$NON-NLS-1$
            return step;

     * Predicate that returns if a step action is NOT on one of the columns list
     * @param columns The columns ids list
    private Predicate<AppendStep> stepColumnIsNotIn(final List<String> columns) {
        return step -> {
            final String columnId = step.getActions().get(0).getParameters().get("column_id"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            return columnId == null || !columns.contains(columnId);

     * Update the head step of a preparation
     * @param preparation The preparation to update
     * @param head        The head step
    private void setPreparationHead(final Preparation preparation, final Step head) {

     * Rewrite the preparation history from a specific step, with the provided actions
     * @param preparation  The preparation
     * @param startStepId  The step id to start the (re)write. The following steps will be erased
     * @param actionsSteps The actions to perform
    private void replaceHistory(final Preparation preparation, final String startStepId,
            final List<AppendStep> actionsSteps) {
        // move preparation head to the starting step
        if (!isPreparationHead(preparation, startStepId)) {
            final Step startingStep = getStep(startStepId);
            setPreparationHead(preparation, startingStep);

        actionsSteps.forEach(step -> appendStepToHead(preparation, step));

     * Append a single appendStep after the preparation head
     * @param preparation The preparation
     * @param appendStep The appendStep to apply
    private void appendStepToHead(final Preparation preparation, final AppendStep appendStep) {
        // Add new actions after head
        final Step head = preparationRepository.get(preparation.getHeadId(), Step.class);
        final PreparationActions newContent = head.getContent().append(appendStep.getActions());

        // Create new step from new content
        final Step newHead = new Step(head, newContent, versionService.version().getVersionId(),

        // TODO Could we get the new step id?
        // Update preparation head step
        setPreparationHead(preparation, newHead);

     * Deletes the step of specified id of the specified preparation
     * @param preparation    the specified preparation
     * @param stepToDeleteId the specified step id to delete
    private void deleteAction(Preparation preparation, String stepToDeleteId) {
        final List<String> steps = extractSteps(preparation, stepToDeleteId); // throws an exception if stepId is not in

        // get created columns by step to delete
        final Step std = getStep(stepToDeleteId);
        final List<String> deletedColumns = std.getDiff().getCreatedColumns();
        final int columnsDiffNumber = -deletedColumns.size();
        final int maxCreatedColumnIdBeforeUpdate = deletedColumns.isEmpty() ? MAX_VALUE

        LOGGER.debug("Deleting actions in preparation #{} at step #{}", preparation.getId(), stepToDeleteId); //$NON-NLS-1$

        // get new actions to rewrite history from deleted step
        final List<AppendStep> actions = getStepsWithShiftedColumnIds(steps, stepToDeleteId, deletedColumns,
                maxCreatedColumnIdBeforeUpdate, columnsDiffNumber);

        // rewrite history
        final Step stepToDelete = getStep(stepToDeleteId);
        replaceHistory(preparation, stepToDelete.getParent().id(), actions);

     * Moves the step with specified <i>stepId</i> just after the step with <i>parentStepId</i> as identifier within the
     * specified preparation.
     * @param preparation  the preparation containing the step to move
     * @param stepId       the id of the step to move
     * @param parentStepId the id of the step which wanted as the parent of the step to move
    private void reorderSteps(final Preparation preparation, final String stepId, final String parentStepId) {
        final List<String> steps = extractSteps(preparation, rootStep.getId());

        // extract all appendStep
        final List<AppendStep> allAppendSteps = extractActionsAfterStep(steps, steps.get(0));

        final int stepIndex = steps.indexOf(stepId);
        final int parentIndex = steps.indexOf(parentStepId);

        if (stepIndex < 0) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_STEP_DOES_NOT_EXIST,
                    build().put("id", preparation.getId()).put("stepId", stepId));
        if (parentIndex < 0) {
            throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_STEP_DOES_NOT_EXIST,
                    build().put("id", preparation.getId()).put("stepId", parentStepId));

        if (stepIndex - 1 == parentIndex) {
                    "No need to Move step {} after step {}, within preparation {}: already at the wanted position.",
                    stepId, parentStepId, preparation.getId());
        } else {
            final int lastUnchangedIndex;

            if (parentIndex < stepIndex) {
                lastUnchangedIndex = parentIndex;
            } else {
                lastUnchangedIndex = stepIndex - 1;

            final AppendStep removedStep = allAppendSteps.remove(stepIndex - 1);
            allAppendSteps.add(lastUnchangedIndex == stepIndex - 1 ? parentIndex - 1 : parentIndex, removedStep);

            // check that the wanted reordering is legal
            if (!reorderStepsUtils.isStepOrderValid(allAppendSteps)) {
                throw new TDPException(PREPARATION_STEP_CANNOT_BE_REORDERED, build(), true);

            // rename created columns to conform to the way the transformation are performed

            // apply the reordering since it seems to be legal
            final List<AppendStep> result = allAppendSteps.subList(lastUnchangedIndex, allAppendSteps.size());
            replaceHistory(preparation, steps.get(lastUnchangedIndex), result);

    private DataSetMetadata getDatasetMetadata(String datasetId) {
        return springContext.getBean(DataSetGetMetadata.class, datasetId).execute();
