Java tutorial
/*** * * Copyright 2014 Andrew Hall * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.statefulj.demo.ddd.customer.application; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.validation.Valid; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.statefulj.demo.ddd.account.domain.AccountService; import org.statefulj.demo.ddd.customer.domain.Customer; import org.statefulj.demo.ddd.customer.domain.CustomerSessionService; import org.statefulj.demo.ddd.customer.domain.RegistrationForm; import org.statefulj.demo.ddd.exception.DuplicateUserException; import org.statefulj.demo.ddd.notification.domain.NotificationService; import org.statefulj.framework.core.annotations.StatefulController; import org.statefulj.framework.core.annotations.Transition; import org.statefulj.framework.core.annotations.Transitions; import static org.statefulj.demo.ddd.customer.domain.Customer.*; @StatefulController(clazz = Customer.class, startState = START_STATE, finderId = CustomerSessionService.ID) class CustomerController { // Events // static final String HOMEPAGE_EVENT = "springmvc:/"; static final String LOGIN_PAGE_EVENT = "springmvc:/login"; static final String DETAILS_PAGE_EVENT = "springmvc:/customer"; static final String REGISTRATION_PAGE_EVENT = "springmvc:/registration"; static final String CONFIRMATION_PAGE_EVENT = "springmvc:/confirmation"; static final String LOAN_PAGE_EVENT = "springmvc:/accounts/loan"; static final String SAVINGS_PAGE_EVENT = "springmvc:/accounts/savings"; static final String CHECKING_PAGE_EVENT = "springmvc:/accounts/checking"; static final String REGISTER_EVENT = "springmvc:post:/registration"; static final String CONFIRMATION_EVENT = "springmvc:post:/customer/confirmation"; static final String DELETE_EVENT = "springmvc:/customer/delete"; @Resource private AccountService accountService; @Resource private NotificationService notificationService; @Resource private CustomerApplicationService customerApplicationService; // -- UNREGISTERED -- // @Transition(from = UNREGISTERED, event = HOMEPAGE_EVENT) protected String homePage() { return "index"; } @Transition(from = UNREGISTERED, event = LOGIN_PAGE_EVENT) protected String loginPage() { return "login"; } @Transition(from = UNREGISTERED, event = REGISTRATION_PAGE_EVENT) protected String registrationPage() { return "registration"; } @Transition(from = UNREGISTERED, event = REGISTER_EVENT) protected String register(Customer customer, String event, HttpSession session, @Valid RegistrationForm regForm, BindingResult result, Model model) { // If the Registration Form is invalid, display the Registration Form // if (result.hasErrors() || !regForm.isValid()) { model.addAttribute("message", "Ooops... Try again"); model.addAttribute("reg", regForm); return "registration"; } else { customerApplicationService.registerAndLogin(customer, regForm, session); return "redirect:/confirmation"; } } // -- REGISTERED_UNCONFIRMED -- // @Transition(from = REGISTERED_UNCONFIRMED, event = DETAILS_PAGE_EVENT) protected String redirectToConfirmation() { return "redirect:/confirmation"; } @Transition(from = REGISTERED_UNCONFIRMED, event = CONFIRMATION_PAGE_EVENT) protected String confirmationPage(Customer customer, String event, Model model) { model.addAttribute("customer", customer); return "confirmation"; } @Transition(from = REGISTERED_UNCONFIRMED, event = CONFIRMATION_EVENT) protected String confirmUser(Customer customer, String event, @RequestParam Integer tokenValue) { // If a valid token, emit a "successful-confirmation" event, this will // transition the User into a REGISTERED_CONFIRMED state // if (customer.confirm(tokenValue)) { return "redirect:/customer"; } else { return "redirect:/confirmation?msg=bad+token"; } } // If we're logged in, don't display either login or registration pages // @Transitions({ @Transition(event = HOMEPAGE_EVENT), @Transition(event = LOGIN_PAGE_EVENT), @Transition(event = REGISTRATION_PAGE_EVENT) }) protected String redirectToUser() { return "redirect:/customer"; } // Method signature must be the same for a given event // @Transition(from = REGISTERED_CONFIRMED, event = CONFIRMATION_PAGE_EVENT) protected String redirectToUser(Customer customer, String event, Model model) { return "redirect:/customer"; } // -- REGISTERED_CONFIRMED -- // @Transition(from = REGISTERED_CONFIRMED, event = DETAILS_PAGE_EVENT) protected String userPage(Customer customer, String event, Model model) { model.addAttribute("customer", customer); model.addAttribute("accounts", accountService.findAccounts(customer.getCustomerId())); model.addAttribute("notifications", notificationService.findByCustomerId(customer.getCustomerId())); return "customer"; } @Transitions({ @Transition(from = REGISTERED_CONFIRMED, event = LOAN_PAGE_EVENT), @Transition(from = REGISTERED_CONFIRMED, event = SAVINGS_PAGE_EVENT), @Transition(from = REGISTERED_CONFIRMED, event = CHECKING_PAGE_EVENT) }) protected String createAccountForm(Customer customer, String event, Model model) { String createAccountUri = "/accounts"; String[] parts = event.split("/"); String type = parts[2]; String typeTitle = WordUtils.capitalize(type); model.addAttribute("createAccountUri", createAccountUri); model.addAttribute("type", type); model.addAttribute("typeTitle", typeTitle); return "createAccount"; } @Transition(from = REGISTERED_CONFIRMED, event = DELETE_EVENT) protected String deleteUser(Customer customer, String event) { customer.delete(); return "redirect:/logout"; } // -- Error Handling -- // @ExceptionHandler(DuplicateUserException.class) protected ModelAndView handleError(DuplicateUserException e) { ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView(); mv.getModel().put("message", "Ooops... That User is already registered. Try a different email"); mv.getModel().put("reg", new RegistrationForm()); return mv; } }