Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Structr GmbH * * This file is part of Structr <>. * * Structr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Structr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Structr. If not, see <>. */ package org.structr.excel; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException; import org.structr.core.GraphObject; import; import org.structr.core.function.LocalizeFunction; import; import; import org.structr.schema.action.ActionContext; import org.structr.schema.action.Function; import org.structr.schema.parser.DatePropertyParser; public class ToExcelFunction extends Function<Object, Object> { public static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_EXCEL = "Usage: ${to_excel(nodes, propertiesOrView[, includeHeader[, localizeHeader[, headerLocalizationDomain[, maxCellLength[, overflowMode]]]]])}. Example: ${to_excel(find('Page'), 'ui')}"; public static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_EXCEL_JS = "Usage: ${{Structr.to_excel(nodes, propertiesOrView[, includeHeader[, localizeHeader[, headerLocalizationDomain[, maxCellLength[, overflowMode]]]]])}}. Example: ${{Structr.to_excel(Structr.find('Page'), 'ui'))}}"; @Override public String getName() { return "to_excel()"; } @Override public Object apply(ActionContext ctx, Object caller, Object[] sources) throws FrameworkException { try { assertArrayHasMinLengthAndMaxLengthAndAllElementsNotNull(sources, 2, 7); if (!(sources[0] instanceof List)) { logParameterError(caller, sources, ctx.isJavaScriptContext()); return "ERROR: First parameter must be a collection! ".concat(usage(ctx.isJavaScriptContext())); } final List<GraphObject> nodes = (List) sources[0]; boolean includeHeader = true; boolean localizeHeader = false; String headerLocalizationDomain = null; Integer maxCellLength = 32767; String overflowMode = "o"; String propertyView = null; List<String> properties = null; // we are using size() instead of isEmpty() because NativeArray.isEmpty() always returns true if (nodes.size() == 0) { logger.warn("to_excel(): Can not create Excel if no nodes are given!"); logParameterError(caller, sources, ctx.isJavaScriptContext()); return ""; } switch (sources.length) { case 7: overflowMode = (String) sources[6]; case 6: maxCellLength = Math.min(maxCellLength, (Integer) sources[5]); case 5: headerLocalizationDomain = (String) sources[4]; case 4: localizeHeader = (Boolean) sources[3]; case 3: includeHeader = (Boolean) sources[2]; case 2: { if (sources[1] instanceof String) { // view is given propertyView = (String) sources[1]; } else if (sources[1] instanceof List) { // named properties are given properties = (List) sources[1]; // we are using size() instead of isEmpty() because NativeArray.isEmpty() always returns true if (properties.size() == 0) { logger.warn("to_excel(): Can not create Excel if list of properties is empty!"); logParameterError(caller, sources, ctx.isJavaScriptContext()); return ""; } } else { logParameterError(caller, sources, ctx.isJavaScriptContext()); return "ERROR: Second parameter must be a collection of property names or a single property view!" .concat(usage(ctx.isJavaScriptContext())); } } } try { final Workbook wb = writeExcel(nodes, propertyView, properties, includeHeader, localizeHeader, headerLocalizationDomain, ctx.getLocale(), maxCellLength, overflowMode); final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(baos); return baos.toString("ISO-8859-1"); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("to_excel(): Exception occurred", t); return ""; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { logParameterError(caller, sources, e.getMessage(), ctx.isJavaScriptContext()); return usage(ctx.isJavaScriptContext()); } } @Override public String usage(boolean inJavaScriptContext) { return (inJavaScriptContext ? ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_EXCEL_JS : ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_EXCEL); } @Override public String shortDescription() { return "Creates Excel from given data"; } public Workbook writeExcel(final List list, final String propertyView, final List<String> properties, final boolean includeHeader, final boolean localizeHeader, final String headerLocalizationDomain, final Locale locale, final Integer maxCellLength, final String overflowMode) throws IOException { final Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(); final CreationHelper factory = workbook.getCreationHelper(); final XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet) workbook.createSheet(); final Drawing drawing = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch(); int rowCount = 0; int cellCount = 0; XSSFRow currentRow = null; XSSFCell cell = null; if (includeHeader) { currentRow = (XSSFRow) sheet.createRow(rowCount++); cellCount = 0; if (propertyView != null) { final Object obj = list.get(0); if (obj instanceof GraphObject) { for (PropertyKey key : ((GraphObject) obj).getPropertyKeys(propertyView)) { cell = (XSSFCell) currentRow.createCell(cellCount++); String value = key.dbName(); if (localizeHeader) { try { value = LocalizeFunction.getLocalization(locale, value, headerLocalizationDomain); } catch (FrameworkException fex) { logger.warn("to_excel(): Exception", fex); } } cell.setCellValue(value); } } else { cell = (XSSFCell) currentRow.createCell(cellCount++); cell.setCellValue( "Error: Object is not of type GraphObject, can not determine properties of view for header row"); } } else if (properties != null) { for (final String colName : properties) { cell = (XSSFCell) currentRow.createCell(cellCount++); String value = colName; if (localizeHeader) { try { value = LocalizeFunction.getLocalization(locale, value, headerLocalizationDomain); } catch (FrameworkException fex) { logger.warn("to_excel(): Exception", fex); } } cell.setCellValue(value); } } } for (final Object obj : list) { currentRow = (XSSFRow) sheet.createRow(rowCount++); cellCount = 0; if (propertyView != null) { if (obj instanceof GraphObject) { for (PropertyKey key : ((GraphObject) obj).getPropertyKeys(propertyView)) { final Object value = ((GraphObject) obj).getProperty(key); cell = (XSSFCell) currentRow.createCell(cellCount++); writeToCell(factory, drawing, cell, value, maxCellLength, overflowMode); } } else { cell = (XSSFCell) currentRow.createCell(cellCount++); cell.setCellValue( "Error: Object is not of type GraphObject, can not determine properties of object"); } } else if (properties != null) { if (obj instanceof GraphObject) { final GraphObject castedObj = (GraphObject) obj; for (final String colName : properties) { final PropertyKey key = StructrApp.key(obj.getClass(), colName); final Object value = castedObj.getProperty(key); cell = (XSSFCell) currentRow.createCell(cellCount++); writeToCell(factory, drawing, cell, value, maxCellLength, overflowMode); } } else if (obj instanceof Map) { final Map castedObj = (Map) obj; for (final String colName : properties) { final Object value = castedObj.get(colName); cell = (XSSFCell) currentRow.createCell(cellCount++); writeToCell(factory, drawing, cell, value, maxCellLength, overflowMode); } } } } return workbook; } public String escapeForExcel(final Object value) { String result; if (value == null) { result = ""; } else if (value instanceof String[]) { List<String> quotedStrings = Arrays.asList((String[]) value); result = quotedStrings.toString(); } else if (value instanceof Collection) { // Special handling for collections of nodes ArrayList<String> quotedStrings = new ArrayList(); for (final Object obj : (Collection) value) { quotedStrings.add(obj.toString()); } result = quotedStrings.toString(); } else if (value instanceof Date) { result = DatePropertyParser.format((Date) value, DateProperty.getDefaultFormat()); } else { result = value.toString(); } return result; } public void writeToCell(final CreationHelper factory, final Drawing drawing, final XSSFCell cell, final Object value, final Integer maxCellLength, final String overflowMode) { final String cellValue = escapeForExcel(value); if (cellValue.length() <= maxCellLength) { cell.setCellValue(cellValue); } else { cell.setCellValue(cellValue.substring(0, maxCellLength)); if (!overflowMode.equals("t")) { final Comment comment = drawing.createCellComment(factory.createClientAnchor()); if (overflowMode.equals("o")) { final String overflow = cellValue.substring(maxCellLength, Math.min(maxCellLength + 32767, cellValue.length())); comment.setString(factory.createRichTextString(overflow)); } else { comment.setString(factory.createRichTextString(overflowMode)); } cell.setCellComment(comment); } } } }