Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Structr GmbH * * This file is part of Structr <>. * * Structr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Structr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Structr. If not, see <>. */ package org.structr.autocomplete; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.structr.common.PropertyView; import org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException; import org.structr.core.GraphObject; import org.structr.core.GraphObjectMap; import; import org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode; import org.structr.core.parser.Functions; import; import; import; import; import; import org.structr.dynamic.File; import org.structr.schema.ConfigurationProvider; import org.structr.schema.SchemaHelper; import org.structr.schema.action.Function; import org.structr.schema.action.Hint; import org.structr.web.entity.User; import org.structr.web.entity.dom.DOMElement; import org.structr.web.entity.dom.DOMNode; import org.structr.web.entity.dom.Page; import org.structr.web.entity.dom.Template; public abstract class AbstractHintProvider { private static final Set<String> startChars = new HashSet<>( Arrays.asList(new String[] { ".", ",", "(", "((", "(((", "((((", "(((((", "((((((", "${" })); private static final Set<String> keywords = new HashSet<>(); static { keywords.add("current"); keywords.add("request"); keywords.add("this"); keywords.add("element"); keywords.add("page"); keywords.add("link"); keywords.add("template"); keywords.add("parent"); keywords.add("children"); keywords.add("host"); keywords.add("port"); keywords.add("path_info"); keywords.add("now"); keywords.add("me"); keywords.add("locale"); } private enum QueryType { REST, Cypher, XPath, Function } public static final Property<String> displayText = new StringProperty("displayText"); public static final Property<String> text = new StringProperty("text"); public static final Property<GraphObject> from = new GenericProperty("from"); public static final Property<GraphObject> to = new GenericProperty("to"); public static final Property<Integer> line = new IntProperty("line"); public static final Property<Integer> ch = new IntProperty("ch"); /** * Allowes the implementer to transform the given sourceName * according to its own rules. * * @param sourceName * @return the transformed sourceName */ protected abstract String getFunctionName(final String sourceName); protected abstract boolean isJavascript(); private final Comparator comparator = new HintComparator(); public List<GraphObject> getHints(final GraphObject currentEntity, final String type, final String currentToken, final String previousToken, final String thirdToken, final int cursorLine, final int cursorPosition) { final List<Hint> allHints = getAllHints(currentEntity, currentToken, previousToken, thirdToken); final List<GraphObject> hints = new LinkedList<>(); int maxNameLength = 0; if (StringUtils.isBlank(currentToken) || startChars.contains(currentToken)) { // display all possible hints for (final Hint hint : allHints) { final GraphObjectMap item = new GraphObjectMap(); String functionName = getFunctionName(hint.getReplacement()); if (hint.mayModify()) { item.put(text, visitReplacement(functionName)); } else { item.put(text, functionName); } item.put(displayText, getFunctionName(hint.getName()) + " - " + textOrPlaceholder(hint.shortDescription())); addPosition(item, hint, cursorLine, cursorPosition, cursorPosition); if (functionName.length() > maxNameLength) { maxNameLength = functionName.length(); } hints.add(item); } } else { final int currentTokenLength = currentToken.length(); for (final Hint hint : allHints) { final String functionName = getFunctionName(hint.getName()); final String replacement = hint.getReplacement(); if (functionName.startsWith(currentToken) || (currentToken.length() > 2 && functionName.contains(currentToken))) { final GraphObjectMap item = new GraphObjectMap(); if (hint.mayModify()) { item.put(text, visitReplacement(replacement)); } else { item.put(text, replacement); } item.put(displayText, getFunctionName(hint.getName()) + " - " + textOrPlaceholder(hint.shortDescription())); addPosition(item, hint, cursorLine, cursorPosition - currentTokenLength, cursorPosition); if (functionName.length() > maxNameLength) { maxNameLength = functionName.length(); } hints.add(item); } } } alignHintDescriptions(hints, maxNameLength); return hints; } protected String visitReplacement(final String replacement) { return replacement; } protected Hint createHint(final String name, final String signature, final String description) { return createHint(name, signature, description, null); } protected Hint createHint(final String name, final String signature, final String description, final String replacement) { final NonFunctionHint hint = new NonFunctionHint() { @Override public String shortDescription() { return description; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } }; if (replacement != null) { hint.setReplacement(replacement); } return hint; } protected void alignHintDescriptions(final List<GraphObject> hints, final int maxNameLength) { // insert appropriate number of spaces into description to align function names for (final GraphObject item : hints) { final String text = item.getProperty(displayText); final int pos = text.indexOf(" - "); if (pos < maxNameLength) { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(text); buf.insert(pos, StringUtils.leftPad("", maxNameLength - pos)); // ignore exception, won't happen on a GraphObjectMap anyway try { item.setProperty(displayText, buf.toString()); } catch (FrameworkException fex) { } } } } protected String textOrPlaceholder(final String source) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(source)) { return " (no description available yet)"; } return source; } protected List<Hint> getAllHints(final GraphObject currentNode, final String currentToken, final String previousToken, final String thirdToken) { final boolean isDeclaration = isJavascript() && "var".equals(previousToken); final boolean isAssignment = isJavascript() && "=".equals(previousToken); final boolean isDotNotationRequest = ".".equals(currentToken); final ConfigurationProvider config = StructrApp.getConfiguration(); final Map<String, DataKey> dataKeys = new TreeMap<>(); final List<Hint> hints = new LinkedList<>(); final List<Hint> local = new LinkedList<>(); Class currentObjectType = null; // data key etc. hints if (currentNode != null) { recursivelyFindDataKeys(currentNode, dataKeys); } switch (previousToken) { case "current": currentObjectType = AbstractNode.class; break; case "this": currentObjectType = DOMNode.class; break; case "me": currentObjectType = User.class; break; case "page": currentObjectType = Page.class; break; case "link": currentObjectType = File.class; break; case "template": currentObjectType = Template.class; break; case "parent": currentObjectType = DOMElement.class; break; default: DataKey key = dataKeys.get(previousToken); if (key != null) { currentObjectType = key.identifyType(config); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(thirdToken)) { key = dataKeys.get(thirdToken); if (key != null) { currentObjectType = key.identifyType(config); if (currentObjectType != null) { final PropertyKey nestedKey = config.getPropertyKeyForJSONName(currentObjectType, previousToken, false); if (nestedKey != null) { currentObjectType = nestedKey.relatedType(); } } } } break; } if (!keywords.contains(previousToken) && !isDotNotationRequest && !dataKeys.containsKey(previousToken)) { if (!isAssignment) { for (final Function<Object, Object> func : Functions.functions.values()) { hints.add(func); } } Collections.sort(hints, comparator); // non-function hints local.add(createHint("current", "", "Current data object", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('current')")); local.add( createHint("request", "", "Current request object", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('request')")); local.add(createHint("this", "", "Current object", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('this')")); local.add(createHint("element", "", "Current object", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('element')")); local.add(createHint("page", "", "Current page", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('page')")); local.add(createHint("link", "", "Current link", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('link')")); local.add(createHint("template", "", "Closest template node", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('template')")); local.add(createHint("parent", "", "Parent node", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('parent')")); local.add(createHint("children", "", "Collection of child nodes", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('children')")); local.add(createHint("host", "", "Client's host name", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('host')")); local.add(createHint("port", "", "Client's port", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('port')")); local.add(createHint("path_info", "", "URL path", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('path_info')")); local.add(createHint("now", "", "Current date", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('now')")); local.add(createHint("me", "", "Current user", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('me)")); local.add(createHint("locale", "", "Current locale", !isJavascript() ? null : "get('locale')")); } // add local hints to the beginning of the list Collections.sort(local, comparator); hints.addAll(0, local); // prepend data keys if (currentObjectType == null && !dataKeys.containsKey(previousToken) && !isDotNotationRequest || isAssignment) { for (final DataKey dataKey : dataKeys.values()) { final String replacement = isJavascript() && !isDeclaration ? "get('" + dataKey.getDataKey() + "')" : null; final Hint dataKeyHint = createHint(dataKey.getDataKey(), "", dataKey.getDescription(), replacement); // disable replacement with "Structr.get(...)" when in Javascript declaration dataKeyHint.allowNameModification(!isDeclaration); hints.add(0, dataKeyHint); } } // prepend property keys of current object type collectHintsForType(hints, config, currentObjectType); return hints; } // ----- private methods ----- private void addPosition(final GraphObjectMap item, final Hint hint, final int cursorLine, final int replaceFrom, final int replaceTo) { final GraphObjectMap fromObject = new GraphObjectMap(); final GraphObjectMap toObject = new GraphObjectMap(); fromObject.put(line, cursorLine); fromObject.put(ch, replaceFrom); toObject.put(line, cursorLine); toObject.put(ch, replaceTo); item.put(from, fromObject); item.put(to, toObject); } private void recursivelyFindDataKeys(final GraphObject entity, final Map<String, DataKey> dataKeys) { if (entity != null) { final String dataKey = entity.getProperty(DOMNode.dataKey); if (dataKey != null) { final DataKey key = new DataKey(entity); dataKeys.put(key.getDataKey(), key); } recursivelyFindDataKeys(entity.getProperty(DOMNode.parent), dataKeys); } } private void collectHintsForType(final List<Hint> hints, final ConfigurationProvider config, final Class type) { if (type != null) { final List<Hint> propertyHints = new LinkedList<>(); // create hints based on schema type information for (final PropertyKey propertyKey : config.getPropertySet(type, PropertyView.All)) { final String keyName = propertyKey.jsonName(); if (!keyName.startsWith(PropertyView.Html) && !keyName.startsWith("data-structr-")) { final Hint propertyHint = createHint(keyName, "", type.getSimpleName() + " property"); // allow sorting by dynamic / static properties propertyHint.setIsDynamic(propertyKey.isDynamic()); propertyHint.allowNameModification(false); propertyHints.add(propertyHint); } } Collections.sort(propertyHints, comparator); hints.addAll(0, propertyHints); } } // ----- nested classes ----- protected static class HintComparator implements Comparator<Hint> { @Override public int compare(final Hint o1, final Hint o2) { final boolean firstIsDynamic = o1.isDynamic(); final boolean secindIsDynamic = o2.isDynamic(); if (firstIsDynamic && !secindIsDynamic) { return -1; } if (!firstIsDynamic && secindIsDynamic) { return 1; } return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } } private static class DataKey implements Comparable<DataKey> { private QueryType queryType = QueryType.REST; private String dataKey = null; private String query = null; public DataKey(final GraphObject entity) { dataKey = entity.getProperty(DOMNode.dataKey); query = entity.getProperty(DOMNode.restQuery); if (query == null) { query = entity.getProperty(DOMNode.cypherQuery); queryType = QueryType.Cypher; } if (query == null) { query = entity.getProperty(DOMNode.xpathQuery); queryType = QueryType.XPath; } if (query == null) { query = entity.getProperty(DOMNode.functionQuery); queryType = QueryType.Function; } } public String getDataKey() { return dataKey; } public String getDescription() { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Data key for "); buf.append(queryType); buf.append(" query "); buf.append(StringUtils.abbreviate(query, 20)); return buf.toString(); } @Override public int compareTo(final DataKey other) { return dataKey.compareTo(other.getDataKey()); } public Class identifyType(final ConfigurationProvider config) { // only for REST right now switch (queryType) { case REST: return identifyRestQueryType(); case Cypher: break; case XPath: // the result is very likely to be a DOMNode return DOMNode.class; case Function: break; } return null; } private Class identifyRestQueryType() { // remove template expressions String cleanedQuery = query.replaceAll("\\$\\{.*\\}", ""); // remove optional / for REST if (cleanedQuery.startsWith("/")) { cleanedQuery = cleanedQuery.substring(1); } final int queryStart = cleanedQuery.indexOf("?"); if (queryStart >= 0 && queryStart < cleanedQuery.length()) { cleanedQuery = cleanedQuery.substring(0, queryStart); } return SchemaHelper.getEntityClassForRawType(cleanedQuery); } } }