Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2013 Charles Gibault * * Static IoC - Compile XML based inversion of control configuration file into a single init class, for many languages. * Project Home : * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.staticioc; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.staticioc.generator.CodeGenerator; import org.staticioc.generator.CodeGenerator.Level; import org.staticioc.model.Bean; import org.staticioc.model.Property; import org.staticioc.model.Bean.Scope; import org.staticioc.parser.NamespaceParser; public class SpringStaticFactoryGenerator implements IoCCompiler { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpringStaticFactoryGenerator.class); private final static int INIT_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; private final static String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[] {}; private final static List<NamespaceParser> EMPTY_NAMESPACE_PLUGIN_LIST = new LinkedList<NamespaceParser>(); private final static String COMMENT_HEADER = "This code has been generated using Static IoC framework ( DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY HAS CHANGES MAY BE OVERRIDEN"; private boolean ignoreUnresolvedRefs = true; /** * Ignore abstract beans and prototypes * @param bean * @return true if the Bean is hidden (and thus should not be instanciated) */ protected boolean isHidden(final Bean bean) { return bean.isAbstract() || bean.getScope().equals(Scope.PROTOTYPE); } @Override public void compile(CodeGenerator generator, String outputPath, Map<String, List<String>> inputOutputMapping) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException { compile(generator, outputPath, inputOutputMapping, generator.getDefaultSourceFileExtension(), EMPTY_NAMESPACE_PLUGIN_LIST); } @Override public void compile(final CodeGenerator generator, String outputPath, final Map<String, List<String>> inputOutputMapping, String fileExtOverride) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException { compile(generator, outputPath, inputOutputMapping, fileExtOverride, EMPTY_NAMESPACE_PLUGIN_LIST); } @Override public void compile(final CodeGenerator generator, String oPath, final Map<String, List<String>> inputOutputMapping, String fileExtOverride, List<NamespaceParser> plugins) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException { // Check if a valid extension override was provided final String fileExtensionOverride = (fileExtOverride == null) ? generator.getDefaultSourceFileExtension() : fileExtOverride; // Check if outputPath actually ends with a trailing / or not final String outputPath = oPath.endsWith(File.separator) ? oPath : oPath + File.separator; //Build complete output file path: for (final String targetClass : inputOutputMapping.keySet()) { String targetFile = outputPath + generator.getFilePath(targetClass) + fileExtensionOverride; //Load all configuration files for this target"Generating code for {}", targetClass); String generatedClassName = generator.getClassName(targetClass); String generatedPackageName = generator.getPackageName(targetClass); StringBuilder generatedCode = generate(generator, generatedPackageName, generatedClassName, inputOutputMapping.get(targetClass), plugins); // Generate resulting file"Writing {} to {}", targetClass, targetFile); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(targetFile), generatedCode.toString()); } } /** * Load one or multiple context configuration file and generate a BeanFactory class that instanciates the declared Beans * * @param codeGenerator CodeGenerator object to use to generate the target BeanFactory source code * @param generatedPackageName the name of the target package (if any) to use for the BeanFactory * @param generatedClassName the name of the target generated class (and file) name for the BeanFactory * @param configurationFiles List of Configuration files (Spring contexts) to load * @param namespacePlugins List<NamespaceParser> of extra namespace support plugins to use in addition to default's Spring Bean and Spring p * @return The BeanFactory content as StringBuilder object * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException * @throws ParserConfigurationException */ protected StringBuilder generate(final CodeGenerator codeGenerator, final String generatedPackageName, final String generatedClassName, final List<String> configurationFiles, List<NamespaceParser> plugins) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException { final StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(INIT_BUFFER_SIZE); codeGenerator.setOutput(res); SpringConfigParser springConfigParser = new SpringConfigParser(); springConfigParser.addNamespaceParsers(plugins); Map<String, Bean> beanClassMap = springConfigParser.load(configurationFiles); final LinkedList<Bean> orderedBean = springConfigParser.getBeanContainer().getOrderedBeans(); // Track beans with a declared init-method and destroy-method attribute List<Bean> initRequiredBeans = new LinkedList<Bean>(); List<Bean> destroyRequiredBeans = new LinkedList<Bean>(); codeGenerator.comment(Level.HEADER, COMMENT_HEADER); codeGenerator.initPackage(generatedPackageName); codeGenerator.initClass(generatedClassName); // declare beans codeGenerator.comment(Level.CLASS, "Bean definition"); for (final Bean bean : orderedBean) { // Ignore abstract beans and prototypes if (isHidden(bean)) { continue; } if (bean.getInitMethod() != null) { initRequiredBeans.add(bean); } if (bean.getDestroyMethod() != null) { destroyRequiredBeans.add(bean); } codeGenerator.declareBean(bean); } res.append("\n"); codeGenerator.comment(Level.CLASS, "Constructor of the Factory"); codeGenerator.initConstructor(generatedClassName); // Instantiate beans codeGenerator.comment(Level.METHOD, "Instanciating beans"); for (final Bean bean : orderedBean) { // Ignore abstract beans and prototypes if (isHidden(bean)) { continue; } if (bean.getFactoryBean() != null) { codeGenerator.instantiateBeanWithFactory(bean); } else { codeGenerator.instantiateBean(bean); } } res.append("\n"); // Set properties for (final Bean bean : orderedBean) { // Ignore abstract beans and beans with no properties if (isHidden(bean) || bean.getProperties().isEmpty()) { continue; } codeGenerator.comment(Level.METHOD, "Setting up bean " + bean.getId()); for (Property prop : bean.getProperties()) { // Check that the reference exists and is not abstract if (prop.getRef() != null) { final Bean refBean = beanClassMap.get(prop.getRef()); if (refBean == null) { logger.warn("Reference {} does not exist for Bean {}", prop.getRef(), bean.getId()); if (isIgnoreUnresolvedRefs()) { continue; } } else if (refBean.isAbstract()) { logger.warn("Reference {} is abstract for Bean {}", prop.getRef(), bean.getId()); continue; } } codeGenerator.declareProperty(bean, prop); } res.append("\n"); } // Call init-methods if (!initRequiredBeans.isEmpty()) { codeGenerator.comment(Level.METHOD, "Init methods calls"); } for (Bean bean : initRequiredBeans) { res.append("\t\t"); codeGenerator.invokeMethod(bean, bean.getInitMethod(), EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY); } codeGenerator.closeConstructor(generatedClassName); res.append("\n"); res.append("\n"); codeGenerator.initDestructor(generatedClassName); // Call destroy-methods for (Bean bean : destroyRequiredBeans) { res.append("\t\t"); codeGenerator.invokeMethod(bean, bean.getDestroyMethod(), EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY); } //Destructor : free beans in their reverse order of creation Iterator<Bean> itr = orderedBean.descendingIterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { final Bean bean =; // Ignore abstract beans and prototypes that were not instanciated if (isHidden(bean)) { continue; } codeGenerator.deleteBean(bean); } codeGenerator.closeDestructor(generatedClassName); codeGenerator.closeClass(generatedClassName); codeGenerator.closePackage(generatedPackageName); return res; } public boolean isIgnoreUnresolvedRefs() { return ignoreUnresolvedRefs; } public void setIgnoreUnresolvedRefs(boolean ignoreUnresolvedRefs) { this.ignoreUnresolvedRefs = ignoreUnresolvedRefs; } }