Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2016 Shane Isbell
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package org.stackwire.fca;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;

import org.stackwire.fca.Clarifier.ClarifierResult;
import org.stackwire.fca.Concept.Extent;
import org.stackwire.fca.Concept.Intent;
import org.stackwire.fca.graph.Graph;
import org.stackwire.fca.graph.Node;
import org.stackwire.fca.utils.Utils;


 * Service for adding and retrieving concepts. Relations should all be added
 * prior to generating concepts
 * @see ConceptGenerator
public class Context {

    public static final class ContextBuilder {

         * Generates list of strings with each entry as {prefix + count}
         * @param count
         *            size of list to generate
         * @param prefix
         *            prefix to use in constructing strings
         * @return list of strings with each entry as {prefix + count}
        private static ArrayList<String> generateLabel(int count, String prefix) {
            ArrayList<String> s = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
                s.add(prefix + i);
            return s;

        private int attributeCount;

        private List<String> attributeNames;

        private int objectCount;

        private List<String> objectNames;

        private double[][] relations;

        private Node root;

        private Graph graph;

        public ContextBuilder(double[][] relations) {
            this.relations = relations;
            this.objectCount = relations.length;
            this.attributeCount = relations[0].length;

        public ContextBuilder(int objectCount, int attributeCount) {
            this.objectCount = objectCount;
            this.attributeCount = attributeCount;

        public ContextBuilder(List<String> objectNames, List<String> attributeNames) {
            this.objectNames = objectNames;
            this.attributeNames = attributeNames;
            this.objectCount = objectNames.size();
            this.attributeCount = attributeNames.size();

        public ContextBuilder(Graph graph, Node root, List<String> attributeNames) {
            this.objectNames = new ArrayList<>(graph.labels());
            this.attributeNames = attributeNames;
            this.objectCount = objectNames.size();
            this.attributeCount = attributeNames.size();
            this.root = root;
            this.graph = graph;

        protected Context buildContext(Graph graph, Set<String> attributeNames) {
            List<String> attributes = new ArrayList<>(attributeNames);
            List<String> objects = new ArrayList<>(graph.labels());

            double[][] table = new double[objects.size()][attributes.size()];

            Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();
            while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
                Node parent = queue.poll();
                if (parent != null) {
                    int objectIndex = objects.indexOf(parent.label);
                    for (String property : {
                        table[objectIndex][attributes.indexOf(property)] = 1;
                    for (Node child : parent.children) {

            return new Context.ContextBuilder(objects, attributes).relations(table).build();

        public ContextBuilder attributeNames(List<String> attributeNames) {
            if (attributeNames.size() != attributeCount) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect attribute count");
            this.attributeNames = attributeNames;
            return this;

        public Context build() {
            if (objectNames == null) {
                objectNames = generateLabel(objectCount, "x");

            if (attributeNames == null) {
                attributeNames = generateLabel(attributeCount, "y");

            if (relations == null) {
                this.relations = new double[objectCount][attributeCount];

            if (graph != null) {
                Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();
                while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
                    Node parent = queue.poll();
                    if (parent != null) {
                        int objectIndex = objectNames.indexOf(parent.label);
                        for (String property : {
                            relations[objectIndex][attributeNames.indexOf(property)] = 1;
                        for (Node child : parent.children) {

            return new Context(objectNames, attributeNames, relations, null);

        public ContextBuilder objectNames(List<String> objectNames) {
            if (objectNames.size() != objectCount) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect object count");
            this.objectNames = objectNames;
            return this;

        public ContextBuilder relations(double[][] relations) {
            if (relations.length != objectCount) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect object count");

            if (relations[0].length != attributeCount) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect attribute count");
            this.relations = relations;
            return this;

     * The relations table may contain values x >=0. 0 denotes no attribute, 1
     * maps to description 1, 2 maps to description 2, and so on. If each
     * element is 0 or 1, the element maps to the global description with an
     * empty description path table. path_table[p,p]. where p = max[val(m) -1],
     * i.e. if m is element {0, 1}, then p[0,0] or empty. m is strictly
     * monotonically increasing with no gaps (whole numbers)
     * @param objectNames
     * @param attributeNames
     * @param relations
     * @param descriptionPaths
     * @return formal context
    public static Context create(List<String> objectNames, List<String> attributeNames, double[][] relations,
            int[][] descriptionPaths) {
        return new Context(objectNames, attributeNames, relations, descriptionPaths);

     * Attribute names
    private final ArrayList<String> attributeNames;

     * Transition table for descriptions
    private final int[][] descriptionPaths;

    private final Collection<Concept> formalConcepts = new ArrayList<>();

     * Object names
    private final ArrayList<String> objectNames;

    private final Collection<Concept> preConcepts = new ArrayList<>();

     * Boolean cross table of relations.
    private final double[][] relations;

    private final Collection<Concept> semiConcepts = new ArrayList<>();

     * Constructor
     * @param objectNames
     * @param attributeNames
     * @param relations
     * @param paths
    private Context(List<String> objectNames, List<String> attributeNames, double[][] relations, int[][] paths) {
        this.objectNames = new ArrayList<>(objectNames);
        this.attributeNames = new ArrayList<>(attributeNames);
        this.relations = relations;
        if (paths == null) {
            this.descriptionPaths = new int[][] {};
        } else {
            this.descriptionPaths = paths;


     * Add formal concept to this context. Returns true if successfully added to
     * context, otherwise false. Concepts of unknown type will not be added.
     * @param concept
     *            concept to add
     * @return true if successfully added to context, otherwise false
    public boolean addConcept(Concept concept) {
        ConceptType type = concept.getConceptType();
        Optional<Collection<Concept>> concepts = getConceptsOfLive(type);
        if (concepts.isPresent()) {
            return concepts.get().add(concept);
        return false;

     * Add relation to context. It's up the developer to ensure that the object
     * and attribute indexes are within bounds.
     * @param objectIndex
     * @param attributeIndex
    public void addRelation(int objectIndex, int attributeIndex) {
        relations[objectIndex][attributeIndex] = 1;

     * Add relation to context with the specified value. It's up the developer
     * to ensure that the object and attribute indexes are within bounds.
     * @param objectIndex
     * @param attributeIndex
    public void addRelation(int objectIndex, int attributeIndex, double value) {
        relations[objectIndex][attributeIndex] = value;

     * Returns true if each object has the specified attribute, otherwise false
     * @param objectIndicies
     *            object indicies
     * @param attributeIndex
     * @return true if each object has the specified attribute, otherwise false
    public boolean allObjectsHaveAttribute(Collection<Integer> objectIndicies, int attributeIndex,
            double threshold) {
        for (Integer objectIndex : objectIndicies) {
            if (!hasRelation(objectIndex, attributeIndex, threshold)) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Count of all objects belonging to this context
     * @return count of all objects belonging to this context
    public int attributeCount() {
        return attributeNames.size();

     * Makes the relations matrix distinct by collapsing rows that have the same
     * attributes and collapses columns that have the same objects.
     * See Formal Concept Analysis (Ganter & Wilfe) definition 23
     * @return a new formal context with the clarified relations
    public Context clarify() {
        ClarifierResult result = Clarifier.clarify(relations);

        List<String> newObjectNames = new ArrayList<>();
        List<String> newAttributeNames = new ArrayList<>();

        for (Set<Integer> row : result.getCollapsedRows()) {
            String collapsedRow = -> objectNames.get(m)).collect(Collectors.joining(":"));

        for (Set<Integer> col : result.getCollapsedColumns()) {
            String collapsedCol = -> attributeNames.get(m)).collect(Collectors.joining(":"));
        return Context.create(newObjectNames, newAttributeNames, result.getClarifiedCrossTable(), descriptionPaths);

     * Returns unmodifiable list of attribute names. Will not be empty.
     * @return unmodifiable list of attribute names
    public List<String> getAttributeNames() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(attributeNames);

     * Returns concepts that have the specified extent and concept type. Is
     * empty if no match.
     * @param extent
     *            the extent to match
     * @param conceptType
     * @return concepts that have the specified extent and concept type
    public Collection<Concept> getConceptOf(Extent extent, ConceptType conceptType) {
        Optional<Collection<Concept>> concepts = getConceptsOf(conceptType);
        if (concepts.isPresent()) {
            return concepts.get().stream().filter(i -> extent.equals(i.getExtent())).collect(Collectors.toSet());
        return Collections.emptyList();

     * Returns concepts that have the specified intent and concept type. Is
     * empty if no match.
     * @param intent
     *            the intent to match
     * @param conceptType
     * @return concepts that have the specified intent and concept type
    public Collection<Concept> getConceptOf(Intent intent, ConceptType conceptType) {
        Optional<Collection<Concept>> concepts = getConceptsOf(conceptType);
        if (concepts.isPresent()) {
            return concepts.get().stream().filter(i -> intent.equals(i.getIntent())).collect(Collectors.toSet());
        return Collections.emptyList();

     * Get all concepts of the specified type. The collection may be empty. If
     * optional itself is empty, then the specified content type is unsupported.
     * @return all concepts of the specified type
    public Optional<Collection<Concept>> getConceptsOf(ConceptType type) {
        if (ConceptType.FORMAL_CONCEPT.equals(type)) {
            return Optional.of(Collections.unmodifiableCollection(new ArrayList<>(formalConcepts)));
        } else if (ConceptType.PRECONCEPT.equals(type)) {
            return Optional.of(Collections.unmodifiableCollection(new ArrayList<>(preConcepts)));
        } else if (ConceptType.SEMICONCEPT.equals(type)) {
            return Optional.of(Collections.unmodifiableCollection(new ArrayList<>(semiConcepts)));
        return Optional.empty();

    private Optional<Collection<Concept>> getConceptsOfLive(ConceptType type) {
        if (ConceptType.FORMAL_CONCEPT.equals(type)) {
            return Optional.of(formalConcepts);
        } else if (ConceptType.PRECONCEPT.equals(type)) {
            return Optional.of(preConcepts);
        } else if (ConceptType.SEMICONCEPT.equals(type)) {
            return Optional.of(semiConcepts);
        return Optional.empty();

    public int[][] getDescriptionPaths() {
        return descriptionPaths;

     * Returns unmodifiable list of object names. Will not be empty.
     * @return unmodifiable list of object names
    public List<String> getObjectNames() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(objectNames);

     * Returns relation cross table of this context. Rows represent objects,
     * while columns represent attributes. A value of 1 or higher indicates that
     * the attribute exists for the associated object.
     * This is the backing table to the context. Any direct changes will create
     * an inconsistency with the underlying generated concepts
     * @return relation cross table of this context.
    public double[][] getRelations() {
        return relations;

    public boolean hasConceptOf(Extent extent, ConceptType conceptType) {
        Optional<Collection<Concept>> concepts = getConceptsOf(conceptType);
        if (concepts.isPresent()) {
            for (Concept concept : concepts.get()) {
                if (concept.getExtent().equals(extent)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

    public boolean hasConceptOf(Intent intent, ConceptType conceptType) {
        Optional<Collection<Concept>> concepts = getConceptsOf(conceptType);
        if (concepts.isPresent()) {
            for (Concept concept : concepts.get()) {
                if (concept.getIntent().equals(intent)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Returns true if object has attribute, otherwise false. Object has
     * attribute if value is above specified threshold.
     * @param objectIndex
     *            index of object
     * @param attributeIndex
     *            index of attribute
     * @param threshold
     *            threshold
     * @return true if object has attribute, otherwise false
    public boolean hasRelation(int objectIndex, int attributeIndex, double threshold) {
        try {
            return relations != null && relations[objectIndex][attributeIndex] > threshold;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Out of Bounds: Object Index = " + objectIndex
                    + ", Attribute Index = " + attributeIndex + ", Object Count = " + this.objectCount()
                    + ". Attribute Count = " + this.attributeCount());


     * Returns count of objects
     * @return count of objects
    public int objectCount() {
        return objectNames.size();

     * Returns power set of attributes
     * @return power set of attributes
    public Set<Set<Integer>> powerSetOfAttributes() {
        return Sets.powerSet(Utils.rangeSet(0, attributeNames.size() - 1));

     * Returns power set of object
     * @return power set of attributes
    public Set<Set<Integer>> powerSetOfObjects() {
        return Sets.powerSet(Utils.rangeSet(0, objectNames.size() - 1));

     * Prints relation matrix to system out
    public void printRelations() {
        int rows = relations.length;
        int cols = relations[0].length;
        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
                System.out.print(relations[i][j] + " ");

    public Context reduce() {
        return null;

     * public ConceptLattice findConceptLattice() { return null; }
