Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Balabit * Copyright (c) 2017 Fabien Wernli <> * Copyright (c) 2017 Laszlo Budai <> * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published * by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * As an additional exemption you are allowed to compile & link against the * OpenSSL libraries as published by the OpenSSL project. See the file * COPYING for details. * */ package org.syslog_ng.elasticsearch_v2.client.http; import org.syslog_ng.elasticsearch_v2.ElasticSearchOptions; import io.searchbox.client.config.HttpClientConfig; import; import; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.DefaultHostnameVerifier; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.NoopHostnameVerifier; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.TrustStrategy; import org.apache.http.ssl.SSLContextBuilder; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory; import org.apache.http.nio.conn.SchemeIOSessionStrategy; import org.apache.http.nio.conn.ssl.SSLIOSessionStrategy; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ESHttpsClient extends ESHttpClient { public ESHttpsClient(ElasticSearchOptions options) { super(options); } private TrustStrategy trustStrategy; { trustStrategy = new TrustStrategy() { public boolean isTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException { return true; } }; } private boolean isSSLInsecure(ElasticSearchOptions options) { return options.getJavaTrustStoreFilepath().isEmpty(); } private HostnameVerifier getNoopHostnameVerifier() { return NoopHostnameVerifier.INSTANCE; } private HostnameVerifier getDefaultHostnameVerifier() { return new DefaultHostnameVerifier(); } private KeyStore createKeyStore() { KeyStore keyStore; try { keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { throw new ESHttpsClient.HttpClientBuilderException("Error initializing keyStore", e); } return keyStore; } private void loadKeyStore(KeyStore keyStore, String path, String password) { try { keyStore.load(new FileInputStream(path), password.toCharArray()); } catch (IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | CertificateException e) { throw new ESHttpClient.HttpClientBuilderException("Failed to load KeyStore", e); } } private KeyStore setupKeyStore(String path, String password) { KeyStore keyStore = createKeyStore(); loadKeyStore(keyStore, path, password); return keyStore; } private void loadTrustMaterial(SSLContextBuilder sslContextBuilder, KeyStore trustStore) { try { sslContextBuilder.loadTrustMaterial(trustStore, trustStrategy); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | KeyStoreException e) { throw new ESHttpClient.HttpClientBuilderException("Error loading truststore material", e); } } private void loadKeyMaterial(SSLContextBuilder sslContextBuilder, KeyStore keyStore, String password) { try { sslContextBuilder.loadKeyMaterial(keyStore, password.toCharArray()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | KeyStoreException | UnrecoverableKeyException e) { throw new ESHttpClient.HttpClientBuilderException("Error loading keyStore material", e); } } private SSLContextBuilder setupSSLContextBuilder(ElasticSearchOptions options) { SSLContextBuilder sslContextBuilder = new SSLContextBuilder(); KeyStore trustStore = null; if (isSSLInsecure(options)) { logger.warn("Using insecure options for HTTPS client"); } else { trustStore = setupKeyStore(options.getJavaTrustStoreFilepath(), options.getJavaTrustStorePassword()); } loadTrustMaterial(sslContextBuilder, trustStore); if (options.getHttpAuthType().equals("clientcert")) { KeyStore keyStore = setupKeyStore(options.getJavaKeyStoreFilepath(), options.getJavaKeyStorePassword()); loadKeyMaterial(sslContextBuilder, keyStore, options.getJavaKeyStorePassword()); } return sslContextBuilder; } private HostnameVerifier setupHostnameVerifier(ElasticSearchOptions options) { if (isSSLInsecure(options)) { return NoopHostnameVerifier.INSTANCE; } else { return new DefaultHostnameVerifier(); } } private SSLContext buildSSLContext(SSLContextBuilder sslContextBuilder) { SSLContext sslContext; try { sslContext =; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ESHttpClient.HttpClientBuilderException("Error initializing SSL context", e); } return sslContext; } @Override protected void setupHttpClientBuilder(HttpClientConfig.Builder httpClientConfigBuilder, ElasticSearchOptions options) { SSLContextBuilder sslContextBuilder = setupSSLContextBuilder(options); SSLContext sslContext = buildSSLContext(sslContextBuilder); HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = setupHostnameVerifier(options); SSLConnectionSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContext, hostnameVerifier); SchemeIOSessionStrategy httpsIOSessionStrategy = new SSLIOSessionStrategy(sslContext, hostnameVerifier); httpClientConfigBuilder.sslSocketFactory(sslSocketFactory).httpsIOSessionStrategy(httpsIOSessionStrategy); } }