Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Structr GmbH * * This file is part of Structr <>. * * Structr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Structr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Structr. If not, see <>. */ package org.structr.web.entity; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.activation.DataSource; import; import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.BaseTypeId; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.structr.api.config.Settings; import org.structr.cmis.CMISInfo; import; import org.structr.common.ConstantBooleanTrue; import org.structr.common.Permission; import org.structr.common.PropertyView; import org.structr.common.SecurityContext; import org.structr.common.error.ErrorBuffer; import org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException; import org.structr.common.error.UnlicensedScriptException; import org.structr.common.fulltext.FulltextIndexer; import org.structr.common.fulltext.Indexable; import org.structr.core.GraphObject; import; import org.structr.core.entity.Favoritable; import org.structr.core.entity.Principal; import org.structr.core.function.Functions; import org.structr.core.graph.ModificationEvent; import org.structr.core.graph.ModificationQueue; import org.structr.core.graph.Tx; import; import org.structr.core.scheduler.JobQueueManager; import org.structr.core.script.Scripting; import org.structr.files.cmis.config.StructrFileActions; import; import org.structr.schema.SchemaService; import org.structr.schema.action.ActionContext; import org.structr.schema.action.Function; import org.structr.schema.action.JavaScriptSource; import org.structr.schema.json.JsonMethod; import org.structr.schema.json.JsonObjectType; import org.structr.schema.json.JsonSchema; import org.structr.web.common.ClosingFileOutputStream; import org.structr.web.common.FileHelper; import org.structr.web.common.RenderContext; import org.structr.web.importer.CSVFileImportJob; import org.structr.web.importer.XMLFileImportJob; import; /** * * */ public interface File extends AbstractFile, Indexable, Linkable, JavaScriptSource, CMISInfo, CMISDocumentInfo, Favoritable, DataSource { static class Impl { static { final JsonSchema schema = SchemaService.getDynamicSchema(); final JsonObjectType type = schema.addType("File"); type.setImplements(URI.create("")); type.setImplements(URI.create("#/definitions/Indexable")); type.setImplements(URI.create("#/definitions/Linkable")); type.setImplements(URI.create("#/definitions/JavaScriptSource")); type.setImplements(URI.create("#/definitions/Favoritable")); type.setExtends(URI.create("#/definitions/AbstractFile")); type.setCategory("core"); type.addStringProperty("url", PropertyView.Public, PropertyView.Ui); type.addBooleanProperty("isFile", PropertyView.Public, PropertyView.Ui).setReadOnly(true) .addTransformer(ConstantBooleanTrue.class.getName()); type.addBooleanProperty("isTemplate", PropertyView.Public, PropertyView.Ui); type.addLongProperty("size", PropertyView.Public, PropertyView.Ui).setIndexed(true); type.addLongProperty("fileModificationDate", PropertyView.Public); type.addIntegerProperty("cacheForSeconds", PropertyView.Ui); type.addBooleanProperty("dontCache", PropertyView.Public, PropertyView.Ui).setDefaultValue("false"); type.addIntegerProperty("version", PropertyView.Ui).setIndexed(true); type.addLongProperty("checksum", PropertyView.Ui).setIndexed(true); type.addStringProperty("md5", PropertyView.Ui); type.addLongProperty("crc32").setIndexed(true); type.addStringProperty("sha1"); type.addStringProperty("sha512"); type.addIntegerProperty("position").setIndexed(true); type.addPropertyGetter("minificationTargets", List.class); type.addPropertyGetter("cacheForSeconds", Integer.class); type.addPropertyGetter("checksum", Long.class); type.addPropertyGetter("md5", String.class); type.addPropertyGetter("version", Integer.class); type.addPropertyGetter("contentType", String.class); type.addPropertyGetter("extractedContent", String.class); type.addPropertyGetter("basicAuthRealm", String.class); type.addPropertyGetter("size", Long.class); type.addCustomProperty("base64Data", FileDataProperty.class.getName()).setTypeHint("String"); type.overrideMethod("onCreation", true, File.class.getName() + ".onCreation(this, arg0, arg1);"); type.overrideMethod("onModification", true, File.class.getName() + ".onModification(this, arg0, arg1, arg2);"); type.overrideMethod("onNodeDeletion", true, File.class.getName() + ".onNodeDeletion(this);"); type.overrideMethod("afterCreation", true, File.class.getName() + ".afterCreation(this, arg0);"); type.overrideMethod("isTemplate", false, "return getProperty(isTemplateProperty);"); type.overrideMethod("setVersion", false, "setProperty(versionProperty, arg0);") .addException(FrameworkException.class.getName()); type.overrideMethod("increaseVersion", false, File.class.getName() + ".increaseVersion(this);"); type.overrideMethod("notifyUploadCompletion", false, File.class.getName() + ".notifyUploadCompletion(this);"); type.overrideMethod("triggerMinificationIfNeeded", false, File.class.getName() + ".triggerMinificationIfNeeded(this, arg0);"); type.overrideMethod("getInputStream", false, "return " + File.class.getName() + ".getInputStream(this);"); type.overrideMethod("getSearchContext", false, "return " + File.class.getName() + ".getSearchContext(this, arg0, arg1);"); type.overrideMethod("getJavascriptLibraryCode", false, "return " + File.class.getName() + ".getJavascriptLibraryCode(this);"); type.overrideMethod("getEnableBasicAuth", false, "return getProperty(enableBasicAuthProperty);"); // Favoritable type.overrideMethod("getContext", false, "return getPath();"); type.overrideMethod("getFavoriteContentType", false, "return getContentType();"); type.overrideMethod("setFavoriteContent", false, File.class.getName() + ".setFavoriteContent(this, arg0);"); type.overrideMethod("getFavoriteContent", false, "return " + File.class.getName() + ".getFavoriteContent(this);"); type.overrideMethod("getCurrentWorkingDir", false, "return " + File.class.getName() + ".getCurrentWorkingDir(this);"); // CMIS support type.overrideMethod("getCMISInfo", false, "return this;"); type.overrideMethod("getBaseTypeId", false, "return " + BaseTypeId.class.getName() + ".CMIS_DOCUMENT;"); type.overrideMethod("getFolderInfo", false, "return null;"); type.overrideMethod("getDocumentInfo", false, "return this;"); type.overrideMethod("getItemInfo", false, "return null;"); type.overrideMethod("getRelationshipInfo", false, "return null;"); type.overrideMethod("getPolicyInfo", false, "return null;"); type.overrideMethod("getSecondaryInfo", false, "return null;"); type.overrideMethod("getChangeToken", false, "return null;"); type.overrideMethod("getParentId", false, "return getProperty(parentIdProperty);"); type.overrideMethod("getAllowableActions", false, "return new " + StructrFileActions.class.getName() + "(isImmutable());"); type.overrideMethod("isImmutable", false, "return " + File.class.getName() + ".isImmutable(this);"); // overridden methods final JsonMethod getOutputStream1 = type.addMethod("getOutputStream"); getOutputStream1.setSource("return " + File.class.getName() + ".getOutputStream(this, notifyIndexerAfterClosing, append);"); getOutputStream1.addParameter("notifyIndexerAfterClosing", "boolean"); getOutputStream1.addParameter("append", "boolean"); getOutputStream1.setReturnType(FileOutputStream.class.getName()); final JsonMethod getOutputStream2 = type.addMethod("getOutputStream"); getOutputStream2.setSource("return " + File.class.getName() + ".getOutputStream(this, true, false);"); getOutputStream2.setReturnType(FileOutputStream.class.getName()); type.addMethod("getFileOnDisk").setReturnType( .setSource("return " + File.class.getName() + ".getFileOnDisk(this);"); type.addMethod("getFileOnDisk").setReturnType( .addParameter("doCreate", "boolean") .setSource("return " + File.class.getName() + ".getFileOnDisk(this, doCreate);"); type.addMethod("doCSVImport") .addParameter("parameters", "java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>") .setSource(File.class.getName() + ".doCSVImport(this, parameters);") .addException(FrameworkException.class.getName()).setDoExport(true); type.addMethod("doXMLImport") .addParameter("parameters", "java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>") .setSource(File.class.getName() + ".doXMLImport(this, parameters);") .addException(FrameworkException.class.getName()).setDoExport(true); type.addMethod("getFirstLines") .addParameter("parameters", "java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>") .setReturnType("java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>") .setSource("return " + File.class.getName() + ".getFirstLines(this, parameters);") .setDoExport(true); type.addMethod("getCSVHeaders") .addParameter("parameters", "java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>") .setReturnType("java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>") .setSource("return " + File.class.getName() + ".getCSVHeaders(this, parameters);") .addException(FrameworkException.class.getName()).setDoExport(true); type.addMethod("getXMLStructure").setReturnType("java.lang.String") .setSource("return " + File.class.getName() + ".getXMLStructure(this);") .addException(FrameworkException.class.getName()).setDoExport(true); // view configuration type.addViewProperty(PropertyView.Public, "includeInFrontendExport"); type.addViewProperty(PropertyView.Public, "owner"); type.addViewProperty(PropertyView.Ui, "hasParent"); type.addViewProperty(PropertyView.Ui, "path"); /* TODO: public static final Property<List<User>> favoriteOfUsers = new StartNodes<>("favoriteOfUsers", UserFavoriteFile.class); */ } } List<AbstractMinifiedFile> getMinificationTargets(); String getXMLStructure() throws FrameworkException; void doCSVImport(final Map<String, Object> parameters) throws FrameworkException; void doXMLImport(final Map<String, Object> parameters) throws FrameworkException; Map<String, Object> getCSVHeaders(final Map<String, Object> parameters) throws FrameworkException; Map<String, Object> getFirstLines(final Map<String, Object> parameters); FileOutputStream getOutputStream(final boolean notifyIndexerAfterClosing, final boolean append); getFileOnDisk(final boolean doCreate); getFileOnDisk(); boolean isTemplate(); void notifyUploadCompletion(); void increaseVersion() throws FrameworkException; void triggerMinificationIfNeeded(final ModificationQueue modificationQueue) throws FrameworkException; void setVersion(final int version) throws FrameworkException; Integer getVersion(); Integer getCacheForSeconds(); Long getChecksum(); String getMd5(); Folder getCurrentWorkingDir(); static void onCreation(final File thisFile, final SecurityContext securityContext, final ErrorBuffer errorBuffer) throws FrameworkException { if (Settings.FilesystemEnabled.getValue() && !thisFile.getHasParent()) { final Folder workingOrHomeDir = thisFile.getCurrentWorkingDir(); if (workingOrHomeDir != null && thisFile.getParent() == null) { thisFile.setParent(workingOrHomeDir); } } } static void onModification(final File thisFile, final SecurityContext securityContext, final ErrorBuffer errorBuffer, final ModificationQueue modificationQueue) throws FrameworkException { synchronized (thisFile) { // save current security context final SecurityContext previousSecurityContext = securityContext; // replace with SU context thisFile.setSecurityContext(SecurityContext.getSuperUserInstance()); // update metadata and parent as superuser FileHelper.updateMetadata(thisFile, false); // restore previous security context thisFile.setSecurityContext(previousSecurityContext); } thisFile.triggerMinificationIfNeeded(modificationQueue); } static void onNodeDeletion(final File thisFile) { // only delete mounted files if (!thisFile.isExternal()) { toDelete = thisFile.getFileOnDisk(false); try { if (toDelete.exists() && toDelete.isFile()) { toDelete.delete(); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.debug("Exception while trying to delete file {}: {}", toDelete.getPath(), t.getMessage()); } } } static void afterCreation(final File thisFile, final SecurityContext securityContext) throws FrameworkException { try { FileHelper.updateMetadata(thisFile); thisFile.setVersion(0); } catch (FrameworkException ex) { logger.error("Could not update metadata of {}: {}", thisFile.getPath(), ex.getMessage()); } } static GraphObject getSearchContext(final File thisFile, final String searchTerm, final int contextLength) { final String text = thisFile.getExtractedContent(); if (text != null) { final FulltextIndexer indexer = StructrApp.getInstance(thisFile.getSecurityContext()) .getFulltextIndexer(); return indexer.getContextObject(searchTerm, text, contextLength); } return null; } static void notifyUploadCompletion(final File thisFile) { try { try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) { synchronized (tx) { FileHelper.updateMetadata(thisFile, true); tx.success(); } } final FulltextIndexer indexer = StructrApp.getInstance(thisFile.getSecurityContext()) .getFulltextIndexer(); indexer.addToFulltextIndex(thisFile); } catch (FrameworkException fex) { logger.warn("Unable to index {}: {}", thisFile, fex.getMessage()); } } static String getFormattedSize(final File thisFile) { return FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(thisFile.getSize()); } static void increaseVersion(final File thisFile) throws FrameworkException { final Integer _version = thisFile.getVersion(); thisFile.unlockSystemPropertiesOnce(); if (_version == null) { thisFile.setVersion(1); } else { thisFile.setVersion(_version + 1); } } static void triggerMinificationIfNeeded(final File thisFile, final ModificationQueue modificationQueue) throws FrameworkException { final List<AbstractMinifiedFile> targets = thisFile.getMinificationTargets(); final PropertyKey<Integer> versionKey = StructrApp.key(File.class, "version"); if (!targets.isEmpty()) { // only run minification if the file version changed boolean versionChanged = false; for (ModificationEvent modState : modificationQueue.getModificationEvents()) { if (getUuid().equals(modState.getUuid())) { versionChanged = versionChanged || modState.getRemovedProperties().containsKey(versionKey) || modState.getModifiedProperties().containsKey(versionKey) || modState.getNewProperties().containsKey(versionKey); } } if (versionChanged) { for (AbstractMinifiedFile minifiedFile : targets) { try { minifiedFile.minify(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.warn("Could not automatically update minification target: " .concat(minifiedFile.getName()), ex); } } } } } static InputStream getInputStream(final File thisFile) { final fileOnDisk = thisFile.getFileOnDisk(); try { final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileOnDisk); final SecurityContext securityContext = thisFile.getSecurityContext(); if (thisFile.isTemplate()) { boolean editModeActive = false; if (securityContext.getRequest() != null) { final String editParameter = securityContext.getRequest().getParameter("edit"); if (editParameter != null) { editModeActive = !RenderContext.EditMode.NONE.equals(RenderContext.editMode(editParameter)); } } if (!editModeActive) { final String content = IOUtils.toString(fis, "UTF-8"); // close input stream here fis.close(); try { final String result = Scripting.replaceVariables(new ActionContext(securityContext), thisFile, content); String encoding = "UTF-8"; final String cType = getContentType(); if (cType != null) { final String charset = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(cType, "charset=").trim() .toUpperCase(); try { if (!"".equals(charset) && Charset.isSupported(charset)) { encoding = charset; } } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException ice) { logger.warn("Charset is not supported '{}'. Using 'UTF-8'", charset); } } return IOUtils.toInputStream(result, encoding); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("Scripting error in {}:\n{}\n{}", thisFile.getUuid(), content, t.getMessage()); } } } return fis; } catch (IOException ex) { logger.warn("Unable to open input stream for {}: {}", fileOnDisk.getPath(), ex.getMessage()); } return null; } static FileOutputStream getOutputStream(final File thisFile) { return thisFile.getOutputStream(true, false); } static FileOutputStream getOutputStream(final File thisFile, final boolean notifyIndexerAfterClosing, final boolean append) { if (thisFile.isTemplate()) { logger.error("File is in template mode, no write access allowed: {}", thisFile.getPath()); return null; } try { // Return file output stream and save checksum and size after closing return new ClosingFileOutputStream(thisFile, append, notifyIndexerAfterClosing); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Unable to open file output stream for {}: {}", thisFile.getPath(), e.getMessage()); } return null; } static getFileOnDisk(final File thisFile) { return thisFile.getFileOnDisk(true); } static getFileOnDisk(final File thisFile, final boolean create) { final Folder parentFolder = thisFile.getParent(); if (parentFolder != null) { return parentFolder.getFileOnDisk(thisFile, "", create); } else { return AbstractFile.defaultGetFileOnDisk(thisFile, create); } } static Map<String, Object> getFirstLines(final File thisFile, final Map<String, Object> parameters) { final Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final int num = File.getNumberOrDefault(parameters, "num", 3); final LineAndSeparator ls = File.getFirstLines(thisFile, num); final String separator = ls.getSeparator(); switch (separator) { case "\n": result.put("separator", "LF"); break; case "\r": result.put("separator", "CR"); break; case "\r\n": result.put("separator", "CR+LF"); break; } result.put("lines", ls.getLine()); return result; } static Map<String, Object> getCSVHeaders(final File thisFile, final Map<String, Object> parameters) throws FrameworkException { if ("text/csv".equals(thisFile.getContentType())) { final Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final Function<Object, Object> func = Functions.get("get_csv_headers"); if (func != null) { try { final Object[] sources = new Object[4]; String delimiter = ";"; String quoteChar = "\""; String recordSeparator = "\n"; if (parameters != null) { if (parameters.containsKey("delimiter")) { delimiter = parameters.get("delimiter").toString(); } if (parameters.containsKey("quoteChar")) { quoteChar = parameters.get("quoteChar").toString(); } if (parameters.containsKey("recordSeparator")) { recordSeparator = parameters.get("recordSeparator").toString(); } } // allow web-friendly specification of line endings switch (recordSeparator) { case "CR+LF": recordSeparator = "\r\n"; break; case "CR": recordSeparator = "\r"; break; case "LF": recordSeparator = "\n"; break; case "TAB": recordSeparator = "\t"; break; } sources[0] = File.getFirstLines(thisFile, 1).getLine(); sources[1] = delimiter; sources[2] = quoteChar; sources[3] = recordSeparator; map.put("headers", func.apply(new ActionContext(thisFile.getSecurityContext()), null, sources)); } catch (UnlicensedScriptException ex) { logger.warn("CSV module is not available."); } } return map; } else { throw new FrameworkException(400, "File format is not CSV"); } } static void doCSVImport(final File thisFile, final Map<String, Object> parameters) throws FrameworkException { CSVFileImportJob job = new CSVFileImportJob(thisFile, thisFile.getSecurityContext().getUser(false), parameters, thisFile.getSecurityContext().getContextStore()); JobQueueManager.getInstance().addJob(job); } static String getXMLStructure(final File thisFile) throws FrameworkException { final String contentType = thisFile.getContentType(); if ("text/xml".equals(contentType) || "application/xml".equals(contentType)) { try (final Reader input = new InputStreamReader(thisFile.getInputStream())) { final XMLStructureAnalyzer analyzer = new XMLStructureAnalyzer(input); final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); return gson.toJson(analyzer.getStructure(100)); } catch (XMLStreamException | IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } static void doXMLImport(final File thisFile, final Map<String, Object> config) throws FrameworkException { XMLFileImportJob job = new XMLFileImportJob(thisFile, thisFile.getSecurityContext().getUser(false), config, thisFile.getSecurityContext().getContextStore()); JobQueueManager.getInstance().addJob(job); } /** * Returns the Folder entity for the current working directory, * or the user's home directory as a fallback. * @return */ static Folder getCurrentWorkingDir(final File thisFile) { final Principal _owner = thisFile.getProperty(owner); Folder workingOrHomeDir = null; if (_owner != null && _owner instanceof User) { final User user = (User) _owner; workingOrHomeDir = user.getWorkingDirectory(); if (workingOrHomeDir == null) { workingOrHomeDir = user.getHomeDirectory(); } } return workingOrHomeDir; } static int getNumberOrDefault(final Map<String, Object> data, final String key, final int defaultValue) { final Object value = data.get(key); if (value != null) { // try number if (value instanceof Number) { return ((Number) value).intValue(); } // try string if (value instanceof String) { try { return Integer.valueOf((String) value); } catch (NumberFormatException nex) { } } } return defaultValue; } static LineAndSeparator getFirstLines(final File thisFile, final int num) { final StringBuilder lines = new StringBuilder(); int separator[] = new int[10]; int separatorLength = 0; try (final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getInputStream(), "utf-8"))) { int[] buf = new int[10010]; int ch =; int i = 0; int l = 0; // break on file end or if max char or line count is reached while (ch != -1 && i < 10000 && l < num) { switch (ch) { // CR case 13: // take only first line ending separator into account if (separator.length < 1) { // collect first separator char separator[separatorLength++] = ch; } // check next char only in case of CR ch =; // next char is LF ? if (ch == 10) { // CR + LF as line ending, collect second separator char separator[separatorLength++] = ch; } else { // CR only - do nothing } // append LF as line ending for display purposes buf[i++] = '\n'; // add line to output lines.append(new String(buf, 0, i)); // reset buffer buf = new int[10010]; i = 0; l++; break; // LF case 10: // take only first line ending separator into account if (separator.length < 1) { // collect first separator char separator[separatorLength++] = ch; } // must be LF only because two LF have to be ignored as empty line buf[i++] = '\n'; // add line to output lines.append(new String(buf, 0, i)); // reset buffer buf = new int[10010]; i = 0; l++; break; default: // no CR, no LF: Just add char buf[i++] = ch; break; } ch =; } lines.append(new String(buf, 0, i)); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return new LineAndSeparator(lines.toString(), new String(separator, 0, separatorLength)); } // ----- interface JavaScriptSource ----- static String getJavascriptLibraryCode(final File thisFile) { try (final InputStream is = thisFile.getInputStream()) { return IOUtils.toString(new InputStreamReader(is)); } catch (IOException ioex) { logger.warn("", ioex); } return null; } // ----- CMIS support ----- static boolean isImmutable(final File thisFile) { final Principal _owner = thisFile.getOwnerNode(); if (_owner != null) { return !_owner.isGranted(Permission.write, thisFile.getSecurityContext()); } return true; } // ----- interface Favoritable ----- static String getFavoriteContent(final File thisFile) { try (final InputStream is = thisFile.getInputStream()) { return IOUtils.toString(is, "utf-8"); } catch (IOException ioex) { logger.warn("Unable to get favorite content from {}: {}", thisFile, ioex.getMessage()); } return null; } static void setFavoriteContent(final File thisFile, final String content) throws FrameworkException { try (final OutputStream os = thisFile.getOutputStream(true, false)) { IOUtils.write(content, os, Charset.defaultCharset()); os.flush(); } catch (IOException ioex) { logger.warn("Unable to set favorite content from {}: {}", thisFile, ioex.getMessage()); } } class LineAndSeparator { private String line = null; private String separator = null; public LineAndSeparator(final String line, final String separator) { this.line = line; this.separator = separator; } public String getLine() { return line; } public String getSeparator() { return separator; } } }