Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Structr GmbH * * This file is part of Structr <>. * * Structr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Structr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Structr. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.PropertyType; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; import org.neo4j.graphdb.index.Index; import org.neo4j.helpers.Predicate; import org.structr.common.SecurityContext; import org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException; import org.structr.core.GraphObject; import org.structr.core.PropertyValidator; import org.structr.core.Services; import; import org.structr.core.converter.PropertyConverter; import org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode; import org.structr.core.entity.AbstractRelationship; import org.structr.core.graph.NodeInterface; import org.structr.core.graph.NodeService; import org.structr.core.graph.NodeService.NodeIndex; import org.structr.core.graph.NodeService.RelationshipIndex; import; import; /** * Abstract base class for all property types. * * */ public abstract class Property<T> implements PropertyKey<T> { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Property.class.getName()); private static final Pattern rangeQueryPattern = Pattern.compile("\\[(.+) TO (.+)\\]"); protected List<PropertyValidator<T>> validators = new LinkedList<>(); protected Class<? extends GraphObject> declaringClass = null; protected T defaultValue = null; protected boolean readOnly = false; protected boolean writeOnce = false; protected boolean unvalidated = false; protected boolean indexed = false; protected boolean indexedPassively = false; protected boolean searchable = false; protected boolean indexedWhenEmpty = false; protected boolean unique = false; protected boolean notNull = false; protected boolean dynamic = false; protected boolean isCMISProperty = false; protected String dbName = null; protected String jsonName = null; protected String format = null; protected String readFunction = null; protected String writeFunction = null; private boolean requiresSynchronization = false; protected Set<RelationshipIndex> relationshipIndices = new LinkedHashSet<>(); protected Set<NodeIndex> nodeIndices = new LinkedHashSet<>(); protected Property(final String name) { this(name, name); } protected Property(final String jsonName, final String dbName) { this(jsonName, dbName, null); } protected Property(final String jsonName, final String dbName, final T defaultValue) { this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.jsonName = jsonName; this.dbName = dbName; } @Override public abstract Object fixDatabaseProperty(final Object value); public abstract Object getValueForEmptyFields(); /** * Use this method to mark a property as being unvalidated. This * method will cause no callbacks to be executed when only * unvalidated properties are modified. * * @return the Property to satisfy the builder pattern */ public Property<T> unvalidated() { this.unvalidated = true; return this; } /** * Use this method to mark a property as being read-only. * * @return the Property to satisfy the builder pattern */ public Property<T> readOnly() { this.readOnly = true; return this; } /** * Use this method to mark a property as being write-once. * * @return the Property to satisfy the builder pattern */ public Property<T> writeOnce() { this.writeOnce = true; return this; } /** * Use this method to mark a property as being unique. Please note that * using this method will not actually cause a uniqueness check, just * notify the system that this property should be treated as having a * unique value. * * @return the Property to satisfy the builder pattern */ public Property<T> unique() { this.unique = true; this.requiresSynchronization = true; return this; } /** * Use this method to mark a property as being not-null. Please note that * using this method will not actually cause a not-null check, just * notify the system that this property should be treated as such. * * @return the Property to satisfy the builder pattern */ public Property<T> notNull() { this.notNull = true; return this; } @Override public Property<T> indexed() { this.indexed = true; this.searchable = true; nodeIndices.add(NodeIndex.fulltext); nodeIndices.add(NodeIndex.keyword); relationshipIndices.add(RelationshipIndex.rel_fulltext); relationshipIndices.add(RelationshipIndex.rel_keyword); return this; } @Override public Property<T> indexed(NodeIndex nodeIndex) { this.indexed = true; this.searchable = true; nodeIndices.add(nodeIndex); return this; } @Override public Property<T> indexedCaseInsensitive() { indexed(); nodeIndices.add(NodeIndex.caseInsensitive); return this; } @Override public Property<T> indexed(final RelationshipIndex relIndex) { this.indexed = true; this.searchable = true; relationshipIndices.add(relIndex); return this; } @Override public Property<T> passivelyIndexed() { this.indexedPassively = true; this.indexed = true; this.searchable = true; nodeIndices.add(NodeIndex.fulltext); nodeIndices.add(NodeIndex.keyword); relationshipIndices.add(RelationshipIndex.rel_fulltext); relationshipIndices.add(RelationshipIndex.rel_keyword); return this; } @Override public Property<T> passivelyIndexed(final NodeIndex nodeIndex) { this.indexedPassively = true; this.indexed = true; this.searchable = true; nodeIndices.add(nodeIndex); return this; } @Override public Property<T> passivelyIndexed(final RelationshipIndex relIndex) { this.indexedPassively = true; this.indexed = true; this.searchable = true; relationshipIndices.add(relIndex); return this; } @Override public Property<T> indexedWhenEmpty() { passivelyIndexed(); this.indexedWhenEmpty = true; return this; } @Override public Property<T> cmis() { this.isCMISProperty = true; return this; } @Override public void addValidator(final PropertyValidator<T> validator) { validators.add(validator); // fetch synchronization requirement from validator if (validator.requiresSynchronization()) { this.requiresSynchronization = true; } } public Property<T> validator(final PropertyValidator<T> validator) { addValidator(validator); return this; } @Override public List<PropertyValidator<T>> getValidators() { return validators; } @Override public boolean requiresSynchronization() { return requiresSynchronization; } @Override public String getSynchronizationKey() { return dbName; } @Override public void setDeclaringClass(final Class declaringClass) { this.declaringClass = declaringClass; } @Override public void registrationCallback(final Class type) { } @Override public Class getDeclaringClass() { return declaringClass; } @Override public String toString() { return jsonName(); } @Override public String dbName() { return dbName; } @Override public String jsonName() { return jsonName; } @Override public void dbName(final String dbName) { this.dbName = dbName; } @Override public void jsonName(final String jsonName) { this.jsonName = jsonName; } @Override public Property<T> defaultValue(final T defaultValue) { this.defaultValue = defaultValue; return this; } @Override public T defaultValue() { return defaultValue; } @Override public String format() { return format; } @Override public Property<T> format(final String format) { this.format = format; return this; } @Override public Property<T> unique(final boolean unique) { this.unique = unique; return this; } @Override public Property<T> notNull(final boolean notNull) { this.notNull = notNull; return this; } @Override public Property<T> dynamic() { this.dynamic = true; return this; } @Override public String readFunction() { return readFunction; } @Override public Property<T> readFunction(final String readFunction) { this.readFunction = readFunction; return this; } @Override public String writeFunction() { return writeFunction; } @Override public Property<T> writeFunction(final String writeFunction) { this.writeFunction = writeFunction; return this; } @Override public int hashCode() { // make hashCode funtion work for subtypes that override jsonName() etc. as well if (dbName() != null && jsonName() != null) { return (dbName().hashCode() * 31) + jsonName().hashCode(); } if (dbName() != null) { return dbName().hashCode(); } if (jsonName() != null) { return jsonName().hashCode(); } // TODO: check if it's ok if null key is not unique return super.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (o instanceof PropertyKey) { return o.hashCode() == hashCode(); } return false; } @Override public boolean isUnvalidated() { return unvalidated; } @Override public boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } @Override public boolean isWriteOnce() { return writeOnce; } @Override public boolean isIndexed() { return indexed; } @Override public boolean isPassivelyIndexed() { return indexedPassively; } @Override public boolean isSearchable() { return searchable; } @Override public boolean isIndexedWhenEmpty() { return indexedWhenEmpty; } @Override public boolean isUnique() { return unique; } @Override public boolean isNotNull() { return notNull; } @Override public boolean isDynamic() { return dynamic; } @Override public void index(final GraphObject entity, Object value) { if (entity instanceof AbstractNode) { NodeService nodeService = Services.getInstance().getService(NodeService.class); AbstractNode node = (AbstractNode) entity; Node dbNode = node.getNode(); for (NodeIndex indexName : nodeIndices()) { Index<Node> index = nodeService.getNodeIndex(indexName); if (index != null) { try { index.remove(dbNode, dbName); if (value != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(value.toString())) { index.add(dbNode, dbName, value); } else if (isIndexedWhenEmpty()) { value = getValueForEmptyFields(); if (value != null) { index.add(dbNode, dbName, value); } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Unable to index property with dbName {0} and value {1} of type {2} on {3}: {4}", new Object[] { dbName, value, this.getClass().getSimpleName(), entity, t }); t.printStackTrace(); } } } } else { NodeService nodeService = Services.getInstance().getService(NodeService.class); AbstractRelationship rel = (AbstractRelationship) entity; Relationship dbRel = rel.getRelationship(); for (RelationshipIndex indexName : relationshipIndices()) { Index<Relationship> index = nodeService.getRelationshipIndex(indexName); if (index != null) { try { index.remove(dbRel, dbName); if (value != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(value.toString())) { index.add(dbRel, dbName, value); } else if (isIndexedWhenEmpty()) { value = getValueForEmptyFields(); if (value != null) { index.add(dbRel, dbName, value); } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Unable to index property with dbName {0} and value {1} of type {2} on {3}: {4}", new Object[] { dbName, value, this.getClass().getSimpleName(), entity, t }); } } } } } @Override public SearchAttribute getSearchAttribute(final SecurityContext securityContext, final BooleanClause.Occur occur, final T searchValue, final boolean exactMatch, final Query query) { return new PropertySearchAttribute(this, searchValue, occur, exactMatch); } @Override public void extractSearchableAttribute(final SecurityContext securityContext, final HttpServletRequest request, final Query query) throws FrameworkException { final String[] searchValues = request.getParameterValues(jsonName()); if (searchValues != null) { for (String searchValue : searchValues) { if (!query.isExactSearch()) { // no quotes allowed in loose search queries! searchValue = removeQuotes(searchValue); query.and(this, convertSearchValue(securityContext, searchValue), false); } else { determineSearchType(securityContext, searchValue, query); } } } } @Override public T convertSearchValue(final SecurityContext securityContext, final String requestParameter) throws FrameworkException { PropertyConverter inputConverter = inputConverter(securityContext); Object convertedSearchValue = requestParameter; if (inputConverter != null) { convertedSearchValue = inputConverter.convert(convertedSearchValue); } return (T) convertedSearchValue; } @Override public int getProcessingOrderPosition() { return 0; } public Set<NodeIndex> nodeIndices() { return nodeIndices; } public Set<RelationshipIndex> relationshipIndices() { return relationshipIndices; } // ----- CMIS support ----- @Override public PropertyType getDataType() { return null; } @Override public boolean isCMISProperty() { return isCMISProperty; } // ----- protected methods ----- protected boolean multiValueSplitAllowed() { return true; } protected final String removeQuotes(final String searchValue) { String resultStr = searchValue; if (resultStr.contains("\"")) { resultStr = resultStr.replaceAll("[\"]+", ""); } if (resultStr.contains("'")) { resultStr = resultStr.replaceAll("[']+", ""); } return resultStr; } protected void determineSearchType(final SecurityContext securityContext, final String requestParameter, final Query query) throws FrameworkException { if (StringUtils.startsWith(requestParameter, "[") && StringUtils.endsWith(requestParameter, "]")) { // check for existance of range query string Matcher matcher = rangeQueryPattern.matcher(requestParameter); if (matcher.matches()) { if (matcher.groupCount() == 2) { String rangeStart =; String rangeEnd =; PropertyConverter inputConverter = inputConverter(securityContext); Object rangeStartConverted = rangeStart; Object rangeEndConverted = rangeEnd; if (inputConverter != null) { rangeStartConverted = inputConverter.convert(rangeStartConverted); rangeEndConverted = inputConverter.convert(rangeEndConverted); } query.andRange(this, rangeStartConverted, rangeEndConverted); return; } logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to determine range query bounds for {0}", requestParameter); } else { if ("[]".equals(requestParameter)) { if (isIndexedWhenEmpty()) { // requestParameter contains only [], // which we use as a "not-blank" selector query.notBlank(this); return; } else { throw new FrameworkException(400, "PropertyKey " + jsonName() + " must be indexedWhenEmpty() to be used in not-blank search query."); } } else { throw new FrameworkException(422, "Invalid range pattern."); } } } if (requestParameter.contains(",") && requestParameter.contains(";")) { throw new FrameworkException(422, "Mixing of AND and OR not allowed in request parameters"); } if (requestParameter.contains(";")) { if (multiValueSplitAllowed()) { // descend into a new group query.and(); for (final String part : requestParameter.split("[;]+")) { query.or(this, convertSearchValue(securityContext, part)); } // ascend to the last group query.parent(); } else { query.or(this, convertSearchValue(securityContext, requestParameter)); } } else { query.and(this, convertSearchValue(securityContext, requestParameter)); } } protected <T extends NodeInterface> Set<T> getRelatedNodesReverse(final SecurityContext securityContext, final NodeInterface obj, final Class destinationType, final Predicate<GraphObject> predicate) { // this is the default implementation return Collections.emptySet(); } }