Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Structr GmbH * * This file is part of Structr <>. * * Structr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Structr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Structr. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService; import org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException; import org.neo4j.helpers.collection.LruMap; import org.neo4j.kernel.GraphDatabaseAPI; import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.GraphProperties; import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeManager; import org.structr.agent.AgentService; import org.structr.agent.Task; import org.structr.common.SecurityContext; import org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException; import org.structr.core.Command; import org.structr.core.GraphObject; import org.structr.core.Service; import org.structr.core.Services; import org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode; import org.structr.core.entity.Relation; import org.structr.core.graph.CreateNodeCommand; import org.structr.core.graph.CreateRelationshipCommand; import org.structr.core.graph.CypherQueryCommand; import org.structr.core.graph.DeleteNodeCommand; import org.structr.core.graph.DeleteRelationshipCommand; import org.structr.core.graph.GraphDatabaseCommand; import org.structr.core.graph.MaintenanceCommand; import org.structr.core.graph.NodeAttribute; import org.structr.core.graph.NodeFactory; import org.structr.core.graph.NodeInterface; import org.structr.core.graph.NodeServiceCommand; import org.structr.core.graph.RelationshipFactory; import org.structr.core.graph.RelationshipInterface; import org.structr.core.graph.Tx; import; import; import; import org.structr.schema.ConfigurationProvider; /** * Stateful facade for accessing the Structr core layer. * * */ public class StructrApp implements App { private static Map<String, Long> nodeUuidMap = null; private static Map<String, Long> relUuidMap = null; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(StructrApp.class.getName()); private static final URI schemaBaseURI = URI.create(""); private static final Object globalConfigLock = new Object(); private static GraphProperties config = null; private GraphDatabaseService graphDb = null; private SecurityContext securityContext = null; private RelationshipFactory relFactory = null; private NodeFactory nodeFactory = null; private StructrApp(final SecurityContext securityContext) { this.relFactory = new RelationshipFactory(securityContext); this.nodeFactory = new NodeFactory(securityContext); this.securityContext = securityContext; } // ----- public methods ----- @Override public <T extends NodeInterface> T create(final Class<T> type, final String name) throws FrameworkException { return create(type, new NodeAttribute(, name)); } @Override public <T extends NodeInterface> T create(final Class<T> type, final PropertyMap source) throws FrameworkException { final CreateNodeCommand<T> command = command(CreateNodeCommand.class); final PropertyMap properties = new PropertyMap(source); // add type information when creating a node properties.put(AbstractNode.type, type.getSimpleName()); return command.execute(properties); } @Override public <T extends NodeInterface> T create(final Class<T> type, final NodeAttribute<?>... attributes) throws FrameworkException { final List<NodeAttribute<?>> attrs = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(attributes)); final CreateNodeCommand<T> command = command(CreateNodeCommand.class); // add type information when creating a node attrs.add(new NodeAttribute(AbstractNode.type, type.getSimpleName())); return command.execute(attrs); } @Override public void delete(final NodeInterface node) { command(DeleteNodeCommand.class).execute(node); } @Override public <A extends NodeInterface, B extends NodeInterface, R extends Relation<A, B, ?, ?>> R create( final A fromNode, final B toNode, final Class<R> relType) throws FrameworkException { return command(CreateRelationshipCommand.class).execute(fromNode, toNode, relType); } @Override public <A extends NodeInterface, B extends NodeInterface, R extends Relation<A, B, ?, ?>> R create( final A fromNode, final B toNode, final Class<R> relType, final PropertyMap properties) throws FrameworkException { return command(CreateRelationshipCommand.class).execute(fromNode, toNode, relType, properties); } @Override public void delete(final RelationshipInterface relationship) { command(DeleteRelationshipCommand.class).execute(relationship); } @Override public GraphObject get(final String uuid) throws FrameworkException { if (uuid == null) { return null; } final NodeInterface node = getNodeById(uuid); if (node != null) { return node; } final RelationshipInterface rel = getRelationshipById(uuid); if (rel != null) { return rel; } return null; } @Override public NodeInterface getNodeById(final String uuid) throws FrameworkException { if (uuid == null) { return null; } final Long nodeId = getNodeFromCache(uuid); if (nodeId == null) { GraphObject entity = nodeQuery().uuid(uuid).includeDeletedAndHidden().getFirst(); if (entity != null && uuid.equals(entity.getUuid())) { nodeUuidMap.put(uuid, entity.getId()); return (NodeInterface) entity; } } else { try { return nodeFactory.instantiate(getGraphDatabaseService().getNodeById(nodeId)); } catch (NotFoundException ignore) { nodeUuidMap.remove(uuid); } } return null; } @Override public RelationshipInterface getRelationshipById(final String uuid) throws FrameworkException { if (uuid == null) { return null; } final Long id = getRelFromCache(uuid); if (id == null) { GraphObject entity = relationshipQuery().uuid(uuid).getFirst(); if (entity != null && uuid.equals(entity.getUuid())) { relUuidMap.put(uuid, entity.getId()); return (RelationshipInterface) entity; } } else { try { return relFactory.instantiate(getGraphDatabaseService().getRelationshipById(id)); } catch (NotFoundException ignore) { relUuidMap.remove(uuid); } } return null; } @Override public <T extends GraphObject> T get(final Class<T> type, final String uuid) throws FrameworkException { final GraphObject entity = get(uuid); if (type != null && entity != null && type.isAssignableFrom(entity.getClass())) { return (T) entity; } else { return null; } } @Override public <T extends GraphObject> List<T> get(final Class<T> type) throws FrameworkException { final Query<T> query = command(SearchNodeCommand.class); return query.andType(type).getAsList(); } @Override public Query<NodeInterface> nodeQuery() { return command(SearchNodeCommand.class); } @Override public Query<NodeInterface> nodeQuery(final boolean exact) { return command(SearchNodeCommand.class).exact(exact); } @Override public <T extends NodeInterface> Query<T> nodeQuery(final Class<T> type) { return command(SearchNodeCommand.class).andTypes(type); } @Override public <T extends NodeInterface> Query<T> nodeQuery(final Class<T> type, final boolean exact) { return command(SearchNodeCommand.class).exact(exact).andTypes(type); } @Override public Query<RelationshipInterface> relationshipQuery() { return command(SearchRelationshipCommand.class); } @Override public Query<RelationshipInterface> relationshipQuery(final boolean exact) { return command(SearchRelationshipCommand.class).exact(exact); } @Override public <T extends RelationshipInterface> Query<T> relationshipQuery(final Class<T> type) { return command(SearchRelationshipCommand.class).andTypes(type); } @Override public <T extends RelationshipInterface> Query<T> relationshipQuery(final Class<T> type, final boolean exact) { return command(SearchRelationshipCommand.class).exact(exact).andTypes(type); } @Override public Tx tx() { return tx(true); } @Override public Tx tx(final boolean doValidation) { return tx(doValidation, true); } @Override public Tx tx(final boolean doValidation, final boolean doCallbacks) { return new Tx(securityContext, this, doValidation, doCallbacks).begin(); } @Override public Tx tx(final boolean doValidation, final boolean doCallbacks, final boolean doNotifications) { return new Tx(securityContext, this, doValidation, doCallbacks, doNotifications).begin(); } @Override public void shutdown() { Services.getInstance().shutdown(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { shutdown(); } @Override public <T extends Command> T command(Class<T> commandType) { return Services.getInstance().command(securityContext, commandType); } @Override public void processTasks(Task... tasks) { final AgentService agentService = getService(AgentService.class); if (agentService != null) { for (final Task task : tasks) { agentService.processTask(task); } } } @Override public <T extends Command & MaintenanceCommand> void maintenance(final Class<T> commandClass, final Map<String, Object> propertySet) throws FrameworkException { ((MaintenanceCommand) Services.getInstance().command(securityContext, commandClass)).execute(propertySet); } @Override public List<GraphObject> cypher(final String cypherQuery, final Map<String, Object> parameters) throws FrameworkException { return Services.getInstance().command(securityContext, CypherQueryCommand.class).execute(cypherQuery, parameters); } @Override public <T extends Service> T getService(Class<T> serviceClass) { return Services.getInstance().getService(serviceClass); } @Override public GraphDatabaseService getGraphDatabaseService() { // cache graphdb instance if (graphDb == null) { graphDb = Services.getInstance().command(securityContext, GraphDatabaseCommand.class).execute(); } return graphDb; } private GraphProperties getOrCreateGraphProperties() { GraphProperties graphProperties = null; try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) { final NodeManager mgr = ((GraphDatabaseAPI) getGraphDatabaseService()).getDependencyResolver() .resolveDependency(NodeManager.class); tx.success(); graphProperties = mgr.newGraphProperties(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); } return graphProperties; } @Override public <T> T getGlobalSetting(final String key, final T defaultValue) throws FrameworkException { if (config == null) { config = getOrCreateGraphProperties(); } T value = null; try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) { value = (T) config.getProperty(key); tx.success(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) { config = getOrCreateGraphProperties(); config.setProperty(key, value); tx.success(); } catch (Throwable t1) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, t1.getMessage()); t1.printStackTrace(); } } if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } return value; } @Override public void setGlobalSetting(final String key, final Object value) throws FrameworkException { if (config == null) { config = getOrCreateGraphProperties(); } try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) { config.setProperty(key, value); tx.success(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) { config = getOrCreateGraphProperties(); config.setProperty(key, value); tx.success(); } catch (Throwable t1) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, t1.getMessage()); t1.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public String getInstanceId() throws FrameworkException { synchronized (globalConfigLock) { String instanceId = (String) getGlobalSetting("", null); System.out.println("instance id from getGlobalSetting: " + instanceId); if (instanceId == null) { instanceId = NodeServiceCommand.getNextUuid(); setGlobalSetting("", instanceId); } System.out.println("instance id: " + instanceId); return instanceId; } } // ----- public static methods ---- /** * Constructs a new stateful App instance, initialized with the given * security context. * * @return superuser app instance */ public static App getInstance() { return new StructrApp(SecurityContext.getSuperUserInstance()); } /** * Constructs a new stateful App instance, initialized with the given * security context. * * @param securityContext * @return app instance */ public static App getInstance(final SecurityContext securityContext) { return new StructrApp(securityContext); } public static ConfigurationProvider getConfiguration() { return Services.getInstance().getConfigurationProvider(); } public static String getConfigurationValue(final String key) { return StringUtils.trim(Services.getInstance().getConfigurationValue(key, null)); } public static String getConfigurationValue(final String key, final String defaultValue) { return StringUtils.trim(Services.getInstance().getConfigurationValue(key, defaultValue)); } public static <T extends GraphObject> URI getSchemaId(final Class<T> type) { initializeSchemaIds(); return typeIdMap.get(type); } public static Class resolveSchemaId(final URI uri) { initializeSchemaIds(); return schemaIdMap.get(uri); } public static URI getSchemaBaseURI() { return schemaBaseURI; } // ----- private static methods ----- private static void initializeSchemaIds() { if (schemaIdMap.isEmpty()) { for (final Class type : StructrApp.getConfiguration().getNodeEntities().values()) { registerType(type); } for (final Class type : StructrApp.getConfiguration().getRelationshipEntities().values()) { registerType(type); } } } private static void registerType(final Class type) { final URI id = schemaBaseURI.resolve(URI.create(("definitions/" + type.getSimpleName()))); schemaIdMap.put(id, type); typeIdMap.put(type, id); } private static final Map<URI, Class> schemaIdMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private static final Map<Class, URI> typeIdMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // ---------- private methods ----- private synchronized Long getNodeFromCache(final String uuid) { if (nodeUuidMap == null) { final int cacheSize = Services .parseInt(StructrApp.getConfigurationValue(Services.APPLICATION_UUID_CACHE_SIZE), 10000); nodeUuidMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LruMap<String, Long>(cacheSize)); } return nodeUuidMap.get(uuid); } private synchronized Long getRelFromCache(final String uuid) { if (relUuidMap == null) { final int cacheSize = Services .parseInt(StructrApp.getConfigurationValue(Services.APPLICATION_UUID_CACHE_SIZE), 10000); relUuidMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LruMap<String, Long>(cacheSize)); } return relUuidMap.get(uuid); } }