Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  Copyright (C) 2008  John-Paul.Stanford <>
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package org.stanwood.nwn2.gui.model;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.stanwood.nwn2.gui.parser.GUIParseException;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;

 * <p>
 * UIObject is the 'base' GUI object. You can't actually define it in XML, but it contains attributes that are common to many different UI Objects, so I'm starting here.
 * </p>
 * <p>More info can be found at: <a href=""></a>
public class UIObject extends NWN2GUIObject {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1892922831893614644L;

    private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UIObject.class);

    private Boolean scaleWithScene;

    private Boolean prototype;

     * This tells the code to try and use some logic when this object gets
     * resized in determining where its new X,Y origin should be. For example,
     * if there is a lot of space to the right of the object, it will assume
     * this object was left-anchored and keep the object to the left side with
     * its new position. It's kind of a confusing attribute, all I can say is
     * try it out and see if it does what you want, and don't use it if it
     * doesn't. :)
    private Boolean useScaler;

    private ObjectWidth width;
    private ObjectHeight height;
    private ObjectX x;
    private ObjectY y;

     * In general, this means that the object can't be clicked on. For example,
     * if it is an object in a UIGrid, it means that object in the grid can't be
     * clicked on. This will keep the object of being the target of an
     * actiontarget as well (When the mouse cursor changes to indicate the user
     * can click somewhere to perform an action). Default value is true.
    private Boolean focusable = true;

     * This is somewhat identical to setting focusable=false, but it also means
     * that the UI Object will ignore objects being dragged on it, among some
     * other UI events besides just mouse clicking. It defaults to false.
    private Boolean ignoreevents;

     * Setting this to true means that action targets can be used on this GUI
     * object. Action targets actions that need to be targeted on something,
     * indicated by the mouse cursor changing appearance. For example, clicking
     * on a spell button, then having the cursor change to indicate you need to
     * click on what target you want the spell cast. If this attribute is true,
     * then the GUI object will be treated as a valid target for actions to be
     * performed on. It defaults to false.
    private Boolean handleactiontarget = false;

     * This indicates that the UI Object can be dragged and dropped, such as
     * hotbar buttons. Defaults to false.
    private Boolean draggable = false;

     * Whether or not this object is visible. Defaults to true..
    private Boolean hidden = true;

     * Whether or not this object is enabled. Applies mostly to buttons, but for
     * the most part, no UI Object that is disabled will accept user input.
     * Defaults to false.
    private Boolean disabled = false;

     * If set to false, then mouse clicks should pass right through this object.
     * Useful for semi-transparent overlays and other situations where it is
     * expected that the user be able to click through the UI Object. This also
     * applies to MouseEnter and MouseLeave. If an object is set to not capture
     * mouse clicks, then objects underneath of it cannot be moused over.
    private Boolean capturemouseclicks;

     * This determines if this UI object receives calls to an OnUpdate callback.
     * Defaults to false. If set to true, then this UIObject will have its
     * OnUpdate callback called on every frame, or slower if an updaterate is
     * defined.
    private Boolean update;

     * This is an advanced attribute that is used for determining how the hotbar
     * should treat another UI Object being dragged onto it. The currently valid
     * values for this attribute are: <br/>
     * HOTBAR_NONE - The hotbar should ignore this.<br/>
     * HOTBAR_ITEM - This is an item icon being dragged, such as from inventory.<br/>
     * HOTBAR_KNOWNSPELL - This item being dragged is something from the
     * spellbook.<br/>
     * HOTBAR_SPELL - This item is a spell from somewhere else, such as another
     * hotbar slot.<br/>
     * HOTBAR_FEAT - This item is a feat from somewhere, such as the feat
     * listing or another hotbar slot.<br/>
     * HOTBAR_BUTTON - This is an empty hotbar button.<br/>
     * HOTBAR_SKILL - This is an activateable skill, such as from the skills
     * pane or another hotbar slot.<br/>
     * HOTBAR_TOGGLEMODE_BUTTON - This is a button used to toggle some kind of
     * mode.<br/>
     * HOTBAR_BARTER - This is used to flag barter grid items as not being able
     * to be dragged to the hotbar.<br/>
     * HOTBAR_DM_COMMAND - The item being dragged is a DM Client command.<br/>
     * HOTBAR_VM_COMMAND - The item being dragged is an emote command.<br/>
     * HOTBAR_DM_CREATOR - The item being dragged is an entry from the DM Client
     * Creator.<br/>
    private String hotbartype;

     * The sound effect to play when this UI Object gets moused over.
    private String mouseOverSFX;

     * This is a default tooltip STRREF that is used in case a custom tooltip
     * callback is not really necessary.
    private String defaultTooltip;

     * How transparent this object should be by default.
    private Float alpha;

     * 'Mouse Grab' means item being currently dragged. Normally the mouse grab
     * is rendered last of all in order to keep it on top. There are situations
     * where this behavior wasn't desired, though I can't remember what. When
     * set to true, it means that this object needs to not get rendered last
     * like normal dragged objects, but rather is rendered when it would
     * normally be.
    private Boolean dontRenderMouseGrab;

     * This attribute can be used to tune the update rate of a UI Object. If a
     * particular object doesn't need to be updated every frame, then set an
     * update rate here to slow it down. The number value is in seconds and
     * floating points are okay (0.5 for half second, for example).
    private Float updateRate;

    private List<Callback> onMouseDropReceived = null;
    private List<Callback> onMouseDrop = null;
    private List<Callback> onMouseDropFailed = null;
    private List<Callback> onMouseEnter = null;
    private List<Callback> onMouseLeave = null;
    private List<Callback> onResize = null;
    private List<Callback> onTooltip = null;
    private List<Callback> onRadialRequest = null;
    private List<Callback> onGainedFocus = null;
    private List<Callback> onLostFocus = null;
    private List<Callback> onUpdate = null;

    public UIObject(NWN2GUIObject parent) {
        try {
        } catch (GUIParseException e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

    private void defaults() throws GUIParseException {
        width = new ObjectWidth(ObjectWidth.PARENT_WIDTH, this);
        height = new ObjectHeight(ObjectHeight.PARENT_HEIGHT, this);

     * <p>
     * Used to get the if the UI Object will have its dimensions
     * scaled to match its parent's dimensions if the parent object gets
     * resized. Handy for things like background images.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This can return null if the GUI file did not specify the field for the object
     * </p>
     * @return True if the UI Object's dimensions scaled to match its parent's dimensions
    public Boolean getScaleWithScene() {
        return scaleWithScene;

     * Used to set the if the UI Object will have its dimensions
     * scaled to match its parent's dimensions if the parent object gets
     * resized. Handy for things like background images.
     * @param scaleWithScene True if the UI Object's dimensions scaled to match its parent's dimensions
    public void setScaleWithScene(Boolean scaleWithScene) {
        this.scaleWithScene = scaleWithScene;

    public Boolean getUseScaler() {
        return useScaler;

    public void setUseScaler(Boolean useScaler) {
        this.useScaler = useScaler;

     * Used to get the width of the object
     * @return The width of the object
    public Width getWidth() {
        return width;

     * Used to set the width of the object. 
     * @param width The width of the object
    public void setWidth(ObjectWidth width) {
        this.width = width;

     * Used to get the height of the object
     * @return The height of the object
    public Height getHeight() {
        return height;

     * Used to set the height of the object
     * @param height The height of the object
    public void setHeight(ObjectHeight height) {
        this.height = height;

     * Used to get the X position of the object
     * @return The X position of the object
    public XPosition getX() {
        return x;

     * Used to set the X position of the object
     * @param x The X position of the object
    public void setX(ObjectX x) {
        this.x = x;

     * Used to get the Y position of the object
     * @return The Y position of the object
    public YPosition getY() {
        return y;

     * Used to set the Y position of the object
     * @param x The Y position of the object
    public void setY(ObjectY y) {
        this.y = y;

    public Boolean getFocusable() {
        return focusable;

    public void setFocusable(Boolean focusable) {
        this.focusable = focusable;

    public Boolean getIgnoreevents() {
        return ignoreevents;

    public void setIgnoreevents(Boolean ignoreevents) {
        this.ignoreevents = ignoreevents;

    public Boolean getHandleactiontarget() {
        return handleactiontarget;

    public void setHandleactiontarget(Boolean handleactiontarget) {
        this.handleactiontarget = handleactiontarget;

    public Boolean getDraggable() {
        return draggable;

    public void setDraggable(Boolean draggable) {
        this.draggable = draggable;

    public Boolean getHidden() {
        return hidden;

    public void setHidden(Boolean hidden) {
        this.hidden = hidden;

    public Boolean getDisabled() {
        return disabled;

    public void setDisabled(Boolean disabled) {
        this.disabled = disabled;

    public Boolean getCapturemouseclicks() {
        return capturemouseclicks;

    public void setCapturemouseclicks(Boolean capturemouseclicks) {
        this.capturemouseclicks = capturemouseclicks;

    public Boolean getUpdate() {
        return update;

    public void setUpdate(Boolean update) {
        this.update = update;

    public String getHotbartype() {
        return hotbartype;

    public void setHotbartype(String hotbartype) {
        this.hotbartype = hotbartype;

    public String getMouseOverSFX() {
        return mouseOverSFX;

    public void setMouseOverSFX(String mouseOverSFX) {
        this.mouseOverSFX = mouseOverSFX;

    public String getDefaultTooltip() {
        return defaultTooltip;

    public void setDefaultTooltip(String defaultTooltip) {
        this.defaultTooltip = defaultTooltip;

    public Float getAlpha() {
        return alpha;

    public void setAlpha(Float alpha) {
        this.alpha = alpha;

    public Boolean isDontRenderMouseGrab() {
        return dontRenderMouseGrab;

    public void setDontRenderMouseGrab(Boolean dontRenderMouseGrab) {
        this.dontRenderMouseGrab = dontRenderMouseGrab;

    public Float getUpdateRate() {
        return updateRate;

    public void setUpdateRate(Float updateRate) {
        this.updateRate = updateRate;

    public void addOnMouseDropReceived(Callback callback) {
        if (onMouseDropReceived == null) {
            onMouseDropReceived = new ArrayList<Callback>();

    public void addOnMouseDrop(Callback callback) {
        if (onMouseDrop == null) {
            onMouseDrop = new ArrayList<Callback>();

    public void addOnMouseDropFailed(Callback callback) {
        if (onMouseDropFailed == null) {
            onMouseDropFailed = new ArrayList<Callback>();

    public void addOnMouseEnter(Callback callback) {
        if (onMouseEnter == null) {
            onMouseEnter = new ArrayList<Callback>();

    public void addOnMouseLeave(Callback callback) {
        if (onMouseLeave == null) {
            onMouseLeave = new ArrayList<Callback>();

    public void addOnResize(Callback callback) {
        if (onResize == null) {
            onResize = new ArrayList<Callback>();

    public void addOnTooltip(Callback callback) {
        if (onTooltip == null) {
            onTooltip = new ArrayList<Callback>();

    public void addOnRadialRequest(Callback callback) {
        if (onRadialRequest == null) {
            onRadialRequest = new ArrayList<Callback>();

    public void addOnGainedFocus(Callback callback) {
        if (onGainedFocus == null) {
            onGainedFocus = new ArrayList<Callback>();

    public void addOnLostFocus(Callback callback) {
        if (onLostFocus == null) {
            onLostFocus = new ArrayList<Callback>();

    public void addOnUpdate(Callback callback) {
        if (onUpdate == null) {
            onUpdate = new ArrayList<Callback>();

    public List<Callback> getOnMouseDropReceived() {
        return onMouseDropReceived;

    public List<Callback> getOnMouseDrop() {
        return onMouseDrop;

    public List<Callback> getOnMouseDropFailed() {
        return onMouseDropFailed;

    public List<Callback> getOnMouseEnter() {
        return onMouseEnter;

    public List<Callback> getOnMouseLeave() {
        return onMouseLeave;

    public List<Callback> getOnResize() {
        return onResize;

    public List<Callback> getOnTooltip() {
        return onTooltip;

    public List<Callback> getOnRadialRequest() {
        return onRadialRequest;

    public List<Callback> getOnGainedFocus() {
        return onGainedFocus;

    public List<Callback> getOnLostFocus() {
        return onLostFocus;

    public List<Callback> getOnUpdate() {
        return onUpdate;

    public void applyStyle(UIObject styledObject) {
        if (styledObject.getClass() == this.getClass()) {
            for (Method m : styledObject.getClass().getMethods()) {
                if (m.getName().startsWith("get") && !m.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("getprototype")
                        && !m.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("getname") && !m.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("getclass")
                        && !m.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("getchildren")
                        && !m.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("getparent")) {
                    try {
                        Object value = m.invoke(styledObject);
                        if (value != null) {
                            Method m2 = this.getClass().getMethod("set" + m.getName().substring(3),

                            m2.invoke(this, value);
                    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                    } catch (SecurityException e) {
                        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            for (NWN2GUIObject child : styledObject.getChildren()) {
                NWN2GUIObject newChild;
                try {
                    newChild = (NWN2GUIObject) child.clone();
                } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                    log.error(e.getMessage(), e);


            if (width != null) {
            if (height != null) {
            if (x != null) {
            if (y != null) {

    public Boolean getPrototype() {
        return prototype;

    public void setPrototype(Boolean prototype) {
        this.prototype = prototype;