Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2008-2010, Squale Project - * * This file is part of Squale. * * Squale is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or any later version. * * Squale is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Squale. If not, see <>. */ package org.squale.welcom.outils.jdbc; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionError; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors; import org.squale.welcom.outils.jdbc.wrapper.ConnectionPool; import org.squale.welcom.struts.bean.JCryptable; import org.squale.welcom.struts.bean.JCryptableException; import org.squale.welcom.struts.bean.WComboValue; import org.squale.welcom.struts.bean.WComboValueLabel; import org.squale.welcom.struts.bean.WCouple; /** * @author M327837 Gestion de la conexion JDBC Effectue un garbageCollector SQL. */ public class WJdbc { /** logger */ private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WJdbc.class); /** Affiche le trace */ protected static boolean enabledTrace = true; /** Nom e l'utilisateur pour traver les requetes SQL */ protected String userName = ""; /** La connexion */ protected Connection conn = null; /** Liste des statement ouvert a partir de cette connexion */ private final Vector statements = new Vector(); /** * Contructeur cach * * @throws SQLException : Erreur SQL sur l'initisalisation */ protected WJdbc() throws SQLException { // init(); // Initialise la connexion } /** * Contructeur d'une nouvelle connection * * @param pUserName Nom de l'utilisateur * @throws SQLException : Erreur SQL sur l'initisalisation */ public WJdbc(final String pUserName) throws SQLException { this.userName = pUserName; init(); // Initialise la connexion } /** * @return Vrai si la connection est ferm */ public boolean isClosed() { return (conn == null); } /** * initialise la connexion * * @throws SQLException leve une erreur SQL */ protected void init() throws SQLException { conn = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); if (conn != null) { if (conn.isClosed()) { log.error("2004-critical-Database--BD close/Relancer le serveur de BD"); } // Enleve l'autocommit conn.setAutoCommit(false); } } /** * Ferme tout ce qui ouvert */ public void close() { if (conn != null) { synchronized (conn) { // Statcke les erreurs possible final ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); // Fermture de tous les statements final Enumeration enumeration = statements.elements(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { final WStatement statement = (WStatement) enumeration.nextElement(); try { if (!statement.isClose()) { statement.close(); } } catch (final SQLException sqle) { log.error("2003-critical-Database--Erreur sur le close GDCtatement" + sqle.toString()); errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.database.GDCStatementClose")); // servlet.log("SQLError", sqle); } } try { // Fermeture de la connection if ((conn != null) && !conn.isClosed()) { conn.rollback(); conn.close(); // conn = null; } } catch (final SQLException sqle) { log.error("2004-critical-Database--Erreur sur le close Connection" + sqle.toString()); errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.database.connectionClose")); // servlet.log("SQLError", sqle); } } } } /** * Fournis un WStatement pour la suite des oprations * * @return Retourne un Statement * @throws SQLException probleme sql */ public WStatement getWStatement() throws SQLException { if (conn == null) { log.error("2004-critical-Database--BD close/Relancer le serveur de BD"); throw new SQLException("Connection nulle, ne peut creer un WStatement"); } synchronized (conn) { if (!conn.isClosed()) { WStatement statement = null; statement = new WStatement(conn, userName); statements.add(statement); return statement; } else { log.error("2004-critical-Database--BD close/Relancer le serveur de BD"); throw new SQLException("Connection fermer, ne peut creer un WStatement"); } } } /** * Retourne la connection active * * @return Connexion Active */ public Connection getConnection() { return conn; } /** * Effectue un commit de modifcation dur la BD * * @throws SQLException probleme sql */ public void commit() throws SQLException { conn.commit(); } /** * Effectue un roolback * * @throws SQLException Probleme sql */ public void rollback() throws SQLException { conn.rollback(); } /** * Recupere une sequence * * @param seq Nom de la sequence * @throws SQLException Probleme sur la sequence * @return String indice de la squence Oracle */ public String getSequence(final String seq) throws SQLException { WStatement sta = null; java.sql.ResultSet rs = null; final String cmd = "select " + seq + ".NEXTVAL from DUAL"; sta = getWStatement(); sta.add(cmd); rs = sta.executeQuery(); String result = "0"; if (rs != null) { if ( { result = rs.getString("NEXTVAL"); } } sta.close(); return result; } /** * Recupere la sequence sous un entier * * @param seq om de la sequence * @return numero de la sequence * @throws SQLException Probleme sur la sequence */ public int getIntSequence(final String seq) throws SQLException { return Integer.parseInt(getSequence(seq)); } /** * Decryptage d'un bean * * @param beanCrypt Bean crypt * @throws JCryptableException Probleme sur le Cryptage */ public void decrypte(final JCryptable beanCrypt) throws JCryptableException { beanCrypt.decrypte(getConnection()); } /** * Cryptage d'un bean * * @param beanCrypt Bean crypt * @throws JCryptableException Probleme sur le Cryptage */ public void crypte(final JCryptable beanCrypt) throws JCryptableException { beanCrypt.crypte(getConnection()); } /** * Cryptage d'un combo Value * * @param newCombo Combo a crypter * @throws SQLException Probleme sur le Cryptage */ public void crypte(final WComboValue newCombo) throws SQLException { // Dcrypter final Iterator it = newCombo.getListe().iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { final String comp = (String); newCombo.getListe().set(i++, this.crypte(comp)); } } /** * Decryptage D'un combo Value * * @param newCombo Combo a crypter * @throws SQLException Probleme sur le Cryptage */ public void decrypte(final WComboValue newCombo) throws SQLException { // Dcrypter final Iterator it = newCombo.getListe().iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { final String comp = (String); newCombo.getListe().set(i++, this.decrypte(comp)); } } /** * Decryptage D'un combo Value Label * * @param newCombo Combo a crypter * @throws SQLException Probleme sur le Cryptage */ public void decrypte(final WComboValueLabel newCombo) throws SQLException { // Dcrypter final Iterator it = newCombo.getListe().iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { final WCouple comp = (WCouple); newCombo.getListe().set(i++, new WCouple(this.decrypte(comp.getValue()), this.decrypte(comp.getLabel()))); } } /** * DeCrype la chaine via l'appel la Focntion decrypte_FCT * * @param text Texte a dcript * @return Chaine dcrypt * @throws SQLException Erreur SQL */ public String decrypte(final String text) throws SQLException { CallableStatement cs = null; try { cs = conn.prepareCall("{? = call decrypte_FCT(?)}"); cs.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); cs.setString(2, text); cs.executeUpdate(); return cs.getString(1); } finally { if (cs != null) { cs.close(); } } } /** * Crype la chaine via l'appel la Focntion decrypte_FCT * * @param text Texte a dcript * @return Chaine dcrypt * @throws SQLException Erreur SQL */ public String crypte(final String text) throws SQLException { CallableStatement cs = null; try { cs = conn.prepareCall("{? = call crypte_FCT(?)}"); cs.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); cs.setString(2, text); cs.executeUpdate(); return cs.getString(1); } finally { if (cs != null) { cs.close(); } } } /** * @return trace active ? */ public static boolean isEnabledTrace() { return enabledTrace; } /** * @param b active la trace */ public static void setEnabledTrace(final boolean b) { enabledTrace = b; } }