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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import static com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.QueryBuilder.eq;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.UUID;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import org.stockwatcher.domain.Comment;
import org.stockwatcher.domain.Exchange;
import org.stockwatcher.domain.Industry;
import org.stockwatcher.domain.Stock;
import org.stockwatcher.domain.Trade;

import com.datastax.driver.core.BatchStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSetFuture;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Row;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Statement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException;
import com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Clause;
import com.datastax.driver.core.utils.UUIDs;

 * Implementation of the StockDAO interface for Apache Cassandra.
 * @author Tony Piazza
public class StockDAOImpl extends CassandraDAO implements CassandraStockDAO {
    private CassandraUserDAO userDAO;

    private PreparedStatement selectTradesBySymbolAndDate;
    private PreparedStatement selectStockWatchCounts;
    private PreparedStatement selectStockBySymbol;
    private PreparedStatement selectStockCommentsBySymbol;
    private PreparedStatement deleteStockCommentBySymbol;
    private PreparedStatement deleteStockCommentByUser;
    private PreparedStatement insertStockCommentBySymbol;
    private PreparedStatement insertStockCommentByUser;
    private PreparedStatement selectLastClosePrice;
    private PreparedStatement updateStockViewCount;

    public void init() {
        selectTradesBySymbolAndDate = prepare(
                "SELECT stock_symbol, trade_id, trade_date, trade_timestamp, exchange_id, share_price, share_quantity FROM Trade WHERE stock_symbol = ? AND trade_date = ?");
        selectStockWatchCounts = prepare("SELECT stock_symbol, watch_count FROM StockCount");
        selectStockBySymbol = prepare(
                "SELECT stock_symbol, company_name, exchange_id, current_price, price_updated, active, industry_id, industry_name, sector_id, sector_name FROM Stock WHERE stock_symbol = ?");
        selectStockCommentsBySymbol = prepare(
                "SELECT stock_symbol, comment_id, user_id, user_display_name, comment, active FROM StockCommentBySymbol WHERE stock_symbol = ?");
        deleteStockCommentBySymbol = prepare(
                "UPDATE StockCommentBySymbol SET active=false WHERE stock_symbol=? AND comment_id=?");
        deleteStockCommentByUser = prepare(
                "UPDATE StockCommentByUser SET active=false WHERE user_id=? AND comment_id=?");
        insertStockCommentBySymbol = prepare(
                "INSERT INTO StockCommentBySymbol (stock_symbol, comment_id, user_id, user_display_name, comment, active) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
        insertStockCommentByUser = prepare(
                "INSERT INTO StockCommentByUser (stock_symbol, comment_id, user_id, user_display_name, comment, active) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
        selectLastClosePrice = prepare("SELECT price_close FROM DailySummary WHERE stock_symbol=? LIMIT 1");
        updateStockViewCount = prepare("UPDATE StockCount SET view_count=view_count+1 WHERE stock_symbol=?");

    public SortedSet<Industry> getIndustries() {
        return getIndustries(getDefaultOptions());

    public SortedSet<Industry> getIndustries(StatementOptions options) {
        SortedSet<Industry> industries = new TreeSet<Industry>();
        try {
            Statement statement = select().column("industry_id").column("industry_name").column("sector_id")
            for (Row row : execute(statement, options)) {
        } catch (DriverException e) {
            throw new DAOException(e);
        if (industries.isEmpty()) {
            throw new DAOException("no industries found");
        return industries;

    public Stock getStockBySymbol(String symbol) {
        return getStockBySymbol(getDefaultOptions(), symbol);

    public Stock getStockBySymbol(StatementOptions options, String symbol) {
        if (symbol == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("symbol is null");
        try {
            Clause where = eq("stock_symbol", symbol);
            Row row = getStockResultSet(options, where).one();
            if (row == null) {
                throw new DAOException("no stock found with specified symbol");
            return createStock(row);
        } catch (DriverException e) {
            throw new DAOException(e);

    public Map<String, BigDecimal> getCurrentPriceForSymbols(String... symbols) {
        return getCurrentPriceForSymbols(getDefaultOptions(), symbols);

    public Map<String, BigDecimal> getCurrentPriceForSymbols(StatementOptions options, String... symbols) {
        if (symbols == null || symbols.length == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("symbols argument is null or zero length");
        Map<String, BigDecimal> priceMap = new TreeMap<String, BigDecimal>();
        try {
            Statement statement = select().column("stock_symbol").column("current_price").column("active")
                    .from("Stock").where(in("stock_symbol", (Object[]) symbols));
            for (Row row : execute(statement, options)) {
                if (row.getBool("active")) {
                    priceMap.put(row.getString("stock_symbol"), row.getDecimal("current_price"));
        } catch (DriverException e) {
            throw new DAOException(e);
        return priceMap;

     * Internal method used to execute a query for Stocks that match the 
     * specified where clause.
     * @param cl ConsistencyLevel to use for executing the query
     * @param where Clause to use for filtering the rows
     * @return ResultSet
    private ResultSet getStockResultSet(StatementOptions options, Clause whereClause) {
        Statement statement = select().column("stock_symbol").column("company_name").column("exchange_id")
        return execute(statement, options);

    public SortedSet<Exchange> getExchanges() {
        return getExchanges(getDefaultOptions());

    public SortedSet<Exchange> getExchanges(StatementOptions options) {
        SortedSet<Exchange> exchanges = new TreeSet<Exchange>();
        try {
            Statement statement = select().column("exchange_id").column("exchange_name").column("currency_code")
                    .from("Exchange").where(eq("active", true));
            for (Row row : execute(statement, options)) {
        } catch (DriverException e) {
            throw new DAOException(e);
        if (exchanges.isEmpty()) {
            throw new DAOException("no active exchanges found");
        return exchanges;

    public SortedSet<Stock> findStocks(StockCriteria criteria) {
        return findStocks(getDefaultOptions(), criteria);

    public SortedSet<Stock> findStocks(StatementOptions options, StockCriteria criteria) {
        Integer[] industries = criteria.getIndustryIds();
        Set<String> exchanges = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(criteria.getExchangeIds()));
        BigDecimal minPrice = criteria.getMinimumPrice();
        BigDecimal maxPrice = criteria.getMaximumPrice();
        SortedSet<Stock> stocks = new TreeSet<Stock>();
        try {
            Set<String> symbols = getMatchingSymbols(options, industries, exchanges);
            Clause where = in("stock_symbol", symbols.toArray());
            for (Row row : getStockResultSet(options, where)) {
                BigDecimal curPrice = row.getDecimal("current_price");
                if (row.getBool("active") && (minPrice.compareTo(curPrice) <= 0)
                        && (maxPrice.compareTo(curPrice) >= 0)) {
        } catch (DriverException e) {
            throw new DAOException(e);
        return stocks;

    private Set<String> getMatchingSymbols(StatementOptions options, Integer[] industries, Set<String> exchanges) {
        Set<String> symbols = new HashSet<String>();
        Statement statement = select().column("stock_symbol").column("exchange_id").from("StockSearch")
                .where(in("industry_id", (Object[]) industries));
        for (Row row : execute(statement, options)) {
            if (exchanges.contains(row.getString("exchange_id"))) {
        return symbols;

    private void validateCriteria(StockCriteria criteria) {
        if (criteria == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("criteria is null");
        Integer[] industryIds = criteria.getIndustryIds();
        if (industryIds == null || industryIds.length == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("industryIds is null or empty");
        String[] exchangeIds = criteria.getExchangeIds();
        if (exchangeIds == null || exchangeIds.length == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("exchangeIds is null or empty");

    public SortedSet<Trade> getTradesBySymbolAndDate(String symbol, Date tradeDate) {
        return getTradesBySymbolAndDate(getDefaultOptions(), symbol, tradeDate);

    public SortedSet<Trade> getTradesBySymbolAndDate(StatementOptions options, String symbol, Date tradeDate) {
        if (symbol == null || symbol.length() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("symbol is null or zero length");
        if (tradeDate == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("tradeDate is null");
        SortedSet<Trade> trades = new TreeSet<Trade>();
        try {
            BoundStatement bs = selectTradesBySymbolAndDate.bind();
            bs.setString("stock_symbol", symbol);
            bs.setDate("trade_date", tradeDate);
            for (Row row : execute(bs, options)) {
        } catch (DriverException e) {
            throw new DAOException(e);
        return trades;

    public List<Stock> getMostWatchedStocks(int limit) {
        return getMostWatchedStocks(getDefaultOptions(), limit);

    public List<Stock> getMostWatchedStocks(StatementOptions options, int limit) {
        List<Stock> stocks = new ArrayList<Stock>(limit);
        try {
            BoundStatement bs = selectStockWatchCounts.bind();
            Map<Long, Set<String>> map = new TreeMap<Long, Set<String>>(Collections.reverseOrder());
            for (Row row : execute(bs, options)) {
                long watchCount = row.getLong("watch_count");
                if (watchCount > 0) {
                    Set<String> values = map.get(watchCount);
                    if (values == null) {
                        values = new HashSet<String>();
                        map.put(watchCount, values);
            int count = 0;
            List<ResultSetFuture> futures = new ArrayList<ResultSetFuture>(limit);
            for (long i : map.keySet()) {
                Iterator<String> iter = map.get(i).iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext() && count++ < limit) {
                    bs = selectStockBySymbol.bind();
                    futures.add(executeAsync(bs, options));
            for (ResultSetFuture future : futures) {
        } catch (DriverException e) {
            throw new DAOException(e);
        return stocks;

    public void insertStockComment(String symbol, Comment comment) {
        insertStockComment(getDefaultOptions(), symbol, comment);

    public void insertStockComment(StatementOptions options, String symbol, Comment comment) {
        try {
            UUID commentId = UUIDs.timeBased();
            BoundStatement bs1 = insertStockCommentBySymbol.bind();
            bs1.setString("stock_symbol", symbol);
            bs1.setUUID("comment_id", commentId);
            bs1.setUUID("user_id", comment.getUserId());
            bs1.setString("user_display_name", comment.getUserDisplayName());
            bs1.setString("comment", comment.getText());
            bs1.setBool("active", comment.isActive());
            BoundStatement bs2 = insertStockCommentByUser.bind();
            bs2.setString("stock_symbol", symbol);
            bs2.setUUID("comment_id", commentId);
            bs2.setUUID("user_id", comment.getUserId());
            bs2.setString("user_display_name", comment.getUserDisplayName());
            bs2.setString("comment", comment.getText());
            bs2.setBool("active", comment.isActive());

            // Create a batch for the two inserts, then execute (atomically)
            BatchStatement batch = new BatchStatement();
            execute(batch, options);

            // Example Without batch         
            execute(bs1, options);
            execute(bs2, options);
        } catch (DriverException e) {
            throw new DAOException(e);

    public void deleteStockComment(String symbol, UUID userId, UUID commentId) {
        deleteStockComment(getDefaultOptions(), symbol, userId, commentId);

    public void deleteStockComment(StatementOptions options, String symbol, UUID userId, UUID commentId) {
        try {
            BoundStatement bs1 = deleteStockCommentBySymbol.bind();
            bs1.setString("stock_symbol", symbol);
            bs1.setUUID("comment_id", commentId);
            BoundStatement bs2 = deleteStockCommentByUser.bind();
            bs2.setUUID("user_id", userId);
            bs2.setUUID("comment_id", commentId);
            BatchStatement batch = new BatchStatement();
            execute(batch, options);
                     // Example Without batch         
                     execute(bs1, options);
                     execute(bs2, options);
        } catch (DriverException e) {
            throw new DAOException(e);

    public SortedSet<Comment> getStockCommentsBySymbol(String symbol, int limit) {
        return getStockCommentsBySymbol(getDefaultOptions(), symbol, limit);

    public SortedSet<Comment> getStockCommentsBySymbol(StatementOptions options, String symbol, int limit) {
        SortedSet<Comment> comments = new TreeSet<Comment>();
        try {
            BoundStatement bs = selectStockCommentsBySymbol.bind();
            bs.setString("stock_symbol", symbol);
            int count = 0;
            for (Row row : execute(bs, options)) {
                if (row.getBool("active")) {
                    Comment comment = createComment(row);
                    if (++count >= limit) {
        } catch (DriverException e) {
            throw new DAOException(e);
        return comments;

    public BigDecimal getLastClosePriceForSymbol(String symbol) {
        return getLastClosePriceForSymbol(getDefaultOptions(), symbol);

    public BigDecimal getLastClosePriceForSymbol(StatementOptions options, String symbol) {
        try {
            BoundStatement bs = selectLastClosePrice.bind();
            bs.setString("stock_symbol", symbol);
            return execute(bs, options).one().getDecimal("price_close");
        } catch (DriverException e) {
            throw new DAOException(e);

    public void incrementStockViewCount(String symbol) {
        incrementStockViewCount(getDefaultOptions(), symbol);

    public void incrementStockViewCount(StatementOptions options, String symbol) {
        try {
            BoundStatement bs = updateStockViewCount.bind();
            bs.setString("stock_symbol", symbol);
            execute(bs, options);
        } catch (DriverException e) {
            throw new DAOException(e);