Source code

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 * ====================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 sventon project. All rights reserved.
 * This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
 * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
 * are also available at
 * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
 * newer version instead, at your option.
 * ====================================================================
package org.sventon.model;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import java.util.*;

 * LogEntry.
 * @author
 * @author
public final class LogEntry implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1625655173694918781L;

     * The path at revision.
    private String pathAtRevision;

     * Revision.
    private final long revision;

     * Changed paths.
    private final SortedSet<ChangedPath> changedPaths;

     * Map holding the RevisionProperties and the corresponding (String) value.
    private final Map<RevisionProperty, String> properties;

     * Constructor.
     * @param revision     Revision
     * @param properties   Properties
     * @param changedPaths Changed paths
    public LogEntry(final long revision, final Map<RevisionProperty, String> properties,
            final SortedSet<ChangedPath> changedPaths) {
        this.revision = revision; = properties == null ? Collections.<RevisionProperty, String>emptyMap() : properties;
        this.changedPaths = changedPaths;

    public void setPathAtRevision(String path) {
        pathAtRevision = path;

     * Gets the path at revision.
     * @return Returns the pathAtRevision.
    public String getPathAtRevision() {
        return pathAtRevision;

     * @return Map of the changed paths.
    public SortedSet<ChangedPath> getChangedPaths() {
        //noinspection unchecked
        return changedPaths;

     * @return Revision number.
    public long getRevision() {
        return revision;

     * @return Author.
    public String getAuthor() {
        return properties.get(RevisionProperty.AUTHOR);

     * @return Log entry date.
    public Date getDate() {
        final String date = properties.get(RevisionProperty.DATE);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(date))
            return null;
        return DateUtil.parseISO8601(date);

     * @return The log message.
    public String getMessage() {
        return properties.get(RevisionProperty.LOG);

     * Iterate through (and modify!) the log entries and set the pathAtRevision for each entry.
     * @param logEntries the entries to set pathAtRevision for
     * @param path       the starting path
    public static void setPathAtRevisionInLogEntries(final List<LogEntry> logEntries, final String path) {
        String pathAtRevision = path;

        for (final LogEntry logEntry : logEntries) {

            //noinspection unchecked
            final SortedSet<ChangedPath> allChangedPaths = logEntry.getChangedPaths();
            if (allChangedPaths != null) {
                for (ChangedPath entryPath : allChangedPaths) {
                    if (entryPath.getCopyPath() != null) {
                        int i = StringUtils.indexOfDifference(entryPath.getPath(), pathAtRevision);
                        if (i == -1) { // Same path
                            pathAtRevision = entryPath.getCopyPath();
                        } else if (entryPath.getPath().length() == i) { // Part path, can be a branch
                            pathAtRevision = entryPath.getCopyPath() + pathAtRevision.substring(i);
                        } else {
                            // TODO: else what? Is this OK to let the path be the previous?

     * Checks if given log entry contains accessible information, i.e. it was
     * fetched from the repository by a user with access to the affected paths.
     * @return True if accessible, false if not.
    public boolean isAccessible() {
        return getDate() != null && (getChangedPaths() != null && !getChangedPaths().isEmpty());

    public String toString() {
        return "LogEntry{" + "pathAtRevision='" + pathAtRevision + '\'' + ", revision=" + revision
                + ", changedPaths=" + changedPaths + ", properties=" + properties + '}';