Java tutorial
/** * Squidy Interaction Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * Squidy Interaction Library is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Squidy Interaction Library. If not, see * <>. * * 2009 Human-Computer Interaction Group, University of Konstanz. * <> * * Please contact or visit our website * <> for further information. */ package org.squidy.nodes.tracking; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.squidy.manager.ProcessException; import org.squidy.manager.controls.ComboBox; import org.squidy.manager.controls.TextField; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.squidy.manager.model.AbstractNode; import org.squidy.manager.util.DataUtility; import; import org.squidy.nodes.tracking.config.ConfigNotifier; import; import com.illposed.osc.Endian; import com.illposed.osc.OSCBundle; import com.illposed.osc.OSCListener; import com.illposed.osc.OSCMessage; import com.illposed.osc.OSCPortIn; import com.illposed.osc.OSCPortOut; public class CameraConfigComm /*extends Thread*/ implements ImageCallback { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CameraConfigComm.class); private String addressOutgoing = ""; private int portOutgoing = 4444; public int getPortOutgoing() { return portOutgoing; } public void setPortOutgoing(int portOutgoing) { if (portOutgoing != this.portOutgoing) { this.portOutgoing = portOutgoing; if (oscPortOut != null) { oscPortOut.close(); try { oscPortOut = new OSCPortOut(InetAddress.getByName(addressOutgoing), portOutgoing); } catch (SocketException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private int portIncoming = 4445; public int getPortIncoming() { return portIncoming; } public void setPortIncoming(int portIncoming) { if (portIncoming != this.portIncoming) { this.portIncoming = portIncoming; if (oscPortIn != null) { oscPortIn.stopListening(); oscPortIn.close(); try { oscPortIn = new OSCPortIn(portIncoming, endian); } catch (SocketException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } startConfigListener(); } } } private int id = 0; private boolean isFirstImageRequest = true; private OSCPortOut oscPortOut; private OSCPortIn oscPortIn; private ServerSocket imageServer; private Socket imageClient; private DatagramSocket imageClientUDP; private boolean initDone = false; private Endian endian; private CameraCallback configUpdate; private DataInputStream is; private String line; private int MAX_LEN = 100000; private byte[] imgBuffer; private int imgLoadDelay = 250; private ImageListener il; private boolean connectedToImageClient = false; private boolean streamImage = false; private ImageListener imageListener = null; private boolean isStopped = true; private int imageServerPort = 7777; public int getImageServerPort() { return imageServerPort; } public void setImageServerPort(int imageServerPort) { if (imageServerPort != this.imageServerPort) { this.imageServerPort = imageServerPort; try { if (imageServer != null) { imageServer.close(); imageServer = new ServerSocket(imageServerPort); if (imageListener != null) { imageListener = new ImageListener(imageServer, this); } } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } public boolean isStopped() { return isStopped; } public void setStopped(boolean isStopped) { this.isStopped = isStopped; } public CameraConfigComm(String addressOut, int portOut, int portIn, int imageServerPort, Endian endian, CameraCallback cb) { this.imageServerPort = imageServerPort; portOutgoing = portOut; portIncoming = portIn; addressOutgoing = addressOut; this.endian = endian; configUpdate = cb; } public void updateImage(BufferedImage img) { configUpdate.imageUpdate(img); } /* * public void streamImage(){ new Thread() { * * @Override public void run() {; * * * * * } }.start(); } */ /* @Override public void run() { imageListener.setStopped(false); while (!isInterrupted() && !isStopped) { try { Thread.sleep(imgLoadDelay); OSCBundle bundle = new OSCBundle(); OSCMessage param = new OSCMessage("/config/param"); param.addArgument(id); param.addArgument(1); param.addArgument("set"); param.addArgument("stream_image"); param.addArgument("bool"); param.addArgument("true"); bundle.addPacket(param); try { oscPortOut.send(bundle); } catch (IOException e) { interrupt(); imageListener.setStopped(true); //throw new ProcessException(e.getMessage(), e); } if (!imageListener.isAlive()) imageListener.start(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { interrupt(); // System.out.println( "Unterbrechung in sleep()" ); } } imageListener.setStopped(true); } */ public void closeConnections() { if (oscPortOut != null) oscPortOut.close(); if (oscPortIn != null) { oscPortIn.stopListening(); oscPortIn.close(); } //if(imageClientUDP != null) { //imageClientUDP.close(); } try { if (imageServer != null) { imageServer.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } initDone = false; } public void initConnection() throws UnknownHostException { try { //if(oscPortOut == null ) { oscPortOut = new OSCPortOut(InetAddress.getByName(addressOutgoing), portOutgoing); } //if(oscPortIn == null ) { oscPortIn = new OSCPortIn(portIncoming, endian); startConfigListener(); } //imageClientUDP = new DatagramSocket(7778); try { //if( imageServer == null && !imageServer.isBound()){ imageServer = new ServerSocket(imageServerPort); //} } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } initDone = true; } catch (SocketException e) { throw new ProcessException(e.getMessage(), e); } } public void waitForImage() { try { /* * byte[] imgArrUDP = new byte[MAX_LEN]; DatagramPacket p = new * DatagramPacket(imgArrUDP, MAX_LEN); imageClientUDP.receive(p); * byte[] imgArr = new byte[p.getLength()]; * System.arraycopy(imgArrUDP, 0, imgArr, 0, p.getLength()); */ if (!connectedToImageClient) { imageClient = imageServer.accept(); connectedToImageClient = true; } is = new DataInputStream(imageClient.getInputStream()); int i1 =; int i2 =; int i3 =; int i4 =; String s1 = Integer.toHexString(i1); String s2 = Integer.toHexString(i2); String s3 = Integer.toHexString(i3); String s4 = Integer.toHexString(i4); String sHex = s4 + s3 + s2 + s1; int imgLen = Integer.parseInt(sHex, 16); byte[] imgArr = new byte[imgLen]; byte[] imgTemp = new byte[imgLen]; int numBytesRead =, 0, imgLen); System.arraycopy(imgTemp, 0, imgArr, 0, numBytesRead); while (numBytesRead < imgLen) { int bytesRead =, 0, imgLen); System.arraycopy(imgTemp, 0, imgArr, numBytesRead - 1, bytesRead); numBytesRead += bytesRead; } // byte [] imgArr = new byte[v.size()]; // byte[] imgArr = (byte[])al.toArray(); BufferedImage image = ByteArrayInputStream(imgArr)); File outputFile = new File("image.jpg"); ImageIO.write(image, "JPG", outputFile); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public void startConfigListener() { oscPortIn.addListener("/config/param", new OSCListener() { public void acceptMessages(Date time, OSCMessage[] messages) { for (OSCMessage message : messages) { Object[] arguments = message.getArguments(); int ackID = -1; int numArgs = arguments.length; ackID = Integer.parseInt(arguments[0].toString()); int numParams = Integer.parseInt(arguments[1].toString()); for (int i = 2; i < numArgs; i += 4) { String command = arguments[i].toString(); String name = arguments[i + 1].toString(); String type = arguments[i + 2].toString(); String value = arguments[i + 3].toString(); configUpdate.configUpdate(name, type, value); } } } }); oscPortIn.startListening(); } public void sendMultipleParameters(String name, String type, String[] values, int numParams) { if (!initDone) { try { initConnection(); } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error(e1.getMessage(), e1); } System.out.println("Could not connect to Camera on " + addressOutgoing + " : " + portOutgoing); return; } } OSCBundle bundle = new OSCBundle(); OSCMessage param = new OSCMessage("/config/param"); param.addArgument(id); param.addArgument(numParams); param.addArgument("set"); for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { param.addArgument(name); param.addArgument(type); param.addArgument(values[i]); } bundle.addPacket(param); // int len = bundle.getByteArray().length; try { oscPortOut.send(bundle); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProcessException(e.getMessage(), e); } } public void sendParameter(String name, String type, String value) { if (!initDone) { try { initConnection(); } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error(e1.getMessage(), e1); } System.out.println("Could not connect to Camera on " + addressOutgoing + " : " + portOutgoing); return; } } OSCBundle bundle = new OSCBundle(); OSCMessage param = new OSCMessage("/config/param"); param.addArgument(id); param.addArgument(1); param.addArgument("set"); param.addArgument(name); param.addArgument(type); param.addArgument(value); bundle.addPacket(param); int len = bundle.getByteArray().length; if (name.equals("stream_image") && value.equals("true")) { //init imageServer if (imageServer == null) { try { imageServer = new ServerSocket(imageServerPort); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); imageServer = null; } } if (imageListener == null) { imageListener = new ImageListener(imageServer, this); imageListener.start(); } } //send try { oscPortOut.send(bundle); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProcessException(e.getMessage(), e); } /* if (name.equals("stream_image") && value.equals("true")) { try { imageServer.close(); imageServer = new ServerSocket(imageServerPort); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } imageListener = new ImageListener(imageServer, this); if (!this.isAlive()) this.start(); else this.resume(); } else if (name.equals("stream_image") && value.equals("false")) { try { imageServer.close(); imageServer = new ServerSocket(imageServerPort); if (this.isAlive()) this.suspend(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { oscPortOut.send(bundle); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProcessException(e.getMessage(), e); } } */ id++; } /* * public void requestImage() { if( !initDone ) { try { initConnection(); } * catch (UnknownHostException e1) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { * LOG.error(e1.getMessage(), e1); } * System.out.println("Could not connect to Camera on " + addressOutgoing + * " : " + portOutgoing); return; } } OSCBundle bundle = new OSCBundle(); * OSCMessage param = new OSCMessage("/config/param"); * param.addArgument(id); param.addArgument("get"); * param.addArgument("image"); bundle.addPacket(param); int len = * bundle.getByteArray().length; try { oscPortOut.send(bundle); } catch * (IOException e) { throw new ProcessException(e.getMessage(), e); } id++; * } */ }