Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of the Squashtest platform. * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 Henix, * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * this software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this software. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer; /** * * * @author bsiri * * @param acts like a primary key. It should be immutable and should be sufficient to identify a node. String, Long are examples of good keys. * @param <T> */ public class LibraryGraph<IDENT, T extends GraphNode<IDENT, T>> { private Set<T> nodes = new HashSet<>(); public Collection<T> getNodes() { return nodes; } public void addNode(T node) { if (node != null && node.getKey() != null) { createIfNotExists(node); } } /** * will create either the parent or the child if they didn't exist already * * @param parentData * @param childData */ public void addEdge(T parentNode, T childNode) { T parent = null; T child = null; if (parentNode != null && parentNode.getKey() != null) { parent = createIfNotExists(parentNode); } if (childNode != null && childNode.getKey() != null) { child = createIfNotExists(childNode); } if (parent != null) { parent.addOutbound(child); } if (child != null) { child.addInbound(parent); } } public T getNode(IDENT key) { T toReturn = null; if (key != null) { // YEARGH ! O(n) called everywhere ! Cant we use a hashmap ? for (T node : nodes) { if (node.getKey().equals(key)) { toReturn = node; } } } return toReturn; } protected T createIfNotExists(T node) { if (!nodes.contains(node)) { nodes.add(node); } return getNode(node.getKey()); } public boolean hasEdge(IDENT src, IDENT dest) { T srcNode = getNode(src); T destNode = getNode(dest); return srcNode != null && destNode != null && srcNode.getOutbounds().contains(destNode); } public int cardEdge(IDENT src, IDENT dest) { int cardinality = 0; T srcNode = getNode(src); T destNode = getNode(dest); if (srcNode != null && destNode != null) { for (T node : srcNode.getOutbounds()) { if (node.equals(destNode)) { cardinality++; } } } return cardinality; } public void removeNode(IDENT target) { T n = getNode(target); if (n != null) { for (T othernode : getNodes()) { if (!othernode.equals(n)) { othernode.disconnect(n); n.disconnect(othernode); } } getNodes().remove(n); } } /** * remove one edge from src to dest, not all of them (in case of cardinality > 1) */ public void removeEdge(IDENT src, IDENT dest) { T srcNode = getNode(src); T destNode = getNode(dest); if (srcNode != null) { srcNode.getOutbounds().remove(destNode); } if (destNode != null) { destNode.getInbounds().remove(srcNode); } } /** * remove all edges from src to dest, reducing effectively the cardinality to 0 * (one cannot navigate from src to dest anymore) */ public void removeAllEdges(IDENT src, IDENT dest) { T srcNode = getNode(src); T destNode = getNode(dest); if (srcNode != null && destNode != null) { srcNode.disconnect(destNode); } } /** * totally remove any inbound/outbound edges between the two nodes * * @param src * @param dest */ public void disconnect(IDENT src, IDENT dest) { T srcNode = getNode(src); T destNode = getNode(dest); if (srcNode != null && destNode != null) { srcNode.disconnect(destNode); destNode.disconnect(srcNode); } } public List<T> getOrphans() { List<T> copy = new LinkedList<>(getNodes()); CollectionUtils.filter(copy, new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate(Object object) { return ((T) object).getInbounds().isEmpty(); } }); return copy; } public List<T> getChildless() { List<T> copy = new LinkedList<>(getNodes()); CollectionUtils.filter(copy, new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate(Object object) { return ((T) object).getOutbounds().isEmpty(); } }); return copy; } public <X> List<X> collect(Transformer transformer) { return new ArrayList<>(CollectionUtils.collect(getNodes(), transformer)); } public List<T> filter(Predicate predicate) { List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(getNodes()); CollectionUtils.filter(result, predicate); return result; } /** * first we'll filter, then we'll collect. So write your predicate and transformer carefully. * */ public <X> List<X> filterAndcollect(Predicate predicate, Transformer transformer) { List<T> filtered = filter(predicate); return new ArrayList<>(CollectionUtils.collect(filtered, transformer)); } /** * <p> Will merge the structure of a graph into this graph. This means that nodes will be created if no equivalent exist already, * same goes for inbound/outbound edges . You must provide an implementation of {@link NodeTransformer} * in order to allow the conversion of a node from the other graph into a node acceptable for this graph.</p> * <p> The merge Nodes and edges inserted that way will not erase existing data provided if nodes having same keys are already present.</p> * * <p>The generics are the following : * <ul> * <li>OIDENT : the class of the key of the other graph</li> * <li>ON : the type definition of a node from the other graph</li> * <li>OG : the type of the other graph </li> * </ul> * </p> * * @param othergraph */ public <OIDENT, ON extends GraphNode<OIDENT, ON>, OG extends LibraryGraph<OIDENT, ON>> void mergeGraph( OG othergraph, NodeTransformer<ON, T> transformer) { LinkedList<ON> processing = new LinkedList<>(othergraph.getOrphans()); Set<ON> processed = new HashSet<>(); while (!processing.isEmpty()) { ON current = processing.pop(); T newParent = transformer.createFrom(current); for (ON child : current.getOutbounds()) { addEdge(newParent, transformer.createFrom(child)); if (!processed.contains(child)) { processing.add(child); processed.add(child); } } // in case the node had no children it might be useful to add itself again addNode(newParent); } } /** * Will remove from this graph any edge that exists in othergraph. If removeAll is * set to true every connection between the source and destination node of such edges * will be removed, is false only their cardinalities will be substracted. * * * @param othergraph * @param transformer * @param removeAll */ public <OIDENT, ON extends GraphNode<OIDENT, ON>, OG extends LibraryGraph<OIDENT, ON>> void substractGraph( OG othergraph, NodeTransformer<ON, T> transformer, boolean removeAll) { LinkedList<ON> processing = new LinkedList<>(othergraph.getOrphans()); Set<ON> processed = new HashSet<>(); while (!processing.isEmpty()) { ON otherCurrent = processing.pop(); IDENT thisCurrent = (IDENT) transformer.createKey(otherCurrent); for (ON otherChild : otherCurrent.getOutbounds()) { IDENT thisChild = (IDENT) transformer.createKey(otherChild); if (hasEdge(thisCurrent, thisChild)) { if (removeAll) { removeAllEdges(thisCurrent, thisChild); } else { removeEdge(thisCurrent, thisChild); } } if (!processed.contains(otherChild)) { processing.add(otherChild); processed.add(otherChild); } } } } // ********* Simple class in which a node is solely represented by its key. The key is still whatever you need. ********** public static final class SimpleNode<T> extends GraphNode<T, SimpleNode<T>> { public SimpleNode() { super(); } public SimpleNode(T key) { super(key); } } public static interface NodeTransformer<FORMER, NEW> { NEW createFrom(FORMER node); Object createKey(FORMER node); } }