Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2011 StaXcel * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package org.staxcel.internal; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.staxcel.SpreadSheet; import org.staxcel.SpreadSheetConfig; import org.staxcel.StaxcelConfig; import org.staxcel.StaxcelException; import org.staxcel.StaxcelRuntimeException; import org.staxcel.Worksheet; import org.staxcel.template.StreamBasedTemplateEngine; import org.staxcel.template.TokenEnumerableTemplateWriter; /** * This class is logical representation of a .xlsx file during creation. * * @author * */ @ThreadSafe public class SpreadSheetImpl implements SpreadSheet { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(SpreadSheetImpl.class); protected String spreadSheetName; protected SpreadSheetConfig config; protected File workingDir; protected URL spreadSheetURL; protected List<WorksheetImpl> worksheetList; protected TokenEnumerableTemplateWriter appXmlTemplateWriter; protected TokenEnumerableTemplateWriter workbookRelsXmlTemplateWriter; protected TokenEnumerableTemplateWriter workbookXmlTemplateWriter; protected Map<String, Integer> sharedStrings; protected Map<String, Integer> resource2IdMap; private int defaultBlockSize = 4096; /** * Whether to delete intermediate files or not. By default it is true. */ private boolean shouldDeleteIntermediateFiles = true; /** * Constructor. * * @param config spreadSheetConfig */ public SpreadSheetImpl(String spreadSheetName, SpreadSheetConfig config) throws StaxcelRuntimeException { this.spreadSheetName = spreadSheetName; this.config = config; init(); } /** * Initialized SpreadSheet file creation. Creates folder and basic xml files * related to basic excel file. */ protected void init() throws StaxcelRuntimeException { try { createBaseDir(config.getProperty(StaxcelConfig.BASE_DIR)); this.workingDir = createWorkingDir(this.spreadSheetName); sharedStrings = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); resource2IdMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); HashMap<String, String> context = new HashMap<String, String>(); getNextResourceId("sharedStrings.xml"); populateDefaultContext(context); addTemplateFiles(context); createTemplateWriters(context); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new StaxcelRuntimeException(e); } finally { worksheetList = new Vector<WorksheetImpl>(); } } protected void createBaseDir(String folderPath) { File file = new File(folderPath); file.mkdir(); } protected File createWorkingDir(String spreadSheetName) { String workingDirPath = config.getProperty(StaxcelConfig.BASE_DIR) + File.separator + getWorkingDirName(spreadSheetName); System.out.println("working directory is : " + workingDirPath); File file = new File(workingDirPath); file.mkdir(); return file; } protected String getWorkingDirName(String spreadSheetName) { return spreadSheetName; } protected void addTemplateFiles(HashMap<String, String> context) throws IOException { this.config.fillInContext(context); addContentType(context); addRelationshipFile(context); addDocumentPropertyFiles(context); addStyleFile(context); addThemeFile(context); } protected void createTemplateWriters(HashMap<String, String> context) throws IOException { createAppXmlTemplateWriter(context); createWorkbookRelationshipXmlTemplateWriter(context); createWorkbookXmlTemplateWriter(context); } /** * Loads all system properties in context * * @param context */ protected void populateDefaultContext(HashMap<String, String> context) { Properties systemProps = System.getProperties(); for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : systemProps.entrySet()) { context.put(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue().toString()); } } /** * creates content type file /[Content_Types].xml * * @param context * @throws IOException */ protected void addContentType(HashMap<String, String> context) throws IOException { createFromTemplate(OpenXMLFormatConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_FILE_NAME, context); } /** * creates Relaship file /_rels/.rels * * @param context * @throws IOException */ protected void addRelationshipFile(HashMap<String, String> context) throws IOException { createFromTemplate(OpenXMLFormatConstants.RELS_FILE_NAME, context); } /** * Creates files under /docProps folder * * @param context * @throws IOException */ protected void addDocumentPropertyFiles(HashMap<String, String> context) throws IOException { createCoreXml(context); } /** * Creates docProps/core.xml * * @param context * @throws IOException */ protected void createCoreXml(HashMap<String, String> context) throws IOException { createFromTemplate(OpenXMLFormatConstants.DOCS_CORE_FILE_NAME, context); } /** * Creates /xl/styles.xml file. * * @param context * @throws IOException */ protected void addStyleFile(HashMap<String, String> context) throws IOException { createFromTemplate(OpenXMLFormatConstants.STYLES_FILE_NAME, context); getNextResourceId(OpenXMLFormatConstants.STYLES_FILE_NAME); } /** * Get next resource Id assigned to resource and return assigned resourceId * * @param resourceName * name of resource (usually relative path of xml file) which * need to be tracked as resource * @return resourceId assigned */ protected int getNextResourceId(String resourceName) { int resourceId = resource2IdMap.size() + 1; resource2IdMap.put(resourceName, Integer.valueOf(resourceId)); return resourceId; } /** * Creates /xl/theme\theme1.xml file. * * @param context * @throws IOException */ protected void addThemeFile(HashMap<String, String> context) throws IOException { createFromTemplate(OpenXMLFormatConstants.THEMES_FILE_NAME, context); getNextResourceId(OpenXMLFormatConstants.STYLES_FILE_NAME); } protected void createAppXmlTemplateWriter(HashMap<String, String> context) throws IOException { appXmlTemplateWriter = createTemplateWriter(context, OpenXMLFormatConstants.DOCS_APP_FILE_NAME); } protected void createWorkbookRelationshipXmlTemplateWriter(HashMap<String, String> context) throws IOException { workbookRelsXmlTemplateWriter = createTemplateWriter(context, OpenXMLFormatConstants.WORKBOOK_RELS_FILE_NAME); } protected void createWorkbookXmlTemplateWriter(HashMap<String, String> context) throws IOException { workbookXmlTemplateWriter = createTemplateWriter(context, OpenXMLFormatConstants.WORKBOOK_FILE_NAME); } protected void createFromTemplate(String path, HashMap<String, String> context) throws IOException { BufferedWriter bufWriter = createWriter(path); BufferedReader templateReader = createTemplateFileReader(path); StreamBasedTemplateEngine.applyTemplate(templateReader, bufWriter, context); bufWriter.flush(); bufWriter.close(); } protected TokenEnumerableTemplateWriter createTemplateWriter(HashMap<String, String> context, String path) throws IOException { BufferedWriter bufWriter = createWriter(path); BufferedReader templateReader = createTemplateFileReader(path); TokenEnumerableTemplateWriter templateWriter = new TokenEnumerableTemplateWriter(templateReader, bufWriter); if (templateWriter.hasMoreElements() == false) { templateWriter.getOutputWriter().flush(); templateWriter.getOutputWriter().close(); } return templateWriter; } protected BufferedReader createTemplateFileReader(String templateFileRelativePath) throws IOException { String templateDirPath = this.config.getProperty(StaxcelConfig.TEMPLATE_DIR); String templateFilePath = templateDirPath + File.separator + templateFileRelativePath; return new BufferedReader(new FileReader(templateFilePath)); } protected BufferedWriter createWriter(String relativePath) throws IOException { File destFile = new File(this.workingDir, relativePath); destFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); return new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(destFile)); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.staxcel.SpreadSheet#getSpreadSheetName() */ @Override public String getSpreadSheetName() { return this.spreadSheetName; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.staxcel.SpreadSheet#getSpreadSheetURL() */ @Override public URL getSpreadSheetURL() throws StaxcelRuntimeException { return this.spreadSheetURL; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.staxcel.SpreadSheet#close() */ @Override public URL close() throws IOException { System.out.println("SpreadSheetImpl.Close invoked"); addSharedStringsFile(); flushPartialTemplateFiles(); createXlsxFile(); return spreadSheetURL; } /** * * @throws IOException */ private void flushPartialTemplateFiles() throws IOException { XMLOutputFactory xmlOutFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); flushAppXmlFile(xmlOutFactory); flushWorkbookRelsXmlFile(xmlOutFactory); flushWorkbookXmlFile(xmlOutFactory); } /** * Write remaining part of ./docProps/app.xml file * * @param xmlOutFactory * @throws IOException */ protected void flushAppXmlFile(XMLOutputFactory xmlOutFactory) throws IOException { flushDynamicTemplateWriter(this.appXmlTemplateWriter, xmlOutFactory); } /** * Write remaining part of ./xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels file * * @param xmlOutFactory * @throws IOException */ protected void flushWorkbookRelsXmlFile(XMLOutputFactory xmlOutFactory) throws IOException { flushDynamicTemplateWriter(this.workbookRelsXmlTemplateWriter, xmlOutFactory); } /** * Write remaining part of ./xl/workbook.xml file * * @param xmlOutFactory * @throws IOException */ protected void flushWorkbookXmlFile(XMLOutputFactory xmlOutFactory) throws IOException { flushDynamicTemplateWriter(this.workbookXmlTemplateWriter, xmlOutFactory); } protected void flushDynamicTemplateWriter(TokenEnumerableTemplateWriter templateWriter, XMLOutputFactory xmlOutFactory) throws IOException { String token = templateWriter.getToken(); while (token != null) { XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter = null; try { if (token.equals("worksheets.count")) { templateWriter.getOutputWriter().write(String.valueOf(this.worksheetList.size())); } else if (token.equals("worksheets.vector")) { xmlWriter = xmlOutFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(appXmlTemplateWriter.getOutputWriter()); xmlWriter.writeStartElement("vt:vector"); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("size", String.valueOf(this.worksheetList.size())); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("baseType", "lpstr"); for (int index = 0; index < this.worksheetList.size(); ++index) { xmlWriter.writeStartElement("vt:lpstr"); xmlWriter.writeCharacters(this.worksheetList.get(index).getName()); xmlWriter.writeEndElement(); } xmlWriter.writeEndElement(); } else if (token.equals("worksheet.relationships")) { xmlWriter = xmlOutFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(templateWriter.getOutputWriter()); for (int index = 0; index < worksheetList.size(); ++index) { WorksheetImpl worksheet = worksheetList.get(index); xmlWriter.writeStartElement("Relationship"); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("Id", "rId" + worksheet.getResourceId()); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("Type", OpenXMLNamespace.NS_OPENXML_OFFICE_DOC_2006_REL_WORKSHEET); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("Target", "worksheets/sheet" + worksheet.getWorksheetNumber() + ".xml"); xmlWriter.writeEndElement(); } } else if (token.equals("workbook.sheets")) { xmlWriter = xmlOutFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(templateWriter.getOutputWriter()); for (int index = 0; index < worksheetList.size(); ++index) { WorksheetImpl worksheet = worksheetList.get(index); xmlWriter.writeStartElement("sheet"); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("name", "Sheet" + worksheet.getWorksheetNumber()); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("sheetId", String.valueOf(worksheet.getWorksheetNumber())); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("r:id", "rId" + worksheet.getResourceId()); xmlWriter.writeEndElement(); } } else { // unknown. Invoke a protected method which can be // overridden by derived classes // to add new template variables and interpret them // accordingly. expandToken(token, templateWriter); } } catch (XMLStreamException ex) { throw new StaxcelException("Error when replacing " + token + " from template file", ex); } finally { if (xmlWriter != null) { try { xmlWriter.flush(); xmlWriter.close(); } catch (XMLStreamException ex2) { logger.error("Error when closing xmlstream", ex2); } } } token = templateWriter.nextElement(); } templateWriter.getOutputWriter().flush(); templateWriter.getOutputWriter().close(); } /** * This method can be overridden by derived class to add new macro variables * to template and interpet them here accordingly. * * @param token * token to be expanded by writing content using template writer * @param templateWriter * writer pointing to xml file to be updated with token expanded * value. * @throws IOException * if any exception occurs * */ protected void expandToken(String token, TokenEnumerableTemplateWriter templateWriter) throws IOException { // does nothing. Derived class can override. } /** * Write all shared strings to ./xl/SharedStrings.xml file * * @throws IOException */ protected void addSharedStringsFile() throws IOException { try { BufferedWriter writer = createWriter(OpenXMLFormatConstants.SHARED_STRING_FILE_NAME); XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamWriter(writer); xmlWriter.writeStartDocument("UTF-8", "1.0"); xmlWriter.writeStartElement("sst"); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("xmlns", OpenXMLNamespace.NS_OPENXML_SPREADSHEETML_2006_MAIN); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("count", String.valueOf(this.sharedStrings.size())); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("uniqueCount", String.valueOf(this.sharedStrings.size())); for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : this.sharedStrings.entrySet()) { xmlWriter.writeStartElement("si"); xmlWriter.writeStartElement("t"); xmlWriter.writeCharacters(entry.getKey()); xmlWriter.writeEndElement(); xmlWriter.writeEndElement(); } xmlWriter.writeEndElement(); xmlWriter.writeEndDocument(); xmlWriter.close(); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (XMLStreamException ex) { logger.error("XML error when creating SharedStrings.xml file", ex); throw new StaxcelException("XML error when creating SharedStrings.xml file", ex); } } /** * Zips all content, creates xlsx file and deletes intermediate files */ protected void createXlsxFile() throws IOException { ArrayList<File> filesList = new ArrayList<File>(); listAllFilesRecursively(getWorkingDir(), filesList); File xlsxFolder = getFolderForGeneratedSpreadsheet(); // FIXME : REMOVE ME after testing. File zipFile = new File(xlsxFolder, getSpreadSheetName() + ".zip"); zipContent(zipFile, getWorkingDir(), filesList); File xlsxFile = new File(xlsxFolder, getSpreadSheetName() + ".xlsx"); zipContent(xlsxFile, getWorkingDir(), filesList); if (this.shouldDeleteIntermediateFiles) { // delete all intermediate files. getWorkingDir().delete(); } } /** * Returns block size (in bytes) to be used to copy data from .xml files to * create zip file. By default this returns 4096 if not set explicitly. * * @return block size. */ public int getDefaultBlockSize() { return defaultBlockSize; } public void setDefaultBlockSize(int defaultBlockSize) { this.defaultBlockSize = defaultBlockSize; } /** * Zip all source files into target zip file * * @param targetFile * @param baseFolder * @param sourceFilesList * @throws IOException */ private void zipContent(File targetFile, File baseFolder, ArrayList<File> sourceFilesList) throws IOException { BufferedOutputStream fOut = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(targetFile)); ZipOutputStream zipOut = new ZipOutputStream(fOut); String baseFolderPath = baseFolder.getAbsolutePath(); int blockSize = getDefaultBlockSize(); byte[] byteArray = new byte[blockSize]; for (int index = 0; index < sourceFilesList.size(); ++index) { File entryFile = sourceFilesList.get(index); String name = entryFile.getAbsolutePath().substring(baseFolderPath.length()); System.out.println("name is : " + name); ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(name); zipOut.putNextEntry(zipEntry); long inputFileSize = entryFile.length(); InputStream fIn = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(entryFile)); int length = 0; while (inputFileSize > 0) { length = inputFileSize >= blockSize ? blockSize : (int) inputFileSize; inputFileSize = inputFileSize - length;, 0, length); zipOut.write(byteArray, 0, length); } fIn.close(); } zipOut.flush(); zipOut.close(); fOut.flush(); fOut.close(); } protected File getFolderForGeneratedSpreadsheet() { return getWorkingDir().getParentFile(); } /** * Does depth-first travel of folder to get list of all files in the folder * and its sub-folders recursively * * @param folder * folder whose content need to be scanned for files only * @param filesList * list to which all files found (at any level) are appended * using depth-first traversal of file system */ private void listAllFilesRecursively(File folder, ArrayList<File> filesList) { File[] content = folder.listFiles(); for (int index = 0; index < content.length; ++index) { if (content[index].isDirectory()) { // make recursive call (depth first traversal) listAllFilesRecursively(content[index], filesList); } else { filesList.add(content[index]); } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.staxcel.SpreadSheet#createWorksheet(java.lang.String) */ @Override public Worksheet createWorksheet(String worksheetName, long maxColumns) throws StaxcelRuntimeException { int worksheetNumber = worksheetList.size() + 1; WorksheetImpl worksheet = new WorksheetImpl(this, worksheetName, worksheetNumber, maxColumns); this.worksheetList.add(worksheet); String resourceName = "xl" + File.separator + "worksheets" + File.separator + "sheet" + String.valueOf(worksheetNumber) + ".xml"; int worksheetResourceId = getNextResourceId(resourceName); worksheet.setResourceId(worksheetResourceId); return worksheet; } public File getWorkingDir() { return workingDir; } /** * Adds given string to commonnly used string literals in Excel file. * * @param sharedString */ public void addSharedString(String sharedString) { synchronized (sharedStrings) { int count = this.sharedStrings.size(); this.sharedStrings.put(sharedString, ++count); } } /** * Add multiple common strings. * * @param commonStrings */ public void addSharedStrings(Iterable<String> commonStrings) { synchronized (sharedStrings) { int count = this.sharedStrings.size(); for (String commonString : commonStrings) { this.sharedStrings.put(commonString, ++count); } } } }