Java tutorial
// ============================================================================ // // Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Talend Inc. - // // This source code is available under agreement available at // %InstallDIR%\features\org.talend.rcp.branding.%PRODUCTNAME%\%PRODUCTNAME%license.txt // // You should have received a copy of the agreement // along with this program; if not, write to Talend SA // 9 rue Pages 92150 Suresnes, France // // ============================================================================ package org.talend.components.salesforce.runtime; import static org.talend.components.salesforce.SalesforceOutputProperties.OutputAction.UPDATE; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData; import org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.talend.components.api.component.runtime.Result; import org.talend.components.api.component.runtime.WriteOperation; import org.talend.components.api.component.runtime.WriterWithFeedback; import org.talend.components.api.container.RuntimeContainer; import org.talend.components.api.exception.ComponentException; import org.talend.components.salesforce.SalesforceOutputProperties; import org.talend.components.salesforce.SalesforceOutputProperties.OutputAction; import org.talend.components.salesforce.runtime.common.ConnectionHolder; import org.talend.components.salesforce.tsalesforceoutput.TSalesforceOutputProperties; import org.talend.daikon.avro.AvroUtils; import org.talend.daikon.avro.SchemaConstants; import org.talend.daikon.avro.converter.IndexedRecordConverter; import org.talend.daikon.exception.ExceptionContext; import org.talend.daikon.exception.error.DefaultErrorCode; import org.talend.daikon.i18n.GlobalI18N; import org.talend.daikon.i18n.I18nMessages; import; import com.sforce.soap.partner.DeleteResult; import com.sforce.soap.partner.Error; import com.sforce.soap.partner.PartnerConnection; import com.sforce.soap.partner.SaveResult; import com.sforce.soap.partner.UpsertResult; import com.sforce.soap.partner.sobject.SObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; final class SalesforceWriter implements WriterWithFeedback<Result, IndexedRecord, IndexedRecord> { private transient static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SalesforceWriter.class); private static final I18nMessages MESSAGES = GlobalI18N.getI18nMessageProvider() .getI18nMessages(SalesforceWriter.class); private final SalesforceWriteOperation salesforceWriteOperation; private PartnerConnection connection; private String uId; private final SalesforceSink sink; private final RuntimeContainer container; private final TSalesforceOutputProperties sprops; private String upsertKeyColumn; protected final List<IndexedRecord> deleteItems; protected final List<IndexedRecord> insertItems; protected final List<IndexedRecord> upsertItems; protected final List<IndexedRecord> updateItems; protected final int commitLevel; protected boolean exceptionForErrors; private int dataCount; private int successCount; private int rejectCount; private int deleteFieldId = -1; private transient IndexedRecordConverter<Object, ? extends IndexedRecord> factory; private transient Schema moduleSchema; private transient Schema mainSchema; private final List<IndexedRecord> successfulWrites = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<IndexedRecord> rejectedWrites = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<String> nullValueFields = new ArrayList<>(); private CalendarCodec calendarCodec = new CalendarCodec(); private DateCodec dateCodec = new DateCodec(); private BufferedWriter logWriter; public SalesforceWriter(SalesforceWriteOperation salesforceWriteOperation, RuntimeContainer container) { this.salesforceWriteOperation = salesforceWriteOperation; this.container = container; sink = salesforceWriteOperation.getSink(); sprops = sink.getSalesforceOutputProperties(); if (sprops.extendInsert.getValue()) { commitLevel = sprops.commitLevel.getValue(); } else { commitLevel = 1; } int arraySize = commitLevel * 2; deleteItems = new ArrayList<>(arraySize); insertItems = new ArrayList<>(arraySize); updateItems = new ArrayList<>(arraySize); upsertItems = new ArrayList<>(arraySize); upsertKeyColumn = ""; exceptionForErrors = sprops.ceaseForError.getValue(); } @Override public void open(String uId) throws IOException { this.uId = uId; ConnectionHolder ch = sink.connect(container); connection = ch.connection; if (ch.bulkConnection != null) {"info.bulkConnectionUsage")); } if (null == mainSchema) { mainSchema = sprops.module.main.schema.getValue(); moduleSchema = sink.getSchema(connection, sprops.module.moduleName.getStringValue()); if (AvroUtils.isIncludeAllFields(mainSchema)) { mainSchema = moduleSchema; } // else schema is fully specified } upsertKeyColumn = sprops.upsertKeyColumn.getStringValue(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sprops.logFileName.getValue())) { logWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(sprops.logFileName.getValue())); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void write(Object datum) throws IOException { dataCount++; // Ignore empty rows. if (null == datum) { return; } // This is all we need to do in order to ensure that we can process the incoming value as an IndexedRecord. if (null == factory) { factory = (IndexedRecordConverter<Object, ? extends IndexedRecord>) SalesforceAvroRegistry.get() .createIndexedRecordConverter(datum.getClass()); } IndexedRecord input = factory.convertToAvro(datum); Property<OutputAction> outputAction = sprops.outputAction;"info.startMessage", sprops.outputAction.getPossibleValuesDisplayName(outputAction.getValue()).toLowerCase(), dataCount)); switch (outputAction.getValue()) { case INSERT: insert(input); break; case UPDATE: update(input); break; case UPSERT: upsert(input); break; case DELETE: delete(input); } } private SObject createSObject(IndexedRecord input) { SObject so = new SObject(); so.setType(sprops.module.moduleName.getStringValue()); nullValueFields.clear(); for (Schema.Field f : input.getSchema().getFields()) { // For "Id" column, we should ignore it for "INSERT" action if (!("Id".equals( && SalesforceOutputProperties.OutputAction.INSERT.equals(sprops.outputAction.getValue()))) { Object value = input.get(f.pos()); Schema.Field se = moduleSchema.getField(; if (se != null) { if (value != null && !value.toString().isEmpty()) { addSObjectField(so, se.schema(),, value); } else { if (UPDATE.equals(sprops.outputAction.getValue())) { nullValueFields.add(; } } } } } if (!sprops.ignoreNull.getValue()) { so.setFieldsToNull(nullValueFields.toArray(new String[0])); } return so; } private SObject createSObjectForUpsert(IndexedRecord input) { SObject so = new SObject(); so.setType(sprops.module.moduleName.getStringValue()); Map<String, Map<String, String>> referenceFieldsMap = getReferenceFieldsMap(); nullValueFields.clear(); for (Schema.Field f : input.getSchema().getFields()) { Object value = input.get(f.pos()); Schema.Field se = mainSchema.getField(; if (se == null) { continue; } if (value != null && !"".equals(value.toString())) { if (referenceFieldsMap != null && referenceFieldsMap.get( != null) { Map<String, String> relationMap = referenceFieldsMap.get(; String lookupRelationshipFieldName = relationMap.get("lookupRelationshipFieldName"); so.setField(lookupRelationshipFieldName, null); so.getChild(lookupRelationshipFieldName).setField("type", relationMap.get("lookupFieldModuleName")); // No need get the real type. Because of the External IDs should not be special type in addSObjectField() addSObjectField(so.getChild(lookupRelationshipFieldName), se.schema(), relationMap.get("lookupFieldExternalIdName"), value); } else { // Skip column "Id" for upsert, when "Id" is not specified as "upsertKeyColumn" if (!"Id".equals( || { Schema.Field fieldInModule = moduleSchema.getField(; if (fieldInModule != null) { // The real type is need in addSObjectField() addSObjectField(so, fieldInModule.schema(),, value); } else { // This is keep old behavior, when set a field which is not exist. // It would throw a exception for this. addSObjectField(so, se.schema(),, value); } } } } else { if (referenceFieldsMap != null && referenceFieldsMap.get( != null) { Map<String, String> relationMap = referenceFieldsMap.get(; String lookupFieldName = relationMap.get("lookupFieldName"); if (lookupFieldName != null && !lookupFieldName.trim().isEmpty()) { nullValueFields.add(lookupFieldName); } } else if (!("Id".equals( || { nullValueFields.add(; } } } if (!sprops.ignoreNull.getValue()) { so.setFieldsToNull(nullValueFields.toArray(new String[0])); } return so; } private void addSObjectField(XmlObject xmlObject, Schema expected, String fieldName, Object value) { Object valueToAdd = null; // Convert stuff here // For Nillable base64 type field, we retrieve it as UNION type:[bytes,null] // So need to unwrap it and get its real type Schema unwrapSchema = AvroUtils.unwrapIfNullable(expected); switch (unwrapSchema.getType()) { case BYTES: if ((value instanceof String) || (value instanceof byte[])) { byte[] base64Data = null; if (value instanceof byte[]) { base64Data = (byte[]) value; } else { base64Data = ((String) value).getBytes(); } if (Base64.isBase64(new String(base64Data))) { valueToAdd = Base64.decode(base64Data); break; } } default: valueToAdd = value; break; } if (valueToAdd instanceof Date) { xmlObject.setField(fieldName, SalesforceRuntime.convertDateToCalendar((Date) valueToAdd, true)); } else { Schema.Field se = moduleSchema.getField(fieldName); if (se != null && valueToAdd instanceof String) { String datePattern = se.getProp(SchemaConstants.TALEND_COLUMN_PATTERN); if (datePattern != null && !datePattern.toString().isEmpty()) { if ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'.000Z'".equals(datePattern)) { xmlObject.setField(fieldName, calendarCodec.deserialize((String) valueToAdd)); } else if ("yyyy-MM-dd".equals(datePattern)) { xmlObject.setField(fieldName, dateCodec.deserialize((String) valueToAdd)); } else { xmlObject.setField(fieldName, new Time((String) valueToAdd)); } } else { xmlObject.setField(fieldName, SalesforceAvroRegistry.get().getConverterFromString(se) .convertToAvro((String) valueToAdd)); } } else { xmlObject.setField(fieldName, valueToAdd); } } } private SaveResult[] insert(IndexedRecord input) throws IOException { insertItems.add(input); if (insertItems.size() >= commitLevel) { return doInsert(); } return null; } private SaveResult[] doInsert() throws IOException { if (insertItems.size() > 0) { // Clean the feedback records at each batch write. cleanFeedbackRecords(); SObject[] accs = new SObject[insertItems.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < insertItems.size(); i++) { accs[i] = createSObject(insertItems.get(i)); } String[] changedItemKeys = new String[accs.length]; SaveResult[] saveResults; try { saveResults = connection.create(accs); if (saveResults != null && saveResults.length != 0) { int batch_idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < saveResults.length; i++) { ++batch_idx; if (saveResults[i].getSuccess()) { handleSuccess(insertItems.get(i), saveResults[i].getId(), null); } else { handleReject(insertItems.get(i), saveResults[i].getErrors(), changedItemKeys, batch_idx); } } } insertItems.clear(); return saveResults; } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } return null; } private SaveResult[] update(IndexedRecord input) throws IOException { updateItems.add(input); if (updateItems.size() >= commitLevel) { return doUpdate(); } return null; } private SaveResult[] doUpdate() throws IOException { if (updateItems.size() > 0) { // Clean the feedback records at each batch write. cleanFeedbackRecords(); SObject[] upds = new SObject[updateItems.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < updateItems.size(); i++) { upds[i] = createSObject(updateItems.get(i)); } String[] changedItemKeys = new String[upds.length]; for (int ix = 0; ix < upds.length; ++ix) { changedItemKeys[ix] = upds[ix].getId(); } SaveResult[] saveResults; try { saveResults = connection.update(upds); upds = null; if (saveResults != null && saveResults.length != 0) { int batch_idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < saveResults.length; i++) { ++batch_idx; if (saveResults[i].getSuccess()) { handleSuccess(updateItems.get(i), saveResults[i].getId(), null); } else { handleReject(updateItems.get(i), saveResults[i].getErrors(), changedItemKeys, batch_idx); } } } updateItems.clear(); return saveResults; } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } return null; } private UpsertResult[] upsert(IndexedRecord input) throws IOException { upsertItems.add(input); if (upsertItems.size() >= commitLevel) { return doUpsert(); } return null; } private UpsertResult[] doUpsert() throws IOException { if (upsertItems.size() > 0) { // Clean the feedback records at each batch write. cleanFeedbackRecords(); SObject[] upds = new SObject[upsertItems.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < upsertItems.size(); i++) { upds[i] = createSObjectForUpsert(upsertItems.get(i)); } String[] changedItemKeys = new String[upds.length]; for (int ix = 0; ix < upds.length; ++ix) { Object value = upds[ix].getField(upsertKeyColumn); if (value != null) { changedItemKeys[ix] = String.valueOf(value); } } UpsertResult[] upsertResults; try { upsertResults = connection.upsert(upsertKeyColumn, upds); upds = null; if (upsertResults != null && upsertResults.length != 0) { int batch_idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < upsertResults.length; i++) { ++batch_idx; if (upsertResults[i].getSuccess()) { if (upsertResults[i].getCreated()) { handleSuccess(upsertItems.get(i), upsertResults[i].getId(), "created"); } else { handleSuccess(upsertItems.get(i), upsertResults[i].getId(), "updated"); } } else { handleReject(upsertItems.get(0), upsertResults[i].getErrors(), changedItemKeys, batch_idx); } } } upsertItems.clear(); return upsertResults; } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } return null; } private void handleSuccess(IndexedRecord input, String id, String status) { successCount++; Schema outSchema = sprops.schemaFlow.schema.getValue(); if (outSchema == null || outSchema.getFields().size() == 0) { return; } if (input.getSchema().equals(outSchema)) { successfulWrites.add(input); } else { IndexedRecord successful = new GenericData.Record(outSchema); for (Schema.Field outField : successful.getSchema().getFields()) { Object outValue = null; Schema.Field inField = input.getSchema().getField(; if (inField != null) { outValue = input.get(inField.pos()); } else if (TSalesforceOutputProperties.FIELD_SALESFORCE_ID.equals( { outValue = id; } else if (TSalesforceOutputProperties.FIELD_STATUS.equals( { outValue = status; } successful.put(outField.pos(), outValue); } successfulWrites.add(successful); }"info.successfulRecord", getPastForm(sprops.outputAction.getValue()), dataCount)); } private void handleReject(IndexedRecord input, Error[] resultErrors, String[] changedItemKeys, int batchIdx) throws IOException { String changedItemKey = null; if (batchIdx < changedItemKeys.length) { if (changedItemKeys[batchIdx] != null) { changedItemKey = changedItemKeys[batchIdx]; } else { changedItemKey = String.valueOf(batchIdx + 1); } } else { changedItemKey = "Batch index out of bounds"; } StringBuilder errors = SalesforceRuntime.addLog(resultErrors, changedItemKey, logWriter); if (exceptionForErrors) { if (errors.toString().length() > 0) { if (logWriter != null) { logWriter.close(); } throw new IOException(errors.toString()); } } else { rejectCount++; Schema outSchema = sprops.schemaReject.schema.getValue(); if (outSchema == null || outSchema.getFields().size() == 0) { return; } if (input.getSchema().equals(outSchema)) { rejectedWrites.add(input); } else { IndexedRecord reject = new GenericData.Record(outSchema); for (Schema.Field outField : reject.getSchema().getFields()) { Object outValue = null; Schema.Field inField = input.getSchema().getField(; if (inField != null) { outValue = input.get(inField.pos()); } else if (resultErrors.length > 0) { Error error = resultErrors[0]; if (TSalesforceOutputProperties.FIELD_ERROR_CODE.equals( { outValue = error.getStatusCode() != null ? error.getStatusCode().toString() : null; } else if (TSalesforceOutputProperties.FIELD_ERROR_FIELDS.equals( { StringBuffer fields = new StringBuffer(); for (String field : error.getFields()) { fields.append(field); fields.append(","); } if (fields.length() > 0) { fields.deleteCharAt(fields.length() - 1); } outValue = fields.toString(); } else if (TSalesforceOutputProperties.FIELD_ERROR_MESSAGE.equals( { outValue = error.getMessage(); } } reject.put(outField.pos(), outValue); } rejectedWrites.add(reject); } Property<OutputAction> outputAction = sprops.outputAction;"info.rejectedRecord", sprops.outputAction.getPossibleValuesDisplayName(outputAction.getValue()).toLowerCase(), dataCount)); } } private DeleteResult[] delete(IndexedRecord input) throws IOException { // Calculate the field position of the Id the first time that it is used. The Id field must be present in the // schema to delete rows. if (deleteFieldId == -1) { String ID = "Id"; Schema.Field idField = input.getSchema().getField(ID); if (null == idField) { throw new ComponentException(new DefaultErrorCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "message"),"message", ID + " not found")); } deleteFieldId = idField.pos(); } String id = (String) input.get(deleteFieldId); if (id != null) { deleteItems.add(input); if (deleteItems.size() >= commitLevel) { return doDelete(); } } return null; } private DeleteResult[] doDelete() throws IOException { if (deleteItems.size() > 0) { // Clean the feedback records at each batch write. cleanFeedbackRecords(); String[] delIDs = new String[deleteItems.size()]; String[] changedItemKeys = new String[delIDs.length]; for (int ix = 0; ix < delIDs.length; ++ix) { delIDs[ix] = (String) deleteItems.get(ix).get(deleteFieldId); changedItemKeys[ix] = delIDs[ix]; } DeleteResult[] dr; try { dr = connection.delete(delIDs); if (dr != null && dr.length != 0) { int batch_idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < dr.length; i++) { ++batch_idx; if (dr[i].getSuccess()) { handleSuccess(deleteItems.get(i), dr[i].getId(), null); } else { handleReject(deleteItems.get(i), dr[i].getErrors(), changedItemKeys, batch_idx); } } } deleteItems.clear(); return dr; } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } return null; } @Override public Result close() throws IOException { logout();"info.seccessfulRecords", getPastForm(sprops.outputAction.getValue()), successCount));"info.rejectedRecords", rejectCount));"info.finishMessage")); // For "ceaseForError" is false if (logWriter != null) { logWriter.close(); } return new Result(uId, dataCount, successCount, rejectCount); } private void logout() throws IOException { // Finish anything uncommitted doInsert(); doDelete(); doUpdate(); doUpsert(); } @Override public WriteOperation<Result> getWriteOperation() { return salesforceWriteOperation; } private Map<String, Map<String, String>> getReferenceFieldsMap() { Object columns = sprops.upsertRelationTable.columnName.getValue(); Map<String, Map<String, String>> referenceFieldsMap = null; if (columns != null && columns instanceof List) { referenceFieldsMap = new HashMap<>(); List<String> lookupFieldModuleNames = sprops.upsertRelationTable.lookupFieldModuleName.getValue(); List<String> lookupFieldNames = sprops.upsertRelationTable.lookupFieldName.getValue(); List<String> lookupRelationshipFieldNames = sprops.upsertRelationTable.lookupRelationshipFieldName .getValue(); List<String> externalIdFromLookupFields = sprops.upsertRelationTable.lookupFieldExternalIdName .getValue(); for (int index = 0; index < ((List) columns).size(); index++) { Map<String, String> relationMap = new HashMap<>(); relationMap.put("lookupFieldModuleName", lookupFieldModuleNames.get(index)); if (sprops.upsertRelationTable.isUseLookupFieldName() && lookupFieldNames != null) { relationMap.put("lookupFieldName", lookupFieldNames.get(index)); } relationMap.put("lookupRelationshipFieldName", lookupRelationshipFieldNames.get(index)); relationMap.put("lookupFieldExternalIdName", externalIdFromLookupFields.get(index)); referenceFieldsMap.put(((List<String>) columns).get(index), relationMap); } } return referenceFieldsMap; } @Override public List<IndexedRecord> getSuccessfulWrites() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(successfulWrites); } @Override public List<IndexedRecord> getRejectedWrites() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(rejectedWrites); } private void cleanFeedbackRecords() { successfulWrites.clear(); rejectedWrites.clear(); } /** * Transform {@link OutputAction} name into Past representation. * <br/> * Example: * <ul> * <li> {@link OutputAction#DELETE} - deleted.</li> * <li> {@link OutputAction#INSERT} - inserted.</li> * </ul> * * @param outputAction action to be performed on data. * @return {@link String} representation of {@link OutputAction} in past form. */ private String getPastForm(OutputAction outputAction) { return MESSAGES.getMessage(String.format("outputAction.%s.pastForm",; } }